tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera February 10, 2022 1:00pm-2:00pm AST
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pull back that people actually have more fields. why is the u. k, so hostile to train the mysteries, all of us join me if i take on the live dismantled misconceptions and meet the contradiction, carmen get up put on al jazeera. ah, this is al jazeera ah hello, i'm fully battle with this is in use our on al jazeera, alive from our headquarters in doha, coming up in the next 60 minutes. a war in ukraine would be disastrous for the russian and ukrainian people. and for europeans security, the u. k. foreign secretary is russia to take the path of diplomacy, but moscow warns any ultimatum on ukraine is a road to know where this comes. as russia begins,
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joined military drills with bella rules near its border with ukraine. also this, our, i warning about food shortages in somalia as the worst route, you know, decade effects, agriculture production and russian figure skater camila valley ava is back on the ice at the beijing winter olympics. a made report just tested positive for a band substance abuse. he to similar to the sports claims here of action to tell you about those winter olympics. it's been a golden day for the united states with nathan chin winning, the men's figure skating thoughtful and clever, kim winning behalf. but for the 2nd games running, ah, thank you very much for joining as we begin with the diplomatic push to contain the worst stand off between russia and the west. since the cold war, high level talks are underway across europe. russia's foreign minister se galeb rob
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has welcomed britain foreign secretary in moscow. miss trus warns of what she calls massive consequences. if around a 125000 russian soldiers mass near ukraine's borders. i given the order to invade . fundamentally a warn ukraine would be disastrous for the russian and ukrainian people and for european security and together, nato has made it clear that any incursion into ukraine would have massive consequences and carry severe costs. melissa would look, machine was no doubt. of course, we need to normalize our relations, but this is supposed to be based on mutual and respectful dialogue, principles of equality and recognition of each other's interests, eulogies you'd only for qu as for ideologies, ultimatums and threats. this is a dead end street and will yield nothing. unfortunately, some of our western colleagues have been carried away with us in their public statements. and i cannot call this diplomacy. published. and britain's prime
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minister has urged europe to hold firm on ukraine's right to join nato boys. johnson is at the alliance headquarters in brussels for talks with the our nato secretary general. a yen says sultan burg. let's listening to what they have to say . security the number of russian forces is going up. the warning time for a possible attack is going down. now does not affect to russia, but do must be prepared for the worst wat remaining strongly committed to finding a political solution. the u. k is pulling a leading role, delivering both militarily and diplomatically. i welcome your offer more troops,
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ships and planes to nathan. an additional troops that you are deploying to poland showed allied so that the inaction the u. k. leads nate, those but europe in a stone. you contribute to nato's air policing and the aircraft carrier, h. m, as prince awaits, leads. nate, those maritime high redness force, all of this sense, a clear message that we will defend and protect all alice. we also have acted, diplomacy, right? the coast alliance with nato leaders working to get urchin, rochelle, to de escalate. i welcome your support to ukraine, as well as your recent contact with president putin and the visit the foreign secretary trust to moscow today. this morning i have sent the letter to foreign minister,
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lovegrove reiterating my invitation to russia to continue our dialogue in a cedars or meetings in the nato russia council to find the diplomatic way forward . we are prepared to listen to russia's concerns and the ready to discuss ways to uphold and strength from the fundamental principles of european security. then that have a that we all have signed up to. we have proposed mutual briefings on exercises and nuclear policies, ways to increase transparency and reduce risks and military activities. reduce space and side effects. on the theaters, conversational arms control, including nuclear weapons, and growing based, intermediate, and shorter range resource. these arrows represent an agenda for meaningful dialogue, but nathan will not compromise on core principles,
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the right of each nation to choose his own path and make those ability to protect and defend all alice. next week and natal defense ministers will assess options for further strengthening allied security. this includes the positive of additional buffer groups in the south eastern part of our alliance. renewed russian aggression will lead to more natal presence, not less. so prime minister, thank again for not the kingdoms strong commitment or trans atlantic alliance offers strong personal commitment to naples once again. welcome jen. so thank you very much for welcoming us today to to nato, and great to see you again at as ever. when nato was funded, i'm more than 75 years ago. it's members made a commitment to collective security that was on like anything in previous history.
