tv News Al Jazeera February 3, 2022 5:00pm-5:31pm AST
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ready to host the middle east's. biggest ever exposing event next year. hands to the castle. national seems like it used to playing in front and expected home crowds now hoping to convince both the fans and themselves that they really are ready to take on the world. news the u. s. says it's killed the leader of iso during a counter terror operation in north western syria. ah, i'm rob matheson and this is al jazeera, alive from doha, also coming up turkish presidents visit, tie up out of on hold talks in ukraine, aides, the latest diplomatic effort to calm tensions with russia. west african leaders are warned. coombs are becoming contagious as they hold an emergency summit on the military takeover and bertina faso. i'm rob reynolds on the shore of the salton sea
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in california, and beneath our feet here is a treasure trove of lithium, the mineral that will fuel the clean energy revolution. ah, we're going to begin with breaking news out of the u. s. were president jo biden's announced the killing of our bluebook, him all how she me, i'll call a she the leader of iso by american special forces in syria and statement. joe biden says, last night at my direction, u. s. military forces in the northwest of syria successfully undertook a counter terrorism operation to protect the american people and our allies and make the world a safer place. thanks to this skill and bravery of our armed forces. we have taken off the battlefield, i believe, but of him all has she? me all, honey. she the leader of isis. all americans have returned safely from the operation
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was sin and conceal this tiny by in istanbul. first, let's bring it our white house correspondent, kimberly hawk it. kimberly at the white house, obviously, very pleased with this operation, but there are going to be some questions to be asked. yeah, the white house characterizing this as, as successful operation. and notable in the president statement that he released is that all of the us special forces that were involved in this operation returned back safely. but the same cannot be said for the civilians on the ground. we know that there are at least more than a dozen casualties and among them children. and so that is of grave concern to many who have been watching this, waking up to this news in the united states. given the fact that this is a bit of a surprise on a number of counts, the not only the fact that there are still us operations in syria, which many will be unfamiliar with. but also the fact that the united states was
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not more careful, more surgical in this operation, and allowing it to be more precise and preventing the civilian death. so this is something that the u. s. military will have to explain, but it's also something the u. s. president will have to explain why i, he's continued this trump era policy. donald trump is predecessor saying that most of the is true for out of syria, but as the commander in chief, joe biden, obviously carrying on some of those policies, keeping those troops in place. even if in a very small number, he'll have to explain why that is why he decided to take out the ice, a leader now and at the same time, risk innocent lives. and so we're expecting that statement from the u. s. president, you will be speaking from the roosevelt room of the white house. we expect that to happen at the bottom of the hour. in the interim already, the white house has released on social media
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a photograph of the national security team, which includes the vice president comalla harris sitting alongside joe biden. as they watched this operation be conducted in our what we suspect is the secure location of the white house, where the types of operations are observed. that is now public. again, a little bit is not unusual for these types of photographs to be released. but again, i hardly reason for celebration, given the fact that there a is a, there are casualties. they do include children, although the white house claiming this is a victory, the fact that then ice a leader has been killed in this operation. yeah. as you say, i'm kimberly the, those criticisms about some additional casualties when the tax likeness are carried out are often leveled at the u. s. particularly in relation to drone attacks. this one as we understand it. and of course, information is fairly scant at the moment. seems to have involved helicopters and troops on the ground, the helicopters,
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we believe broadcasting some sort of message and arabic to people to evacuate the host before any action took place. the suggestion might be that this is at least some attempt by the us to try to minimize those casualties. but as you say, in this case, it's not really worked well and human rights activists would take issue with that. i an argue that you know, how much can a child be expected to comprehend the notices that are, are given by military professionals. as a mother, i can tell you that this is something. this is a very tall expectation of a young child. and so there were, it really begs the question of just how prepared you one can expect a child to be. and so these are the criticisms, legitimate ones at that. and so we do know that these are questions the military is going to have to answer. in fact, we expect that they have sent com. we understand and this is subject to change it, but the head of centcom is expected to be in the united states,
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potentially in washington on friday. and whether or not his schedule will include a public briefing is still open to question, but we're certainly watching to see if there will be further briefings and updates from the pentagon, where there can be some clarity about why this was not more skillfully conducted to avoid the civilian casualties, given the fact that we know that innocent lives were lost, kimberly driven your experience of watching her both sides of the houses are gonna have been dealing with these situations in the past. is there any way of speculating? what kind of reaction and senators and congress people are going to have in response to this news? well, what we're seeing increasingly is a younger, more diverse population on capital hill we're seeing as sort of the traditional, older hawkish type, typically conservative,
