tv [untitled] December 13, 2021 6:00pm-6:30pm AST
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the best of it, the trying to frighten the people to be the to go somewhere else. the truth is that it got nowhere else to go. so if you missed it online, catch up here with me. sandra, got men on al jazeera. ah . ready this is al jazeera ah hello, i'm adrian finnegan. this is that he's are live from doha, coming out to the next 60 minutes. the u. k. reports, it's 1st known death linked to alma crohn. after sounding the alarm about how fast the curve at 19 variance is spreading. the idea that this is somehow a milder version of the virus. i think that's something we need to set on one side, a drumming home,
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the frustration people that saddam returned to the streets denouncing the prime minister for signing a deal with the military. president joe biden declares a major disaster in the state of kentucky. after more than 30 tornadoes, devastated several regions and spain's vanishing weapons. the drought of water theft. but environmentalists say of sucking the life out of a world heritage site and found out how much were the sport from our special studio on the bill. how waterfront in our messy said to face his old rivals with p. s g. peg against me on the grid. the in the champions league. it follows the law 16 needing to be redrawn due to a technical era 1st time round. ah . what again, this is in the u. k, where the prime minister has confirmed the world's 1st known death from the alma on
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variance of coven 19. or, as johnson says, that on the con, accounts for 40 percent of all new infections in london is urging people to get their booster shots to prevent hospitals being overwhelmed. but high demand is already straining the health service. i think the idea that this is somehow a milder version of the virus. i think that's something we need to say on one side and just recognize the sheer pace or which it accelerates through the population. so the best thing we can all do is get our boosters. we're opening up centers across the country. we're getting in the, the, our meter to help with the logistics. we're expanding in every possible way. and what we need now is for the public to respond and to do that, do what is necessary get bruised enough life to london out. there is poor brennan is outside of vaccination center pool. let's start with that 1st known death from the on the chrome variant. what's the government saying?
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it was something of a surprise. i have to say when boris johnson made this announcement this morning, he was touring a vaccination center. very similar to the one that i've. i'm outside here where there's been a big surgeon in uptake of vaccines and he kind of sprung this unexpectedly on. the report is interviewing him at the time, saying that there has been at least one known on the cron variant death. no details though about the circumstances of it's all about the specific patient themselves, whether they had underlying health problems, ra, what age they were, or any of whether there are any extraneous circumstances attached to this. so it's difficult to put a proper amount of context and weight on on, on this because many scientists are still very unclear as to exactly how serious or micron is in the sense of how fateful it can be to how most people are. but that
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said in use of the 1st death, clearly a step up and how much faith does the british public have in the government's ability to deal with the on the chrome very. and i think it's very, it's a very mixed bag. i mean, from the evidence of my own eyes here and of the hospitals throughout the morning. that has been a massive search of people wanting to get the boost the job. so you could say that those people are clearly putting that faith in the government's program and are willing to participate in this whole heartedly. that said, buddhist, there are many people, sizable minority, i would say who are reluctant still to, to get the jobs for many different reasons. either you know, they don't trust it. they don't trust the government that it's just the job itself . they just think they want to wait, wait it out. so there is going to be a big campaigns trying to make people persuade people that getting the jobs and
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getting the boost. the job specifically is what's necessary in order to defend off the tidal wave of the prominence to describe the vomit cron going to the christmas period and into the, into the january period to various forefront and live in london. bonnie: thanks to pull elsewhere in the world. the 1st case of the kronos been detected on mainland china. beijing is still host the winter olympics in february organizers have warned. the variance were pose challenges. more countries in europe, a re imposing restrictions that they hoped were behind them, including norway, where infections and hospital admissions are at record levels. while alma cronies thought to account for more than 70 percent of new infections in south africa. where there's a 4th wave president civil ram, a poser has tested positive for cobit 19. that's obviously was from the miller reports from johannesburg. these being monitored by military doctors, they say that he's doing well then while he's there, i say lation. his duties will be performed by the deputy president,
