tv [untitled] December 11, 2021 2:00pm-2:31pm AST
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ah, me the . ready russians military build up near you, crane to the new cove berry and g. 7 foreign ministers meeting in liverpool to discuss the wells urgent issue. ah, hello again. maria, here with the world news from algae era. they have no official state in the general election in 15 years, but the occupied westbank is voting at a local level. and there's a push for more in cosivity. also uganda and, and congress. these troops battle tough terrain. as i tried to flush out
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a rebel group, an attempt at the session in the south africa from group in one particular province, pushing for independence. ah, british barton secretary has called for western unity against authoritarianism and threats from russia and china. the hosting foreign ministers from the was wealthiest democracies in liverpool, delegates in the g 7, also being joined by ministers from se on nations. expected to discuss a range of global issues from coven 19 vaccines, and post pandemic economic recovery. to that build up of russian forces on ukraine's border. rory challenge in liverpool covering this for a fi, rory. it's sort of a us versus them tone being founded. yeah, i think liz trust, who's hosting this event is very much seeing this as
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a kind of meeting of the free. well, the, she puts there and of like minded countries and that such like monte countries have g t to be united in their, in their perspective. on threats that the free, well the she might say is under. now those threats, of course, at the moment, primarily coven, 19 with omicron, the new variance spreading around the world. they have much to talk about on that front. in the u. k. on the current is expected to become the dominant strain of cobit 19 within a week or 2. it's spreading that foss, but then they are also looking, as you just said, there in your introduction at the dual threats of russia and china and say in the bilateral meetings that lives trust has already had with answer the lincoln, her us counterparts. and the new for a minister of germany, adelina there,
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but they were both so. okay, so it's ok and that's why that's about ukraine, about the threats that they think ukraine is under my, went from russia. and that if russia does go into ukraine again, that they would have to be a proper response and a response that would make russia see that as a strategic mistake. that could be talking about other things as well. they're gonna be talking about the situation. i need here if the crises, the crisis in, in me and more and also iran and it's nuclear ambitions and trying to get negotiations back off the ground. again, we can go back to this, this free world. you mentioned earlier or actually that let's trust the foreign secretary recently talked about his love and her theory that it's all kind of gone a bit wrong. you know what i think if you will, if you're listening to the kind of speeches that trust be making recently you can detect their cost factor right times we i think margaret thatcher is, is one of the heroes. she is deliberately trying to model itself as a sort of as
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a knee. and so she is saying that that has been drift in the western world. the free will to, she puts it since the end of the cold, cold war. that bad ideas have taken root those bad ideas. being too much relativism . this idea of an absence of objective truths that countries like the u. k. a spending too much time hand wringing over the past or whether the past was a good place or a bad place. and the responsibilities of the u. k. might have is because of its imperial history, that sort of thing. she wants sort of to be sidelines and to move on to be more optimistic, more pop shortly. and when she was talking to other foreign ministers from like monte country, she won't say it to be unity in pushing back against china and russia. now who she actually really talking to here? yes, she is probably talking to her camp spots on this message, but there are also many people here in the u. k. who are looking at this trust saying that she obviously has leadership, ambitions and bars. johnson,
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her prime minister, is in deep trouble and the moments because of the many crises and scandals that he is going through and it leaves trust with her knee. i saturate language is probably talking just as much to her party with her leadership. my missions as she is towards the, the, the foreign minister gathered here, never dull in british policy. thank you. re challenge and livable today. now no signs of a breakthrough just yet it talks to revive the 2015 iran nuclear deal. continue for another day in vienna. the u. s. special invoice for iran rob malley is due to join the latest round of negotiations this weekend. us officials warned of consequences if iran didn't return to the deal and to run a standing firm. the agency and iran are trying to come to an agreement on or, or basic on 2 things. one is the capability or the ability of the agency to return to one facility, one specific facility in iran,
