tv [untitled] December 13, 2021 9:30am-10:00am AST
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the me who the i'm sammy's a dining hall with a look at the headlines here now jazeera now us president joe biden has declared a major disaster in the state of kentucky. off the tornadoes ripped through towns and areas in 5 of the states. search teams are trying to find survivors also. friday nights. disaster. heidi joe castro has moore from the town of mayfield in kentucky. i spoke with one gentleman who is an attorney here. he pointed out, down from where i'm standing, the hospital in which he was born. that has been destroyed. now he owns
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a law firm on the other side of the street where he went to work every day that have been destroyed as well. i mean, this is not just physically, the town of mayfield that has been leveled, but it is decades of history of memories, of things that mean tangible memories and mean things to these people. and so they are, of course, grieving for the loss of their town. u. k. prime minister barak johnson is warning of a coming tidal wave of the army kron variant. the government has raised the current of virus threat level and is urging people to get a 3rd vaccine shop. south africa, the president, sir, i'm a poser, has tested positive for covey. 19 his office released a statement saying he felt unwell officer estate memorial service for former president f. w. the clerk. he's being treated for mild symptoms. rom, oppose, or has been vaccinated against the virus. austria has lifted a partial lockdown for people vaccinated against coven. 19. it allows vienna's
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christmas markets to reopen, but those who haven't been jabbed will continue to be banned from many businesses and venues. foreign ministers from the g 7 group of nations of warning russia it'll face massive consequences if it invades ukraine. russia's military build up near ukraine's border has dominated the 2 day meeting. moscow denies any plans of a military offensive. south korea and astray via have signed the defense deal worth $1000000000.00. soul will supply australia with artillery ammunition supply vehicles and radar president, moon j n and is trailyn prime minister scott morrison is also confirmed. a quarantine free travel bubble between the 2 countries. it's portal now. ah
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mm. welcome to portal. i'm sandra. gotten back with more great content from the digital side of al jazeera, that's our website, social media, and podcast. this week, it's all about the environment. we've got a film from the canadian architect about a community that's being threatened by rising sea levels. and we look at the push to make eco side and international crime. what's ecos? i keep watching and will tell you that 1st, what do guatemala somalia and california all have in common? well, there are places that have been hit with extreme weather caused by climate change, and people are being forced to leave their homes because of it. in this instagram video, ha plus has pulled together some of those stories. take a look. mm. mm hm. with one here,
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familiar with the series host net, clark, alto, 0, environment correspondent, ah, more powerful, more intense, more destructive, extreme weather is the new norm. yes, we've always had hurricanes and droughts and qualifies and floods, but never on this scale. and that's because the world is getting hotter than ever. greenhouse gas emissions are created. this blanket of su to around the trapping heat. and that's why areas that are prone to wildfire like california parts of southern europe will, australia say, are experiencing record hot dry conditions, enabling these deadly funds to envelop swathes of land. that's an unprecedented rate. and at huge costs and whitley is dry, air is get dry because of global warming wet areas. let me get water this because
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it's warm, air increases, evaporation. does it increase the amount of water vapor up there, the atmosphere for storms to suck up? a recent study has directly linked that to the devastating flooding in germany and belgium, which kill 200 people. this summer. storm systems also drawing more energy from warming oceans which creating more powerful harkins and cyclic. and this is projected to get worse as a climate continues to war. and just for good measure, remember that is locust swarms that struck east africa and southwest asia. studies are linking them to. yes, climate change, warmer weather conditions, means bonanza time for the local swarms. now i realize all this couldn't be more depressing, but there is a way out the evidence and the data is already clear. we have to stop adding to that blanket of greenhouse gases. well, we can all do all in the environment. the fundamental responsibility lies in the
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hands of governments and big corporations, the frost that vacant emissions, the safer we will be. now in the end, the answers to many of our biggest environmental challenges come down to changing human behavior, which is easier said than done, but couldn't change to international law help. well, there's a growing movement of people who think so they want the international criminal court to include eco side as a crime. for the explainer series. start here, my team and i asked what he go side is and what difference it could make. ah, let's talk about eco side. the planet is di. rising, temperature is melting, ice caps, deforestation, drought, and mass extinction. we need to stop tracing this crisis like a crisis. we are on the verge, could be a beast. could
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a change to international law be part of the answer. there's now a push for a new crime ego side to be included in the international criminal court. making ecos, i'd a serious crime alongside will crimes and genocide could really underpin and strengthen the whole edifice of environmental. so what does ecosign actually mean? how would it work? and can it really make any difference or this is the idea weren't leaders. corporate ceos could stand charlan an international court for destroying the natural world, the same court where people are prosecuted for genocide. and the idea has been around for a while since the 19 seventy's. during the vietnam war, the u. s. military destroyed vast areas of jungle and crops by spring agent, orange, a toxic chemical american official. that doesn't hurt humans or animals or have any
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lasting effect from fun. but to take an american botanist use the word ego site to describe what was going on and said we need a new international agreement to banish and at different points as to the seventy's eighty's and even ninety's. there were calls for new convention to go alongside the genocide conventions. and now now people are talking about it again. i really like madeline and now we're nowhere near the climate targets limit global warming set out in the paris agreement. the way we're going entire coastal cities will be flooded by 2050 because of rising sea levels. in roughly the last 50 years wildlife populations have declined by around 2 thirds. and our oceans are filling up with plastic unless we acknowledge that way deeply, intertwined with the ecosystems that support us. we are heading towards the cliff edge as environmental destruction grows. so as support for this idea of eco side,
