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tv   [untitled]    December 26, 2021 2:30pm-3:01pm AST

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asian is high quality. luncheon management to them in more brewbay benham, who and her daughter are now part of the 1st population. boom pratt defroster. since 2015, 13 people have moved here in the last year. the advertisement campaign seems to be working. natasha guinea elk 0 prior to comp dark speech. ah, your child is there with mr. hill, robert in doha reminder or top news story, south african nobel peace prize. when a desmond tutu has died to the age of 19, now he was appointed. the 1st black archbishop of cape town and became known for his vocal opposition to the countries apartheid system. for me, the miller has more on his legacy. the form archbishop was really widely accepted across the nation in terms of being that beacon or an icon of reconciliation. while at the same time calling people to account,
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you're in. so where to where his former home is. he once lived jam, just out of interest. there was a time that he could live in central johannesburg instead, he chose to live in a way to saying that he didn't want to live in what was a white area, leaving a community behind that still needed that kind of leadership as south africa transition to democracy, human rights groups are accusing me miles military of committing a massacre. the child remains of 30 people have been found and kaya stays the same . the children charity says target staff are missing from the area. his early soldiers of injured more than 240 palestinian protested the town of burka north of nablus, as, according to the palestinian red crescent, israeli forces fine tig live munition and rubber coated steel, bullets tensions been escalating in the areas sense and israeli satler was shot dead by 2 palestinians. on december,
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the 16th hundreds of settlers attacked the town to the occupied west bank earlier this week. or been emotional scenes in northern iraq after the bodies of 16 migrants were returned from france. family members gathered at bill airport to receive that remains the victims drowned to the english channel trying to reach britain the restrictions of being imposed in parts of the united kingdom ahead of new year's eve, scoffing wales and northern ireland. clumping down on large coverings to the spread of the article invariant. new restrictions have not been announced. england that has the highest infection rate. friends is reporting another record number of quote virus cases. it's the 1st time it's the past 100000 infections in a single day. you follow the stories a low web site, it out there a dot com or news here in half. now next it's inside story to stay with us. in
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an attempt to rival china's bells and rude initiative, b u, and fails, a major global infrastructure plan. the goal to invest in developing countries and boost trade links with the rest of the world. but why the interest? no. and can the book compete with beijing? this is in science story. ah, ah. hello and welcome to the program. i'm how am i here? dean? it's been described as a roadmap for major investments and infrastructure worldwide. the european union's
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global gateway strategy is seen as challenge to china, belt and roads initiative. the plan to raise $340000000000.00 to finance infrastructure. it will focus on transport, health, education and digital and climate projects. in asia, africa, the middle east and latin america. they, you is china's biggest trading partner, and the project was allow it to promote its geopolitical influence. aging has extended its own reach during the 8 years since it launched its own initiative. while the belts roads program is launched, in 2013 its president cd pings signature project to connect china to the rest of the world. aging is investing more than $800000000000.00 and over $13000.00 projects. and 165 countries in return, china gets access to the wrong materials. it needs to few its growth. but critics
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say the initiative has pushed many countries deeply into debt. well, the european commission president says the book will be a trusted partner and will provide high quality projects. we want to take a different approach. we want to show that a democratic value driven approach can deliver on the most pressing challenges. we want to show that it can, on one hand, meets no local needs, but also on the other hand, to tackle the global challenges we have and thus in a way also of course benefit the european union. ah, well let's bring in our guests vin. i've chosen and is the director of the african program at the carnegie endowment for international peace in washington, d. c. and brussels. we're joined by louisa santos,
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the deputy director general at business europe. that's a lobbying group representing businesses in europe. and victor go is the vice president of the center for china and globalization, and he joins us from beijing warm welcome to all of you on this edition of inside story. let's start in europe, louise the sun. so was your reaction? see the launch of the global gateway. what are your initial impressions? good afternoon, everyone. well, i impression is positive. we see this as a strategic approach from europe. and you weigh a relationship with this main trading partners. but also we did neighbors developing countries. it's also a way of your show that it as a model, an economic model, but also to political motto,
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deaths is an alternative to all those that exist that including developed and we can issue. it's also very important for us because it includes, apart from the public finance and the public sector, an important role for the private sector. i mean, the money that we are talking about will come a lot from companies. so companies need also to relating his projects. and from our perspective, it is a very good initiative and wanda was long overdue. let's not forget your piece already. the largest owner in the world, the largest investor. what we are doing now is trying to have a more strategic approach and more team europe approach. trying to prioritize different initiatives and putting them on their common umbrella, the global gateway, about the prospective then from team europe, st. bisman. what are your thoughts about this proposal?
