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tv   News  Al Jazeera  February 2, 2022 8:00am-8:31am AST

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while the water is told we listen, design is are making serious effort. in order to distract the trend of we need to store the striking a defiant tone. the president of guinea, bazaar blames corruption and drug traffickers for failed to the attack on the government palace killed many security calls personnel. the country's leaders we're meeting there at the time. ah tubs, the whole rahman watching out there alive. my headquarters here in doha, coming up in the next 30 minutes. it is vital that russia steps back, the latest warning for russia not to attack ukraine. the u. k. prime minister says
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it would be a military disaster. also a decades long conflict in me and mar is gaining support as opposition to the military coup grows and influenced by art. now hanging in french museums, designer use on the wrong is celebrated across paris ah, bottom to the program in guinea bas owls president has survived occur attempt after a 5 hour assault on the presidential palace or borrow socco on. barlow says, security forces stopped an attack against democracy, but many of them have died. alexia brown, reports gunfire, and guinea, the south capital. the president says, and men attacked the presidential palace while he was inside. this i was in the middle of the council of ministers with all the members, including the prime minister. and we were attacked with very heavy weaponry for 5
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hours. but now everything is under control. when i was elected president, i promised to fight to thanks corruption. and drug trafficking, and this is also linked to that guinea, we're sales become known as a transit point for cocaine, between latin america and europe. georgia, no stranger to political upheaval. there's been 9, coups or attempted coups since it gained independence from portugal in 1970 full. gimme bizarre has been a fragile state for quebec. it's because of my context, opportune, and my name, which is a treatise digits through shoes and the my and them mid military to please tell me, does one of our parties. it's not immediately clear who's behind the failed qu. some witnesses described the gunman as members if the military, others, as civilians. and barlow suggested,
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many members of the security forces had died. the west african regional block a co op, and the un secretary general condemned. what happened. we are seeing a terrible multiplication of goes the and all a stronger built is for soldiers to go back to the barracks. the president had called his cabinet together ahead of an echo us meeting on thursday to discuss a string of successful military takeovers in the region over the past 18 months. some fear the violence, imbecile is part of a wave of copy, can't coups. one of the differences between the situation with him and book in a facile concent or even madam, the cool mighty is that he's a former or a he's a former. and so he, he has a, obviously, a kept and strong dies within the armed forces. ah, some golden barlow's rise to power following the 2020 election,
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a qu after he claimed victory despite opposition, allegations of fraud that they've been reports of tension within his government and in recent days had re shuttled his cabinet. vamos, describe the latest violence as an attack on democracy, and say, some of those involved have been wasted, alexia bryan al jazeera, now u. k. prime minister boss johnson, is pledging more support for ukraine's army as face grow over a possible russian invasion. johnson, whom at ukraine's president in kiev says bhaskar is holding a gun to ukraine's head in an effort to change the architecture of european security. abdulla means reports are from jeff. i. it's not every day a prime minister feels relieved to step into a crisis that has the potential of developing into war. but that may well be the
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way baris johnson fields arriving here in cave, away from the party gates scandal hoping to deflect attention at home. here the prime minister is facing what he called a grim reality. but he's a welcome friend coming with you funding some 118000000 dollars to fight corruption. alongside of the countries, we are also preparing a package of sanctions and other measures to be enacted the moment the 1st russian po, cat crosses further into ukrainian territory. d u k has so far trade more than 22000 ukranian soldiers and donated more than 2500000 dollars in defense. 8. these are days of frantic diplomacy. it feels like give has become the center of europe. there's not one day that goes by without the high level visit money and
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weaponry out, also pouring in. but there's one crucial point that is still lacking. and that is a united front among nature. members of this image could only worry ukraine hungry prime minister victor or been at the kremlin meeting russian president vladimir putin. the visit was about signing an energy deal, but the ukraine crisis took center stage there too, or been, has ruled out any nato deployment to his country when you were around the same time in give president zelinski was meeting with the polish prime minister. gas was also on the agenda here, finding ways for ukraine to rely less on russia when it comes to energy supplies. the ukranian president would have also urged his visitors to turn down the rhetoric . feeling that the already fragile economy could go in
