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tv   [untitled]    December 22, 2021 2:30pm-3:00pm AST

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the walls were cracked and there was no life in the budget on the kinds of revived these walls with colorful pictures. i was very pleased with their ideas. i love the fact that they use our history on the was and the idea behind a lot of the murals here is to reflect the local community, the residence, but live here, the characteristics of the community. for example, this house belongs to a very famous local butcher. so what the collective have done is paint a street thing with a butcher in it. the way it may have look centuries ago. the collective does all the bit voluntarily, but they did run into trouble with the architect association, which said that they were destroying the character of the neighborhood, but support from the residence quickly dismissed the accusation. the painting continues both with new work and maintaining the old. now that the cry of irish restrictions have been lifted, the artisan residents hope the more people visit, and it will become a defining motif of the neighborhood the years to come and run con algebra claudia
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baghdad. ah, hello again. the headlines on algae 0 years president joe biden has announce measures to limit a surge if on the kron cases, they include expand the tests, support for hospitals on more vaccinations, but he stopped short of calling for another lockdown. israel may become the 1st country to roll out a 4th dose of the coven, 1900 vaccine. a government panel has recommended that people above 60 years of age be given the job. israel reported its 1st death from variance on tuesday. libya's elections commission is proposing elections take place on january 24th. the vote had been scheduled to take place on december 24th. monic. traina has more elections . commission is proposing is suggesting that the up 1st round of presidential elections be postponed to january 24th. but they were very clear and saying that
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it's the parliament that has to to put, put this date into, or into a set this date into motion are so the issues that, that have, have left these elections, not able to a carryon still remain, right? so i'll libya has 2 legislative side. the previous political agreement are stated that they had to agree the parliament in eastern libya and the high council state in western wil, you had to agree on a constitutional framework for the elections to be held that never happens. aid is being delivered to survivors on typhoon ravaged, islands in the philippines. at least 375 people died when typhoon rye hit, southern and central regions. you ends world food program has announced that we'll have to reduce rations for 8000000 people in yemen. due to a lack of funding, the cutbacks will start from january and the un agency is warning of serious consequences as hunger rises. those are the headlines coming up next is inside
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story. thanks for watching. bye bye. ah. the promise of renew that getting for olivia could be slipping away despite months of negotiations and preparations. the country's 1st presidential elections won't happen as tanned. so after 10 years of war and conflict has a political process and dialogue failed. this is inside story. ah
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hello and welcome to the program. i'm hashem, abala libya was among the olive spring nations and says the revolution topple the government a decade ago. it has not no peace or political stability. but after months of arduous negotiations and international mediation, there were fresh hopes for the future warring side, signed a un sponsored, seized by deal formed identity government and agree to hold elections on december's when to the 4th of the head of the electoral commission. has now, does old all electoral committees just days before pulling stations were due to open? now the future for libya is again unclear. and the land piece plant hangs by a thread. malik twin or has this report from the capital tripoli. we're just a few days away from the scheduled 1st round of presidential elections and libya and it's becoming clear that the vote will be delayed. but there hasn't been
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a government institution, or any senior officials that have been willing to announce the postponement or the, the electoral commission, the high national electoral commission has said that is the parliament responsibility to announce or the postponement. the parliament has turned back and said, no, it's the electoral commission that should come and tell the libyan people a wide. there was a postponement. and there's also been a lot of controversial figures are that have at that have put in their bid to become up to running the presidential elections, including safer slamming good duffy, while marg duffy's 2nd son. he's wanted by the international criminal court or for crimes against humanity, or you have clearly for after an eastern libya who's also been accused of war crimes in his field, attempt to capture the triple to capture the capital tripoli militarily. and you have prime minister abdul hamid to be with the current prime minister, who when he took on the position sub assigned
