tv Inside Story Al Jazeera January 29, 2022 2:30pm-3:01pm AST
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the trial is expected to run until october, and while there's still no trace of the stolen jewels, experts say the chances of recovering them are slim. in what has become known as germany's biggest art, highest in modern history. gillian wolf, al jazeera, ah. knowledge that these are the top stories us president joe biden says he will send troops to eastern europe in the near term to both the naval forces. tension continues of ukraine, top defense officials are urging russia to deescalate dependent on says russia has enough through that equipment near ukraine to cause her riff casualties in the event of an invasion. but russia's foreign minister in this country does not want war. in ukraine, the president is urging the us not to escalate attention with russia, a lot of misery and he says, full of an imminent russian invasion may be exaggerated. we do not see
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a bigger escalation. yes, the truth numbers have gone up, but i was talking about the same thing in 2021. when there were drills in the russian federation, there was a big build up. we were supported by the us. europeans called on russia to pull back. i don't think the situation is more intense than that time in early 2021. there was no such coverage of ukraine at that time. thousands of people have fled their homes in eastern democratic republic of congo during fighting between the army and rebels. at least 2000 people caught up in the crossfire living and make shift shelters, churches, and schools. the west african blog echo of has suspended the key to foster membership following the military coup on monday. but the group has not imposed sanctions. delegation is beginning to arrive in the country for talk, rides, groups of blamed security forces, the deaths of a number of people during unrest and eastern chad. a demonstration,
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triggered by ethnic infighting, was held and the provincial capital of a big chair on monday. 14 people were killed thumb during violence at funerals. the norwegian refugee council says western sanctions against are going to stone are endangering the lives of millions of people. the us international institutions are frozen billions of dollars to pressure the taliban government. all that half the population and facing extreme levels of hunger. 10 people suspected of people smuggling, have been arrested during rates and guatemala us and got them all. the agents conducted a joint operation. i believe to be part of a guy responsible for the massacre of 16 guatemalan migrants in mexico a year ago. believe mexican police officers were involved when you see here on al serra, after in 5 story, see if they go by news
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news. news. news is a device of issue turning class wounds into battle grounds. conservatives in the united states of wrapping up their fight against stalks favorably a being used to mold young minds on race. but is it an attempt to fan of political firestorm in an election year? this is inside story. ah hello and welcome to the program. i'm elizabeth peron and doe hon. the murder of black man, george floyd by white police officer, brought
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a reckoning for racial injustice in the united states. battle lines were drawn in the streets and corridors of political power. but now the fierce debate has moved into school libraries and classrooms, where conservatives awaiting war against literature they see is harmful and divisive. she hypertonic explains a battle is waging at school boards across the united states. sure, we've got hundreds of people out there that would like to see those books before we burnham books deemed to be sewing division in the classroom by republican control. boards are being reviewed by authorities sama being removed from the shelves. i don't know that any advocate who's been working on tracking or paying attention to the freedom to read can recall the time when the same book was removed or targeted with such vitriol and haste. in so many places all over the country at once, and then the involvement of politicians, state legislatures,
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governors. this is categorically different to this is next level. we're gonna embrace our parents, not ignore them. the issue was key to the republicans retaking of the governorship of virginia for the 1st time in 11 years, even after donald trump's popularity had slumped last november. this is one of the advert used by the victorious campaign, and my son showed me his reading assignment. my heart song, it was some of the most explicit material you can imagine. now he's referring to beloved by the nobel prize winning with attorney morrison and the count of american slavery. that does contain some explicit scenes. a son would have been 17 or 18 at the time of his assignments. it's all part of a wider cultural war against c, r t or critical race theory, and academic discipline, using law class from gender to analyze racism in america, country to the claims of right wing politicians though it is not taught at school,
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but at universities, we're trying some argue that discussing race at all, either in the school classroom or anywhere else is itself a form of racism. nobody wants this crap. ok, this is an elite driven phenomenon. abram x can these book stamps was the 2nd most targeted book for bombing in the u. s in 2020. according to the american library association of traces, the current mood of censorship to a backlash against the black lives matter protests of 2020 more people, particularly more, more white americans seeking to understand the history and the, and really the presence of, you know, racism, the history of all the different groups that have formulated this country, then you have this bitter attack to prevent people from learning their history from understanding the history from seeking to understand how it was that george floyd was, was murdered in such
