tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera February 3, 2022 12:00am-1:01am AST
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but who are we, if we don't know what we're eating in a disturbing investigation into globalized food fraud, people and power reveals long hidden scandalous practices, the infiltrated international wholesale markets, and supermarket chains. and asks, what's really on our plate. food in glorious food on ouch is around. ah, this is al jazeera ah hello, i'm barbara sarah. this is the al jazeera news, our live from london. thank you for joining us. coming up in the next 60 minutes. these movements are unmistakable signals to the world that we stand ready to reassure our nato allies into turned and defend against any aggression. president
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biden approves the deployment of $3000.00 more us troops to europe. a move that russia has denounced as destructive, at least the 72 dead after militia group armed with guns and machetes, attacked a camp for this place. people in the eastern democratic republic of congo. why the number of americans dying of coven 19 remain so high despite the only con variant being less severe. and they ran their way out of poverty, only to lose everything. to predatory husbands, the murder of a canyon athlete highlights the abuse, suffered by many of her fellow runners. and i'm satisfied isn't with your latest sports cynical, or through to the africa cup of nations, final off 2 or 31 when over 4 quino fossa, because ah,
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ah, the military standoff over ukraine is escalating with the u. s. president deploying thousands more american troops. the eastern europe, 2000 that us soldiers will head to poland and germany, and 1000 will be repositioned to romania. the u. s. a. nato already have tens of thousands of troops in europe. the pentagon says the move sends a strong signal to russia, which continues to deny that it's planning an invasion. a white house correspondent kimberly helped get reports after ramping up the possibility for weeks of a rush, an invasion of ukraine. the white house on wednesday, downgraded that threat from president vladimir putin saying, and evasion is no longer imminent. i use that once, i think others have used that once, and then we stopped using it because i think it sent in
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a message that we weren't intending to send, which was that we knew that president putin had made a decision. still, the united states is sending more troops to eastern europe. some of the forces will be reposition to romania. others will be coming from the united states to poland and germany. it's a response to president putin who has position tens of thousands of troops inside russia near ukraine's border. it's important that we send a strong signal to mister putin and frankly, to the world that nato matters to the united states. it made it matters to our allies and we have iron clad article 5 commitments attack on one is an attack on, on all the roughly $3000.00 troops will bolster the nato presence in europe. and or in addition to the $8500.00 us troops put on stand by last month, by u. s. president joe biden. the united states maintains diplomacy is the best path
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to resolving security disagreements. russia, once assurances, nato will halt expansion into former soviet republics, lake ukraine. but the west won't provide that guarantee. instead, biden's promised severe consequences if poon invades he has shown no signs of being interested or willing to deescalate the attentions. the u. s. forces will reinforce nato, the eastern flag, working with host countries, as nato has not yet activated its response force to counter what it refers to as russian aggression. i think there's an argument aspect to what they're doing, which is to put something on the table that can be taken away. a chin if you will, in exchange for russian non aggression against ukraine, despite no, no russian threat and no signs of an eminent invasion of ukraine. the pentagon says the movement of troops could begin soon,
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and there could be the possibility of even more true movements in the future. kimberly held can al jazeera washington dorset jibari is following reaction from the russian capital. moscow. we've been hearing from the russian deputy foreign secretary who said that this is a destructive step. alexander goosgo has said that this is not really const conducive. and it just illustrates that the americans are trying to escalate the attention rather than trying to de escalate. we've also been hearing from an m p, who is the deputy head of the foreign affairs committee here in duma. and he's been saying that said this is an absolutely destructive step and that it's an action that can be qualified as an attempt to derail the negotiations. that are ongoing about russia, security concerns. there is a sense that the united states is really trying to corner russia into giving in, on their demands that they've been making from the u. s. government and nato,
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about the expansion of nato, as well as going back to the 1997 level of membership, the russian president vladimir putin said that they want to see that level of members. really because the numbers keep increasing and that is very much a security concern with samuel greene as the rector of the russia institute at kings college london, he joins a sly from the u. s. state of north carolina by skype. sir, thank you so much for joining us here and i was 0. first of all, what do you make of this announcement of the increase in troops, even though the numbers are relatively small, it's increasing in troops. is it really the strong message, the strong signal to russia that the pentagon says it is? i think it's largely symbolic, i think frankly is more of a signal to us allies in, in eastern europe for particular in the baltics and poland in, in the eastern bulk of romania where, where there are concerns. i mean,
