tv [untitled] December 13, 2021 6:30pm-7:01pm AST
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blue ah, good adrian for the good to hear it. so how, but the news off from out 0. the headlines, kentucky's governor says that 65 people are confirmed to have died of to friday's tornadoes. more than a 100 people are still unaccounted for us. president joe biden has declared an emergency at the state approved aid for 5 of us. the u. k. is private as devoris. johnson has confirmed the 1st debt from you coven. 19. all that. com. very of. he says that infections are increasing rapidly. governments raised its corona virus threat level to for security forces in sudan if use tear gas to disperse protests. as in the capital, the demonstrators are against last month's deal with the military which saw the
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prime minister reinstated. in denmark, a former minister has been sentenced to 60 days in prison for policies while in government. anger storybook had ordered the separation of under age. refugee couples, when she was immigration minister, 23 companies was separated upon arrival in the country. storybooks impeachment trial was denmark's 1st in almost 30 years for war. disco, let's go live 120. bob jumped june. who's in copenhagen? so we have a minister going to prison with bow chance of appeal. what's the significance of this verdict? adrian, this is extremely significant, and it's exceedingly rare. as you mentioned, this is the 1st impeachment court of its kind in nearly 3 decades, but it's also only the 6th impeachment court in this country's history and more than 170 years. now. as you mentioned, and gustavo berg was given a 60 day jail sentence by this impeachment,
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court miss doi berg served as the immigration minister here in denmark from 2015 until 2019. she was known for her hard line stance toward immigration at the time, in this case, really all stems from an order that she gave in 2016, in which it steinberg ordered the separation of all asylum seeking refugee couples . these were couples who, if at least one member, was under the age of 18, they would have to be separated now. so a berg said that she initiated this policy in order to protect under age girls and in order to stamp our child marriage. and she has maintained her innocence and all this from the get go saying that nothing about this was illegal, but in 2016 the same year that miss deborah initiated this policy. you had a serious couple. one of the couples that had been separated here in denmark, they complained to the countries ombudsman after that complaint was lodged. then
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you had a commission that was set up to investigate this. now just last year, this commission, they concluded that the order that miss joy burg initiated was, as they said, clearly illegal. since that happened, you had the danish parliament, they voted to try miss soy berg. and that's what led to this impeachment court proceeding. as you mentioned, this verdict is final. it cannot be appealed after the verdict was read today, miss doyle, who earlier had said she expected that she would be exonerated, reiterated, once again was she has been saying all along that she initiated her policies. in order to tech, under age girls, and to stamp out child married. so she was clearly surprised by the verdict when it happened earlier in the day. ah, now what's remained to be seen is how exactly it's going to affect miss toy berg's political career. she is a member of parliament currently, as she was found guilty today, she will serve that prison sentence. this cannot be appealed,
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but it's up to her colleagues in the parliament here as to whether or not she can continue to serve as a lawmaker here in denmark, out as her as my had a jumped room live in copenhagen. many thanks. did man nominations for this? he has golden globe awards, have been announced and los angeles, the show typically attracts film and television stars. and it's rivaled only by the oscars, but controversy about the organization to set the stage for a celebrity. no. show this here, or the golden globes are put on by the hollywood foreign press association, which is an organization made up of foreign journalists who report on the entertainment industry this year. the los angeles times uncovered unethical behavior at a lack of diversity among its golden globe boating than this actors, studios, and broadcasters, in our boycotting the event, demanding a total overhaul. the hollywood foreign press association insists that it's done this, including inducting 6 black journalists. but many are skeptical jason nickels as
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a social analyst on a lecture in the african american studies department at the university of maryland college park. he joined us now from ellicott city, maryland. jason, good, heavy with us, sir. again, has the hollywood foreign press association, not that enough then to put its house in order. well, it seems that the golden globes have seemingly cleaned up their ethical and diversity issues with the entire ordeal shows why there needs to be industry pressure on these issues. there was no attempt to fix these issues and so people like tom cruise returned his awards and netflix and other industry power houses threatened to boycott. now they say they are 29 percent black membership. they say they have a relationship or 5 year relationship with the n, w a c p. they seem to be cleaning up some of the payola issues that they have. but there needs to be this kind of industry oversight in industries. keeping are in just institutions like the golden globes accountable, and that's what occurred here. and so we'll see how it moves forward and how the
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golden globes actually do. but up to this point it, it required the industry to come in and correct these issues. nbc, on going to broadcast the ceremony this here at are you in any doubt that it is the industry that is the media industry that that that the, the press industry that is driving these changes among the association one? well, absolutely. yeah. i think there's no question about the fact that the golden globes have been around for decades and they made no attempt to diversify. they had 0 black members out of their 87 member panel. and so they, they were not nominating black films, and nomes are with black and brown. people in them are there's no question about it . it's been not a secret. it's been an open discussion for a long time and they made no changes until powerful industry entities like