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a tailspin his message to ukrainians. this is not the time to panic yet, and the country is well prepared. the government has issued a map with more than $5000.00 shelters around kiev. the main ones being the soviet bill subway stations. for now, life goes on as usual, against your wife is the woman i feel people are worried in words, but not in action. if you're talking about people leaving the city or stalking up on food or looking for bomb shelters, i don't think that's happening. i don't know anyone who's thinking like that them we, he seems to be a big what she like world leaders also doesn't know is how all this will end up. this is not only about the sovereignty of ukraine or it's right to one day become part of nato. it's also about drawing new lines, east and west, competing over the new security architecture of europe. ukrainians hope they won't be left out in the cold hood. abdul hamid elder 0 give. well,
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russian president vladimir putin says he hopes talks on ukraine will avoid what he's calling negative scenarios, including wall putin says the us and its allies have ignored the kremlin main concerns around nato. bring it a little bit. i'm going to bring in the 3 met him yesterday. we are analyzing the response from the u. s. and i have already said that our concerns have not been addressed. we have not seen any guarantees that nato will move, its presence in our country also has a right to choose its own security. we cannot allow one country to increase the security at the expense of another country suitable. well, in the us senate minority leader, mitch mcconnell says sanction should be imposed on russia before an invasion happens. the ones that really could bring the russians to their knees related to the banking system. i know the president, according to what he said publicly, has been discussing the possibility of that happening with burden. to go back to
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the initial statement. i think what we ought to be doing right now before the invasion occurs, send the ukrainians weapons. they can fight with the us just calling for an emergency un security council meeting on thursday to discuss north korea as a recent massage lodge. it comes after young young confirmed a, tested an intermediate range, ballistic missile, which is capable of reaching the u. s. territory of guam sundays test was the north most powerful since 2017 and the 7th month in the year. since mammals qu many opposed to military rule have joined the ranks of ethnic groups. fighting with government care states in the east has seen some of the heaviest fighting as the decades old conflict escalates its forced and estimated 170000 people from their homes. tony chain reports
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riddle fighters launch a rocket propelled grenade at me and my army positions in reply, a thick burst of automatic gunfire, forces them beth. they are just outside the provincial capital. lloyd gore were fighting, has been fierce throughout january. but their enemy was much better quit the fight is from the current national defense was the k and the f. a new militia formed after the military coups nearly a year ago. but what had started as a gorilla campaign is now becoming a full blown conventional war i was in the fall are 12 months ago. philip, a well educated man in his thirties worked in communications was of now he's a k and dear fighter from he entered thailand illegally recently and wants to keep his identity hidden too much. but he'll return to me on my soon to continue the
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fight against a vicious adversary, boca burgers de behalf, nor you know rules due to everything goes smooth in order to civilians. the 2 women and children sticker in simply worse graders furiously don't fight all out. you know how to say a normal, a standard army were do you know, accompanied by ty border authorities. we crossed into me, emma, thailand's keen to stay out of this fight. but it monitor the situation closely. this is the last care any position before the time border, which is just up the hill for the ty authorities asked the current to move out months ago, because there are 250 myanmar soldiers based in these hills behind me. and they didn't want fighting to break out right on the border while we're there, a group of ker, any fight is arrived to reoccupied the base. the fight is a friendly to the ties, but the relationship is clearly awkward. and the little strained. dave met,
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there was heavy fighting, so we couldn't stay. we moved to another base until the fighting went quiet. and now we're able to return. for now the rolling hills of east mamma quiet. but this is just 180 kilometers from the most capital. and the current leadership know the fighting will resume. now do they are the chimney now or the we think it's because currently states is very close to napier door. so this poses a security threat to them. the real cost of the fighting is being built by hundreds of thousands of civilians forced from their homes. the thai government has turned thousands away from its border, yet many remained close to scared to go home. and rebel fighters say military forces assessing fire to properties as they advance, leaving nothing behind but scorched toni chang out to 0 on the time me on my board and well still had here on al jazeera,
