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tv   [untitled]    December 14, 2021 11:00pm-11:31pm AST

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key pressure up front with me. markum on hill, on out 0. what we do it i'll just, sarah is try to balance this story and he's the people lowest into their lives, dignity, and humanity. ah . hello, i'm mary. i'm no mozy in london. our main story. this our, the world health organization is criticized wealthy countries, offering vaccine boosters to their citizens, while millions of people around the world yet to have their 1st dose is comes as there are warnings. the only con varied is spreading at an unprecedented rate. here in the u. k. infections and our doubling every 2 days, whole band and reports from london. in europe, the jobs are going into people's arms as fast as they can be unpacked. more than half a 1000000 booster shots were administered in the u. k. in just one day,
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fall short of the 1000000 a day, the government's aiming for. but the race to reinforce immunity is gathering pace. it's the extraordinary infectiousness of the on the con variant though, which is really worrying global scientists and health experts we have learned by now that we underestimate this bio set out period even if or me cron does cause less cbs, this is the sheer number of cases could once again overwhelm unprepared. health systems in the u. k, on the con cases are now doubling every 2 days. and with more than 200000 possibly infected every day, the number could pass a 1000000 within a week, long queues again at vaccinations, centers up and down the u. k. as the government's brewster jap program continues apace. with the dilemma facing the politicians on that side of the river is whether the jobs alone will be enough to slow the progress of the arm across variance. scientists have never seen. never seen
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a coven 19 very as capable of spreading so rapidly. so we have to look at what we can do to slow only cons. advance does that level of alarm was reinforced in testimony to a u. k. parliamentary committee. we are concerned with enlarge volume of individuals who are being infected every day in the population. that we're going to have a very difficult 4 weeks ahead with cases in the community, which will of course, cause individuals to need detail work in school. and then after this case is to transfer into admissions hospice, the world health organization has again raised the issue of vaccine hoarding and warned the world's wealthy nations that giving boosters to low risk groups while others are yet to have even one dose of vaccine is dangerous w joe is not against boosters. we are against inequity. if we end in equity, we end the pandemic when it comes to deciding which options to reduce the infection
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rate. the advice from the w h o. do it all, pull brennan, al jazeera london in our all that lies the exile, better rational position, as of atlanta, chicken of sky has told out his error. she's devastated after a husband was sentenced to 18 years in prison. said hey dick, i knew sky was found guilty of organizing mass on rest and inciting, social hatred, charges he denies. he was detained. a protest last may, as he prepared to run against alexander lucas shanker in the countries presidential election. i was prepared for that such top sentence, but it isn't meant to print it was really stressful for me and to the whole deal because i feel to the stated by it doesn't mean that i'm going to cry the whole day long. i understand that only difficult every day job united jo, you'll make a future release possible who my husband, hundreds,
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thousands offer a bill or since haitian authority say at least 60 people have been killed. off to a petrol truck exploded. dozens of others were injured in the blast in the city of cap patient. several houses reportedly caught fire off the explosion. government has declared 3 days of morning. governor of the last day of kentucky says it could take a week to know exactly how many people were killed off to friday's tornadoes. so far east $88.00 people are known to have died across 5 states, including $74.00 in kentucky alone. more than a 100 people is still on accounted for those that lines coming up. we go back stage with the palestinian american musical. maestro simon shane that's on al jazeera wild. oh
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ah ah, a a. this is on believable. so i lost in your lovely mocked wants that you need a lot of emotion. he
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musician performa visionary from his base on the east coast of the united states. shaheen shares traditional arabic music with performance seeking to create a difference out. it's a style that has attracted followers across the world. cody, it does she? ha, she's giving you the shem, abby, the builder, and only through connie. mo, hot bella, early in the for many. and i was much a hand why the can either hold more of be well i am well hold his thought on a couldn't macias colorado be because yeah. and monty, i'm mad he can call him and then we'll see if he montez us. watch him nearly behind joe michel it or can nominate every been telephone on us or was in
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a word. but that the laws are followed. a wednesday or sunday. i know the me on. i was want to know it as a command i got on the the me me the me him on can on the all this up it less than what to nurse
