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tv   [untitled]    December 26, 2021 11:00am-11:31am AST

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stop, the family is complete right now. people out of day to day apart with me walk with him on out 0. ah, renowned human rights activists to archbishop desmond to, to her died. he was awarded the nobel prize for his fight against apartheid. ah, the whole roman watching on just they were like my headquarters here in doha also in the program. human rights groups, the keys me amount military of a massacre at the dozens of bodies found in k. how the state under the palestinian protested or injured in the west bank as tension escalate. several taxes by railey
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settlers until re scenes in the rocky city of bill and bodies of migrants who drowned while trying to cross the english channel. return her. i just pray that we begin with breaking news coming out of south africa, where the nobel peace prize winner, archbishop desmond to, to has died. appointed the 1st black archbishop of cape town to, to raised the prominence of the 1900 eighty's. as a vocal opponent of apartheid, he was 90 years of let's go to a correspondence to meet the miller, who, following events force, enjoy misburg and joins me on the phone. for me to, along with nelson mandela, he really was south africa was moral compass through very dark times. that's certainly the case. and as you listen to, to be coming in this morning, shortly after that we hear from people who talk about
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a man was led by his conscience irrespective of the topic it had. he was somebody who was even critical of the existing political leadership. one that was for, during the days of a party, he's believe was always sent to the wrong just around what the rights of people and what was important to south africa that i just quickly went to read one line from the tribute from the presidency saying that this ma, 22, was a patriot without equal a leader of principal and pragmatism, who gave meaning to the biblical inside that faith without works is dead. he stood his ground, didn't he for me, that he wasn't afraid to eyeball his adversaries, adversaries over a korea that was what decades in the making, not at all. and he still, there's a space to, during his fight doing a part against the part this time abroad when he was in the u. k. as well as we need to south africa when he treated the truth and reconciliation commission in the
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early ninety's. and that was just off the part, it was dismantled, where he wanted onto from people he wanted to hold people accountable to the atrocities that had occurred. and those were also seen as we saw the archbishop breakdown in peers devastating some of the testimony that he had heard. but he continued as i say, to be a man of conscience in dealing with the ongoing, social and racial issues in south africa. irrespective of the opponent he was facing, and this is way you might as a he gain global respect because we're every went across the african continent and definitely to europe, asia, and the american people wanted to listen to him. they want to hear his point of view because what he said resonated at that time in that place in the country. and that's, that's not the case. and even when you hear from people who interacted with him, they say was the great sincerity. he was a man without any is and great and,
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and very much con, separate the archbishop from the. 9 christian beliefs and what he thought was correct. and also what with key in terms of the role that he played in this country when they were political. people like nelson mandela who in prison at the time he kept the fire burning, he kept the fire burning. a in terms of the fight against the parties and, and that is the kind of message that was respected. and then also sticking to the principles is essentially, but just really it's you, morality and sincerity that always one people over for meter will leave it. that's not course continue to follow the tributes that come in with you from south africa . you're in jana's book. thanks very much. jonah hope looks back now. desmond tutu, life this is jasmine to to hearing the news that nelson mandela would soon be released. he was seldom one to contain his feelings,
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it just to get me off this to twos responses, head of south africa, the truth and reconciliation commission on hearing details of atrocities committed by both sides is not just mentioned. then we get the blood from ms. desmond and pillow to, to was born in a mining town outside johannesburg at a time of strict segregation. things would get much worse. as he grew up to 2 was 17 when the national party came to power. in 1948 racial inequality became law. apartheid. he wanted to be a doctor, but became a teacher instead witnessing 1st hand the government's policy of depriving black south africans of education, consigning them to servitude. and the protests that followed the show like the sharp fil massacre in 196069 people were killed and most of them were short in the
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bag as running away, protesting against the passionate. i remember as a moment when you realize that black life was cheap, the 22 must have thought he could do more in the church, he joined the clergy eventually obtaining high anglican office as dean of johannesburg and later archbishop of cape town, it propelled him into the public eye as an unflinching moral voice. why our struggle is going to succeed is not just because of number. i believe may not be because it is a josh by 984 desmond to to had one global admiration. he was awarded the nobel peace prize. it was the kind of recognition that south africa's anti
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apartheid movement needed to become a global force for a very, very long time i. i did hope that the world would, would hear a pretty. and that is why we were to apply sanctions. archbishop desmond tutu was one of the world's foremost human rights campaign. as an active member of the elders in the cause of world peace remembered as much for his unremitting optimism. an infectious laugh. when he introduced nelson mandela of south africa's new president in 1994 to 2 recalled that he whispered to god, if i die now, it would be almost the perfect moment. someone up there must really have been on our side or betting for us. when mandela died, many worried that south africa had lost its moral compass. they may now wonder whether it's lost, its guiding light. yet trevor phillips as
