tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera January 11, 2022 6:00pm-7:00pm AST
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beeble and power investigates, exposes, and questions from the use and abuse of power around the globe on out there. ah, this is al jazeera ah. hello, a from doha. i'm alamo. here, dean with the al jazeera news are coming up for you in the next 60 minutes. sounding the alarm, the w h o says half of europe's population could get the all micron variance of coverage. in the next 2 months, china expands its cove at 19, locked down to a 3rd, sitting some 20000000 people are no confines in their homes. kazakstan is
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president, says russian lead troops deployed to restore order in his country will begin leaving in 2 days. and he announces his pick for prime minister, mourning of a women catastrophe in afghanistan, the un loan, she is its biggest appeal for aids. fearing half the population is at risk of acute hunger. and on p december to the sports defending champions algeria draw the opening match at the africa cup of nations and of no bakovich, a scene training in melbourne. the head of the australian open, the country's government was looking into whether he made false claims on his travel falling with well, we start this news ira with a warning europe for face a tidal wave of corona virus cases. the world health organization says more than
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half of all europeans are likely to be infected by the alma khan variance. in the next 2 months, it urging governments to prioritize vaccinations, could in booster shots. despite few cases in china though, and young has become the 3rd city to go into locked own as authorities maintain a 0 tolerance approach to the pandemic. meanwhile, in the u. s. hospitals are feeling the strain of omicron with over 130000 people, hospitalized. that's the highest. since the pandemic began all over in the u. k. prime minister boris johnson has ruled out further restrictions, but he's no fending off new claims. he broke the rules during the heights of a lockdown in 2020 a leagues email has revealed that his office held a party at the time. we got several correspondence covering all those developments
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for you. lazy. barber is in downing street for us. we'll talk to him in just a moment about those reports of a locked a breaking party at the u. k. prime minister's office. rosalind jordan is in washington d. c. for us. she'll tell us more about the state of hospitals in the us 1st though, let's go to dominic cane, who's in berlin, ready to bring the latest on the situation in europe 1st though dominic, a less talk about these are this intervention from the world health organization who warned that the window of opportunity to protect health systems in europe is causing very dire warnings, coming from the world health organization to day. but they believe that in the course of the next 6 to 8 weeks in the fall, deep mid winter here in europe, that hundreds of mill ins all europeans people living on this continent might well
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full fowl all the only cron variant that they may find themselves feeling infected with only crohn and slowly this is the dyers of warnings coming from the w. a show . the warning was sort of at by hands cougar from the w. h. o speaking a few hours ago. this is some of what he had to say. it is quickly becoming the dominant virus invest in europe and this know spreading into the balkans at this rate. the institute for health metrics and evaluation forecasts that more than 50 percent of the population in the region will be infected with mcclung. in the next 6 to 8 weeks. oh, that's quite the morning there, dominique here given of course that your, of his already suffering with this on the chrome variance right now let alone 8 weeks for night. just give us
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a view of the overall states of the crone virus infections across europe. now is the continent holding up right now? well, the interesting thing to remember here is, is not just the only chron variance that is causing surgeon cases. we're still living through the delta variance and away from the delta variance, certainly here in germany. that's the case. but a look across the large countries of europe shows that hundreds of thousands of people are still coming down with corona virus. whatever. the variance in the course of the day the last few days. so that's the case in france. the case in italy is the case in the united kingdom here in germany, nearly 50000 near infections announced today. so it's clear that there is still very many people are coming down with the virus, and of course the death rate is still relatively high. perhaps not at the peak that we may have seen in previous years during this pandemic. but there's no question
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that there's still a lot of fatality around concerning both these variance. and then you have the measures that countries are trying to implement to prevent the cost sort of explosion of cases the w h o official was talking about. so here you have the mantra from ministers and medics. when masks get the booster. and that's something that is being repeated rights across the continent where governments believe that's the only way to try to keep whatever kind of bottling effect in of, on the front. while i still having to deal with the delta wave as well. ok. dominant came that live from berlin. thank he dominic as take you know, to china, katrina, you has more on the new outbreak in her 9 at province. and youngs. 5000000 residents have been ordered not to leave their homes until they get tested. the coven! 19 non essential. businesses have been closed, and old private vehicles have been ordered off the roads. mass testing is underway
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in the city. now the province of her none. where and young city is located is home to about 100000000 people. they've been facing an outbreak of primarily the delta variance since the beginning of the year in the city of an young. they've identified since the beginning of january at least $400.00 cases. but what sparked concern is this week and was the discovery of at least 80 cases of me very infectious on the chron variance. now these cases have been linked to students who traveled from the port city a tinge in another city in china, which is under de facto lockdown. now, authorities are very concerned about the 10 gin cases because this city borders bay, jing and officials there have promised to see loft hanjin in order to protect the capital. all leaders in china are under enormous pressure to prevent any infections from reaching the capital baiting before the beginning of the beijing winter olympics, which opens on february the 4th. and this is
