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tv   [untitled]    December 6, 2021 11:00am-11:31am AST

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ah, i'll jazeera with ah, me and mars supposed lead along sang, so she has been sentenced to 4 years in prison. ah, i'm sammy's a dan. this is al jazeera alive from dall hall. so coming up, i did not allow myself to succumb to the dictates of hooligans. the prime minister of the solomon islands survives, and i have confidence both in parliament, sparked my anti government riots. the gambia and president supporters celebrate an
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election victory about 3 opposition. candidates have rejected the result. beyond colombians costs votes for councils, they hope will give a voice to a generation feeling left behind. ah, we begin with breaking news from me and my way deposed. lead on sang suit. she has been sentenced to 4 years in prison. she was found guilty on charges of inciting descent against the military and breach in corona virus roles. former present when men has also been sentenced. so she is facing a total of 11 charges that could see her jail for life. she denies any wrong doing . florence louis is live for us in kuala them, paul. so the courts given its verdicts with for years, does jackson go to prison? now what happens in the legal process while reports are saying that according to agent,
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her spokesman she and when men on sans as in when men will not be taken to prison immediately. now, as you mention, she faces several other charges and she will be allowed to stay where she is, which is at an undisclosed location being detained by the military and a p door. while these hearings are conducted, noun, many analysts say they are not surprised by the ruling. many had said many had described the hearing. the trial as a show trial, as a way for the june to, to legitimize the coo than proceedings were not being held in a transparent fashion. and it was conducted behind closed doors. there were no one . there was no reporters who were allowed at the hearing. no members of the public were allowed to observe the hearings, but the gentle says on sense who she has been accorded due process noun. um, i think what's gonna happen next is she will be allowed to, as, as the dentist person has said, she will be allowed to stay where she is while the other hearings are being conducted. but it's also very possible that when it comes to having to serve out
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her prison term, that she will be allowed to serve it under house arrest as previous military governments had allowed her to do so. and florence, how is this likely to go down on the streets of men more now? it's very possible that the guilty vardek and the prison term being handed down to all fancy she is going to galvanize the protest movement. the protest movement hasn't stopped since the military seized power in february is just taken on other forms. there are still flashing protests going on in my across the country. and we saw that again on sunday in yang gone. there was a flash ma protest, and then on sunday night it became a noise protest where people took out their pots and pans and started banging on them just to show their content and the anger against the military. now we've also heard reaction from the round the region. a regional organisation made up of
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parliamentarians in southeast asian countries said that this was a ridiculous ruling and called it a travesty of justice. and it also said it just shows that june has contempt for an audio and let peace process. because one of those, a great one of one of the points that young man had agreed to under this piece process is to allow for constructive dialect to be held. and instead, one of the parties to that dialogue is now being sent to prison. we've also heard from amnesty international, which said that these sentences handed down to all sent to g is just an attempt by the military to eliminate all opposition and suffocate freedoms in me. and i thank so much florence louis the so she spent years as a political prisoner before being fried by the military in 2012 years later her national leave for democracy party 14344 seats. it contested in parliamentary by elections. the same year secretary and violence broke out in the western reckon
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states, most of them were hanging became most of them are hanging, became victims of what the un cold ethnic cleansing and sushi was criticized for. failing to respond after her landside, when in 2015 elections suit, she became state counsellor or head of the government parties. victory in the 2020 vote was questioned by the opposition. the election commission did not find any problems though, but in february this year the military took back power and a qu, arrested, sushi and other officials accusing them of election fraud. debbie straw thought is founder and co ordinator of san burma and network of groups advocating for human rights and democracy and me. and she says the international community needs to step in immediately to prevent further escalation. i think the democratic process is the struggle is ongoing. even, well, thanks for choosing detention. let's not forget the fact that she and her
