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tv   [untitled]    December 11, 2021 7:30pm-8:01pm AST

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people from the caribbean has had a influence on britain. every aspect of british life has been enriched by 4 generations of people who came from islands across the atlantic. it's an important historic show planned before black lives matter and the black cultural renee silence, current events, giving the exhibition even greater impact. jessica baldwin al jazeera london ah, what you all deserve with me. the whole robin indo reminder of all top stories. dozens of people have been killed after storms in tornado toll through 6 us state. the governor of kentucky says more than 70 people have been killed in his state and the state has deployed any 200 national guard personnel to the worst hit areas. this has been the most devastating tornado event in our state's history. and for
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those that have seen it, what it's done here and grace, county, and elsewhere, it is indescribable. the level of devastation is unlike anything i've ever seen. you see parts of industrial buildings, roofs, or sightings, entries the trees are lucky enough to stand. huge metal polls then and half, if not broken, buildings that are no longer there. huge trucks that have been picked up and thrown and satellite far too many homes. the people were likely an entirely devastated the british foreign secretary and goals will western unity against all thought retiring? isn't the threats from russia and china? the u. k. is hosting g 7 foreign ministers in liverpool, along with delegate from the nation. talk sort of on the 2015 or on nuclear deal or
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continuing for another day in vienna, according to state television, around the president abraham. right. you see says ron is serious about the negotiations and if well powers are willing to remove sanctions and agreements can be reached. palestinians of the occupied west bank of voting and local council elections though the 1st pulse in 2 years. but the leaders of fatter and must remain at odds over went to hold the next general election, which was last held 15 years ago. hundreds of people have been evacuated from their homes, of the heavy flooding and the french ponies region. residents and suffers from being urged to stay at home and flood waters continue to rise, and the areas on red alert is long rainfall in the region takes its toll. those are the lines i'm back with moni is here on out there in half. now. next, it's people and power to stay with us. me. ah
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ah. the for 2 years the world has been wrestling with the damage that has cost millions of lives and affected billions more of us through economic contraction and restrictions on movements as people have reported here in 2021. it's also prompted claims that measures taken in the name of the features that have damaged civil liberties. now, as governments respond to the oma kron variance of the virus, we're sharing that episode again. i
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the, the corona virus pandemic has force governments around the world to take extra ordinary matches closing cities, banning travel and making people stay at home a month at a time, ah, in the race to defeat the disease. they've also had together huge amounts of data about whereabouts and i'll state of health digital contact. pressing tools offered the opportunity to try this larger number of contacts in a short period of time and to provide real time picture of the spread of the virus
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. but privacy campaign is now asking if all the new laws, technology and data gathering has been strictly essential. the way i like to frame what's been going on since the initial stages of the panoramic has been 1st government panic and they panics because they recognize that they didn't have the infrastructure being needed. and so what did they do? they use the infrastructure they had, which was intelligence agencies, policing and in the absence of any capability of testing, they thought, is there a way for technology to solve this problem? what we know is the crisis is the grounds on which long time erosions of our liberties a see that it can feel rarely difficult. making civil liberties arguments in the context of a crisis. you know, whether that is 911, which we've all learned an awful lot from whether that is the pandemic, because you're often painted as you don't care about public safety or public health
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. but exactly how of all civil liberties been eroded? what's been going on under the cover of cove it and we're back in march 2020. the high tech city state of singapore was one of the most enthusiastic adopters of using mobile phones for contact tracing. play your part in fighting code 19 with just 2 symbols. step one, download a truce together and help those around you to set it up to turn on your bluetooth. and it is as simple as that. as in many countries, the government said the app was voluntary, worked entirely on anonymized aidid, and his only tracking the virus, not the user. and that's really it. no jew, the patient, no other personal data is collected. but digital rights activists like li ting weren't taking their word for it. well, tech experts examined the code for it. they found that it wasn't doing all the
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things that it said it would do. so for instance, it said that the data would not be shared, would be totally a non match. and so on. it found that the data was shared more widely than it was supposed to was. so some government agencies at 1st take up with low until the app was made mandatory to access public areas like shopping malls. now it's used by nearly 80 percent of the population. but in january 2021, the government admitted the police had accessed the data for a murder investigation. police forces and palate under the criminal procedure caught block tin any data, and that includes the chance to get data for criminal investigations, even a normally quiescent, sing. a poll there was concern, it also brought up as a questions for people. so what their data has been used in what types of investigations can we trust that this is the only time that this has happened?
