tv News Al Jazeera February 1, 2022 10:00am-10:31am AST
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discuss cobit 19 in the conflict in ethiopia with climate change, but keener faso and other west african, who's high on the agenda, can they deliver a unified response to the regions mounting challenges, special coverage on out jazeera ah . 2 defying threats from the military protest turns, and min more and mark one year since the coo ah, you're watching al jazeera light from headquarters in so high. and eddie novel games are also coming up with rushes continue, it is buildup. forces around ukraine. we are ready. no matter what happens top diplomats in the u. s. on russia are set for talks on the crisis near ukraine's
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border and the u. n's, most powerful body puts the pressure on a step up and us cattle relations. washington announces that will designate the goals state a major, non nato ally, and little sign of celebration china plays down lunar new york festivities. because if a rise and coven 19 outbreaks, ah, hello, it's exactly a year since me and mars military sees control. and a qu, security forces have arrested dozens of people in an attempt to suppress plans for a nationwide strike. while despite threats from the authority is protest her as mandalay marched early in the morning carrying banners and chanting slogans. calling for democracy. military leaders promised they swift return to civilian rule when they took over last february. but that hasn't happened. following the story for us is tony chang, he's joining us from my sock that's on thailand's border. a with me and more. tell
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us where you are tony and the significance of the location on this one year anniversary. well we're here on the border of the sea. we would like to be inside, but that has been impossible. over the last 12 months since the military coup or the borders have been very tight. although here we have seen over the course of the last couple of weeks, tens of thousands of people flooding across from me on mar, trying to escape fierce fighting earth that has been taking place. now that has come down in the last week or so. and the ties have certainly not been keen to welcome people. those who have come across had been urged to go back once the fighting in the immediate area has settled down. i think it's a sign of just how tense things have been on the border. and this has been building up all year we, we've been reporting here a couple of times over the last 12 months and every time the fighting becomes more 1st to the point where in december, as soon as we arrived,
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we saw an attack helicopter going down this river, you can see behind me and we could hear a full on battle going on with artillery strikes or rapids machine gun fire. so it's a very big change, but i think it's happening all over the country from what we understand. but even in the areas where there isn't fighting, the military coup is having an enormous impact on everyday life. to drive around myanmar sit his everyday life might look like it's normal. but look, a little closer. rhodes are closed with barriers, barricaded, military positions, and uniform soldiers on the streets. monthly. i saw the army. this tried to protest . after that, i was very afraid. that's why i'm scared to go out again. but there were more protests beside my house. so i joy if a feel safe i, i have the joy to protest. mamma has been ravaged by coven 19 in the past
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12 months. the situation intensified after the military targeted medical workers for their involvement and protests and a civil disobedience movement. many were arrested. others fled into hiding today even basic health care services as guess as alan, and i think i won't forget that day, dead hair walkers were arrested and she dare very badly by the army. they even kate, a medicare student, thus why i won't touch the horse peter. in the sit, his food remains plentiful. the prices have risen sharply. elsewhere, supplies and production have run dangerously low. the world food program estimates it needs to provide food for 4000000 people across myanmar in 2020 to 4 times the number before the qu, the economy has gone into free, full banks,
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limit withdrawals, and foreign investment is pulling out fast. many people ah, losing jobs, and it is embedding duty of the liberal market. and also a many people are jobless. but of the many job seekers ah, can do the job, but be a bit less than normal. even basic services like trains and buses are failing. the nation wide rail network has ground to halt. after work has joined the civil disobedience movement and bust prices have tripled as operators, abandoned standardized rules. one indeed, lawyer, or in my opinion, if we get rid of army rule transport services will go back to normal with properly working buses. a normal ticket price is only historically the people of mere mar, used to military rule. but after a decade of progress and development, the last 12 months is leaving many feeling as if they are returning to the past.