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but not always. members of congress, who would, in the past 20 years be supportive of what we know is the military industrial complex of the american war machine. i'm not getting the same sort of support that they would have in the past. and so it's likely that there is going to be a strong course of criticism about this attack coming from some of the younger members of congress. spring to mind will be some of the young democratic members like ill hon. omar of minnesota, or even i alexandria castillo, cortez from the state of new york who have been very vocal and critical about of some of the american apparatus overseas. and these foreign conflicts that so often disproportionately costa human lives. and so i don't think that we're going to see as much support on capitol hill and we're certainly not going to see it from the younger,
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more diverse voting public that has in the case of even my own son in his who's 20 years old knows nothing but conflict and was born 10 days after 911 and knows a generation of war. there simply isn't the support that there was 20 years ago. and the tolerance that there was 20 years ago for this ongoing conflict. and so, one more point of cynicism that you see increasingly here in the united states is when the economy is bad. there's often this argument that governments like to create a war to get the economy going. again, i'm not suggesting this, but certainly you will see that on social media as a means injecting vigor into the economy, creating jobs. certainly that has been a criticism of the military industrial complex for longer than 20 years. and certainly you will see that raised again, given the fact that this is
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a struggling of administration, that is facing challenges with inflation right now. so why does corresponding, kimberly hoggard? kimberly, as always, thank you very much. let's go to send him concealer whose life for us in istanbul, send him. what more are you hearing about what happened in syria? waldrop actually there are, are information coming which are conflicting each other in a way, because at 1st are we thought the house of 2 abraham milcurie. she was actually destroyed air during the, in by the u. s. operation mother a some repair newspapers reporting that deborah mccray, she blows himself up or as the operations started. also, some locals are saying the same thing, but what do we know about the casualties? is that those 13 civilians who were killed during this operation. 6 of them are children, a 4 of them are women, and 3 of them are men. a,
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some suggest that those women as some of them were wise of a believer, he mccrae, she. but of course we need to wait for a confirmed information coming from it. live and coming from the united said size as well, or the, or before the operation. we know that the u. s. military, the u. s. officials actually coordinated with the turkeys side, informing them about the counter terrorism operation that there will be conducting . so turks were also aware of where of the operation, but we don't know any information whether the turks or any turkish drones in terms of a reconnaissance were in world or during this operation. what is interesting for the turkey side as that, or the, or the location over bo elk ratio? how's, was this between 2 and 3 to 5 kilometers a deep from date air triggers syria border from or on. tak yes,
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city air of turkey and air about our dear. the former leader of iso, again, was killed through such as a similar operation by the united states. special forces in 2019 and that location was also close to the turkish border. so, so far we don't have any statements by the turkish side. any official statements are suggesting that they were away from aware of this operation. but many experts on the turkish national televisions have already started to discuss the possible implications of such an operation by the turkish border because it creates another national security issue for turkey in terms of possible a civilian in flux to the borders in terms of early in the fighter groups the that are listed as terrorist by the united states coming a close by that a turkish border. these are all questions that are being discussed on the turkish
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media right now. yet so one can imagine that the term, the country's neighboring silvia are going to be watching this very carefully to see what kind of response them might be from isolate within syria. is there any indication? i know it's very early, but is there any indication of the any rising of tension within so you know how groups might respond? oh, well i have been air following the news as her as they broke are now a people are curious because many in turkey in terms of military experts, they expect a response by i so it towards are either or some of the are some of the groups that are close to united states or moderate what the united states or the p k k or the egg occurred is fire. this is pure ideal. it may say the syrian air curtis fighter group and our troops have been suggesting that turkey is the only
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country in reality, on the ground, fighting with iso, but a sense of turkish present as in ukraine. a right now having talks with the or ukrainian president about the tension or by the, or by a ukraine or russia border, it's been quiet or in ankara right now, but of course, ah, we know that the i, sir, the a i so group has been fragmented and there are other groups inside it live. there have been operations by the u. s. i guess for us at d. n n. some other groups as well. or we will need to watch and see what kind of reactions will come up from a, from those groups. but i have to say that those people that i have spoken in it lip, they are terrified because at met it is a very dense area just by the turkish border. hundreds of thousands are of earth.
