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tv   [untitled]    December 26, 2021 1:30pm-2:01pm AST

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number's way out of whack here. sorry, evil, 11 degrees belgrade 9 in sophia, 10. well above average, it's above average as well, and it's damn ball, but it comes out of costs. we'll see those breezy winds through the boss for his gustin to about 50 kilometers per hour. now what we could have some record setting heats in nigeria, this is for a blue j 37 degrees a high for you on sunday. that's it. that's all see soon, ah! with blue ah!
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step beyond the comfort zone. where assumptions are challenged, travel to the ends of the earth, and further experience the unimaginable of the people who live it. this is probably the most extreme situation i've been involved in. how quickly things contract award winning documentary is that also a perception witness? on a jessina? oh, a hello again. the top stories on the news, our human rights groups are accusing me mar, military,
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of committing and massacre. the charred remains of 38 people have been found in chaos state. the said the children charity says to fit staff are missing in the area. there have been emotional scenes in northern iraq after the bodies of 16 migrants were returned from from family members gathered at the airport to receive their remains. the victims drowned in english channel last month. they were trying to reach britain south african nobel peace prize. when our desmond tutu who died at the age of 19, he was appointed the 1st black archbishop of cape town and became known for his vocal opposition to the countries apartheid system. south african writer john allan 1st met the late archbishop during the apartheid era. the 2 men became close friends on collaborators. one of the people who knew desmond tutu best shared his memories with al jazeera and john allen. i met this one to 2 as a reporter. nearly 40 years ago,
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i went on later to become his chris secretary. and i've since written a bugger of his help, him cor rabble rouser for peace. what really drove him to public prominence was his absolutely uncompromising, angry outspokenness against apartheid. at a time when most blacks are africans, especially lexical africans depended as the people he did for the jobs on white employers. couldn't voice the feelings to, to voice the feelings for them. oh no. 7 1 in this country, he expressed people's anger the killing of school children. but at the same time, he did this in such a compassionate and powerful way that he, that he calmed very angry and contested and over all the
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situation clearly unfinished business for him, it has been twofold. one is the enormous disparities the, the obscene disparities in this country and wealth which hostile odd la on racial lines. i think the 2nd and finished business would be the failure of whiteside african, the not all that many to actually take the hand that was offered the by symbolically nelson mandela. but also to, to is really soldiers have injured more than $240.00 palestinian protesters in the china. bertha, that's north of nablus. that's according to the palestinian red crescent. is really forces fire. it's your gas, live ammunition and rubber coated still bullets tensions been escalating in the area since and is really subtler, was shot dead by 2 palestinians. on december 16th, hundreds of settlers attacked the town in the occupied west bank earlier this week
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. hey, fosset is there. he's joining us for an update so. so tell us how events folded unfolded rather last night. harry? well yes, this was another closure of this village by the israeli military. you can see just behind us here the, the aftermath of what was taking place during the night. they've been closing off the entrances to the village because of the recent settler attacks on this village . however, as far as the palestinian residence of the town are concerned, they don't really see it in that way. they see it much that the the activity is really military activity is essentially part of the same issue. and we're confrontations between the palestinian residents here and members of the military soldiers during the nights. and as you're saying,
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substantial number of injuries at least 7 injured by direct live fire and dozens more injured by rubber coated steel bullets. this does as you say, fold into the recent high contentions around this area and there was violence elsewhere in the this part of the northern occupied westbank as well. there was a shooting against an israeli military check point. near the who are a checkpoint. there was nobody injured in that attack, but that was another incident as well as that there was a and is ready driver who hit and killed in an elderly palestinian woman. the driver saying that it was an accident, but he didn't want to stop because he was concerned for his own safety, but many palestinians seeing that as part of the same issue over recent days. and as well as that, there was an attempt by a number of settlers to get to the abandoned hall mesh, outpost, which was supposed have been withdrawn from in 2005,
