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tv   [untitled]    December 28, 2021 5:30am-6:01am AST

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religious leader, but an icon whose appeal brought and often divided self africa together. for me de la al jazeera cape town, test founder in mosque is facing a backlash in china complaints. his satellites had to close encounters with a space station earlier this year. the claims have not been verified, the china has complained to the us space agency uses the way by messaging platform of label the musk satellites based junk. ah, this is al jazeera, these you top stories. us health officials have shortened isolation for people who are covered 19, but show no symptoms from 10 to 5 days. the cdc also recommends ne quarantine to exposure for those who received boosters shows. australia has reported more than
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10900 cases on monday, a new record as a country vessels, ways of infection. a number of people seeking tests has put a strain on health care services authorities urging people who are a symptomatic. so rethink the for cooling emergency services. sarah clark has moved from brisbin. we certainly are seeing an ongoing rise in the number of cases across the street. that's all states and territories victorian. while the states with the highest number, some states reinforcing or reinstating some health restrictions math that pretty much mandatory across the country indoors at the moment. but you thought, well, resistance pushes over 10 to look at over the christmas period and in queens and where i am on tuesday, we recorded the highest number of dolly cases, 1150 the 8th round of negotiations to revive the raw nuclear dale have resumed in vienna, rollins foreign minister,
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once the us to lift sanctions on tyrants, oil like sports. and he, you, diplomat. his chairing the talk says negotiations may be over within weeks and then she offensive against ethnic karen arms. groups is intensifying in myanmar ministry received power and acute in february has been accused of committing atrocities against vintages. syria has condemned an israeli government decision to double the number of jewish settlers in the occupied golden heights. the $300000000.00 plan was endorsed during a cabinet meeting on sunday. okay, those who had on his knees continues hail now to 0 to one or one east, sweden's tie berry pickers. stay with us. on counting the cost beyond the tourism, the world's richest men making a grab to control access to the trillion dollar space industry pod. how's the new
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coal? why rich stations of emitted agriculture from climate change and how flowering cost lives in iran? counting the cost on al jazeera mm. every year, workers from toiler from 8000 kilometers to scandinavian bost bars. anybody can pet them that she read? sweden's lucrative very tried, depends on your but but all cornered the book fair, so we will pay you for your burden. bar heavy lawns. there's no guarantee there risk a week matched by reward pon pon horton. horton, brand with me god, i love me here. he lo always that my one. 0 one east rollers. busy thailand, berry pickers across the globe as they seek fortune in sweden's barge.
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ah, haile and a husband boot on leaving a small village in bull faced in thailand. but they're about to make a trip far away. they're heading to the wild forests of sweden. harm to the surprise momento, the atlas of an l. 45 year old udo has been flying to sweden for 20 years. to day he's preparing to leave again. oh, who has found them? um, but i get my i phone nichol, i back hobbies, ally and land. if i'm gonna come what i they look my god, i in my yet my own money. been cassandra in england. he's why fi, lean, he's at
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a neighbor's house. she'll be traveling with her husband and he's getting her hair done before they gone. oh, she wants to look her best for the trip me. 11 lot. glad i haven't naughty. good 9. sin i had believe it. when we relied then hit my nap. laid out that novella him calon the moment before they leave, they pray for a good harvest in sweden. they not kneeling before buddha home, but another precious oak head that they all so pray for good health. so my food, alms, left hand was severely injured over 20 years ago. bob, working in a textile factory in taiwan called there on math. i know high. oh, let me. yeah. yeah. give credit like a call. hey,
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pam, of my dad. so am i paying good amy? n, but the hey remco, formal good or bad. mm hm. ah, good on and pie li, live in the province of food on tani. the landscape is shaped by rice fields and sugar plantations in 130 families, leaving the village of don, mom. almost every household has had a family member, go to sweden, who don't want to show us where he and his wife will be working. he's relied on these old map for many years. but whether their upcoming journey will be worth it remains to be seen me from what bank up my money knowing i get my gall yet base of half life on the market. the my yeah. my now then i don't have any time tomorrow
