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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 6, 2022 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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seafood trade is in the area i've been covering all of latin america for most of my career, but no country is alike and it's my job to shed light on how and why noon . this is al jazeera ah and i on money inside. this is the news, our lie from doha, coming up in the next 60 minutes. more reinforcements u. s. troops arrive in poland to counter rushes, growing military presence on the border between ukraine and the levers. anger and frustration in the netherlands homes i make restrictions get a big crowd reaction in rotterdam. eve
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with the legendary indian singer latham and jessica has died at the age of $92.00. she's been laid to rest with state on us on 70 years and counting the longest reigning monarch in british history celebrates her platinum, jubilee, and sport. we build up to the final of the africa, a couple of nations between egypt and synagogue. and it's been a historic bay and bay gene for new zealand. winning is 1st ever gold medal. i to winter olympics. ah, with no end in sight to the stand off between russia and the west over ukraine. moscow is flexing its military muscle near the ukrainian border. some of the latest satellite photos paint a picture of russia's capability is if conflict were to break out. these images
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show the hardware deploy to belarus despite the kremlin insistence that there is no intention to invade ukraine. russia has also sent 2 long range nuclear capable bombers for a practice run over batteries. at the same time, more us troops, reinforcements have arrived in poland as nato bolsters its east and flank in response to russia's military build up to all. strafford is an eastern ukraine and says the president remains in a tricky position. president zalinski has been of course, very appreciative to his nato partners and european countries for, for example, the supply of additional weapons to nato countries in eastern europe. he's been very appreciative of the kind of training that ukraine in forces have received over the years by m. nato partners. but he is also been certainly in the last few
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days and publicly criticized some western countries. notably the u. s. for what he describes is potentially foaming up fermenting, sorry, a hysteria and causing problems for ukraine. notably, for example, i'm the ukranian economy. a bear in mind that prison zalinski came to power. he won that presidential election in 2019 with a promise. and that promise was to return crimea to ukraine, to end the war in dumbass. and he has failed on both those fronts. and so there are increasing voices. analysts saying that the president, ukrainian president is increasingly concerned that if indeed there wasn't an invasion, he will be getting a lot more pressure from the west to implement his side of the mince to agreement and agreement that he says is far too much weighted in russia's favor,
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so it's very apparent that as i say, despite his appreciative remarks for this kind of support, he is in a very tricky place, both internationally and with respect to the kind of properties that you may to, he said, domestic audience also ask as alan fessor, his life are in washington dc. alan son, more us troops and just landed in europe. what else can you tell us about this deployment? while the national security advisor jake sullivan has just appeared on a couple of network tv shows here in the united states, the sunday political talk shows to say that they are not going to fight russians. they are there to help me to allies, 1700 and to pull in 300 into germany. jake sullivan was one of the 4 people who has been briefing lawmakers on capitol hill. this happened on thursday. they were there for 6 hours. they laid out various scenarios as far as the united states is concerned, and the intelligence that they had gathered among those giving the briefing where
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antony blinkin, who of course, is the secretary of state, lloyd austin, the defense x ray jake sullivan. and there is mark milly, who is the top of that military officer in the united states. is the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, essentially the told at lawmakers that look, a vladimir putin has 70 percent of what he needs for a full invasion of ukraine. they reckon the most likely time table for that is sometime after the olympics when the ground in ukraine is very hard because of the winter frost and would be able to move tanks very easily and mark milly's assessment is that the russians could possibly take the capital keep within 72 hours that the painter pretty gruesome picture of how this would impact ordinary people in ukraine. they say that could be somewhere in the region of 50000 casualties, dead and injured 25000 ukranian troops could be dead. somewhere up in the region of 10000 russian troops killed and the sea, there could be a massive movement of people somewhere in the region of 1000000,