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the thing is that in has left for himself, open the option of a wide range of what he's on military technical responses for it. if he does not get what he wants, does not have to be exclusively operations in ukraine was where the focus has been of, of the world and in recent weeks and, and months. and so there is a sense of insecurity in other states bordering russia. this may bolster that, but the reality that everybody does, and i think that the moscow recognizes as well, is that you know, an extra 3000 us troops. 1500 ships earlier that we heard about from, from the u. k. in other nato allies is not going to appreciate the shifted military balance when, when they're facing down an additional $130000.00, almost russian troops, arrayed on russian and delaware territory. i guess beyond shifting the military balance, which as you say is not going to happen with a numbers there. i mean, if we, if we look at the main nato countries, there's no real will to go to war behind something, having the,
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the ability to do it. so what is the message, do you think that the us in nature are trying to send russia right now? well, i think you too, certainly said they're trying to nice like with all the russia has continued to move troops to the border with. ready ukraine, of course, moscow insisted and it is not planning on anything. and these are things the ordinary military exercises, but that's not something that the military analysts or, or planners anywhere in the world, including, frankly, in moscow actually take seriously. and so i think it's important that us has done to, to make de escalation and precondition for really serious discussions and negotiations . and so i think that they don't want to be seen to only be coming to the table. or when, when oscar most troops, they want to be seen doing other more what we call, what we call a robust military maneuvers as well. do you think there's a real danger that even though perhaps both sides don't really want some kind of
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military confrontation, the way that things are escalating, we may come to that almost by mistake or by miscalculation there is always that they are. this is certainly worth being, being wary of. i think that's one of the reasons why that we're not seeing us or foreign troops in, in ukraine. we're seeing a fair amount of caution terms of maneuvers in, in the black sea and even around ukrainian territory to make sure that if something happens, because everybody and recognize the possibility that, that, that russia could make some sort of a strike right. that we don't end up in an accidental shooting war between russian and american or washing and and nato trib. everybody's been very clear including the ukrainians, where there is no appetite for direct military confrontation on ukrainian territory, or frankly, anywhere else between between the us and his allies and worship. amiel green
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director of the russia institute at king's college or london, sir. thank you for sharing your views with us. thank or meanwhile ukraine, foreign minister says there is still a clear thread that russia could be planning to invade his country, and preparations are being made for all outcomes. ukraine is preparing itself for all possible scenarios. we do not underestimate the threat, nor will we allow russia to destabilize ukraine by slowing panic. despite the russian statements on some kind of limited withdrawal which we saw a few days ago, we cannot confirm any real decrease in the number of troops. and people living area is controlled by russian back separatists in eastern crane say that they feel trapped between opposing sides. this tension slayer shall stratford has more now from the skin eastern ukraine. the situation here in the annex the capital of the
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self declared the nets, people's republic control by the separatists remains calm, but our increasing concerns amongst people living here. people we've spoken to said that they feel a sense of isolation from the rest of the world. a sense of potentially be trapped between 2 opposing forces. this is a region that has suffered dramatically in recent years in the years since this conflict started. 8 years ago, of course, no political solution yet to stop even basic sci fi violations, the o. s. e and the last couple of days, the organization for security and cooperation saying that they had seen increasing violations. why both sides. interestingly though they had said that sir, they said that they hadn't seen any big shoot movement of the separatists moving into frontline positions. we certainly haven't seen any real movement of military forces in and around on ets,
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but we do know that the separatists have all been put on high alert. 14000 people killed in this conflict in the last 8 years on both sides of the contact zone, at least 3000 of them, civilians of millions, more people living in this region. one can only imagine, very afraid of what could happen if some sort of diplomatic solution is not found. earlier, we attended a press briefing given by a spokesperson for the separatists here. and he said that the separate his forces were preparing for the worst. remember, margaret time has helped us and the enemy, we need to be clear here. the enemy doesn't stay still. it has been trained during this time by nato senior officers in the craning army once only new old soviet army standards, and nato helped them to change. but we have changed to both us and the enemy are preparing. coming up on this means our from london. we're going to have the latest
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from getting what day after an attack on the president. the thing labeled a cool attempt to civilian women and children's insurgency against the crew. that risks becoming of all war in me and lot and the limpid torch really begins in beijing, but the public wanted to stay away that's coming up in sport, sorrow. ah, the defense ministry says it's intercepted 3 hall style drones that entered the country's aerospace, early on wednesday. official say the drones were destroyed over unpopulated areas, but a group called the aisle what, what has claimed responsibility for what it describes as an attack on the vital facilities. and the group says it will continue to attack the youi until it stops
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interfering in yemen. and iraq, while american fighter jets and the war ship are being sent to the united arab emirates in response to several attacks in the past few weeks by who the rebels in yemen. it was announced after a 3rd miss l attack on the city in less than a month was intercepted on monday, during a visit by israel's president. the merits are part of the saudi led coalition at war in yemen. it's carried out a series of deadly or strikes in retaliation, as well as knocking out the internet. are you, are, you trained militia has been making ground against these recently? well, mohammed i la tara joins us now on the line that from yelman's capital. so now, so mohammed tell us a little bit about this group and dates, links to the who these this the father, the 1st time for me personally to know about this. and we had the
