tv [untitled] December 16, 2021 1:30am-2:01am AST
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taishan since it's bob's 50 years ago, but it's facing more obstacles on the political front. it's over population and the effects of climate change. tundra children al jazeera, darker, and quick minute can catch up anytime with all the stories were reported on. on our website, the address of that is al jazeera dot com, and that's updated throughout the day out a 0 comp ah, or one of the top stories on how to 0. u. s. president joe biden has visited kentucky where he's seen 1st hand the devastation caused by tornadoes that killed at least 88 people. across 6 states. in the city of mayfield, biden walked through piles of debris and homes without roofs and windows, and talked to locals. he said he'd never seen this much damage from a tornado and told little officials not to hesitate to ask for anything. $100.00 people are still missing and tens of thousands of without power. the u. k is
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reported its highest number of daily code infections in the pandemic. woman, 78000 cases were confirmed on wednesday. our minister boris johnson insists the country's boost to roll out will be enough to fight the omicron variant. scientists in europe say all micron will be the dominant variant in the you are the middle of january. this is a really serious threat at the moment the how big a threat. there are several things we don't know. but all things that we do know are bad, and the principal one being the speed of which this is moving, it is moving it absolutely phenomenal pace. and therefore, between the time that it 1st starts to really take off in a way people will be able to see. and the point when we get to very, very, very large numbers will be quite a short on south africa. has also reported a record number of new daily cove infections. almost 27000 new cases were detected in the past 24 hours. health officials say the 4th wave of infections is being
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driven by the omicron variant. south africa alerted the world to the new strain last month. there's been a breakthrough at the iran nuclear talks in vienna. iran's foreign minister says un cameras will be allowed to film at a sensitive nuclear site. the issue had been a sticking point during discussions to revive a landmark nuclear deal signed in 2015. the ukranian president is meeting his german and french counterpart to discuss rising tensions with russia. wrote amir zalinski is in brussels. we're the use eastern partnership summit, france and germany are the main brokers for peace between ukraine and russia. there are 100000 russian troops on the border with ukraine, stroking fears of a possible invasion. do you stay with us people and powers up next morning? fees after that, a year council will host the middle east. 3rd,
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well in preparation. the country is a major and settlement with 16 nations going head to head in thanks, porpoise built stadiums for 2022 rookie view across the action. as council prepares, the region's biggest ever sporting events that be for our come on out there the may 2021. the german government acknowledged responsibility for colonial era genocide against the maybe as heroic and them of peoples over 100 years ago. that activists long campaigns, reparations say, the compensation on offer doesn't truly reflect the appalling suffering of the thousands who died. we've been to find out why i
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ah, you see on the background over here thus deny me death, it. the sand will come and bury everything. but for some reason, the sand, the dunes refused to bury these people because the spirit a strong and they won this story to baton when this woke up one cemetery in my background is that people will died in the concentration camp in the desert and across namibia between 19 of 419
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o 8 german colonial forces, displaced and killed up to 80 percent of the around tribe, some 80000 people, other ethnic groups like the nama, and the san also suffered grievously at the hands of the colonists. 10000 nama died half the population, as well as an unknown number of san juan. this was the 1st genocide of the 20th century, but by no means the last. in many ways. imperial, germany's treatment of the indigenous people of namibia foreshadowed the barbarity of the nazi holocaust against the jews and other groups during world war tune. nicholas a duration castaway. really, that's why almost a lot of our people perish from malnutrition. and a lot of them were forced to work on the railway, and they basically worked them to death, rarer activists, jeff to karima,
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to spend most of his adult life fighting for international acknowledgement of the genocide and restitution for the descendants of the victims. i joined the struggle based on the stories that i recall. my grandmother taught me and then when i started as an adult, i started learning more and learning ball and ever since i have never rested. finally this year, the activism of people like jetta appears to have paid off. in may the german foreign minister, hika mark medic, groundbreaking announcement. it sits, it bit sized and hoisted. desired. mister yet of it, sir. at. thus, let's see, give isn't, and folk, ahmad, if it can on stem it off to ones that i, his dollars and for i'm for them. and him listed is a historical event of morales and fine thought of deutsche lance vin via an amoeba, and did not come. the oprah winfrey gave on bitten a few months later,
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namibian germany announced a draft agreement which say both sides will bring closure to this dark chapter of history. if it goes ahead, germany will formally apologize to namibia and pay 1100000000 euros in compensation spread over 30 years. but for jeff to many other hero agreement is deeply problematic. in september, when the bill was presented to the namibian parliament, protest has travelled from near and far to oppose it. wow, it's a busy march, but quite a very important march because it is raising a number of issues. rejecting the $1100000000.00 of one term that the germans was to pay us the very same amount of money that the germans have already given to not be until the last 31 years is the same. and they want to pay us shift as travel from the united states, where he now lives to campaign against the agreement. he visits namibia parliament,