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a brute away. but the range of books being taught should go way beyond those analyzing race. in the u. s. society. the selection suggests hostility to any consideration of gender sexual identity, reproductive rank. so in this case, just a simple acknowledgement that 3 african american women were crucial to nasa in the sixty's. in fact, of the lists circulating of objectional books have not originated locally from concerned parents would have been compelled by groups funded by national republican party donors. it's pretty clear that one side of the political spectrum believes is a winning political issue, an issue, the republicans, her will mobilize the suburban white electro ahead of the upcoming midterm elections. ah. well, let's bring in our guests in columbus, ohio as trey valencia associate, professor of woman's gender and sexuality studies at the ohio state university. she's also author of america, god, dan, violence, black woman,
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and the struggle for justice in doha, maurice jackson, associate professor and the history department and african american studies at georgetown university and in atlanta, georgia. we have karen walker, republican strategist, and founder of black conservatives. for truth, a very warm welcome to all of you and i'm going to start with a tree, valencia and columbus, ohio. why are we seeing this movement against books on race now against critical race theory? it's a theory that's been around for decades. it was develop, developed in the seventy's and eighty's. so why has it become such a hot button political issue now and especially over the past year. thank you for asking that question. i think the 1st thing we have to reckon with is that in may 2020, amidst a global pandemic. we also saw one of the biggest and sustained uprisings in response to police brutality and response to racism in response to histories of
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injustice in this country. and frankly, throughout the globe. and i think it's important to put that into context because more people were reading about anti racism. more people were looking to theories and studies and authors and scholars and organizers in recent memory than ever before to process what was happening to process the killing of george way to process the killing of brianna taylor to look at mass incarceration targeted mass incarceration. to look at policing and so you were seeing demand receive a groundswell of national debates and conversations about our history and our contemporary moment. and i think what we see in the fact that we're dealing with the banning of books with this attack suddenly on critical race theory, is the politicization burger of those conversations. and this retrenchment from the ideas that equality equity and justice matter as prince support values for many of
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us. and so with that push back, you're able to mobilize and galvanize a particular kind of rage against people of color against this shifting conversation against a debate. and in that you see, education has always played a very instrumental role in creating the politicization and divisiveness that we see in electoral politics at the state and national level. so whether that school desegregation curriculum, how we approach a masking, even in this moment, these issues become politicized. and we start to see really stark contrast between the movement that we saw up starting in 2020, where we are now. it is a very combative, divisive, and frankly caustic thing about discussing race in the united states, in honest, candid and forthright ways. mr. jackson, do you agree with what miss? lindsey had to say that the awareness, the appetite for awareness around racial history in the,
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in america that we saw following the killing of george floyd has led to this kind of push back against that. and that, that's what we're seeing, being politicized now and playing out in classrooms and high schools. what i would agree it but, but i think it all of this is not sudden think it goes back a long time. i think that what happens is that whenever it looks as though african americans have made gains or trying to make gains or want to stand up more for injustice. and when, when, when admitted they have many white people who will be with them. there's this great fear. there's great fear that somehow the country is going to be taken over. it's nothing a new. it goes back to the benefit of theory against mr . obama. it goes back to the notion to somehow african americans haven't worked for
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what they've done, but it goes back even longer. understand is history always has to tell the to a after the civil war, you get the 13th and 14th and 15th amendments. freed, the slaves gave black to race both dupe men the right to vote, due process. some ways couldn't accept it, but understand that as slavery ended, you have to explain why it ended and is a slave a that you had to pass the amendment. the 1st amendments because to did not address the issues facing like the man had to live up to his a, to his cause. death would pass amendment is nothing new america has always has to has to, if it correctly deal with the problems in the past. and if race became a problem, grayson was a problem in the civil war. today we see the issue of the president of voting waste amendment, which historically been passed every 10 years of the fight back against that because some people fear african americans having the right to vote in the space
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that is let me, you know, i wouldn't if though, a 5 years ago, they would have been some form of justice in georgia. i wouldn't have 10 years ago, they'd be some of from just in miss walker's georgia random question. i made a barrier and here quite years, white years admitted in medicaid, the racism had made a role in the killing of these a young man is the something people that they are trying to. so it's not just a personable critical race. that's a great part of it. it's a question of dealing with and having to accept the racism. it's been a cool of much about distance miss walker. mr. jackson was talking about how truth is essential to history. and you are the founder of black conservatives for truth. so how are you seeing this whole debate around books on raise the banning of books, the batting of discussions of books on res playing out in the u. s. i think it
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really comes to the forefront because of all the social rising uprising that we've had in the last 2 years since then. demik with george lloyd with them on our agree when it comes to 3 r t theory and the banning of those type of book. this important to really understand that c, r p is not actually taught at this point in the classroom. in the elementary school, middle school or high school, and the theory of c, r t is somewhat complex and confusing. and so when you are in the society where you have all of this anger because george lloyd and whatnot. and then you're introduced to c r t, which has been around since 960. but most people have never heard of it. most people had never heard of it. so you're already in the back of major. and so now you bring in for c r t, it's a theory that says there are institutions in america is races that people tend to
