tv [untitled] December 4, 2021 7:30am-8:01am AST
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and mark on, i had the, the stories behind these faces seek to inspire audiences, both young and old, and the father, la mancha, has her, in his historic area, we paint traditional motifs and famous personalities and wheat reflect the life of people who are living here in the beautiful times that they were living in, and we also reflect the simple baghdad life body. a simple life from history now restored in brilliant color, one brush stroke at a time, gillian wolf al jazeera. ah, i've a quick check of the headlines here. this are the world health organization says the new cove is 19, barons. micron has been detected in 38 countries. it's calling on nations to focus on preparing health systems instead of imposing travel restrictions. as we're talking about on the con, let,
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it's also not again that the predominant variant right now still remains to delta variance. so all make one maybe on the rise. and we may come to a point where it takes over to be the dominant variance. but at this point, the very dominant variant remains delta and travellers to the us will now have to adhere to tight restrictions. the government's requiring everyone to show a negative cobit 900 test. but in 24 hours of departure, health officials say vaccine makers are already working on contingency plans for the on the convent, including a possible booster. they do have plans that have multiple contingency. one is to wrap up the production of the vaccines that they already have. the next is to make, for example, a by valence where you have the, a vaccine against both the ancestral strain and the new variant. and the other is to make a variant specific boost,
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the degree to which they're going to be doing that they are now assuming they may have to do that and are being prepared for that. i supreme court judge in brazil as all that, an investigation and to president both an arrow for spreading misinformation about cope in $1000.00 vaccines during a speech in october. he falsely claim the vaccines willing to aids. he said he was quoting an article, iran's chief negotiator has told down to 0 that will power cannot reject proposals that submitted during 2 vienna negotiations. and bringing the u. s. back into the packet and ensuring iran compliance with the u. s. is again warning. it's repaired to take action against russia if it invades ukraine, the number of russian troops has been rising along the border. so those were the headlines. the news continues head on al jazeera, after talked about 0 station, thanks for watching. on counting the cost on a tron puts oil in stock markets into a spin and the global economy baffled through another coca setbacks also green
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hydrogen hats, but clean energy of the future. and the billionaires broadcast doesn't big bucks. india's i p l pretty counting the cost on al jazeera. i mean with i'm ali, i schuman get nobody. iran and the world powers have resumed talks to revive the 2015 european. that viewed was thought in this building. and for journalists like me who covered this story, it's a visual woman. as for politicians who are talking right now and discussing this deal, once again, it's back to square one. iran is here with a new delegation with a new negotiating team that was formed after the election of a guy here. but i, you see in june 2021 for the united states, it's here, but it's not in this building. we're only gc p lawyer, a,
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a members which is the iran nuclear deals abbreviation only out of here. the europeans, e 3, the u. k. germany and france. besides china and russia, these are the countries discussing with iran, the new steps. the united states is an adult tell the members of the disappear delegations are meeting with them in other places in order to reach a kind of consensus over how to deal with iran and how to get back on track of the former us president donald trump withdrew from the deed in 2008, you will get more on this as iran chief negotiator and deputy coroner mr. alley. back that he can. he talks to adjust it on his deputy foreign minister and negotiator for the bucket. can you thank you for talking to you submitted in the past few days to draft proposals to the world
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powers regarding the sanctions and the nuclear measure. so what can you tell us about these, the le mars haines? i will tell me they need to engulf the garage door that the and as you are already a very 6 rounds of negotiations were helped this year in spring and summer in vienna. and ultimately there were some drop documents. we as the representative of the new government of iran and the new can negotiator. we expanded on our views about the draft, particularly about the draft, about lifting a legal and oppressive sanctions and the nuclear activity. fi that's half of all of it. and so what are the details of these drafts? can we know as with the details about the draft document from sanctions on nuclear issue? the important point is that the both parties agreed on, on the foundation of negotiations,
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which is the same nuclear deal of the 2015. what we have presented is the mile functions and the laundry, which vary in the text after dropped and be presented some modification of conduct a let me bring it in another way. what are your demands? what are you asking? the world powers? java lot. the key them when you ask that we emphasize that within the framework of the j. c. p. o way in 2016. all the issues related to our new key activities should continue. so is the case with regard to the sanctions. any sanction in violation in not consistency with the provisions of the j. c. p. o. a should be removed immediately. so is the case with all the sanctions which are related to the new kid deal. all the sanctions which have been imposed reimpose under the so called