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but which has been operating as a religious school to get shiva with sort of tacit is ready permission ever since. and it is that area which has been the subject to so much controversy in recent days because of a shooting there in which is ready. settler was killed about 10 days ago. so harry, with the all these sort of incidents taken place in the occupied west bank and in that particular neighborhood, or village where you are, how do we expect the situation to, to unfold and to be expected to remain tense over the next few days. very much so i mean vintages here remain on the alert. they say that the kind of thing that happened last thursday, which was sort of mocking a week after the killing of this settler at the junction into the abandoned outpost. but haven't seen that before. there was this huge riley of some 15000 settlers and is ready jews as well from israel proper. and they gathered that
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chanting and singing. but then there was a hard core that stayed on and then tried to attack the village more than a 100. they say were throwing stones in dozens were trying to get into people's homes inside the village. they say that that is an unprecedented incident. that there have been many attacks against people as they tried to get to the lines about the village that demand in this group behind us with a broken arm from such an attack a month ago. but that hasn't been this kind of sort of matched threat against the village before, so that, so that is something that seems to have changed. there is a good deal of incitement. it has to be said by right wing is ready politicians. one leading such member of the connection is really parliament was talking about the need to assassinate people, both inside israel and in the occupied west bank. if they seem to be involved in such a tax in any way against israelis, and so there is not monsieur, we have seen reprisals since this shooting already with one man beach and inside is
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that home at a separate village where a group of israel got into a house, and so yes, people are on the alerts, at the very least, there is the potential from all such bodies. the days ahead. thank you so much. harry thought that reporting from brooklyn, the occupied west bank with the managers of a hospital in sidney in australia. or apologizing for wrongly telling 400 people they had tested negative for over 19 when in fact they had been tested pause. they had been infected. we incorrectly message 400 patients who had been swapped at cities from december. the 22nd and december, the 23rd advising and they tested negative to do to scope, and these people infected, tested, positive, decoded. as soon as we became aware of this issue this morning,
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said pess immediately commenced the process to contact these impacted individuals. and emergency response team is now investigating the cause of this mistake, which is believed to be due to human error. we sincerely apologize for the mistake that has been made and australia is most popular state new southwell has reported a record number of code 1900 infections. people have been forming long queues to take a p c r test. despite the premier urging those who feel well to avoid taking one health minister as urging people to get fully vaccinated. i it's very clear from i say you presentations that the majority of people who are, you know, i see you are on vaccinated. i that is at a time that is it a time when 95 percent of our people here in new south wiles have received their 1st dose vaccination? so the numbers don't lie, a, please go and get vaccinated. no restrictions are being imposed in parts of the u.
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k. i had a new years eve, scotland wales and northern ireland, or clamping down a large gatherings to curb the spread of be on the crown variance. new restrictions have not been announced for england that has the highest infection rate. hundreds of people who march through the streets a parcel loan up to protest against mandatory curve, papa's to enter bars and restaurants. the spanish region of catalonia introduce tough measures on christmas eve to slow the spread of the army con very, and people have been banned from leaving their home between one and 6 o'clock in the morning. india's prime minister says teenagers between the ages of 15 and 18 will begin receiving comb with 1900 vaccinations in january. nevins remote, he also announced health care and frontline workers will get booster jobs. the health ministry says more than 60 percent of adults have been fully vaccinated, while 90 percent have received one job. the government's in pakistan is spending
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$14000000000.00 a year on projects to help the country adapt to climate change. and many in rural areas say the money is not getting to them, and they're struggling to survive. some of jeff age reports from co host on and pakistan, millions of capital migrate and water dries up in southern park is fun. farmers and more districts filament on their phones and the dry spells are becoming longer and the movements more frequent. it's a long off road track to get to their villages. with no government support, people in the going stand region are trying to adapt to climb. epic changes around them. for generations, people and animals here have used the same water source. these ponds retain rain water from surrounding hills. now some non government organizations are helping increase their water attention capacity. so when it rains, it lasts a few months. 48 reservoirs, but some up to 800 feet deep,