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where we need to reinstall cameras or that need to be there. and it has been difficult to to this. so we have been talking about these and the other thing is how to address a number of issues which need to be clarified. the agency found traces of nuclear material in places that had not been declared before. following the talks in vienna for us dawson, jabari. well, as the talks continued from 9 am the and a time on saturday, and they are taking parts in various working groups to trying hammer out some of the details of what they are trying to get. from each side, the iranians led at the reigning delegation, led by the deputy foreign minister, alibaba connie, who said that there are much more optimistic after their break. they had and they resumed this round, which was on thursday. they said there's seems to be a much more seriousness on all parties involved to try and get this nuclear deal
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back on track. we also heard from abraham ratio, who has been very quiet about the negotiations in general, and he mentioned it in passing. and most of his speeches, he just continues same the same a line and that is that iran is very serious and that sanctions must be lifted before their way. news will go back to full compliance. the deputy foreign minister was here has said that they renew support for 2 proposals. one is about exactly how those sanctions they want to be lifted. and the 2nd is it about iran's nuclear program and what will happen in terms of the technical aspects of how iran will go back to for compliance. we are now waiting as the are the indians for the americans to respond to those proposals which will decide whether or not these negotiations will move forward. and arab, we expect robert malley to be in vienna soon. and then we'll have a better idea of where things stand. dosa jabari there, and her full interview with the i. e. a chief. rafael grossi is on talk to al 0830
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. i was gmc tomorrow, sunday. local elections that are happening in the occupied west bank today with about 400000 palestinians eligible to vote. these are the 1st poles in 2 years, but the leaders of butter and hammers remain at all. so when to hold a general election, the last one of those was 15 years ago, a correspondent needed abraham in the okay, by the way, back now with a look at what the local polls might tell us about the biggest political picture in palestine. these women are running for the local council and are feed us family village in the north of the occupied bank. the visiting potential voters to campaigned for the electoral list with 6000 voters in the village or religion to choose 11 council members. 20 percent of local council seats have to include women by law, while women here are active in the campaign. photos of them were missing from the campaign. posters. in many villages, faces of women were replaced by pictures of flowers or other graphics because of
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conservative views. if you mail activists in the village has she pushing for a better representation of women in politics, we like a political will to advance women's rights. we are not there just to fill the female coat us. we need laws that ensure that women are not being ignored by the walk. local councils are responsible for basic services such as water, electricity, and infrastructure. they don't pass legislations or deal with national politics. local elections could improve day to day issues for palestinians, but many say they want a general election to choose the political leaders. it's been 15 years since palestinians voted for parliament because of political infighting. 6 months ago, the palestinian president, modern bass again postponed a general election and didn't set a new date. the law. there are no indications that we're getting any closer to holding any parliamentary or presidential elections of him. no,
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it's really important to hold the elections to change the reality on the ground and to improve the economic situation. but how much is boycotted? the local elections because the movement wants long delay general and presidential elections. but some of its supporters are running for municipal office, while others planned to proved. truly 14, the west bank are ready has wide support in these local elections. will lead to dead who is the head of pulls at the palestinian center for policy and survey research. he conducted the pool in some of the villages where elections are being held ill by lay her barbarella. people usually choose their candidates based on familial relations and not political affiliations. also into math is not running. we can't measure the popularity of political factions based on those elections. half of the 1800 people pulled described the status of democracy in the west bank as bad or very bad. the 2nd phase of local council elections would be held in march . they will include bigger towns than men. cities like 70 percent of palestinian
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voters will cast that balance at that time. which is why these upcoming elections could give us a better idea on how well some of the political factions will perform better. he managers eat off the occupied west bank. these 4 people have been killed and several others injured after a tornado toll through eastern parts of the united states. in illinois, the extreme weather caused a roof to collapse. at an amazon warehouse emergency crews are still trying to rescue dozens who are trapped. the governor of kentucky actually believes is likely to be at least 50 deaths from the tornadoes, and he's warned residence to stay vigilant as conditions make it worse. the damage is significant and we expect multiple fatalities graves, county and specifically the city of mayfield have been hit really hard and we are still awaiting more reports of the surrounding area. this is going to be some of