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the prison presidency rather, hasn't expressed any deep concern around him testing positive. but this does come just after the eulogy that he gave at the memorial for the former president f. w. the clerks that he was around people and also off the back of a west african to a we visited several countries. so those who've been around the president have been told to isolate and they've been tested. but they've also use this opportunity to remind south africans to get vaccinated, saying that the president is just as vulnerable as everybody else. and this is your chance to get out and get vaccinated because that's what's going to keep you safe while expert and saying it's likely that on the chrome infections will overtake the delta variant. at some point, we're looking at about a 15000 average daily cases in the last 7 days. specifically, almost a 50 percent positivity rate. and what that means is that 30 percent of people who
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go out and get tested for cova 19 have a positive result. so expose, continue to say that they are alarmed by the rate at which the variant is grading, but they've also continued to say that they are observing mild cases of infection. they do one more time to come out with further information around just how severe illness might be, but we are hearing more and more fun. these authorities that there it is increasingly a case of mild infections speak to physics. she's a global health advisor and lecture up at university college, london's school of pharmacy. she joins us now via skype from london. good teddy with us again. sana, how concern to you about the spread of the on the chrome varied? is it set to replace delta as the dominant variant globally? we are certainly on track for it to replace delta here in the u. k. m,
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in coming days and weeks. so globally, i imagine that effect will also take place. just based on, on how quickly the doubling rate is occurring, we have had one death in the u. k, thus far. so it is to seen to draw conclusions around severity of our micron. however, even if it turns out to be half as severe as delta a just due to the rate of spread is going to put a tremendous amount of pressure on the n h s, and disrupt health care delivery. to an extent that will cause another significant crisis. if we can't get our boosters, roll out an accelerated and we have a human resource problem around that. here in the u. k as well is a 3rd vaccine. those gotta be enough though to hold the spread of the i'm a convert or is a booster just a way of preventing more serious illness. and in a majority of cases, booster will absolutely help in terms of reducing hospitalizations,
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but boosters alone will not be enough. and we do need to look at other ways to break trains a transmission because the vaccine that we have currently available are just not as effective as you know in the face of our micron is compared to other variance. so, although boosters will hold up in terms of helping severe disease which, which is incredibly important, we still do need to at this point in sure that there are other measures including face masks, appropriate ventilation. it's 2 years into the pandemic. and here in the u. k. there are no a standardized ation around ventilation requirements for public spaces, offices building schools. really, it is time to ensure that we have some of these basics in place to treat a clean air just as much as a public health issue as clean water. those are absolutely absolutely fundamental
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aspects towards this, and it is very likely that we will see a future restrictions here in the u. k. as a result of the rate of spread, i can't see it being blunted by boosters just because of how many we would need to deliver in a very short amount of time. ok, so what would your message please or 2 for people watching anywhere in the world right now about what they should be doing to protect themselves. well 1st of all, if you've not had your 1st or 2nd dose of vaccine, that would be the 1st step in terms of requiring protection and those who are eligible for getting a booster. absolutely, that would be the most effective. now in addition to that, we know that even people who have been boosted will, there will be a proportion of people who will still catch the virus. therefore, we need to really go back to some of the measures that we know work that includes
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keeping distance in crowded public spaces. even if your government doesn't recommended at this stage, that would be smart move. also ensuring that you're wearing an appropriate based covering. so we know that the and 95 or the f a t t or are better medical grade, rather than just the surgical masks. and looking at again in the u. k. we have said work from home. we're possible testing here in the you get as another challenge because the at home test kids have run out on the n h s, the websites, they are still available in community pharmacies, but it would be a smart idea if you have to go in and mix with people to make sure that you take a lateral flow test before doing so. and as soon as symptoms appear a don't to shrug it off that it could be a cold. get a p c r to confirm a good talk to you again. many thanks. date of front of physics in london,
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us president joe biden has declared a major disaster in kentucky. one of 6 states hit by a barrage of tornadoes. rescue workers are again picking through twisted, wreckage left behind in ruin and towns like mayfield, but only scant hope of finding any further survivors will kentucky. and the bullshit is speaking right now let's listen for a few minute has been open. starting today, wal mart plans to open for prescription fulfillment. this is in mayfield. if you need a refill, it help if you can bring your medication bottles. but the pharmacy recognized that you probably don't have. so if you have a list of medications that would be helpful to mayfield, nursing and rehab has been closed due to storm damage and will need to rebuild all residents have been relocated. kentucky faith police is asking, especially in the grey county area for any family members of missing loved ones.
