tv News Al Jazeera February 1, 2022 2:00pm-2:31pm AST
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al jazeera, select change maker a showcase of the best documentary films from across the network on al jazeera. ah. 2 defined threats from the military protest her as a me and mar mark one years since the coon ah, you're watching al jazeera life from a headquarters in ohio, eddie noble gates are also coming up. amnesty international accuses israel of apartheid saying it's maintained a system of oppression and domination of palestinians for decades. ukraine's president promises to boost its armed forces. this top diplomats from the u. s. on
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russia are due to hold another round of talks and protest her some peru demand the exposure for spanish oil company blame for polluting beaches ah one year ago on this day, me and mars military to pose the nation civilian leaders and took power in a coo since then, security forces have cracked down on anyone who's opposed the military takeover. ahead of that anniversary, police arrested dozens of people in an attempt to suppress plans for a nationwide strike on tuesday. but major cities saw empty streets on the day while protest her as in mandalay city, march to early in the morning carrying banners and calling for democracy or residents of young on held a clapping protest later. and according to late local media, the military has extended the state of emergency for another 6 months. it says it's needed to hold elections. the united nation says it's looking into potential crimes
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against humanity committed by me and mar security forces. during the past year, al jazeera tony chang has heard from people inside me and mar where life has become much harder under military rule. their identities have been hidden for their own protection. to drive or m yeah, most sit his everyday life might look like it's normal, but look a little closer. roads close with barriers, barricaded, military positions and uniform soldiers on the streets. luckily, i saw the amie this tried to protest. after that i was very afraid. that's why i'm scared to go out again, but they will more put taste beside my house. so i joy if a few say if i, i will join to protest. mamma has been ravaged by coven 19 in the past 12 months. the situation intensified after the military targeted medical workers
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for their involvement and protests and a civil disobedience movement. many were arrested. others fled into hiding to day even basic health care services as guess as elena massey, i won't forget that day, dead hair war curse were arrested and she did very badly by the army. they even kate, a medicare student, thus why i will return to the hospital in the sit, his food remains plentiful. the prices have risen sharply elsewhere, supplies and production have run dangerously low. the world food program estimates it needs to provide food for 4000000 people across myanmar in 2022 full times. the number before the qu, the economy has gone into free, full banks, limit withdrawals, and foreign investment is pulling out fast. many people ah, lose the jobs and it is embedding duty of the liberal market.
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and also many people are jobless. but of the many job seekers ah, can be the job, but be a bit less than normal. even basic services like trains and buses or failing the nation wide rail network has ground to halt. after work has joined the civil disobedience movement, and bus prices have tripled as operators, abandoned standardized rules, tony lawyer or, in my opinion, if we get rid of army rule transport services will go back to normal with properly working buses, a normal ticket price is only historically the people of ma'am, are used to military rule, but after a decade of progress and development, the last 12 months is leaving many failing. is it they are returning to the past? tourney chang, al jazeera. dr. sa says the union minister of international cooperation and the
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spokesman for the national unity government of me and mar his as china has the power to help resolve me in mars crisis to day as remark. very sad anniversary of one year of the crew. the last, the past 365 days has to be the days of that. destruction's pain in the south. free and wholesale devastations across the nation's many homes are b bounce as a reserves 1200000 people. miramar become homeless or hiding in a junker, including myself, and more than 6400000 people have no food to eat. half of my country populations are we to be under extreme poverty. gov in id crisis to have bonding across the nation. humanitarian crisis. these violence crisis and political crisis, which have killed powers and solve people in miramar. et godless are dying
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installation exposure and diseases. just there's no words to describe the level of these atrocities and crime against humanity omitted by the military hunt that emma china has the power to stop these crime against humanity. these conflated these chaos. international community have the power to stop if they take decisive actions. if international community take decisive actions on mere mom military humper to day, these crisis will stop. what i miss international has released a report calling israel and apartheid state over its treatment of palestinians. it's as policies of segregation, disposition, and expulsion, exclusion rather show palestinians in israel, and the occupied territories are treated as an inferior racial group. israel has