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a british anti apartheid campaign and chair of the equality and human rights commission joins me now from london. good morning, mr. phillips. i know that you knew the archbishop very well. i can already begin to imagine the memories and the conversations that will be swirling around and your head right now when you think back at the man that we've lost. good morning. so yes, and i in fact, knew him rather more as a person, if i can put it that way than the public figure. because his son, who is also called trevor and i were contemporaries at university and we've been friends for now. gosh, past century. but i think obviously the important thing for most of the world actually right now is the loss of what i think you're confront correctly described as this tower in moral figure. and
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i think the important issue thing to remember about him is that during the last days or the end of the apartheid era, many of the people who fought at that battle are either out of the country or they were in jail. he had a unique freedom, which most people would probably not exercise in quite the extraordinary way that he did. he was able to speak out. he was able to draw attention to the awful characteristics of that system because to some extent he was protected. but the fact that he was protected by the, the color if i can put it that way, shouldn't lessen regard for his courage because all sorts of people suffered during
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that period. indeed, he would go, he would, he would be under house arrest. he would get in and out to south africa, he would have his passport, removed and confiscated by pick boat, who was a prime minister of south africa, the president of south africa at the time. you know, we tend to think, as you say, you shouldn't be protected by the dog color, but you know, he was afraid of eyeballing his adversaries. and i think that's why perhaps many across the world will pay tribute to him for that strength of character and strength. of character that he got from black, south africans and other par, anti apartheid leaders. yes, and i think we often forget with these great figures that they have lives to. i look at best, as i say, to some extent through the eyes of one who, his children's friends. and it was saying that for him
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that courage wasn't just a matter of a sort of person courage. but it was, he knew that there would be a price to pay for him, pay himself, but also for every member of his family. and he persuaded them brought them along, enfolded them, and as far as he could stood in front of them and that's at. but i think, you know, we forget that for him, he knew that those close to him were also paying a price and that in many ways respect would be more. would it be more of a, a heartbreak more room, more painful for him than anything that might have happened to him. but still, if he saw the, the greater need the bigger cause and fought it frankly to, to today because let's remember, he hasn't been particularly sparing in his criticism of the current post apartheid government as well. and i know what i mean when i say this moral character always
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shone through and data. and yet to i say you given us a sense of how you might say, oh, decent, a chat p walls and or where he stood when it came to family and professional duty. so finally, mr. phillips, i've got to ask you when you, when we talk about global, great, such as martin luther king gandy, mandela. he would modestly, most probably say i don't want to be in that list, but you think he is up there in that list? oh yes. oh yes, he's it up there and then celeste to acquire and i suspect that we will some point when we join him, we'll be hearing that infectious laugh. and he will be leading the conda and he will be telling jones, and it was saying, this is the guy who brought humanity to politics. he brought the common touch. not that easy even to see even amongst these great moral figures. if this was
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a man that you knew you could spend an afternoon or evening with and you would no doubt deal with the large issues. but you do go. ready way happy and laughing. so let's not forget, this was a great human being as well. i'm sure that's how be remember trevor phillips, they're joining us from them. thanks so much for joining us. and thanks for your time. i didn't write scripts of accuse me a mas military of committing a massacres. fighting with rebel forces intensifies the child remains of 38 people have been found in chaos. state witnesses say civilians including women and children were rounded up and shot say the children says to of its staff or missing and the private vehicle found burnt. let's speak to tony changer, joins me now from bangkok in neighboring thailand and tell me what more do you know about this particular incident in cas state? well, as i understand from reports i have had from current political groups operating in
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the area, the attack was apparently retribution for attacks by ethnic armed groups on the me or my military. on friday in the evening, they came into the village of most so in kaya state, rounded up a number of people, including children, including the elderly, and then executed them for the men trucks that they then burns villages said they, they tried to get out there, but the there was gunfire throughout the night. they did manage to reach the trucks on sat they were, they found the charred remains of 38 people. are we understand from save the children, the 2 of their workers who are in the area. distributing aid have now disappeared. there they are, unaccounted for, their vehicle has been found a furnace amongst the wreckage of these vehicles. and that is of course, great concern of great concern to them and many others, but also several medics who had known to be operating in this area where there were
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a lot of internally displaced people who had fled fighting in other areas where there as well. they're, they're also unaccounted for. antonia comes really in the midst of a rising level of violence across sort of the ty, mia bar border. i mean, there is context for this isn't a absolutely further down to the south. we've seen days will in fact weeks of really very intense fighting refugees have come across the board and now number more than 5000 and they're bringing with them reports that the mere mom military is using a helicopter gun ships, bombers fighter planes in the area. and really fighting with enormous ferocity. there was a raid by the mere mom military on a village near by trying to find representatives of the n, u g, the national unity government, a government in exile, which has been formed to, to try and oppose the, the military coup. but sir, the,
