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tv   [untitled]    December 29, 2021 10:30pm-11:01pm AST

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with nuclear energy or go into nuclear energy. what are we leaving behind for next generations to deal with? because we really haven't figured out what to do with this high level radioactive waste. germany has made up its mind, so it is by, over to nuclear power stepped fast and al jazeera, good timing ah or mountain top stories around 0 corona virus infections of hit record levels with more than 6 and a half 1000000 cases around the world. in the past week ahead of the world health organization says the combination of delta and omicron variance is creating a tsunami of cases world wide france as it a european record in the past day. with another 208000 cases. it's the equivalent of 2 people testing positive every 2nd. hospital admissions and deaths remain low
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world wide. but rich nations are still in for criticism, rolling out 3rd shots, when people in poor nations struggled to get one. this is the time to rise above short term nationalism and protect populations and economies. a game is future variance by ending global vaccine in equity. i want governments, industry and civil society toward give us on a campaign that targets 70 percent vaccine coverage in every country. by the start of july press freedom is under the spotlight again in hong kong after another police raid that independent media outlets stand, news says it's shutting down our to its offices were targeted. police arrested 7 current and former staff members, accusing them of inciting hatred with their articles. among them is the well known singer denise who, who is also a former politician and activist,
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is the latest crackdown since chiron posed a national security law. in june, 2020 indonesian government says it will allow more than a 100 ringer refugees who were stranded at sea to land in the country. a group of mostly women and children were left to drift off the coast of ha province while attempting to reach malaysia. traders are returning to work a lonely tie border after lol, and fighting between me and mas, military and armed groups from the karen ethnic group. a un special envoy, has called for the seas far to be enforced. nationwide, thousands of refugees have fled into thailand. in the last 2 weeks, there's a top stories to stay with us out there at the news continues after the stream, as you then bye for enough. ah
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thank. hi anthony kelley today on the street, the story of a summer getaways with kate's with disabilities. and how it produced some of america's most determined disability rights activists. this is crypt camp. i mean, can we happen? what 2 people got cleaned and waiting? you have all very hyper a bad and i have to go shower some people. and i wanted to be part of the world. what i'd you be? see anyone like about a summer camp for the head again, one by piece and somebody said it probably all smoked over the counselors of employ
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saw in me i go there. i was, i was there with wouldn't be to be on the tv back home to lou during the day. we helped empower each other. it was allowing us to recognize that the status quo is not what it needed to be. that was a click from the trailer for the oscar nominated documentary crypt camp. 3 of the people involved in that documentary are with us right now. hello, judy. hello, jim. hello, nicole. judy, introduce yourself. tell everybody your involvement in the documentary just briefly and who you are. if you need an introduction, go ahead. jenny. hello, everybody. thank you for inviting me to be on the program. i. my name is judy, you men, i'm a disability rights activist. and i'm involved with the program because i was on
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the staff at hampton, at, at that point. and i went to the people who was involved in the development of the movement prior to the camp. been after camp. hello, jim signed me up. jim. nice to see your connection with the film and who you are. introduce yourself. talk global audience. hi everybody. kimberly brett, i. well i went to camp jeanette, and it was an incredible experience of my life. i've been working in the documentary world as a sound mixer and dishonor for a long time and brought this story of kill jeanette to the cold in him in hopes that she would make a documentary about camp jeanette and its. ready connection to the disability rights movement. i got to hang on the co. welcome to the string. tell everybody who you are, what you deal? connection to camp clip. i am nicole, nina. i'm really happy to be here with everybody. i am
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a documentary filmmaker. i have been for 25 years and jim has been brilliant sound mixer and sound designer that i've worked with. and i, when he brought me this story and started telling me about this, you know, hippy utopia that existed in which people were really treated equitably. and there was like sex and drugs and a great time um and that that was connected somehow that kind of experience of liberation was really connected to the spark or the seeds of the disability rights movement. i was so moved by the story and what i thought was really special about it was that it was jim story and i asked him if he would co director fun with me and that's how i got involved. ah, give me give, if you could describe pat gen ed in a sentence, what would you say, jim? freedom. i think it's a place that i found freedom into their ability to be on
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a bashed and up myself. so what was your sentence been about tant genet. liberation, a fact for a quality and a recognition that we all had the ability and right to contribute. something was very special, was happening that in the 19 seventy's jim, can you explain to us what was exceptional about this camp? the kids with disabilities? well, i mean if it came to live was really kind of a product of the times, you know, there was somebody different liberation movements going on the anti war protests and, and we were all really kind of clustering the 3rd, ian, and kind of the status quo and being somebody with a disability at their time. and this was a place that was just so much different. you know i, i felt like i wasn't really treated as just a normal kid outside of warily was i feeling that way,