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called the report false bias down dantes, hermetic it's not the act of violence. i have seen violence before. it is the cruelty of the system, the in tree kit evolving administration of co told disposition and unique quality, the incredible detail to do or critique vacation upon which that system is predicated. it, she banality, and that time up $72.00. that as taken my breasts away, let's bring harry foss at he's joining us from occupied is doris lamb. you know, harry, how significant is it that an amnesty international is focusing on the entire system as a whole and calling it an apartheid system rather than focusing on particular crimes, as we've seen in the past. yes, that's right. it's very much,
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i'm sorry, it's very, it's very much making that point that this is a series of individual. i sort of abuses against thomas to use inside israel in the occupied territories. but it goes together into what the director, the 2nd general rather of, of amnesty international from whom we just heard a 2nd ago. cools amaze, of laws, a sort of a lattice work of systemic oppression and domination of palestinians. and she says, in fact, the whole going to zation says that they have been studying this for some 4 years. they have been doing extensive field work. they've been conducting legal analyses. and with all of that in mind, and having already assessed me and mark in the same way and, and assessing that there are good mean mom has been acting in the pots 8 fashion,
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but israel meets that definition. and it is not just in terms of individual, forcible displacements or house demolitions, or military actions or administrative detentions without charge. but this whole thing acting in concerts has for many years or acted in a way that discriminates on the basis of race. and therefore, should meet the definition of a party. i'm more than that that the investigation is being carried out by the i. c . c. and united nations should take that into account and try to pressure israel internationally to change its policies. and as for the a, for so israel response, have we heard from officials since the release of that report to say, well, not just since they came out preemptively to try to do what they could to, to undermine. but the nature of this report, essentially what they're saying is that, that very way that amnesty is defining the entirety of the arms and various or
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organizational and policy framework of the state of israel is essentially calling the entire jewish state of israel, a party undermining the earth, the nature of that state, and that should therefore meet the i h r. a definition of anti semitism that it is a demonizing de legitimizing the state of israel on the basis that it is a jewish state. here is what the foreign minister yala pete had to say. in the past, amnesty was a respect to the organization. not any more to date is precisely the opposite. it is in the human rights organization. but just another radical organization which echoes propaganda results seriously. just checking the fact, instead of seeking the truth, m as the echoes, the same lies shared by terrorist organizations. 5 minutes of serious
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examination would be enough to know that the so called facts in the report published by amnesty this week, are delusional. and disconnected from reality now i'm to see in turn rejected the accusation of anti semitism, saying that it supports the right of jewish people to self determination. it recognizes israel as a jewish states and in no way accords with anti semitism. in fact, it fights anti semitism around the world. it's also calling for action both from the israeli state and from the international community. it says that the 1st thing that needs to happen is that palestinian homes need to be protected. they need not to be subject to eviction and demolition, and that is the 1st step they say in a way to try to pick the parts that they say takes place across the areas that
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israel controls. thank you so much. harry foster reported from occupied easterel and ukraine is planning to recruit a 100000 armed forces personnel over the next 3 years. but in his parliamentary address, the president vladimir zelinski, also called on politicians, not just so panic about the threat of a russian invasion. the u. s. sector stayed on russell's foreign minister, expected to speak in a few hours time. on monday, the un security council met for the 1st time to discuss the russian troop build up today in the united nations. we've laid out the full nature of russia's threat to ukraine sovereignty and the territorial integrity of ukraine, as well as the core chance of a rule based international order. and we, we continue to urge diplomacy as the best way forward. but with russia is continuing to build up of its forces around ukraine. we are ready no matter what
