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tv   The Stream  Al Jazeera  January 13, 2022 10:30pm-11:01pm AST

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biden's, the button ministrations request to enforce the vaccine mandate for health care workers. and nationwide has been upheld by the supreme court, but not the vaccine or test mandate for larger employers will bring you more on that story later on. or kind of our slot down, sir, being imposed without much warning in china as the country continues its 0 coven policy. but the swiftness of the new restrictions in the city of jane. jew left one woman on one of the longest and most awkward, blind dates of all time. a 30 rolled identified as miss wang was at her date's house for dinner. when an immediate lockdown came into force and left her stock at his house for several days, a situation she described as not ideal. documenting her time on social media, wang said her date cooked and cleaned every day, but came across his wooden and spoke for a little fatty for that are sure. ah,
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talk stories on al jazeera in historic trial, a german court, as sentenced a former syrian intelligence officer to life in prison for crimes against humanity is the 1st ever conviction for state back torture during syria's civil war. and why ruslan was found guilty of overseeing the murder and torture of detainees at a prison near damascus. he was granted asylum in germany and 2014. after defecting to the syrian opposition, the u. n. z, top human rights official, was called the verdict, a landmark leap towards justice security forces. as you don a shot and a protest, a dead hours after a senior military official was killed during a demonstration in cartoon tear gas was fired at protested after thousands took to the streets against the crew in october, which plunged the country into political deadlock. this development to day is fear of to derail the whole process. offer of demonstrations for
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democracy amsterdam. the porter says, have always a profess, they'll be peaceful. they said they will remain peaceful whatever happens. and over the last several weeks, sir, when some of them will be killed, they insisted that they would not change their ways. and they would not resort to violence because they know that if there is a lot of violence, that would be very dangerous for they'll call it. they will be easily demonized. and that could also even, you know, drive so that it's something to the brink of something similar to what happened in syria, olivia, and nobody here in the country. one stuff written is prince. andrew can no longer call himself his royal highness. okay. in palace says the queen has stripped him of his military titles. he's accused of sexual abuse by a junior ju fray who says she was traffic to have sex with him when she was 17. he denies the allegations. as the headlines next up, it's the stream. i'll be back with more news straight off of that. thanks so much
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for watching funeral. ah, ah ah, ah, i am sorry. ok. you're watching the stream is me more than a decade since the website wikileaks release. hundreds of thousands of classified documents. some of those documents contain details of potential u. s. war crimes. now the wiki, it's founder julian assange has one last opportunity to appeal a u. k. court ruling. that could mean that he would be extradited to the united
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states. joining our show today to talk about that we have selah morris and rebecca vincent ladies. it's good to have you here with us as stella. please tell our audience who you are and what you do. go ahead and make that right. i will come back and talk to rebecca. we disconnect. take stella without was the audio that rebecca, please introduce yourself. try global audience. hi for me. thanks so much for having me. i'm rebecca vincent, i'm the director of international campaigns for reporters without borders. we are one of the leading press freedom organizations campaigning for the release of julian sanchez and have been the only angio to monitor the entire extradition proceedings here in london. and selim morris is the partner of julian assigned to a half more from stay in m. i went to settling with the audio, but i want to give you an opportunity to talk to stella and rebecca on youtube. so you can do that. the comment section is live, the part of today's show. so i'm gonna remind you what has been happening in the past last decade and a look at
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a timeline just to jokey with some key points that we need to remember. so let's thought in route 2010 to 2011. that was when wikileaks released classified information from governments around the world in 2019 the trump administration, indict assange on hacking and espionage at challenges. and then in december 2021 to just last december, the u. k. hi, court says that assange can be extradited to the united states. rebecca, i am wandering in this over a decade of attentional julian assange. wikileaks. what has changed? well, the entire climate for journalism has changed docks. for starters, i think it's very clear now to everybody around the world, the danger that this precedent could set for journalism for press freedom. the persecution of julian punch has already had a chilling effect on. on journalism, we will never know what stories have already been censored or self sensors as a result of his targeting. but what happens next will be really important,
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and it will set a precedent that will impact the future of journalism around the world for many years to come back. as you know, there's a lot of activism and support for judy and assange online. i'm just going to go to this tweet here in response to i show today. i have been following 8, that is the duty and assange wiki case. i'm shocked at the blatant disregard for rule of law, of proper process. in this case, it's hard to understand why multiple un member states aren't speaking out against the blatant disregard the democratic processes and human rights. rebecca, indeed there is not enough auction by states themselves to raise this with their counterpart in the u. s. government and in the u. k. government, these are the countries at the, at the center of this. but we have to look at why, what is really at stake here is, is a broader question. it should state to be able to hold information as classified. the leak in question was the biggest in history, hundreds of thousands of diplomatic cables and military documents were leaked. we
