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tv   [untitled]    December 20, 2021 7:00pm-7:31pm AST

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i guess with, with, ah, the army kron surge, 12 people in britain die from the crime virus variance, the government refusing to rule out more social restrictions. while governments around the world are shutting borders and restrict thing travel. ah, i'm sammy's a dan. this is al jazeera alive from dell hall, so coming up
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a death tall in the hundreds and likely to rise. philippines mobilizes to help victims of super typhoon ry chalets. new leader left this gabrielle burridge promises to be a president for all the people off the beating is far right rival in a run off election. preserving the past to toddy bon under pressure to protect afghanistan's historic monuments. ah, 12 people have died from the army cron variant of corona virus and the u. k. that's according to the deputy prime minister. but dominic rob is refusing to rule out new restrictions ahead of the winter holidays. britain has reported record levels of coverage 19 cases with officials warning the full effects of the latest wave yet to be seen. jonah, how has more from london the scientists to advise the government say that the new
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year could come with thousands of hospitalizations and deaths every day. the government doesn't move very quickly now to try and limit all of that. and you've got to look at the soaring infection numbers. well over double the number of new infections on sunday compared to a week before 88000. and the realistic figure is probably far higher than that to realize the urgency of the situation. the problem for far is johnson, the prime minister is he is now a court squarely between what the scientists are telling him what his own party is telling him and pays on the right of his party entity cabinet ministers on the right to talk about all this a saying they revolted in large numbers a week ago against restrictions, and they're saying they will do so without any doubt. again, unless more time is given for more data to be accumulated. to understand the effects of i'm calling to decide more sensibly what to do next. and there are, you know, louder and louder whispers within those circles of the conservative party,
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the forest. johnson's time in office may now be numbered. if he doesn't start doing things the way they want things done, and the cobra terms, that means no more lockdown, no more damage to the economy. the prime minister is thought to be considering options that range all the way from what would please them on one on one end. so the guidance only to limit gatherings of christmas time, all the way to measures that looked very much like full lockdown, no indoor mixing, no hospitality, effectively. christmas canceled and ruined. and remember, this is exactly where we were a year ago. elsewhere in europe, germany will limit private gatherings to 10 vaccinated or recovered people from the 28th of december and members of the armed forces stepping in to help out the clinic's lay harding as this report unconscious and unable to breathe on her own. this woman is battling for her life. her nurses have worked
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on front lines around the world. but now they serve at this military hospital in northwestern germany upon the getting boys at the beginning of the pandemic. i was still deployed in molly and it was a bit surreal. during the missions we had training on how to behave, but it was a bit like a tv moving. we saw it, but we couldn't really understand it. it wasn't till we got back to germany and the case number started to suddenly rise. and the 1st patients came in that we fully realize what was beginning to happen here. and this military funded clinic has something few hospitals can boast, a surplus of staff. many here are on standby to be deployed, while cases are doubling every $2.00 to $4.00 days. germany's health minister has ruled out a christmas lockdown with a few of them. i think we are on a stable level here and i'm also guessing that probably over christmas, new years, we probably stay at about the same level of coverage patient. these veterans rely
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on teamwork to keep their patients alive, wants to get through the types of illumination. we have achieved here in a relatively short time, but of course, also the way the teams stuck together and the camaraderie. i think that's going to stay with us for a long time after it all ends. if ever an on demand for those fighting to breathe a hand to hold as a gift there, nurses hope will help pull them through leah harding al jazeera left. this politician gabrielle burridge is 1 july presidential runoff election. he secured 56 percent of the vote against his fall right rival jose antonio cast pottage is all set to become the youngest president in chiles history our latin america, lucy and human reports from santiago. oh, the sound of euphoria overwhelmed the streets of central santiago. barbara, tens of thousands of jubilant supporters of gabrielle, but each welcomed the impressive in hard, fought victory the left. when can did,