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civilians are living there. most of them have be older than displaced during this syrian as civil war. and there are nearly 3500000 civilians residing inside it live regions. so these kinds of operations are, in some way, is a relieving but on the other side, this is also a threat for the civilians because now they know that some cells can it can find, drifted among themselves and they can be targeted air, calais, truly it during counter terrorism operators and this is very close to the turkish border, which also carries their risk of another refugee in flux. as i said before, cinema, thanks very much. and who's soon costello talking to us from istanbul i want to bring in michael prison. he's a senior middle east analyst hudson institute is a former u. s. intelligence officer, who's joining us by skype from washington d. c. thanks very much. and for being with us on alta 0, how is this likely to affect the operations of i so will i think it's
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a significant surge. oh i we see leadership degradation after baghdad was killed. we most people didn't even know who karate was. ready no, nobody has really been able to, you know, if you ask someone who's a leader rises, they wouldn't be able to tell you. they'll be able to tell you today because he's dead. but as far as isis operations, they're still alive. they're still capable of conducting cross border operations into iraq and also have a presence in syria. so they're looking for a new leader. anytime a terrorist organization is looking for a new leader, it's an opportunity for intelligence services to find out and, and monitor that. and the proximity to the tourist border, we would expect target intelligence to know who that leader is going to be. we would have expected to target intelligence to know where crossing was. because this is the same area, we're very,
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very daddy was killed in close proximity of our toy 20 kilometers away. so this is an opportunity for intelligence services to be able to look at the competition for leadership in isis. that always creates a, an opportunity to target more leaders. but i think they'll be degradation initially with isis, much like we saw after baghdad is they, the element of intelligence is interesting because if, as you say, this is an opportunity for intelligence services to start getting the live a land and who's involved and so on. one would imagine that they were able to do that. so when i, when i came out her, she'll have a, she was originally being put into place. but if i understand you correctly, it was only when he eventually materialized on the scene that people realized who he was and that he was actually the successor. so is there, is there the intelligence that effort actually going to be able to achieve anything given that it wasn't really successful the last time? well, you know, intelligence failures happen. we don't have boots on the ground. i mean,
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the best way to have the intel is to be out there talking to people in the united states just doesn't have that presence or that language capability to do that. are turkish allies. do they have relationships with the groups in the area? this is an area where, you know, giovanni works, you know, the leader of all the news from the cheese or name. and so the call sharon, whatever. ready they call themselves now it's an opportunity for those countries that are concerned about isis and isis resurgence to get in there and establish their human intelligence networks and find out who the next leaders are right now in the us intelligence community are probably ranking for successors and and watching the competition and the iraqi government or network are gonna be able to help us with that and should be able to give us some clarity. but as far as the strike itself, hope i'm going to talk to the civilian casualties. let me know if you want to talk about. yeah, absolutely. let's talk about i want to talk about the structure of i saw in
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a moment, but let's talk about the strike itself. given the fact that this, the strike was to certain degree different to previous strikes that we've seen predominantly, that the previous strikes have been carried up by drones. this one was carried about by helicopters carrying troops into, into syria. why do you think that was and why do you think that this particular and targeting warranted that action did you tell was to capture, garage districts and water real quick here? the intent of the operation was to capture, crushing. there were people on the ground for an hour communicating with people inside the house to include karachi, telling them to let the children and the women out there, one of the caps, or he did not let the women and children now. and the reason i say cancer is you have to remember that vice president biden was against the lot about rate that was