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happens in georgia. jabari has the view from moscow where things stand that the moments the russians have made some demands from the u. s. government and nato, about security guarantees, legally binding security guarantees that they're looking for here about the future of nato. and they're concerned that the kremlin has about nato expanding further eastwards. the americans responded with a written answer last week, and that answer was taken to russian president vladimir putin on thursday. he is still studying the russians response. he's not made up his mind how to proceed. they say the concern that the west has about the number of troops russia has alongside the western border of this country with ukraine is not new. that there are many military outposts alongside that border. and the number of troops have not drastically increased. they are just carrying out military drills as they have done in the past. so they believe that there's this kind of rhetoric and false information coming from the united states with the aim of trying to dis,
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destabilize that russia's relationship with ukraine. something the official say will not happen. so there is a sense that russia is very much maintaining its stance and they are not going to give into any kind of demands or a rhetoric that is coming from the west. but we're still waiting to find out what vladimir putin will decide to do next. and of course, the russian foreign minister survey love rob will be speaking to as american counterpart on the phone later on tuesday. and we'll find out what the 2 men will discuss in terms of how to move things forward. still ahead on alger 0, in the us finance minister has unveiled this year's budget. find out what's in store for one point. 3000000000 people from the count walked to the move. how art galleries and paris are paying tribute to a french fashion icon? ah, ah,
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look forward to burritos gullies. who with sponsored by cutoff airways? hey there. thanks for joining in. here's your world's weather report, beginning in se asia cross areas of sumatra and java in the zone. we picked up about 60 to 75 millimeters of rain. next stop are going to go to the philippines. caught my eye more so toward southern portions of the islands i, including the devout region. we're going to see some soaking rains move in europe. meantime, the big temperature spread across vietnam noise. 16 degrees, coachman city, a high, 34 on wednesday for the southeast corner of china, that relentless rain is still falling. this is plaguing hong kong with the higher 16 degrees ran in. so across the yangtze, river valley and on that theme of snow for the northwest of honju, new records set for january $432.00 centimeters on the ground. and still more coming at you on wednesday. as we go toward the sub continent, it's fairly quiet for that southeast corner of india for longer and the mall div.
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it's really around that border with bungler dash and the far northeast of india right through me and mar as well that we'll just see a scattering of showers. still poor air quality for the northeast of christ on in the northwest of india. dell, he's got a hive $22.00 degrees and will end in the golf. where winds will be a big factor on wednesday. that sure weather update. we'll see soon. take care. ah, the weather. sponsored by katara, always in a series of original documentaries, are just the correspondence, explore the stories which have marked their lives and careers. gabby entities on the cover, the tragic story of to reinforce activities really kill fighting the devastation brought about by loggers and ranchers. returning to the amazon, gabrielle learned how to campaign for sustainable development brought them on a collision course with those thought to profit on the 4th destruction of the corresponding
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lou. ah, hello again. the top stories on al jazeera, dozens of arrests have been made in me and mar on the 1st anniversary of the military, coon, demonstrators, among delay march to demand democracy despite government threats, against organizing protests, amnesty international has released a report, calling israel and apartheid state over its treatment of palestinians. it's has policies of segregation, disposition, and exclusion show palestinians are treated as an inferior racial room, u. s. sector state and russian foreign affairs that russian foreign minister are set to discuss the ukraine prices. it follows monday security council meeting where moscow on washington accused each other spreading misinformation. now the you are
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so designated cats are a major non nato ally. it was announced that a meeting between president joe biden and katherine's emission to mean been hammond and fanny at the white house on monday. allan fisher reports from washington a warm welcome and bitterly cold washington day for the 1st gulf leader to visit the white house since joe biden took over. qatar has become a key partner on several issues impacting the u. s. this past year. a partnership with color was a, has been the central to many or most vital interest. i thought it was a key player during the u. s. withdrawal from afghanistan still has communications with the taliban and whose thousands of refugees who still have to be processed before they move to america. with additional assistance on iran, yemen, the palestinians. the president has decided to give pattern special status, and i am notifying congress that i will designate cutter as