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based on what it been. me pill, a home company on a blocking me when the elegant, they're not, they saw nothing that will come in the opportunity to earn money in sweden does not come shape food on and pie limb. have h taken out a loan of $75000.00 boss around $2400.00. they borrowed the money from a tie employment agency. the price includes of faith along with the flights and what permits they've signed lease contract, which should guarantee working conditions and enough earnings to pay back their line. ready ready ready heard on notice these contract, well, he says the content is the same every year. only the name of the tie company changes. how can my where i had to move
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them even do it, but had heat in my mind that the tino k a bit funny dan lower come get like it blue and yeah right. thank by he and but he no money to have been delighted. i'll tell you that you call him and pat like, you know my next we go to make the village chief terrible. he's a local success story. after working in sweden summer off to summer, had a bond saved enough money to buy a tractor, a car, and some land. he and his wife now work in the fields once again. but this time it's their own land. oh, good. when you called me he who called to become to ricky, don't you and make one look. they caught hi unique a lot. ninty im going to hold on to buy the um,
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launching mach top that i hi. you will need a market model. now. yes. if in fact, if you could call me back, i'm not out googled de la debit. yep. when am i to go mute angland i 9 you blank wondering with how much you knew he moved that home album control on can you allow up a time to to get home and i can't really get all your new why easy pair upon success has inspired many villages to make the 8000 kilometer journey to sweden, where hard work can earn the more money than i can make here. shang has spent his life working on local rice and sugar farms. but now for the 1st time, he wants to try his luck abroad and canny in the economy and kept them left. she would egless ethiopia compliment danina about been mom, can i talk to lake and get by the calendar yet long? they have them fertilizing sugar cane by hand is
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a tough job and an uncertain one. chang only finds out each morning. if you'll have work that day, mommy, mommy and i love him. what they're tony, that hill you'll want battle you j. but it hung happen that don't rob, not letting who are lacking giplin filiette for gale countless yoko seneca with that go up here tanka long that in k london i yet yet? yes, me pull up that they have when things go well, he can earn around $350.00 a month from his work you. it's enough to survive, but not much health. sang lives with his family in this house. the top floor is uninhabitable, as the wood walls had been eaten away by term eyes. the family is forced to live on
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the ground floor without much protection or privacy. t, i literally get sound by them. like a thought, then send them cat as a high call. they like hello like me to a now let alia. oh yeah, it's a not yet see a tea lane. yeah. holiday miti come, man, man, he and his wife lick have worked hard to pay for him. to go to sweden every afternoon they so she can come back. i think it's typing up to pay a deposit for the trip. they borrowed the rest of the money from the employment agency. bank vehicle. what i bank my year. yeah. good, lord, i been cotton, go me, p die, go me mad. i voting yoga. oh, cool. no you want. they want a base,
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a future for themselves and their daughter will their dream come true? shang says, the only thing he hasn't had to pay for is these t shirt from the tar company that hired in the broad cola is intended to prevent him from being shot accidentally by swedish hunters. made a let. the lead load kept by him to pin. put me put your name. well, i'm michael here. my low ticket guy my last time. glad my in the middle when that to get ya back and let me get mila lady. i help make up. we took on woodman can make it well, middle hopa. what? me me me a lady, i get it. go cool um and then ah udo and his wife. why live
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a making the final preparations for their trip. she's accompanying her husband for the 11th. i now open to one who know that he and tony i'm with they prefer to use their own supplies and their own spices and herbs. got me, pete. if born you got black that though mean on my and my hand. no. my no low. hm. than me, i level level one side, not one click enough. all color have me in go me nick. i mean, we'll a new model when even lemons with some ella, my little play elope and my lonely logo. we come back. mm hm. i
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they have high hopes they're aiming to earn around $3000.00 each. but it's a gamble. for me, no one knows whether the season will be a productive one or not. i the way they've got 2 months to collect as many berries with ah ha, fly across the world. ah, from thailand's haitian humidity lie sweeter dense forests in this endless expanse. thousands of tides of working, plucking the wild berries, the groves. it's the middle of the picking season and we're here to catch up with chang. pie, lynn,
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and rudo. we find shang in the town soda. around 3 hours strives from the capital stock. it's evening. he and the other workers have just returned from the forest, but the berries they gather. he looks exhausted. the bag, i have to thank i live tablet with dan, have he moved? i move a lot need now little help with up a little bit haven't having again but he's working day is far from either. he has to weigh if he's harvest. every barry count. each kilogram earns him around $2.60.