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believe at recorders about what does that this was in the public interest. we believe that julian found was targeted for this contribution to journalism because these leaked documents informed scores of public interest recording around the world. we all know more about war crimes about human rights abuses, other illegal acts that were committed. none of these acts have ever been persecuted, it's only the publisher being pursued here. this, this is a very dangerous process again. and the u. s. espionage act locked the public interest. so if he is actually going to be prosecuted, they're doing the font cannot adequately defend himself. because again, this was because he acted in the public interest. but this too could be applied to any publisher, any source, any journalists around the world. this is not only about join us launch. let's talk about options what, what happens next? so i'm going to be professor jeff gilbert. he has an academic view of the series of events that happen before julian assange could be extradited. it's an academic view,
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rebecca, as soon as it's finished the video, i want you to tell me what the reality is, is the professor julian assumes his extradition to the united states depends on the courts and the u. k. findings that he can be extradited. and then the home secretary agrees to his surrender. ethan asked that he could apply to the european court of human rights on the basis that his rights, under the e. c. h r would be violated if he were to be surrendered. those rights might be relating to fair trial health. freedom of expression. rebecca, there still enough opportunity. there is so we'll have to see there is. so at the moment we're waiting to see if the u. k. supreme court will agree to review the case. this is not a given, so it is a question. i hope that they do. i think that this deserves to be heard by another
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court here in the u. k. and more broadly than simply the narrow grounds at the high court was able to consider the high court was only able to look at the conditions of julian, the phone, just mental health and the u. s. prison system. because that was the basis of the 1st sense in court barring extradition. and it is correct that he would have recourse to the european court of human rights. at some point. i would be surprised if one day we don't have a strong release from, from stroudsburg in the case. but i don't believe that person would prohibit extradition. that is likely to be years down the line. so there is a real concern that we could see rapid movement at the supreme court does not review this case. there is a chance that he could be extradited in the coming month. it will possibly be sent back to the home secretary. it's worth bearing in mind that it was the u. k. home office. that took a political decision in the 1st place in 2019. it was a different home secretary, but it was the same office, decided to green light,
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the u. s. extradition request. that's why this became a matter before the court at all the u. k. could have at the time had taken a decision and in the interest of press freedom and journalism and simply denied the request. instead, we then went through nearly 2 years of extradition proceedings and were now back in an almost circular way to, to a situation where it might go back to the very governmental body responsible for this political decision and the 1st place, which is pretty appalling. let me bring stella stella. thanks for your patience. it's good to have you joining us. i remembered a tweet that you posted and it was just the beginning of december. i'm going to share it with our audience. julian phones has a stroke in belmont prison. fiance reveals this is, as you're going through all of these various legal steps that rebecca's been describing, how is he today while his fighting, but he's struggling because he's been in bo march prison, which is the harshest, harshest prison in the u. k. since the 11th of april, 2019, when he was arrested,
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he was already in a dietary can stay to health. he's in isolation while he's in prison, his, his health is deteriorated further and he had a stroke in october. you know, his, his incarceration could kill him, and the stroke is a real moment of alarm because it can just be the precursor to much more devastating stroke. julian has been pers persecuted for years and years and that was an effect not just on his on him mentally, but also on him physically. he was in the ecuador numbers the for 7 years have for no reason at all because the u. s. was well,
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had open an investigation, hadn't brought charges, but was behind the scenes moving the political atmosphere around around the situation. it's been a political case from the beginning and julian is suffering and they're in there. grinding him. they're trying to grind him to dust through the process. he's, you know, he was 1st arrested on the 7th of december 2010, and he hasn't been free since then. he's been going through the progressive states of incarceration in detention. and now he's been in bo marsh prison. he's charged in this country. he's not convicted of any crime, and he's been there for almost 3 years. so i'm just wondering about your family life at the top of your trade a profile. there is a banner with the youngsters and then the to the profile picture. if you and julian, how do you maintain a family life?