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it seems that from the business community in europe, it seems to be warm they received. how do you think developing nations are likely to view this potential extra sources of investment? so i think it's a generally a welcome initiatives that are finding me there. european union in europe more broadly is now thinking about infrastructure invested in public services in developing countries, as is from the perspective of africa. because for a long time, this has been a major priority for african countries that they were in need. and still, i need all investment in infrastructure and public services to be able to power the economic transformation to convert with the rest of the world to be able to diversify their economies, which are in africa. 8, it has 8 of the walls 15, these diversified economy, and the,
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or gas minerals and i, the culture goes in these, the incomes of people. so this is, this is a certainly welcome. but i think there's also a lot of a lot of african countries are kind of a in a weighted mood because are, you know, there are, there are 3 things that perhaps a number one, whether this initiative is going to try to respond african priorities as defined by africans themselves, around jobs and infrastructure, but also around very, very, very recently around with nightenback scenes around pharmaceuticals. you know, the european union and many european countries have not supported the initiative. the wanted organization to have a temporary i p waiver on, on technology, around x equals $900.00 in production, but also around elicit financial flows which actually drain resources from africa
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up to $90000000.00 per adult. what the continent receives and development assistance, and what i, you know, this new initiative is going to actually build on the competitive advantage that europe has around as measured pharmaceuticals and vaccines little's around technology and knowledge transfer. and perhaps the final thing is that a lot of african countries are waiting to see is whether this initiatives, response african priorities in a way that doesn't force africa to engage in this new world war phenomenon that we see play out in the rest of the world. and, but do you think further the alternative to, to the initial proposed by the european union and also by the us, the main alternative would be the chinese belt and root initiative. do you think that's response to african priorities?
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so what is, what is the very interesting with chinese engagement in africa? ah, you know, which kind of accelerates ed for were on the year 2000 and which eventually became subsumed under the builder good initiative of 2013 is that's, you know, the way china has a, a new approach. this engagement is that they come way then explicit transaction that they once resources and, and he's at the beginning, it was really around obtaining a natural resources, oil, minerals, or tim by agriculture products to power after china's double digit economic growth at the time. right? so it was usually at the time a very explicit transaction that they wanted. what chinese entities anyways, wanted these resources and an exchange they were willing to invest in al and he, some of the priorities that african countries that identified around infrastructure
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. and i'll give you some, i'll strike in statistics, you know, which were published just about a week ago before the start of the forum on china, africa corporation. we just did 2 days ago. so from the year 2000, 22020, over this 20 year period, china helped african countries build more than 30000 kilometers of roads and railway. more than 80 large scale, our facilities funded over 130 medical facilities, et cetera, et cetera. but at the same time, at, sorry to jump in there, but at the same time and, and i don't want to stay on this too long. at the same time, africa is still getting quite a lot in terms of aids, in terms of trades from europe and the united states. and so it is the figures to cut both ways. but i do want to bring in victor, go who is joining us from beijing this evening. victor with her that european
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business is very keen to just to get involved in the, in the game of for bridging this infrastructure gap. this is something that china has been doing with the belt and rude initiative. since 2013. does china welcome this a competition, shall we say, or is china is somewhat intimidated that the no longer the of the lens are that that countries will go to get to get these big infrastructure projects done? well 1st of all, if the global gateway is truly meant for building up connectivity and infrastructure in developing countries, including african countries, then the more the better is not only are come, it's not competition. it is very much welcomed, not only by china, but by all the receiving countries. however, if you listen to president aah, of on the layers, speech about the global gateway there,
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you need to worry about it because i hope global gateway is not going to be politicized. and used for ideological agenda and the if competition does happen, we all welcome pads and we hope it will be competition on equal terms rather than on political agenda or by politicizing such infrastructure and connectivity. we all know all african centers in particular suffer from colonialism for several 100 years. and when the british colonists left africa infrastructure was in shamble, and many african countries are not connected with each other. and they need to fly to european capitals for transit back to african capitals. so it is a shame and everyone you do pitching to build up connectivity in africa as well as in other parts of the world. so from the chinese perspective, we're woke up generally investments infrastructure and connectivity. louisa santa