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have helped more than 74000 people in this terrain. the indiscreet trust says its use corporate social responsibility funds from logical operations and there's no government assistance to provide water to villages. bonds like these have help people adapt to the changing climate, but they're still angry of the politicians who represent them saying they only come here for votes and basic services such as health, education and accessibility are still non existent activists. a big landowners are still underestimating the impact of climate change with killing the abductions common here. they say it's risky to raise their voice for basic rights. that is school when we need school, hospitals, and roads, the most important necessity is water. and about a month this water will dry up and we'll have to travel far to get some children cry of thirst when we run out. and when pregnant women travel for water, many faint and his no nearby health facility, life become tougher here as yearly rainfall has dwindled,
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a car says during the time of events, just as water was plentiful, but now it runs out and many people are forced to migrate and then be delivered into you, we don't need the electricity not even arose, but we are desperate for the water for ourselves. and our chaplain is minutes to say it's not possible to reach everyone focused on is among the top 10 countries most vulnerable to climate change. focus on cash strapped. government says it's a victim of climate injustice. we estimated between fixed and $14000000000.00 a year that we have to spend because a forced application. it's not a choice. we have to be, we are forced to adapt to climate change and these funds come come out of our priorities. i'll go out of education out of governance. so i think this is the area where the world needs to wake up because this injustice cannot continue with some help. people are adapting,
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harnessing solar energy has meant they've been reverse migration in some villages. having electricity is like a medical for the with the family. they can finally book after daylight hours for grades and we have electricity now and the children can study. but we still have no water or gas, so we have to carry water on our heads. but despite all this, some of our villages have returned as there is electricity. here. small scalable projects can be adapted for larger communities if there's political will and money . but focus on what challenges are complex, multifaceted and time is running out to address them from a majority. they are going to stand further pakistan this part of our and if your series, looking at the recent events and the year ahead in different regions of the world, i'll just here is malcolm web takes a look at su, done. so malia and a few p o protest is on the streets of su, dawn's capital costume in demanding,
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and the military rules. lane that we have demands that include in the military rule and a civilian government with competent capabilities. that's why we're out on the straits . the transitional government was formed after protests and did the 30 year rule as oma alba, sheer in april 2019. but in october through dawn's army, overthrew that transitional government, dashing demonstrators, hopes of democracy, only so much about the streets and do the freedom of changing of god is very important. and the symbolic. but they're hard to grasp or building a democratic cultural audience. secure already is that do not believe in unity that having additionally that can do it without any not having a legislator free brave. i think that is a very long short in the conflict in neighboring ethiopia, all sides have been accused of mass rapes and killings of civilians. both
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government troops and rebels have made gains in recent months and then lost them again. the war started as a result of mistrust and unfortunately war actually worse and stuff, mistrust, and it creates its own grievances. but just like it started, i think even today a regardless of the shift in power balance in the buses filled from time to time. the conflict through men to an effective style met, which necessitates a political solution. but unfortunately, both sides seem to be focused on the righteousness of the cause. until we shift from this mentality, the country is likely to remain in war. neighboring sumani has been in towards, in direct elections that have been repeatedly delayed which lead to violence in the capital market tissue in february, selection of representatives by elders is due to happen in the coming weeks. but armed opposition groups in mogadishu say the whole process is already rigged. if