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a very dangerous time for the virus here in china. we're just heading into the lunar new year period or chinese new year, where typically many people travel across the country. there are hundreds of millions of trips made here in china as people travel home to see relatives for the most important public holiday here in the country. now officials have discouraged travel this chinese new year because of these outbreaks and officials are saying that they are staunchly committed to maintaining time as 0 tolerance approach to the pandemic. despite the fact that already 20000000 people here in china are affected by very severe locked downs, all pen restrictions. let's take to the u. s. and i were a senate committee is meeting see here the federal governments take on how it's handling the pandemic representatives from the centers for disease control, the food and drug administration, and top us infectious disease expert anthony fight. she are among those who are
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expected to speak as get more from rosalind, georgia and she joins us now from washington. dc. rosa start with what's happening in this hearing, eh, what are they expecting to get out of it? well basically this is the administration's chance to make the case before congress that it is handling the response to the cove at 19 pan damica appropriately. and that it is ahead of the curve if there happened to be any new variance coming. every one is a speaking here in the united states, as if dealing with the oma kron very, it is going to be the end of the pandemic. and i think that we saw a year ago, once the vaccine roll else began, that people had that same expectation. and clearly, we're now at a period where infections are still spreading, where hospitals are still dealing with a, a, an enormous rise in cases and where people who have been vaccinated or mostly
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vaccinated are finding themselves getting sick because of the alma chron. very it. so the pandemic isn't over members of congress are going to want to know what the biden administration is doing to try to hasten the end of the pandemic. and you can also expect a lot of tough questions about what the administration has gotten wrong. it says it took over in january to respond to this health crisis at balanced. take a closer look, grows, abide, i. things are on the ground right now, because there are those alarming reports that hospitalizations in the united states are reaching record highs. that's right. on sunday of the there stats that came out suggesting that more than 143000 people were hospitalized because of cobit if, when you break that down, you're seeing a perhaps a 133 percent increase in the number of very young children who are being
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hospitalized as being treated for cove it and here in the united states, children under the age of 5 cannot be vaccinated, nothing has been approved for them. and so that makes it more important for those who live with these small children to be vaccinated. there's also the fact that the number of people who are dying from cove it on a daily basis has increased from 1400 per day to 1700 per day. and the overall death toll from cove at 19 is nearly 840000 americans. so this is a situation where hospitals are having to look at increasingly scarce resources. dwindling of staff was job availability because doctors and nurses and other staff are themselves getting sick. and so they're having to decide who can come in for elective surgery? how many beds do they need to have available for people suffering a health crisis, such as a heart attack or needing necessary cancer surgery and how many beds do they need
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to have available for people who come in with complications of cove at 19? this is very much a crisis moment and again, these young administration officials are going to have to explain what they are doing to try to help the nation's health care system. respond to the coven 19 pandemic. okay, rosalind jordan, they're bringing us up to date foam washington d. c vote for now. thank you very much. indeed a blessed they with this for more we can speak with dr. krishna dia kumar, he say director at the duke global health innovations sensor enjoying says from rally in north carolina. and it's good to have you with is on this new sir. i'm stuck listening to those statistics that corresponds at rose was was reeling off. it's remarkable looking at, as given the united states, as vaccines boosters, medical treatments, or medications and some of the best doctors in the world. why do you think
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hospitals in america are coming under such pressure right now? yeah, we really are the crisis moment like we just heard. and we're 2 years into this pandemic, and we're asking the same health workforce that's been struggling for 2 years to continue and not just continue, but actually to do even more with even fewer resources. we should remember that we have access to lots of vaccines and other types of interventions, but we're still relatively low compared to other countries. and our vaccination rates, only 63 percent of the entire population is fully vaccinated. here in the u. s. and less than 40 percent have boosters, so we have susceptibility beyond other countries in terms of the level of infections. we've also seen now that the rates of infection are rising significantly. and we're not seeing the same level of decoupling as we saw perhaps in south africa. between the cases rising and the hospitalizations,
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we should keep in mind that the best estimate we have is perhaps up to 40 percent of people in the hospital with cobit or they're with cove it as opposed to being there for co id. but they're still using a lot of resources, we're still having to make sure that help workers are protected and that patients are protected as well. so we've got a long way to go here. and even though we've broken the record with 145000 people in the hospital, in the u. s. was coded that number could double in the next 2 to 4 weeks. and then why do you think that is because we're hearing from governments worldwide that the re sites. if this is vaccination, the u. s. isn't hurting for vaccine stoke. why only 60 percent of americans are 63 percent. why wires is that number vaccinated? why only 40 percent the states is this a medical problem, or is this a political problem? this is very much a political and social problem that we're having to deal with like the entire