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the military are clearly cracking down very hard. and what we're seeing now is fighting all along this border and pushing thousands and thousands of people across the border into thailand to try and find sanctuary. tony chicken bang help thanks very much for the update. still had here on out 0. flight cancellations, travel. cale sander strain on hospitals. we'll have more from the u. s. as the pandemic rage is on. and we report from southern pakistan we're a drought is pushing millions to the brink of starvation. ah ah, look forward to brighter skies. the weather sponsored my cattle airways. i there hope your weekends off to a good start. good to see you. we've got more rounds of rain for iberia, and this is concerning because it's falling in northern spain. or earlier this
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month we had been dealing with some extreme flooding, often northwestern europe. right now, some blow and snow across scotland. there are weather alerts in play for this. we've got that wind off the north sea. edinburgh has a high of 4 degrees. truth be told, temperature is not that bad here, but just wait a bit. things are about to get a whole lot better. so we paint the colors on the dark or the orange, the higher the temperature. widespread double digits here on wednesday, london, 15 and paris. 16 degrees. not bad for the lead. up to 2022. ok back to the here and now some thunderstorms in the forecast for rome, 14 degrees that energy is going to hop over the g and plate the eastern shores at the atria. see numbers, way out of whack here. san diego, 11 degrees belgrade 9. and sophia, 10, well above average, it's above average as well, and it's stumble, but it comes at it costs. we'll see those breezy wins through the boss. for a gust seemed to about 50 kilometers per hour. know what we could have some record
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setting heats in. nigeria, this is for a boucher 37 degrees high for you on sunday. that's it. that's all season. oh, the weather. sponsored by katara ways to algebra. while the water we listen, design is are making serious effort in order to maintain and disrupt the trend of use making storms done. and i've been covering all of latin america for most of my career, but no country is alike. and it's my job to shed light on how and why me the me
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like you're watching on there with me. the whole run, the reminder of all top stories, south african nobel peace prize winner desmond to, to has died at the age of 90. he was appointed the 1st black archbishop of cape town and became known for his position to the countries apartheid system. human rights groups are accusing the amount of military of committing a massacre. the child remains of 38 people have been found in hail, state, disabled children charities as to that staff are missing in the area. that is really soldiers of injured more than $240.00 palestinian protest as in the town of boca north of nobliss. that's according to the palestinian red crescent security falsified tear gas live ammunition and rubber coated steel, bullets tensions been escalating in the areas since and israeli satler was shot dead by 2 palestinians. on december, the 16th hundreds of settlers attacked the town and the occupied west bank earlier
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this week. the abraham has more form bethlehem in the occupied west bank. there is a lot of increasing tension that's taking place in vertical and in order vintages around the north of the occupied to a bank where palestinians are saying that they've been sending for themselves. and they've been organizing local committees to try and send off the facts that have been on the rise later happening pre things ever since last week when the have been in some policy and fight as a shot at. and it's really 2nd car in the hills. one sefner and injured others and ever since then the lives have been marching and trying to get to any legal is really is sacrament. for thomas has been the victim from settlers in 2005. but then 2nd as a tier than open some sorts of
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a sensor there. busy and this is the location where the 2nd thing has been killed and is waiting settlers. i've been trying to get back to whole mission. they wanted support from their political leadership to kind of have a 2nd. and instead of it being and, and recognize our food. 16, they didn't get that for food, things been launching a few reasons prove that have been ending up going into policy and villages and attacking pinions. and these radio army has some trust, the palestinian protestants, who have been trying to stop the subtler tag therapy emotional scenes in northern iraq. after the bodies of 16 migrants were returned from france. family members gathered at annabel airport to receive the remains the victims drowned in the english channel last month trying to reach britain moved up the raw. joyce cannot live from baghdad, very sad day, full days, families waiting to receive the relatives. why did their relatives leave iraq
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in the 1st place? with the victims of families, it say that the migrants left a rock or know to the iraq because of the lack of jobs because of it can all make a decline. and because of any stability in some areas in northern iraq, there are portly blaming the a government for not doing enough to rehabilitate the as the witness the war. the battles against eisen for 3 years and northern iraq. and now the government, on the other hand, is not as stating how much is not commenting, is not sending or stating much in this respect. but it says that it has been cooperating with the french authorities in order to identify the victims
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via fingerprints and via dna examination because of the victims did not have any documents on on them. the government also says that it has been warning young people not to travel to europe through illegal ways. it has been warning against exploitation by people smugglers. each one of them has their own histories. they have the women and children among them. they have a 24 year old woman that was at she planned to travel to the u. k. to meet her fiance that they also include children, a family husband, wife and 2 children who wanted to seek asylum in in europe. there