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many of them heading for poland, refugees at from any conflict. of course, this is just an assessment from the united states. as for the russians, they say it's nonsense. they say look, you can make anything up if you want and claim there's an intelligence briefing behind it. but i can't show you that intelligence, the russian ambassador to the united nation. see, we could see the americans are about to invade britain with a 130000 casualties at it doesn't mean to say that that's going to happen. they have no intention. he read here restated of invading ukraine, and of course, there are many in washington who will point to the fact that the united states has got intelligence support strong in the past, most notably over weapons of mass destruction in iraq. but so still, jake sullivan, on the national show is just a few minutes ago, was saying the united states as preparing for contingencies. they would like there to be a diplomatic solution to this, but they are making sure they are in place ready to respond to any possible russian
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aggression. and he thinks that alan fish are there for us in washington. so supposing russia does invade ukraine at some point, then what happens command santa maria has been looking at some of the potential scenarios. russia and ukraine shed around 2000 kilometers a border, which means all along that line there, ample opportunities for russia to make some sort of incursion. and remember, it already has you got these gray areas, the separatist regions of done yet in the hands got crimea in the south. it means moscow already has a foothold in the country. and on top of that, we know there is a list. these varying levels of russian troop build ups in all these locations, none of this is new, but it is worth remembering what the map really looks like. now the center for strategic and international studies, which is a think tank a base in washington has been running a few that likely scenarios and it is the existing geography which plays a big pot. for example. there is actually a river,
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i'm going to sort of roughly draw it in here that runs all the way through ukraine . it's the de netra actually stops in russia. it goes through belarus, and then at 3 ukraine up to the black sea. if russia invades, than the dynette, performs a sort of natural defacto border, if you like. and russia can sort of add on to the territory where it already has a presence. or there is a southern option. and this brings crimea into play, which russia annexed back in 2014 down the south. their trips can easily move in from the south. they can come in as well from the 8th. and in doing so, it's sort of creates a little belt of territory, right across the bottom of ukraine from done yet. so through to that little thin sliver of lambda, which is called trans mystery, a breakaway region of moldova. doing that cuts off ukrainian access to the black sea and secures fresh water supplies for crimea. let's get more less. we can speak to theresa fallon, who is direct at the center for russia, europe, asia studies she previously served as member the
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e strategic advisors group to nato. she joined us on scott from brussels. thank you for your time. so based on the military moves made by russia that we've seen in recent weights, what do you think is russia's game plan here? i think there have been 3 significant developments we saw on friday. the not the much anticipated announcement of the she put a meeting before the olympics, and this is a key statement saying that beijing backs moscow's moves, and so especially in their position towards nato. so this kind of shows that putin has the backing of china, which is a very key point. and it also shows how the geopolitical plates are moving in the world. and in regard to international relations. the 2nd issue that i think is pretty frightening is how put in has announced that they're going to do nuclear exercises in february. so this might be at the time that he's also maybe maneuvering more troops into position. so it's sending
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a very frightening message to the rest of the world, reminding everybody that they have a huge nuclear arsenal. and then you, you put this with their hypersonic missiles that both china and russia have developed. it really does kind of increase the level of threat. and lastly, we see that even though there are attempts to have dialogue, true movements and material are being moved by russia into this region. so i think that this is a very worrisome message to the rest of the world. yes, the u. s. is sending some troops to nato members as or the reassurance, but they're very small. i mean, it's just a few 100 troops, 300 troops, as your reporter announced in germany. and i think that's altogether 3000. but it's a reassurance for members of nato. and i think that everyone is watching very closely the developments in ukraine. and i would like to just have one more point about the budapest memorandum. because, you know, this has implications for the whole world to put past memorandum was negotiated to
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help. you can't remove it's nuclear weapons and the u. s. u k and russia were to guarantee the sovereignty of ukraine. and now we're seeing negotiations with iran. also north korea's nuclear power. this also a sense of a very negative message that if you give up your nuclear weapons saying you might be re absorbed like what's happening with ukraine. being absorbed by moscow puts a point when we look back in 2014, russia was a cause successful in taking over territory from ukraine. the crimea. would you say the circumstances this time on different could be, have a different outcome this time? yes, the certain things are very different because of the crucible of war. we forget, you know, we should remind ourselves that for 14 year, since 2014, there has been a war going on for 8 years. 14000 people have died. and so this has made, you can even more pro nato, so the people who support it. russ, actually because of this period of war and the weakening of the ukrainian economy.