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you should report to the office building of his house ministries to provide a reference to standard to reference standard to law enforcement. for identification purposes, it's located at 1250 k y 3 o, 3 in mayfield. anybody who needs assistance in getting their call 859-267-7775, kentucky state police is also using rapid dna technology to assist in the identification of victims. so they're requesting any family members of missing loved ones to come to that same building to submit dna so that they can match up kentucky state police is also working to verify the information on the candle factory. i know like the folks in western kentucky
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i'm not doing so well day and i'm not sure how many of us, sir, are. i was working on getting the confirmed that this morning and realized i was writing on the back of the notes that one of my kids took from school. and here's what i what it is. it's, it's no, it's on inertia. it means that an object that's in motion will stay in motion. so we're gonna keep putting one foot in front of the other and pushed through this and everybody out there get the help you need. take care of yourself and will continue to, to provide updates to people of western kentucky. we're not going anywhere. we're going be with you today. we're going to be with you to morrow and we're going to be there with you to rebuild. this is one state of people that love one another. and i think everybody in kentucky but also everybody in the country is,
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is stand in with you. now with that, i'll turn it over to the director dasa. melissa, kentucky's cover, the andy bashir speaking live there. let's take you live to may field in kentucky. the town that suffered complete almost complete devastation at least where they are . the tornadoes, touchdown al jazeera. how did your castro as there she was listening in to what the governor was saying? the governor, they're appealing for people to report missing loved ones. again, there's been some discrepancy in the death toll particularly surrounding that candle factory and mayfield. however, some numbers have just been confirmed. heidi that's right, adrian and andy was sure the kentucky governor has said the updated death toll in this state alone is 64 people who were killed in that swath of storms. the number of missing in kentucky stands at 105,
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and you heard that tragic note in his voice when he talked about the way that he's responding to this personally and the strength that he's trying to project and pull people in the state together. even as he is giving people directions on how to submit their dna samples, you know, at the emergency center is to help identify the, the victims. because the reality here is with so many thousands of homes leveled, not only here in the town of mayfield but also in the surrounding communities that that, that dust hole is likely to increase. now on the candle factory, which is also here in mayfield, there's a little discrepancies, unclear how many workers still remained missing. we know 8 bodies were pulled from the wreckage of that factory. but 6 people are missing according to the spokes person for the company. though police are still trying to confirm that number. so
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today is stace reese, since he's devastating tornadoes hit this part of the united states on friday evening. coming at a time when tornadoes are not a common here and cutting a swath of destruction, that is more than 300 kilometers in length. that is how long one tornadoes stayed on the ground. adrian, so just imagine the cleanup effort, the recovery effort and still the continued search for victims, not common at this time of year. and yet, tornado warnings were issues. and yet we've seen this, this loss of life could any of this have been prevented. right, and the questions really, people are asking surround those who died at their work places were talking about the kennel factory here. mayfield and also an amazon warehouse in illinois that suffered at least 6 deaths. those workers and both locations were putting in late hours ahead of the holiday rush. and the question is whether they should have been
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told to go home. some here in mayfield did go home and we're not inside the building. when it took that direct hit from the tornado, but this is looking back and many are saying that because of how powerful was tornado was that there was simply no way even with people sheltering inside storm shelters inside these warehouses and factories that there is no way they could have survived. so certainly the best a geisha to whether things could have been done differently to save lives that is kicking off. in the meantime, they're still searching through the rubble in that channel factory where the potential of more life underneath out there is. how did your castro reporting live from mayfield kentucky? heidi many things ah, saddam protests as a once again back on the streets of the capital called tomb. they say that the
