tv [untitled] December 13, 2021 2:30pm-3:01pm AST
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see, there is a gab of coordination between these institutions that have been established in the law that slowing down the process and the career kind of bureaucratic procedures in a place where the sun shines more than 320 days a year. solar panels could solve the electricity problem, but it is the israeli occupation that's preventing the past tinian goals of energy self reliance. need abraham al jazeera, the occupied west bank. ah, this is al jazeera and these are the headlines south africa presidency. rama poser has tested positive for cove with 19 is being treated from mild symptoms. on a poser has been vaccinated against the virus. for me, the miller has more from johannesburg. these being monitored by military doctors, they say that he's doing well then while he's there,
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i say lation. his duties will be performed by the deputy president, the prison presidency rather, hasn't expressed any deep concern around him testing positive. but this does come just after that eulogy that he gave at the memorial for the former president f, w, the clerks that he was around people and also off the back of a west african to a way, visited several countries. so those who've been around the president have been told to isolate crowds and sit on or protesting against the deal, the prime minister signed with the military last month. the political agreement, so a 100 reinstated as prime minister weeks after the military had sustained him and sees power. the deal was rejected by sedans, largest or physician coalition. the u. s. president has declared an emergency in kentucky after tornadoes devastated the states. this means more funding and aid for a region for more than 60 people have been killed. the british government has
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raised its corona virus threat level and is encouraging people to get booster shots . it's warning the spirit of the on the con, variance is pushing the u. k back into risky territory. yes, trailing state of queensland has now opened all vaccinated domestic travellers for the 1st time. in nearly 5 months. queensland shots its borders in july to its neighboring states as a way to curb cases. the latest trial of ost admin mar, leader on since she has been adjourned until next week, said she is accused of violating pandemic restrictions. she was already sentenced to 2 years in prison the earlier in december, in a separate case and the tally balance has become the 1st as really prime minister to make an official visit. the united arab emirates is held meetings with chrome, prince muhammad's and science to discuss deepening relations and economic and regional issues. the u. e. establish formal diplomatic ties with israel last year, and that's you up to date,
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to stay with us insights story is up next. ah, is another war brewing in the bulk is politicians in the bosnian serb republic have voted to pull out of the union with bosnia and herzegovina, western countries of warning that the session could de stabilize the entire region yet again. so why do the serbs want to quit? now? this is inside stored. ah
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i welcome to program on kim vanelle. it's being described as the most serious crisis in the balkans region since the bosnian war at war ended in 1995 of the ethnic cleansing atrocities kill tens of thousands. both millions to escape the route of peace since then is being endangered by growing nationalistic rhetoric and a vote to split from bosnia and herzegovina. on friday, politicians in the bosnia serb republic over public. a serb sca voted to pull out of bosnia and herzegovina is 3 major institutions, the armed forces as well as the legal and taxes. stance. condemnation of the secessionist move has come from the united states. the european union, britain, france, germany and italy all warning that the stability of the whole balkan region is threatened. me pull out your massages to where withdrawing our permission for the joint armed forces of bosnia herzegovina. in the next 6 months, we will talk and see if there is a possibility to form on your structure for the armed forces,
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considering our position. or we will any of 2 options to form an army of republic, a set up sca, or submit the law for the general demilitarization of bosnia. and will begin our discussion about latest developments in a moment. but 1st, let's take a look at what happened before. between 1900. 92 in 1995 bosnian serbs, muslims, and croats for a bloody war which killed an estimated 200000 people and divided the country along ethnic lines. western nations intervened by sending military forces to keep the warring sides apart. after a u. s. initiative, peace was eventually achieved and what's known as the dayton accords. they divided bosnia into 2 autonomous regions. the federation of bosnia and herzegovina as well as the bosnian serb republic, republic. a serb sco both would function independently. but when govern jointly sharing the institutions of security, the rule of law and the economic system, which now the bosnian serb republic wants to withdraw from ah.