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it will become chillies. youngest, ever president. i have the hope of a taylor with social justice at taylor. that's better for my daughter. the president elect a 35 year old congressman and former student leader literally had to jump over the crowds in time of a barriers to make it on to the stage from where he delivered a conciliatory message to the country in little, you know, our government has the conviction to look forward to the challenges that we have before us. it cannot be just changed by talking to the mirror. i'm not here to only speak to people who think like me to change the way people who think differently. we are here to ensure that once and for all the our courses sufficient for all chileans and we can achieve a wonderful life, a new one of them, but earlier body received a visit from his rival conservative. cassandra your cashed little cast had conceded defeat just a little over an hour after the polls closed. you look in
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a sort of formal as much as we can here are legitimate differences. him said we want to continue contributing to our homeland. he must all, once again unite all chileans. gabby in conservative presidency, vast damping near dap who also opposed bondage rush to make the traditional conciliatory phone call. for the 1st time in 40 years, there will be a president who will attempt to change chiles free market economic model, which millions of chileans believe is responsible for extreme social inequality in this country. i think is the, on every, with patients with me in their new president that wanted to pages of congress, which is split between his supporters and his opponents with me that he's going to have to include consensus. and that begs the question, how long will this enthusiasm last what each acknowledged that he faces,
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serious economic and political challenges, but for at least a short while. it was time to celebrate a victory that symbolizes a huge leap of faith by the people of chile. to see a newman, al jazeera santiago, outgoing president, sebastian piano has congratulated the newly elected leader. he said he hoped gabrielle borage would lead with wisdom and fortitude is urging all political parties to work with the new government. they would have that that will the suffer . your deb, real boric, will have to face new challenges, new difficulties and new opportunities to succeed in this mission. it's essential that the government, the opposition that the all children's act with good will sincerity and conviction with the spirit of dialogue, of collaboration and agreement. and with the spirit of peace and the condemnation of all types of violence, unit b, the us presidents, hopes of passing a major piece of legislation hangs in the balance because the senator from his own party won't support it. joe,
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by needs every democrats in the senate to support than any to trillion dollar build back better bill it same as improving education, costing health care costs and tackling climate change. jo, mansion says increasing public debt will hinder the u. s. fight against the pandemic. and you political threats. i cannot vote to continue with this piece of legislation. i just can't. i've tried everything humanly possible. i can't get there. you're done. this is a no. this is a no. on this legislation, i have tried everything i know to do. that's bringing white house correspondent kimberly how. how much of a shock did that come to the white house? those woods bear on a fox news interview. it was an enormous shock because the white house believed that it had secured commitments from the senator from west virginia. joe mansion to continue talking until they got to deal and that was the moment you
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heard the hesitation in his voice when he was announcing that he wasn't going to support the deal at least as current form. and so he did this. and the reason the white house is upset about it is not only is he not supporting the president's agenda, but he didn't talk to them after months of engagement in advance of making that public notice. and he also did it on a can largely aligned conservative network. fox news is known as being more aligned with the republican party than the democrat party which jo mansion and of course, joe biden are members of so this was a real spot slap in the face. of the white house, and as you point out, the reason you're mansion says he's not supporting it is mainly because of concerns over the high price tag $1.00 trillion dollars. he feels this is not the right time . given the fact that there is a problem, there are problems with inflation in the united states right now,
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and he doesn't believe the country can afford it. now we happened hearing from joe mansion in local radio interviews, and he's expanded on his reasonings for turning down this support. and it has to do with also he said that it would not do enough to lower the cost of prescription drugs in the united states. he also said that the white house did what he called the inexcusable things, and that led him to reject the president's sweeping social agenda in the form of legislation. so he didn't specify what those things were. but given the fact of the white house is pretty furious about this, i expect we will be hearing more in the upcoming white house press secretary daily briefing a in terms of the reaction that the white house is likely to give. as a result of these statements. kimberly, what does this mean for jo biden's agenda going forward with this billing with other issues? it's a problem for him because he's getting a lot of criticism right now about his handling of the coven pandemic. something he