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gravitate or to see as you're saying that people in america aren't racist. simply because our institutions are, it brings a lot of confusion and the brains of anger. it makes you feel more defensive. and i think that's what you're saying here. but because you know, you have these last a band, c, r t. but what difference is it going to make band something that's not even talk anyway? but is, are any schools in america teaching that people are racist because institutions in america, a racist travel, lindsey? yes, i think what we're seeing in education and what we're seeing in curriculum, what's interesting is that if i think about the education that i received growing up for a long time, i wasn't learning about slavery. i wasn't learning about the 13th 14th 15th amendment. i wasn't learning in depth about the jim crow system, i wasn't learning about those things. and so seeing the incorporation of that in
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curricula, whether that's in high schools or thinking about in higher ed in courses that students elect to take, not mandated to take that you're learning about racism and it's history, it's routes and it's after lives the ways that it shows up in institutions in systems and, and interpersonal interactions. i think it's important that we acknowledge when people are teaching about racism, that they're talking about systemic prejudices, institution as well as large scale interpersonal dynamics. so when we see the killing of someone like a mot, aubrey, we see how interpersonal prejudices that are state in long histories of anti black racism manifest and murderous ways. and i think that it's important to look at theories like critical race theory, intersectionality hard histories of race and racism in the united states. and other ways of knowing to understand these moments and to get us to a new point in this history. because america, as professor jackson noted,
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have not lived up in any way to it's ideal with regards to black people in this country. and mr. jackson, i want to ask, who are american high schools now doing a good enough job of teaching racial history. there was a report from the, the n d o, the southern poverty law center, which is, you know, documents, racial and, you know, racial attacks in the u. s. and there's a report from 2017, which shows that only 8 percent of students and american high schools can link slavery as one of the, the main if you know, as a main cause of the american civil war. so is american racial history? is slavery being taught well enough, given that there was a movement now by many conservatives who were saying that there's too much of it being taught in high schools? perhaps i'm that you know, the best example i teach in washington dc raised to children in washington dc. they
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went to there and a curriculum in my state in washington dc. of course the students learn in both the private and public schools. i visit other schools, of course, some other places that one problem is higher. but if you look at, i read about a case of a principal in, in texas who was teaching history and he used the term critical race doing used by it. i rid of the suit of another quite man, some way in tennessee was yes, teaching history and he makes use a term we can't get code in that a student learning a enough to teach at university level many students come there and they really have not gotten a good grasp of the totality of american history. a world history, either inexpensive, the role of women, of all of my know it is in the world is now a. can that be right? can that be right with the textbooks? mistakes, but do do there is we would just so they have groups of teachers we're trying to to,
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to write the text books every, some of the teachers will get together under the offices of the national, national devon, for the odd and steady textbook and try to link textbooks and other things, i think it takes books, it's part of the problem, but we must have teacher training, but also parents have to be in and more involved in it. and then this, this whole question of denial, you know, going back to this, you know, the whole schools that deny that it's super race must vote over maybe what, what vote over slave, my god, what was it this vote over the rights of one person to own another, and so the truth is still not in that sense, but it's not just, it's not just a question of raises the question of a thing up until recently to hit the history of what happened and be and now it's not to come up until recently, sometimes the role of the black people played in 112 in fighting,
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could offend. they own countries that come come through. so there's a whole realm of things why we just think on the question of race is because white people, again, a fearful if someone wants to take something from them, all we want to people want to do is speak the truth about what is happening in this country miss miss walker, do you agree with that that the people who are against the teaching of race and how it affects laws and american society are against it because they're afraid that black people want to take something from them. i don't think it's because they are afraid that someone wants to take something from them. i think that they may not be used to be feeling as though they are oppressed. so when you look at what black people in america and we, we experienced prejudice and racial discrimination because we dealt with it all our lives and other people are families and what mat,
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it's more so that it has been ingrained that this is what happens. that you have racism in this country. i do believe that if a white person feels that they are being racially discriminated because that is not something that they normally face or deal with. they just have a hard time. 7 to what jack, i do believe that with some point to correct racism is not through racist measures itself. you cannot correct racism with racist practices. and i think that's what is being seen. and i do believe that's what's being felt. i think i just want to be clear, what are the racist processes that, that you are referring to? well, so for example, i just share with you many years ago, my son, when he was an elementary school, he struggled in school. and so he had a speech therapist for speech and reading therapist. then we knew the woman,