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brigades hug, and then the we haven't heard about about it for any also show from the most of the events. and also the, the attacks that are being carried out by the hope you the, how the spokesperson speak about it and declare his groups and responsibility. so far we did is no official confirmation from the these, for this deliberation by the law. that according to some observers who spoke about this issue, the said he says that the declaration has already recognized themselves as they had done the the haven't to put any late or involvement with any other group so far. the once we have to meet out that that's,
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that has the long during the visit of the prime minister, you have the responsibility about that, that tech, but so far we haven't need any new statement about new attacks. but we are still waiting for the united minutes to make a move and to, to fulfill what the, asking for for stopping it to goldman in the war in yemen, according to his statement. mohammed atop joining us from the man's capital, ceylon mohammed f. the moment thank you. while the lawyers editor of arab digest any joins us live now from london by scribe. thank you for joining us here. and i'll, just, as i was mentioning earlier, it's, we've seen several attacks on the city in less than a months now they're all getting intercepted. but how do you read this kind of escalation? well, i think as you say, several attacks escalation is working. i think very work for the u e,
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because this is a country that price itself in a neighbor that's very volatile of being a sea of stability and lots and lots of tourists that has foreign businesses a flourishing there. some of these kinds of attacks are incredibly disturbing for them are august. i just to pick up on i want to correspond with saying that this group, this militia group that has claimed credit, i mean, they're tied very closely to as well. ok, which of course is linked very closely to ron. so this ups the ante because as, as a correspondent, quite ready said the monday attacker who these took credit for and, and did the previous attacks going back a couple of weeks, the ones in which there were a victim in that attack, 3 killed and several wounded duties took again,
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we're prepared to stand up on those attacks. now this attack that would be 7 claim . i would think that from the m a rod the perspective they must be feeling a bit of a cancer event because the who said they'll hit them. now this group has as, as a attempted to hit them. and of course, i think that there is a link to, to the chase to get away because talks are going on right now in vienna. and this will be a very unsettling one of the big issues for the gulf states in particular. the saudis, and the morality is the ballistic missile capabilities that the iranians have. they want that to be in the end, the j a joe biden is really quite anxious to get back into. it looks like they're not going to get it. so i think there is, you know, this level of anxiety, it's interesting that the u. s. s. cole is, is moving in, the americans are making that statement of board. but, but certainly this will be very worrying times for the moratti's. you mention
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worrying times for the morality then everything you've just said, kind of highlights how the war in yemen has so many different people and groups involved. there's so many dimensions to read beyond obviously what happens on the ground of the dynamics on the ground. so in light of that, what impact do you think that this escalation, specifically on the u. e could actually have a lot of war that's been going on for obviously much too long, and that's having a devastating impact on the local population. well, as you said, devastating impact to war that's going on for far too long. a war that the, the saudi must surely feel that they are losing interesting. the m r i d 's played i think, a more cover handy by align themselves with southern transitional council, a separate organization. they've gotten pretty much what they wanted in that war. they, they announced that they were withdrawn from the war about a year and a half ago. they in fact, haven't left the theater. they're very much engaged. and they were engaged in, in,
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in a group the giants for gate, which they are trained and pay for. that was very significant in re taking a province, a governor to shove wall from the who these a few weeks back. that really, you know, destabilize a situation with because this governor is next door in the meta metal, is that the oil rich government that the who have been trying to take for, for more than a year, haven't yet secured it. so that the threat of this group pushing in the amount of, i think really up the anti for the who these so i think it, the question was again, are we looking at back to a stalemate? probably i don't think them are these, you know, will want to, to find themselves targeted increasingly because of who these clearly have the capability they show and they can hit pretty much anywhere in the gulf if they choose to. so i think it's a situation where looking at the war,
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i think we're back to still me, i think once again is the people again who will continue to pay a horrible price for you know, what is increasingly i was it played out by the, by these powers without really an end in sight and without any clear sense of what they want to achieve with this war. so it's, it's a bad situation for the people of them and they low editor of arab, it digest, speaking to us from london, ser, thank you. a militia group, armed with guns and machetes, has attacked the camp for internally displaced people in democratic republic of congo, killing at least 72. it happened overnight in eastern e to the province. many of the casualties are reported to be women and children. fighters from the co operative for the development of the congo group known as co deco are suspected of being responsible for the killings. the group is killed.