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was brought in to do is approval ratings are falling there with each month. so he really needed this as a boost add to that. it's really the cornerstone of his am platform that he campaigned on to become president. so there's a lot of pressure on joe biden, and there's a lot of pressure on congress to, to do this as well. given the fact that i, you know, the mid term elections are not that far away. i and this is something that people are watching very closely. they want to see if joe biden can deliver on his promises sooner than later. so what we're hearing in terms of a timeline, there was a bit of an arbitrary timeline getting this done by the end of the year, because that's when some child tax credits expire. and the concern being that this would really hurt families. but now we're hearing that this is likely to be taken up again in the new year. and democrats are determined to pass it. and there they say, and they're promising they'll figure out away. all right, thanks so much. kimberly, how can lawyers in new york making that closing statements in the sex trafficking
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trial of july maxwell, she's pleaded not guilty to recruiting teenagers for underage sex with her former boyfriend, jeffrey epstein. on the wealthy britain faces up to 70 years in prison. if found guilty as speak to gabriel as on those following the trial in new york, i think right about now, prosecutors making the summary of their argument. what are you saying? that's right. the prosecutors are making their closing argument. it's been going on for about 2 hours now in a federal court house you see behind me here in new york city, prosecutors are summarizing their case. they're basically telling the jury that give a maxwell is in their words, sex trafficker. and that it was her crime or alleged crimes of
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teenage girls to have sex with her former boyfriend, jeffrey epstein. they say that there were the j. f. epstein and maxwell were in prosecutor's words, a team, and that his alleged crimes could never have happened without her help. prosecutors say that she lured teenage girls and in their words trapped them in to being sexually abused by a jeffrey epstein. over the course of this trial, prosecutors presented 4 different alleged victims who gave very strong and powerful testimony about how they say as teenagers, they were newer into sexual massages, but lowered into it by laying maxwell. so prosecutors laying out their case here and we expect that after lunch the defense will then make their final arguments to
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the jury. ready as well, gabriel, why is the trial wrapping up sooner than expected? we thought that this trial was going to go on for about 6 weeks or so that's what the judge. a lot of that's a timeframe, but it's only been half that time about 3 weeks. so much faster than anyone thought . and that's the real speculation. why is that? is that because the defense feels they have a strong case? is it because the prosecution feels that with their 4 alleged victims that testified, they think their cases strong. so they didn't need to go any further. we simply don't know, but the bottom line is this is that the defense before this trial started said that they would call at least 35 different witnesses to the stand. they called a fraction of that in the end. so clearly, both the prosecution and the defense felt that their cases were strong enough to end much sooner than what the judge even anticipated. so presumably,
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the defense will lay out their closing statements if you will, later today. and i could go to the jury today as well. i will have see how that goes. thanks so much gabriel. on the coming out we'll have another update and another closely watch trial in the u. s. a trial of a former police officer who admits she shot the black man, bob, by mistake. we live in minneapolis and please help lebanon head of the us land in beirut. we'll hear what else we had to say. ah, ah, look forward to burritos, guys. the with the sponsored by capital airways. hello, they let start in south asia. there's lots of fine and dry weather to be found
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across much of pakistan and india. we've had an intense cold wave sweep across. easton pakistan, and northern india leading to very cold nights and foggy conditions, but the temperature in delhi is going to edge up slightly. there will still be a lot of sunshine around as there will be 4 large areas of india, particularly in the south where we have seen a lot of rain recently. we're only thing a few showers trickle into sri lanka. it could get wet however, for that north east corner. we have got some watches out for thunderstorms with lightning in places like a some. now as we move across to central asia, we've got lots of settled weather across central parts of china. but down in the south, we've seen significant wet weather. that's thanks to typhoon right. it is weakening as it works, its way towards ty one but it is going to be rather wet here for the rest of the week. now for japan, it's rather dry in the south, very wintry up in the north, we're seeing some heavy snow fall in places like her kind of some of the snow flurries hedging into western areas of han shoe. we're going to see the temperature
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come down slightly in tokyo, but that will still be sunshine around. will be sunshine for the korean peninsula as well as beijing that you ever oh, the weather sponsored by casara ways. on counting the costs, m r n a for letters, changing the world of vaccines. not just the coven 9 see big business in place. that was thousands of pixels. millions of dollars and non refundable token. we demystify the world of crypto are helping the costs on al jazeera we understand the differences and similarities of cultures across the world. so now mental handley take, it will bring you the news and current affairs that matter to you. ah,