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this has created a desire to move closer to the west. not be so close to russia, so i think that is kind of a boomerang to on, on the kremlin. and i think that putin sees this opportunity now because things, if they develop more democratic institutions. yes it's, it's got training wheels on. it has to learn, it has to improve, but it will be more difficult in the future. so he's adding up all his calculus and decided that this might be the most opportune time to, to make his, his move some very strong rest. right. coming out of the us today saying that they believe that the russian military has assembled 70 percent of the forces. it would need to amount to full invasion of ukraine. what, what do you think of this restaurant? is this a strategy on the u. s. pot? well, in order to have peace, you must prepare for war,
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so you must have all you have to consider all possibilities. and if there should be, god forbid war, there would be high casualty rates among the civilian population. close. the rest of europe would have millions of people moving as refugees into europe, so this would also be rather d, stabilizing. so europe has not seen such a large troop movements since the beginning of the cold war. and i think that there is huge concern that we're looking forward. president of krona france is traveling to moscow on monday as another attempt at diplomacy to try to deescalate. but this also plays dangerously into putin's hands because he's trying to break your up. he's trying to fracture, you're trying to find where weaknesses are, and we know present micron has cited in the past. nato is brain dead. so the timing of this during an election year for president macro is key. he's trying to show that he can, you know, solve all the problems here. and it also shows that maybe nato partners are all
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speaking with one voice. thank you for your time theresa fallon, director of the center for russia, europe, asia studies speaking to a staff in brussels. much of the focus of the tension between russia and ukraine has been on energy supplies and the disruption a will would cause to that. but as hold on at the made reports, global food supplies could also be affected by the winters, no lies ukraine's black earth known here as channels. and it's highly fur tile. and it's what makes this country a major player in global agriculture market. here at agro complex a 2 hour drive from give about $18000.00 tons of corn, wheat, rice, sawyer, barley and sunflower are produced every year. tom was to me, it was as is him rock, you know what? because we are in a state of war. we had to switch suppliers and we used to rely on russia for spare
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parts of fertilizer and diesel. we also faced problems because of the occupation of don bass and crimea. so if there is a full scale invasion, it will be a disaster for every one or what we can't focus on this now. but about 70 percent of each year's harvest head to the black sea port of odessa and from there to consumers around the world. ukraine is one of the major exporters of grain in the world. actually this farm alone exports about 70 percent of its production. so any disruption here, good to have a huge impact on global distribution and supply. last year, ukraine produce about a 100000000 tons of grain. only 25 percent went to the local market. the rest made its way to asia, the middle east and africa. ukraine's wheat accounts for half of all wheat consumed in lebanon, 43 percent in libya,
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and 22 percent in yemen. and ukrainian barley represents nearly a 100 percent of saudi arabia's barley imports. and about 50 per cent of egypt needs. some of these countries are economically battered and are ready, suffer food shortages, phrases went up due to the corona virus pandemic. now, the threat of war means that the staples may soon cost even more. the last 3 weeks more and more concern is that sa, mom, logistic companies, international companies, de afraid to go to ukraine and ah, black supports because they are selling deadline. death. look the race, a literary where else waiting the war to start. and if you go there, so we can lose our facilities, etc, etc. over the past 20 years,
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ukrainian harvest boosted the country's role as a global breadbasket. much of the focus is on energy supplies. while talk of an imminent war is already biting at the country's economy. but the threat to ukraine's grain experts could pose at great risk to global food security. would abdul hamid al jersey that she told me at a blast ukraine? lindsey moore has on the news. i including morocco mon, suggests it's a 5 year old boy who delight today's trapped in a well out in sport. ken mohammed sala. when his 1st trophy with egypt, we build up to the africa cup of nations. ah, that protest isn't police don't usually see eye to eye, but in the netherlands, that got one thing in common. they've taken the same route for rallies through the
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streets of rotterdam, but for different reasons. thousands of demonstrators happen out showing the anger of the dutch governments 19 restrictions and vaccine mandates, and the police on strike demanding more money to deal with those kinds of protest. step baffin has the latest, most of them most lumped on restrictions have been lifted here in the netherlands in the last couple of weeks, but thousands of people here on the streets, on route to that, saying they want their freedom back. people from the fire brigade, i hear people from all walks of life, many here are and do you fact seems, but also people from the far right, but also people who are vaccinated, but they say they don't want the divisions in society because of a q r code half a 1000000 people in the matter have not got their booster shot. they refuse to get the 3rd shot, and they are not allowed to enter any restaurant bars starting this tuesday. so there's a lot of resentment about this division in suicide. meanwhile,
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will 8th is on strike to day. they say they're not guarding this demonstration. they have been guarding demonstrations in the last 2 years. nearly every week. have been serious. riots here in rotterdam, police has shot at damage rate, doesn't also do you and repertoire for georgia has complained that the dutch police has used excessive violence during these protests. so it is a lot of for sad with among these protests as well about police actions. 2 days of national morning have begun for the legendary singer known as the nightingale of india and queen of melody. latham and jessica died in hospital age 92 after testing positive the coven. last month rank. a got to look back at the life and legacy of the ravine cultural star. oh to many in india and beyond. to listen to let them again. her songs is to hear the voice of a nation. ah,