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pandemic. we've got the tools from a scientific perspective. and yet we're, we have failed is really to make sure that we are communicating well that we are inclusive in the way that we're approaching this. and at the end of the day, it's going to be confidence or hesitancy in the vaccines that are going to make a difference on how many people end up being fully vaccinated and protected. and we're not where we need to be. so right now we need to make sure that we're doing everything that's possible masking, avoiding crowded situations, staying home if you're symptomatic, testing and isolating to protect not just yourself protected others, but protect what is a health system in crisis. because there's not much more that we can do to open up increasing capacity. and as we heard what suffering right now, in addition to our health workers are also access to other what we might call elective cases. but this is about treating people's cancers and broken bones and, and other things that need to happen. so the level of care anybody can expect in
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a hospital is going to be less because of this code crisis. so, so what needs to be done then as to tackle this, who needs to act? is this something the government can see or is this time sensitive to other organizations? we definitely need to see strong policy enact that. we've seen several states inactive states of emergency and, but are allowing that more flexibility in terms of staffing in terms of other resources. people have called up the national guard and other workforce to help support our health workers. and we need to see more of that. we need to make sure that there are consistent policies around masking around avoiding situations of math routing, and also making sure that we have increasing access to testing. that's something that we really fallen down on in the u. s. over the past few months. so we have to be able to diagnose cases to allow people to know when to isolate, when it's safe to end their isolation. so there is much more that we can and should
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be doing. we do also have promising oral therapies better soon coming on line and we need to make them available, scale up production, because that can make sure that we're also reducing the risk of hospitalization and death. okay, dr. air krishna the day come are great to get your thoughts. thank you so much for sharing your expertise with us here and al jazeera. we do appreciate it. let's thank you back i and see the united kingdom, where the prime minister's office is accused of hosting a party during the cove with 19 locked st. back in 2020 is causing quite the star over there in the u. k. in the team. barbara jones is now from 8 sides at premier subarus jones, his residence on a dining streets at nadeem edge. this seems quite an extraordinary story this because i'm for, as was the british government's really having a garden party when the british public was told to stay home was this role a base?
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well, it's about trust sits about consistency and it's about truth telling. and it really is remarkable if you see the content of that email which has been published by british broadcasts during the last 24 hours and the contents of which the government have not really are complained about or rejected. let me just read you a little bit of it. we thought it would be nice to make the most of the lovely weather and have some socially distant drinks in the number 10 garden this evening . bring your own boots. that was from a close earth advisor, a prime minister, bore his johnston on the 20th of may 2020 during the 1st lock down that same day his culture. secretary oliver dowden had gone on television and told the british public that, apart from their own household, they shouldn't mix with anybody except for one person in and outdoor setting. the police issued similar guidelines that day. and so really the question is,
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what did they think they were doing? certainly vero or witnesses who've come forward to say that boris johnston attended that gathering in the garden at 10 downing street. and the fact that number 10 haven't deny, eat the content of that email or that it went to a 100 stars all reports, but dozens of people actually attended along with boys johnson and his then fiancee carrie really is causing a lot of her eyebrow raising at the moment that then certainly is an ed this name nadine. then let's not forget this isn't the 1st party scans all at the prime minister is facing and just focus too much trouble is boris johnson in right now. well that's the tricky question. what's not disputed is that there have been
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a series of reports of events here at downing street which allegedly involved breaking, covet 19 role. so just 5 days before this garden party were talking about, there was a photo where bars, johnson and colleagues were seen him in the garden. they said it was a work meeting, there was cheese and wine. so it's been described as a party by some they've denied it. and but yet later that year and there were gatherings here, there was a video leaks which show jammed his press spokesperson laughing about or an event and how it would be reported. she then resigned. there is fury though, over this latest report because of the context because of the fact that he was loved, the ones were dying and they weren't allowed to attend funerals for example. so campaigners are from the year bereaved families for justice group have developed
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the prime minister saying he should resign the opposition. labor party have said the same thing. they called on boys johnson to turn up in parliament term job answer questions, or he didn't a care, a minister actually, i was left to apologize for the hurt caused by these reports, but he battered off cause for for his johnson's resignation. well, the apartment esther will indeed have to face parliament's own weapon stay at for his weekly prime minister's questions. we'll wait to hear more from him then. but for now, in the dim barbara, breaking down the story for us in london, nadeem and i thank you very much. indeed. there is a lots more still ahead on this news our, including restricts in voting rights all across the united states. why many think democracy is in peril? plus greece. nobody's getting them close to come up with
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senior concerns being raised. there were very tennis players having tested for calhoun virus had the 1st grand slam of the season, will bring you more on this in sports. ah, the u. n. is launching its largest ever humanitarian appeal for a single country. it needs more than $5000000000.00 in aid for afghanistan. more than half the population, that's around 23000000 people are facing acute hunger. the un humanitarian chief sense is most worried about the welfare of children. the figure of a 1000000, a 1000000 children, potentially suffering severe, acute malnutrition, a 1000000 children. it is, it figures are so hard to grasp when at this kind of size, but