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and what we're seeing now is a silent strike. protest is showing their opposition to the military coups by staying off the streets by closing businesses, despite the threats or from the military to punish anyone who doesn't open their business to the we're not seeing that are here and me a worry, but this is a garrison town populated with lots of military and soldiers, but her contact in mandalay is just send me pictures of the city, mia mars, 2nd largest city and there is not a soul on the street. and i think that is the message. the people a mere mar trying to send the generals here, that this qu, that they thought, i think would happen very quickly, very clinically. and life would get back to normal setting. that was the promise they made to people. it's not and everybody is now feeling the pinch. okay, thank you so much. tony chang reporting from my, sorry, let's say bring in debbie's staff are and he, she is the founder and coordinator of the old c and burma. that's
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a network of assay on organizations working to support human rights and democracy in mid march. she's joining us from bankcard. welcome to al jazeera. so when you're on a, from a human rights perspective, how much worse has the situation gotten for people in myanmar? in the 30 years of working on human rights in berman man, man, it's never been as bad as this. we've been extremely shocked and the rising violence of the military and this illegal hometown has actually increased its brutality. the rates committed atrocity crimes against civilians. but i think that the military has underestimated. the resolve of the people are report a tony chang was saying that there is their calls for a silent strike to go on to day on, on the one year anniversary of that qu, oh, their military whom that definitely under estimated the desire of people freedom because people in myanmar recognize that freedom also means economic stability and
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well being and is sydney and not willing to go back to military room. the weight is now. so what is it that organizations like yours are calling for? well, we are calling for decisive international action to prevent the flow of weapons and money to the military junta. the hunter must know that it cannot reap the rewards of atrocity crimes and to good pressure on millet. he cannot make li oriented military leaders to see about po g men on the line, the coolly the because this who has gone too far and cost too much chaos and damage to the country on all sides. right? but when you make that call, i mean we've heard that call over and over again from other organizations as well, but with no sign of unified action. for such a move to take place. it is difficult for the international community to to know what to do when it comes to man mar or, or to speak in one voice. last, lee,
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china who has a veto. the un security council finally admitted that it was urgent to hot the violence in boma the n law. i think that sending a message to the rest of the international community there, it is possible to take some decisive action now. okay, thank you so much debbie stuff. hard for joining us from bangkok. thank you. now the us and russia are set for high level talks on the ukraine crisis. secretary state antony blinkin is expected to speak to moscow's foreign minister, a survey lab robin the coming hours. both sides have already exchanged letters outlining their positions. the u. s. says it's now up to russia to discuss its response. on monday, the un security council met for the 1st time to discuss the russian troop build up . today in the united nations, we've laid out the full nature of russia's threat to ukraine sovereignty and the
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territorial integrity of ukraine, as well as the core channel of a rule based international order. and we, we continue to urge diplomacy as the best way forward. but with russia is continuing this build up of its forces around ukraine. we are ready, no matter what happens. there were deep divisions at the un security council meeting with russia and the us accusing each other of spreading misinformation. our diplomatic attitude james base has more from new york. the security council heard to very different arguments about the situation in eastern europe. the u. s. which called this meeting, says the russian military build up around ukraine, is the largest mobilize ation of troops in europe. in decades, rushes aggression to day, not only threaten ukraine. it also threatens europe. it threatens the international order,
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this body is charged with upholding. we continue to hope russia chooses the path of diplomacy over the path of conflict in ukraine. but we cannot just wait and see. but russia's ambassador vaseline, the benzine says, all his country's troops are on russian soil. they're not close to the ukrainian border, and there's absolutely no proof of a threat from them. he says the us and nato will whipping up tensions as though they want to be a war. outside the council chamber, i pushed him further on this. are there any circumstances in which russian troops would cross the border into ukraine? can just be clear for it. i, i'm not the person to decide whatever happens, but we never, i said it in my statement that no russian politician or even a public figure ever said that we are planning to attack your grade, was a clear answer. it seemed. but then he added this with will not exclude provocations from, from ukraine inside of the separatist. republics,
