tv [untitled] December 11, 2021 4:30am-5:01am AST
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the well political observers argue his government has letty dismantling of democratic institution. ah, lou ah, hello, i'm emily anglin, in doha. these are the top stories on al jazeera. the high court in london has rolled that wiki lakes, found julian assange can be extradited to united states, if 2 year old could now face trial in the us on charges including publishing classified military documents. but as sanchez partner says, he's been punished enough today. it's been almost a year since i stood outside court with our victory of the blocking of the extradition. for the past year, the past year, 2 years and
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a half julia has remained in bell marsh prison. and in fact, pay has been detained since the 7th of december, 2010 in one form or another 11 years for how long can this go on? people in the us can now send money to family members in afghanistan through financial institutions, otherwise subject to american sanctions. the moved does not apply to charitable donations. it comes as the world bank says donors have a great to transfer $290000000.00 to unicef and the world food program to provide nutrition and health services in afghanistan. you as president joe biden says, he's very concerned about a supreme court decision to keep abortion cubs in texas, but by inhaled the ruling that allows abortion providers to challenge the state law banning procedures after 6 weeks. it. but the procedure at
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a time when many women don't even know, are they pregnant? protest is in man might have held us silent strike against military rule. and the ousting of the democratically elected government businesses were closed in straits and markets deserted across the country. on friday, the united nations has accused me and much military of crimes against humanity. and the world's leading nuclear inspector has told al jazeera that more access to a runs program is needed to establish trust. as the talks continue in vienna, the international atomic energy agency chief says the organization wants to reinstall its cameras. rafael, mariana gross. he says a ron needs to be more transparent about its nuclear program. those are the headlines mixed up is al jazeera correspondence and i'll be back at the top, the hour with morning. the
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i shouldn't, to the, she's such a call for the, for and as somebody who's on their own, you can get this in a sense of loneliness, but also a sense of being able to not be distracted by anything else. apart from what you see, ah, ah, and you can feel the hairs on the back of your neck standing when you reach the top of that building and get a great view of the city. and you know, the timeline to kind of help you achieve that by creating that sense of hyper reality. i know i owe new york, the time photographers,
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and concerning architecture of photography, paradise. every way you go, there's a shop. i to cities divide opinion more than usual, a towering celebration of identity for others, including one of europe's greatest muslim. it's architect like a boucher, a beautiful catastrophe of elite spies, soaring above the pole. a new york didn't give for the skyscraper of a 22 miles to build on. it was always going to be a vertical city. mm. yeah. do you think change the face of the modern construction? the invention of steel framed buildings which meant that a lower wall no longer needed to bear the weight of the walls above and safer
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elevators. 6 stories had been the practical limit of most buildings prior to the $1880.00, and the necessity of trudging up 6 flights of stairs made the upper reaches the home of the pole. the invention of the elevator inverted this hierarchy from now on, it will be the rich hewlett of the town. i'm for new york delete the sky really was the limit. oh, for me, new york created, but we imagined modern metropolis to be the the new york skyline is the new cities around the world, spicy whether consciously or unconsciously. ah, when america's enemies wanted to attack this country, they chose to attack the new york skyline. specifically its tallest buildings.