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hundreds of people in the region enforced 1000 from their homes. over the past 5 years. un peacekeepers exchange fire with the sealants. shortly after arriving on the scene and conducted joint operations with the congress army into the early morning, pushing the sealants out of the area. and securing the i t p site to prevent further attacks humanitarian partners or providing medical supplies. well, let's look at the group behind this attack. the co proceed for the development of the congo began as a peaceful, agricultural group in the to the province. in the 19 seventy's, based in the lendue community, it developed into an armed group with the aim of protecting the ethnic population. pensions would they have a tribe lead to a bloody conflict dub? the tori war which killed around 50000 people between 19992003. after a period of quietly stockpiling weapons. it's 2000 members have been blamed for
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a string of attacks in the past 5 years. has sun. colleen g is the rector of the horn international institute for strategic studies based in i, roby. he explains what's behind this law, spending conflict between lendue and have communities. it actually has the soda into the colonial history in which a section of the human community was particularly pe. but now this letter on evolved to become an ethnic nationalist, religious cult, kind of outfit. we very extra means, you know, kind of approach. this is a region that has more than 120 groups. that region where a government is blocking why the international community. he's absent, marked for not mentioning, you know, that region is better remote, but also very bad and very densely populated. and so they, they,
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especially the idp, be totally be based on basically a critical moment. probably some of them are going to be killed, others are going to be of submission impact because access to these areas, it's limited to hell, a lot of times a fund in between. and so a bit dire situation. i think polls to attention, it's not me to try and perhaps more robust united nations response, especially when comes to piece making or the peacekeepers as well as you might have any on the will at least 26 people have died in the mcafee republic of congo. capital after a high pension power cable snapped and fell on houses and a market. it's believe the lightning strikes cause the high voltage line to break on the outskirts of kinshasa. several people died instantly when they were electrocuted. going to be south government says 11 people were killed in tuesday's attack on the presidential palace, which has been seen as an attempted coup. fate media says among the dead were 4 of
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the attackers and 2 members of the presidential guard president to model. so call him by law survived. what he says was an attempt to kill him along with the prime minister in cabinet. he believes the 5, our attack was linked to drug trafficking rather than an attempt to overthrow him. i live near him by law is a journalist based in before we gave a gave us this update. initial earlier submission is calm, but there is some suspicions because according to some sources we get from the mini sort of interior of some guys how you got heard about the real us already command. it was not very well identifies, this is a model of birdie cars on for the government in this period. there is a commission that inquires copies of that. you said that i work in in 4 out the day . yes. don't the, the lower profile attitude to get there is to the objective
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aid groups say me and my is facing a multi dimensional humanitarian crisis a year after the army seized control of the country. many opposed to military rule have joined the ranks of ethnic on groups fighting government forces. as the decades old conflict escalades kaya stays in the east has seen some of the heaviest fighting. and it's tony chang reports. it's forced around the 170000 people from their homes. rebel fighters launch a rocket propelled grenade at me or my army positions. in reply, a thick burst of automatic gunfire. forces them beth. they are just outside the provincial capital. lloyd gore where fighting has been fierce throughout january, but their enemy was much better quit. the fight is from the currently national
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defense force, the k and the f. a new militia formed after the military coups nearly a year ago. but what had started as a gorilla campaign is now becoming a full blown conventional war i was in to for like 12 months ago. philip, a well educated man in his thirties worked in communications were so now he's a k and dear fighter from he entered thailand illegally recently and wants to keep his identity hidden. but he'll return to me on my soon to continue the fight against a vicious adversary like a brother to behalf, nor you know, rules due to everything goes smooth. you know, to, to this, the civilians, the 2 women and children sticker it innocently worse. the grid was furious, made all 5, all like you know how to say a normal, a standard army will do, you know, accompanied by ty, border authorities, we crossed into murmur, thailand's keen to stay out of this fight,
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but it monitor the situation closely. this is the last current position before the time border, which is just up the hill for the ty authorities asked the current to move out months ago, because there are 250 myanmar soldiers based in these hills behind me. and they didn't want fighting to break out right. on the border while were there a group of ker any fighters arrived to reoccupied the base? the fight is a friendly to the ties, but the relationship is clearly awkward and a little strained. dave met, there was heavy fighting, so we couldn't stay calm and we moved to another base until the fighting went quiet . and now we're able to return. for now, the rolling hills of easter men ma quiet, but this is just 180 kilometers from the most capital and the current leadership know the fighting will resume. now don't get a chance to narrow the we think it's because currently states is very close to 9 door. so this poses
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a security threat to them. the real cost of the fighting is being felt by hundreds of thousands of civilians forced from their homes. that government has turned thousands away from its border. yet many remain close to scared to go home. and rebel fighters say military forces, setting fire to properties as they have bonds leaving nothing behind but scorched toni chang out to 0. and the time man, my bowden, that's more filter come in this news hour, including a gas is green. now that's according to the european commission, but it's a green washing to meet its own. the climate change targets, save our swans vulgar marshes and man groves. but how can the world protect the little detraction he left and washington's and it failed? football team has a new name, sharra will have all the details in for ah