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colleagues, so senior colleagues are facing up to a maximum penalty of 100 years in prison. if all that, if they are convicted of all the charges currently levied on them. but i think we also need to understand that even while we're talking about this, they have been 27 lethal attacks on civilians every day for the past month in burma . the and ma, what we are now facing is a perfect storm of an escalation in conflict. they've actually been more text me on my, on civilians in the past 3 months than on syria, a gun external event. so we're not just looking at this jail term in isolation. we need to understand that the un security council, the international community need to impose very heavy sanction on the military hunter. to prevent the situation from getting out control, we saw even aka,
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protestors were killed by vehicles being driven into a crowd of people still came out in fashion. not just see only flash mob. we are going to see violent reactions from the population all around the country because they have been resisting military brutality. and the jailing of trying to achieve is just one symptom. and perhaps even the tipping point to an escalation of constantly which is actually going to get out of control if we don't step in. now. the prime minister of the solomon islands has survived no confidence vote in parliament follows last week's riots. when crowds burned down dozens of buildings and looted shops in the capitol on the aria, at least 3 people were killed in the unrest sparked while long simmering regional rivalries, economic problems and accusations of china's influence over the government. troops from australia, new zealand, and other neighboring nations have been deployed. a prime minister defended his
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government's actions shortly before the vote. i did not allow myself to succumb to the dictates of hooligans and lawless order thing to participate in countries. intervention forces were on the ground. mister speaker to help returned normalcy in our country. on behalf of the people and government, i express our sincere thanks. sarah clark is covering the story from brisbin in australia. he was almost always going to survive this particular bite of no confidence, keep it because his party has the majority. but when it came to us, the actual number 15 m. p 's a back the most of the confidence and 30 to reject it and to abstain. but he's the bod. boats of not confident in the past, but he had to be defeated twice. but the difference between knows when he was the
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faces. and now, because his party has majority, but it was a lengthy and often heated device in the parliament in holy hour. on monday, the opposition laid a matthew, but while he was where he lived this particular campaign to teach the prime minister. his key accusation was that the provinces had lost trust in the prime minister and his erratic pool. and most of the decision making many difficult for countries was already struggling. the members of malay, which is the province the most populous problems. he also made some key accusations and also driving his campaign to force departments that stand. he said that the phone on this paralyzed and common for another round of instability, but the prime minister, he made emotional, often, far defense, a cooling some of his critics, thugs and hooligans. but as i mentioned that he provides a yet another motion of coldness. and we continue, continue leading the country can be imprison dad's m. barrow has been declared the
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winner of saturday's election and what he and his supporters are celebrating as a landslide. but as i had a dream reports from the capital ban, jewel 3 opposition candidates are rejecting the result. after closely fort election, i them, a battle has been re elected as the gambia president. you defeated 5 other candidates to win a 2nd 5 year term. and i think received 457519 votes in the election. the chairman of the independent electric commission alumni declares mister adam apparel is duly elected to serve as president of the republic of the gambia. ah, when do a constituency so convincingly one that this election erupted in celebration? ah, baskin is victory battle i breath supporters of the independence square
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with a book. are you good on you to learn everything is one of my business with a please. oh, do you think we did? did remind you know, bottles with electron was guys and they told me the bottles whole. well no feeling it divided me not only because of this but also i needed to. yeah. we barrels opponents of refuse to accept the result. we are concerned that there has been an inordinate delay in the announcement of the results to a number of isthmus. i be raised by again and representatives. i deployed in
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stations a sent us an idea easy headquarters. as a result, the representatives of the aforementioned candidate i d, i is the headquarters refused to endorse some of the results. independent observer say the vote was largely free and prayer. the countries election commission has also defended the election process as credible and prayer. it is within the our lights, ah, to confirm all to confirm to sign on to con, order to sign, despite them being present. and indeed we are part of the review process. her rival candidates have 10 days to challenge borrows victory and seems certain of the flight all our move to the court. i'm a degrees al jazeera by june. the gambia, 27 people have been killed in sedans, where star for region in the latest flare up in violence and age groups as