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a can i had been the frankly can magic magdalene lambert, if you miss him in a mental come seem to fall from seeing him nor been to shall be. she killed they alone and malone. the fab. nadine did vote to love attacks and should aminada alou smiled for for kind of think you'll have a lover when the love you get a luck this ah,
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in a willy law an estimate the and kaffir min, honey and min, fixing the hockey see cause of a thought and we'll see at the see minute heifer. but that dentist is come and see how to be the father and he command daily for we'll see in a minute. let's clear sophie who ha, ha, ha fi i mean, jam our columbia fi manhattan. the arc who men is amongst theory, manhattan school music. i wonder if manhattan will see the
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how the mickey, either away from any net and i cut the lawn beckons fuel a them feel is the little mostly calabi. the captain will say a lot of the cell, the feed that he had our simian nightclub willock in the alamos stillwell in missouri, alamo, still as sat in the most of t americans fuel. at them feed bin, we'll see a car or assess a foot car, a lot of the year, loose minute, east, and use it on from them. will see a car show pool. so you can say what on the eyes? if he and min lumina in muscle, and then follow the in sort of you as the fema ebay. my is injured. is that as you either at that, when the numbers up on the low, low speed that his hours mom,
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i little shut the law minimal. so key lee, as you thought eve, every can should because be pulled and while a few of them daddy formula a, b, c collado with the month of it and that able to assist her attending it was my foot alcantar with home and comfort. i can ignore demons. how that awful so clean. bob shook and all the way is bow one, mamma. so can you know how that helps kind of in fig, correct. kind of to we tell him, we'll see at the blog most you can remove form, ill at hand, feel
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a form while this little more see calabi one more cc a sickly ian. and leave it corrupt, lay in home, and been hasn't been a passion for couldn't, will, safety. so i will, this is called mit other autonomy or a given jew fee, national my know city. she auction was every few ramos with you. oh oh, i like in a few high command before me the hot money be shaky yet they message it then mo, mo, for the death of you will see you cause
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a lot with i believe that the arts, especially music and poetry and song, are the heart beat of the arab world of arab culture. and if you don't understand that, i mean you're, you're not getting the whole picture. and the world needs to hear that as far as the mon goes, he is the consummate teacher and performer and compose her to be able to share those skills. you need the right setting. oh,
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no to boston became fewer, not bothered in the most of the year. when mother, this was my berkeley college of music, i couldn't get them. sophie, florida to boston. fair dowdy dies tomorrow. all catalogs besieged than walter in nor eulley dawn in nor alden mossy hubert, i happened to go to a concert where simone shaheen was performing. he was playing violin mostly a little bit ood, but mostly violin, and i heard him play and i knew what i wanted to do with the strength department at berkeley. i wanted string playing as it exists around the world, which is mostly improvisational genres, not all, but mostly, ah, even classical music has improvisation in its roots, not so much now, but used to. so when i heard them on play and i understood that this was the vision
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i wanted for the strange apartment, i started to pursue him to see if i could get him to come to a with
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i have to confess. when i took this job 14 years ago, i didn't know what a canoe was. and i met this young man who played canoe, and he told me all about it. and i was fascinated, but he was a student. and then started noticing more people playing mood more people playing various percussion instruments from the arab world. and i realized something was happening and independently i had known about simone, shaheen and in fact, had helped encourage him to come teach here. but i didn't really know about some, marsha, he just knew he was a really good musician and a really good person. and, but i didn't realize that, that the 2 were connected is when simone came here, that all these amazing musicians started coming to us from all over all over the,
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the middle east. and he's been an enormous magnet for talented students. and he's strong enough and capable enough that he can teach. he can help a commune player. he can help renewed player, he can help a violinist. so he's a, he's like a swiss army knife of talent and magnetism. ah ah, part of what i try to focus on in my play is bringing traditional music to a wider global audience. helene music is very deep in esoteric and has all these layers, but it's pretty much reserved to the, to the dish. so i come to brooklyn college of music and i start spending a lot of time with simone and seeing how he's kind of created a community in
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a world outside of the region that he's from in the style that place specifically very inspiring ah, usual, if you will listen to what the secret in no ma'am will have to hold. and some yellow additions, la shabamo, in recent years, simone sure he has looked to palestine. the land of his birth, to seek out a new generation of young musical italian. ah, with how long have you studied by about 9 years,