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she could reach the highest. no. i need to hear conquer any range unfettered by shaudra or style o sheets. misty motions of famous baldwood act is on screen with a voice often described as each las and piano ah, born in the city of indoor in 1929. let them engage good. was the eldest of 5 children. her father was a classical finger and theater actor who died when she was 13. that was old. so when she made her debut on radio, i don't screen as a singer and an actor in minor roles. oh, now week i see my love this and click on your she was
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a woman who was struggling and she entered a male dominated industry in the 19 forties and made a mark by maintaining an utmost dignity ah, off to india, lost to border war to china 1962 lapel engaged, who sang the nation's most memorable tribute for its fallen soldiers. legend has it been, she sang in the us 1st prime minister jaw her law marrow was move to ts ah, over decades she became one of indiana's most prolific artists. oh, with thousands of songs, lips seemed by actors across india in dozens of languages. o, a fidelity is unprecedented on baton. and i think that the beautiful christie in
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quality of a voice is red and unique, which is why, you know, she almost looked after the imagination of the entire listen. i don't remember unified and anyway because there was no language to read the language in india, but she did not think in 2001. she was stupid. yes. hi sibley toward the pirate threat? no atheist liter franz presented her with its high civilian award. the leech and a foreigner. for more than 70 years, her courier spanned the entire spectrum of hindi cinema. a feat unparalleled by her peers. who now? huh. yeah, oh, let them disco. the daughter of india was 92. 0 me now. we now joined by david ogden. he has written hundreds of songs during his long career in
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bollywood. many of them were sung by lawson and jessica. he's also scripted some of india's most famous movies. he joins us now from him by many thanks for joining the program. you, of course, worked with a you wrote many of her songs for her. how will you remember her that i king, she was really unique. i mean, when anybody, big anybody needs to celebrate any boxes of a same kind of work. but sometime there in case of what you have true and nice, you can on that. you know, you want to find the right key of that i beat and pronounce rightly, but that doesn't make one. let them use it was one x factor in law is given to define but to,
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to when we commit to try to just trying to key 1. 1 thing that i have know, who could bingo, the stuff from the lady. she had great. i mean, she works well, but before she had great, just put the words and she would understand the word into the life them for her or emotion and feeling it. so somehow she would understand board game funky and doesn't see some. but there is a subject of all good point. she could bring that up. guess you know works. now it may sound a bit. it's okay to make, oh, there is a phone which i had written when i'm here to pick it and they meet when they have great. busy busy because of the faces, everything is finished. now again,
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you can be had no, you have to go into and i didn't know of the not there with her thong is a bad girl. the world is only paying that i have live, could you and i have his back, mike, you. busy then. busy i have seen my lips have gone, but the voice can view that has not happened last month for last year. it is a story of dickie depreciation real. many of the god knows it beat as acceptance of the piece was in de moines. so beautifully put, i want to play out a song, a very famous one that you wrote and she song, let's have a quick listen to it. and then i'll come back to you. i you eat now? i me,
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john. i got me. i me, john meeting i have a song many will recognize what are your memories of working with her on that roy? yes, yes. was my very 1st film as a leader and this is my 2nd song. it was just, i mean really fortunately when my 1st phone with them but you see in this pretty song that you yes, there is a line where we ought to be more like maybe shun between my as my me getting more if you're coming more and more stuck to know more
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line after anybody who doesn't know the language. if you play the line to try to get what is the meaning of my life? i think most of the people will be soft because i mean she has pronounced but i don't. so it dawns the indonesian carries the meaning of the word. this is something that she had we didn't believe in. one of my song blinds is, you know, when died i think with, you know, when she said with me, you guys will freeze the dies near sophia when that a question she did a neat gift. she did indeed have a very special boy. yeah. she started her korea very young. i believe she was just a teenager. it was a very male dominated history of the time yet 15 years old. do you think she
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struggled at all when she started out in a, in a very patriarchal world? i'm not sure what happened in court. i was obviously not even born. i was born in 45. you started it. but tell them that like yes me. it was amazing dominatrix. and actually it would be like any other streaming fee on your door. but to me, i mean, he came, she was unique and because of her goal, many said does were broken and created a new one. korea. we have playback. that was the top dot at that time. great. yeah . who? the high? yes. the actual, including the voice, including the hero. she was number one more thoughts because she was singing