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and when the berlin mo fell, the people of europe made clear that they wanted that freedom and the security to be inextricably tied together. and that's why nato agreed that any country should be free to pursue the security alliances. that it, that country chose. and we must resist, we must oppose any return to the days when the fates of nations are decided over their heads by a handful of great powers. and i want to stress that this is not just about russia, just as nato itself is not just about russia coast non. this is about upholding the funding principles of an alliance which perhaps more than any other institution has brought stability and peace prosperity to the world. and that
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must be the bedrock of og diplomatic efforts. the u. k. is commitment to european security is unconditional and immovable. british, a foreign minister speaking there at tar nato headquarters in brussels, alongside the nato secretary general and happening at the same time in moscow. the russian foreign minister say galen rob holding a news conference with the you case, foreign secretary, let's listen in to that. now. i relations need to be a 2 way street. i would like to say that if we act guided by our national interests, thinking that we need to get some added value from these contacts. then we have something to work with, such as stable indicators of trade in january, november 2021. it was at the level analogous to year 2020. it
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was more than 24000000000 years dollars. whereas the business sagos of russia and the u. k. continue mutually beneficial, practical corporation, trying to find additional ways to invest resources and money and a mutually beneficial manner. of course, these positive trends could be facilitated if we resumed as soon as possible the activities of the inter governmental committee on trade and investment, as well as the high level energy dialogue and russia is ready for the resumption of such activities. there is another positive example, namely the dynamics of our cultural and humanitarian ties, which are based upon long standing resilient traditions. in 20192020, we successfully held the events of the russia, u. k. cross year of music. whereas we have scheduled the cross here of
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knowledge for 2020 to 2023. we most certainly support such contacts between the civil society of our 2 countries. but so far we have not discussed these matters. i do hope that we will have a chance to talk about the bilateral agenda at lunch. we have not yet discussed that because madam secretary from the day out said, well we've asked her to talk about the prairies. she is says she would like to discuss and she named ukraine. bella rose, china and iran as these priority issues. and we have spoken in detail about the implementation of the means. agreements. these means agreements are not just not implemented by key if they are overtly rejected by the representatives of the ukrainian regime. we have also spoken about what actions we undertake
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to persuade those who have influence on the key regime. tier make zelinski and his government leave up to the commitments that are enshrined and the means agreements and the relevant you and security council resolutions. and we have divergence is with regard to our interpretation of the minsk agreements. even though i do not see what other interpretation can be given to these documents, but guess it's all written, you know, black on white. we've also spoken about our relations with the republic of bella. ruth, we have spoken about the preparation for the military exercises that are gonna kick off very soon in the coming days and the of a society that is brought about a lot of concern in london and elsewhere. even though we do not quite understand what kind of anxiety the stationing of our troops in our territory can bring
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about at the request of madam secretary, i have told her about our relations with the people's republic of china. i've also spoken about the recent talks between prison, putting and prisoners teaching, ping, and beijing. i have told her how we are building. i would ties with china bilaterally and also within original formats and international organizations. purely on such principles as the balance of interest equality you regard for the interests of one another. and you know, there is no leader and no one who is being led or following in the wake of some one else. a which is the case and nato, for instance. now, as far as iran is concerned, we agree that there are all the chances t achieve resumption of the j. c. p, a,
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a in the near future, but still a lot needs to be done before that happens. and now when discussing the queen, madam secretary has touched upon russia's initiatives that were set forth in mid december last year. these initiatives, purport to enter your security guarantees in europe, we have also put forth our approved should to subsequent actions, especially with regard to the us. and we have expressed a desire to get some concrete reaction from the west to our proposal. and to our request, we have requested that the western count birds give their interpretation to the obligations of the commitments that were adopted, the eyes level within the oh we see. and these obligations in particular,
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stipulate that no one's security should be reinforced at the expense of others, security and prison, putting as dwelt a lot on these approach to do these commitments. he spoke about their due in the meeting with president micron. and he said that we have concerns because we believe that nato enlargement could violate the commitments adopted by the u. c. leaders in stana and in east and bull. and that is why prison putting has caused to search in for altogether, for security approaches that could ensure the security of ukraine west and russia. i cannot say that we have achieved some common ground with regard to that. but i do hope that our, today's dogs will give a chance to our british colleagues to have a better understanding of what these problem sir,
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represent to russia and how important we find them. i do hope that we will have a chance to talk about our corporation at the un security council because both the u. k and russia are permanent members of this most important body of the united nations. and there is special responsibility is incumbent upon us to take measures to ensure international security, as well as international stability. i'm hopeful that we will pay greater attention when we speak about international matters to these tasks, to these objectives that allow us to constructively join our efforts to gather, instead of trying to fuel some artificially fabricated problems that come to dominate our dialect, to the detriment of the real tasks that we need t pursue and resolve in the interests of peace and stability on this planet. thank you. oh,