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okay, let's bring in our guests in sarajevo, the capital of bosnia and herzegovina, and its largest city roof by a rich who is a former bosnian government minister. he's also vice president of the u. s. europe alliance. that's an american organization which campaigns to boost trans atlantic ties and serbia largest city belgrade is jericho. crotch, former deputy prime minister of serbia. and in the german capital berlin, we have bought over senior associate at the democratization policy council. it campaigns to boost liberal democratic values, a very warm welcome to you all. thank you for joining us all inside story. i'd like to begin with, you are a bite of ich, i just wanna get your reaction. first off to this move by legislators are in the republic a service go to essentially start withdrawing from these important national institutions . well, this is a clear attempt at breaking up a buzzing and her to go. you know,
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as we know, the bonding on war was stopped in 1995, but never really ended. the war simply moved from the battlefield to the institution and the bosnian serb leadership lead lead by mr. miller with the full support. and this is an important. ready point of lead me to russia have deemed it the right time to try to finish what they. ready started during the war. ready in the ninety's. so we're talking about a continuation of the genocidal policies of the ninety's with other by other me. so the idea here is to achieve budget work time goals which were which included perpetrating agenda through diesel me. so they want to basically use
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the parliament to finish off what they couldn't do on the battlefield. okay. jack are allowed to bring you in. do you agree with that assessment or what do you see as, as the aim here? as far as the daughter is concerned, the milliner know, did i agree that mill road dick basically was in or on a rolled her to separation of the public, a subs come from boston and had to go in. he's very clear about that. he's not so clear about the data terms, but he just the parliament of triple because sometimes they just won't. it's flora. i must emphasize that the whole of the opposition in that parliament walked out. but his party, which has a majority just wanted to go along this process or separation, or which means he wants again to have a separate army in a public, got some scar. he wants to have
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a separate security agency and some other institution, which is their proctor a. the 1st serious will go up the simulation. he's not yet saying this is a but a sure, but he mentioned that white the number of times in previous month that at the end of this process, he wants a friend on a separation. meaning that a bully got some scout would, would become, are a sovereign in separate states from boston and had to go ok, i'd like to bring you in. but other, if that is the road, that republicans, there is on. what do you imagine the fall out? will be, well, i'm not sure. i mean, this is the road. is it the, the aim of mr. dorthy? i'm not so sure i'm, i'm rather worried that this is a choice product by a completely, ah, in serious west and it's deterrence or failure and fear of a result of 15 years of appeasement policy. that did not function at all. it,
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it backfired. i meant policy while we have been appeasing since 2005 when basically the west has unilaterally deal arms and is not using its instruments in by night civilian and military instruments to appease nationalist agenda starting with mr. dicks. but we are currently seeing even an in the more deepening crisis of the west since the beginning of this year, or something we've seen in costs or surveys the last 3 years off western negotiators, middle era officials of you and us trying to negotiate some settlements, allegedly a trying to push through some breaking some political deadlocks on the reform agenda, but they see is by giving in international agenda in the so called negotiations over a reform of the electoral law. and i see the current escalation in this context in
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which really the west is in the price, isn't it? and is, is basically throwing overboard. it's democratic principles. and while he was, and i fear that the current dynamics, i mean mr. duty for 15 years is playing with fire. he is a machiavellian opportunity as he is using the them. the tools that at this, this functional both in state gives him by raising ethnic tensions. for 15 years he is threatened maybe 30 times with profession or referenda for it seems for the whole time that he's, he's enjoying and he has altered turn rule by not, you know, implementing these threats. and i'm not sure that was his plan. in this case, i've p m, or that we already know very deep territory of political miscalculation in which he is finally forced to implemented threats and has no way to your turn this because of the if you're responsible acting of you and us fish. ok, we'll talk about possible all from a little later in the program. but of it,
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is this a done deal then? is this is this happening or dis miller ed study? want to negotiate like it is there and all friends. well, the off ramp is there, but don't, it does not want and offering the west has repeatedly been offering off ramps to do for the last 15 years. and every single time he would take the one there would give him the most basic to be there. you last off ram, but what i fear is happening now is that it really is not acting along. he's acting at the behest of blood in it. and what's happening in body, i think, can only be meaningfully understood if you analyze it in conjunction with what's happening across europe. so you, crane boys and girls are in my view part of the scene crisis. that is to get it
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from moscow. a little bit more. do you think that the build up of us and forces in east in ukraine is connected to what's happening here? can, can you just explain a little bit more for me? well don't it was this was put in several days ago. she meets him frequently. russia is openly supporting the session drive and has been doing that for many years now. mr. wooten has managed to get a for, for a number of years you and especially berlin, anglo merkel. that's a consent for, you know, daughter's behavior. because keep in mind that it was ever sanctioned by european union, nor were any, nor did any of the member states decide to bilaterally sanctioned him or cause any sort of a headache for here. so this is part and parcel of what's going on across europe. russians are there fully for do, and this is something that a lot of people in the you don't want to see. they want to pretend that the crisis