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netflix and tom cruise and people with name started saying that this was unacceptable. and this happened because of some of the social change that we've seen over the last year. and since what was going on in 2020. so i think that this is definitely not an internal fix that they were making without the pressure that was coming external. or you at least pleased that this pressure to that, that the threat to boycott by actus and, and the wider into a entertainment industry has brought about change could, could this kind of precious succeed elsewhere? well i think it has, and i mean historically we can go back to the montgomery bus boycott. so where boycotts actually work when people follow through. and when people actually do what they say they're going to do. i'm so i absolutely believe that this can help in many different industries ah, boycott strikes,
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they actually work. and it also works in the, in the, in the, in the entertainment industry as well. good talk to you as a was chased manufacturing, just nichols theft and ellicott city. maryland. thank you. returning out the pandemic, it can involve lots of phone calls. an awkward questions. contact tracing is a laborious task for anyone to have to go through self career is planning to make the process more efficient by handing the work over to machines. a pilot project in boot chung will use artificial intelligence and facial recognition software to comb through a large amount of video footage that video or come from nearly 11000 security cameras that are scattered across the city. it will be used to track an infected person's movements, as well as any close contacts with officials. hope that it will reduce the strain on over work. tracing teams in the densely populated city, aiden white as an information ethics specialist who thinks it could be
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a powerful tool for public health officials. but a dangerous one in the wrong hands. think his just the capacity as quickly as possible to alert other people to the potential dangers that they may face in terms of infection and also to the people themselves that you know that they themselves might be at risk or maybe putting others at risk. i think using the technology in this way, if it can speed up and make more efficient contact tracing so much better. of course it's absolutely right. we have to be very careful about making sure this technology is not used but nefarious purposes. and i think that's right, and i think that's why there needs to be safeguarding, in terms of public policy and monitoring of how this technology is used. and i think relying on the goodwill of national governments in this, in this area is not always going to work. so i think that's one of the reasons why the nice need to be more international standards applied on how this sort of
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technology is use time limitations on how long the technology can be use for guarantees to the public that the information is gathered will. once it's no longer necessary to hold, it would be destroyed. i mean, i think this is an area where in the interest of privacy and wider public security issues do need to be international standards imposed. i absolutely agree in the hands of some government, this sort of technology can only lead to oppression of the population in general. and that will never be a good thing. it's considered to be one of the most important wetlands in the world . don't yanna, a national park and southern spain is a unesco world heritage sites in the refuge for migrating birds and endangered animals. but the sounds serious natasha can aim reports now. the park is suffering from years of water theft by farmers. and now a drought with every season a different during yeah,
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not emerges. beans, 57 year old. national park is nature's tablo of wetlands beaches dunes and pine forest ecosystems. scientists call the wetlands one of the most important on the planet. yet these days it's the dry season year round at this unesco world heritage site. you can see that they just nothing an integral to state now because they know what they're so old a species of finding on some video, those which should be a perfect fit in the say that half or so if thrown in handy. i mean tobin 3000 seasonal pods used to dot the wetlands today. there are less than $100.00 the world wildlife fund or w w. f says this part is surrounded by 1600 hector's of illegal strawberry blueberry and raspberry farms. the farmers don't have
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a permit to use water from an awkward for, to irrigate their berries, to preserve the ecosystem. the w w f says the water theft must and, and farmers, residents, and tourists need to conserve water. 10 years of lower than average rainfall and a drought declared last month, had exacerbated the water shortage. the farmers union in the province says barry farming provides 102000 jobs and instead of blaming them for streaming water resources, the government should complete a project to divert water from another basin. getting the fact that the more comfortable with yeah, like which i to run the dental on you. we're fed up with the way we've been portrayed over many years. we've been dedicating our lives to this if we want to leave something here. so that is completely compatible and so that our children can carry on doing this. to restrict water use, the spanish government sealed illegal wells and purchase farm land around diana