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good morning. good morning. minister oliver often i have discussed some very serious issues to day that have a bearing on the future peace and stability of europe. as i have said, there is still time for russia to end its aggression towards ukraine and pursue the path of diplomacy. but nato is very clear. if that path is not chosen, there will be severe consequences for russia, ukraine, and the whole of europe. russia is a country with a rich and deep history. it has extraordinary prowess, and feels like science and mathematics. the could be huge, opportunities ahead for the people of russia is, however, the aggression by the russian government and attempts to re litigate the past. a serious, the undermining rushes international standing. in particular,
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the claim that the indivisibility of security means that countries on russia's borders can't defend themselves or join defensive alliances, like nato simply isn't true. russia's actions and attempting to destabilize ukrainian democracy and the ability of ukrainians to determine their own future. including through hybrid warfare and amassing over a 100000 troops on the border in a threatening manner. these acts have actually had the effect of strengthening nato's resolve and turning the ukrainian people farther away from russia. there are also serious implications for energy supplies. at a time of rising gas prices, we believe fundamentally, in the self determination of the ukranian people. if the were to be a rush or incursion into ukraine, the ukrainians will fight. this would be
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a prolonged and drawn out conflict. the u. k. in our allies would put in place severe sanctions targeting individuals and institutions and the united states and being clear that nodes framed to would not go ahead. but today i'm head to talk about the alternative path that russia can take. as a fellow, permanent member of the security council, russia can stick by its commitments to ukraine sovereignty and territorial integrity. as agreed in the 1994 be to pass man miranda. when ukraine gave up it's nuclear weapons. russia can work through the nato, russia council to improve trust and transparency on issues like force, posture, and nato put forward positive proposals, which we want to discuss with russia. and also we can work together with other
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p 5 nations to stop iran, obtaining a nuclear weapon which minister law for off. and i also discuss russia has a choice which can result in a better future for europe, russia and the russian people. thank you. let me go give it what involve rosa for those a colleagues on to the questions i would like to give a floor to the british media 1st. all right, you've been listening there to a news conference in moscow between the visiting rush and visiting u. k. for in secretary and the russian foreign minister said a lot of ra, a diplomatic push underway across europe this thursday to try and ease tensions between russia and ukraine as thousands of russian troops mass near the ukrainian border. and also military exercises underway between russia and bela rose near
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ukraine's border. the you case, foreign secretary in russia today, the british foreign minister for a prime minister and a voice johnson in brussels, that nato headquarters holding tank fair with the secretary general of nato and stilton burg. we'll be speaking to archie. here is john hall in just a few minutes for more on that meeting. but 1st we go to dorsey jer berry in moscow, where that news conference between the visiting u. k. foreign secretary and russia, foreign minister is still under way. they're taking questions right now from what we've heard so far. it doesn't sound that down the same page after this meeting behind close doorstep had no, certainly not. the 2 ministers met for about an hour and a half behind closed doors, and they've just come out to read say, the pretty much the same thing that they said before going into that meeting. the russian foreign minister survey lover of saying that the british foreign secretary
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set the agenda for the start of this meeting list trust, wanted to discuss ukraine china bell roofs and iran with sergei. love rob, and that's what they've discussed so far. the, a russian foreign minister said that really they are, these are the priorities for the foreign secretary and a certain lover of also said that, that we don't understand a, the kind of anxiety about stationing of our troops. and that's it. that action has caused, there seems to be serious disconnect between what the russians are saying and what they a british foreign secretary is hearing because they're very much staying to the same mind that they had be going into this meeting, reiterating their own positions. it's, it's clear that very little little has been achieved. i think the foreign at the russian foreign minister as said that this was an opportunity to really explain the russian position. and we heard from the british foreign secretary,
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and it was clear that she may have heard him and heard the russian position, but doesn't understand it. she said that there is still time for russia to choose the path of diplomacy. and that russia's aggression is harming it, standing in the world stage, and she secures russia of engaging and hybrid warfare and amassing troops in a threatening manner. it is clear now this meeting which is going to carry on and they're going to have lunch following this press conference and is a really not achieving anything the inside has desired. but i think this was a meeting that was done at the request of the british government. the russian authorities took some time to accept the meeting, and it was only announced a few days ago that they were going to be having this meeting and moscow on thursday. we have to remember that the british foreign secretary said she's here with the 2 main goals. one is to convey to russian authorities that the sanctions
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package they prepared, in case there is any kind of incursion in ukraine by russian forces is going to not only hurt the russian economy, but also as specific individuals that are very much close to the russian president vladimir putin and there are an investments in the u. k, will also be affected. she also said that she is here to urge the russian authorities to de escalate and to choose a path of diplomacy. and we have been hearing from the russian for mr saying, we don't understand this and anxiety that are moving our troops within our own borders as cause. and that these military drills are part of any kind of ordinary exercises. we will carry out even though the kremlin has also admitted that they are, they have deployed more than usual number of troops and equipment to bela roost. but that is because they believed a situation in the current state to be very tense and very unusual. and that is why these drills, according to nato secretary general level cain, literally 30000 russian troops going to bell roost to carry out 10 they address.