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designed to kill or capture some of the line he was against that. so this is his opportunity to do a redo to do it right this time. and right, it would have been great. this would been a great opportunity for the white house that they would have been able to capture him to be able to capture dice later. if you can't capture, of course you kill, but there wasn't attempt to get the people out across. you didn't let that happen. some reporter say, was he going so far other say that because he didn't come out to the united states just destroyed the building. we don't know yet, we'll find out. but this was a, a redo, this was a binds attempt to redo a bar because he's been criticized so much in the united states for being against the raid killed some of been. lawton, this is a town to fix what happened in afghanistan with that absolute failure of the strike on this 1000000 vehicle, the kill civilians. this is an attempt to redo now again, the united states will always weigh civilian casualties if they know, in fact,
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that the target is in the house. and if we can confirm the garage, it was there. then it's going to be a strike that the united states will always say yes to. unfortunately, i do think this is going to play out with congress and senators, i'm with the american public because they killed crashing him because his eyes, his leader. unfortunately, a lot of those young diverse members of congress, i guess they qualify is one of those old hawkish, conservative types on. they don't want to tell, tell them who karate was. i mean, they don't, didn't know he was the isis leader, didn't know his name. they will now, but because karachi was killed, there will not be our race. there's not gonna be any outrage about the civilian casualties. i've been asked on other programs this morning. you know, what about what about the civilian casualties? and my advice to, to women is don't marry a tourist, i just want to ask you
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a very brief, a one final question about the that the structure of, of i sold because the media comparison, that those of us outside the business, if you like, make it between iso and the structure of al qaeda. now i understand al qaeda is very fragmented organization to some degree i so as, as well, but in a slightly different way. and just very briefly, just for the benefit of our audience. and in terms of the creation of, of a successor, and can you just give us an idea how that what that structure is. so senior are key to leadership, ensure that everybody who joined your organization was professional understood islam. ready understood with the tenants of volcano were isis was different, they would just take anybody. so that's the ranks of the leadership is cultivated, but a leadership believes it should be a rocket layer. and that's been one of the biggest conflicts within the organization as they continue to say that the leader of ice should be in a rocky. and there's a lot of competition with other other jihad as to believe that they should be the
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leader regardless of their, their status, their, you know, whether from in michael pigeon. it's really good to get your thoughts on this. and we appreciate your being with us and al jazeera, so thank you very much indeed for your time. thank you for having ah. in the latest diplomatic, over to east fears of a russian invasion of ukraine took his president as in kia for talks with president vladimir zalinski till he has good relations with both countries and hopes to act as a mediator. moscow has condemned a u. s. decision to send more troops to eastern europe, nato says the cremeans moved to $30000.00 troops and weapons to bellows over the last few days. will hot dog hot meads. joining me now live from the capital kia and do we have any idea of what presenters of toyota one is hoping to achieve in this meeting? well,
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he's actually been trying to fix himself as a mediator between ukraine and russia. inviting both the ukranian president leukemia zalinski and russia's president vladimir putin to ankara that could happen in the future. but is no, it is because of letting me input and it say that at some point he will go to turkey up. i think here he is coming as the president of jerky there is a lot of bilateral relations between the 2 countries. the is defense agreements. jerky has provided ukraine with the barrack dad, drones back in 2019 does drove. we're actually used in easter ukraine into dumbass region. moved now to have an agreement by which the turkey provides the outer shell of the drone and the engine are produced here in ukraine. they should further
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strengthen this agreement with provide, with assigning a new deal today whereby these took as jose, an improved version of the bi rector would be reduced fully here in ukraine. now those drones could give a monetary edge to ukraine. and then this of is the, the issue of the crisis itself. jerky is the 2nd largest r, me in nato, but turkey is a country that has a good relations with both countries, russia and ukraine, and is sort of trying not to take sides at the moment. of trying not to lose one relation in favor of the other. so it's quite a different position than what we've seen. for example, earlier this week with the british prime minister bars johnson putting his weight fully behind ukraine. yeah, turkey is sides with ukraine on many issues and did say that in to what it thought . it was unwise for russia to send any troops across the border into this country.