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a promissory note. note that he wasn't going to run for elections out. so for now what's clear is that these elections aren't going to happen and we're waiting for an official announcement announcement by the electoral commission or the parliament mal trina for inside story. we'll bring in our guess in a moment, but 1st let's take a look at how we got to this point. libya has been in turmoil since an uprising toppled mar mcgaffey in october, 2011. in the years after that different political groups backed by international powers, competed mostly through violence to gain control in 2015 the government of national a court. the ga was formed based in tripoli in the west and with backing from the united nations. it was man to serve as an interim government and did libya out of his turmoil. but the following year, the torak based administration in the east bath by the walls, had for after voted against approving the dna and cooperation between both ends of
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libya broke down. since then, there have been years of war and attempts by halftime to take control of the capital by force. finally, and after months of un back negotiations, the 2 sides agreed on a cease fire in march and formed a duty to government pending elections this month. ah lettering in august, joining us from paris is most of our fate. tory journalist who specialists in livia, politics from london, and some of the general director of libya based thing tank. saw that institute from kuwait. yes. me, it has now an expert in north africa as and board member with the institute of sahara and studies alonda las thank you for joining us. must offer the general feeling was that basically it went to the 4th of december was going to be the culmination of a mammoth task that started years ago. that would have been the way for
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presidential elections. and that was going to be the moment when people were going to say violence and instability is over. that is not happening anymore. well, 1st of all has been. thank you for having me. you all right, it's not happening anymore. and even if a last minute dash, you jumped off somehow by the local actors or the national actors in this case, it would be quite difficult. logistically speaking, as well as legally the election commission has failed so far too. but just to find the list of the contestants of the president's election as well as it was dean i'm . it was required by law to give them some time to can be something like 2 weeks time to come in for the elections. and that never, that never, never been granted as well. did the permission to do so to do the campaigning.
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i mean, has never been given by the commission, so there is no election 24th of december. that's for sure. unless the commission, the election commission had dissolved all the local committees, the decision to delay the election was purely a domestic issue. do you think international intervention plays a role here? i think it goes without saying lydia has become a theater for great power competition. i'm not all the decisions that are taken by, even like electors are indeed for local reasons. i think that's where so much of this of today's kind of conundrum of deciding whether or not i have elections, which of the living institutions are going to be in the deciding kind of been the driving. see the decision that tells you a lot about that he has history with foreign actors, many of the of the local actors themselves that were responsible for, for pointing in the last several years. we're actually mercenaries who didn't hold the emblem of infection or even international veteran working on behalf of
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international actors. that's just the symptom of the wider kind of interference in this process. and what comes to the root of this is that the actual sequence of events since january 2020, since the berlin process that decided that was going to be an end to the conflict and the beginning of a new chapter. so much international difference that can place the local actors, as you rightly mentioned, the actual commission has the so it's local committees, but it's just the chris or the crest of the tide. i mean, it's really not of the way. it's not really the, you know, that the deeper and dentist symptoms of what's been going on for several weeks, many of the factors come to, to, to measure by the, the new actors that emerged like said that there was the structure of to the kind of settlement that many international actors have been trying to preside over a to to horse race, not a 3 horse race. the actual supreme court has been mutes for several months, but years in fact, and has now been reshaped and reassembled and brought to 4. but if it comes out and
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get relational the confidence has to be able to publish on the process, there are so many kaycie and salty foundations to the collection that we can just label that. just to put the responsibility at what commission. yes, mean, should we be concerned about what's next for libya? well, actually, 1st of all, anyone who have been following the libyan conflict can definitely can easily pinpoint, perceive, and say that that would question the very possibility of conducting fair and transparent election. and this is your, 1st of all, to several devices figures the candidacy of each term, a literary, achieve her health. tar and save the duffy, both accused war positions from, you know, right. and so there is and also because of the lack of agreement over the power of the next government, we have both share results of, you know, of, of the, of the obstacle. so i think that in terms of, you know,