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now the established pattern of weather over the last several weeks. it seems as the storms come through here, on scuffing down to the north sea dive down through eastern year where they disappear as a flurry of snow. then reappear of the developing storm system in east in that well, the system continues neither this one nor that will be as strong as the last couple at least. but they're still notable in between the 2 been fairly fine, whether it's nice and warm in portugal and in spain, that will change a little bit, but not, not, not a lot. where attempt is it. for example, the british alpha drop back by maybe 10 degrees in places and so shall become obvious on the high ground. at least. the worst of it is going to be in northern parts of norway, which is to be expected. the winds are nothing like a strong now on to the low cost of the low countries rate on its way down through
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europe will be just that rain the time being. then she turned to snow and the abs and his, the leaking away, the heat, a little bit from space, but it's very sunny in the balkans down through greece. by the time you get to friday, because that storm system has rode on and is producing snow in turkey, rain for cyprus and rain down the 11 time coast as well. with quite a storm system evident to the eastern side of libya and egypt. in fact, sandstorms quite likely. ah ah, palestine was once a very different place from today. holiday fun, holsburn postal cities became connected to the interior in an award winning film alger 0. well, his historians an eyewitness accounts with portray, early 20th century palestine was a thriving, vibrant nation. the region was open. investments were active and moving from one city to another. palestine 1920 on al jazeera
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with inculcated culture of knowledge, openness and pluralism, world wide eyed to reward, merit and excellence, and encourage creativity. the shape tomato award for translation and international understanding was found to promote translation and honor translators, and acknowledged their road and strengthening the bonds of friendship and co operation between arab islamic and wild coaches. lou ah ah, a reminder now of the top stories on al jazeera,
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the u. s. is deploying $3000.00 more american troops to europe in response to the build up of russian troops on ukraine's border. the pentagon says it sends a strong signal to russia, which has been announced to move as destructive a militia group armed with guns and machetes as attacked. the camp for internally displaced people in democratic republic of congo, killing at least 72 and gaining. besides government says 11 people were killed in tuesday's attack on the presidential palace, which was seen as an attempted coup. among the dead were 4 civilians and members of the security forces. the turkish government is accusing grease of allowing 12 people to freeze to death after stripping them of clothes and shoes and pushing them back over the board. border. turkey is not revealed the nationality of the refugees and migrants who died. greece doesn't dispute the debts, but says they happened in turkey before they've reached the border. the border
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between greece and turkey is one of the main routes into the european union for migrants and refugees from africa, asia, and the middle east. coban infections in the united states have fallen at 36 percent or over the previous week, but that's are up around 4 percent. despite all micron being less severe than previous variance. the u. s. reported another 3622 deaths on tuesday. and the virus is killing americans that far higher rates than people in other wealthy nations. as this graph shows from the start of december, until now, the number of deaths per 1000000 people has slowly grown, outstripping other developed nations. as of tuesday, just over 53 people per 1000000 are dying every week compared to 36 in the u. k. 18 in belgium and 2 in japan. and this may explain why over the same period the u. s. lingers at the bottom of the same list of countries for percentages of people fully
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vaccinated. it has more who have only had a single job than any other nation, and a larger share who have actually had no vaccine at all. well, joining us now from new york, dr. c. on the fear and emergency physician and assistant professor of emergency medicine at columbia university. madam, thank you so much for joining us here. and there are quite shocking figures in offense to see us to 2 years now into the pandemic. to see that the virgins between, i guess, you know, western relatively wealthy nations such a divergence. i mean, we've made the link with vaccines. do you think that the, that's all there is behind this? well, you know, as you stated in the u. s. is one of their rich companies, but unfortunately, the before even the pandemic as one of the lowest scoring healthcare system that definitely asked to it because there's so many inequities when it comes to access.
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so care. and also when you're looking at the looking at the wild score of the citizens, the u. s. has the worst woods ashley, lighter, co morbid conditions like diabetes, hypertension, c o, p d, and a lot of other chronic illnesses. so that puts people at a higher risk of having complications from the uh, from call it, but also in addition to that, that the and vaccinated rate also makes it grow the dead rate exponentially so multifactorial. but of course, now looking at the gap of the vaccination between the us and canada and europe, the u. s. as one of the laws back soon rate among dental among developed countries . and because of all the underlying conditions and the plural health care system, the numbers are worse, and they're probably going to be in the next few months, even worse than we expected. i mean, even countries that have a higher rate of vaccination, you know, we'll have their core of people that are just hesitant the about the vaccine. and i