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the site of the protest. it was built using forced labor of captured herrera with norma genocide, survivors. this is a very painful moment for me. ah, standing on this ground as simply because this area there used to be a concentration camps. way our and sisters were kept and were forced to work a slave labor. my grandmother used to tell me, told me about the jenna's head. it began in launching a full after the rarer nama rebelled against germany, colonists were aggressively seizing their land. in response, the head of the military administration. what was thin, german, south, west africa? general lot of on trotter should, in order to his troops, to exterminate all herrera men, women, and children after defeating the herrera. militarily,
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the germans heard the survivors eastward into the indisputable ma hecky days with the intent to kill him through hunger and thirst. the flight to the east in how are people perish and the disposition of their land. a dead disposition of their cattle and all those then they expire in the concentration camps. my grandmother's mother were captured by the germans and said to luther, it's a jack island in consideration comed and from there, the work of slavery, but some of them died and the fuse it was survived. ah, basically that's where i am here today. his grandfather's mother wasn't so lackey my great grandmother was too old and tired to walk and she was left behind. they left her under 3 to die. and that's actually the story that really spoke. my interest is like how she died. a death without dignity
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knowledgeable that it almost every rare a person has a story like this to tell you that. that's why jeff does documenting a rarer opposition to the agreement. he travels from the capital ventura to oak hunter, to meet the acting chief of the rear of the heroes were sent to his remote areas to serve as the us of labor, poor for the white community. so wide, industrial industrial as the present in the fuzzies had to distinguish b has been particularly in these areas. oh, jeff, to meet the queer capua, currently the acting chief of the over herero traditional authority, which represents most rarer namibia. well, the chief war is official, uniform in honor of the moments that are on an would he
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a good on his 80 noah was bishop which are on agreement. i don't want to go law globally. embody with yeah it, there were some new laptop when you did a year. yeah. for the wooded obama. wrong human. that normally wouldn't a he wanted to go over a 1000000 buddy. do a blur. duty and you know, we'd have to look bah, agreement and you want to move a young put us to repress. collins, germany's chief negotiator. he says that under international law such negotiations can only take place between states. i not individual groups or there are many groups who say unfortunately were been not part of the negotiations. and if i would start to count these groups, i come easily about 101520 groups who are complaining not to have been included. but august kapoor, after the holocaust,
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germany didn't only negotiate with the state of israel. it also negotiated directly with many jewish groups on and others yelp, but i o w, i wouldn't, i wouldn't know media web lighter. and i went idea that it won't matter which one, whether the outcome says kapoor is that the namibian government has failed to secure direct compensation for the rarer. instead, the $1100000000.00 euros which germany plans to pay will be administered by the namibian government. and the only money guy on budget was g yang drive your, he'd only go by you and warner, media, warner, media, you, what did you wound rogers you today with the america? i do, i've been in it and, you know, move them on it. no always all the month long now but they don't ye even on the 90 pilgrim run i really none below you and i made it in the name of to come when did
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you get a little the woman around fidela? she'd almost oh, i'm glad to let it a man woman for you won't. we'll guide you to once prosper sererow having lost the land and a much prized cattle off to the genocide, now live for the most part in abject poverty. jeff, the visits vin of any curry was one of many, a rarer, struggling to survive a making. ready cleaned it under any name when it was collect goodell engine is equal, correct foot and out of your good. out even may not the sooner colder to love, you'll get another to do will i will hear it now when 281 is in a mouthful, and nadia was cool anyway, faded away. oh, there were, we know you would only seen any we will own will of if will. i know you may. she may have been, as you know, it, india burnett, sienna, my name is again,
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douglas global. my thought could escalate. be deemed any i've been i seen that yet . i got a bna bay, maddie to hey denise, you know, you know, when you to run an audit avoidable maddie ramble did the moment been what, what was going on. but given that randall that who do not understand that you can actually do it on a vehicle morrow. we had nicki's inglewood. i'm getting ready to heat and it's not only been a vans generation, her suffering barring some kind of intervention. her children are unlikely to escape the cycle of poverty and making life even harder. the government has recently decreed. davis moved to an even more remote location, landed i. so i got carlo, nolasco, l'aquila, nor mother mother. what been durable that be i got up on that she had been drop on dental lead in the mac, angelita by mac and i was calling me and by your school your heat is too much is too emotional for me and what's going to happen