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but on the other side, it does not want to eileen aid itself from russia. hot. all of the cisco courses happening as the backdrop of the u. s. on some nato members as well, sending more weaponry and more supplies into ukraine. well, actually it is not a day that passes that you don't hear about mo weaponry coming into this country from major members. the latest batch arrived at this morning at the airport in care that was the 7th the livery by the u. s. some 80 tons of ammunition for grenade launchers arrived this time. it's all part of the 200000000 defense a package that the u. s. has released for ukraine earlier this year. so certainly an army that is getting strengthened. that is getting a lot of support international support and is getting training is actually really
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helping digging, keeping the ukrainian people away from panic in the says that that is a trust in the latest pool that was just released yesterday shows that 70 percent of ukrainians. now believed that their army would be able to put up a fight this time around. in case there is a military escalation. but then on the other side, you see all that imagery, god coming in and the other side you have to listen to the words. well, earlier today, the defense minister here a sad that the really the through the threats of a military escalation, at this point we're very low. that they do remain on alert all the time. but there is no reason to panic. yet. they don't see that the level of a troops a russian troops. i would say i mess either along bit easton board of ukraine or to the north it but a roof are posing
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a threat for now it's not enough. he said for an invasion, and he did say that according to ukrainian intelligence, the rush said i'd bella roost would return to russia after the joins exercises over with probably in a week's time. so you have these 2 conflicting images. one of a country does getting ready and prepared and strengthen with all sort of military hardware and international political support. and then you have the leaders of these got g speaking to the old people telling them don't panic. it's not happening yet. the threat is not high at this particular moment in time. how to, thanks very much indeed. how to abdel high made adjoining soon. the training capital k of we are waiting for a press conference, which is going to be held at some point in the next half hour or so between president blood music pinsky of ukraine. and presidents are zip tie up to one of turkey. as soon as that conference starts, we would of course, bring it to you and emergency summer to west african leaders is underway in ghana
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after burkina. faso is government was toppled by the military last week. 15 countries regional block eco was, will be deciding in a range of sanctions unless civilian rule is restored. burkina faso is the 3rd country from the region to be taken over by soldiers. and our fears the crews will derail progress made and bringing stability and democracy in west africa. it is with a heavy heart that i welcome all of you today. back in a crown of dogwood showed me to you last week alone. the senses for your presence is this extraordinary summit, which will focus on the emerging threats in our region, the stem from the military interference in molly. and is contagious influencing gimme a book, you know, fossil. fortunately, the attempt 2 days ago to overflow the democratically elected governor to present
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or model. so cool in battle of gimme be solved by a military coup. failed, and the would be purchased are being wound about as we meet holiday dress is following developments from across the auctions before these leaders ace, to see how they could strengthen functions, i guess, based against the coup quarters in west africa. however, we've seen over the past one and a half years, how the money in readers or the money and been for rulers, i've called the bluff of west african meters and continued or crashing down their own transition program or civilian rule jettisoning or setting aside this adjustment by and course, now some analyst, security analysts and political end of this are wondering if the next approach to dealing with a problem in west africa is the deployment of security forces or so just to deal with who plotters in the region. however, there is no much appetite to do with that at the moment. if you look at the
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continent or the subcommittee, each sub region, if you look at the problems happening in those countries, many countries are having to deal with their own internal cult nigeria. the biggest contributor to any west african military deployment is having its own problems dealing with boycott. i'm dealing with iceland, dealing with vendor tree kidnappings. taking hostages for run some in the region. you're talking about michelle, you're talking about barley, which is having its own security problems. you're talking about what kind of fossil you talking about. several countries including child, which is or soldiers or butter ready or bechtel hardened in dealing with crisis like this in west africa. still had an al jazeera, we're going to have more on the top story. u. s. president joe biden is expected to make a statement on the killing of the isolator in city. ah .
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