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and rest of the thing that i'm afraid would not. but if that appealing to that, the thing is, well, let me go in and go, you know, i would being more certain that you are not as popular for the great handicap. and that you've made korea number one dot one very long. when let alone get shut them out of the screen. she gave an equally or but it might better more. if julia, my better was to bother you to the bottom, then jane and then you ruined him up and through your window i'm calling the one. yes. got that done yet at that yet, i'm bringing in really well, much more have thought that the in the for the day and then it gave them and they will not come teacher. no, it wasn't hard read. the 2nd one was a 50 to delegate figure, but look them on which was undoubted leanne by your leg. then
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number one or more 50 feet to where docs are so good to get your memories are off of latham and jessica. and thank you for joining us. on the news, our debate act on indian poets layers, a screenwriter and political activist. thank you. still head on out is there a presidential election gets underway in costa rica where voters face a bewildering choice of candidates actually from beijing as me zealand claims its fast, ever winter olympic gold medal. ah
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ah. the charco region of paragon, one of south america's toughness. we thought of 2 men who seemed to thrive on these
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challenges to provide for his growing family and the cowboy who enjoys his rough, lonely life risk in an old paragraph on al jazeera. welcome back here watching out. as a reminder for top stories best, our more us reinforcements have arrived in poland as nato bolsters it's eastern flying can response to russia's military build out by ukraine's border. their affairs of a russian invasion. but moscow says it has no such plans. thousands of demonstrators in the netherlands have vented their anger over the government, coven, 19 restrictions, and vaccine mandates. people,
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all police are also demonstrating in the same part of rotterdam, demanding more money for dealing with unrest. during the pandemic, india is observing 2 days of morning for the legendary singer latham and jessica, who died at the age was known as the nightingale of india. she recorded thousands of songs during her 17 year now as the african union summer draws to a close on its 2nd and final day in others above the continents lead as they they won't expound a huge influence internationally. the summit's host, ethiopian prime minister abbey at mad has call for african countries to be given permanent seats at the un security council. but delegates also express the need to deal with regional conflicts, including calling for a cease fire in the to gripe region. let's bring in mohammed the doe who is standing by verse and addis ababa has been following this summit mohammed,
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as we approached the end of the african union summit, what do you think's been achieved? while the summits ended with a coal full more representation for african countries of the un security council lay face 70 years of the you and was created, africa was not represented at all of the un security council. and then now, calling for at least 2 permanent sits and 5 non permanent sits on the un security council. this summit was all about at conflict coups and the efforts to combat coffee. 19 the other can union has been a criticized for not doing much to deal with. that was sudden coons, on the continent with 5 successful crews in the continent in the past 18 months. they also have been criticized that the african union has also been
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criticized for not doing much to tackle the civil rule in if you're p as something that i've seen, a massive humanitarian crisis unfold in the to gray region of know funny few of via divisions with in the block, what brought to the full over at the that the argument of whether to give the that, that the position an argument over the position to give is that i an observer status of the union with south africa and nigeria to a very powerful members of the african union leading a number of countries to oppose the chairperson of the african union commission who had given m israel and observe a state of the last july. now bob position has now been suspended until the next summit on a committee made up of 7 presidents, formed to look into it and come back to the commission and the union with recommendations on the next summit in july. many thanks for that, mohamed atta fs. a rescue effort that captured the attention of morocco and
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many around the world has come to a tragic end. a young boy who fell into well on cheese day has been found dead. a warning, the gillian bull's report does contain some flash photography. ah, an emotional rescue ending in heartbreak, 5 year old ray and had been trapped inside this well for days. a massive but delicate operation was launched to free him. ha ha! so i can't describe how i feel that my cousin is gone. what can i say on this now? and you can tell me my heart is aching too much for him. he's my nephew. my god, been with him. just like how god stood with this crowd had gathered in support. but as news of the young boy's death spread condolences for his family pouring in rescue teams had been working round the clock,
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hoping to answer the collective prayers of a nation. the hashtags a ryan training on social media throughout the arab world. here a camera lowered into the well days earlier showing 5 year old ryan alive, but unable to move rescue teams had provided him food and water through pipes. also some up. i managed to communicate with the child and asked if he could hear lou. there was a response. i waited for a minute and saw the gun using the oxygen to oxy him to new rescue team say they couldn't widen the well to reach him. instead, using diggers to strip away the earth at the side of it earlier but a little when he disappeared, i prayed to god and begged him to get him out of that well alive and safe and agonizing wait for his family now. tragically over gillian wolf, al jazeera supporters of tennessee, as government are demonstrating against the supreme judicial council, after it was dissolved by president k saeed. the leader says,