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a 1000000 children in afghanistan at risk of that kind of mountain tricia. if these things don't happen is a shocking one. we also know from the food insecurity, there's up to 8000000 people in afghanistan again still in afghanistan, who are endangered in terms of food security, who are at a level of food and security that will eventually lead to severe hunger will let spring. and christine jetson, he's the regional communications advisor at the norwegian refugee council, and joins is by skype. from kabul, it's good to have you with us. you're joining us from campbell. just tell us how bad things are there. we have an absolute desperate situation here. we have a bitterly cold winter and at the same time as we just heard, we have millions of people going hungry to read every single night. and off this,
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we have a high number of your blood to 89000000 that are just on the brink of famine. and this is just the top of it. apart from that, we also have an economy in free fall. people have no money at all. most people they go hungry to read, like i said, a lot of people who rely on small income they make on the street by carrying food stuff around by cleaning houses and before then the take over of the taliban. and before the sanctions, they could usually rely on earning 2 or $3.00 a day enough to buy some food. but now they make much, much less and sometimes absolutely nothing. now we've had lots of warnings about dead hunger that potential famines since the taliban take over the reference. was different this time. why does is the you and asking for so much money at this
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particular moment. it's because, like i said, the economy has all got collapsed. there's no cash in the country, almost people go to the bank and take out all they can. but no one is putting money back into the banks. we have all the most people with follow jobs are not getting their salaries and the ones will inform jobs have lost almost all day and come. i've heard stories about people going out to collect garbage on the street such as plastic on med, subscribe for recycling. they told me that before they could at least earn those few dollars. but now because the economy is so bad, there's less garbage and there's less income for them. so it's much, much worse. it says truly a rethink the situation. they're better, but the political angle really is that they would you say, that's the crux of why the situation is so bad. because if,
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if the you and raises this $5000000.00, how did i get into the country? because there are still dead. i would say sanctions, but the western nations are very reluctant to ensure that any money goes to the taliban. and as a result of this sort of hard wall coming day and nothing is coming into the country at all. so none of its getting to the people. is this a political problem, or is it just that people are keeping their hands in their pockets and knocked and eating? yes, so as to mention money is simply not getting in. we're trying all we can we're difference very creates of methods to get funding in to, to the country. but it's only coming in very small trips and not nearly enough to provide the assistance needed for all the millions of people in need. so we recognise in the knowledge and referred to come see that there's lots of political
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will to actually solve this problem. the un security council have also issued a declaration with humanitarian exemptions. so in principle, as the political will to solve this problem. however, we are not seeing the funds coming, and the problem is that those funds don't need it now. because if there's so much money and so many billions of dollars available, that don't help that. the families that have to divide a piece of bread between a lot of family with many children. so it's just as quickly the u. s. is pied some $300000000.00 an ed d, what's stopping that money, get again just quickly if you would. so the money simply don't reach of guns, then there's the banks are not willing to transfer the money. so it's, it's complicated and lots of people are very clever people are working to solve
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this problem. but that they're still not their willingness to open up and get the systems the non or bank systems working. okay, so it's all sorts of creative solutions we're using. okay. chrissy and taps and we're out of time unfortunately. but thank you so much for joining us on al jazeera christian jackson are from the norwegian refugee cancel in couples. thank you. still a head only use are switching all for lanka. my fears are growing power cause i will be the latest on the know back just a kid so me ah, what things are quiet and dad ray be in place throughout iran and mr. levant in the
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last couple of days. but it's bad to get a bit stormy, get the remains of a few, shall seem likely in the mountains in western side, he may be down in western yemen as well. and this bit of cloud hinting across the middle is no more matter because the focus has got to be elsewhere. there's a low in the only and see at the moment is drifting fairly easy to be in the sunny gene on wednesday. that big circulation means it's drawing cold into a stumble across the gym with snow on the northern hills of turkey, significant style. think for the east and rain, and yes, flooding is likely along the south coast of turkey, probably cyprus, and then really into the coast. there's a, syria and lebanon. this is like to be a progressive system that moves slowly eastwards. so the picture on thursday is that rain will be somewhere in northern serious snow at height, obviously, and coming into the western side of iran, east of that, it remains quite apart for a few showers, maybe showing the northern part of afghans on north pakistan which are a rarity,
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it's going to be fine, which is the normal for this time, the year. but that rainy stuff is moving down to the mountains of iran, probably showing itself in q 8 coffee once again central saturday. ah, if you have to choose between your site and feeding your family, what do you do? yeah, i mean that happened was because we don't keep ourselves healthy. when your son could face death from a dog bio. what do you do? every new car, the cost of it actually can you afford them to short films about inspiring solutions to global health challenges. ha. select on al jazeera got on one of the fastest growing nations in the world. wanted needed to oakland and develop that school track international shipping company to become