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on the ground the, you know, the, in terms of the situation of the ground, there are many libyan citizens themselves won't be elections. they want to vote. they did not, they did not want to vote on a specific date. these people did not sign up on the on or on a specific bid. so i think that, you know, i would call it a technical delay of the election is not something that we caused significant such attention at the level of the population as it might call. however, tension and maneuvering at the level of the not only the political or clock but also the, the arm of the groups. so the fight is now over the, the electoral process for, for whatever control what happens next. so i think that whatever has been done by of the represent you and are sensitive, stephanie needs to continue,
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but i would put it really as, as, as a technical, as a technical dealer. most of was it a main may just failure. all the legal institutions of libya, they set to some candidates, she won't be able to run for the presidency elections because you don't meet the standards or you have pending legal issues and then they were reinstated. and then we boyd down to meeting the deadline of december 20, the 4th, something terribly wrong happened. and then they decided, you know what, it's better fully been not to go for presidential elections when i go to, i don't really i house and see it as a failure. the judiciary in the country because these duties actually helped her concerned about this. or i rather should say, actually didn't have any need anything to do with this business except for the legal wrangling that have taken place early on the stage of a candidate submitting deal while to the commission for the or for the presidential
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election. and the other side also we have seen d, c, u, 2 courts. and at least in 2 cases the case of receiver is lambs. and that must already rafter to certain extent. and so you also played the role nicely and quietly, despite the hurdles they faced, especially in some of our judges, could not access to court building for a few days. but they did find that here. and then they decided what should be done . i mean, they decided they are legally speaking, which is daryl a save. it is now more mr. gadhafi does not have mr. after does not have a problem is running for the course. if they have some kind of legal homes, i don't think those. i don't think those judges, you know, said or gave them the green light without presentation to give them the red light.
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so the does you does, she should be out of this b and the other side, you know, on the other. it's not the job of this year this year, the country to decide ballistic li, if this candidate as the advisor figure or not, or you get, he actually governed the country once. if he went to the election, it's not their business. what is happening now, and they try to, you know, the different local actors, they're trying to blame. did you, she were by default was in my thinking as shared bit is shared between the clock election commission as well as the bottom into a boss. some laws that have been cook his eyes as clo, okay. and as yes the you and said it was coastal for libya to have presidents elections. yes, the international community said it was paramount for stability in the country. but when you end up having 3 key players at baber hafta and safety is lamar of
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there fi people would pretty much concerned that the winner most likely was just going to further tear apart libya. it's better not to have elections than to have elections with defies of figures was the only thing those decides those devices because as you rightly mentioned, that bring the prospect 2 of them certainly because they are military figures or miniature triggers use tribes. so for the summer, good afternoon and kind of after based on the bring the prospect of more worn, more peace and to get back to what your other guests mr. study was saying about the, the, the court, the court is not there to decide whether or not that particular acceptable. the court is that to decide whether really acceptable and whether or not they are criminals. and in both cases, throughout the whole 3 cases, there's good evidence to suggest that all of them have committed various crimes at differ natures. so for the slam has been coming and has been found guilty of censure to go 2015. and for his rolling 2011, and if a half there has been a,
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as left libya covered in crime scene tape over the last several years. i mean there are still mass graves that are being uncovered. but i think anyone is under the illusion that he was not responsible for his own forces have been sharing those things on facebook, on social media for years. and, and, and with the baby also has financial questions around his royal inn pdf from the beginning of the year, but also how he amassed and his plan last billions over several years. but the real question today is whether and also the 2nd part is that. ready the parliament hasn't passed along. the angel hasn't passed the law that cheap speaker of the law of the, of the parliament. again, a seller, an amount of money after he passes on lou, we're not going to parliament. so when it comes to the idea of not only who these candidates are in the divisive nature, it's not just that these conditions conducive to peace. there no conditions and in fact conducive to democracy. you have no constitutional basis in a country with a legacy for strong men who never li, power and use violence to stay in power. the 2nd aspect is, is that the presiding over a divided states,