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well, we're a family you know like like any other except we're forced to be apart to when he has 2 sons in the marsh prison whenever they can visit, which is basically on a weekly basis now. and when we're together put together the family as a normal family, he read from stories, they sit on his lot, we play games, but this is in the context of, of del mar, high security prison with cameras everywhere. and, you know, very harsh security measures going in like airport security, but times a 1000. you know, the check inside your mouth behind your ears. they put you down several times. it's very, very kind of intimidating in the harsh environment for the children to have to go through either fall, father, just didn't say that last picture,
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which is christmas time if your little ones and very grand dad, because julian's dad looks really like julian, so that when i went to the thing they, they, they let him out for christmas. no, they did not. let's talk about this campaign and ongoing camping, that you are part of the packers part of murray. many, many people around the world, a part of how is that going? because what you're trying to do is tell us well, we're trying to draw attention to the core of what this is about. because, you know, i think it's joint case as an onion at the core. it is completely preposterous legal case, a political persecution. if people really understand what it's about, everyone will be completely alarmed and disgusted by his treatment. the problem is that a lot of layers of obfuscation have been created around that core. and so people
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think they have to understand these layers, but they just have to understand the core the case. and i think we've been making progress and every pre priest press organization to my organization. every major human rights organization. when today has t p j put out a report and they put joins case center stage of where the biden administration is failing on the cross freedom front that it's giving authoritarians everywhere comfort because they can use the basically the assange model to go after journalist everywhere and it's, you know, it's creating a new standard, a race to the bottom where you can persecute dissidents, or journalists to publish things that make the powerful unhappy and then they can abuse the law, which is what is happening in this case, they're abusing the court. there are twos abusing the law in order to persecute an
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innocent mom. and you know, there are so many aspect to this case and i just want to bring a one that came out recently. the ca, while under the directorship of palm pale, were planning to assassinate children in london. there's a long report about this that came out that. how did you find that out? because that's outrageous. while it was a long investigation, took the reporter, 3 national security reporters, month to month to get a story at $7500.00 word investigation with over 30 sources who are part of the trump administration. very senior sources, summer named part of the national security govern government under the trump administration. and they confirmed that julian's assassination was being discussed at the highest level of government that pom pale while he was head
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of the ca, was directing his agent to come up with, catches and options about how to carry out his execution in london. and this is, you know, this is when i talk, i'm talking about the core. how can it be that this is even in the u. k. court, how can the courts even be considering extradited join to the country that wanted to kill him? that's that, that is a, it's a, it's a really good question. it's a question that has been brought out from one of the followers he's been following this conversation. i'm going to show it to you here on twitter. i'm going to put this to you, rebecca. the west has always championed itself as a free nation, but this case is proven otherwise. why is it that no country in the name of human rights in the west have tried to help all of a fall to julian assault? it's not true and i just unpack, thought my day that the west is, is not supportive of julian sarge. avoiding being expedited to the united states. rebecca,
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i wouldn't say the entire west. i think there is stronger support it from states than others. but i think many other governments have been a bit cowardly raising this again with the us on the u. k. the countries that are responsible for the current situation. but this is exactly the problem with this case when even the standard stutters, the states that have, you know, considered themselves even as being committed to human rights to free expression depressed freedom when these states aren't getting it right. it's, that's a very worried press of that and undermines the moral authority of the us government, the u. k. government to raise these sorts of cases abroad as long as 1000000000 launch continues to be targeted in this way. this will be a thorn in the side of the biden administration, or any subsequent administration and any other efforts to promote media freedom around the world. so that is why our single most important advocacy call now report is about what it is on the biden administration to drop these charges to close this case. to stop this more than a decade long persecution of julia thought,