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13 years later, the success of one world trade center is nearing completion. the architect chosen in a public boat to come up with a master plan for this site was in many respects, a quintessential new yorker. i was an immigrant from new york and there's something so amazing about arriving by ship with old other immigrants from all countries. looking at that silhouette and saying, my god, this is, this is like seeing something out of out of the moon it's, it's not possible that people are build this kind of magical city. ah, new york is the best school of architecture, the city itself. as you look at the streets, as you look the way buildings are being built. as you look at the density of new york, ah,
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and you see how hard people work in new york city, a lot about architecture because architecture is more in the eye. it's more than the glory of building a building. it's, it's what is life? what kind of life does it represent? and what does it contribute to people's lives with louis. so the father american architecture in his 1100 speech to the new york architect, said, new york city has one got the got of money. nothing has change in a 100 years. new york is to the trade, my money. but ambition, we want to build this, want to build this. but how do you with, if you build a private skyscraper for your client? how do you contribute something to the city? you have to make some gesture to the public like well worth building. i mean, they spent a ton of money on the coupon, on the, on the spire of world worth, which was mister woodward's office. after all, it was just a private office of
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a millionaire. but it's something glorious it's, it's, it's, it's like a church. it represents ration. oh chris, a billing has that incredible sort of needle that was put on to it at the very end . so i think there's a lot that he said that within this private world of money, there was an ambition to, to add a civic dimension to it. i think that's part of what makes new york still a very, very interesting city, as opposed to many other cities that have a lot of tall buildings. but so what new york's grid system initially brought in to facilitate the parceling out of land in simple blocks. also lend itself to tall buildings for me, it gives the city too much order maps
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. the reason i'm so drawn to these spots where broadway the pre existing native american trial intersects with the rigid monotony of the great felts in 19 o 2 by one of the pioneers of a skyscraper, a flat iron building still feels modern. it's being described as resembling the power of a ship sailing a 5th avenue. its shape maximizing the use of the triangular plot created by broadway as daniel says, a functional building. but a beautiful one to the golden age of a skyscraper was also the great age of american expansion. ah 1800 new york had a population of only 60000. by 1900, it was
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a 1000000. in the 1920s, it overtook london as the largest city in the world. when the new york stock market crashed in 1929. the city already had more than a 180 buildings over 20 stories high the patron of the last mega structure of this era, john j rescue reputedly gave his architect a simple break. build as high as you can without it falling over. the results was the empire state the tallest building in the world for the next 40 years known in the trade as the empty state for its commercial failings. it was nevertheless averse for statement with which no one in new york or elsewhere for that matter could compete
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in the shadow of the empire state is the office of an economist. he's drawing parallels between the economic imbalance lead to the 929 crash. and the situation today are fascinating. things is that we got into this mass by over investment in housing and our development of housing and speculative development and housing. how we stabilized the problem by organization in china, which is over investment in housing and our investment in albany, zation, if you look at the property markets around the world and london is over inflated, new york is over inflated. and to me, that means you're going to get back into the mass very shortly. how do you think we can break that cycle? one of the ways in which we can break it is to actually start to rationalize. the investment in urban eyes ation. and in order to do that,
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we have to spend much more money investing in affordable housing for ordinary people. but that means that ordinary people have to have the money to pay for it. which means that actually you've got to get employment back to a position where people have an income stream where they can afford a decent house on a decent living environment. what is stopping the pot from boiling over right now was keeping the lid on. actually, the lid is off in many parts of the world. we seen just in the last year options and several cities in brazil has been addressed in stockholm. before that there was london and paris and saw that a lot of unrest in urban areas out there, which i think is going to be very, very difficult to manage as to as time goes on is trouble brewing. it doesn't seem obvious in new york, at least not in its commercial times square.
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this was a high crime area for more than 50 years following the great depression. but today, it has a very different buying. it feels like a cathedral of consumers. people come specifically to see the flashing lights with photographing them and each other with the same smartphones advertised on the billboards. another left leaning academic has labeled this pacification by kathy. as long as we have our branded phones and branded coffee can tend to ignore the big picture. with when america began to find its feet after the depression, it was being driven by the same consumerism. a new york was at his home. though the