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think every country will have a slightly different dynamic about the people who don't trust the system. when it comes to the usa, is there a way we can look at who we know, where are the particular regions or the particular groups? the reasons why some people are hesitant about the vaccine unfortunately, and this time and age, a lot of people who are considered influential and bushel car from social media. people that are political figures who uses anti vaccination, or especially who are anti vaccine mandates, are using it for political gain and a. so if you see what's happening in the south, specially a lot of the political leaders are using it to gain political support. so that and also social media influencers, who do not have any health care background on instagram and took talk, have dominated this topics and are influenced especially young people. so there's definitely apps to that. and unfortunately this is going to be worse again over the
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summer. like we say, like we saw the delta grant last year over the summer. places like florida and texas are probably going to have it was from amazon. i mean, it may be hard to know right now, but these, these statistics that show that obviously people that are vaccinated are much more, much more likely to either die or end or end up in hospital. these see that having an impact and maybe convincing more people to get vaccinated. i'm thinking it again, specifically of the us comparing it to other vaguely similar e, a european countries in europe. we tend to have a public health system or as of course, in the us, it's much more expensive and private is all of that and making a difference where, you know, if someone is hesitant, maybe they might just get it because hospitalization be very expensive. yeah. you think with hospitalization, the right expensive a little take people to take the preventative action more seriously. but that
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hasn't been the case because a lot of dis influencers were using this political gain or for gaining. and you know, influencer access, maybe once they're in the social media outlets they're using before they can and we'll seen it. some also media outlets like the fox news, they're getting up, they're pushing this anti vaccine mandates, especially in many places and might as good definitely going to get worse in the next few months, especially for people who i'm vaccinated. and the way i really don't know how we can actually convince more people, but i think one way is to really cancel all this, anti vax and noises. so we hearing about and specially love social media influencers. and also we see that mandates to work. look at new york city and the state of new york and door dining. and also when they made house care workers at several institutions, when they made it mandatory, the vaccination rates definitely want higher lucille. so now, especially the supreme court made the request and the push for making it mad
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mandate. they made an unconstitutional except for health care workers. so went public, called officials and husky workers are pushy, or there's an advocating for this. it just gets political and gets a, gets lost in this political action and political atmosphere. so we're pushing for, you know, moral hope, all the codes approach because at this point, preventative measures to actually work their cost effective. we've seen the numbers from everywhere. also seeing that a new york and all over the u. s. how the and vaccinated are the was were over 30, the health care system on it. in addition to that, it's not like what a was to 2 years ago. and that when initially started, people were scared so they didn't come to the hospital of, you know, for their strokes, heart attacks. so for other things, and now we're seeing of complications of other co morbidities like dead diabetes, hacked retention. people that have not been thinking of taking on themselves for
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the past 2 years are coming to the hospital either for cobra, for non cove at thing. so that is adding exponential growth, dental health care system. and also staff has burned out my health. they're a mass exodus of nurses, levy just hoss get in general or going to, you know, other fields or going to other hospitals that are less crowded and also, and we add all the sap shortage because of also illnesses is worried, a lot more burden on the health care system in general, and i really do hope it using the data and what we seeing in the hospital hopefully can convince people. but i don't know what else we could spacious rush if you couldn't ask your work. and it's worth remembering as well. that on the crone is not a particularly aggressive very, very contagious, but not particularly aggressive. so it makes one wonder what would happen if a more aggressive variant came round see on a fierro emergency physician and assistant professor of emergency medicine at columbia university. speaking to us from new york by them, thank you. thank you. the australian navy is denying the
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one of its warships transporting earthquake aids relief to tawna is responsible for several covered cases in the previously covered free island nation. conger is now in lockdown after 5 positive tests were recorded for 2 dock workers and their families. the isolated pacific nation is only ever reported one previous case. the australian worship h. m. a. s adelaide. dr. last week bringing aid relief for last month's earthquake . despite more than 50 positive pests among its crew, the european commission is being accused the so called green washing because of its proposals, the classified gas and nuclear investments as sustainable. the commission argues the gas and nuclear power plants can bridge the energy gap gap, while coal fired electricity stations are shut down. but some countries say investment should be directed towards cleaner and green energy,
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such as wind and solar power. austria says it will challenge that. you action in court of france, meanwhile, says nuclear energy is crucial to meeting its climate target says natasha butler in paris. explains the fact that the european union has, i did nuclear power to its green list for investment to me. energy sector is a big win for, from because the french government have been lobbying hard and long before nuclear to be included. now from, from being a proponent of nuclear power, it derives 70 percent of its energy needs from nuclear. there are nearly 20 plus in the country and the french present to my new micro wants to build many more. now, micro argues that nuclear is much cleaner than fossil fuels and can help the europe in union become more self reliant when it comes to energy for one on the list that i spoke to said in terms of energy. francie and the you region is climate goals.