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put this to bed once and for all, for all that is in their power. at no point is this inevitable. they could, they could stop this at any point, and we think it is well past time for them to do so. i want to bring in a voice, it's going to pick up some push back to you, rebecca. and to you, stella as well. i'm going to play the video for you still and then immediately respond to brian stewart, who's a political writer. this is what he's told us, alia sanchez, no journalist, he has no here. he thought of how us with tories on the counter, his, that official secrets, his dissemination gravely harmed us interest an endangered valiant afghans fighting against the credit card that the sanchez law cannot be punished and the government have no right to secrecy. this war standard would imperiled, the national security of all free nations, subverting the foundation of law itself. well, 1st of all, dispelled the claim that any anyone was harmed. the us has been pushing the talking
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points since day one, but when they've been under oath in the chelsea mining court martial, they've had to admit that they have found no single person who has ever come to harm as a result of these publication. so it's basically an attack point and a vague of a $1.00 and $1.00 that it's false that is huge to, to try to undermine supported again and take attention away from what this case does, which is to criminalize journalism. julian is not a us citizen, he does not owe any oath of allegiance to the united states. he hasn't sworn any secrecy to the united states when crimes bike are committed by the united states in iraq and afghanistan. he has no obligation to keep those crimes secret. in fact, those crimes ought to be prosecuted by the united states and it is in the public interest for those things to be published even if they are classified and war
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crimes will always be if they are covered up, they will always be classified. go. the question is, does the public have the right to know when states come at grave crimes when they commit murder when they, it's often a civilians and so on. and if you're not free to publish that information, then we have no press read them. and then we are no longer living in a democracy kind of just asking if they know situation where there should be information that should be classified. the government should not have the ability to say this is not for the public's consumption. well, i mean of course, i mean julians already answered this question. many times there are legitimate there is legitimate information that that states can hold secret. but when we're talking about state committing crimes, and this is the material that join is enticing over then the state has no
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rocket 7. but the fact that use the u. s. has a serious problem of over classification of information they classify. and this is even insiders say that they, they're using classification as a way to shield themselves from criticism. i can, this is exactly sorry. i mean, you know, just to add to that it's, this is why it's so important this point about the public interest defense because it is precisely thought that a reasonable court would apply to any case such as this was what was the thought in the public interest. but the fact that the espionage act has no public, it just depends means that these kind of cases could proliferate. and not only the u. s. that has that type of legislation here in the u. k. r official secret talks also locked a public interest defense. so the same type of case could be brought here. that's why it's been possible for us to be pursued in this way. and we call not only for the case against him to be dropped for the legislation that allowed for the key be
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open to be amended. the espionage act need the public interest and all relevant legislation around the world does as well. i'm just going to go to youtube because there's some curiosity about public opinion in the u. k. about julianna's phone. just case. is it in the papers? is it on the radio? is it in the news? drink people cas data. i think they care more and more and in fact, i think the papers have been covering the case. increasingly they're starting to understand how this, the implications of this case for them. because joanne case is going through the u . k court. and that means the u. k. courts are making determinations about how you know, how the equivalent of the espionage act, the official secrets act operates in this country. and these are questions, but haven't really been tested and they're being forced to be tested through doing case. could someone in the u. k. be tried for publishing information that was true . that was factual in the same way that julian is. and so far the answer has been