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buildings and the way they were built had changed, but not the staggering amount of money patrons were prepared to spend. the segan building on punk avenue cause more per square meter than any previously built . the cult of the architect had also begun. few people know who built the empire state. the architect now became as important as the building seagrams create me vendor ro and his contemporaries, which are bringing the age of the architect as an item. the stock, if these modernists and the patrons had very little sentimentality and many of the cities historic buildings, which on down the monolithic panam building now renamed. metlife was stuck on top of the delicate facade of grand central station. the station itself barely escaping the wrecking ball. and
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a city where money was still the only cause i guess it still is. new york prides itself on being the city that never sleeps, the financial capital of the world. i can't help but wonder what's going wrong today. so many cities seek to emulate without understanding the sacrifice this entails, where there is not the architect a captured by my money. here you are, you need money to build a building. but money is not the only thing that should drive architecture. because we see the fatality if architecture is only driven by money and only by private developers ideas. then the city are going to become ghost towns because only the rich will be living in the centers of cities. and everybody has worked in the central cities, will live in some boondocks away, and the cities will be empty at night. and then we just investors and you know, live far away was empty. apartments have no light. it's not a good idea. after all,
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that's what a city is, it's a creative place. that's why people want to be in a city. they can get jobs, they can go to school, they can better themselves, they can meet other people. so if you segregate you create a horrible dichotomy that will be a failure and will lead to a, a, the end of city new york itself may be changing the original world trade center was an incredibly controversial project . it's detract as accusing it, ignoring the people on the pavement in its race for the scar. the same fighting's critics point to, in today's mega structures is replacement, has consciously taken a very different route involving the public right from the start. my experience at the competition for grounds you are the world trade center,
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which was a world competition with thousands of architects and millions of people being involved online and saying, i like it. i don't like it was really a symbol of the fact that architecture is become participatory that in an open society, architecture doesn't belong to anyone. i mean, somebody made my invested it, but it's part of the city. so everybody, every citizen has a right to comment, to see your architecture concentrate on the streets, concentrate on open space where people can sit down. that's why half of the fight of grants here are streets piazza, public memorial, and museum. so you can design a city just for one class, give the designed it for everyone. i think that's part of the social justice that a city represents
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hours may well be in planet, but it's wrong to assume this is an irreversible process. ah, cities should come with a warning just as they rise. so come they for these were ones swiping neighborhoods, homes. people spend a lifetime paying for take them back by nature dense housing, demolished on reverting to grasp what has become known as the urban prairie. no city has fallen further or harder van detroit, it's become the post a child for urban decline. mm. ah, the michigan central train station,
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it is unfortunately a building that a lot of the national international media have come to cast as a symbol of detroit plight. and the problems that the city is going through to me is just ruined poor to be quite frank with you. this is, you know, the story of detroit in detroit, issues are much more complex than what you can understand just by looking at the train station. the problems in detroit are not detroit problems there. american profit, this is an american city, a great american city. so we're talking about a wholesale withdrawal of governmental support for industrialized cities. and, you know, i think that the flag being near the train station is quite appropriate because like i said, this is not just the symbol of detroit play. but this is a symbol of america's play, neglect to play spectrum. ready detroit's recent history might be want to decline, but this was, as darrell says, a great american city it was also an instant one
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a population of 28501900 reached almost 2000000 in 1950, filled by the needs of one industry d industrialization is a common issue in the developed world. my own home town of nottingham in the u. k. went through in the 19 eighties and nineties, a detroit problem started long before that in creating the motor car for the mass market. detroit, so the seeds of its own decline when the car companies wanted to create new production lines all wanted to teach unionized labor a lesson. they just moved further out of town, taking with them the jobs and the tax revenues the city needed to ah,
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at the same time the freeways and cheap cars, suburbanite, detroit, just as they did the rest of america. it was a long, slow death. the auto industries relationship with detroit seems a strangely unbalanced one. as does this relationship with the country as a whole. nietzsche sunday in the saying, what's good for general motors is good for america. when general motors filed for bankruptcy in 2009, the u. s. government stepped in to help what was good for g m. o was not necessarily good for detroit. when the city found for bankruptcy in 2013, no federal support was full coming in. the bankruptcy, us head people here. very home.