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a p middle east and trade and wanting skillfully my 3 key areas of develop, filling up from it. so connecting the world, connecting the future while need. cato causes gateway to whoa trade. lou ah, this is al jazeera, a quick reminder, all the top stories this on the world health organization says more than half of europeans are likely to be infected with corona virus in the next 2 months. it record is 7000000 new cases of on the chrome in europe. during the 1st week of
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january, china's government has ordered the walked out of a 3rd at city to stem the spreads, of course, at 19 doctors in and young in highland province detected 80 cases of all micron over the weekends. nationwide, 20000000 chinese are confined to their homes and the u. n. is launching its largest ever humanitarian appeal for a single country. it needs more than $5000000000.00 in aid for afghanistan over half the population. it's my 23000000 people. face acute hunger cassock, stones president says, a rush and lead military force will begin pulling out of the country. within 48 hours. casem jermarta co told parliament a fool withdrawal is expected to be completed. in 10 days. the force largely of russian soldiers was sent to cause extern last week to quell violence during protests against the government. when 160 people were killed and the only tenant
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pheasants have been detains to kai of hers, also announced a new government lineup or the kind that smiled has been nominated as prime minister when a forest walker is falling. developments form to please see in ga it's clear that this is mission accomplished for president, for chi of the cfo came in. it was clear that he had vladimir putin backing behind him. they did that job, which appears to have been largely symbolic, finding out across the country, being present that strategic locations like military bases and so forth. now they're on their way out to look, i have clearly is in a position to do the job by him. so 10000 people detained a today, his speech was also about restructuring the security services, the police, the military and the national state. national security, putting himself very much in charge of those important instruments of power in the
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country. so kind as actually for the 1st time went off the indirectly president the previous president. no. so that's a by didn't mentioned by name directly, a criticism directly, but what he said was that people the lead on the nasdaq, i've had made themselves very rich, very wealthy. they spend that money abroad and now it was time to bring that money home and give it back to the people. so president for car has established or will establish a new fund that some of that money presumably will go into and this is the deal. he's cutting with his predecessors, diagnostic legacy, the people who are his family members and, and as a buyer, who has taken money out of the country and now must bring it back. the latest air strike in ethiopia as t gray region has killed at least 17 people. dozens of others were wounded in the
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southern time of might sabri. it follows an attack on friday which killed at least $56.00 people in a camp for the displaced governments has denied targeting civilians in the 14 months on conflict. the united nations has begun meetings in sit on aimed at ending the political paralysis following the military coup in october. but the sydney's professionals association, which led the revolution to depose president omar bashir, is rejecting the lens intervention. it's demanding the removal of the military from power as a pre condition for any talks, un envoy, force it on is healthy for a compromise. just a few hours time. the u. s. presidents, joe biden, and his deputy will travel to the state of georgia campaign against laws. they say threatened to limits voting rights. rob reynolds has the background. we won the
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election twice, inspired by former president donald trump's falsehoods about widespread fraud in the 2020 election, republican controlled state legislatures in 19 states have passed 34 new laws restricting access to voting. there is an assault underway on the very structure of our elections, our democracy that is carrying forward to assault that we saw on january 6th of 2021 on united states capital president joe biden called out from in his january 6th speech a former president. and a supporters have decided the only way for them to win is, is a fresh your vote and subvert our elections. for example, in the swing state of georgia, new laws make it harder to request mail balance, bar election officials from sending applications for those ballots, restrict the number of drop boxes and polling places in heavily democratic urban areas and make it a crime to offer food or water to people waiting in long lines for
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a chance to vote. states including georgia, have gone further passing laws that would undermine non partisan election agencies and officials, and even allow partisan officials to reject election results entirely. battled senate democratic party leader charles schumer says he will introduce 2 bills this month. that would allow the justice department to undo state restrictive voting laws. republicans have blocked those efforts before using the parliamentary maneuver called the filibuster, which requires a super majority of votes in the senate, if not a boat in rockville, it's i, sprawling sweeping. take over of our democracy. schumer says if the republicans block it again, he will try to eliminate the filibuster for voting rights legislation. if this continues, the only option left for democrats is to explore and propose reasonable fixes to restore the senate. so we can get these critical pieces of legislation passed into
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law. trump's big lie about the 2020 election amplified by right wing media has had an impact. in january of 2021. a poll showed that 59 percent of americans that they trusted, that elections represented the will of the american people by september of last year, the majority had slept to where now 52 percent shade. they do not doubt as a threat to the very fabric of our democracy. another recent whole shows. 34 percent of americans believe acts of violence against the government are sometimes justified. 2022 will be a crucial year with congressional elections in november. trauma will hold his 1st rally of the year in arizona this week. and former 1st lady michelle obama announced her voting rights organisation will lead a drive to register 1000000 new voters this year, rob reynolds al jazeera human rights organizations,