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they say they have information that such provocations may happen. russia had tried to prevent this meeting by calling a procedural vote at the start. 9 countries supported the u. s. but russia was joined by china and objecting to the session and 3 other security council members, gabon, kenya, and india, abstained. the meeting went ahead, bought the procedural vote. and the comments of many of the non western members of the council should be noted. the u. s. is aim here was to galvanize international opinion against what it says is the russian threat. but to achieve a broad international consensus, it still has more work to do. james pays out jazeera, the united nations, stella had on al jazeera. i'm sorry for the things we simply didn't get right and also sorry for the way that this matter has been. hon then. but as prime minister
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apologizes after an official investigation into gatherings during lockdown, finds failures and leadership and judgment and why pakistan's plan to invest more and renewable energy has had the wind taken out of its sales. ah, let's go with your weather port for europe and africa for the 1st february. hello everyone. we've got a developing disturbance in the atria. see that's going to sling wet weather into greece, western southern areas of turkey and it's stumble. you're also going to see some weather as a result of this, of the central europe right now, and some snow is cutting across as we head toward switzerland, germany, austria, the czech republic, right around that l. pine region. we'll see some drifting snow, so snow blown by the winds. speaking of the winds for the south of france,
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marcell looking at gossip about 85 kilometers per hour and stay with the theme of those winds. we've had some pretty powerful winds across the netherlands. red weather alerts in play amsterdam could see winds exceeding a 100 kilometers per hour. now for iberia temperatures coming down across southern sections of spain, it was almost record breaking. and now you're below average. as we start the month of february. what, whether it's around for northern sections valgy area, it's an easier rate in to the northwest of libya on tuesday. and it's not a question if we'll see flooding, but just where and how much across namibia and south africa. these are remnants of what was tropical cyclone ana, and we are keeping tabs on another tropical storm to move into madagascar later in the week. ah, dictatorships to democracies, activists to corporations, control of the message is crucial. oil companies have become very good at
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recognizing ways to phrase what they want you to hear. we care about the environment you do to you should buy our oil, please for public opinion or profit. once you make people afraid, you can use that to justify stripping away basic civil liberties. the listening post examined the vested interest behind the content you consume. on al jazeera lou ah, all over again, the top stories on al jazeera, the sour memoirs military, his arrest of thousands of people to prevent protest on the one year anniversary of lustre as to the demonstrators and mandalay marched hearing banners and chanting slogans. calling for democracy,
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the u. s. secretary of state and russian foreign minister are set to discuss the ukraine crisis. it comes a day after the 1st year when security council meeting on the issue, a new ass on russia accused each other spreading misinformation. the last has designated cats are a major non nato ally. it was announced that a meeting between president joe biden and katherine amir shift, i mean, but hammered fanny at the white house on monday. alan fisher reports from washington a warm welcome and bitterly called washington dave for the 1st gulf leader to visit the white house since june. biting to cover cutter has become a key partner on several issues impacting the u. s. this past year. a partnership with color was, has been the central to many of our most vital interest. i thought it was a key player during the u. s. withdrawal from afghanistan still has communications with the taliban and whose thousands of refugees who still have to be processed before they move to america. with additional assistance on iran, yemen,
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the palestinians. the president has decided to give pattern special status, and i am notifying congress that i will designate cutter as a major non nato ally to reflect the importance importance of our relationship. that becomes the 18th country to be given the ally status. it provides imported benefits in the areas of treat defense and security cooperation. the amier insist katara was and is happy to help a country that has been an ally with for 50 years. we're very proud that we managed to evacuate tens of thousands of people. of, of, of course, we have other issues as well that we're going to talk about the equal rights of other people and other issues in the region. so, you know, we're very happy and proud of this great relationship. russia is build up on the ukrainian border continues to be the most urgent issue for the white house in moscow decides to invade sanctions will follow. there is a what
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a russia will respond by shutting off gas supplies to key european allies. cat out could help to vent supplies of its own liquid natural gas to ease the pressure and nearby the could tell you purchase a safety for new boeing freight jets was signed with an auction for 50 more passenger liners from the american company. cuz i was for his note in the early days of the term presidency. but katty officials insist it has been a steady and reliable partner for the united states in an unsteady part of the world. and with its links and connections, it could help solve some problem issues for the united states and its president allen fisher. i'll just either at the white house or the french ambassador at tamale's being expelled from the country. this comes after frances foreign minister described the african countries transitional government as illegitimate and out of control. on monday, molly's government announced the ambassador has 72 hours to leave. relations with