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maximum pressure campaign of the united states. they should be removed immediately for that. well, yeah, and do you request verification of this the sanction lifting. do you are, you, are you requesting also guarantees that more of the ross, the ultimately the verifications and guarantees the of very serious issues and discussions which will, which have been outlined in the 1st document. what do you think that this round of talks came out with? what's the main success that you're going to take with you to do that later we presented some proposals and through those proposals, lead demonstrated that not only we are serious in the negotiations, but also with the proposals we table for the other party. we indicated and suggested that our serious determination in order to reach an agreement and the proposal we have table is now under the table of the other parties. and
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they are now going to provide us with respond, of course, with response which are accompanied by evidence and logical reasoning. okay, so what if they refused your proposal? what if there is no d? that proposal table by iran cannot be rejected. i told because they are based on the provisions of the 2015 nuclear agreement. even the country which had withdrawn from the deal is intent in returning to the deal. and in principle, the countries which are still the participants of the j. c. p. o. a they do not want to ruin the nuclear documents. i need about good county is no stranger to negotiations between 20082013. he was an assistant to the age of 80. then city of the national security council and iran, both of them took part in several rounds of talks with the wall follows olga. it was, you feel it was
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a dull time that it real deadline led to iran raising and increasing if enrichment of uranium to 20 percent. and the wall follows mainly the united states of america and the un security council, imposing harsh sanctions on the islamic republic. and with election of president has central honey in 2013 ali rocket. he can, he left the negotiating team and became very critical of the path. the new government took in engagement with the west with the election of president abraham . right. you see in 2020, what he was appointed as deputy foreign minister. and later on he replaced our bus . alack t. as iran's chief negotiator, you've been taking part in a different negotiating around in the past. i remember you were in 2000, maybe 89101112 these years. now that you are leading the talks,
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what is the different things you bring into the table? one of the fundamental difference is with the previous sounds of negotiations, is that there are foreign players and for an actors which are sears seriously making efforts in order to disrupt the negotiating table. so and how are you confronting the disruptions? are tabitha kale? not eligible grant care data massey them was actually each of them on it is quite normal that they try in order to provide obstacles and impediments under way of reaching the agreement. but the important point is that the measures taken by iran have been within the framework of dance national law. the non proliferation treaty, the m p t under save cars agreement, therefore they have provided a ground for the islamic republic of iran to reach an agreement. the controversy of what year was nuclear program started in 2003. and since then there were
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negotiations on talks taking place in different places around the world from vienna where we are right now to geneva, designed to do this. i stana assembled. busy many cities around the world, even back that he all the cities, saw iran and the other international followers meeting in order to reach a consensus and a settlement to and this controversy in 2015. there was a possibility to reach a deal. and the d was announced on the 14th of july. the mentation of this deal is started with the government of president barack obama in the united states. and the government of president has central honey, there's law, make republics of iran. but just in few months after the deal, there were there was elections in the united states, and president obama was replaced by president donald trump. that meant to menu that the nuclear lead was heading towards an on clear faith. and in fact,
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just few months after the election of president, donald trump, he announced his withdrawal. these countries withdrawal from the nuclear the and then thought that imposing new sanctions and re imposing old sanctions on iraq. he won't respond that a year later by starting to decrease its compliance with the deal and going towards enriching uranium and higher percentages from $3.00 us for the 2015 deal to 20 percent. and recently it announced that it started doing some enrichment up to 60 percent clarity. but now for example, the i 80 port said that you are enriching 20 percent, which something you declared, i think a month ago. but now there are accusations that iran might be heading towards enriching, 90 percent, which is a weapon. great, is this true?
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this news about 90 percent of the enrichment was broken by design is media and zone is sources. and fox news was immediately denied and injected by the highest authority of the international atomic energy agency, which is the director general. you wouldn't be willing to do that in the future. our nuclear activities are taking place within the framework of the n p t on the safeguards agreement. it's so really clear that if the j c p o, a parties fulfill their obligations according to the jcp away, we will do the same and we will fully comply with our commitments within the framework of the nuclear agreement. dr. bucky, 2015 was a long time ago. it's like 6 years ago. and the jesse p o a within the situation within the geopolitical conditions of 2015. is it still alive? is it still valid today? are you here to revive at that deal?