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them taking child sled far away in the kids and that means the kids have to work another 2 hours to school and the kids have nothing to eat. the government has abandoned them and it's not just in the villages the poverty amongst herrera was rife. it's the same and urban areas. shift to travels, to swap government, a picturesque coastal town popular with german tourists. but on the outskirts of the town, we are a people live in bleak, informal settlements. jeff, to mince lawrence and dury, move from the country side to the city where, you know, search of a better life. he has been here for 9 years now at this place. and there's a way his lives. no electricity, no running water or the kettle died abroad. and so there is no work. so the best they can come is come here. tried to force some food for me, miss city, torrance,
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and fights shifter into his shack. can you say a hand with effect into the settlement a year? it was that a genocide woman lawrence tells us to make ends meet as girlfriend must sell these genocide dolls. eating to german tourists before the candidate with a concentration. yeah. 2 teenagers, you know, 498. so what do you think about the germans today? celebrity they have to pay for the tra,
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grandma grandparent was that $1.00 is the one that take long in our lifetime. money is the is the only thing that can make changes again by our linbeck and our bell anyways. then we settle their families. roses. yeah, we live in a solution can was there like any he is not or a good go as these young people over here you see running in this is over here. they will have nothing to lose but to demand their land back. and that's exactly what's going to happen. this situation is unacceptable, and it's acceptable. the sense of economic and political, marginalization among the rarer, has heightened the mistrust of swapper, the ruling party in namibia since 1990. it's amplified the feeling that the government must handle the genocide negotiations with germany. we tried to put us
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to the namibian government, but despite numerous requests, no government official granted us an interview. we did, however, managed to speak to professor faneuil ca, palmer, one of number, be as chief negotiators. he himself is a rarer my great grandmother was a brother of samuel miley rule. let. do i do people during the war of colonial resistance. the agreement to palmer told us was the best that may be in government could achieve given germany's tough negotiating tactics. they have always shaped away from even mentioning the word genocide. but the bigger challenge was her own, the quantum, which has to be maint. very key issue to the point that he turn almost deranged. then there is no difference to the word reparation
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wise germany, son logic to the time reparations negotiations in our view have been for political and moral reasons. there are, this was not a legal question. he avoided illegal speech to avoid this kind of misunderstanding. and reparation is illegal term. and therefore we spoke about healing the wounds. which means in a sense, probably the same but not in a legal term, but says palmer, the negotiations were less about healing wounds than they were about avoiding legal liability. what was a very heavy debate later on, they came around and said to that, okay, if we agree to pay the partition, then we will go away with development it. and we said no, those are 2 different things for their victim. community is good reason why germany
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is keen to avoid any payments being labeled as reparations says, heading melba and m a. be an academic, an activist there where war crimes during world war 2. committed in italy, increase in poland and in other eastern european societies. we are local courts there, ruled that the german government should pay reparations to the descendants. germany's refuse to accept liability for such claims. but says melba, if reparations were paid to namibia, that might sit a legal precedent. then these rulings would be seen in another light, and then it would become a really expensive for germany. so with direct reparation seeming the off the table, what about the rear? a demand that i should get a land, or at least some of it returned to them. but any discussion about the return of
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land must involve its current owners, mostly what number be and farmers who possess vast tracts of it. shift visits hurt, vol. bling, a german namibian who speaks fluent to rare a. he owns a 15000 hectic farm and the water burge region, which used to be inhabited by the rarer until the germans began the campaign of annihilation against them. in 19 o 4 miguel yoga, my great great grandfather came here in 19 o 7, which was just after the german air rule and farming here and living in close relationship with the wire communities bordering to all offends. and it's very much a farming related, but of course it brings together our different cultures as well. but when it comes to addressing the past, vol bling, like other white german namibian farmers in the region denied that this land used
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to belong to the rarer this land was a 100 years before that. it was it not inhabited by our speaking people to the knowledge i. i do have well touring the farm just to raises the land issue. i don't think it just buying land and given a given it back will, will improve the situation dramatically. i, i doubt that when i think we have to develop the area, we have to develop the people in investing in a better tomorrow, like education and interest structure, schools and all specials that people really feel that their life is improving. shift to also wants to know if they can reach a common understanding about the past. do you deny that there was a generous ed or you don't deny that? i mean you i, i don't question the harm which was done to, oh, i had