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which is entirely absurd because you can elect someone to be your president, but it reside over a subservient state. those absorbs presided over a military. that is gonna accept their command and that orders. these are, this is meant reflections that decide which quite they want to ebay and not the state that they want to ebay. so it also makes no sense or a stable their perspective and especially not given. in january 2020 they began estate building versus what was supposed to culminate with elections not begin with elections are the real question i have today is nora. she's being delayed or postponed for political expedients, or to have candidates grown candidates, divisive, or less divisive. it's what kind of state do you want to bring in, is this gonna usher in this process the day, or in 2 weeks or in 22 years, or even 2 decades? would usher in a democracy, would allow libyans to fulfill that democratic rights? or would it rob them of the democratic why? because today it sounds more like that that would be rob at the democratic one. yes . me in the international community was hoping to have presidential elections that
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would bring about some one that would ultimately unify levia. when you look at the profile of the 3 candidates, it says for a much clear, no one would be able to unify a libya has been divided for quite some time. well, actually since november 2020 the, when the decision was made to have the elections on december 24th, the initial plan was to hold the presidential and parliamentary election on the same day. but we're talk about the international community over the last year that they have become something that will put it as a holy grail. the international focus on these, on these elections in a way that was, that was quite striking as there were little little, very little discussion. very little thoughts on what would lead to look like at both elections. there were due to not mentions of these people. i mean,
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from europe in perspective, it has been very interesting to see how the europeans have been i would say back, lynn, for relevance is after have our field trip that the tripoli offensive. and we have also of course, the french and italian coming together. but i think what is important, what is more important. it's not was that we see how turkey and russia, which are still the main, you know, external power, a power brokers inside leave. yeah. what has been really happening is really interesting. in the last few days, we have seen countries that have been you know, constantly dropping references to december 24th, whether, you know, in their announcement or public be public and not public known for an ottoman. so there has been a very, you know, not just to defer the difference in the new, you know, in language. but what is interesting earlier this week is that look how,
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you know, the foreign minister of russia. he said that most go would not have any problems in delay him. you know, elections if that means that the elections, what would happen an effective way? so in fact, russia is the only international player so far that has come out and, and said something about those, those elections. i think that national community did not mention much the people rather than, you know, there were not the, they felt that, you know, the international leave yet is not ready for the in the meantime, for a full, for the election. yes, most offer in the meantime, should the into government step in to prevent any power vacuum elvia? well, that's very difficult question. yeah. and then there is a lot of debate about the, the issue for having the different government then the, the, the current one, which will be a caretaker government. but then you have to have that for you to have to have to have for different government. and 1st of all, as well as to be commonly accepted,
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widely accepted. and there, i don't think that would have been easily today. the information i'm getting from a capital sub there is a lot of mobilization of many shares. arm admonishes with a huge armaments around different parts of the city, especially western bots, of the city and east and wanted the cities as well. as mr. ne bear has gained some popularity true, you know, you've used ways and may suspect, you know, or accuse him of wasting public money in his own election campaign. and because of that bubble, larkey has created some kind of a base for him. and he moving game. now, without actually having to precise a b n as to what is the next goal, will be quite difficult thing to do. a good the spark, you know, something like and turn and fight among the supporting militias themselves that support mr. babies currently, especially those in the garbage company. ok,
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and of course as a base is one of the rationale behind this whole political process was basically following the these premises. first of all, to bridge the divide, we need to have a national unity government. and then we have to have a presidential council hoping that when they will have a president who it will be the strong men of libya, that would be the way for parliamentary elections. and that would have vibrant political parties taken over. and that democracy would prevail, olivia, that's not happening any time. so do you have any concern? that's good. they've the way formal anaki in a place like libya. let's think we have to have a sequence process that, that tackles the reasons why many of the actors can go to war. there's no danger if someone like said for the somebody get duffy or hell if after the 2 that have an authoritarian legacy in libya of becoming authoritarians. if the institutions themselves are not owned by their tribal can buy their children, as has been the case now. but leave off their or separate a slams brothers as a previous to control the army. if you have an institution that is neutral,