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8 years a go or have it? yeah. mostly. got to go about with who did it? i would, instructor. no, i mean something in the it was i eat with mock moons. hello. okay. yeah. i yeah. now this branch, about 4 or 5 years ago, we started to open up opportunities for students to audition with us online because we know, you know, the world's a big place and we can be everywhere all the time. and it gives us the opportunity to reach that young musician see what they were doing, come from ah, instrumental and performance perspective. and give them an opportunity for a consideration um through the process. and we found tremendous musicians through
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the online audition process that have come to berkeley and have successfully graduated. i'm at berkeley at this point. you know, that otherwise we would not have found. so i think it's a very valuable process. if you want to hear us about. busy another piece or something that you worked. ready on i'm getting it. 6 me ah ah ah ah ah
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ah ah ah ah, ah ah ah ah, ah ah in ah, in i think there is something very important about auditioning
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students in their own culture and seeing how musicians in there are most natural state if you will, come in under most comfortable, straight. doing what they do best with . it's really beautiful to find musicians. all musicians, no matter where you go. oh, [000:00:00;00]
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ah, a model on in philosophy and we're line, i'm a lot of you. half as ali had it. i love car vizier all till day. me love philosophy. b. a massage. kaneshia deity, ma'am. the restaurant of most of the allah in canada today in canada was still a conservatoire almost over germany. that are still cfo. c. m a 100. lucy buffy from adventure pharma. and i'm a da da. so i just need to buy this marathon and auditions minutes does the same, which i am for at the mcdonald auditions when i bought it on a bentley or by them a shot, i'll admit how you comely went about it. oh, she thought of it. i le mars even philistines took off my what am as you don't thought,
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i thought of other another man. the man knows it's not a b, i the college, the tradition of arabic music. we had some here but not much, and certainly not at the depth. and the high level that, that simone brings to his music making and berkeley students are very focused on the proposition, but they knew nothing about the proposition in arabic. music. funny, what do you want to play the upper or lower anything. okay. how about if you do the lower one and you do both. ready
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ah, ah oh yes, within nice to bravo. and e. oh, a under shahim's watchful eye. students are encouraged to play in the arabian musical pattern known as mccaul, fee had them all, sorta elaborate animals. okie dokie. i live 20 been mom one mother ma. com feler.
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i had the media by ross and t or sickly shockey was his symbol says a lot of fat by number and we'll see if color ought to be my fish hell them of home and my home will bother duck you were lacking to muffle maha, hello. we a, a matter and let me know how to money from will see call i'll be able to do a brought in. we'll see of call him. hi, debbie carr, malcolm, ian, we're lacking bethia board board jimmy justin law me ah,
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a ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah. impaired to a musical retreat? the sounds of the middle east come to rule massachusetts ah, the cretan, the montage on we'll see the heavy retreat. who is the club muscle? can you hear me? hi, this is the recipe. mostly collado, b. u,
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shakin luca surf used to work with me. there's a lot more to al jazeera than t v with our website mobile app, social media, and podcast. al jazeera digital is a world of award winning online content, and portal brings you the very best of it. they're trying to frighten the people to levy to go somewhere else. but the truth is that they've got nowhere else to go. so if you miss it online to catch up here with me, sandra gatlin on al jazeera al jazeera sets the stage are lots of women carrying very young children. this one, for example, is only a month and a half global lex bags and discussion telephone thing about the impact on the climate change is having on the fall is that you work with voices from different corners. when the wells are empty,
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develop, filling up prominence, connecting the world, connecting the future, won the cost cutters, gateway to whoa trade. ah hello, i'm marianne massey in london. look at the main stories now. well, health organization is criticized wealthy countries, offering vaccine boosters. did i citizens, while millions of people around the world, yet to have their 1st dose groups? director general says the pandemic will continue until vaccines are a equally distributed globally. and there are warnings. the army con, very, is fighting as an unprecedented right army grown is spreading at a rate we have not seen with any previous variant. we're concerned that people


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