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the manipulation bad has happened to date continues during the process than i think you have a very significant risk conflict already. val position has been quite opposed to what's happened and they've demanded some sort of re check on this process, but it doesn't seem like that's been heated. and so if it does continued this way, then i think where we're at a very risky situation. the conflict between sumani is western backed government and the armed group al shabanni has dragged on. some analysts say the entire region is caught in a big geopolitical shift. the horn of africa is in, in crisis. and the middle east and gulf countries seem to have gone to an improvised reactive way of engaging with the crises in the horn. and in all of this, we really don't see the kind of influence from the european union, the u. k. or the united states that we,
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we have seen in the past few decades in this part of the world. they just don't seem to be the primary international actors anymore. across the region promises if democracy has been delayed, millions of people remain displaced by conflicts malcolm web al jazeera. the volcanic eruption on the spanish island of the palmer is officially over after 3 months of daily explosions. the declaration was made after 10 days of low level activity chromebook via had destroyed around $3000.00 buildings and damages vital farm irrigation systems. people are cleaning up but will be months before they can return to their homes. is it's coming up on the news hour at the sportsman some highlights from the n b 8 on their annual christmas day schedule. ah, january on a, just
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a year. 20 years ago the euro was brought into circulation. we investigate a year ago and benefited from having unofficial currency be part of the stream and joy him out. social media community as sierra leone recovery from civil war continues. we mark 2 decades since the end of one of africa's most brutal complex, the bottom line. steve clemens dives headlong into the u. s. issues that shape the rest of the world. as we enter the 3rd year at cope $819.00. we go back to woo hand, where it all began, and investigate how far we come. since the pandemic, january 1 or just the euro. code 19 is a public health crisis that has been compounded by capitalism. ali re navigates the big questions raised by the global pandemic power, the system based on private ownership in the state of profit. so the world in a ton of capitalism is the pandemic cause so much of the suffering exploited
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protected people or the profit episode. one of all hail the locked down on al jazeera. ah ah, hello again. time for the sports news with peter 30. thank you so much. we'll start with football and manchester city. boss pep, guardiola has urged fans to wear mosques in stadiums to limit the spread of corona virus. the spaniard fears the premier league may go back to matches behind closed doors. you can not imagine how the furnace play with the people or without the people. the snow component, but at the end we did behind the closed doors to survive. the comic in the wall
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football, you know that for the broadcasters form, the thanks for that we could get our salaries in the people could, you know, could play football in you or for the people there. hopefully not that in the state of the people don't use mask, you know, is what i'm surprised the most in our for the 5 you want to the 3, you go to big moles, you all in the places to buy, present for the family. no one use mosque where musk so in and people for the beginning beginning the site, they say the more protection where you get harvey's and sanitizers and his and, and the people who don't worry it. and so price 3 matches that were originally scheduled for today. have been postponed, including that of said he's close as competition for the title. livable also will look to continue their good recent form away at norwich. talk them are up against crystal palace and chelsea visit aston villa in the n b a. the annual christmas day
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shadow all saw the return of the brooklyn net softer postponing their last 3 games because of covered 19 issues. and they removed the fest of chair from the los angeles lakers. with some to the 5th consecutive loss, james hart returns to actually put out a christmas gift for the brooklyn. it would superstar james hardy returning after spending 2 weeks and cove at 19 health and safety protocols. the los angeles lakers struggled to contain harden the porch for hardon, and we're not even 3 minutes into the clerk. he finished with $36.00 plus 10 rebounds and 10 assists. as the nits opened up a 20 point late hitting into the final quarter with the lake is called the way back in no surprise who led the combat. he followed that with an assist the square the game with 45 seconds remaining. but that's where the scoring ended for the
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lakers. brooklyn closed out the contest by 7. obviously, new street is not something that man or was won, but nobody officer for you knows all sure. for our record, nobody's not sure. sorry for guys alex, everybody nearby of garza top spot in the western conference was on the line when phoenix hosted golden state warriors had 7 players missing through covered 19 an injury that they had stiff carry high, the sport, the embassies all time leading 3 points. you the had a game high, 33 points that gave the worries delayed. early in the 4th quarter. phoenix went down by 9 points in english. 15 game winning streak at home. day he was at the milwaukee bucks. welcome back there made man diana's auntie to cooper from coven 19 protocols. he had 36 points and 12 re bounces. the champions rallied from 19 points down to beat the boston south. i was very excited as excited to be on my teammates