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the watchdog which overseas, the independence of the courts is corrupt, am, has delayed politically sensitive investigations. critics say he's targeting the judiciary to consolidate power of all national institutions. he dismissed his government and suspended parliament, lost an eye as get more less with elisia vulcan who joined us from tunis. and he explained to us what sides doing here by scrapping this judicial council so this comes off to months of buckling between ty syiaa and the supreme judicial council, which as you say, is a watchdog. and aside, has been trying to push forward a number of prosecutions against your political figures and members of parliament and the judiciary. who's pushed back to this at the supreme judicial council who supported this. so science sees the i, this is jojo potter, the opposition against him. and side is claiming that the judiciary is corrupt and
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that he's accusing a hidden powers of your backing. these are these actions all your what he says is hiding cases. so what he's found is the executive power and legislative power has been quite simple, but judicial power has proven very tricky to overcome. now are all this is happening, rally has been held to commemorate the death of the left wing activists. tell us more about the timing of this demo. this is it. an anniversary and each year the family and supporters, those shock creep, elijah who is a member of parliament assassinated back in 2013, come out demanding that a murder investigation be held into his debt. he was charged 4 times in the chest by alleged terrorists, and there's never been a murder investigation or what know that for them they don't believe that justice
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has been served. so this is a kind of a, a nexus between a long foutz grievance against the judicial system and sides grievances against the judicial system. so today's always a very emotionally charged day and it says people are struggling to see sort of a way forward. it seems that the judiciary is yet another institution that they're losing faith thing. so they're hurts and jenny and ty sides. ambitions have kind of become in parallel to day. and there is of movement that is supporting the sides decision to dissolve the supreme judicial counsel that has been demonstrating to day. and he's a holcman. thank you for explaining that to us. now it selection day in costa rica, why high unemployment on corruption on major issues, vivacious as they choose, a new president $25.00 candidates running,
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but there is no clear favors and poll show about a 3rd of the countries. 3.5000000 voices are undecided. john holman reports this is likely just the store of costa rica election saga. the 1st round presidential vote in which a crowded field of more than 2 dozen candidates will be whittled down. setting the scene for a run of this april. you know, nobody seems to have the 40 percent vote to support would take twin outright. unless say that's because many of the populace remain underwhelmed by what's on offer. but there are still front runners. let's have a look in 1st place say post lice. jose maria forget is a former president in the 90s. this establishment candidates once a 2nd bite. this trading on his experience to get it. although a pass corruption scandal may trip him up, is it by using what get needed to however we seat these countries fully apart? bit by bit, i'm offering my experience in government decision making and building things of
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women and men who can help us rescue the country and put it on a different path of green economic growth jobs. go about the poverty and rescue of national geisha. second place and the post lynette sub audio. the country's 1st female vice president. she's hoping that her scandal free image and role as x head of costa rican version of the f. b. i will mail her the anti corruption vote. she was disappointing in the 1st presidential debate and avoided others. i must have to go ahead who was think we will go hard against impunity. we especially want to because the rica on the right path, a country that he was more just with more petune, it is unfairness for old people to have the opportunity to work in 3rd place, this ratio evarado, the surprise package of the election is 4 years ago the christian single with an anti gay marriage dance. now he's added infrastructure projects and tax cuts to his pitch. but he's yet to find a big issue to mobilize how conservative base this time around. they've been,
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there is how much we need to stop governing by hitting the wallets of costa ricans instead focused on reactivating, the economy of reducing the sales and salary tax and other important decisions to take a different path. what are people worried by costa rica, a country which is among the most prosperous and central america, and stable enough to not even need an army where there are problems. unemployment lives in almost 20 percent. that concerns over immigration, especially from haiti, and a tourism industry struggling to recover from the pandemic. whichever president takes those issues on the need to support congress, no seats are up for grabs. to don't hold out. detectives in mess, mexico suspect the deaths of 16 people a link to a territorial conflict between war in criminal gangs. 10 bodies, wrapped in blankets were found on the streets of one city. other bodies were found
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hanging in a warehouse near by the murder rate in zak, a tick estate sold by more than 200 percent last year to $100100.00 victims under the protest, this had been rallying for a 2nd night in the u. s. city of minneapolis, after 22 year old man was killed by police officers. a mere log was shot dead in his apartment on wednesday. um to offices use this so called no knock search warrant. looks family says office offices woke him while he was sleeping and he reached for a firearm in the confusion. and the atlas is where george floyd was killed by a police officer in 2020, sparking the black lives matter protests. it sussman jubilee dame burst in as queen elizabeth celebrates 70 years. then she took the friend up the occasion is overshadowed by royal scandal. family controversy in britain's weary of the pandemic and politics and her simon supports from london at 95 queen elizabeth
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. the 2nd is already the longest serving monarch in british history. the platinum jubilee marks, the sudden death of her father, king george the 6th in 1952 when she acceded to the throne. she's reigned for 70 years. in the ceremony dating from the time of richard, the 2nd celebrations will be in the summer, like previous anniversaries. silver jubilee and 1977. 25 years on the throne. gold marking 50 years. $2200.00 per 60 in $22.00. queens with approaches this jubilee without her husband at 73 years. prince philip, the duke of edinburgh. he died last april. she wants described him as her strength and stay. the queen cut a solitary figure in grief. there are other strains on her. prince harry and his