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maybe it has the coffee and the prize for, for reviving that deal and to sustain that. they have been based on the measures taken by iran because the united states pulled out of the agreement and it's completely violated the deal. and the european failed in practice to shoulder fully compliance within the j. c. p. away. last august. and it depends on the behavior of the other party, the europeans in full compliance with the j. c, p, o, a and with the americans to return to detail. if this happens, then the deal will be revised as it is the sustainable within the framework framework that it was negotiated in 2015 parties are deter mind to return to the 2015 deal. is there a time frame for the conclusion? are you going to talk forever? it's been like 20 years now. you're talking about at least 19 years since 2003
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and it's like 19 years. no. are you going to talk for all the 19 years till you reach a, a final agreement? i believe that the response by the other party to the logical proposals of these lamb mc republic of iran can definitely provide answer to your question. and if, if there is no d, i'm just assuming there is no d what's, what's next? our presence here indicates and suggests that the are seriously determined in order to reach an agreement and release. and we do serious assessment of, of the wheel and determination of the other party and the behavior of the other parties in order to see if they are prepared to return to the full compliance of the deal. and also to set aside their violations. the maximum pressure campaign that former you as president donald trump launched against iran,
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saw him imposing an imposing sanctions against it. and this led to serious column prices in the country. one of the faces of these a crisis was the free fall of the currency. whereas it lost more than 200 percent of its value. the markets in iran wouldn't able any more to export the products to the wall. and this led to recession. also, iran wasn't able to sell any of its point to the external buyers besides international companies and organizations were warned not to corporate or to invest in the islamic republic because that would make them a subject to american sanctions till demand. this is having its impact on the iranian economy. however, after almost 3 years, since, at that moment, it seems that the economy is starting, restoring itself very,
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very slowly. and this is being reflected in the new number is coming from given the maximum pressure strategy and the sanctions that were imposed on iran in the past few years. the economy situation isn't good. there is a lot of pressure. how much would it be able to sustain without a nuclear, you know, quite more. on the 3rd of all our economy under the circumstances of the, of the past several years under which the u. s. functions and the tax has imposed by the u. s. allies on the nomics republic up iran has been able to advance and progress. this is a reality that the sanctions have had an impact, but the lamp republican b, ron has proved that the sanctions cannot be effective. what's plan being on model? well, the car is actually i tell you don't really we in fact we would rely on our domestic
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capacities and capabilities. and we will also expand our engagement and interaction with the countries which are serious and effective in, in dealing with us. we will seriously pursue that track of progress, economic progress of our country. during the past several years, the united states has pinged all its efforts in order to block was iran economic links with the world. but we demonstrated that we can bring their efforts to failure and continue our economy on a positive char. but this does not mean that the americans have not inflicted any damage on our people or our economy. and therefore, one of the issues we are seeking in the negotiations is the issue of preparation. why the united states for the harms and damages they inflicted on our people?
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and would they pay that when they pay the compensation? are they showing any readiness to deduct the issue of reparation has been on the agenda of the top of the v in negotiation. and this is an issue which will be dealt with in the 1st documents. there is a 3rd document, aside from the 2 documents that you presented or submitted the previous day. so what, what about this 3rd document? why isn't it proposed for now? the other party is in fact presently, folding our 2 documents, we provided them. we are waiting for it, it is spawns, and as soon as we receive their response, we will continue to work on the 3rd document. i just want to recap with you. so we have one document on the sanctions. we have another document on the nuclear measures. what's the title of the 3rd documents? decision decision. okay, so just to, to, to go more into this issue. you are requesting,
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lifting the sanctions all the sanctions on iran that were imposed during the past years. you are request requesting verification. you are requesting guarantees and compensation, right? so, how much do you think this is realistic from, let's say, the american point of view in our negotiations with the other party, the other parties are endorsing the need for guarantees. and the need for the establishment of a verification mechanism. both russia, china and even the europeans, unimpressed to build the americans also must accept. and in the it previous draft documents, the americans have accepted this framework. but the main point is about how the guarantees should be presented and how they're verifications should be implemented . it's not really possible, as the american say to lift all the sanctions. if this is what they're saying
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because it's not all the hand of the, of the president, some other sanctions should be lifted by the congress. so negotiations is about given takes. what are you giving you the given take has already been conducted within the framework of the 2015 negotiations and the agreement. the 2 parties, i mean iran and 4 plus one day accept and agree with the deal. and the united states, which had pulled out of the tail, wants to return. therefore, it a given take concept has already been materialized in 2015 negotiation. now we should take measures which could remedy the blunder is of the country which had pulled out of the deal so that that country could solicit qualifications to return to the deal given take happens when both parties violate anything. we did not violate anything. it was the americans that violated the did over the past 2