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a camp for displaced people was satellites and destroyed on sunday. the region has been effected by years of fighting between arab and non arab tribes. un says more than 40 people were killed last month when dozens of villages were torch. still ahead on al jazeera. ah, police, in the belgian capital respond with tear gas and walter cannon as protests escalate against corona virus restrictions. ah ah, look forward to brighter skies the weather sponsored my cattle airways. hi there, thanks for joining in. we've got a storm systems swirling around the central mediterranean, that's throwing a lot of rain for southern sections of italy. we've got
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a shield of snow for areas of the bulk and ferry hbo look into pick up 5 centimeters in time for western areas of greece. severe thunderstorms in the forecast for you on monday. now monday into tuesday, that energy hops over the g and funds into western turkey. it will gather some steam through the eastern med, firehose of rain, just streaming right into on talia. looking to pick up about 50 millimeters of rain and we'll see those winds crank up to 65 kilometers per our other side of the mediterranean, the north coast of spain. we've got a plume of moisture moving in some snow for the parent knees and toward the south. a nice stay in lisbon with a height of 15 degrees off to northwestern part straight, now disturbs whether through the republic of ireland the united kingdom that will pivot into the low countries. and here comes our next storm system on tuesday, 2nd, name storm of the seas, and berra. watch what it does. the winds across the republic of ireland could close in on about a 100 kilometers per hour. back to the central med all of that. what, whether diving down for northern areas of to new jersey and libya, tripoli got
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a high of 15 degrees on monday that your update bye for now. the, the weather sponsored by katara ways. the political debate show that challenging the way you think have agencies fail. hayden, the situation is, was the one the for the, isn't found by and digging into the issue is a military advancement going to stop? the family ticket is complete to you. right now people are dying. how will pilot migration differ for those who have in those who don't have a lot of countries see, we will pay poor countries to keep their apart with me, mark lamond hill on al jazeera. oh, ah!
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you're watching out, is there a time to recap? our headlines now, the mars deposed, lead on sang su cheers being jailed for 4 years. she was charged with inciting dissent against the military breach in corona virus. rules are adjusted to from a total of 11 charges against the prime minister of the solomon islands, as survived the no confidence folks in parliament. the opposition had accused his government of corruption and mismanagement after the last month's riots. camby and fraser and adam barrow has been declared the winner of saturday's election. and what is supporters are celebrating as a landslide? at least 3 of barrows opponents are rejecting the result. now police in the belgian capital have used water cannon and fire tear gas. the dispersed crowds protesting against pandemic restrictions about
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a 1000 people tried to reach the european union headquarters in brussels, but were blocked. but then barbara has more a stand off in the belgian capital on the sidelines of a coven, 19 protest. police seized water cannon against a group of protest as some of whom appeared to throw firewood. several 100 people march through the streets. 2 days after the government tightened restrictions for the 3rd week in a row, some carried signs critical of vaccines which have proved to be highly effective against the corona virus. others were worried about belgium, making it compulsory for health workers to be vaccinated. something that's coming in on the 1st of january. baloo looks a little bigger. i don't agree with mandatory vaccination finances, radical carissa. i think i gave her the choice, the take a vaccine as its own choice. and yet freedom in my opinion,
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health work is we'll have 3 months to get that shots. they can work during that time if they can show they've already had coven 19 or provide negative tests. hospital admissions have risen by 4 percent week on week, but the government says 40 percent of belgium's intensive care beds, a currently filled by covey, 19 patients. and that's having an impact on things like cancer treatments. kindergartens and primary schools are now close a week early for christmas, and people's age 6 or over half to where face mosques into a venue such as cinemas will be limited to 200 people for monday. night clubs have already been closed and bars and restaurants have to shut at 11 p. m. for 3 weeks. nadine baba al jazeera how the u. k. government has defended saturdays decision to change restrictions fall travelers arriving in the country. deputy prime minister dominic rob says it was the right thing to do. the question is the additional p c r test that people come to this country will take as a precautionary measure. think it's the right thing to do. but of course,