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wife megan, breaking away from the royal family and moving to the united states among attacks they've made on the royal family, is a racist allegation against one of them who isn't named. and the queen has stripped her 2nd son, prince andrew of military titles. he faces a sexual abuse lawsuit in the united states, which his contesting there been serious problems. on the other hand, it's worth remembering. this is a unique commemoration and celebrating it over 4 days. will i think, be a matter put enormous rejoicing with the british public. oh, britain's unrivalled pomp and ceremony will be on in june, trying to lift a post pandemic national mood. the queen has chosen her birthday tradition of trooping the color to begin celebrations and trooping the color. hearing them all will mark the start of afford a public holiday, including st. parties,
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initiative such as a mass planting of trees all over the country. then 1500 beacons will be a blaze all over the u. k. and, and commonwealth capitals overseas, a party in the palace will follow, which will include a concert, and then the platinum pageant, a massive event here in the capitol. it's hard to find any one with a bad word for the queen. i can price for enough. what a great lady? she's good. i like her. she's such a character. a for resilience, france and inspiration. the last past in when it comes to what money key is to represent in this country. there's never been a platinum jubilee in the u. k. with backdrop though, of controversy and scandal. it does beg the question without the queen would there be such support for the monarchy in the u. k. andrew simmons al jazeera london
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still has on out there in sports, senegal spot bowlers, hoping to make it fad. time laughing some at will be here. just let it all in america. ah, for quite a few decades hasta, has been dealing with political and economic turmoil. and its people struggle to access essential needs. ah, it's time for the sports, his honor. thank you very my to emeline, was it? we're just a few hours that to go before the biggest game in african football. he final of the
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africa cup of nations between egypt in senegal, 2 of the worlds at top players, liverpool, t. mays, mahunis alliance, side, you money, go head to head for the trophy that has a sofa alluded both of them. david stokes reports ahead of sundays. finally, all eyes on egypt, captain mohammed fella, he was part of the team that lost in the final to cameroon. 5 years ago, and he'd like to put that right. of course, it's very special to win through with the country i, when i went tumbling, the leak was great feeling i, when the premier league after 30 of the clubs growth feeling. i wanna switch, lena one everywhere, and also i want, i want to have that feeling that winning the 1st for, for the country. how special it would be. i'm sure it's going to be something very special. despite having salary, all of egypt knockout games have gone to extra time of penalties. and for the final
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they'll be without that coach carlos kiros, who was shown a red card in a semi final senegal. on the other hand of already grown into the tournament with convincing winds in their last 3 games, and they got their own star in salad, liverpool, teammate, samarnie, who scored 3 go so far. but synagogue defenders now they face a big challenge in this game. moment. salas, well hm, it's a lot is a great plan. we have to make sure he touches the ball as little as possible. pay attention to him, but without forgetting about his teammates, senegal had never won the african, but they've reached the final twice before. coach alley, a si se was involved in both as a coach in 2019. and as a player 20 years ago in 2002, it was his penalty which was missed that ensure that they didn't when he could do, he was the captain. a lot of people believed that he is finally do some good luck. and so, if he winced on sunday, maybe it would just be the universe given him is just do. cameron's allenby stadium
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is the venue for sunday's final? and when the sunsets, it'll either be a 1st title for santa go, or a record extending 8th for egypt. they'd stokes al jazeera o, one person who will be watching closely will be a liverpool manager, yoga class, or as his 2 biggest plays go to battle will be exciting notes. obviously not so so easy or because we have to watch the game and one will be definitely really happy after it. and the other ones much less so. so. yeah, but both have a good chance to achieve something really big. after the couple of ne his house at cameron, i have ended the tournament on a high note, they sailed fed place and they did so in a dramatic fashion. up again spoke in a faso and embarrassing error from keep an eye on nana sent the home side and at half time to nail down they then fell. 3 knelt behind in the 2nd half,
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cameron and then came alive. they pulled it back to 3. all saw strike a vincent elbow, bucker's scoring it too late goals. it went to penalties and anna managed to redeem himself as the host went on to wind. shoot out, o egypt tell only have advanced to the club a world cup semifinals, but their coach is not happy he's having to cope without his players who are representing egypt at the africa cup of nations. instead, the coyote base team at b mexican side monetary in upper darby mohamed, the honey getting on the score seat and the 2nd half a to sale the one know when i'll actually it will face brazilian cup are made us for place in the final if cats and fee for it or is games on top of $1.00 another it's, it's amazing. i mean, this is unbelievable how this happens. i mean it's like,
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it's like nobody knew when is there a couple of nations, nobody knew what is the fee for lab work up. but africa will always be compromised when it comes to this. and we blame palmera who are listed. we have to play our game. why we play premier us in the semi finals. why did on player also what was the criteria? so anyway, we are not politicians, we talk about food war, but those are really just that are of abilene, that the scale is not proper when it comes to africa and, and, and, and europe, ah, all the time. oh, it's been a historic day for new zealand winning its 1st ever gold metal. at a winter olympics, it was the snow border. so he said off ski sonata who won the women's, that slope thought event, despite freezing winds,