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at the time, i was volunteering quite heavily with us ex look as fights, organization. and one of my concerns was that the data from contact tracing could be used to identify sex workers in their clients. this has your trace together history. so over the past 25 days, these are the number of times that the devices with trace together have been pinged . and given that textbook as criminalized and singapore largely i was, i had some concerns that there is evidence to suggest digital contact rating can be more effective, the manual tracing, but privacy campaign is fe. these methods of surveillance will outlive their initial years. that's going to be one of the legacies of cobra, the whole idea that your mobile phone and an app and the telecommunications infrastructure design for you to enjoy spending your time communicating with others will be used to enforce your own natasha in the future. in
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israel, the government also employed mobile phones for contact tracing, but used a method that raised even more privacy concerns. while ordinary people struggled under heavily police locked downs. the pandemic like prime minister benjamin netanyahu divert public attention from fraud and bribery allegations, but demonstrations against corruption and the government handling of the pandemic erupted anyway. ah, baron was a regular protester during one of the locked downs when outside meetings were permitted, she met up with fellow activists. this is what we were doing that night. there was a party, a birthday party of day, one of my friends then the police just came it we're starting to harass ethan just wanted us to leave a few days later. i got the text message. says the date and the hours. you were
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near someone who was tested positive for her on a virus. you have to immediately starts a quarantine. this might seem normal for many countries, but an emergency regulation had allowed the shin bad israel secret service to run its track and trace program. in the mood, it's called lubbock, the ashley shoot vinny from the saw the so feel a hockey pavilions cannot opt out. they can't even off it. it's just the secret service tracking all civilians. anybody with in israel, you're the only democracy in the world to this day. that was using their secret services to do this. the shin, better often accused of breaching human rights law or in their treatment palestinians. but the revelation showed that they don't only operate in the west bank and occupied territories. the reason this happened is because the shouldn't bad already is tracing people instead of waiting for something new to be created,
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they already have a tool within the shin bet. the 2 was a secret years long program to monitor telecommunications across israel and palestine. i felt really angry because i had a feeling that because we were there, like many people from the process, it happened just about this event. it's an open question whether she was forced into quarantine because the state was targeting protesters or maley, protecting citizens from a deadly disease. but civil rights campaign and say that with shin bet, doing both. nobody would know in a democracy, can't be that there's a surveillance state in the sense that a government contracts, certain people. this can lead to a situation where the government knows about your sexual orientation about your political orientation. and what it can do is lead to a freezing effect, the phenomenon where people don't want to go outside and do certain things. let's say protests, because they have a fear of being trapped after several legal challenges. the government says the
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shin bet surveillance has now been scaled back, but the scandal opened at least some israeli eyes to the way palestinians are routinely monitored. i think that we finally has to fight against faith in all areas. a doesn't matter if it happened to him, and he's rarely, citizen or to someone in occupied territories. his really, really bad. this is a slippery slope act. words violating human rights in the early stages of the pandemic. other governments also experimented with electronic mass tracking . but with only marginal success, ultimately, it was recognized that this level of mass surveillance doesn't actually help you with a pandemic. so they decided to resort to what they do often as the next step, which is rely extensively on industry to sell them toys. your system shows of your help lady. i would recommend you to think about the industry. many governments tend
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to with biometrics, which uses unique personal traits like a face iris, or fingerprint to identify people for china, which was already openly using facial recognition in its big cities. the pandemic turbocharged the roll out in smaller towns across the country. the claim, the biometric and contactless transactions, a safer has obvious appeal for airlines. keen to get people back into the air says the c e o of quantas col, touch, travel people. now we see a huge move to that. yours mirrors in the space of a few more waiting change that will stay there forever. it's also a change coming to retail. this leading russian supermarket has teamed up with visa, so you can pay for your shopping with your face. a lot of it is a sort of form of tech solution at them, which is the idea that technology because it's shawny because it's new,
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contains all the outs and all of our problems in many people. so the unquestioningly trust technology or fume that it's going to be the most efficient or the best solution. but critics say biometrics is an industry with a checkered past around pre 911 where facial recognition was being touted by police, particularly in the united states as the great solution to producing problems without recognizing that their own forces have turned off the tech because it wasn't actually working, then $911.00 happened, it's just months later and all of a sudden governments are reaching for facial recognition and fingerprinting. so we deployed them at borders. we put them in passports without ever asking who does it work for? when does it work? when does it fail? what happens to somebody who it fails for today to get detained because something doesn't match. the biometric industry, same says, goes where the areas of opportunity, money and few questions a few years ago by industry is looking for a new market and
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a then decide to go for the next great domain of policy making where we don't care what happens to people and that was in the migration sector and refugees in refugee camps. so refugee agencies and, and governments for sponsoring refugee agencies to deploy fingerprinting, iris, and facial recognition. and again, i got a close up view of some of these in the, in refugee camps. the only people who didn't realize that the technology didn't work where the policy makers, everybody else knew the technology wasn't working, but it didn't stop the sale, the reliance and the shape of people's lives. space around. yes. now did the system say you're allowed an order the system deny you cause it failed campaign it say these systems are often 1st tried out away from criticality in the west like biometric voting, which has been trialed in afghanistan, uganda, and here in iraq with a pandemic maybe we can use facial recognition with people's faces covered. maybe we can use
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a camera to attract people across thought cities to do contact tracing. and in a post pandemic era, we can use facial recognition of borders. we can use facial recognition shops, we can use the facial recognition everywhere. and then we've forgotten why we deployed it with biometrics and by a survey that if there is a real risk that our kind of personal identity theft faces our fingerprints irises, we can't change size, they will be locked into a system forever. they can be voice if by hackers they can be forced by unscrupulous governments. and then when it was stuck has no way of resetting your face. it felt like a pamphlet. this is a kind of a permanent solution to a temporary problem. the temporary, becoming permanent, is just one of the concerns campaign of have around the n a test data store. a giant computer system failed using the personal data held by britain's national health service. where do you live and have yourself many allergies before?