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national park. we have to go together with a farmer improved then by domains delicate these young a super pro i new chevy to reduce wasn't go sancho, because i b m and he blo, jana are in good health. the so it's important for pharmacy in the future. for generations, the people and the park have co exist it. if the future means less water, life may change for both. for the worst. natasha game l. j 0. well, the province spain. there were the nissan from al jazeera santos here just a moment. mm. yes. were live here from our studio in doha. find out who the winners and losers falling u. f. s massive champions league blunder. ah
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oh lou. good, thank you for joining us. we're alive from our p for our cup studio in doha. had own santa ha motion, who start with incredible era at the draw for the champions league, round of 16 european football as a governing body. you f o. we are forced to conduct the draw again after a technical mistake in the software which advises officials at that team. what teams are eligible to be drawn at together as a result of the original draw was declared void to and redone
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a few hours later. you f a says the software is provided by an external service. there was a mistake that this kind of thing sometimes happened, especially into football players in the managers. so sometimes a with a too old old. what is our gov bush? i know these openings better than the other one. whole of them is that the stages are difficult. so this is what the round of 16 looks like after the redraw. although i meant to say neither the had initially been drawn against by samar, all the red devils. now play i political asked for p. s g. there now got the real madrid as spanish leaders that were 1st drawn against bend feca. yahoo club might feel aggrieved as a well a haze. liverpool side had drawn a red ball source book. they now have to get past italian champions into well, let's get more on this with international football. jonas, gavin hamilton. gavin,
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do you think really is just a technical l, there's a human element to blame? well, we don't know to certain that has to be a degree of human element in both because the, the software has to be programmed and the information has to be put into the computer for the computer. it's up to the draw. so an element of human error allowance and state on top of least i don't apologize. psych which is something that they've never previously done. so it's, you can call that progress, but some, it's been the whole jewel, has we been withdrawn and they're all sometimes now agreed, rightly so. how badly versus this incident damage the integrity of the competition? i don't think it will because we got to now some, some big games. we got p. s g, as you mentioned against madrid or such a ramos, back to the school club around madrid. and so believe messy. you can see the old
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rivals, and he was also learned that limited. so some big gains and some big rivalries, re ignited. and i think the, the, the competition in the knockout stages is more exciting. it's more immediate, and i think there's more jeopardy because it's a knockout state. so i think people will forget the sarah. but there will be unfortunate incidence of, of fans who are the book flights for games that have been cancelled and, and what's out. so, and they will be clubs who be disappointed. i think jay are talking to feel disappointed because they had a much easy jewel in 1st draw. so there is a whole lot in this. so put in there will be clubs who will be disappointed, but so i think you, i will try and, and move on and comes from football. but has there been any reaction from these clubs? not? yes. i mean, nothing wrong with you. it will have
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a case because they were the 1st seems to be drawn in the original draw when all the nines but correctly in the computer. so i'm visual. i region, it has been think it was my correctly. so they, they are in charge of the group, whether they feel they can take any form of legal action remains to be seen the relation between ram or trade and some of these clubs you tried to form a break coil leak. if you can remember with all of these because relations will strain. so i think diplomacy will be the, the, the, the, what we're not going to try and move on and not china, which is the us international football jonas gather hamilton. thank you very much for that. while red bulls say they'll fight any court orders last by mercy, this after max 1st step and claimed his 1st formula one world championship. it was hamilton that had been leaving the b column pre by 11 seconds, but to stop and was able to cut tough after late safety car. the closest tied to
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race in decades then came down to a final lap. brent duckman able to pull away on his new tires to claim his 1st ever will title to protest by mercy. this was dismissed by the stored. but the team say they will appeal. yeah, i mean, this was my last go and from the one where i wanted to become a champion, you know, we had petition spots, labs, race when all of that. but this was the ultimate dream. and now we have achieved basically for me everything. what comes next is a bonus. what does come next to the max? this happened a few more years and follow on where i'm going to enjoy it. well, we spoke to the press associations, f one correspondent philip duncan, he said the and mercy this do have a legitimate grounds to complain, but feels the result is unlikely to be overturned. they've now got my 6 hours from last night, so about thursday evening to decide whether they want to actually appeal that stage
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then goes to the f i, hey court. and he will decide whether they've got any, any legitimate reason to do so. my feeling is even if they do decide to lodge a complaint, i think we might be able to overturn yesterday's decision. the madness that occurred away to c. s as to where the mercedes months are to continue with their actions. chris, them with their action. i should say, and you know, they've got their own brand, their image when they might have likes to lose if they, if they press on with, with an appeal and also lose time. so, you know, would you be able to, when is a 12 championship in a cool? so lots, you know, we should be to really about extra step and brilliant ducks driver, $24.00 winning his 1st 4 championship. you know, all the talk, all the discussion at the moment is where the mercedes houses team will will press on with an appeal. stephanie, taken a gloss of his victory, but christian owner, the red sea principal last night said that if he said he's due for some with their