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our kids play together, she left my son. so i went to class, i had to go to the school for a progress report on, you know, and how he, how he was doing. and she told me, she says, you know, your son is still progressing because he enunciate, we're as a particular way. that's not, it's not grammatically correct. but because that we were told because the african american community speech like that, we have been told our school system not to market mom. and i looked at her and i told you need to mark it wrong every time he pronounces a word incorrectly. now, some people will look at that and say, you're just trying to help a particular demographic. that is institutional races. now do believe that institutional racism exist, but institutional racism also exists to help us when it actually is that sort of the back. it hope that because when you allow students to go through life,
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thinking that they are, are educated in the way correctly, and they're really not when they are actually challenged with it and actually called upon it. they're not used to that. so they look as though they're entitled, i mean, i think that, that sir, that's a whole nother subject in itself. i want to bring the discussion back. we don't have that much more time. and it's so much more to talk about. and i really want to focus with the time we have on what's happening in america this year. we cannot ignore the mid term elections. the fact that republicans have one and 2 states where they weren't necessarily expected to virginia. and i believe new jersey, the man who won in virginia recently, the governor glenn young kin. he campaigned a lot on the issue of not teaching about children, not teaching children rather about race in schools. are the republicans, i'll put this to you, miss lindsey other republicans, do you think using this issue to rally voters especially this year?
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yes. i believe that what we're seeing is the mobilization of both white rage and white agility. and i think this speaks to part of dr. jacksons point and looking at the historical art, this is familiar territory. this in a back is not new. the push back to certain games in certain pushes by african americans by other minorities groups. there's always a strike back, there's always a reaction to that. so when you have a moment, we're using words like anti races, being used broadly in why we have new segments. you have shows you have, you have our installation and exhibits that are focusing and asking us to reckon with our histories. how do you mobilize the sense of fragility or this fear of losing something, or this fear of seeing as a perpetrator, or an attacker or as racist, that you can mobilize the fear of being called a racist and making that more important than actually engaging and dismantling
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raises institutions, and you can mobilize that to the poll. you can also mobilize that rage, this fury, this sense of loss that's coming when people are asking, maybe we should have culturally responsive education. maybe we should be teaching about these difficult moment. very recently we had veterans yesterday, an international holocaust remembrance day, a book called mount about the holocaust was been unanimously in tennessee. so what does it mean that right tempting to write a political base by ignoring and saying that this does not really matter in this moment, that we don't have to study institutions assistance because it might make in this incident, white parents and white children uncomfortable. and the school are not asking about this, and i just want to print out, i guess, and because we have very little time left. and mr. jackson, is it dangerous to be yes, again, you know, devising the electric polarizing it along. racial lines off to what's been happening over the last few years in america going into and an election year.
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one gets sort of, look at, i'm african american man. i've raised the black son and leg that no one is more fearful. then a black man walking down a street in white america. no one is more than welcome industry, georgia, or minnesota or kentucky. so people have to step on this talking about why it's been a black people are going out of checking. you kind of handle. but look, other things coming up and this is what's going to tell the story is supreme court has agreed to listen to a some aspects of the from direction a really bad. and he's also, president biden, is also blown record, say he learned point and an african american woman, and they have some qualified women black women out there. yeah, just jackson and the district. cool. it's a state that ga abrams. they have him in georgia. you see, this is going to be the tell because african american when a so qualified,
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i'm afraid that we have run out of time in this discussion. the clock really got away on us because it was so interesting. but i want to thank all of our guests today, treat lindsay mars maurice jackson and karen walker and thank you to for watching. you can see the program again any time by visiting our website, our seo dot com. and further discussion do go to our facebook page that facebook dot com forward slash ha inside story. you can also join the conversation on twitter. handle is at a inside story from me and as the parent and the whole team here. bye for now. the me ah
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with the people. i'm writing about patina, kappa, out of darkness. my zimbabwe on al jazeera ah hello, i'm adrian for the gun with a summary of the news on al jazeera aim for diplomacy to prepare for conflict, but seems to be the approach the united states is taking of the ukraine. president joe biden has announced that a small number of american soldiers will be deployed to eastern europe soon. patty calhane reports from washington. another sign of how serious the u. s. think the threat rush opposes to ukraine. the u. s. president announced he's moving us forces to the regional head to decide how soon you would be moving you at your eastern europe.
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