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against last month's deal between the prime minister, the military security forces had been using tear gas to disperse the crowds. the political agreements saw abdullah humbug reinstated as prime minister weeks off to the military, had detained him and seized power. saddam's largest civilian coalition has rejected the deal, but as to say, they don't want any concessions with the military. live to call to no, not live actually to call to. this is a file, this is a report, but i'll just was hipaa. morgan file from katya a little earlier processors are hoping to tell the military that despite the number of days that has passed since that deal was signed, they still reject it signature and the reject. the fact that prime minister hub, handled, has negotiated and has compromised according to their view against the military. now, while many of those protested are here on the streets on the road that leads up to the presidential palace, you can hear the sound of the tear gas being fired at them by security forces who
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are guarding the entrance to the presidential palace. generous amount of target has been fire disposing to protesters who are in the thousands on this road alone. and the other pro similar protests in the city of good amount across the river and i and, and how the parts of the country. the other reason to protect because i'm taking 2 to 3 to do is to show them to national community that they are rejecting the deal the united nations secretary general antonio terrace has a voice his support for the deal. and urge to denise to support that deal. as well, for many people here that is some, thankfully, that they're not going to an acceptor because they say they don't want the military and to dance politics. so they will continue to voice their rejection to that for you. i think that they're more protest organized to show their anger and their rejection. we've already seen at least 2 protesters injured by tear gas canisters, they've been moving. they've been taken to the hospitals. we've seen all the protested collapsing as a result of suffocation because of the amount of tear gas that has been fired. so
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we're already seeing injuries among the protesters here since the military take over on october 25th. at least 44 people have been killed. more than 200 people have been injured according to medic groups, and they're concerned that the number of injuries will increase under the number of deaths will continue as cortes this say that they will continue to voice their rejection and continue to demonstrate on the streets of sudan to cargo ships of collided in the baltic sea. it happened in waters between denmark and sweden, swedish maritime authorities say that one person on board a danish vessel is missing and that the ship appears to have capsized. they said the other ship is from britain. it's still functional, it's crew is safe. south korea's president believes that a formal end to the war with north korea may be incites moon j in says the pyongyang, along with the u. s. and china have agreed in principle to declare the conflict over north korean troops invaded the south in june, 1950, and
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a bid to unify the peninsula with support from the soviet union. the u. s. lead force ends at the war and support of south korea than china joined and supported the communist north. the 1st cold war proxy conflict. millions of koreans were killed in the fighting, which lasted 3 years. it ended with an armistice between the u. s. china and north korea, but south korea didn't agree to it. and no peace treaty was signed 71 years later. so an pyongyang, a still technically at war. i know crank is a former united states deputy assistant secretary of defense for east asia. he joins us now live from washington at good to have you with us, sir, sir. so that pyongyang, the u. s. and china have agreed in principle to declare the conflict of what does in principle mean. what would the u. s. want from north korea? would the usb prepared to make concessions of its own? well, thank you very much for having me. i would say that the devil is in the details as
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it always is when negotiating with the gym regime in north korea. i think in principle, yes, none of or declaration is a laudable objective. but let's remember that it is in essence more symbolic than anything else. what the korean peninsula needs is a comprehensive peace treaty. and a component of that would have to be the north koreans agreeing to the nuclear arising. so i would say that one of the things that the united states would be looking for is a specific commitments from the north korean regime. critics say the fully ending the war would reward north korea full. it's provocative behavior and threatened the presence of u. s. troops on the peninsula. are they right? i agree with those critics. quite frankly, we have unfortunately, decades of history of the north koreans go shading in bad faith. literally breaking
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every diplomatic commitment they have made up with the international community. as a matter of fact, they are to this day act in contravention of a host of united nations security council resolutions. i think prior to any type of diplomatic arrangement with the dpr j o, we would need to ensure that number one, north korea comes into compliance with those un security council resolutions. north korea says that they weren't joint talks on the d nuclear reservation of the peninsula until the us ends. what it calls its hostile policies towards the north, a reference to the u. s. troops, station in south korea. and the, the annual military exercises that the u. s conducts with south korea with the u. s . do you think of any circumstances if an agreement is ended to formerly and the war? could you see the u. s. reducing troops numbers in the peninsula?