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a major non nato ally to reflect the importance importance of our relationship. tasso becomes the 18th country to be given the ally status. it provides imported benefits in areas of treat defense and security cooperation. the ambulance is katara was and is happy to help a country that has been an ally with for 50 years. we're very proud that we manage to evacuate tens of thousands of people of an of understand of course we have other issues as well that we're going to talk about the equal rights of honesty, people and other issues in the region. so you know, we're very happy and proud of this great relationship. rushes build up on the ukranian border continues to be the most urgent issue for the white house. if moscow decides to invade sanctions will follow. there's a what a russia will respond by shutting off gas supplies to key european allies cut out could help develop supplies of its own liquid natural gas to ease the pressure
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a near by the guitar. the purchase of $34.00 new boeing free jets was signed with an option for 50 more passenger liners. from the american company. cut out was for was note in the early days of the trump presidency. but katara officials insist it has been a steady and reliable partner for the united states in an unsteady part of the world and with its links and connections. it could help solve some problem issues for the united states and its president. allen fisher al jazeera at the white house and ketter's foreign minister says his country is speaking to both the u. s. and iran on reaching a new agreement on the 2015 nuclear deal. on monday, washington said, progress has been made during indirect talks to revive the deal. will law her lona to viet talking with board the us and iran under the shoe? not getting messages from one body to the other. this is an issue of interest in order to cut the robot or to the hold legion. we are interested in seeing an
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agreement in place at the earliest. there are many factors. we instead bullet d within the legion, we believe that that's an agreement. arlene state and nuclear b would be a key factor for stability. he ran to the ne book country and part of the legion they're willing to engage in dialogue. the french ambassador to molly is being expelled from the country. this comes after france as foreign minister, described the african countries transitional government as illegitimate and out of control. on monday, molly's government announced the ambassador has 72 hours to leave. relations with france have steadily deteriorated since a military coup in 2020 the u. k. government says prime minister boars johnson can't answer questions about the so called party gate scans. oh, that's because of a police investigation. on monday, johnson was forced to apologize after an independent report found serious failings of leadership. it said parties held at the prime minister as official residence during locked downs, should not have been allowed to happen. and are simmons. it's out as outside number,
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10 downing street. he says, the prime minister's faith is still uncertain. for the public watching all of this, it was supposed to be judgement day, but it wasn't a boris johnson, though, appeared strained. he was bombastic at one stage. it was a bad day for him. he didn't perform very well, his party didn't think so. no, that any one else he, it was a really extraordinary atmosphere in the commons at now. what the situation is now is that the su gray report obviously had, had no access to strong fact was because it couldn't because of the police report which will succeed it. it's the sequel to this through grey report, which is key along with the police report. johnson didn't indicate that there would be a report from sir grey a 2nd report which she wants to give. now it was subsequent to that. the downing street explained that at yes, the 2nd report will come from her. and the police report now we've heard,
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has reference to 12 parties, most of them here in downing street for others, which are not in the area of please concentrating on on possible action. so what we have now is a situation where if you look at the, the, the gathering on monday night of conservative m p 's, you might think that he's got a chance because he rallied round. he was much more impressive apparently in this meeting that he was in the commons. but, and it's a big but you can't judge conservative a m p 's on that, that what they say and what they do at meetings like this. that could be a plot against him that the jury is still out on this. her testers in peru or demanding the expulsion of a spanish owned oil company blamed for polluting beaches rep. saul is accused of down playing the spell and has a government ban on oil shipments is unreasonable, victoria gate, and be reports anger on the streets of pieris. capital,
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lena protest is demanding this spanish all giant rep. so lose its operating license . after nearly $12000.00 barrels of crude oil leaked into the pacific ocean just off the coast of lima, we are outraged by the pollution and we're going to continue the nationwide fight. that's why i'm here. i want reps all to leave for all trans national companies, which have only come here to steal from us to go away. the spill happened while a tank who was or floating crude oil to a refinery. rip so says the pipeline was damaged by the sea. nami, triggered by the recent volcanic eruption near tonga, the government officials say the ship's captain, doubts that and protest his keys rep, soul of spreading misinformation. i just like thousands of other citizens who have come to protest against pollution and against allies rep, so as peddling, it systematically said that the damage was minimal, then said it was as a result of the tsunami. then it told us the incorrect quantity of oil spool,