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but it can't. jeanette is like i was just a teenager, so it was a place where all of the kind of staring in or are, you know, things that really maybe feel like was a burden just just melted away. so that little kid or the tell you how to see that . ok right there that we decided that was jim age 15. he got up to some new very am interesting activities at tampa. i won't spill the beans quite yet by the gym. if you want to have a conversation with jim and judy and nicole, you candy via gucci right now, in this very episode. jumping to you to jump into the comment section and you too can be part of our discussion. i want to go to re sheeta, and the sheet of talks about why pant gen ed was so important at the time. and really what the us done for other kids with disabilities have a listen. have a look. places like camp janae were important to young people with disabilities because they provided
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a space for them to constantly be themselves and to connect with others like themselves. especially at a time when most camps were inaccessible. thankfully, the disability rights movement has come a long way since and there are more opportunities for young disabled people to grow, to learn like apd summer programs. these opportunities are important because they helped with leaders that will bring about change and create more just like she does from the american association of people with disabilities. did you feel judy at the time that you were somewhere exceptional and the people understand and how do you relate and connect with people with disabilities that doesn't exclude them from everyday life? i mean, i think what camp was able to do for us is,
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is everybody's been saying it allowed us to recognize that we were human beings. and it gave us a space where we were able to speak about our dreams and not only about our dreams, but we were also able to speak about our concerns about being able to achieve what we wanted to do in life. because of all the barriers because of lack of representation, of disabled people in the media. and it was, it was the space where we could clam and we practiced how to use our voice and how to give each other optimistic feelings that in unity would have strength. and as jimmy was saying, it also enabled us because television, in the 1960 s was bringing a new world to us. it was the civil rights movement, the women's rights movement, the anti war movement. and while many of us weren't able to actively participate
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for various reasons, that was the model that we were looking at co, you do so as a interesting co until you some very interesting in the so in that is that you can next, the experience of camp jet, out to our border disability rights movement and other movements going on in the 19 seventy's. i'm going to play a little bit of a clip. this is from a rally, a demonstration, a new york city. the people with disabilities have a look and then to call, i want you to explain why you made those connections. let's take a look. disable and actually decided to have a demonstration in new york city in front of nixon headquarters. we decided that we were gonna sit down in the street. we were gonna stop draft. so at 430 in the afternoon, we won this huge circle. we cut off forest street, you get the call to action, to the barricade. you know, judy would call it i remember being on the ground with these big trucks coming or
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going woo it was a very unusual demonstration. the people are not used to seeing a whole lot of folks in wheelchairs. and you have to back up. i mean, you had to back up if you were on the wrong side in front of that young woman. this is a bigger story. you're telling nicole why? i think 11 of the things that was so exciting to us was says to show how captain ed, you know, these young people discovered their kind of common experience of oppression and believed that they could do something about it together. but across disability there is so much diversity. and i think judy and other leaders at the time, recognize that, that was kind of a superpower, you know, because it, it's so many different movements. so many different liberation movements were part of the disability movement. and so in berkeley as they started organizing and demonstrating, you know, there were gay disabled people and there were black disabled people and there were
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black panthers who are disabled. all of those people were kind of coming together and looking at disability rights. and when there was this sort of a big sit in that we feature in the film and in 77, there were members of all those groups inside the building. and so it wasn't so much, you know, jim and i decided to broaden it out. but the kind of brilliant strategy that they laid out at the time, which was like, let's bring all these movements together. so i think for us, you know, the idea of the black panthers, for example, you know, deciding to bring food and supporting this you know, long takeover of a federal building which resulted in a very critical disability, civil rights legislation like that because they realize that you know, it was a better world that disabled activists were fighting for was the and that kind of civil rights and, and liberation was the same thing they were fighting for and that everybody was in
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it together. and i think jim and i felt very, very passionately about the fact that that's a really important message for today. you know, it's the model for organizing that is really powerful. i think it's also really important to understand that camp jeanette was at pivotal place. but the reality was there were organizations like in new york where most of the people who are part of these groups never went to camp jeanette. an organization called disabled him action and pride it. now there's that we're also being driven by college campuses where disabled people were also organizing. and so i think it was many different things happening at the same time. and again, one of the reasons why the disability community was reaching out to other organizations was the model that we were seeing with the civil rights lou at the women's movement with the anti war movement where they were reaching out to other people. now let's be really clear. you know,