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you know, we've been driving around here and i've been looking at the cost people are driving, they're all american cars. people here love the auto industry a whole lot more than the auto industry love. detroit has always been known as a place where you could come get a job and own a whole lot of me now. it changed to either one of those things. and so what we got was we got a housing prices, we got a mortgage crisis, we got a meltdown of the housing market. no city was as harshly affected by that as detroit was. even when the president comes to visit detroit, are the only place he ever goes to the ca factory. because it was his idea to be allowed genome himself. a big part of is victory. narrative is that i saved saved the car company as well. you didn't say detroit, i wonder if you can save a city blue. it seems to me that you can't make people come to
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a place. you can only make it a place. people want to come to. ah, no one is more aware of the problem space in detroit than the people who live. i think for, for strikes them is that too often the media chooses to illustrate problems from that ruined buildings. and not from everyone mind giving you both what told your lives, you've paid your taxes and now you're retiring. how things change in that period. shortly after retire, we find out that we're going to be cut from our pension is going to be cut. i'm almost 60 and say we're gonna have to take 30 percent of your income. that's a big, huge thing is huge increase. i'll have to follow up the, i mean, we're looking right now and we need to sell our house. not fair. this is what happens to see if it is the same story, say story, but i think the difference lightweight because i was forced into the car. there was so many other ways we could have these fun. it's almost like they're going to last
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very well. let me see, do the choices need to reclaim, you should say for this the room that a lot of make them land? when did you build on? are a lot of making copies, a lot of making factories. somebody has to be a champion for, and that's what i say. what we need is not just a simple mayor. you have to have a coach, a coach is going to train detroit like a big team. then everybody's going to have an opportunity and ask what we need a stone's throw from the ruins and closed municipal buildings. you could be forgiven for thinking that this was already happening. the haunt of the city has been given a brand may cause of detroit may cove is however, just that few of these people live here. the commute from the suburbs or attend conventions all come to watch baseball. london, new york city is where the coal has become too expensive. detroit is
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a city weights become too cheap. parts of a sector have already been reclaimed by people attracted by the low cost of living . and that all signs that investors are starting to renovate the buildings, anticipating that this will continue some have pointed to this as a new beginning, but i'm not convinced it's any more significant. and the really the graffiti looked suspiciously culprit real street artists tend to make their feelings now a little higher off the ground. if it is a true symbol of detroit, i like to think that it's the fist of joe lewis, one of the greatest heavy weight boxes of old time who move to detroit. as a teenager, it's one of my favorite time lapses because internally began to work on it. i had
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no idea it was an object in motion. louis said, every man's got to figure to get beat sometime, which is a false true, but it's what you do afterwards. the really counselled the cities have always been in motion. they have to be to evolve. and that, that what i think is different today is the speed of that change. something which i fear is excluding us from the process. now, more than ever, we must consciously shape our city. because if we don't on this planet, it's all cities that will shape. ah, i've come back to san diego to revisit the fascinating part of calcium history.
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they were crazy, creative, even visionary. they were top lester, not realistic. it was them as a child during and just hops in. people still love them. it was basically too bad to be through what they were predicting can comedy he'll ethnic divisions and national tensions that exist in both you today. once upon a time period on l. j. zed ah, [000:00:00;00] with hello there. let's have a look at the weather across north america remains rather stormy. across both the
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west and east in areas of the us and canada. but we still got lots of warmth around those central areas and we are going to see more exceptional heat come back in next week. but let's have a look at that northwest corner. we've got more snow storms blowing into british columbia. so sleep, snow, and rain there we are going to attempt to come down in vancouver and seattle as that wintery weather moves further down to the u. s. west coast. now as we head to the east coast, we have also got quite a wintry weather plaguing east and parts of canada and the maritimes have got snow across the great lakes once again. and as that warmer weather moves up from the u. s. gulf coast and hits that cold air. we are seen severe storms roll across the se, for places like georgia and the carolinas. behind it. we've got warmed ahead of it . we've got won't look at the temperatures in new york and washington d. c. but by the time you get to sunday and that moves through, we are going to the a lot of that warmth kicked out new york at 7 degrees celsius, washington
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d. c. at night. but it is going to dry up nicely for many areas and we are going to see that exceptional heat come back in across those central areas. we could see some record breaking warmth that should weather update. ah, lou ambition, artistry, adventure, short documentary spy african filmmakers from beneath kenya and algeria in the al dominion village, throttle queens. this is when you get to mit handle and the cane africa direct on al jazeera al jazeera sets the stage, lots of women carrying very young children. this one, for example, is only among kind of half global lex bugs and discussion. telephone thing about the impact from the climate change is having over fall as what you work with voices
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from different corners. when the wells are empty, people fight for programs that open your eyes to a little tentative view. i don't have collage and i have my boy on now to sierra ah, the high court in london, please. the way for wiki lakes found a julianna's sons' to face trial in the us for leaking and military secret. ah, hello, i'm emily. i gwen this is al jazeera life from doha. also coming up, the u. s. allows individuals to santa personal were mission. since to afghanistan evolving the otherwise blacklisted tele bomb and had connie network cities in me in
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