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france have steadily deteriorated since military coup in 2020 the inquiry into the u. k. prime minister wars johnson and what's become known as party gate has found serious fail years in leadership and judgment. it says some of the gatherings during corona virus lockdown should not have been allowed to happen. new worker has more from london. a failure of leadership behind the famous black door, sue grey's crunch findings more biting than expected. the report talks of high standards not being met by though setting the rules of excessive alcohol consumption in the workplace and gatherings without clear authorization or oversight. some behavior, she said, was difficult to justify, against the backdrop of the pandemic. ah, were nothing overly critical of johnson himself. it's perhaps not the big take down . his rivals hopeful, a contrite prime minister, appearing in front of parliament, promising to overhaul downing street and clean up government. but no talk of
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stepping down. i'm sorry for the things we simply didn't get right. and also sorry for the way that this matter has been handled. i get it and i will fix it. oh, to the people of this country. i know what the issue is. yes. it whether this government can be trusted to deliver. i said to speak, i guess we can be thought to grey had been planning to release a full report until london's metropolitan police stepped in calling for her to pare down her findings while they carry out their own criminal investigation into 12 gatherings, including an alleged party and jumps into flat for johnson's opponents. it isn't just about what's in the su gray report, but what's not in it for his fears, his critics, they will have to wait for the results of the police investigation to find out more about the most serious offences that could cause the most harm to johnson's
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political career, the results of that investigation could be many, many months away. even now, he is hiding behind a police investigation into criminality into his home and his office, the british public on fools. they never believe a word of it. they think the promise to should do the decent thing and reside yet the pro is not just the opposition that's been ramping up. pressure on johnson, some of his own. m. p. 's have been quietly plotting against him. thank you. other familiar faces determined to hold his actions to account what the gray report does show is that number 10 downing street was not observing the regulations they had imposed on members of the public. so either my right on befriended, not read the rules or didn't understand what they meant and others around him. well, they didn't think the rules apply to number 10, which was it monday. so a flurry of announcements by number 10 on the economy breaks it and ukraine. this
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is a government, eager to steer attention away from recent scandals. but when it comes to party gate, there were still more truths to uncover heads, including the prime ministers may yet roll. if enough members of his own party decide it's time for him to go. the ball her out to 0, westminster, a meteor worker has been murdered in mexico after 3 journalists were killed in less than a month, were better. trolanda was shot dead by 3 gunmen in the city of zita, choro tornado worked for an online news outlet which had been reporting on government corruption more than 50 journalists have been killed in mexico in the past 3 years. john holman, is in mexico city and says, the killings have a chilling effect on the media. is it? it's easy to shoot the messenger. know if you've got something going on. either if you're a cartel or if you're a corrupt politician, or there's some sort of investigation to be exposed than if you kill or intimidate
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a journalist in this country, then expose the investigation is likely not going to come out. and what we've seen over the years here is that journalists have been killed with impunity. the press starts to self censor, and that can only benefit those in positions of power on either side of the law and obviously not the public in this country. so the message, the press rights advocates to try to drive home is that until these cases, like robert polito and the other journalists killed this month, are investigated. the case is solved until the impunity stops them free expression itself comes under for in this country. the pandemic is once again damping lunar new year celebrations in china. governance is warning the highly contagious on the kron variance has increase the risk of infection that says hundreds of millions of people travel for the holiday. katrina, you reports from beijing, televised musical performances, bright red decorations,
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and big meals with relatives. these are common lou to new traditions in china. but this year she teaching is missing out on her annual family gathering in the northeast. the hotel restaurant manager has improved to stay put in bay jing where she works because of corona virus restrictions shows. yeah. just gonna tell you, i feel sad that i can't go home here and meet my family, but i need to follow the governments instructions because we're in a panoramic. i don't want to cause trouble for my country, my employer. all my family. chinese authorities are battling to contain an outbreak of the on the con and delta variance of the virus, which has spread to 20 provinces and 50 cities, including the capital to control infections. many of the millions of migrant workers who usually return home for the holiday has been warned against travel restrictions very region. testing is compulsory. in some areas, a period of quarantine or isolation is required. this video of a communist party official warning. anyone who didn't comply with rules would be