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the reason the black panthers got involved was because one of their founding members had multiple sclerosis. so he was credible and made join because of him. many other organizations, you know, they didn't understand disability. they didn't understand their rights based movement. so there was a lot of work on the ground going on for years, working with other organizations in a way where we came and said, would you help us and we will help you. so it wasn't one way when things were going on at the city level or the county level. we were there for each other in many different ways. and we were building a coalition that for example, when the demonstrations occurred in 1977, there were many years of collaboration that had been going on in the berkeley bay area. i'm going to bring in this thought here, does this so many compliments about crypt camp a you see if you can see here, this is the web page. go look at this. oscar nominated documentary feature,
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lots of comments, lots of feedback. and then this comment that we got a little bit earlier. this gave me pause because i did see the intersectionality in the film. when i watched it k was asking for more heavily said how to look. i felt that crib camp could have utilized the histories and stories and direct narrative of black people and people of color. i felt that quip camp really needed some more perspective on how racial justice also informed that their disability rights framework. it felt very white and upper class to me. so i was really interested in how crypt camp couldn't elaborated more on other experiences as it was shaping. not just camp jeanette, but later disabled policy. germany co, i'm gonna get us to both of you. can you start i think
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that one of the things that we really try to do with our film was to leverage an impact campaign in which we gave it into the hands of people were deeply seated in their disability justice movement, which is really looking at disability rights to the lives that people were by paul p a l g b t q. and that i'm really trying to take the visibility that we're getting and making sure that that movement could be really heard. lucca i think. yeah, i mean, i think that there is like a there is a point of view that we chose to take and encrypt camp, which is that we wanted to tell the story from the perspective of this group of friends who came together capture med. and that's certainly not reflective of the entire movement, and it's certainly just kind of one story out of disability history. and so we
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tried really hard to give, to give a sense of the intersectionality that was in the film which, which you were talking about. we felt that was important to really highlight that and her profile activists who had played a critical role in the particular story we were telling who had not been profile. but i think by virtue of the fact that we chose to focus on this particular band of friends and see the story through their eyes. and that was partly because, you know, we, there was the coalition of people that could come together and tell the story. and the film, and we could follow them throughout time and we had this incredible archival footage of them by that because of that, it is not and you know, it's not an overview of the entire history of the movement. it's a very particular frame. and we hope that that universality of crypt camp and teenage experience withdrawn viewers who might not otherwise have access to the
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history. and that the, that the platform that crypt camp had could hopefully lead and partnership with the impact campaign jim was describing could really lead to other stories being told. but i think that that comment is very valid in the sense that there's a lot more to the story on a lot more to be explored. and many other stories that that should be told. what i think this is a very important question. and as everybody said, it's a totally appropriate question. i think what's really important is we're so used to not seeing documentaries on disability that jimmy and nicole have produce an amazing fell and it tells an amazing story. but this should not be the end of the stories that are being told. and so i think when we look in the next 5 to 10, excuse me, the next 5 to 10 years, we should be seeing other films, documentaries, and other films and television product,
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etc. that really continued to reflect the changes that have been going on in the movement. so for example, the issues of rapes are critically important and l g b t q is very important. but also what's important are people with mental health disabilities and people with intellectual disabilities at that point in time at camp to nad those, the population of those people with disabilities were not a part of what was happening. but now when we look at 2021, things that really explode it across racial lines across sexual orientation, disability and the discussions are becoming much more complex and serious and really delving deeper and deeper into what injustice is and what we need to be doing. and what we need to be learning about how people are moving forward. i want to show a couple of pictures because what you do, jim and the color you miss bost, you break down stereotypes, you explode them in an hour and 48 minutes. so there is love this last there's
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grabs. i will take care of my picture of my laptop here. there's also, which is really revealing jim, a hierarchy of how people with disabilities see disabilities. so do you want to share that hierarchy as we go through some of these fantastic those from, from your documentary at the top of the hierarchy, i believe is a slightly tongue in cheek. well, what disability? because these only things that people disabilities would say to themselves, well, in the phil denise who you see your arcada talks about this hierarchy is denito area. yeah. and uh, and that she felt like people with polio were at the top of the hierarchy of folks like herself, love cerebral palsy and were. ready much, much lower and i, you know, i, i don't disagree with her having this feeling. i, the, somebody would spawn a different up, you know, i,
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i didn't really think about that too much. maybe that's because as i was higher up on the hierarchy. but um, you know, i think every community has something like this delta, and it's an irreverent kind of dark humor that you can share amongst yourself that you give us a little window inside. if we are non disabled and also allow people who have disabilities to recognize it as well, i gave you a very tough video comment to come of the back of gym. and nicole going to give you much easier one this time in this one is from madison. this is what she told us a little earlier. have a listen, have a look. my older brother daniel had cerebral palsy and spent most of his life in the house. and even as a young child, i knew that there was a more fulfilling life out there for him. they could be essentially doing the same things that i do and watching crew camp was very powerful and moving to me saying that before he was even born, there was already a sense of community out there for him. there was changes already being made and