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the real resilience that we're building up to any variants, including lama crohn, he's getting the boosters of the vaccine rolled out. we've got a 80 percent of those over 12 now having 2 jobs. and we got a 3rd of the country with either a 3rd job or a booster. that's the reason we can go to this come into his christmas as a country with stronger confidence. we can enjoy christmas in a way that, that unfortunately couldn't last year. a director of a hospital in jordan has been sentenced to 3 years in prison for an oxygen shortage that led to 10 deaths of the rasa cal hush man. and for aids were convicted. hundreds of people protested after the death in march, which they to lead to the health ministers. resignation endears reform at its highest daily death toll from cove it 19 in 5 months, almost 9000 new infections were reported as well. the new army kron variance has been detected in the capital new delhi. it follows the devastating outbreak of the
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delta variant earlier this year. rescue is in indonesia have been digging through layers of fake volcanic ash and mud in search of survivors and bodies. at least 14 people are known to have died since the semo volcano began wrapping on saturday. harts of some towns and villages were buried. roads and bridges of also been destroyed. that makes it difficult for rescue in supply missions. ho francis is warning against neglecting refugees and migrants describing it as the ship track of civilization. the head of the roman catholic church is visiting greece and celebrated mass in athens. after meeting refugees on the island of les voss, while there he toured a camp that's home to around 2000 people seeking asylum. migration has dominated his visit. if i kid there she now a little bit young, it is easy to stir up public opinion by instilling fear of others. yet,
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why do we fail to speak with equal for herman's above the exploitation of the poor? about seldom mentioned, but often, well financed words about economic agreements were the people have to pay about corporate deals to traffic in arms favoring the proliferation of the arm street. the remote cars should be attacked, not the poor people who pay the consequences and are even used for political propaganda. but our former u. s. presidential candidate bob dole has died at the age of 98. he represented the state of kansas for the republican party in the senate for 35 years. he unsuccessfully ran for the white house against bill clinton in 1996. it was announced earlier this year doll had been receiving treatment for lung cancer. i sell fighters of launched attacks on multiple villages in northern iraq burning down houses in killing 4 members of the kurdish fish madigan, forces the villages surround the city of co cook. i saw briefly claimed to have
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captured one before it was taken back by the bush madigan. iraq declared victory over iceland, 2017. but his fighters have continued to launch sporadic attacks. the more i sell a tax on friday in town surrounding the city of bill 12, people were killed there. sporadic attacks by ice will usually happen in disputed areas which fall between the control of iraq central government and the kurdish semi autonomous region. authorities in olden iraq say i still has launched more than 200 attacks in the past 10 months. go live now. it's my mood that i had in baghdad. so my mood, it sounds like i might be making a resurgence with me and that's for the 2 major factors here. security vacuum and disputed territories between fishmonger forces and the government federal military forces. as you know,
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that over 650 kilometers. these are the disputed territories, that x 10 from 118 town on the iranian border and westward until the syrian border. and in some areas it goes with up 40 for 40 kilometers in depth. these areas as you know, of disputed areas and that have been that have been no military prisons in large areas. and that also along with the fact that lack of comfort, confidence between local there and the mugger forces and also the nature of the geography that and those disputed territories have given opportunity for i submitted tends to research again and in fact to launch operations targeting civilians and military individuals in those areas. now, according to
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a ministry sources in the south region, the prime, minnesota of the could the stand region government months. but as only has urges for military cooperation between what to get and about the federal government, it forces in order to combat the resurgence of iso induce eddie especially and southern and cook southern at a b and also and noticed that as you know, that according to the motor gun ministry over $800.00 victims between dead injured and kidnapped out of the total number of the victims of about $200.00 operations, launched by ice militants over the 10 over the past 10 miles. or i will leave you there. thanks so much my modems and why had japan's prime minister for me? oh, to she that has signal the storage change in the countries defense policy on the new