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in bosnia and i think it's a regional crisis. it's on or, you know, what stays in, but what happens in it doesn't stay above above, you know, it's not like biggest, you know, it's not something that you sort of piece of piece, you know, piece of european real estate where you can have an isolated price and that's on us to lower the same applies to ukraine of course, but it has vocal support. so there are a number of indicators, the russian hybrid, so called little green men. i think people have entered bonds, even in 2014. you have there are military units that the bosnian serbs have a built up with the russian help you had the usual suspects like the, the biker gangs, the, the people who showed up 1st in the crimea, in 2014 visit the bug and several times. and it sort of looks like the same strategy except for the rush, the russians are unable to deploy because by their so far away, they have to fly over either ukraine or to natal member state bulgaria,
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or romania. and it's not easy for them to get a rise to do a lot. i hear what you're saying. i want to know. i want to move this on to i new york, correct. what has serbia said about these latest developments? in particular, how does it do it? well, we have a president who was, a young man in ninety's should belong to the most radical nationalistic party. and serbia mostly allied with some other military and he's party, he's a bit more silent lately. seeing obviously that the kids are that they sent them or might have a very dangerous in. but there is no doubt that mulligan actually supports what this is not doing. if you look at the tabloids in serbia, which i really really controlled by the government, a dance reporting body,
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that is absolutely no criticism. what don't doing. and ironically it, it goes under the very liberal. i thought that people are entitled to heaven and friend on monday. i have faith. it looks a little bit closer to what you have in crime me. i'm not comparing really directly because i'm either really separate skate, but it looks like this. you know, like i was going to have a referendum and most of the people will vote for independence. so we'll see what comes next. the problem is that i'm not so sure that the, or has a job or comp some joint joint position on this. i want to remind you that a few weeks ago, the prime minister, hungary mr. arman, was due by the look of that's a capital of republican, some sca that these a political support for mister vondik in a very critical moment. and obviously mister dorothy is a seizing the moment he seeing that by then administration has internal problems
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that are now engaged in southeast asia. neisha generally that there is a crisis on a border between ukraine and russia. and he is a very nickel using this one. but he's not losing sight of what's happening elsewhere in the world, the movement european unit. i don't have some strongly that i'm sure not, your macro is that kind of for leader america is now officially i retired a not active anymore politically. so he's actually using the moment don't fulfill his promise that the book, because such guy at the moment once he saying is that they want beck or a certain rights they had before before the army was unified. even separate army, separate vertical institutions, separate the security and so on and so are, are what you hear. i agree with mister there,
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but you see importance in foreign policy specially in regard to thought that europe you see importance or political importance of, of european union and the c. u. s. not really having very high on their list of priorities. international, the balkans, in bosnia. so don't it is actually a very correctly judging that he perhaps might even go through with all these things get going without a real sanctions or are they are warnings to him. they are even sits said in a lloyd the sanction. or even if it seems like you're saying that he seeing him on that end and he seizing it. mr. vitaware, would secession necessarily mean war? some have decide describe the status quo is akin to keeping bosnia and herzegovina on life support as opposed to, to, to really curing the problem. while i mean,
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we have to understand on the one side there, as i said, i mean this, these threats are here for 15 years. dozens of times we had these threats on this by the, the, our as national assembly for it's of succession a referendum. but he has never been that years now. these are the most concrete and for this going step. and the notion that has creeped under the skin of people in boston is that of war. that that is that of the 99 he's for of course we are not here where we have been in the ninety's. we don't have ethnic armies. it is very hard to see practically how mr. dodie could form an average. how he could. i mean, the question is, could he break up the bosnian army while the leadership, which is still ethnic for sure, could go that way or their new soldiers are really not inclined. like, like citizens imposing nodding, flying, including in the arrest. the goal, any of these dangerous pass and mr. cortez already mentioned, half of the,
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of all of the parliament has left the parliament out of protest against this dangerous past the position. so it would, per sure not be over in the classical sense. but i mean, this is let, let us understand, this is not returning of any competencies. this is an anti constitutional path, and it would be an unfair constitutional. it has been an anti confucius decision. and in the arrest parliament this friday and promote implementing these, these announce laws that with implement this policy until may this year would be anti constitutional. so i mean this, this, this will lead to the breakup of bosnia and this cannot be peaceful if even if it's not war in the classical sense or even in the 90 a sense. and of course, as mr. by rich has mentioned this cannot stay local or whatever. the intimate procedure of mr. which is the president, which is in survey, is by not openly speaking up. and basically, you know, by a, by pretending they had, they have, by pretending they, they,
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they do not share the position, but by basically lending the fact to support this is really invasion, direct, original security, whatever the russian procedure in here is. i just have to remind me that it was my organization that in 2014 published the information that beg then mr. though they already wanted to go after the ukraine crisis, 30 bank station of crimea for succession, that he was pushed by putting, whether that type time mr. which was a lower said through to you integration. the west was not going along. so, i mean, if we talk about the scenario we're rochelle will or will not affect your train, it would be in an interest of me to mr. pudding to open the 2nd front than that. something that's currently completely omitted from western debate and from west and couples. ref, but which one analysts pen the suggestion and i'm interested in your take on it that the dayton accords was a good way to end the war. but a bad way to build