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i think it's just started to capture people's imagination because there's this urgency, errands, the climate crisis, environmental crises that were a say. so this feels like something tangible. and now we actually have a legal definition for ego side. this year, a panel of top criminal and environmental lawyers put their heads together for several months. and this is what they came up with. unlawful or want an ox committed with knowledge that there is a substantial likelihood of severe and either widespread or long term damage to the environment being caused by those acts. it was a point to include 12 in dot definition, which really means to reckless disregard for damaged as clearly excessive in relation to the social or economic benefits. so one might look like some environmental as, for example, think that the tar sands and alberta canada described of the world most destructive
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oil operation is a form of ego side. others think officials at the fukushima power plant in japan and continue dumping radioactive water into the ocean. might also be committed niko side i. so if, if a company don't toxic weiss off the coast tooth, let's say a country in africa and it caused severe and i to walk widespread a long term damage. that will be a relatively straightforward case for the prosecution. the key to that case would really be to show those involved knew the substantial likelihood on thought home occur. so where does it go from here? well, the idea is that it will be adopted by the international criminal court. right now the i, c, c has jurisdiction over 4 kinds of atrocities. they all relate to human suffering. ecosign, if accepted, would be added as a 5th, a crime against nature. but it will require 2 thirds of the courts member states to accept a change to the rome statute. the treaty that underpins the i see,
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see that at least 82 states. we sound like an awful lot. but if you put together many of those vulnerable states, each state having of 8, if not perhaps as unreachable as you might think, european countries like belgium and france are getting behind it, fulfill also does keel. so bellman donna de la donna shannon. so how would it work? well, the law wouldn't be applied retroactively, so no one would go down for say chernobyl. and there are also the limitations of the court itself. some major countries aren't even members of the icy, including the world's top 3 polluters, china, that us and india. but that doesn't necessarily mean that individuals from non member countries would be off the hook. so let's say i did a u. s. company is committing if i didn't venezuela, i'm just inventing this and that they have an operational office in belgium and belgium ratifies this. if bessie has said which in belgium they can be arrested and tried. beth. so there is
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a kind of breadth of possibility and it's not individual accountability, that supporters of ego side say might be a really powerful deterrent. one of the most effective tools or any society has to change behavior is criminal law. and when the criminal law is international, has a real all changing the behavior if even the worst environment recruits. the trouble is there is a lot of doubt about whether the icpc has the teeth to really enforce eco side. and it's nearly 20 year history. the court has heard 30 cases and judges of handed down 10 convictions, and there are still a lot of questions. what extracting oil count as eco side, how do you prove there was prior knowledge of severe harm to nature? and our countries that want to keep growing their economies going to see eco side as an obstacle international crew law is not a panacea. full details on the planet. aniko saw it can't change everything by itself. it's not a silver bill. it,
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it's also not going to change the fact that our current system is premised on environmental destruction. so if we don't have this broader systemic change, we will continue to destroy the find it will. this also occasionally put some on on trial. no one's really saying ego side is the whole answer, but it supporters believe it can be one part of the global fight against environmental destruction. and its power isn't necessarily about putting people in prison. it's about turning up the pressure for our last item. this week we're taking you to the arctic circle in the far north of canada and a place called took to yup. took for the indigenous community living there. the arctic wilderness has always been a part of their lives. but global warming means that wilderness is now changing. and so is there way of life. what's this? ah, iceberg garden mo, slowly, all gone. oh,
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this disappearing warmer weather. permafrost melting climate change. it's taking longer to fries. so are uncertain being delayed in the original migration route for some of the animals are taking longer to either freeze so they could cross or they have to migrate a different route. as you can see were loaded to go across to a place called water creek. we're gonna try jiggle for only and we're going to be traveling on a boat border, 6 inches ice. i guess when i was younger about this time we'd be at least a foot of ice and right and our vineyard and back then. and the tide is up. it's
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becoming risky. the temperatures are warmer. lee got next to nothing for snow. it's getting scarier . when i go there i'm. even when i'm on my way there. i know i'm on my way to peace. quiet, peaceful. no full, no doorbell, no, t v no, just be out on a land. enjoy the fresh air. a bo 12 years old when i start going out on land with my grandmother. i do a loaner hunting for my family for us to eat dinner,
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survive for as we can really only depend on the store cause it's too much the way the prices are going up nowadays for gas and food. i get them involved like we seen my 6 year old scale and fish, he comes checking that to me and then when he sees me scaling and then he's interested in the want to try and i let him try now he's holton and then now i just got to wait till his little hold and i'll bring him out on lanta and carry, we'll hunt oil. we never overkill. we just take what we need for the season. i was always taught to help my people if i or if i over catch i, i help out the community by giving out to the elders and a single mother. mm
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. mm. mm mm. i love that 1st year over packaging me. her, my brother, the sad news livermore, they're huge in the middle there. you're still cold from 60 below. some damaged 80. below a glitch colon dog dish burke, starter mound slowly are all gone now. people getting to be more and more all the time. finish work. the more people the more pollute the words when is pollution from or if we have to really do something about it because the defects online because we're worried about
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the tides are coming in my proper use are rolling area. and what am i going to do? like i can just move my house to where i feel safe. i didn't have to be really starting all over again. like our shore line down at the point was followed the housing. how was this one time now? you go down and wait. it's empty now. due to shore ocean higher waters stronger when you see the big white house there. used to be 5 of them here. and then police barracks. they were up on top, the hidden layer shop here. they're all gone.