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the rallies against vaccine mandates take place around the world. but there are concerns about the groups involved under surveillance and el salvador, how the government use spyware to hack journalists, phones they stories after the break. ah there, thanks for joining in. welcome to your world's weather report for the middle east, we've got some high temperatures, a southerly push across the van, so gas high of 20 degrees. it's the opposite around the golf. we've got a wind blowing from the north, so that's pressing down temperatures. manana, 1900 degrees, the high, $22.00, so not so bad, but those winds will be whipping up to about 55 kilometers per hour. that's going to swirl around the sand in dust and impact. the visibility here high temperature is also for southern pockets. done karachi, a high of 30 degrees, a shield of snow,
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cutting across half gone is done, and pretty quiet rate across iran on wednesday. really, the bulk of the activity is around the a g and see what whether for western turkeys, southern turkey, and also some gloomy and what conditions for is stumble with the high of 11 degrees for southern africa flooding, very likely across central eastern portions of namibia through the northern cape western cape and eastern cape in some of these storms could be severe. as we head toward the weekend, we have an incoming tropical storm looking to make faults along that east coast at madagascar, and very likely to produce some more severe flooding. and this area is still trying to recover from its last spout of flooding. okay, that's all for me. we'll see you soon. take care. ah dictatorships to democracies, activists to corporations, control of the message is crucial. oil companies have become very good at
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recognizing ways to phrase what they want you to hear. we care about the environment you do to. you should buy our oil, please for public opinion or profit. once you make people afraid, you can use that to justify stripping away basic civil liberties. the listening post examined the vested entrenched behind the content you consume on al jazeera blue. ah, you're watching al jazeera with lisa hall, robin. a reminder of our top story is getting besides, president has survived a coup attempt and says the situation is under control. president tomorrow's to suckle. a bolo says the attack was aimed at killing him. the prime minister and
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competent members, the case prime minister, has pledged more support for ukraine's army and the face of what he's falling russian aggression. or johnson says, russian forces must on ukraine's board oppose a clear danger. the us is called for an emergency meeting of the un security council to discuss north for his latest ballistic missile launch test. was pyongyang separate the share and the most powerful since 2017 right wing political groups are becoming increasingly falls and protests against vaccine mandates around the world with some threatening violence against government leaders . while, hey, reports, ah, this protest took place in australia's capital cambridge outside the national press club. the message was that journalists are somehow involved in a conspiracy to spread misinformation about coven 19 vaccines, and government mandates. this is not just about the vaccine. that's their defense.
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but the way that they're actually trying to silence off 20 vaccination movement to nothing new, but they were traditionally regarded as fringe organizations with concerns about the safety of vaccines cove at 19 has changed that and muddied the message. there are now a wide range of rally and cries at protests like wanting to win countries back from so called dictor tauriel, governments. they're a conspiracy theories and messages of hate violence and even anarchy far right groups and their political allies are seeing an opportunity to spread their messages and are increasingly showing up to and in some cases, organizing rallies. ha, ha, ha ha. they want to vaccinate us by force. now they even want to vaccinate our children, who do not need such experimental vaccines. in canada, thousands led by truck drivers gathered in ottawa to protest vaccine mandates. some
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of the organizes a well known far right activists, including one who says the vaccine was created to de populate the white race and another who spreads is lam, a phobia. prime minister justin trudeau, who on monday announced he had tested positive the cova 19 says, protest is a being misled to the politicians. exploiting people's fears. i ask you to think long and hard about the consequences of your actions. most protests around the world have been peaceful, attended by people who had genuine concerns about vaccines, but the message is increasingly being lost in a misinformation campaign being waged by others who have ulterior motives. wayne hey al jazeera. now denmark has become the 1st e country to let all crow virus restrictions. and despite surgeon infections over the past 2 weeks, it's relying on the high vaccination rate to ward off the alma called variance. zation passes and masks no longer required to inter restaurant shops or use or use