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let's get the view from london now. daughter, thank you very much for the moment that store such a barry in moscow lest bringing joan a hole in london, a surge of u. k. diplomatic activity. jonah the u. k. foreign secretary in moscow and the prime minister is at nato headquarters in brussels. tell us about what is come out of there so far. yeah, i think we're seeing britain taking the opportunity now to re insert itself a biased levels of ongoing diplomacy. the less trust meeting, probably the more consequential meeting of the day face to face, of course, with this a lot of an actual doses, right. so they don't look as if a great deal of progress is the made that on the other hand, you got, or johnson now in nature, not only voters, johnson, but also the leader of the opposition. his stomach also visit ignite of also talking to just the old of britain, senior politicians, perhaps in her very rare show of unity and escape from lisa, the maelstrom of domestic politics. he,
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boris johnson speaking alongside just sort of a short while ago, taking the opportunity to reaffirm and commitment to the nature of aligns to refund britain's commitment to the notion of european security and expressly saying that press conference, the founding principles of mater must not be compromised. and of course, it is exactly that the russians are asking for, mister johnson insisting that every country must, as is in the founding char, to have the ability to aspire to membership of nato, to choose its own security appliances. and reaffirming the commitment to mutual security among alliance members, including the in this case aspiring alliance members. and mister johnson said, we must resist a return to the days when when the fate of small nations were determined by a handful of great powers. of course, a return to the cold war and mister stoughton,
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but his pot holding open again the possibility that diplomacy can succeed. but the daughter diplomacy is open, that nato is willing to listen to russia's concerns on issues like arms control, not necessarily on issues like security, demanding, and say, the message to russia from who is more russian aggression means more than a her presence on the borders, not less. alright, jonah, thank you for that. john hall in london. so let's find out now what this diplomatic push it means and how it's viewed in ukraine, which is concerned of course, formulas concerned with this crisis chance transferred is in class and abroad. he's inside the ukraine, us in southern ukraine. chinese tell us the view from ukraine. is there a sense that the current diplomatic efforts that we're seeing across europe could help reduce tensions?
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let's not forget, as we are listening to joiner and also there seems as if none of the fundamental demands that russia made to both the u. s. and nato in december, i really am being discussed and those demands include a promise that there will be no further expansion of nato including ukraine. and that, that will be no further expansion of nato forces in eastern europe, or when ukrainian people begin to understand that certainly the ones that we've been speaking to there is, at the same time as the sense of this belief that russia could ever invade ukraine . there is increasing fear, or even when russia repeatedly says that it has no intention of re inviting ukraine, if you like, cuz i shall forget that it said to control an annex crimea in 2014 russia at the same time is saying that diplomacy is the is the way forward, but it has the right to protect its interests. so there is a sense of as
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a disbelief, as to any kind of potential invasion here. there is increasing fear and is also the sense of increasing powerlessness over their ability to shape their own destiny. vladimir vladimir zalinski, the president of a pulling approval ratings amongst his electorate, amongst the general public command. that said that he was going to return crimea to ukraine and was going to end the war in don bass. and he's failed deeply on both those fronts and seemingly certainly according to the ukrainians that we speak to, has no control over the situation whatsoever. what impact charlene, when a russian invasion have on ukraine? well over the last week or so we've been visiting some of the air is most deeply affected by this 8 year conflict, most notably in the east in the south of the country close to crimea just assist just statistically already. it's had