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originally our home was on the right on the shore of the arctic ocean. and last year they ended up moving us here and it was really scary. the waves would crash on the, on the shores and a road little by little every year. what literally would have gotten swept into the ocean, real shame that we had to had to move because we were actually on the spot where, where my grandfather's parents actually lived, the entire community might have to move within 50 years. hm. yeah, the kids will end up seeing this happening again in a very not so distant future. mm. climate change
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me as a hunter traveler, i've noticed a lot of the blake connect to the ocean are drying out. be nice to nord up and now that i've seen a lot of erosion going on where i go hunt my reindeer, there's a big hole over old. and i'm hoping 50 years from now or 20 at least this creek isn't dried out like these other creek. so you'd leafy shudder out here as i love fishing and couple of the lakes and creaks. i one tour dried pretty well to nothing. nothing left in them so oh, look at jack. wow. boy, those fisher coming out there to day scared for
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flooding. main one is flooding scary for the kids. not only that, our not to go out and do what i'm doing today. scary. what do you think that that had a few people that pulled dishes who don't believe or don't care about come change. it. they don't know how it was 4050 years ago, and now that's why they prob can leave us if they don't leave it. there. they're surrounded by tall, tall buildings. and how can you see erosion through all landline come down to my part of the country and i can literally show you that their timely changes is happening. everyone
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can make a little bit of a difference. i would say tax to one percent. we talk a lot of problems that make life easier for those whose lives are harder where you have to monitor number thing because the more the more fear or more pollution is coming out. but do good god who didn't, how revere wandered? you tools, it's all for really no joke. we're. we're almost under the ocean. well that's it from portal this week. remember there's lots more great video and audio on our website and social media channels. i'll be back next week until then. see you online.
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frank assessments this crisis is continued to weaken a look. i shall go up even though perhaps he believes in the beginning that it looks better informed opinions. i think politicians will now be under incredible pressure from their young people. that is one of the most helpful things to come out of this critical debate. do you think that they should be facilitated? not ciocca. it's a great, it's a really simple question. let's give samuel a chop swans inside story on al jazeera. ah, mother nature's gift of cultural landscapes, a strong infrastructure governance arising where investments are waiting to flourish. we're greed, tv, even supplied by tradition, news where beautiful possibilities are offered.
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what we do at al serra is try to balance this story and leave the people who allow us into their lives, dignity and humanity. do you want to bank that puts the pro before the product. you see products don't see the big picture for businesses. experts do. this is why net thank business banking up as a team of experts. federal invest themselves in understanding your business needs to guide your growth during a time when product alone, cynthia antenna. so in an ever changing business world, do you want a bank that takes your money or a bank that takes your money seriously? need bank bigger picture business banking? mm mm. each and every one of us is about to responsibility. to change our personal space for the better a we could do this experiment and of us could increase just
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a little bit that wouldn't be worth doing. anybody had any idea that it would become a magnet, louise, incredibly rare species are asking for women to get 50 percent representation in the constituent assembly here. and jenny, these people begun to collect the segregated sales, re saying business, extremely important service that they provide to the city or we, we need to take america to trying to bring people together, trying to deal with people who could love beyond the political, the racial that's challenging the way you think, have agencies fail hating the situation is was that it was before the different found both and digging into the issue is a military advancement. going to stop the family to guy is and that have company to devise enough people out of very, how will private migration differ for those who have in those who don't have lot of
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countries say we will pay poor countries to keep refugees there. a park with me, mark lamond hill on al jazeera. ah, you as president declares a major disaster in the state of kentucky as survivors of the tornadoes pick up the pieces. ah, i'm hello, hey jean, this is al jazeera life from bill ha! also coming up the u. k. prime minister races the corona virus alert level.
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