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a state that it has basically inherent problems. what's your take? well, dates in the system, does that mean? i don't think there's anyone who works on the who tell you that that's not the case . the problem here that data is not being held. so the crisis is really not about date. and my view, the crisis is about deciding that he does not like now the language she uses is one of legalese, way of describing that what he's doing is really not. that's crazy. but i mean there's virtual consensus in the hours community that we're doing is doing will lead to contract. and i think i hope that both right. but i think that we would have a serious, serious type of conflict. i don't think you'd be you know, several,
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several isolated. ready incidents dipole conference. it would be a real, real off because there are too many personal r as is a non contiguous. and so for daughter to really make the independent state, he would need to see which is a city in the north obasi. i would separate the ours and to there's the sure area around cerebral so basically variable would be once again you would have a form for the army right above it. we're talking about 3400 meters. the bird flies so that those things cannot simply cannot. they cannot stay and do it. he is aware of this, it's very difficult to understand why he's pushing doris, which in this conflict would be the week or so. i mean, i think people agree about it as well. why he's pushing ers to to, to, to the break or more and the opposition in the are a saying that he's basically gambling with what day during the war. i think they're
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correct because the court, this, the trolls, the whatever you had on the front lines in terms of war and basically wrote a constitution based on that. now the facts on the ground 2526 years they're different. so it's really hard to understand duties, motivation and the only reasonable explanation that that one can make is that he's being pushed into this by putting because put them in mind you have been asking from doing that. he actually, you know, create as deep of a crisis in the bottom as possible and is what i said, this is the 2nd for, for clinton or maybe a 3rd trunk. maybe we'll see something in those as well. yeah. for that. and i come back to you, do we know what the people in the republican service go want? where did these they support these move? so not surely, that's very good question. and a few times in the past weeks,
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i asked myself the same question because a somehow speaks for the all of the people, because i'm to go, i don't want to go in this program into technicalities, but it will make us some scar is now almost ethically a one percent 100 percent serbian it wasn't so before the war will go into the results of war because planning and horrible, horrible crimes. but at the moment a, it's almost ethically completely certain, sir. serbia and i haven't seen any or been important effect that opposition walked out. i think it's significant. it's not just be cutting a hoisin power water who will gain its own. it's another serious move by the way. but the guy said when they walked out that they are traitors, it's an interesting guy. a. so i said i saw a rare, i want to pause you there because because i can see at a off of it. yeah. and i just want to set the record straight
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with my respect, very much level because those guys don't really ethically homogeneous. about 20, almost 20 percent of the population is not cert. so you have a large, large returning communities above. yes, it will because i'm sca, especially in the area or in eastern bosnia they're used to party such as 7. so then the reality i majority, so the daughter would have to essentially, you know, engage an ethnic cleansing again because those populations are not going to accept being, you know, being part of overstayed, that's on bosnia. mean this is, this is another element of why what she's doing is completely the range. and i think the local sir population, if you were to ask them, honestly, would you be willing to wage a war for independence of our as knowing what you know now did there the weaker side? because in 1992 and the war started the service over $95.00. so the weapon this
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time around it's, you know, it's, it's the back side. it's more are so, i mean, i don't be very, very surprised if the people in the us actually wanted really wanted to fight a war that they would lose. which, which brings me, brings me back to the point to put that i think this is a suicide move. i go to in many ways, i mean these are your because this crisis will not be reached. ok, unfortunately we have run out of time. i really appreciate you joining us hair on inside story. i think thank you to, i guess may of but of it joe caught up and vote a photo of it and thank you for watching. you can see the program again any time by visiting our website, algebra dot com. and to found the discussion, go to our facebook page. that's facebook dot com, forward slash again, that's the way it goes to join the conversation on twitter handle is a james. i story for making vanelle and the whole team here, and they'll have a
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ah on counseling, the cost, all rich countries ready to put the belt for a global at court and demick preparedness, hypersonic missiles are driving a new arms, right. so what's the big deal behind them and solar powered vehicles we explore to cause that harnessing the sun, counting the car on edge, is it? if america held up a mirror to itself, what would it see in a sense, race is the story of america. what's working and what's not a lot of people were only talking about that. it wasn't at the top of the agenda.
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if america can't handle multiple challenges on multiple fronts, we need to go back to school. the bottom line on al jazeera, once upon a time, finally fled from and so silent in the snow, eli sisters, who so scanner thinks and back not been to speed within sound. ah little boy, had it to escape to mars shape, mate square. how will they story and weakness wake up with moms out there a
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with awe. mm. mm hm. again, peter w watching al jazeera life from all your top story, south africa's presidents, several rum, a post, so has tested positive for cubic 19. he's being treated from mild symptoms from a poster it has been vaccinated against the virus. from the miller has worn out from johannesburg, he's been monitored by military doctors. they say that he's doing well. and while he's in isolation, his duties will be performed by the deputy president,
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