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yes, and this is truly alarming. so i think at the editorial level this is increasingly understood. of course i think the broadcast media could be doing more. i think there's still a lot of failure to understand what's at stake. there should be more configuration like more attention to, to what the experts in the field of press freedom are saying. because i think there's not a proper understanding of the implications in the u. k. i'm really glad you mentioned that, because earlier we spoke to dr. deeper driver who talked about the impact if doing a song, if expedited to the united states. what that means for journalists around the world history, the driver it is really important that we recognize that this is a highly dangerous precedent. because it allows any authoritarian regime to use both legal and illegal processes to indict or extradite anyone who's critical of
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their behavior overseas. even if they are not citizens, best, asian. and this of course, creates a huge problem for anybody concerned about crimes in any walk of life. whether it's the environment, whether it is politics, whether it is was whether it is store, et cetera, et cetera. rebecca, what's the strength of your case? the appeal against junior sancho being extradited because it will have an impact on journalism around the world. i think the public understands that appeal so far that have not had much bearing in the current legal proceedings in the u. k. the, the high court, the district court, and then the high court did not give any credence to the, the idea of this as a political case. but i think people can see it for what it is. it's certainly the view of many press freedom organizations. it's certainly the view of a number of really credible media outlets around the world that this case is on the
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basis of political charges that he's being targeted in connection with journalism. so that is understood. unfortunately, i think that's very unlikely to, to be considered in the us doing the font is actually that there are a few faces legal proceedings there. we can expect that court to, to treat it as thought because they're proceeding as if, you know, he is, he is a serious criminal which we do not believe that he has. so here we have a bit of a gap between common sense and public understanding. here and what these states are trying to get away with, i want to end with one more thought, which is how do you think julian sondra is a pill war and on twitter, amelia share this with us. i think it will end with extradition. if we aren't able to break this wall of silence by western politicians, diplomats and fish makers. and then i'm to meet bellenger until this video, which is pretty pessimistic. that take
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a look. i'm very business teach about and what will happen and i shears or do you will be extra duty choosing united states, it's tradition. rewards. program names are worst. is this because as you know, this is very fragile. this would be one of the world's fuels for us, for the world in re sent the chase seller morris out of back events. and it's been really good to have you on the show to day behind you . stella is a little picture of you and julian, in the last sort of 30 seconds of the shows are very quickly. when do you think new to will be living together? free. go ahead. when sat, well, i think it's gonna happen soon. i mean, i can't see that going on if, if julian loses this case, then you know the rest of our liberties go with it. okay. i,
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i'm not pessimistic as anthony ballenger. i think we're gaining momentum and that because there are as long as people know what's going on, we can win that della morris. rebecca vincent, thanks for being part of the string today. appreciate it. take everybody phoenix. ah, ah, with living in a war zone is a risk not worth taking for most, but for a 10 year old boy, there is nowhere else to go. in the absence of his parents, his grandmother dedicates herself to his upbringing,
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never knowing whether the next explosion will echo one step closer to the place they call home the distant barking of ducks, a witness documentary on al jazeera with ah, ah, the virus is indiscriminate, yet those living in poverty are far more vulnerable to the dangers of covert. my g . ali re examines the reasons for this disparity, the social and economic inequality that surround us. how much deeper and much more
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problematic than we thought i'd asked where the lessons learned from the global pandemic could lead to positive change the growth of the, of the hill, which all hail the locked down, expose of privilege and poverty during a crisis on a just 0 ah, revealing eco friendly solutions to come back. threats to our planet on al jazeera . ah, hello, lauren taylor in london, the top stories announced 0. a former syrian colonel has been jailed for life. archer, german court handed down the 1st ever conviction the state fact torture committed during serious civil war unrest land was the head of a security office at the notorious prison where detainees were tortured and killed . he eversole murder, rape, and crimes against humanity. dominic cane has more from valid 10 years ago.
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unwashed osland was a senior officer in the syrian government forces. now the former colonel is starting a life sentence for crimes against humanity convicted by a german court of multiple counts of murder, torture, and sexual violence.


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