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the any chance old personal information on over 60000000 people often going back decades then it has has one of the biggest stores of patient records going back through time. globally, it says standouts in terms of the nowadays, if it hasn't, is what, you know, billions of pounds and data is the new oil. as we know, data is money. normally in a chest data can only be used by those treating a patient. but when the pandemic struck, the rules were loosened. in march 2020, and a chest announced that they were setting up link with the kind of at 19 data still . and then they enter into 5 contracts with different tech companies. and that, that data store was going to be the kind of single source of truth about the pandemic. for the m f. the data store pulls together information from across the vast in a chest, including confidential details given to the 111 helpline, and even tech company location data. this would supposedly help ministers allocate
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resources by providing them with a real time dashboard of all aspects of the pandemic. but from the outset, almost every element of it worried privacy campaign as it was extremely vague. we didn't know what day to was going into it. we didn't know how it was being used. it was very secretive and emerged that the 1st contract had gone t pounds. here he built the back for this for just one pound, which of a soundcloud twist. dick helen, to a foundry, is a software platform that allows organizations to bring their teachers together and then enable se uses to conduct sophisticated analytics and operations on top of the unified date. talented have been criticized for providing its data mining capability to the cia and the u. s. board of force division ice, responsible for detaining an expelling migrants. they are not particularly well known for health. they are much more well known in relation to their defense
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contracts. they're spy tack the u. s. police force as they are not company that certainly we would immediately think would be appropriate. and indeed, we don't think are appropriate for non h s contrast. but the british government didn't seem that concerned when asked by a technology journalist, what talented might hope to get from a one pound contract with the secretary of state for health replied. the honest truth is, there is no way we would have been able to cope with this plan demick and deal with in the way that we have been able to without the support of the tech companies. i have been absolutely brilliant. i put together the platforms that we need and lots of them gave over their time and their capability for public benefits provide i rosa curling organization foxglove, a u. k. law firm set up to challenge big tech, took legal proceedings which forced the government to reveal the contract, which was for
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a pilot or trial project. the contract also detailed the types of data being used. what we did say was that the covenant they thought was collecting data on political affiliation, religious beliefs is collecting information about criminal convictions, an ethnic dates, her employment dates her does no understanding of why political, religious data was needed for, you know, a cave at 19 data so and much of this information is irrelevant to scientists. battling the pandemic. dr. pool mckay worked on britain faxing program. we have no interest in people by or politically affiliation or any of that type of thing. or we're just interested in the virus. how many cases are being picked up in a certain place? i'm then using not data to try to target interventions. is mainly the genome sequencing that is guiding what we do. privacy campaign is also worried about
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mission creek. the one set up this huge system would continue in operation off to the pandemic and expand into other areas. the government promised it was temporary, and then palin to assigned a new deal for 23000000 pounds. rosa went back to court and was allowed to see the new contract. the paypal at made clear that the mission crate was there, though the contract itself says how unconfirmed that purpose of the day to store was going to be increased and widened. and the other issue again, to also be live taps i v e o x set business monitoring, as usual, whatever that may mean relevant pandemic, the flavor, the government declined to respond to us directly. but as the story was unfolding the n h, jeff said strict state rules apply to everyone involved in helping in this critical task. companies do not control the data and on not committees to use or share it
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for their own purposes. at the end of the health emergency, their work will either be deleted or returned to be in a chest. in april 2021 palin to became an official u. k. government supplier, they rule. so sign contracts without european governments, including greece and the netherlands. the health ministries of the world are just, they're such prime targets for this industry. that is, they're sitting on a lot of data. don't know what to do with it. and then suddenly a sales person's knocking on the door saying, hey, we have experience from building policing systems, border systems, immigration systems, on taking mounds of data, mining it, and finding something interesting, why don't use us and we will help you. but it's our most sensitive and personal, there are health data and it's being used to essentially go the next generation of profiling technology. but it's not just governments that are accused of monitoring