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that that life could have been his. and although i am saddened that he is not going to experience a it croup can't makes me so thankful that other people did get to macau. he start go ahead. i mean, i think that's really beautiful and i really love the, the idea of the value in community. you know, i think that for us we had the word community tape to the wall of our room and we thought about it all the time as kind of the core of what this is about. this idea that there is community across all the diversity and difference of disability and part of the power of that. but as you know, one of the activist says in the film you, if you're, you know, using a wheelchair, you don't know necessarily what it's like to be blind. so you're going to listen to someone. and when they tell you what their truth is, you're going to see it and believe that and trust them about their experience and fight for them the way they're fighting for you, you know, and i, i think that's, that's so beautiful to, to recognize and value the importance of that,
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and we really hope that this film would be an on ramp, so to speak, for lots of people to be able to find community in, in disability community and, and also to be able to feel proud and see the value and identifying is disabled which sometimes i think people are afraid that there might be a cost to identifying is disabled, but the more the movement grows and the more people see the real value in, in that community, i think more people can find their way to it and benefit from it if i may, judy, i want to just tap into expertise as disciplinary rights activists an expert. this is bangle dragon who brings us way up to date right now. the recent statistics for people with disabilities is a very sad reflection of the failure of overall for quality for disable people. movement, immediate restructuring is required basically, where are we now to? so if we're talking about the world, we're talking about
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a more organized group of disabled people, basically in every country. when you think back 304050 years, the international movement was really just emerging in the united states. we've seen 50 years of work of organizing an many lives being passed that really mirror other log lives like the civil rights act of 964 and other pieces of legislation where we are today. it is with an international movement that looks at something called the convention on the rights of persons with disabilities where more than a $175.00 countries have ratified meaning. a 175. governments have agreed that they will develop lives, implement lies. that will enable disable people to go to school, get jobs, make transportation accessible, housing, employment opportunities,
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etc. but we're also in a serious situation where disability is still a very marginalized community. so i mean, we're talking about wonderful things that have been happening. but the reality of the situation is disabled, people are probably want to be most marginalized groups and then add other aspect disability raised poverty, gender, except that makes life more and more difficult. so i think where we need to be is much more unification. not just within the disability community, but within the rights and justice movements around the world to understand. but if a non disabled woman is raped, she likely has the disability that the women's movement needs to be looking at. issues of violence against women with disabilities and women who acquire disabilities. as an example. that's the same thing in the environment, etc. thank you. i have to shade ask you a few of which is this is judy as a little one, right?
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this is her. as a little bigger, one as an actor is. and this is there right here. she is still, she is still being an activist right here on the stream and then reduced her embarrass sir, jim, cause that's equal opportunities. he is, is there was a youngster back here. these the crack quick tap, a website. and then here right here is crypt had the virtual web site. and then right here, currently streaming are netflix crick camp a disability revolution. judy gym, the co, i could speak to you for a couple of hours, but i only have a couple of seconds left to say thank you so much for being on the string. really appreciate you. and i will see you next time from your case signing off. thanks for watching everybody take ah
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ah january, just 20 years ago the euro was brought into circulation. we investigate how the euro then benefit from having an official currency be part of the stream and going out social media community. se early owns recovery from civil war continues. we moved to decades since the end of one of africa's most brutal complex, the bottom line,
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steve clemons dives headlong into the u. s. issues that shape the rest of the world . as we enter the 3rd year of it, 19, we go back to woo him where it all began and investigate how far we've come. since the pandemic january on a jesse about a right of passage present to the generation, my cousin was laying down there. i'm to was claiming she was helpless. the woman who after indoors as goes through title of pain, for what fact my night meets the women affected by f g m. and those re shaping perception. do you think people will abandon the site eventually? both of those take al jazeera correspond the kind of political, the racial that's challenging the way you think is a military man's mc. going to stop the family to guy is under a company right now. people are very similar,
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very upfront with me. michael mon hill on out 0 ah, investigating the use and abuse of power across the globe on al jazeera. ah hello norm tainer and under the top stories lounge 0 krenover infections of hit record levels. with more than 6 and a half 1000000 cases around the world in the past week, the head of the world health organization says the combination of delta and omicron variance is creating a tsunami of cases worldwide. france, is it a european record in the past day, with another 208000 cases? hospital admissions and deaths remain low world wide, but rich nations are still in for criticism. rolling out 3rd shots when people in poor nations struggle to get one.


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