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the me come back, you're watching now just a time to recap the headlines. 12 people have died from the on the chrome variant of corona virus and the u. k. deputy prime minister dominic rob is refusing to rule out new restrictions ahead of the winter holidays. britain has reported records levels of coverage. 1900 cases, left wing politician gabriel bought it should be like the next president. part of 156 percent of the both in the run off on sunday fall right candidate. jose antonio cast congratulated porch and urged the porters to put physical differences aside. lawyers in new york making their closing arguments in the sex trafficking, trial of gillian maxwell. the alleged partner in crime of jeffrey epstein pleaded not guilty to recruiting teenagers for under age sex with her former boyfriend
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and the trials coming to a close of a former us police officer involved in the shooting of a black motorist. kimberly pastor broke down in court last week while testifying about the death of dante right. he's kidding in minneapolis, spawns, nationwide, protest passes, pleaded not guilty to manslaughter, and says she meant to use her tazer, but drew her gun instead. and opened fire. with john hendrick joins us live from outside the colds in minneapolis. how. how is it going inside there now? well, send me the prosecution is wrapping up. it's closing arguments, and in this case, nobody is arguing that former police officer kim potter was right in shooting john tay right. during this interaction, the defense as it was a mistake, she pulled her revolver, her service weapon instead of the taser, which was on her other side. and mistakenly shot him. but the defense is arguing
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that this was the kind of automatic mistake that people make when they misstate a check in a couple of weeks. it'll be 2022 and many people will be writing 2021 on their check for the prosecutor just said, this is not a case like that. yes, it's common for people to make simple mistakes, but that this was one that this 26 year old police officer was trained, year after year to avoid precisely the kind of negligent error that she was trained not to do. and that for that, she should be convicted of 1st degree and 2nd degree manslaughter. now 1st degree manslaughter. does not require intent to be proved. it just has to be negligence while committing another crime. and in this case, that other crime is, is reckless endangerment of all the people around or so the prosecution is summing
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up its case saying kim potter needs to pay for that crime. her defense is saying, look, she had no intention of hurting anybody. all she was trying to do was to pull her taser. and by the way, they say that because there was an officer hanging on that car at the time that had she chosen to use her weapon and shoot dante right. that she would have been with in a rights because she would have been protecting that other police officer will find out shortly whether the jury agrees amended number of cases like this across the u . s. once at stake here in this case. well this case happened in the middle of. busy the biggest case, the launch protest and that was the killing of george floyd right here in minneapolis, in the middle of that trial of the officer who was ultimately convicted for killing george floyd, convicted of 1st degree homicide. this shooting took place, so the streets that were filled here in minneapolis suddenly sent hundreds of people over to neighboring brooklyn center where this shooting happened. and there
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were protests in the streets there. there was looting, there was arson. and there was chaos were not seeing as much of that now in winter time, those were summer protests. but that is the risk that we might see. another uprising in the streets of people don't like the verdict. time account. thanks so much john henry, they're now 4 days after super typhoon ryan struck the philippines. police have increased the number of confirmed dead 2 at least 375. more bodies are expected to be found in remote flooded areas. military helicopters of ferrying food and waters, some survivors, al jazeera donald than dog is the 1st journalist to reach the then i got islands to see the devastation there. we are in the town of tunnels, say in dinner. good province. everywhere we look, there is devastation. this coast, so community has been completely damaged by typhoon,
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right. we've spoken to residents who are now forced to sleep by the roadside because their home has been completely destroyed. we've been told we were the 1st journalists to ever visit this community, a community that really cut off from the rest of the world. there is the bree everywhere, and people are forced to just pick up the pieces. they say they have yet to see any government official. they have yet to receive any whatsoever. and the situation is quite desperate. but what we're seeing is just the fraction of the devastation brought about by typhoon rice fury. there are at least 5 provinces, deeply affected by this site for affecting millions of people. the government says it is doing the best it can to send a to those who need it most, especially those who live in islands like this one. but we spoke to people here who say they're very disappointed about the government response and the feel abandoned