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the worst tornado damage that we've seen in a long time. if you are in the area, there are still active cells in severe weather, so stay safe. now hundreds of people have been evacuated from their harms off to heavy flooding in the french pyrenees. region. residents and southwest france are being urged to stay at home is flood waters continue to rise. many areas now on red alert as prolonged rainfall in the region takes its toll will check the world whether next and then an economic lifeline reopened to the u. s. now allows family members to send desperately needed cash back to afghanistan. in a showcase of caribbean, british arts gives the community a chance to tell a story and to celebrate its culture. ah look forward to brighter scully's, the winter sponsored play cattle airways. hello, greg,
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to see you. here's your weather report for asia 1st map, i put the colors on, so the darker the blue, the lower the temperature. look at that colder air. digging in beijing just for degrees. it's actually where you should be for this and the year, but it's been mild as of late. now let's talk precipitation. we do have some for the western side of horseshoe into hole kado also snow over a higher ground. i stay in tokyo on sunday though. wall to wall sunshine with a height of 17 degrees, a badge of weather moving across the yangtze river valley slipping a bit further toward the south than where we have that cloud and rain. we do have lower temperatures in grey land, just 15 degrees the other day. you were about 22 se asia on one sec, but 1st the philippines still locked into that soggy weather pattern. the risk of some flash flooding and rain, and do slide slides. here, kate promise you, we won't get to southeast asia, we've got our storms come in and go in through the tropics, particularly heavy as we look toward indonesia and, you know, for islands,
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east of lombok, we have seen extensive flooding off to the sub continent right now in india, more rain being steered into time only due. so what date for tonight? birth of rain across your lawn and the mall dees, bali coming in at 29 degrees. oh, the weather is sponsored by cats. are i always, ah, mother, nature's gift of colorful landscapes. but strong infrastructure governance arising were investments are waiting to flourish with even supplied by tradition. doing where beautiful possibilities are offered. with
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the me on al jazeera, these are the top stories this our g 7 foreign ministers gathering in liverpool in the u. k. along with delegates from the nation. the british foreign secretary is called for western unity against authoritarianism and threats from russia and china . talks to revive the 2015 iran nuclear deal of continuing for another day indiana, according to say television, iran, president abraham rice, c, says cheiron is serious about the negotiations. will power, willing to remove sanctions and agreement can be reached and how to send in the occupied west bank of voting and local elections? the 1st polls in 2 years are the leaders of mass reminded of over when to hold a general election. the last one of those was 50 years ago. the uganda and congress
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armies, excuse me, say they are making progress in their joint operation against the allied democratic forces in east and democratic republic of congo. they say they've destroyed for camps belonging to the group capture. $34.00 fighters and fried $31.00 congress. hostages for people on the ground. it's raising hopes, but also there is some unease about this partnership now. come web has the story. over the last 10 days, the people of this small board of town in democratic republic of congo have seen thousands of uganda and troops crossing uganda. his army says it in congo to hunt down an armed group called the allied democratic forces atf, which is blamed for killing thousands of civilians in this area. over the last 7 years. you got an army been accused of meddling and looting minerals in congo several times since it 1st invaded 25 years ago. i mean,
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to be honest, we did not celebrate the arrival of began to troops crossing a border, but we hope they can help deal with the insecurity that we've been facing for a long time. the adf fighters hiding out in forest to the ground and tanks and armored vehicles as struggled to advance on the muddy road said they brought in greatest repair them. uganda and major general kind him of hunger is commanding the operation come. we only want you to, if you don't have the machines look for void, you don't have a machine is the route for day one is we don't have machine is got the and by the only thing we have is our guns fight. you can this government claims the adf for 3 suicide bomb explosions in the capital can paula last month. the adf is a reasonably from uganda, but his fighters have been hiding in the forests of congo for more than 20 years. you can then opperation is the latest in
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a series of failed attempts to defeat the armed group. since some of the roads are impossible, uganda commanded to walk to meet the congo lease counterparts. they say it's a joint military operation, company of component new. so more homeless people need to understand that we're facing a situation of terrorism in which we must unite our forces with others. adf is part of an international terrorist movement. some of their tax are claimed by isis in the presence of fighters from different countries like you conduct somalia and townsend, he confirms this investigator said he, adf has been in contact with iso and other regional armed groups. the extent of any collaboration isn't clear about the adf, political and business. interesting. congo, uganda had been more apparent including cocoa and timber export, congolese soldiers repairing the ways to. it's just the start of what you can, the on corners army say, will be the end of the adf. everyone has tried before,