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public transport. pfizer has asked us drug regulators for permission to offer its coded 19 vaccine to children as young as 6 months old. not trials for the age group began in may last year. the drive to vaccinate children has been spurred on by the oma, called buried and approved vaccinations could start by the end of the month. telephone johnson and 3 of the largest drug distributors in the us have agreed to pay $590000000.00 to native american tribes to settle claims. they feel the opioid epidemic indigenous american communities of suffolk, high addiction and death rates from the ease of painkillers. under the terms of the settlement, the drug companies will not have to admit to any wrong doing. it follows a $75000000.00 power to the cherokee nation last year. coil from a damage pipeline. in the equitorial, amazon has reached a river that supplies clean water to indigenous communities. parts of
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a nature reserve at home to endangered one, life have been contaminated. the environment ministries say the privately own pipeline burst when it was hit by rog, of the government, calling it a major pollution event. dozens of journalists and activists, and el salvador, a military grade spyware. technology has been used to hack their phones. government critic say it's the president's latest tactic to silence opposition. john holman, has more from the capital some solvable really a cover at this phone has been acting strangely. she relieves the moment she realized for sure that it was bugged. well, i was driving, and i remember that i got the 1st image in, but that moment we, we were confirmed that they got to was targeting pegasus. the spying software, only sold to governments. julio was one of 22 stuff is at the new site, and fido, who had the funds repeatedly infected. according to the university of toronto
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citizen, for the for she says, many of the tax came as a photo published, expose a's on the government of el salvador, headed by president new booth kelly. what can they pull out of it during an attack? everything they can see, for example, what the message that you are typing, or they can get access through your contacts through your images, your videos. and it's like to have enough unlock cell phone in your hand. if the, if the journey so far, when the only ones other media outlets in civil rights figures were about to citizen lab, including transparency lawyer, jose manero. i think this is also a sign of the times a sign of the government. this is a government which is intolerant to critics. it's father and to public scrutiny. it's intolerant to accountability. and while there's still no, no hard evidence that the the spine came from the government. everything seems to point to the doorsteps, off, off a similar in government,
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it which strongly denies the phone bugging. but there have been warring signs that the president doesn't have democracy at the top of his agenda. say critics, starting from 2020, when he march soldiers into congress, a shock for a country which only escaped civil war 30 years ago. the president, in turn, is accused independent media outlets like hell, photo of lying and attacking his government. in 2020, he announced the outlet was under investigation for money laundering. and el salvador, many people are on his side. his approval ratings are in the eighty's se though in the working class patio of sundries 3. carla vasquez puts out that they still t is and tells us why. what i think me them a high like is help to more than the other government it for them, it was only in the campaign only then they remembered our neighborhood look that with him. no, he hasn't forgotten us, he always remembers asked the poorest neighborhoods less dangerous under bu kelly
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has been cash to help them through the pandemic, even laptops for her boys to be able to keep studying. she dismisses the media, exposes as fake news montages, like many others. she believes the president just walking around this neighborhood san luis, 3. you understand why president bush kelly is so overwhelmingly popular with the majority of salvadorans. his given the money has given them food has even given them computers for their children during the pandemic. and what all that means to them is that he, someone that is concerned about them, the poor salvadorans in a way. the other presidents haven't b who kelly promises these people, he will take care of them. we'll do the same for the country's journalist lawyers, activists. all those who are critical of him in el salvador, that's the burning question. john home and i'll just a whistleblower says an executive anson israeli tech firm offered
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a us based mobile security company bags of cash for access to cell phone uses around the world as, according to a report by the washington post. now the complaint was made to the u. s. department of justice allegation dates back to 2017 meeting between the anissa group and the us telecoms company. and i so denies the claims am the scenes national has become the latest human rights group to brand israel apartheid state saying it treats palestinians as an inferior racial group. israel has denounced the seas report is false biased and anti semitic. hurry, false reports now for walkie pint east jerusalem. amnesty international says israel has built up an array of policies, laws, military coercion, and economic and social discrimination that amounts to oppression and domination of the palestinians in the areas it controls. in short, it says a system of apartheid. we are here today to call on the international community to