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a devastating impact on civilians. for example, you know, 50000 homes destroyed. sorry, i keep slipping on the i say 50000 homes destroyed in around the contact zone in the east. around of 2000000 people displaced. 14000 people already killed around 3000 of those civilians. 3000000 people still living in that area who the you and say if there was to be any further escalation. um, you know, their lives already in bates having to struggle with a decimated economy and things like power shortages oversee any kind of further escalation is only going to make things worse. and then of course, that be tens of thousands more people killed and tens of thousands of people forced to, to flee their homes. a huge, great refugee crisis, of course, that would have massive impact on potentially eastern and western europe. so the situation certainly is very worrying for the people that would be impacted the most
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by now. the russians yesterday announced that they were going to be closing parts of the as off and the black sea around crimea. the naval exercise is now, we went down to the town of berry dance only as of sea and spoke to some of the people who, without any question of doubt will be the most affected by these maneuvers. and this is our report. the freezing fog is thick as mas speed out across the as of sea crimea, which was annexed by russian forces. 8 years ago, is not far from here. anton has come to check the area, he will fish when the winter fishing season starts next week. he insists on covering his face because he like hundreds of ukrainian fishermen has been detained by russian naval intelligence. in recent years. he says he was taken to a russian naval base in church at the entrance to the black sea where he was
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interrogated and held for 15 days before being released. laura was to listed there are many obstacles access to the sea as difficult russians don't allow us to work properly. they approach us and stop pushing us back harass us. we can't do anything of our small boats against their equipment to complain was impossible to prove to them. we have a right to be here. it's pointless. try the wreck of a soviet fishing. charlotte appears on an island around which ukrainian fishermen now cost their nets less frequently. soviet build houses where fishermen used to stay stand there near the shore, were about 20 kilometers off the coast. fishermen tell us that normally in this area they'd be around a 100 ukrainian fishing vessels operating. but they say that number is dwindling fast because of fears of russia. naval patrols in 2003, russia and ukraine signed an agreement, which allows both countries to fish anywhere in the as we'll see the since
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2014. when russia unexplained, the moscow has increased its naval presence and taken greater control of these waters. and the larger black sea, which the, as off is connected to by the current straight. in december, the ukrainian navy said russia brought 75 percent of the as of by issuing navigation warnings. recent large scale russian naval exercises of crimea, fuel fears that the kremlin is preparing to invade ukraine by sea, something russia continues to deny. green, last 70 percent, at least when russia sees control of crimea and suggestible the black sea port city grange government. he's going small naval patrol vessels from nato partners, but seems powerless to better protect fishermen curb. regardless of the left. of course, i'm worried. we go far out to sea, we might not come back. it's good as the russians inform our families that they've
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taken us. but there are many instances when they file forged cases against us. and the risk of being put in a russian prison for me is the fish market tray to say they are feeling the financial fall out of rushes, actions, and see who to for me. all the situation has got really bad. no rush and tories small amount of fish from the boats because of problems at sea deficient industries suffering. and that means we do to we repeatedly asked the ukranian navy for comments about how it can better protect fishermen from what the government calls russian aggression. the navy refused because of what it says are security issues. anton, is afraid of phishing these icey waters in the weeks ahead. i see now increasingly under russian control charts, rapid changes in the eyes of c some ukraine. and as i mentioned, russia and bella rules has started 10 days of military drills. ukraine is also due
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to start similar exercises. the criminal says that drills are aimed at what it called suppressing and repelling external aggression. the u. s. accuses the russians of escalating tensions by holding the war games in 7, bella was mere ukraine. russia has mass 125000 soldiers nearby, but has repeatedly denied invasion. while let's discuss bella roost, his role in this crisis and we are going to speak to yoni andre jake, who's editor in chief of the news website, voices from beverly. he's joining us from war, so in poland. thank you very much for being with us. looking at the relationship between billable and russia. first, when russia 1st invaded ukraine, back in 2014 bella. luce is president, alexander lucas shanker, remained neutral at the time, and he didn't recognize crimea as an expression territory. how for him of an ally, is he to russia in the current ukraine crisis?