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now with amanda killeen, i mean i can let me go ask, susan runs the local berry, picking company for the last 2 years. he's hired mainly 5 seasonal workers. come come your avenue, your golf soon to pull up off. scott free gum and nick, whatever. and she had the day love you will get on with the heat, the finishing on that awful. some have been to go approach. god. hi, lynn, but i will look to but yeah, the bottom from your but, but all cool nic teeth but fed some be able to pay it in theory. the pickets have a contract which guarantees a minimum wage of $2400.00 for the season. but in reality,
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the pay per kilo bearings so deep, you know, axel city tells us that this is what the work is prefer. not because they have the chance to earn more money and he says that's why they work monday than 8 hours a day. you also can check that to you. the mother on the mortgage loan committee bought got mental cannot go forward. i had and then we got them yet on that i thought good. so that will the venue share likes that up? hang on. so you all can you in the him that i don't for the polk county, my extension. i don't been shanna fame that i could when the tuesday they get to school. they get this. what was the control it to earn more than $2400.00. chang has to pick at least 36 kilos a day to day. he's only peaked, 33. it's not a good hall. ah. the next
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morning he begins early up at 4 i and he and his group drive up to 200 kilometer fuel board and accommodation cost him $30.00 a day. that's on top of the line. he took out in thailand with on reaching the forest, the work is quickly separate. they work alone for hours without a break. chang is learning as he goes well to let's if quick, glad to help with it. glad it doesn't matter. lip them to teen. for level had hello got nicholas kane. look i don't you t to las ada? look up at iep and 80 t p. it debit? well, when paddling it doesn't look up at the man. he's bucket fills up very slowly.
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whether he finds a lot of berries comes down to chance. now gall getting up with him again. hello glen thea, young man from manila allow quin manette that they're like yet. what have mckayla got the lid? then den dental lab lamp up having me. i've got them yet. in the plight of thorn workers like chang is of special interest to this man mat swing . bog is a swedish journalist. we investigate labor conditions in the berry industry. he's concerned at the increasing number of ty pickers working with some food at this site. us about about a little them about saw them very little little. what is your limone capital?
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gather some for got the box to tie, lum, or in thoughtful, paying out in the quality of toyota taylor, matthew scott: there broke out awesome fall or got the box to thailand or corn school bomb. come at the ball. we shows you the contract of the work is we following when bog says the great minimum wage is an improvement. but the ties have still had to take out large loans in order to come to sweden. all because her mom had it for more another or more with all of the both girl they're not okay. i'm one of come on up. hang out. there's no or little to miss this for a new line with all of baltimore, gold chang has been in sweden. football waves, he's still working to pay off his line. every day he feels further from his dream of burning good money. shank holds his wife. he doesn't want her to
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worry or anything like that. and his daughter is on the line too early. she wants to know if he's collected a lot of berries. what are your meanly you will meet him with a meeting with him. then when you're not seeing him, like i said, i get them mad. handle admin company 10 minutes. let me get the electrical got and they said anika, give me a call a ne, here they 9. whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa me, how come make on the coffee? ah,
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we leave chang to continue his work and head 3rd the know close to the arctic circle. we had to see pie lynn and udo m. they've sent us the gps coordinates for amazing port. it's a parking areas somewhere in swedish slat flatten with a great to makes at 6 a. if the next morning the area is a ski region. it's july and the middle of summer, but it's only 7 degrees celsius. ah. gaudy ah! on piling and odon tell us that where they're working is a 4 hour drive from their accommodation. let me then me within