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nbc, even though they can pick up the pieces. it's not going to be easy because it also means that it will take many, many months before they can even feel a semblance of normalcy. again. the head of the united nations is flown to lebanon to meet political leaders, and tony with tat shells over the bay report to meet families of some of the victims of last year's massive explosion. xannon holder reports from the capital. the, when both says the world is not doing enough to help lebanon avoid economic collapse . oh, the un secretary general says he came to lebanon as a message of solidarity for a people impoverished by their unprecedented economic growth . but antonio good head is also reminded the political leadership. they have a responsibility to reform and stamp out corruption in state institutions. the 2 sees that the lebanese people used to they suffering 30 men,
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mostly. and that creates naturally, a great responsibility for lebanese leaders to come together. i mean, this is not the moment for the visions to be explored. lebanon's latest political crisis has paralyzed the government for 2 months now. at a time when many of the 5000000 people have been plunged into poverty because of the currency crash, lebanon needs urgent assistance in all sectors with particular importance to expanding the social protection network. international assistance has been key and helping the nearly bankrupt country. but the dynamics of the relationship appears to have changed. for example, humanitarian aid is no longer handled by the government. i prefer to call it collaboration partnership than oversight because none of us would like to actually to substitute the role of any of the institutions. and yes, it has changed dramatically in terms of inclusion, you know, there was a much less actually inclusion in, you know, all the meetings in the,
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in the priority setting. and in the policy dialog. gutierrez is promising un agencies will remain strongly engaged and that lebanon is not alone. international aid will help to slow lebanon's collapse, but you an official say, it is not a sustainable solution. good terrorist called on lebanon's leaders to put the lebanese people 1st and promote and good governance. and while they have, again promised transparency, there's still no economic recovery plan. 2 years into the latest crisis. a crisis made worse. i last years explosion at the report that leveled neighborhoods and destroyed lives and livelihoods. gutierrez paid his respects to the more than $200.00 victims and called for an impartial and transparent investigation. but like political reform, it's another message that is likely to go unheard. santa, for their elders, either beirut,
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international concern is mounting for the preservation of a unesco listed minarets in afghanistan. the taliban government is under pressure to protect the countries historic monuments who was widespread condemnation when they destroyed the bam young buddha statues 2 decades ago. rob mcbride reports from campbell, known as afghanistan's cultural capital. nothing symbolizes the countries rich heritage more than the western city of merit and at its heart. the grand mosque, its exquisite tiling is preserved by the ongoing efforts of its own workshop of craftsmen. but they maintain a world class wonder that like the countries, other historical treasures is largely unknown to the outside world. because of decades of conflict. muscle thought that there are so many historical places of beauty that are untouched. the country is only known for war. holter and heritage
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are not recognized. but the improving security situation offers the tantalizing future prospect of tourists once more. for now, her rights oldest monument, its citadel fortress, gets few visitors by the 1st tourists numbered by gods and guns. many times over it was restored recently by the previous government but the world famous minarets near by, especially those leading, precariously or badly in need of help of more immediate concern to experts such as ha, my uni, amadi is the plight of the so called minarette of jam in a remote neighboring province that he has just visited until recently inaccessible and now neglected because of the conflict. it's been badly damaged by flooding. man
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on a job that had it on the gym the every year when it floods the waters are going above the foundation brickwork. if no one takes care of it, we will witness the destruction of this minute and nothing will be left on her. for the taliban governments, it's not just a question of having the resources to save historical sites, but also whether it has the will given its track record on preserving afghanistan's heritage, the destruction of the balmy and buddha's in 2000. and one came to represent for many the taliban intolerance of other people's beliefs. although there's a growing sense this time is different type of vehicle material that on the emery now has more experience and knows the value of heritage that it's not just about religion. so it's totally different this time and them in a while yet as afterward, just as the international community is holding the taliban to account for its future actions in so many aspects of government add to that list.


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