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action they're, they're ready to ready to throw out it, ready to take money. cool. if that's where it gets to. i mean, hopefully doesn't, you know, just stuff and superbly, the house and neither really to lose the truck and ship the stuff from on yesterday . whether it was crazy circumstances, controversial circumstances. he was the man one. he was the man one the championship. so you've got to fill it in a way for him to taken it. loss of his of his 1st championship. you probably won't, can see much providing the results dance. ah, well the semifinals of the fif cup here in katara coming up on wednesday. the torment is being used as a test for organizes ahead of next year's will come up. it is the 1st time it will be played in the middle east. countries will be hoping home field advantage. it will produce a breakout term and for teams from the region and richardson reports on
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friends in familiar surroundings, following players in a country and coach it, they know next years will come. cattle is unique chance the arab themes to feel at home on footballs. biggest stage given properties pretty much there's lots of different material. that's right. that's right. so i think that's a different players like extra market dino that they pay here. we have this home advantage kind of have the base, the hope all of them will be present. the next year i woke up now they opened but then that they didn't get the paternity for them to practice and make sure that the audi next a record full arab teams were at the 2018 finals in russia. but none made it out of the group and no or team has ever reached a world cup cool to final. they still him around though a will be less of a step into the unknown in the are familiar with your,
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with the rain and no matter what i mean, there is a little bit of a psychological home field advantage are also having the problem. and i mean, like logically, they're always envisioning things, you know, and they're going to help a lot of the players envision of money. now, the only choice before is the tournament being held outside of the americas or europe in 2002 south career and japan. co hosted the well cut, both themes minded out of that group and south korea got as far as the semi finals . and when the event went to africa for the 1st time in 2010, gonna got within a penalty kick. the last 4 kids. so i have never previously played it a, a cup of the oration champions and half completed as a guest team in a series of continental tournaments to prepare for the challenge. ahead. having
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followed the national team for a long time, no more than a decade. i think the mentality of the message that they're ready to take on challenges, they're ready to face any team. and even if they've had some bad results over the last 2 years, i think the concord the fear factor and that they're ready. and on the day they can perform against any to the it's nearly time for our footballs. finest ones for the call of a world cup. it will look and sound like no other me. andy richardson, al jazeera, my colleague of far a small spoked with the a bora, mino, toner. he code 5 different countries at 5 consecutive world cups. she asked him the cutoff code to felix sanchez needs to do to prepare the host nation for the pressure of next year, woke up. but one day before we need to see if he's due, right tingler though just now everything is perfect, but we need to wait one night before the 1st game. while the dish is important,
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how the team will to be but resembling him. he plays so many friendly, you know, this is excellent and i was going to be the us are not until we play 95 games with china. 55 games with mexico 100 volume. but this is the key to play the game against best team in the world. what have you think cats are performing so far at the cap? everything is ok. just now i would think. ok, but after to morrow is r j. u. everybody think every monday give alger the power in, but i think this bit it the cut that he player is excellence and out of it i have so far qualified for the world cup. which teams are you most excited about? so many to 1st for example, serbia,
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my candidate really here for this for is very excited to be overcome. said, be on team of her. i hope makes it really here. after you say this already 33 countries from coca cola possibly come galler the number that we there for other countries have brazil you you didn't that you have very good team from you about the bed. the 2 very exactly to see how many team which the vehicle is for before we go, let's get a quick recap of our top floor is the attendance league drawer for the round of 16 has been conducted again, following a technical mistake with the software to tell the facility which teams that can be drawn together, and red bulls say they'll fire any court orders last by marquee this off the mat. first stop. and that came to the 1st world championship. we'll have more for that
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1845 gmc. but after the break, we have another news update the ah and on counseling, the cost, all rich countries ready to put the bill for global, a port, pandemic preparedness, hypersonic missiles driving a new arms. right. so what's the big deal behind them? and solar powered vehicles, we explore the cars that are harnessing the stop counting the cost on edge. is it
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ah, the u. k. reports its 1st known death linked to all the crawling off to sounded the alarm. but how fast the cove at 19 variant is spreading? ah, although i may vary, but again, this is al 0 alive from doha. also coming up hill keeps pouring in from all over the country and thank you everyone. we feel you love here
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