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people under the cover of cove it good afternoon, you're from to brian hope kim assist you today as millions around the world. and now working from home, like brian unions raising concerns about the new forms of surveillance. so i was gonna get, the billing will promote as who we can find. brian's employ a requires him to account for every 2nd of his day. so when i go to the toilet, i have to click into disco escalate codes as basically notify them where i am at the end of june withers of, of going to the buffering for me, a minute extra when i get back as a few just going when are you when your time get back on calls, so could absolutely be monitored and we'll pay the cool thing to work. it's long been heavily monitored, but it's intensified with the move working from home without a mental thing. all beginning, comes it on a list of cruise, data, mandatory reasons. i don't want people, i've never met to see my, my hedge, which i think it's reasonable. the social agenda down into like,
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i don't know if i was a woman. i wouldn't necessarily want some man, i've never met being able to just randomly view my webcam. and in a university, strathclyde survey, 45 percent of all people working from home in the u. k said they are remotely watched in the face of the prospect union. andrew pay his worried what we've seen in the last year is that hand reach out from traditional industries where micro management is more common into all walks of life and whether it's office workers working at home. whether it's other phones professionals that study by digital rights organization, top 10 vpn, showed us sales of surveillance software increased by 51 percent during the pandemic. you've got software now that can measure your key strikes, how fast you're typing on your laptop or what word you're typing. it is easy now for employees to check your e mails for key words, whether you're chatting to different workers in who you're coming to. brian gives
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us a flavor of what they feel like we have, i guess, an employee for them when the web or and, and that was one of the few times people were right angry. and there was a said that disappears. so that just vanished suddenly. and there was then a 2nd fed, under people with enough fed saying, i've been told to call the pitch is the analytics allow companies to improve stuff productivity, thus increasing profit. but brian thinks employers benefit in other ways. it's also a sort of repressive measure. i think workers are much less likely to organize are much less likely to forget industrial action even speak to each other. this tracking is a global phenomena and amazon closed up roll when it announced the rollout of a i enabled cameras in the usa, the monitor neighborhood, and their drivers pressing and holding the driver alert button for 5 seconds. we'll turn the driver facing camera off. so you can have privacy while taking
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a break turn of ours has been the opportunity for businesses and governments to massively increase their power to increase a surveillance to increase their kind of control of every kind of minute area of our lives. and to roll that back is going to be very difficult. once these things orange juice for the greater good fry and safety are in health, in the guise of public health. civil rights advocates the this surveillance will be extended by the same measures. many countries hope will allow travel to review health passports. many leaders see them as a key to normality. the almost empty results at southern europe have helped convince the european union. with this digital certificate, we aim to help member states reinstate the freedom of movement in a safe,
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responsible and trusted mental. israel has reopened gyms and hotels with its green pulse. currently, a q r code showing vaccination, state many, including vaccine scientists think they are inevitable elsewhere. i don't personally like the idea back seem passport, but obviously of another country and that we show we have but they did. we want to go to their country. we would have to have support, obviously for local years. i think it's a terrible i get. i would discriminate against people. but the civil rights, 10 painters, the dangers go much deeper. discrimination wouldn't be a side effect of this discrimination is the whole point of the whole point to the co. the hospital would be to create a 2 tier societies where the wealthy with that shiny co passes can go to the special vaccinated only hotel is vaccinated, stoney restaurants, in the airplanes and liver kind of continued privilege life. while those who are
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unable to show the right digital pass are locked out of society permanently. in fact, critic fair all of the intrusive new technology that a paid during the pandemic is here to stay. you don't build all that tech to then just easily shut it down. the moment that the w h o says it's no longer a pandemic. 911 allowed for the use of identification at borders and for transport in a way that we've never had. and what governments have never had the capacity to do before with the add the next desirable layer, which is health, medical and personal detail, personal information answer will have built the infrastructure for all of that. and all of a sudden you have the perfect identity system involving biometrics, modern software, smartphones, all the fight, a pandemic. that one would hope, that if you deploy the vaccines sufficiently, you don't need a passport anymore. but you'll have an identity system as the end result of this
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entire initiative. the ah a guest.
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ah, ah ah, ah. this is ben the most devastating tornado a van in our states history. catastrophic tornadoes and storms ripped through kentucky and 5 other us states killing dozens of people. ah, ha ha ha robin. you're watching. i was, they were like what headquarters here? and also coming up britain house, the g seven's top. diplomats telling them to stand up against global aggressors as they discuss russia's military buildup on ukraine's border.


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