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hi, thank you for inviting me today. so what is related to the current relations of brushing booths in terms of premium? so bella luce, sion looks 100 cushion is supporting the russian actions and she supports the russian, the russian modulations like to, ah, show the europe, ian union and western position. i his power. so he actually let the military across to the territory of barriers. so and this is 2 different situations. so when we go back to 2014 look younger, had worries, table position as president of valerie was now after the elections in 2020, when the elections was the elections were a fraud. it,
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i am now isn't power in bella was only because of the support the prussia. so was our russia. he's not able to rule. so actually, now he's fully supporting the russian actions and he's really supporting russia. but would he go as far you think as sending bella russian troops to fight alongside the russians? if they was an invasion? actually he makes such statement that belushi and soldiers will fight if some one someone will attack russia. so actually he makes such make such statements, but we don't like it in ways and, ah, sometime happened. russia will show it as in, due to the act of propagation from the ukraine. so as we know, they prepared the fake video when, where, like,
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ukrainian something like the branyon provokes russia like that. and actually they will show it in such a way that there was a pro occasion from the cranium science and then the russian that, that attacks ukraine and bellows will defend. so actually for now it's only statements and we do not know how it will work in the reality. but i hope, and i think like from the logical, logical point of view, it is hardly possible that like such country, european country, you will participate in an open military conflict in 21st century. yeah, very hard to see how this is all going to unfold. thank you so much for speaking to us. your honey. andrew shake, who's editor in chief of a news web site? voices from bella? ruth was joining us there from war, saying thank you for your time. let's turn now to other news. and russian media is
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reporting olympic scape, the camila valley ever tested positive for a band hot medication before leaving for the beijing winter. olympics report comes after olympic officials delayed presenting the 15 year old and her teammates for gold metal. the drug is used to treat angina and is banned by the world anti doping agency as a performance enhancing stimulant. the i o. c says reports of doping. are speculation . obviously we ask for and hope for the patient and understanding of all the athletes in involved here. but it is a legal case. i am bound by that legal case as you all and i'm unable to say anything more. let's bring in katrina you in beijing. katrina, what more can you tell us about these allegations against this russian athlete? well, camilla gave i is a star russian athlete. she's been widely known to have possibly led her team to
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olympic gold medal victory after performing 2 quadruple jumps earlier this week. now that metal ceremony for that team event was supposed to take place on tuesday, but eyebrows raised after this was delayed indefinitely. now the i r c was questioned about this this morning on thursday, and i say spokesperson, mach adams refused to explain why he simply said that there was a legal nasa being looked into. and he said, any allegations of possible doping was for now, speculation, not the speculation was raised, but a russian newspaper all b. c. on wednesday it said that value but tested positive for the drug treatment, cassadine, or t and z. now this drug is banned by the world anti doping agency because not only doesn't treat and join and other related conditions, it's also known to boost endurance. now according to all b, c,
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the sample of value is that tested positive for t and z was found before she competed for the european championship about a month ago. now this timing possibly add some complications to this matter. another possible complication is value of his age. she's only 15 years old and according to the world anti doping agency, athletes who commit doping violations who are under the age of 18, do not have to be named now valley. the and her coach appeared during training in beijing as normal on thursday morning, and they refused to answer any questions. it appears that they are continuing their schedule and the russian can eliminate committee. you have not answered any questions as well as to whether there is an investigation underway, but certainly evaluated as many supporters are concerned that this incident will note and not only threaten the olympic gold medals of her team that will one this week. but also her chances of competing in the individual event, which takes place next week and to which she is
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a favorite to win. thank you for that. katrina, you lie for us in beijing and we'll have more on the winter olympics coming up later in sports with peter that had to indian our voters in the most popular state or to per day. sure. heading to the balls for local elections. the ballot is an important tests for prime minister and right now render modi's popularity with ought to pradesh accounting for 80 seats in parliament. modi's b. j. p. 41 the last 8 election in 20. 17. but the parties imagery has been hurt by strong opposition to it's now abandoned to forming reforms. meanwhile, universities in india, southern karnataka state are closed for their 3rd day after confrontations following a ban on women's heads, caused the move sponsor protests from muslim students earlier this week. who say they're being discriminated against. they were met with counter demonstrations from hindus who support the ban. let speak to oranges. there's pardon me tom, who is the in mandia in the state of cam nautica, those protests bob ne,
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spreading now. busy across india, tell us 1st about the situation where you are, where it all began. income attica, in front of a high school in a city called mando, which is a couple of hours away from cannot accost capital, bengal lunacy to see the get ha, close for students. and that is the situation state wide. schools and colleges have been closed on to friday to prevent this route from escalating into fog. 1 up violence on the neither front, the matter is in front of the high court yard. there was one judge that was listening to it. but now because of the severity of the issue, it is now being hard by 3 judges. one of which is how as people have noticed a muslim woman, now at the heart of it all, it is about interpreting constitutional rights, the right to freedom of expression and the right to this religion. these young women say that they have the right to wear the head scarves in the classroom. on