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then you're ok and that's what really needs to happen. it's not about libyans themselves on who to go to with each other. it's the capacity to bring war because, or, and states are backing you in the case of many of the actors, separate us lamb today, it's russia for, after has been russia, the united arab emirates in france. but you know, i mean, the paper i don't, i would say has the same capacity to wage war. no, i would agree with someone i was with what has mentioned in terms of its capacity to, to just convert throughout. it's using populism and using money that has been badly spent over the last year. but all of those things aside are just distractions. the real route pulls here is that the militia formations themselves are not going to be unified. if we have a political unit, government, or combination of 3 or a little bit of use a little bit west a little bit, it doesn't work that way. the reality on the ground is that the military factions that came to an agreement in october 2020, to stop fighting under the un. i have not bridge that advice to unify under a subservient state. then libya is going to have another war. i'll get respected
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whether you have a lecture today, tomorrow or in it, that the proof is going to be in the pudding. and i think unless they prioritize the state building and the neutralization of house pointers can support the political military process and drag libya back to war. then we're always going to be asked why one. i would argue that we've never left swear one. yes, me, in the meantime, my waiting for the authorities to come back again and say we have elections shadow for january, february, or march. do you think that the militia has a foreign troops? the mess center is the war, laws tribesman, those who have benefited from because libya will use this for more political leverage. of course, dear, well, but business as usual is no longer an option. i mean, it will be very delusional to believe that a smooth transition to democracy through trans burns and fair elections is possible . while these people, this 1000, the foreign forces and mercenaries are still room in the country. so that's why we're speaking about it. if it's good, if it is a technical, the delay,
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be it as long as there are these tell them before in mercenary. i think that the situation will stay the same. so only when going mercenaries and forces are compelled to, to leave county. if you regain its, its sovereignty and hope to recover from its, you know, debilitating, paid long war. so besides the, you know, the disastrous consequences that this scenario would happen. the wellbeing and livelihood of, of lead people on the, on the, you know, you know, viability or independence and i think per long and broken, the conflict provides the ground for the islamic state and other terrorists really, less than minutes. most of our do you think that the device that we've been talking about for quite some time east west, is now becoming more of a divide between east, where you have half the west, where you have international recognize government, south where you have gadhafi loyalists. when i'm not sure, but the division is always there. and in des moines just to was a bit of, you know,
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you know, somebody as a president, good unified, the country that will never have it in the, in the short time, or even in 10 years time, the countries give the, the, find it because of politics mainly and because of the forum and diverse, of course, from fall bowers. and when there are, you know, are there going to be a rush to war, fall down below something like this. i don't think, i don't think it would be. there is no one that nobody's interested in the war and now, but that does not mean you. it is not an option in the table right now. and as i said, mobilization is quite high ranking today. i can't find any smart good in it. it quite interesting to look into the different elements of the libyan puzzle. mcduffy told me about the s me and the house. now i really appreciate your insight. thank you to for watching it and see the program again. any time by visiting our website, al jazeera dot com for further discussion goes our facebook page. that's facebook
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dot com, forward slash ha insights where you can also join the conversation on twitter. our 100 is at a j insights load for me. how much about the entire team here in doha bye for now? ah, a
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. a, with a covered head beyond with taken without hesitation. fulton died for our deadlines, our wild launch, new babies were dying. i did not think it's neglected babies to death. people in power investigates, exposes, and questions for the use and abuse of power around the globe. on al jazeera, the listening post cuts through the noise. we're talking about competing narrative, but seeing monday schools being used to perpetuate there's competing narrative
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separating spin from fuck all 3 versions of the story and then some element of the truth. but the full story of remains and coaching. unpacking the stories you're being told, it's not a science story at all. it's a story about politics. the listening post, your guide to the media on a just 0. ah . hello, i'm adrian said again in doha. summary of that he is on al jazeera u. s. president joe biden has announced measures to limit a surgeon or micron cases. they include expanded tests, support for hospitals and more vaccinations, but he stopped short of calling for another lockdown. while these people who've not been backseat, you have an obligation to yourselves, to your family and quite frankly.


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