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nuclear power is not a long term solution. it takes from 10 to 15 years to nuclear plants. so in the long run, you can argue that nuclear can be useful to strengthen your independence here. but in the short term, what you need to do is rather invest in new in renewables and in energy efficiency . if you want to be independent and get rid of for instance, the mission, guess inclusion of nuclear on the green list is certainly controversial. not all member states are on board, austria luxemburg, and germany for example, say that nuclear is potentially an environmental hazard, as well as nuclear natural gas has also been included on the list backed by germany in all. this is infuriating environmentalists with cues. the european union of not living up to its climate promises from fresh water to food security. healthy wetlands are an essential element of human survival,
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but they're being lost. i don't know alarming rate making them the most a threat and ecosystem on the planet disappearing 3 times faster than forests as the clark now explains. wetlands and known as biological soup assistance supporting extra ordinary by diversity as riches. rain forests, and coral, reese and home to 40 percent of the world species. they are an essential foundation of the planet food where they protect our coast lines, cleanse polluted water and recharge aquifers. and the wetlands are the source of almost all of the world's supply of fresh water are also incredibly effective at capturing carbon emissions, in some cases, storing it $55.00 times faster than tropical rain forests. they are a critical element in the fight against climate change. but over the last 300 years, it's estimated 87 percent of the world's wetlands have been lost. more than a 3rd of those since $970.00 driven by unsustainable water extraction. encroaching
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oven is ation and expanding farmland. latin america has seen the highest rate of loss in that time. 60 percent. well, 42 percent of wetlands had been destroyed in africa and only a 3rd of european wetland that existed a 100 years ago. i still here today, experts say a concerted effort is needed to save all swamps, bogs, marshes, and mangroves to protect not only extraordinary by diversity, but also a critical part of humanities, life support system. becoming a world class runner is one of the few ways young women in kenya can lift themselves out of poverty. but many of the country's top female athletes say that after winning big, they've lost everything to predatory husbands who feel their hard earned wealth. welcome way, reports now from ethan on the healey highlands of western kenya. where many of the athletes come from teaching me. ruth bossy doria then tens of thousands of
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dollars from winning $3000.00 me to steeplechase events all over the world. over her 15 year running career, she says she gave the money to her husband to invest in properties. she said he became violent, then left her and took everything for him. he had motives, only it was after my and my switch. so it proved to my heart because when i see the attrition, i mean at the moment who sometimes like to say, we says she's not alone. she lives in the town of a 10 in kenya, where many of the worlds fastest long distance run has come from. she has many of the female athletes here, lose their winnings to abusive upon those few ever spoke out about it into a world record breaking professional athlete. agnes to rob was stamped to death her home 3 months ago. please charged her husband with murder. he prompted outcry
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against domestic abuse in kenya and beyond john jay leno, who's one half marathons over the world. so she left an abusive husband after he took most of her winnings. she's been speaking out, says thousands of other abused female athletes have since contacted her. she set up her charity to help them, like i've missed it up she, she could not tell anyone her problems. so most of them i started suffering in silence. so many objectives to try to, to get them. and for them just to know their rights, what's what they are capable of doing. many of the runners begin when they're teenagers and can be vulnerable in the country business, a professional sport. most people here are wealthy, many living shacks, small scale from one of the only ways that people can make a living. and a lot of the athletes say, when they start out running,
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i can't even afford their own train is and the winning the prizes from international running competitions is one of the only way to make a decent living on the edge of a 10 is a growing suburb of the homes of the few athletes here that make it the winnings. camby big. as for joanne says, attract per day to re men to winning women of money. caroline and georgie went around $10000.00 running long distance races in china just before the global pandemic. she says her ex partner violently took all the money she ever won until she ran away. massa was 2 of her friends who told similar stories. congo one likely to come over 50. all were appealing for an office to represent us. similar we could go to report this. there were even prominent athletes among us who were not able to speak and have no way to go on caroline and have friends hope to win more prizes. so they can replace what they say. they lost 2 abusive partners. they say many of
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those around them keep suffering in silence malcolm web al jazeera, it's n kenya. and now here, sorrow with the sport. thanks very much, all senegal will play in the african cup of nations final and sunday, after a 31 semi final went overboard. quino faso in yo and day earlier. now for a goal this 1st half, the senegalese eventually got their breakthrough in the 70th minutes. courtesy of absolute viola victory looks assured when the lead was double, 6 minutes later doubled, rather through adriece that gave bought the 4. kina novice pulled one backs, ensure a tense, last 10 minutes that was until caps inside your money. wrap it up for the lines of her anger pool. now appear in the 2nd straight and final. and 3rd, i roll, hoping to find neatness, the trophy with
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now to the world cup, qualifying action from south america, where brazil have ended, pairwise hopes of reaching katha 2022. they scored full goals and bellow horizontal se. and it was felipe continue who got the pick of the bunch. definitely west, maybe taking a look at that replay. they won't real madrid strike rodriguez also called his 1st international feel when brazil have already qualified, not on the some in their 15 games. so fall and as usual, looking like one of the favorites to win in the world cup in december, argentina also already short of a place and now on beach and in $29.00 games they rested in a messy on his recent bout with coded 19 but they still beat columbia, one know with a go from miss sarah martinez, columbia hope all over off know, scoring and then love 7 quantify. as a reminder, here at the top 4, qualifying massively with the 5th place team heading to payoff is currently i could