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the other hand, you have authorities from schools and colleges bashed by the state government that say that the head starts and other religious. the child violates the dress code because schools and colleges have uniform. there have been in the groups and other students aligned with these groups who have asserted the hindu identity by wearing saffron colored shaws and scarves and they've been marching. saffron is a color that is considered wholly by many hindus and, and stand off between the 2 groups, basically led to the violence, which is why you have the scene behind me. now, this issue has not logged into a larger debate about minority right, right and women's right. and we'll only know where it goes once on the coach. and it was his judgment. and the political context in which this is happening happening is quite significant. yes, because what happens and for not god doesn't stand or not got thousands of
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kilometers north. some districts in the state of what dr. bish are going into are pulling boots and unless point out that you know, religious identity played a very important role inputting the bgp in power in order for the back in 2017. and it's been 5 years since then. and many of the him, the voters that once back, the body have been not very happy with the performance because of economic distress . unless point out that the polarization that you're seeing here, the hindu of us is muslim debate. good. have an impact in terms of nudging these, bought us to once again, pink and vote along religious lines in a way that could benefit the b g b from up in winning the election and. and as you know, went over that with ish, basically sort of oh, or wins india in 2024. thank you for that poverty pub limited, revolting. they live from mandia in indian state of karnataka, somalia,
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now and save the children says the countries experiencing its worst drought in a decade. in november, the charity found 60 percent of households had at least one person who lost her source of income, mostly due to the death of livestock. and more than a 3rd of families included at least one person going without food for more than 20 or $24.00. hour period, it says 4600000 somalis will face crisis, emergency level food shortages until may. and the u. n. has only been able to raise 2 percent of its 8 target. when i speak to my modem. mm hm. and i found about this is the somalia country director for save the children a joins us live from ha gatzo, in somali land. thank you very much for being with us. miss amalia has experience several different crises in the past. what is making this one particularly bad compared to previous ones? good afternoon. thank you for having me. for my thing, if we come back the last to severe drought with this,
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when i came in that area because of the number of the people i texted and the number of life folks, not by the community because of the drug in a 27 p, about 6 point about, i think, 6700000 people who are in need of montana and the system. that number has now grown to 7700000. differently. that more people i need to i didn't support them. it was in 20201721. the number was even smaller, but the inventory and headphones finally has to be late and that the death of a quarter 1000000 people. and this is what we are adding now. and is this number of people who are in need to increase grade class and to what extent is the unstable
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political environment in somalia also contributing and worsening? this humanitarian crisis i think to, to i think to a great extent be used to contributing to the swisher because the political situation is now i'm the election to be late. i think that most of the holding by the close of the current frequency tuition. the other thing is that the government is not giving attention to that to this question. so we have a government to track their election and make sure that they need done bucks a bit. today at betty said the tuition of 205000 people. i've already been displaced. 70 percent of the family. i not able to feed that killed in children and women to make the most affected population
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by their current hunger crisis out. but yeah, i would ask you about the impact on families and children in particular, and what you think the international community should be doing to, to avert full bo monetary and crisis. yeah, they will, children and family. hi. as i said, for me to repeat that to them communities of religious moving and because of that course crossing nbc splits man and the in why not but what you need from my land. we met on the impact of the recreation and we already reported 70. it's called or any project that is a huge number. so children are missing on indication. and then they see the risk of violation of the exploitation child by those kind of things. they feel diseases out there for children and women already. missiles of the outbreak has
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been defaulted in some of the district and the numerous cases of what are the data that have been reported by the medical men, including our medical team. so we need to act now in order to have but i mean, as i say the 2011, when did respond to be late, there was huge loss of life. and i think that is what me, what's our main concern? i am out near the one for quite a 1000000000 is needed that he meant it in response plan also by that is fully funded and that's what we need to punish on community to. and i think one of the talks about that has resulted in the situation is a climate change. right. and we have to ask the international community to tech responsibility for somebody. i have
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a course something that we have not contributed to. right. that is our major fun. yeah, thank you so much for talking to us. i'm how may mohammed have fun, somali, a country director for saved children? we appreciate your time. thank you. you've added my teeth, but i still ahead on this al jazeera and use our 21 years old and already a double olympic champion will show you how. chloe came defended our title in beijing that's coming up mixed in sports with peter. ah.