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us, a from business, a europe that we have heard there that about china. welcome to the competition, but is weary of the political under tunes of this. do you see political undertones and the global gateway initiative? no, i think it's clear that the model is different from the chinese model. a global gateway is based on inclusiveness is based on transparency is based on reciprocity, but definitely maybe these principles are not totally in line with what china wants, but i mean, i think that and we always been very clear also as, as, as business. we have already infrastructure in place that was billed under the belt and go the initiative. i think it doesn't make sense to create a parallel initiatives. and when we have already infrastructure there,
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it makes sense that we create connections. but of course, if we do this and if we do this under the global gateway with european money, we need to do it with european rules. and i think these are a p and rules based, for instance, for sustainable development. the respect of social rights and respect of our environmental rights of climate change. if we do, under these conditions, i don't see why we should not cooperate. but he's very clear that these conditions have to be met to make sure that we can call great. and let me come back to the african question. i mean, europe and i repeat, europe is a largest owner and investor in africa and around the world. so we're just trying to use and you too and you instrument to gather all the resources that are already being invested by europe, european companies and european governments. and trying to bring in and
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a one umbrella with a common objective. and these objective is to be when, when we don't want these to be only something that serves european industries and interest or own european companies, we want also to cooperate with the local governments and local business of a. i was quite interesting when you said there is luisa santos were aimed at bringing together an existing trade in existing project. how much of this is going to be new money? the headline figure, of course, is $300000000000.00 euros of investments over the next 6 years. or so, but how much of this is actually new but we have new facilities now and most of what will be new will be money brought by actually the private sector. and some of the financial
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institutions that will be in that will be also associated to, to, to that, to they should. and then it's also an important component is the idea will be also to bring very a lot of national projects because we have also development banks at national level that are quite important in some countries. and the idea is also to bring these together. so these is going to be the new part of what we see tons of resources. but i think the final financial envelope will depend a lot on also the viability of the projects. and if the project viable and they make sense from a business point of view, of course, much more money will be gathered from the private sector as well. say not boost. and we've heard the ethos behind the awarding of money for
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projects, and someone will be very much based on europe's rules on rules of transparency and so on and so forth. where's the incentive for countries to, to pump for the european funding model rather than say, the chinese model which may not have stringent requirements. so, so this is, this is a very interesting point. and this is why i said, i think a lot of african countries, policy makers and scholars alike they, i know we can see more right now because i mean of my, my colleague, louise. this panel mentions that europe. europe is a largest donor, i forgot, which is actually true. i think the thing though, is that, you know, this is why the, the issue of african brightest white important because for a long time, some african leaders and scholars have been saying that were african needs not just
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donor funding is not just development assistance. that is good and that is needed, particularly in parts of the continent that i owe him serious, severe crisis. what african countries need is actually meaningful economic engagement. so it is a welcome initiative, the european gateway. and if we can try to make that development assistance that provides even better respond to these priorities around jobs creation around the provision of infrastructure. and then i think that is really, really going to work. and then the final thing out mention of this point is that you know, this, this issue of trying to crowd in private investments with a private sector. i think, i think a lot of work will have to go into that. because traditionally we find is that the private sector, particularly in europe, tends to be quite hesitant to engage or invest in africa because of this perception of risk. so whether this initiative, the suit,
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your european global gateway initiative can help the risk african markets can help prepare a pipeline or bankable projects for the private sector to invest in. i think that might be a key determinant. so i think a lot of us are kind of in a week and see how this is actually going to happen. and speaking of risk, a vector in beijing over the last last 8 years or so, the belts and roads initiative has been underway. china has taken on a significance level of risk because it know with the investments it's maids. does china see that risk is paying off? because there are countries who have struggled to pay back the debts and the sums of money that they have they've taken on in terms of chinese finance. just i just trying to view that. thank you very much. i think you are reason