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do a new require a set to join brazil and argentina with her fighting off she, they, columbia, and believe here, there are 2 rounds of games left in march, australian open champion, i found that el says he doesn't think his record of 21 grandson's will stand for very long. natalia spent most of the last decade in a race against roger federer novak joke. rich to reach the most number of the grand slam titles off to his when in melbourne is all now holds the record outright, but the spaniard says 21 titles is likely to be equals and even better get us to do. i want to be the number one amongst us 3, because let's be honest in the end, it's only the 3 of us to achieve the highest number of grand slaves. yes, i'd love to am i obsessed with that? would i be frustrated of? i'm not, number one, not at all. what if it comes, i'm up for it, but being honest, i don't think 21 grand slams are enough. after more than 8 decades,
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the american football team based in washington has officially changed its name from a race. the sla that to me native americans team will now be known as the commanders. as alan fisher reports on what that change actually means, we are the command a new name, a fresh start for the american football team in washington. when the new season starts in august, the washington commanders will take the field in the traditional bargain doing gold . i think it's important to, you know, understand of the old man was retired for particular reason. you know, i don't want to go into a name debate with people, but i'm happy that it's been retired and we're moving forward. it can represent so many different things, right? for the military, it's a very patriotic type of name, nothing patriot but patriotic name. and then for other people, you know, it's a positive work. it's been 18 months is a team dropped a name, which was demeaning for native americans and regarded as racist. offensive and
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outdated. the t mono resisted coals from mirrors, senators, even presidents to change. you finally stepped on to the right side of history when so the team's biggest financial backers said they were happy unless the money's talking, they're just not gonna care. so that's really where you have to hit on. i think that's a huge reason to change the campaign to change the name stretched over years with protest, boy courts and lobby, but many still see races, names and other cities and other sports and hope for change there too. i think it's hopefully going. i just, again, really be one of the greatest demonstrations yet that these name changes can be successful, right? they can be done on the and so really, it then turns the, the gays to teams like the kansas city chiefs and the atlanta braves. and you know, the still many schools across the country that still have races, sports mascots to say. why night, why not you are why not what you know you need to be next. the time is now. i think
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a lot of it has to do with how far technology has grown, you know, even in the past 5 years, the big thing about technology and things like social media is that it's given more of a platform, tant weiss's are historically silenced, the washington organization has been played with problems off the field involving racism and massaging. i don't the field that hasn't won the biggest prize. the super bowl in thought to years. the funds not to yup merchandise here will be hoping the new name brings a change of fortune both on and off the field. allah fisher al jazeera, at the home of the washington commanders. and if else dawes, past and present, have been paying tribute to legendary quarterbacks on brady. he's retired from the game, among them, another famous quarterback, peyton manning. he said it was an honor and privilege to compete against brady. the 7th time saver bo champion announced on social media on tuesday that he did and his career off to 22 seasons. and i fell writes, and michael shots, he says,
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brady liza void and the nfl. that'll be very hard to fill. when you start looking around who the best quarterback is right now, right now inside the nfl, you have to start checking. you know, is it aaron rogers or have aaron rogers who's, you know, likely back to back m v p winner or his skills on the decline as many people think the are and then you go to the guys like patch moans, josh allen, sort of the next crop of great nfl quarterback. so is it aaron rogers probably um, but the fact that were even asking the question is a harking back to an arrow where you know is kind of is brady or is manning the best right now? is it, is it drew brees, you know, as earthy a distant 3rd. now that, that is a fresh debate that we get to have because up until this moment it has been tom brady for quite some time. was best women's ski jump will miss the beijing and then takes off the fading to recover from coven 19 in time. murray to kramer tested
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positive for the virus over the weekend and can't travel to china. kramer has 16 world comp events this season. and these, the standings. meanwhile, the olympic torch relay kicked off for the low profile ceremony on wednesday morning. the public ross not to watch it in person because the strict cons i make rules, the games will be beginning on friday. well that's so your sport from me here and how about for london? barbara kara, thank you. now, if you thing today seems strangely familiar. well, it could be because groundhog day is come around once again in the united states every year on february, 2nd, in the town of punxsutawney, ground dog, known as phil is said to predict when spring will be coming for the ceremony was of course used as a backdrop for the 1993 hollywood film starring bill murray. with this year, phil predicted 6 more weeks of winter. just as a huge wave of the u. s. is told to brace for a major winter storm bringing heavy snow and freezing rain from tuesday night.
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americans are increasingly saying authoritarianism might not be so bad. there were several stuff along the way where the chain of command it's you like tried to cover what your take on why they've gotten this so raw. that to me is political malpractice, the bottom line on us politics and policies and the impact on the world on al jazeera. this is a region that is rapidly developing, but it's one also that is afflicted by conflict. political upheaval, some of both we talk to elsewhere, is saying that they fled after hearing that other villages had been attacked. what we do in al jazeera is try to balance the stories, the good, the bad, the ugly, tell it as it was, and leave the people who allow was into their lives, dignity,
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and humanity. asked me to tell this story. julio, could she to says he will bring a new form of capitalism, was as best made, we bring you the stories and developments that are rapidly changing the world we live in, less than one percent of for vaccines have gone to poor countries. why is that? counting the cost on al jazeera ah, these movements are unmistakable signals to the world that we stand ready to reassure our nato allies into turned and defend against any aggression. president biden approves that deployment of 3000 more us troops to europe, a move that russia has denounced as destructive, mobile, please. ah,
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