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has failed. malcolm web al jazeera flooding and south sudan has effected 70 percent smell. the northern state of unity, the u. n. head of mission visited the city of bench, you to assess recovery operations. crisis is now affected as many as 850000 people in the u. n. his warning, the flood waters could take up to 15 years to evaporate. naturally. some groups in the south africa western cape province, now pushing for independence support for the governing party is dropped in recent years. that losing power of most major cities and recent local elections. although behind the move for succession, say the african national congress is dragging the provincetown. others are arguing, the move is racially motivated for me to miller reports now from western cape olympian. he hasn't had a job for more than 5 years. he runs and advocacy group for the unemployed. here in
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south africa's western cape province, about 29 percent of people don't have jobs. the national average is nearly 35 percent or less unhappy with the government policies. that was what happened last year. so that's kind of an employment for a lot of those. what they went outside with you in problem. the forum has thousands of members who support a call for the western cape to secede from south africa. the province has the 2nd largest economy in the country, though supporting an independent cape say, a corrupt, national government is draining its resources to aid poor provinces. so effectively the people, the western cape, never get the democratic women always excluded from the system. they never get the government they vote for and the consequences of that are quite significant because it's africa is being badly managed and run into the ground. the people are the western cape or then suffering,
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the consequences of government. they didn't select and what they can't remove the ballot box. south africa is made up of 9 provinces. 8 of them are governed by the african national congress. the opposition party, the democratic alliance has run the western cape since 1999. all the parties not supported the cool position it has pushed for a federal system. the cape independence party says recent poll suggests 58 percent of western cape voters. support the move for cape independence. but that figures being disputed. those opposed to the ideas, say it's racially motivated and discriminates against the largely mixed race and black, often poorer communities in a province with a more prosperous white minority. i cannot support anything which seeks to create a form that would have been efficient of a part that will still own the land and over leave us, we cannot get on the console account. we're locked up and these people are seeking to do things. a must be a subsidy and slave race. i'm not
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a slave. i cannot support the cool position is a very good idea, but not, not in terms of the fact that they using cape john the capital of the western cape . as great economic disparities often defined by race, critics say the chances of decision a low, many argue the call physician by those living in the western cape has little merit and will go nowhere and that it lacks constitutional backing. but this isn't the 1st time they've been called from groups of people for their own nation states was in south africa. and rather than being viewed as wishful thinking, it means they'd be an expression of anger against the governing african national congress. read them a lot of his era africa the people in the us can send money to family members in afghanistan again. and it involves financial institutions which are controlled by the taliban and her county network. both groups are otherwise subject to us. sanctions. this money, the lifeline for many afghans with global remittances making up 4 percent of g d. p
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. last year becomes the world bank says donors have agreed to transfer $280000000.00 to unicef from the world food program to provide nutrition and health services. in afghanistan, the u. n. is wanting nearly 9000000 africans facing families this winter. the details now with rosalyn jordan in washington. the fact that some 9000000 people are facing the prospect of famine, which is of the most serious level in a country that is suffering from food insecurity, is very much the impetus. but this decision by the us treasury department, is a very narrowly crafted decision. people here in the united states can send money to individuals in afghanistan. and they can do so through us banks, which then may be engaging with financial institutions controlled by the taliban, or the ha connie network for the express purpose of putting that cache in the hands