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a people. how they lost many of their land. they lost almost all the kettle, and i noticed off, let's say half of the population yet is vol. bling. he doesn't believe the mass murder of berrera was sanctioned by the government of the time. if they would have been the initial thought of eradicating a certain tribe, but that was not an intention and the relationship to the holocaust is, is for me it is far fetched. but tift is next visit, illustrates that for many a rarer historical links between the genocide and the holocaust on far fetched at all. he travels to shock island, which used to be a notorious concentration camp guerrero. nama who survived death in the desert approach. yeah, and used to slave labor is said is where our as sisters were kept and
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the gym instead of this goes to duration chem and they used to call historians, florida. the desk him my great grandmother was at this site and likely she later when the people that are complaining the she was frustrated, the sort of mood. but most theory ro nama, were held here, didn't survive. a lot of lot of people. perry's death and starvation was what killed a lot of people over here in the when they die, their body were thrown in the sea and those who wouldn't work to death was subjected to the horrors. and this is where they did their medical experiment on the now my inherited medical is women based on my grandmother. they were fascinated with her. some of them, of her people, we have like a black, the, a guns are like dahlgren palace. so there was great that is great that until it bleeds to find out what is the cause of that?
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i don't know what was the whole point, but the bottom line is, this was their biggest fear was to go to that medical center. they knew that well as you go there, you are not going to be alone. in that medical center, prisoners were subjected to many forms of systematic abuse, but been injected with diseases such a smallpox, typhus and tuberculosis poisons like arsenic. they were also used as human material for you genic research. in order to conduct the pseudo scientific research, german doctor sent the skulls of the seas, prisoners back to germany. aiming to scientifically prove the racial inferiority of africans, so essence of human remains, scalds skeletons. and so on, where prince ported back to the german empire. those human remains
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awe in sherman basements of museums of hospitals, and only in 2011. i think for the 1st time, a few of them were returned to namibia, the man overseeing these inhumane practices. but she genesis dr. eugene fisher. he and other colonial officials later became prominent leading figures in the race ideology of nazi germany, businesses our shores. but unlike germany's ash fits this no official recognition at shock island of the crimes which were perpetrated here, there is no mention about the heroes at all. it's not can been said, so we'll show a lot of germans. they come here and camp and maybe as they come and camp as if this is just a normal place where to now the rarer and the struggles for justice and reparations
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. what do you say to german americans? he said there wasn't a genocide here. that's not fair. what do i say to them? nothing. we are going to get our land back and how we're going to take it. i don't know. but we, our i'm said in just the way i was said in that one did gemini, will be willing to apologize. probably does the we are sitting the germany one day will pay reparation even though they are saying we are going to give you like a just her or development and it just, this will happen. who hero, people are resilient people from what we have gone through. what met, people have gone through from jenna said disposition concentrated income and for my father and my great grandparents to regain i'm new to reconstitute themself and send me to school and they walk straight any more with your head down. and so
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that's the way i'm going to work. i'll walk straight. if my head up, ah, it's the political debate show that's challenging the way you think is a military advancement. going to stop the fan that ticket i use and that a company united to now people are very kinda not very upfront with me walk. lamont hill on out 0. i will totally accept the results of this great and historic presidential election if i, when a lot of people talk her world was being turned upside down. way doug has been manipulated by populace like donald trump slang on racial
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anxieties. one person that citizens have political while and of course in the united states as in many other parts of the world that remains an ideal, but not a reality. from a 4 year old baby. for the fable of brotherhood, i have a dream. my dream is that people may my daughter, the young people just have a full voice and don't feel targeted because of their race or ethnicity. i've come back to sarajevo to revisit the fascinating part of calcium history. they were crazy, creative, even visionary. they were top lester, not realistic. it was them as a child during and just opposite. people still love them. it was basically too bad to be true. what they were predicting can commitee heal ethnic divisions and
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national tensions exist in bosnia today. once upon a time in san diego, on al jazeera, ah 2 every single course, the federal government can take care of us. president joe biden promised his help to communities devastated by tornadoes. as he visits kentucky, ah, play a watching al jazeera line for my headquarters in dough. i'm fully back. people also ahead. the u. k. report is the highest number of covered 19 cases since the start of a pandemic. and warranty all me con variant will lead to an.
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