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decades, wall bowers had a main concern over iraq nuclear program. were physicians on this program, having a military aspect of the military dimension. therefore, the main issue that was being discussed all over these years was iran given guarantees. it's not going to build a bond. however, yvonne said on different occasions that the supreme leader had the fatwas that prohibits building nuclear bombs or any kind of weapons of mass destruction over the past few weeks. as well as when warnings that if the united states, the europe have all shine shine, not in going to issue a korean stance and have a clear position from iran's developing its nuclear program. then it's going to intervene in its way the united states and as well had several discussions over
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what they describe as a plan b that they are going to resort to if there is no deal. there are moments when nations must use force to protect the words from evil. if a terror regime is going to acquire nuclear weapon, we must act, we must make clear that the civilized world won't allow. if the rain is, don't believe the word is serious about stopping them. the race to the ball. israel reserves the right to act at any given moment in any way. that is not only our right. it is also our responsibility. iran is publicly stated. he wants to wipe us out. we have no intention of letting this happen, right. know, there are also pressure this pressure. we can hear the israelis calling on the united states to stop the talk sent on the whole what power to stop the talks. and
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in the past few days, there are a lot of calls and stances coming out from israel, showing a lot of concerns over what might be happening in jenna asked them. i told you earlier that x turn on actors design is, are making serious efforts in order to impede and disrupt the trend of negotiations . design is trying either to attack iran's nuclear facilities or disrupt and impede the trend of negotiations. and it's really depends on the independent identity of the other parties to demonstrate that they are not going to be influenced by design is regime. and they decide based on the interest of themselves and their own country. what about if his read decided to strike damian? your human military attack military shattuck because they're talking about this, i believe that the zionist,
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her dream of attacking iran. and if they go onto the dream, they will never wake up from that dream. how much, what's going to be? what's the price? what does it mean when, when we say someone does not wake up from the dream when someone is not existed, that $1.00 will not wake up. the last thing in this interview. so how much are you optimistic? this is going to reach somewhere. we are optimistic towards the future and success of the negotiations because of our a serious determination to continue negotiations. and because of this strong logic we are pursuing in the trend of negotiations. but we will not be gullible because we do not trust the other party. and just an additional question here since, so if you don't trust them, they don't trust you. how are you going to reach that agreement or consensus?
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is it an attempt to go into, let's say cohabitate, ition, negotiations and agreements are for those who have differences of opinions. and it's not going to happen that with the negotiations, all the differences are going to be removed. and every party comes to the negotiating table based on its own interest. it's. i think it's very clear. doctor ali bassetti yvonne's deputy foreign minister and chief nuclear negotiator. thank you for talking to i just i also thank you and your viewers know that this round of talks came to an end, delegations went back to the capitals that have consultations with the governments and then come back with answers. the answers are going to show whether this agreement, the 2015 agreement is going to be revived, or that the iranians and their international accounted bots are going to have
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new talks, new framework, and maybe, and you, you african . so ease of resilience and carrying a lawyer that tradition and dedication for them. it was, i was a little more robust with short documentary, sty, african filmmakers, and the white 9. and the book make it africa direct on al jazeera, a mass pro democracy movement, violent crackdowns assassinations, and you imposed sanctions. all tactics in the struggle that ensued when the 2020
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bella roost in presidential elections. that shook the country's self proclaimed dictators seat of power. and now, new tactics, migrants, people in power investigates, the humanitarian disaster under rivaling on europe's borders and asks what's next. and the battle for bella bruce on a jose zepada. the latest news, as it breaks, governments in the region are using security forces to clamp down on protests, instead of protecting their countries against harmed attacks with detailed coverage in the absence of any hard data on our widespread overland vialva con variant is scientists urging caution from around the world, political observers argue his government has letty dismantling of democratic institution. if america held up a mirror to itself, what would it see in the sense race is the story of america what's working? and what's not a lot of people. we're only talking about that. it wasn't at the top of the agenda
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. if america can handle multiple challenges on multiple fronts, we need to go back to school, the bottom line on i'll just their m m each and every one of us had to go to responsibility. to change our personal space for the better. i mean, we could do this experiment and if biodiversity could increase just a little bit, that wouldn't be worth doing. anybody had any idea that it would become a magnet who is incredibly rare species. they are asking for women to get 50 percent representation in the constituent assembly here in getting these people to pick up the collect, the segregated, say the recycle business, extremely important service they provide to the city. why don't we? we need to take america to trying to bring people together, trying to deal with people who left behind.
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ah at this point, the very dominant a very and remains delta. the world is urged to focus on all threats posed by the pandemic, while scientists work to answer questions about the new various ah, blah, darn jordan, this is out there alive, and also coming up, iran chief negotiator tells al jazeera his side household, that nuclear talks must not be rejected. the us and europe say alarms nothing serious ukrainians describe.
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