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a very important question from the chinese perspective. we have several conclusions . one is that cooperation with african countries should not be just based on donor assistance because that will not really help to build up national capacity in many african countries. secondly, if you could use commercial terms and commercial structure, then it will not work to because many of the companies will find the investment tom's too long to do because profit, the ability to so for example, and they probably will not be committed to many of these projects, especially infrastructure projects. so you need to really innovate to come up with a model that will suit the site was this is in different countries, but also to make sure that you really contribute to connectivity and infrastructure . absolutely, i'm not sure if i'm here, victor guy,
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i'm also thinking of the railway projects and low the the ports in sri lanka were china has had some of those significant debts paid off by 100 year long leases and the country is selling off the family jewels in order to service those feds, the china, recognize that it's lensing practices, perhaps needs to change somewhat. well, 1st of all, are always a very important part of the fun is in package for most of the infrastructure and connectivity projects. so don't single out as long as if debt itself is evil. if you talk about debt, do know who borrows most of the money from china? it is not any country africa or even at the america or usa is the united states government? yes, my and i die. they as a sale, i don't if it's cool in my not to the chinese to therapist that you need to come up with the buyer. all commercial structure to make sure that the infrastructure
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projects will be done. well, let's take that risk and, and see how it applies a back to that, the global gateway initiative, luis desantos and the with highlighted the fact that private companies certainly in europe are going to be a big part of this project id. think being under this umbrella is going to incentivize more countries to, to start reinvesting, if you like, in developing nations. i think his important part of me to get him risky is important, specially if you want to convince them more small and medium sized companies also to be part of these projects. and we know that in certain regions of the well, i mean coding in europe, they f a nice are an important partner and even important peeler from an economic point of view. so the projects of the global gateways foresees the export credit
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system. so all fully that will be a mitigation of the race. and also the fact that we are and that is one of the objectives that for business is very important that we really prioritize projects. and that we really look at projects for this. have a strategic interest seen terms of development and economic development. and this way we can kind of like the resources for the most viable and will strategic projects. i think this will be ways and tools to, to mitigate, to mitigate the risk and coming back again to, to, to the importance of having it can now make development. i think the you recognizes that development ad is not enough and it's not really leading to sustainable grow. so we need to change the priority. and i think this is one of the reasons why the
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us come up now we did logo gateway structure. okay. say knob is that we're on the side of time, so i'll leave the last words to you. i understand it's very much a wait and see how this project is going to unfold. but if you do, you think at this stage is likely to benefit most from the, this new global gateway. so i, i think nothing is cost. and so a lot depends on what approach and how, how, how european countries actually make this make this work on the ground. in reality, i locked it ends on the extent to which others gateway initiative is actually informed by the needs of parties. all these developing countries around,
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in the case of africa, created jobs for the $13.00 to $15000000.00 people joined the labor market every single year, around plug in the infrastructure, financing gap around a $100000000.00 a year around. and there was a providing financing for adaptation to climate change to that, you know, around $50000000000.00. will this respond to these needs set and identify the paradise by african countries? i think that is very much something that will determine how this goes and the ability of african countries themselves to kind of put their own needs on the agenda. and i'm afraid we are out of time. but thank you to all our guests. they now bozeman luis desantos, and of course, joining us and paging victor go and thank you to for watching. remember, you can see the program again any time by visiting our website al jazeera dot com.
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and for further discussion just heads or facebook page at facebook dot com forward slash ha inside story. you can also join the conversation on twitter. handle is a j inside story. so for me and the whole team is fine tonight. ah, a thousands of campuses in line to pick berries, but do tie work is risk exploitation in the force of suite one 0,
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one east investigates on al jazeera coded 19 is a public health crisis that has been compounded by capitalism. ali re navigates the big questions raised by the global pandemic power. the system are based on private ownership in the state of profit. so the world in a ton of capitalism is the pandemic cause of so much of the suffering exploited protect the people or the profit episode. one of all hail the look down on al jazeera with
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ah, this is out there, i'm very and obligated with a check on your world headlines. the south african nobel peace prize winner desmond to, to has died. appointed the 1st archbishop of cape town to, to, to rose, to prominence in the 1980s as a vocal opponents of apartheid. he was 90 years old. so how looks back desmond to choose life. this is jasmine to, to hearing the news that nelson mandela would soon be released he was seldom one to contain his feelings.


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