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urging the release of 600 refugee and micro protest is detained in libya. one was shown to in security forces, waited a citizen as a you and community center tripoli. protest has been kept there for the past 3 months to demand better protection. no doubt we have been attacked. people vulnerable women, disabled mentally disturbed individuals who were seeking saving you were thinking protection of the office have been attacked at night out of nowhere. and they had no escape route. there are no bagged in detention centers where in human treatments are wisdom, rib exclusions, torture is the vision. everything in human, an unimaginable my humble requested. international community is to intervene. mexico's president has tested positive for coven 19 for
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a 2nd time. but undress manuel lopez abra door says he has only light symptoms. a record number of new cases have been reported in mexico. the president says hospital admissions and debts are not increasing at the same rate. but some experts are warning the government statistics and lagging behind the infection rate by several weeks. fantasies in france to debate whether to prove its corporate 19 vaccine pass. the proposed legislation is controversial because it bars anyone who doesn't have a job from public places. thousands have been taken to the streets for weeks to oppose the measure. the social butler has more the southern port of mass say is in a region with one of the highest unvaccinated populations in france. until recently, nico call was among them. when we 1st met him a year ago, he didn't want to covey vaccine because he worried about possible side effects. but he has since changed his mind and just had his 2nd job. i would get to,
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i had many questions about the vaccines effectiveness. what's in it, it was a personal decision and i decided to say, you know, being vaccinated with the situation. his sense of all, there's a 5th wave, the income very, and we now new children are a major source of transmission. and my wife is a teacher, general environment has changed. and on balance i decided it was better to get vaccinated. francis registered record numbers, if you have it infections, doctors say most people in hospital with the virus on vaccinated, so the government wants to pressure those who are not immune eyes to get a job by introducing a vaccine pulse for most social activities. last week, friendship, he's approved the past, off the days a face debate, people in from the have a coup. it's help pause if they want to catch a train, go to the movies or even be in a restaurant like this is a queue. all code the most people have telephone that effectively shows whether
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you've been fully vaccinated or have a recent negative test or the government wants to change. the rules are the only people who vaccinated will be able to access the policy. which means people on the fax native when the longer be able to do things like this to measure his infuriated people who are against the coven vaccine, on saturday, thousands protested in harris against the pass and against the french president who recently made controversial comments about on vaccinated people fell at anchor and it is an attack on our freedom. i am not vaccinate. emma crohn does not respect the constitution. he has insulted me as a citizen. this opposition m. p. 's, as the pastor is an erosion of rights and the wrong approach. when would he be resolved, that will should be put to get vaccinated? you have to respect them. this, we have a, i have a clinician rate, nearly 90 percent like between it to convince people who are unvaccinated with her, but not necessarily because they are against it. but because they don't have enough information, so, well, some say the vaccine pass is divisive. emanuel macro battle,
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most people in france supporting it because the majority are immunized opinion polls suggest he was right. 3 months before the presidential election. likewise, hoping that his risky political calculation will pay off. natasha butler al jazeera must say was the 1st for medical science doctors in the us of transplanted a pigs heart into a human surgeons have been trying to find a way to use animal organs because of a shortage of human organ donations. far bronco pur reports, david bennett, had been given 6 months to live and didn't qualify to receive a human heart. doctors told him there was no guarantee had survived receiving a heart transplanted from a pig. his patient was given an opportunity for this. this experimental transplant was the idea mind that we didn't know what the outcome might be,
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but it wasn't going to be worse than traditional therapy. a gene edited pick hot was used to reduce the risk of the patient's body rejecting the organ. and 3 days after surgery, dr. say his doing well, bennett son says his father is glad he made the difficult decision. you realizes on the magnitude of what was done and he really realised the importance of it. i've been talking with him. i've never in my life i heard or seen my dad cry, but i think he realised the seriousness of his condition in the last couple weeks. decades of research went into the medical break. 3. it was always said, does he not grasp? mandation is the future. and always will be, this was gordon multiple times. i would like to say that, you know, grasp on vision is now the present. in the united states saloon, an estimated $10000.00 people die every year, waiting for a transplant. it's one of the reasons says,
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cautious excitement. it's significant because we don't have a source of human organ replace. ah, of sufficient numbers to answer demit. ah, and not only to man, but a timely manner. but for now, david bennett and his family have been thrown a lifeline barbara and gave her al to sarah european m p. some paying tribute to the president of the european parliament who died on tuesday in a hospital in italy. davis facility was 65 years old. a memorial book has been opens at parliament headquarters in brussels for colleagues and friends to pay tributes. german chancellor will f shows describe the former italian journalist as a shrewd politician and a good friend, steadfast and looks back at his career. in november that solely assured his colleagues in the european parliament that his doctors were helping him get back to