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so if i were still in government, i would certainly recommend against that. somewhat ironic, i think the president boon is in ewing to pursue this and a war declaration. now in the face of again, north korean senior intransigence and also somewhat ironically is the fact that just recently earlier this month of the matter of fact, the u. s. a secretary defense met with his counterpart with their annual security consultation meeting during which a commitment was made and i'm sure that south trinity has just committed to maintaining its current force posture on the peninsula. so again, i think whereas resident moons objectives may, in fact be laudable and are probably a component of trying to establish a legacy prior to him. religion wishing power and a couple months,
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a legacy that he may leave behind is that that of an art and suitor who is a, a consistently rebuffed by the dpr k. it's been raining of talk to you, so anything sunday i don't link them in washington. thank you. on calling media mobile. jimmy ly has been sentenced to 14 months in prison for participating in a band vigil lost here. lie says he's been, he's proud to be punished for commemorating victims of china's 1989 t. m. and square lockdown crocodile. i'm sorry, he's already serving time for taking hot in pro democracy protests and is facing other charges on the, china's national security law rights group say the law was imposed on hong kong in order to stifle freedoms and dissent. still ahead and the 2nd half of this, these are deadlocks. paula immigration minister will be jails will tell you why at its force convex to his world come produce. a breakthrough for teams is biggest
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stage for here with so actually of summer here with that with the rest of the school. little bit. ah hello there. let's have a look at the weather across the middle east and it's looking more unsettled across the levant. as we go into the new week, we've got wet and windy weather pulling across the mediterranean, bringing a lot of those wintery conditions to southern areas of turkey was seen drenching down pause for cyprus, and a lot of fun. the storms expected to roll into israel that occupied palestinian territories. and it's going to be a rather wet week for bay roots in lebanon. as we go further into the week, we're going to see that wet weather skirt across to the east because he showers pulling into syria as well as iraq and possibly q 8 as well. now further south of
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this, it is a lot cooler. the temperatures slightly below average with some chilly nights for the likes of southern saudi arabia, could tar and the u. a. he was seeing a bit of a brisk wind kick about the red sea with some of the heavier rain falling around coastal areas. now as we move to north africa has been cooler here. we've seen snow across the mountains in northern out uria. it's going to get cooler across egypt over the next few days and cold air blowing across the mediterranean. the temperature will come down in cairo, but of course, that central band of africa, we've got a lot of exceptional heat here dryer than we expect it to be for this time of year . for the wet weather. we have to head to south africa and southern mozambique. ah, the cities have always been in motion. they have to be to evolve and adapt of all the sad cities, all the greatest work of all shooting times in the huge city. you trying to get
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this sense of how the world around you behaves in the way you cannot see with the naked eye. you can feel the hairs on the back of your neck standing up when you reach the top of that building and get about great view. metropolis on al jazeera, and less than a year. how will host the middle east 1st? well, come in preparation. the country is staging a major and settlement with 16 nations going head to head in thanks, porpoise built stadiums, but 2022 will keep you across the action as cancel prepares for the regions. biggest ever sporting events that be for our cup on algebra, hulu. ah
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ah good adrian, sort of good to hear it. so how, but the news off from al jazeera but headlines, kentucky's governor says that 65 people are confirmed who have died of to friday's tornadoes. more than a 100 people have still unaccounted for. u. s. president, jo, by those to credit emergency at the state approved aid for 5 of us. the u. k is private as to boris johnston was confirmed the 1st death from you coven. 19 all the con variable. he says that infections are increasing rapidly. documents raised its corona virus threat level to for security forces in sudan if use tear gas to dispose protests as in the capital. the demonstrators are against last month's deal .
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