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also victims companies have been speaking, blaming the french authorities for not doing enough to rescue the victims or to respond to their distress goals by mood of the had the impact that thank you. at least 7 people have been killed in a suicide bomber talking the democratic republic of congo. the government says the attack had talked with a popular restaurant in the city. if any of these group has yet claimed responsibilities with the managers of a hospital and said needles, radio or apologizing for wrongly telling 400 people that they had tested negative the cave in 19 when in fact they had been infected. we incorrectly message 400 patients who had been swab to the centers from december. the 22nd and december, the 23rd advising and the tested negative to do to stated
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these people in fact had tested positive jacoby. as soon as you became aware of this issue this morning, said pess, they merely commenced the process to contact these impacted individuals. an emergency response team is now investigating the cause of this mistake, which is believe to be due to human error. we sincerely apologize for the mistake with this been my one to staley miss populous state of new south wales. as reported a record number of code 19 infections, people have been forming long used to take a p c r test. despite the premier urging those who feel well to avoid taking one, the health minister says most people should get fully vaccinated as most likely to contract on the con i, it's very clear from i see you presentations that the majority of people who are, you know, i see you are on vaccinated. i that is at a time. that is at
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a time when 95 percent of our people here in new south wiles have received their 1st dose vaccination. so the numbers don't lie. please go and get vaccinated. many hospitals in the us don't have enough staff to deal with a major surgeon cases of coven, 19 about 70000 infected people are being treated in hospital on friday. now that figure is up by about 50 percent from early november, but the number of hospitalized. so the number hospitalized with the article, barry remains lower compared to other strains. indeed, prime ministers as teenagers between the ages of 15 and 18 will begin receiving covered 19 vaccinations in january rent remote. he also announced health care and frontline workers will get these to jobs. the health ministry says more than 60 percent of adults have been fully vaccinated, while 90 percent of received one job. the government in bunker on is spending 14000000000 dollars year on projects to help the country adapt to climate change.
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but many in rural areas say the money's not getting to them and they're struggling to survive a solid java report soft cost on in southern pockets on millions of capital migrate . the water dries up in southern park is fun. farmers and more districts film on their phones and the dry spells are becoming longer and the movements more frequent . it's a long off road trying to get to their villages. with no government support people in the going stand region are trying to adapt to climate. the changes around them for generations, people in animals here have used the same water source. these ponds retain rain water from surrounding hills. now some non government organizations are helping increase their water attention capacity. so when it rains, it lasts a few months. 48 reservoirs, but some up to 800 feet deep, have helped more than 74000 people in this terrain. the, in this earth trust says its use corporate social responsibility funds from logical
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operations. and there's no government assistance to provide water to villages, bonds like these have help people adapt to the changing climate. but they're still angry of the politicians who represent them saying they only come here for votes and basic services such as health, education and accessibility are still non existent activists. a big landowners are still underestimating the impact of climate change with killing the abductions common. here they say it's risky to raise their voice for basic rights. that is called when we need school, hospitals and roads. the most important necessity is water. and about a month this water will dry up and we'll have to travel far to get some children cry of thirst when we run out. and when pregnant women travel for water, many faint, and there's no nearby health facility life become tougher. here is yearly rainfall has dwindled. a car says during the time of ancestors water, it's plentiful, but now it runs out and many people are forced to migrate and be delivered into you
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. we don't need electricity, not even arose. but we are desperate for water for ourselves and our cap minutes to say it's not possible to reach everyone as focused on is among the top 10 countries most vulnerable to climate change. marcusson's cash strapped government says it's a victim of climate injustice. we estimated between $6.00 and $14000000000.00 a year that we have to spend because a forced application. it's not a choice. we have to, we are forced to adapt to climate change and these funds come come out of our priorities. i'll go out of education out of governance. so i think this is the area where the world needs to wake up because this injustice cannot continue with some help. people are adapting, harnessing solar energy has meant there's been diverse migration in some villages. having electricity is like a medical for there was the family,
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they can finally book after daylight hours for grades and we have electricity now and the children can study. but we still have no water or gas, so we have to carry water on our heads. but despite all this, some of our villages have returned as there is electricity. here. small scalable projects can be adapted to a larger communities if there's political will and money. but focus on water challenges are complex. multifaceted and time is running out to address them from a majority. they are going to stand southern pakistan. ah, what's there with me? the whole rama. reminder of all top stories, south africa, nobel peace prize winner desmond to to have died at the age of 19. he was appointed the 1st black archbishop of cape town and became names. it's vocal position to the countries apartheid system. human rights groups are accusing me and my.


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