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the environment minister, his band reps, so from unloading oil until further notice, you will say won't guarantees the company is properly maintaining its oil pipelines . her 1st recall for a whole to all hydrocarbon loading and unloading activities in the peruvian sea by rib. so until it provides us with technical guarantees that no further damage will be done to the sea that belongs to all peruvians. reps so says the decision is disproportionate. and unreasonable, it says it's hired more than 2000 people, including local fishermen to clean up the police to beaches. but many peruvians won't be satisfied until the government orders reps all to leave. victoria gay to be al jazeera members of parliament in japan have passed a resolution on what they call the serious human rights situation. in china, there are urging action to relieve their concerns while the resolution avoids direct accusations. it highlights the plight of muslim minority,
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rigorous as well as concerns and hong kong on tibet. india's finance, when a cerner mala sits roman has presented countries budget for 2022 and promises major spending on infrastructure on the focus on transitioning to sustainable energy. india has a growth production of more than 8 percent for the next year. it's one of the fastest in the world, but it's economy faces an immediate challenge from a rise and covered $1000.00 cases and inflation. poverty metal is in new delhi and she explains why b is high. growth forecasts might not mean much to the average citizen. it does sound impressive, but remember, these numbers are lower than what was earlier, projected also the base at which this growth number has been calculated. is smaller because in 2020 indian economy shank pretty considerably. and then of course there is ground reality. you know, last, in fact, of the last few months, prices of essential goods like cooking oil have surged,
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millions of people have been pushed into poverty. at the same time, apple, the company that makes the i phone, did its best business in india. so any quantity has become stock or. and then there is the unemployment crisis, especially among the young, the 8, your catered, and the urban. you have a situation in which 12000000 people have applied for about 35000 jobs in the indian ran ways and you know, jobs like clerks and station masters. in fact, a few days ago when the government changed the recruitment rules, a bit aspirants got so angry that they set a train on file now. and today's a budget speed, the finance minister now to the government will be increasing, expanding and spending more to boost infrastructure and to create jobs. economists point out that you know, these policies need to be effectively executed without which these numbers don't mean anything to the common citizen. that is struggling. 60 years ago,
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the french fashion designer is sanara unveiled, his 1st collection, taking inspiration from great artists. 6 paris museums are marking the anniversary by presenting his clothes as works of art in their own right. natasha butler reports. eve, salo hall, was inspired by art. the french fashion designers, creations often mirrored his favorite art works or echoed their essence through color or pattern. painters including brock and picasso, infused sorrows, creative vision, he never copied but reinvented in his unique style. the pompidou center is one of 6 told museums in paris, showcasing the influence of art on the designer. he was picking up different kinds of reasons, gracious from the contemporary artist like, while holl or this and man norlisha style. but also more than artist matches or even phonology. who could say he had like
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a resume without was in his mind. this pompidou curator says the exhibition in a strange how fashion can be an artful urn. single. it's an honor for us to have a st lawrence creations alongside our permanent collection in the positive. and i think it's the 1st time a show has made a link between the designers work and contemporary art. esau's love affair with art is nowhere more evident than in his mondrian inspired dresses. attribute to the dutch artist, daring, playful and modern. they cause a sensation when revealed in 1965, as well as the pompey do center. paris is modern art museum, the all say p casso and why a cell museums are all part of the exhibition. but the most prestigious is the love with some of some roles, most luxurious, an intricate designs reveal his passion for ornamental art and all things gold proposal of absolute poorly. i think the absolute dream for him would have been to
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be exhibited for his designs to interact with his sources of inspiration. it's a dream he never imagined would actually happen. oh, santa all revolutionized women's fashion. you gave women beauty, but also power. he challenged ideals and upset stereotypes. 60 years after his 1st fashion show and more than a decade after his death, dozens of sun, wrong garments, and $300.00 designs will be on show an enticing tribute to one of the woes based group. the designers. natasha buckner, jazeera paris. ah . hello again. the headlines on al jazeera, dozens of, for us have been made in me in mar, on the 1st anniversary of the military coup demonstrators. amanda lay march to demand democracy despite government threats against organizing protests, tony chang is following developments from my source on.
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