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work as soon as possible. you will pay status, pete, i came down with a bad case of pneumonia, but he never fully recovered. was taken into hospital again last month. his spokesman confirmed on tuesday that a 65 year old died from immune system complications. thus holy had been president of the european parliament since 2019. it was a short stand, punctuated by illness. but his rule was an important one. after 3 decades, as a journalist, the italian became a european parliament member in 2009. during his election as president, 10 years later, he called on the european union to swap nationalism for peace and equality. i for doing what we want to go towards the future and friendship. just a few days before he was admitted to hospital in december, he met the daughter of rushing opposition lead. alexa now found me through a water father, the european parliament soccer, thrice for freedom of thought,
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sending a clear message to russia that it's a rest of the kremlin critic with what he calls an offense to the international community. he also criticized european countries for not equally sharing the task of hosting african refugees playing the tale ban takeover of afghanistan last year . and it was critical of europe's far right. politics and its impact on the mike when crisis today you said betty south and i say hey, we added so there were states by the last of what a colleague, our friend or president to solely he was very pro you pan at united to work at now what is to do soon? it's us holding digest 2 weeks away from the end of his term as president of the european parliament and vote for his successor begins next week. so lanka is imposing ruling power cuts because the other christy board can't afford to
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pay for fuel. the worsening economic crisis is led to the rationing of gas food supplies and petrol. when finance is more from colombo, some people are looking at the possibility of power cuts a one hour a day according to what has been announced by the salon electricity board. that the said electricity provider, the headquarters, that you see are just behind me. now the government is very conscious that this is going to be inconveniencing people because the power card will be coming during peak demand and that's during the evening hours. we had the minister yesterday saying that there will be no paragraph, but a few hours later we had the formula, fisher shadow of power caught being released by the electricity board. now, the government is conscious that this all comes at a time where people are being essentially wacked by all sides are the prices of
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angel items are skyrocketing that are shortages of mill powder of gas. and this is all been exacerbated by a huge foreign exchange prices that the sri lankan government is facing. it does not have foreign currency for import. ah, and that's to, ah, they've got to stretch and manage with what they do have. so in terms of the 2600 or 2700 megawatts of power, that your longer users, your own jo, are they do have the electricity board has a massive debt to the state fuel provider. and the steadwood provider has said they're going to stop essentially supplying the electricity board. or we do have basically coal fired power plants, but the majority comes from fuel fired power plant as well as hydro power. so the fact that we can source a lot of fuel to drive those majority fuel power plant is an issue. but in general,
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the electricity board engineers have said that one of the issues that we have not been adding new power plant that year on year 150 megawatts also is increasing in demand. but we just don't have the capacity. so heads on all to 0, the us open champion a's a fresh to week outs from the grand slam over season we'll have actually i'm more ah
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i had a sport. here's peter. allah, thank you very much. now the australian government is investigating whether know that shock of it made false claims on his declaration form when he entered the country. the well number one was spotted earlier on tuesday training in melbourne. but there's a question over his claim that he hadn't traveled for 14 days before entering australia. social media posts appeared to show him in serbia and spain in the days before his arrival. and there's also a video footage of the 20 time grand slam champion training at a tennis club in macbeth on january 2nd, spain's a foreign minister that he does not have any information on whether jock, which had visited the country before traveling to melbourne was still waiting to hear from australia's immigration minister as to whether he'll use he's personal powers to cancel jock of witches visa again. earlier we spoke to 7 news, melbourne reporter, blake johnson, who gave us the latest update on jock of inches, battle to stay and play at the australian open. so my mother took a drive,
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didn't really he had to fill out a fairly standard travel, but one of the questions was, have you traveled the dies and in the documents relates to the court. you can clearly say that he has the nie box back to that we have vision of him training and spine on january. 3rd, he was in said the before that was mentioned the day that he spent mingling with members of the public while supposedly private positive. i mean, he's traveled to a strategy and so that in itself is a huge mistake bit of information and providing false or misleading information in that form that can carry a maximum gal symptoms of a year, very unlikely. which would get that to that. but still, it raises questions about his truthfulness when he was coming into the country. and we can confirm that a strong and border for using the basically got a new angle after their interviews with him in the airport to be unreasonable. so could be type true for the border force with mr. jock, which perhaps so really important to realize the judge is that i did not confirm his job, which was he simply ruled,
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but he didn't give you with portables to be able, was unreasonable. and therefore, he's the, the cancellation should not have happened in the 1st place. that doesn't mean that he's like had his di, another point to recognize it still does not make the inter requirements for having a vac fan exemption into a strategy. so having that hanging ivory, chad, the immigration minister still has a decision to mike as to whether not neither doctor beach can remain strike, giving him or not covered vaccinated does not have the correct vac same exemption requirements to stay. he does have the correct backs and exemption to play in the study. and i've been concerns have also been raised over korean, about his testing of competitors ahead of the australian open, controversial australia and player bern, atomic, who was playing in a qualifier in melbourne and complained to the referee that he was coming down with coven 19, but couldn't get a test ah, how by the evidence is positive. you by me?