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detained, went viral last week. the controls have sparked complaints on social media. with many uses saying migrant workers deserve to be for united with family at least once a year. analysts say they're especially impacted by quivered regulations. a lot of workers are actually they have missed the chance to reunite with their families for already 2 years now. and a lot of them can only come out with the test using the phones and they have not oh, meet up with other parents and they can only rely on that for, for quite a long time. authorities are under pressure to keep infections, to 0. ahead of the winter olympics, which opens on friday in beijing decorations are up, but celebrations are muted and large gatherings bent. before the pandemic, hundreds of thousands of people would walk here to dis hancock. to celebrate the
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lunar new year. there would be dragon dallas as market stalls and to live music with for the 3rd year in a row. the iconic festival has the cancer teaching will work over the holidays and plans to celebrate quietly with colleagues. but despite her disappointment at not going home, she says it's better than spending the festival under quarantine. katrina you out a 0 meeting in the us finance minister and her mother. seth rowman has presented the country's budget for 2022 and a promises major spending on infrastructure and a focus on transitioning to sustainable energy. india has a growth production of more than 8 percent for the next year as one of the fastest in the world. but it's economy faces an immediate challenge from a rise and coven, 19 cases, and inflation. pakistan is turning to renewable energy to gradually mean itself off, expensive oil imports, but the government is struggling to build wind and solar power plants,
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the spike growing demand. summer been job a travel to data and southern focused on and sent this reports. the centuries old technology of turning wheels with water to produce his relatively clean energy. the car hydropower project is designed to produce 700 in 20 megawatts enough to supply electricity to about 5000000 pocket funnies. the $1700000000.00 investment comes from china, is 3 gorgeous corporation. pocket fund wants to boost its renewable energy production from 5 to 30 percent in the next 8 years. magic wires, a $32000000000.00 investment, but with the economy struggling and negligible for an investment, achieving the governments 2030 goal won't be easy. the current, the magnitude and current current them off, the audi is only 5 percent. so the government has set up that could take 30 percent in the year, 2031 import. as you know,
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country in the countries around 5 to 14000000000. the us traveler depending depending upon the priority and i would say around 50 percent goes to the, to the power sector and 50 percent to the transportation sector. so that is that on that's a huge bill. and for all it's around $2000000000.00 us dollars for year. not cost is set to rise, not just because of higher oil prices. marcusson's population is growing at 2 percent a year. and the demand for electricity is expected to soar from 40000 megawatts to 60000 by 2030. but an estimated 144000000 park a sunny. many in remote villages are not connected to the national grid or don't have a reliable supply. in southern buckets on a group of environmentalists quality in earth trust invested about $150000.00 to set up 5 many solar power plants. they help provide off the grid electricity to more than 3000 people. some villages who left for cities have returned in
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electricity seems to have strengthened the community spirit and provided self sustaining jobs. i've got ma'am low going to need to be in a each house has an electricity meter and the charges are deposited into a community account for the village money that pays for my $30.00 a month, salary, and helps in case we need maintenance slots for the south in the radiant sea, wind power is being harnessed for the last 3 years. this 50 megawatt wind farm has tried to help the local with non ecosystem and buckets on southern most tied land. projects like this are meant to have a dual impact, not just produce clean energy through the wind, but also plant man grows to sequester carbon. but in the grand scheme of pocket phones, expanding power needs these projects a tiny. in addition to power generation, the government needs major investment to upgrade and renovate its power grid. so electricity can reach consumers. the push to move away from expensive hydrocarbons
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to eco friendly sources. sounds good in theory, but remains a long way from reality. some a job out there, tucked up southern pockets, done for the 1st time in 50 years. the elusive far eastern leopard has been located in russia. the rare free line was spotted by remote cameras in the wilderness before east. there are more than a 100 of the wildcats in the region, and this is the 1st to be seen outside of a nearby conservation area. experts are hopeful, the leopards are growing in population. ah, hello again. the headlines on al jazeera, this, our mia mars military has arrested dozens of people to prevent protests on a one year anniversary of last year's coo, despite threats from the old board, is demonstrators. amanda lay marched, carrying banners and chanting slogans. calling for democracy.
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