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one to 5 and then on in may happen. my mother have give me a couple, maybe their bag, caldebook lamp and melinda. i hacking on. yeah. couple more money than we'll talk here for mom and at the old help. any final national company looks like a lot of all white off. i need that or for yeah, according qualified. that income they have to travel far because there are very few berries near where they're staying to make the long drive worth it. they spend every 2nd night outdoors. the weather is wet and uncomfortable. but a particularly rare and sought after berry is meant to grow here. oh oh, he's the low low. get my out low my my little a little get money later. one even me for the my local. good bye bye. really good
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novi. but he got cold, me know, really important than for less than one like our w malayna. well with a fire not blow me on the, on the day begins as it does every morning with a long march on foot into the forest. food on doesn't want to risk relying on he's blown out here. every $100.00 measures. he marks the way back to the road. will add out um bipolar mind i oh tell me one day look on nick, i'm not a full money. when i put him,
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i said move on, you're like on kid, by all my time, my mom my complaining their hunting for the red cloud buried extremely hot to cultivate. they grow wild in the arctic regions of scandinavia, golden, yellow and color, and similar to raspberries. they can earn almost $13.00 per keela. piling has found a good spot. busy but she has to pick them quickly before the others come. every member of the group is working for themselves. oh well, he fell on. what. what was a lot more backpack on? no, not. well. why you? while you were me, why don't guy let me know when i'm gonna? i look on my find him i had up on the now and i think on fine despite today's good harvest, piling an old on or almost out of time in just
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a few days. the season will be over. oh, i keep going to wendy like a concur linen if the wintertime may, may me, does that plan affect my, the phony goddamn yet themselves like to let coming back. i spent 2 months looking for clever, but it's been a bad year. after paying off all their debts, they will each make $1400.00. less than half they go on keeping 11, know quite them on monday america benefit from one lump n liaison when families of been feeling well that he did not on his i finally am matthau villa, reca and chang. this was his 1st summer in sweden.
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he wasn't the fastest but he's group said the money from the berries between them. after 2 and a half months he won't be going home empty handed. he still left. busy with $1500.00, after deducting all expenses and costs. how he loyal co park at little monk. dad, thank you. like a michael. god meant it. so it i am. glad you're the day will be named. when do i later? hello. emphasis on duty dude. angela can't, i'm not who can you make on that? been a hm. only migrant laborers out willing to enjoy such conditions and for such make up time. but ty, workers will continue to come to swain and to hunt the fruits of the forest
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dreaming of a better future. mm. uses performance ought to draw attention to the critical and controversial issues facing chinese or one or 18 mates. china is active with on al jazeera january just 20 years ago, the euro was brought into circulation. we investigate how the eurozone benefited from having an official currency be part of the st. enjoy im out social media community. se early owns recovery from civil war, continues. we month to decades since the end of one of africa's most brutal complex, the bottom line, the clemons dives headlong into the u. s. issues that shape the rest of the world.
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as we enter the 3rd year with covey 19, we go back to woo him. where it all began and investigate how far we come since the pandemic january or no, just the dreams, johns and entertainment, a way for people to rise above the violence around them. so it's my role to give these girls a different idea that they can leave the wars of this community. 3 short films show how performance creates a home and family, and gives hope and opportunity a j select on al jazeera. ah. when the news break side is tornado destroyed everything it touched in mayfield. when people need to be heard and the story town, he has done his job to tell us what's going on with exclusive interviews and in depth reports i get on my right the wind and just be free. i'll g 0 has
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teens on the ground to bring you more award winning documentary and lives on air and online. ah, the u. s. sensors for disease control hobbs, the recommend date isolation, period for any one infected by cobit 19. as casey's continue to climb across the country, ah, hello and welcome, i'm peace adobe. you're watching al jazeera live from doha, also coming up a search and fighting, seized ethnic groups battle attire, against me and miles, military forcing refugees to flee across the tie border.


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