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please note that he's getting them to come up with to see yes. no official piece. yeah, there's been a nightmare for emma radical new in her 1st competitive match since recovering from corona virus. the us open champion was thrashed at the sidney international, only managing to win one game that was against will number 13, elena, and we back enough from kazakhstan rad economy now head to melbourne for the australian open organizes of next month's beijing winter olympics have dismissed the possibility of postponing the games because of the army kron operate worldwide . officials had meant they are leaving their options open around, covered 19 prevention and control measures during the games. china has stepped up, its strict 0 tolerance strategy in the region surrounding beijing. ahead of the winter olympics, which start february 4, a yes, omen woody earth. if
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a masked cluster of infections happens, it will impact the games and the shed your for sure. i think with the efforts by the athletes from overseas and add domestic personnel, it means we should avoid this situation from happening. if the worst happens, it's out of our control. so we leave our options open. algeria have started the defense of the africa cup of nations, title with the gold straw against sierra leone. next up, one of the most anticipated matches of the group stage between 2 heavy weights of african football, nigeria, and egypt. the junctions are laid by a livable storm mohammed saw and they are the most successful team in the tournaments history having one on 7 occasions by, oh say i would love to win something with the country i came here. i've been with, i'm a commitment team. i'm proud to where the share, i give my best to the team. we have a booth coach forever with team. have
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a very good group. and they play for 741011 years now. so i know we have medical team. so we give up, we'll give our 1st and hopefully we win in the n b a joel. im bede has continued his hot form and in the process joined an exclusive club for the philadelphia 70 sixes for the 7 consecutive game and bead schooled. at least 30 points, and the only other to play is to achieve that for the franchise o n b, a legends, allen, eaverson, and will chamberlain. the man from cameron finished with 31 points against the houston rockets, helping philadelphia when by 20 giving birth. lynette said kyrie irving, for just the 2nd time this season, the unvaccinated stall can only play away games because of new york's vaccine mandates. having finished with 22 ports against broken, but the nets went down by 6. okay, we'll leave that for now. i'll be here again in a couple of hours with most bull sneeze. hello. look forward to peter. thank you very much. indeed. when i said for the news or keep it here on al jazeera though,
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i'm back clicking after the break. it moves and leases from around the world. see that? ah, the latest news as it breaks, a new benefit is added a fleet of these giant done for having more moving power. these being able to was struck more goal more quickly with detail coverage everywhere you look, there is destruction before survive. here tell a lie will never be the same again from them from around the world. he fell to the ground and cried out. i'm going to prison. the question the jury has to decide now
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he should she living in a war zone is a risk not worth taking for most but for a 10 year old boy, there is nowhere else to go. in the absence of his parents, his grandmother dedicates herself to his upbringing. never knowing whether the next explosion will echo one step closer to the place they call home the distant barking of dogs. a witness documentary on al jazeera. my name is bonnie put magar. i've always thought of yoga as part of my indian heritage. i understand it to be about transformation, but yoga itself seems to be transforming. western mentality is, is a lot about this is transfer you to hearing from you soon tradition and what yoga was originally, yoga should belong to everyone. but i'm afraid that simple truth is getting lost in a world that so commercialized and politicized who owns yoga. on al jazeera,
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we understand the differences and similarities of culture across the world. so no matter how you take it well for you the news and current affairs that matter to you . ah . a warning that half of europe's population will contract. toma crohn in the coming weeks is cool. the case is fail hospital beds to the highest level, yet in the us for good priest. not yet hit by the overgrown search. it is a closing window of opportunity to act no and blunt football. ulysses.
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