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dropping to nearly minus 20 degrees celsius. and hard pack snow 20 year old delivered when it really mattered taking the need that with her 3rd and final run, she landed back to back on the eighty's to take her countries that 1st ever gold. a elation i definitely thought about right coming in with a a song. you know, i guess it saw it just shows to reach carry far beyond their why? yeah. australia is curly mixed doubles. that team had quite the coven. 19 this care valley deal a quote, the virus before the games tested negative to fly to china. but then i started
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testing positive again before competition. she was told that she couldn't compete about the i see later said that she could as long as a team, isolated from other athletes, all paid off for the all the jewel who went on to beat switzerland and when gold. and there was a gold full russian cross country ski, alexandra abortion over in the 1st week, along with this guy, philip scaffold, and that he fell early in the race, but recovered to win. that's not a russian fly because of the countries band of 4 states wants a doping. instead, their athletes are competing a beijing under the flag of the russian olympic committee. one of the market event of the games at the men's downhill was postponed because of high winds organize this said it was in the interest of safety and furnace and that bill tried to get it done on monday instead. the international olympic committee says its still plans to meet the tiniest tennis bear who said that she was
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assaulted last year. i see president thomas back has previously held a video kohls with pink. why the form a doubles? the number one disappeared from public view for nearly 3 weeks after accusing a senior chinese official sexual assault back in november. she's since retracted at the allegations, but all women's tennis tour events in china remained suspended for over the matter . we're not gonna release details through the meter of that meeting, but the meeting will take place and then i think it's the president very eloquently said, we would talk with her and it would be up to her to decide what and what would wouldn't be said. it's a very delicate situation, so for the time being, all i can tell you is we have always said that there would be a meeting and there have been various schools out until now. so that continues and when we have some information that we feel that we are able to share,
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we will be the rug with 6 nations in scotland have pulled off a back to back winds over england for the 1st time in 38 years. this was the key moment in edinburgh with england leading. in the 2nd half lou calling tick he sent to the sin afore deliberately slap in the bowl out of the air and scotland were awarded the penalty. try which tied the scores scotland and kicked a penalty which was enough to win at 20 points to 17. on saturdays other a game, it was nowhere near as close to defending champions. wells were heavily beaten in ireland. 29 points to 7. the irish picking up a bonus points given them a better salt at being hostile content this year, they'll consider it. and that's it for me, my leon money, thanks for that. so not, not her last a piece of architecture in spain. the cig rather media is the biggest tourist attraction in barcelona. even lower construction, which began in the 18 eighty's still going on. as fenton mon reports,
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after seemingly never ending delays to the roman catholic basilica, more challenges are expected as building work creeps at the close to completion. this masterpiece by famous capital and architect antony gowdy has been under construction for nearly a 140 years. although unfinished, the secret familia is one of barcelona, its biggest attractions. many people in barcelona, but they've never lived to see it completed. but it might finally happen on the centennial of counties. death in 2026. no, i believe tomorrow. it's beautiful. it still has to be finished, but once they finish it, it will be even more beautiful. we'll be able to admire the beauty of the whole complex whether it can be finished on time will depend on tourists like bes, gowdy demanded that the entire project be funded from ticket sales and private
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donations. but constance shortfalls who stole the project longer than perhaps even he imagined upon the metal ball. the pandemic brought construction to home. we didn't have visitors for almost a year without receiving funds. we had very little, but the construction board decided to keep going ahead. but now the socratic amelia is facing a new challenge. finishing the main entrance will require demolishing several nearby buildings. thousands of people could be evicted and many don't want to move . and i was coming up dental. our proposal both for the city hall and the board of construction is that we are very comfortable in our home. i mean, we've paid for them and they are totally legally are balancing the rights of residents against a major architectural spectacle for the city has put local authorities in a difficult position like the one i solution is nothing. customers and there aren't magical solutions here. we don't think that in order to finish the silica old buildings involved must be demolished. but we also think it isn't likely that old
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buildings will be saved. we must see the different options and we as local government with the neighbors on the success of familiar are working on the project has been delayed many times by the spanish civil war in the 1900 thirty's, by economic downturns. and most recently, by the pandemic, gowdy died in 1926, and never expected the socratic familia to be finished in his lifetime. referring to who he described as god. he was often known to say, my client is in no rush. vince mullin, al jazeera ah hello, i money, so i eat this is out there, life from die. ha, mourn our top story. us reinforcements have arrived in poland as nature bolsters its eastern flank in response to russia's.


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