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of individuals inside afghanistan. the money can't be used for rod non profit organizations, humanitarian a, our charity, a groups for example. it also cannot be used to give to people who were trying to set up businesses. this is strictly to give people the ability to buy food and medicine to acquire of fuel to heat their homes as winter is closing in, in afghanistan with let's take you around the world with cove at news, austria, 1st of all, where protest as a marching against restrictions and compulsory vaccinations. a lockdown ends for the vaccinations on sunday, but continues for people who are unvaccinated jobs are set to become mandatory for every austrian older than 14. from february, similar in germany, which is requiring all health workers to get vaccinated. but politicians are also
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considering making vaccines compulsory for all german adults. the law could be debated by parliament as early as next month. and in south africa, signed a site is no sign. the only con variant is causing most severe cases of current fires. hospital data shows admissions, arising sharply, but patients are spending less time in care and deaths remain low. south africa reported more than 190-0000 new cases of coven 19 on friday and 20. the united states remains the country with the largest number of new cases in the world. the cdc, the centers for disease control and prevention, says new coven, 19 infections increased dramatically this week. excuse me, up to more than 119000 cases a day. and the number of locally transmitted cases in china is on the rise. only 51 reported on friday, which is up from 37 the day before, but china has a 0 covert strategy which involves mass lock down even when just
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a small number of people are infected with the virus. he was president joe biden says he is very concerned about a supreme court decision to keep curbs on abortion in texas. but by then did have part of the ruling, which allows abortion providers to challenge the state law banning procedures. after 6 weeks, the law came into effect in september and as the strictest in the nation bows the procedure at a time. when many women don't even know they're pregnant, vice president comma la harris spoke out. she criticized the ruling saying, a woman has the right to make decisions about her own body. the ruling today is an attempt to undo it in terms of what's happening in texas. 15 around the country is an attempt to undo 50 years of president. and as far as i'm concerned, and as far as registration is concerned, a woman's right to make decisions about her own body is not. and so we continued advice for the constitutional rights of all women. to make decisions about their
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own body without interference by some legislative group of people that think that they can replace their judgment with her hundreds of migrants and asylum seekers from central and south america have blocked a crucial highway between mexico city and the state of pueblo group is traveling north to the us border, many beginning the weeks long journey without any food or water. but an increase in the number of migrants trying to reach the us in recent fund. the new exhibition at london's taped person is celebrating caribbean british art. life between island celebrates the cultural change that came when more than half a 1000000 people move to the u. k. from the caribbean, between 947 and 970 integration started after world war 2, when workers were needed to help rebuild prison. jessica bolton went to take a look. i 7 decades of art with
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a connection to the caribbean life between islands that tape britain is the 1st time a british museum with an international reputation is showcasing caribbean british are these are the, the history is recent history is we need to mind and we need to show that significance to today, and we need to show how they've continued through autistic practices through today . to walk through that history from the 1st artist arriving in the late 19 forties . artists exploring the dynamics of living between 2 cultures. she ain't holding them up. she's holding on looks at the strength, often expected of black women and points to the difficulties of maintaining her heritage while forging one's own identity. the black power movement of the
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sixties and seventies, documented by photographers calling out racism and discrimination the social and economic life of immigrants recorded as they settled and became established in britain. if that wasn't that influx of people coming from the carbon, you would get the richness of which shot we've got today. you wouldn't get the question of how pipe us british is today. filmmaker steve mclean provides a metaphor for the black d as flora as they navigate life in britain. a bay in jamaica overflowing with foliage juxtaposed with failing hotels, illustrates the joy of living with natural beauty. amidst the reality of economic hardship. since 1st arriving to phil labor shortages more than 70 years ago, people from the caribbean have had a vast influence on britain. every aspect of british life has been enriched by 4
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generations of people who came from islands across the atlantic. it's an important historic show planned before black lives matter and the black, cultural renee son's current events giving the exhibition even greater impact. jessica baldwin al jazeera london ah half off the hour. and these are the top stories, g, 7 foreign ministers, the gathering in liverpool in the u. k. long with delegates from assay on nations. the british foreign secretary is called for western unity against authoritarianism and threats from russia and china, where we challenge more with more from livable lives. trust is hosting this event is very much seeing this as a kind of meeting all.
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