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time for his peter. thank you fully had you been hearing the teenage russian figure skater, camilla valley ava has been training in beijing. a mid reports she tested positive for a band substance. the 15 year old on monday became the 1st woman ever to complete a quote jump, add an lympics, helping the russians when gold in the team events. but the middle ceremony has been delayed over what the international olympic committee of calling a legal issue. russian media is reporting tested positive for the drug trim. it has been back in december, which is typically used to treat angina. laver didn't answer questions off the practice and the i se, se they cannot comment. and this an identified member of the russian limbic committee also was giving nothing away earlier. showing your assertion, there will be official information from our official source when it's made available until there's official information. we won't say anything. there's nothing to say. as we said, nothing has been confirmed yet, but let's focus on the drug reported to be at the center of the story from
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a test the dean. from on this, we can now hear from malcolm the cloud, who is an associate professor of chemistry at australia national university. and the way it works is it changes the way that the hot muscle metabolite does all kinds of gains its energy. and so, given that it can have, have that effect on a pretty important i guess it could be used for input performance enhancing purposes the, the fact that you take the drug watch twice a day, suggested it's clear somebody pretty rapidly. and so seems to have an effect. i'm not aware of any long term effects of a drug this night shift. so i'm contrast that with something like an anabolic steroid. where you can use a steroid to recover from injury or trying to build up muscle. and that sticks with you for a period of time. i wouldn't put it in that
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category. so i suspect this is december it's, it's all, all history and away sound likely to, to effect now the effects of the drug result from the presence of the drugs. so once you let the body then, and i suspect it's no longer to benefit now to the action from beijing on thursday . nathan chain, one goal for the united states in the men's figure skating seidel, the performing music of elton john, including rockets, mention effortlessly landing for quadruple jumped in the free skate that followed up his will. reco performance in the short program a few days ago, which had given him a huge lead between the 2 year old secured gold for use of the missing out on a middle altogether income chatting. and he wasn't the only american celebrating golden thursday. chloe kim successfully defended, hurts idling. the women call pipe. she'd already done enough to win before her
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final jump came. is a double and big champion, and she's still only 21 years old. with the super bowl just a few days away. now the nfl is announced that who has regular season games in mexico and germany next year. these are pictures of the cincinnati bengals training ahead of the big champion game against los angeles rems, for the ongoing issue of racism. and a lack of black coaches and coaching staff throughout the league will not go away. rob reynolds has moved from les with american footfalls biggest event of the year. the super bowl just days away. nfl commissioner roger goodell held his annual state of the league press conference. an event that was dominated by questions about a lack of diversity in the leagues upper echelon. fidel said in his words, that the league had fallen short by a long shot in making head coaching jobs available to people of color. this coming after former miami dolphins head coach, brian flores filed
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a lawsuit against the nfl and several teams alleging racial discrimination against head coaches and executives at the league. there is only one black head coach in the entire nfl at the moment. and none of the teams owners are people of color. i found out all of the allegations whether they were based on racism or discrimination, or the integrity of a game. all of those to me were very disturbing because they are a very serious matters to us on all levels. and we need to make sure we get to the bottom of all of them. and we just have to do a better job. or we have to look, is there another thing that we can do to make sure we're attracting that best talent here and making our lea you inclusive? if i had the answer right now, i would give it to you. i would have him on it. i think what we have to do is just continue and find it and look and step back and say, we're not doing
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a good enough job here. good else said the nfl would be reevaluating its rules and procedures regarding these matters and said that racism would not be tolerated. now, many coaches players and fans will be waiting to see if the dells words are followed by action. chelsea will face brazilian saw palmetto in the final of the club world cup in the u. s. e. the european champions b l. hello 1000000. the semi final rama lu cocker schooling the winter pouncing on a defensive mistake in the 32nd minutes. chelsea had a couple of scales in the 2nd, but they managed defend of the saudi arabian side, the final leave on saturday in abu dhabi. i said, we're going to leave it there for now. i'll be here again in a few hours time with more sports news. thank you. thank you very much for that. that's it for this news are on al jazeera to stay with us. so emily anglin has more of the day's news for you in just a few minutes,
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including the latest diplomatic efforts to ease tensions between russia and ukraine . stay with us on al jazeera. ah ah. ah co cater culture of knowledge, openness and pluralism, world wide eyed to reward, merits and excellence and encourage creativity. the shake ahmad award for translation and international understanding was found to promote translation and owner translators, and acknowledged the road and strengthening the bones of friendship and co operation between arab islamic and wild coaches. lulu
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egypt, strong man is ruling with an iron fist and the silence from his allies is deafening . the u. s. was perfectly happy to trade off tomorrow for c, for security. why a western lead is turning a blind eye when even the own citizens have fallen victim to his repression. executions, torture censorship is not acceptable. and you won't hear such strong words from, let's say berlin or paris or london. armand in cairo. on al jazeera. we understand the differences and similarities of cultures across the world said no matter what lucy, al jazeera will bring you the news and current affairs that matter to you, al jazeera, britton's beloved curry houses are in crisis to india. don is shut down every week
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. use a bricks, financial fraud, and the pardon $1.00 0, $1.00 east investigates on out you 0. ah, a warning ukraine would be disastrous for the russian and ukrainian people and for european security. the u. k. foreign secretary urges russia to take the path of diplomacy, but moscow one's any ultimatum on ukraine is a road to know where this comes is. russia begins at joint military drills with bowers near it's gorda with.
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