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security policy that includes developing a strike capability on enemy bases. this would mark a major shift in japan's military policy and its post world war to pass of its constitution. the move is seen as a response to an increasingly assertive china and unpredictable north korea young columbia. and finally had the chance to vote for new special counsels. off the years of delays. 12000000 people age between 14 and 28 were eligible to have a say from bug or the sender. i'm p. s. explains what the councils hope to do when i'm 23 year old. daniela mata has ran her campaign on a very tight budget, but what she lacks in finances, she says she made up for with persistence, by reaching out to young voters in her neighborhood. who are all the yellow 184-0000 colombians, aged 14 to 28, running for office in new municipal youth councils, across the country,
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counting on word of mouth and social networks to get the word out in the hall. and this is almost the youth are tired of the lack of opportunities, of the pressure of the police and of being called lazy. our generation has opened his eyes and has understood that we must be agents of change and we can't wait for those in power to bring that change from $12000000.00 young colombians are eligible to vote in elections that have been a long time coming after being promised for years, they were formerly announced by president divan, duke after unprecedented protests by young colombian sled does instead, earlier this year get, i'm part of the whole. that's the only look. a majority of those involved in this social outcry are young. some 50000000 people who are mostly poor and hungry. they don't imagine the future for themselves or don't see any real oppertunity for them . so this will, it has become a way for the government to try and continue to just turn the elective council
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members will not receive a stipend or have real decision power, but they are expected to exercise political control, oversight and help device new policies. many here hope that these councils in time could become a real way for young people in the country to have a voice in columbus politics. but in sunday, the voter turnout was very low than yellow blaine's the government for not supporting independent candidates in doing little to advertise the vote. so calling this i was and then deal many understand that this is mostly a way to silence us in the street. and it's easy to understand people's apathy. but we need to understand that if we don't take matters into our own hands, things will not change. it's uncertain if these councils will work. i will say that it's too early to tell how much of an influence sheets councils will have if any. but there's hope they will offer some answers to
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a generation starved for opportunities in hope. allison and beauty and says, you know what, the crown prince of saudi arabia is set to begin is told of golf nations including cancer among will be the 1st flag of mohammed, ben son, man's tool becomes the head of the annual gulf arab lead is some, it's in b r this month, this will be ban salons 1st visit to da her since the casa blockade ended earlier this year. on the formula one world championship will be decided in the final race of the season next week. lewis hamilton edged out rival macs, the staff in the saudi arabian ground, pre to go level on points, heading to up with avi, pulled on diverse reports the last time within the next step, and had everything to try for the lights, went out and it didn't take long for the walls that cost the ripple drive a pole on saturday have an impact. mixer, mac is accidental,
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left him brought out the safety car, 3 starts or even more chaos. championship leaders only just the void of each other . those behind when so lucky, left 37, the pier came close again. a few corners later hamilton at the back of the slowing red bull. ah. oh, i didn't quite understand why. what sunny hit the brakes pretty quite heavily and then um. and then i run into the back of him. huh. and then he, then he moved on. so i didn't understand exactly what was going. i got a message afterwards that he's going to let his boss. so it was a bit confusing with the step of nursing. his tires hamilton was able to guide as damaged mercedes home and 1st place the dutch driver 2nd. hamilton's extra point for the fastest,
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let me see here now. also we're going into the final race in abu dhabi. just the 2nd time in the sports history. that's happened. expect plenty more fireworks and every darby hamilton goes for a record 8 world championship. and for stepan, his 1st full bandwidth al jazeera. ah, let's take you through some of the headlines here. al jazeera, now, mid miles deposed, the dong sang. so she has been jailed for 4 years. she was charged with inciting, dissent against the military and breach in crone of iris rules are just, these are just 2 from a total of 11 charges against her. florence louise monitoring developments from colombo. first verdicts in the about a dozen charges that she faces, remember she was arrested, she was detained on the 1st of february, which was the day of the coo and then she's on several trials there. some.


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