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take resolute action against the crime of humanity being perpetrated in order to maintain the system of our pacified report highlights last year's tensions over threatened displacements and palestinians from their homes and the shake jerome neighborhood of occupied east jerusalem, and the military and camino violence that followed. it sets out a catalogue of instances and techniques whereby palestinians have been displaced from land in israel and in the occupied territories. a settler has confiscated thousands of factors while palestinian shepherds can't grades their sheep. we want protection for our herders from the settlers, but it goes much further back in israel's history, analyzing basic laws and long term policies. it says designed to guarantee a jewish majority. and jewish control of israel's government says that is an attempt to paint israel itself as an inherently racist endeavor. in other words, it's an example of anti semitism. instead of seeking the truth and as the echoes
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the same lies showed by terrorist organizations, 5 minutes of serious examination would be enough to know that the so called facts in the report published by amnesty this week, delusional and disconnected from reality. i'm just because that diversion will not questioning the fact that there is any intent or a desire to create a jewish state. what we are saying is that a jewish state must respect and protect the rights of all people on the territory. this is the 3rd report within the last year, accusing israel of a party. after is ready, right? group at selim and human rights watch reached similar conclusions. amnesty says the events here in shakes euro in 2021. a further evidence of the conclusions that it was making in its report and evidence of the need for such work to be done. it also says that one of the 1st things that israel can do to start on picking what it
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calls an a party system is to protect and restore palestinian homes such as these. amnesty also wants the findings from this report used in investigations currently being undertaken in the international criminal court. and the united nations harris was at al jazeera, occupied east. jerusalem is helping airlines of slain passengers only bedding 737 max plane for the 1st time since the crush 83 years ago. 157 people died in incident, addis ababa in 2019. it led to the modal being grounded worldwide. now the airlines says the decision to resume passenger services followed rigorous recertification by regulators. 2 babies have died in freezing weather in northwestern syria, where snow and rain have destroyed the 10s of hundreds of displaced families, the humanitarian agencies. as a 7 day old girl and a 2 month old girl died from the cold in italy, province around 2800000 people have sought shelter after fleeing their homes during
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serious decade long civil war. now 60 years ago, the french fashion designer is sanara unveiled his 1st collection, taking inspiration from great artists, now museums in paris, a marking the anniversary by presenting his clothes as works of art. natasha butler has more ease seller hall was inspired by art. the french fashion designers, creations often mirrored his favorite art. works or echoed their essence through color or pattern painters including brock and picasso. infused sorrows, creative vision, he never copied but reinvented in his unique style. the pompidou center is one of 6, told museums in paris, showcasing the influence of art on the designer. he was picking up different kind of inspirations from the contemporary artist like, while hall or vis elmira norlisha shine, but also were there ne mathias or even phonology. we could say he had like
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a museum without was in his mind. this pompidou curator says the exhibition illustrates how fashion can be an artful urn or single. it's an honor for us to have a st lawrence creations alongside our permanent collection in the pompidou. and i think it's the 1st time a show has made a link between the designers work and contemporary art. esau's love affair with art is nowhere more evident than in his mondrian inspired dresses. attribute to the dutch artist, daring, playful, and more than they caused a sensation when revealed in 1965, as well as the pompey do center. paris is modern art museum, the all say picasso and wire cell museums are all part of the exhibition. but the most prestigious is the move with some of some roles, most luxurious, an intricate designs reveal his passion for ornamental art and all things gold proposal of absolute poorly. i think the absolute dream for him would have been to
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be exhibited for his designs to interact with its sources of inspiration. it's a dream he never imagined would actually happen. ah, sell a home revolutionized women's fashion. he gave women beauty, but also power. he challenged ideals and upset stereotypes. 60 years after his 1st fashion show and more than a decade after his death, dozens of center on garments and $300.00 designs will be on show an enticing tribute to one of the world's most revere designers. natasha butler, jazeera paris. ah . got you all to 0 with miss l. romney reminder of all top stories. giddy vessels president has survived a cure attempt and says the situation is under control. president or morrow. soccer on. barlow says the attack on the government pallets was aimed at killing him. the prime minister and cabinet member.


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