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or so to be on the fans closed play, games are not. you're not nervous. neither you nervous, obviously better like kind of does their asked off quarter, krista more think dallas had more than half their regular players. missing 3 corona virus and injury. but they still managed to push the utah jazz with donovan mitchell top scored with 33, helping the home side, one by 4 points and kimball walker gave himself and the new york next the perfect christmas present against atlanta. he posted his 1st triple double in almost 8 years in the 1st by next player on december 25th new york risen to a 14 point victory. this is kind of hard to put in the world to be honest. but it was, it was, it was special christmas and paul van worth al jazeera green bay packers quarterback. aaron rogers has overtaken the franchise record for touchdowns set by club legend brett far of. this was the moment of packers history for roger's he's
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td passed to find alan lazard was the 400 and 43rd of his career. rogers helped green bay to a 2420 to win here against the cleveland browns. the packers of the top team in the nfl right now with 12 winds 4040. it was not quite the same story for the arizona cardinals. a few weeks ago, they were tied with the packers. but this 2216 defeat to the indianapolis colts. is they 3rd loss in a row. they are no longer the top team even in their division, and will need to start winning again in order to make sure a playoff plays. england's misery in the asha series against australia continued on day one of the 3rd test in melbourne. the aussies dominated the start of the traditional boxing. they taste at the m. c. g. on sunday. hassan pat cummins dismissed each of the top 3 english batsman with my cho routing 50 in the roll out for just $185.00. the australians was $61.00 for one at the close plate. thanks to a brisk david warner innings in the final hour. was my family's great route as
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well. ah. yes. the man's a water to join a pretty pretty small club in her flesh is his daughter. ah sigh picks her new business really cricket ah, yes, i can be around one ah young indigenous kid sir, to want to play cricket that we've got to get a bit stronger. and so with our dismissals, and we know that we spoke about that and, and that's just being honest with ourselves so. so we need to keep or keep doing that. we saw in that 2nd in adelaide that we bought it for a period of time. and for a long while we look when it comes down to the 2nd ins again here, that's exactly what we're going to have to do. okay, and that's all the sports needs during. okay, thank you so much. we'll see you later on. and thanks for watching the news our on al jazeera, that's it for myself,
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but so how much of the interest in them to how much more of today's news and all the latest top stories? thanks for watching. bye bye. ah . mm hm. village is the rule to takes a road trip across spain. spanish, people love to tell you who they are and where they come from. and i am no exception. one woman's journey seeking her heritage, covering new insights into christian spots of most of them origin. it's a story that seems to have been fair brush from history. in search of my groups on
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al jazeera this once feared warlord during lay barriers, decade long civil war says he's now fighting a drug epidemic. the work that the former warlord joshua boy, he has done with street children, has attracted their hobble, eccentric b as protected and in effect from public prosecution. despite the recommendation is made by richard and reconciliation. permission for this former warlord, liberia has become the frontline of a drug war. it cannot afford to lose. he says it's a battle he will fight out of responsibility and killed for his past crimes. and for his country the listening post cuts through the noise. what's we'll pick it up competing now by seeing monday tools being used to perpetuate there's competing, separating spin from fax, all 3 versions of the story and then some and then the truth. but the whole story
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remains in control. unpacking the stories you're being told, it's not a science story at all. it's a story about politics. the listening post your guide to the media. on a jesse hero ah archbishop desmond, to to south africa's anti apartheid icon and a nobel peace prize winner has died at the age of 90. ah, club. so robin, you're watching all their life. my headquarters here in doha, coming up in the program. human rights groups accuse me of miles military of a massacre after dozens of burnt bodies are found in kaya state. hundreds of palestinian protesters are injured in the occupied west bank as tension escalates every tax by.


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