tv News Al Jazeera February 11, 2022 7:00pm-7:31pm AST
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american culture across the world. so no matter how you take it out is either we're bringing the needs and current to fast that matter to you count his ear. ah, joe biden is to hold a tele conference with nato allies to discuss russia's military build up on ukraine's border. ah, i'm all about this and this is all dizzy alive from doe hob. also coming up, the vice president signs and executive order to unfreeze $7700000000.00 in afghan reserves. we're going to have more on where it's going. protesting gonna against a new tax on electronic payments with fuse is going to hurt people on low incomes.
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a warning that australia's famous koala bear could face extinction unless more is done to protect them. ah, it's 16 g m t u s. president joe biden is scheduled to hold a phone call with other nato leaders to discuss rushes ongoing trip build up around ukraine. earlier, the u. s. warned that moscow has deployed more troops to the border, further raising fuse it could invade russia denies it has any plans to do so. biden has urged american citizens to leave ukraine immediately. the crisis has been discussed in australia that a meeting of foreign ministers in the us lead quad security block, us secretary of state antony duncan, had this warning. simply put, we continue to see very troubling signs of russian escalation,
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including new forces arriving at the ukrainian border. and as we said before, we're in a window, ah, when an invasion could begin at any time. and to be clear that includes during the olympus u. k defense minister ban wallace. it says talks in moscow with the russian defense minister. second, chicago was constructive, and frank struggled said ties between the 2 nations, more close to 0. it cranes fought a mr. is told out 0 that russia's insistence that they talk directly to the separatists as part of the minsk process is unacceptable. ballier, a separatist leader accused give of raising the stakes by moving military hardware . we've got 3 correspondents, danny, bye for us on this da, such a body is going to be lifeless in moscow. child stratford is going to be in concave, in ne ukraine. first. let's go to our white house correspondent, kimberly hawker kennedy. what more do we know about this phone call? the joe biden has made well,
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we know that it wasn't initially on the president's schedule, but is says since has been added and a late ad at that, the u. s. president. set to have that call at this hour and according to the white house, what we know is that it will be with transit landrick leaders and that this is to discuss over all the military buildup of. 8 russian troops along ukraine's border, but more importantly, it is, as we hear these warnings of escalation of a time frame. now the potential invasion of within 48 hours, the u. s. still once again pushing this to track approach, not just deterrence, but also diplomacy. and to that end, the u. s. president has repeatedly said that he would talk about trying to resolve the security differences the west has with russia. and in doing so, that would, he would try to essentially resolve this in
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a way that could allow for the avoidance of the very punishing financial sanctions that the west has ready. as well as the fact that there is this coordination of military assets at the ready, including u. s. troops now positioned, i, if there is the need to respond. so this is something that will be discussed on this call that is set to take place at this hour. kimberly thank you very much. that's our white house correspondent, kimberly whole cuts. let's go to chill stratford in car cave chose i understand that we're waiting for a press conference from ukraine's national security and defense council. it's going to be talking about the situation their 1st time has talked upon me since the crisis begun, but you have been talking to ukraine's foreign minister about this. what has he been saying? that's right, sir. you guys former said to me to collaborate in the car caves to day he was
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meeting with members of the organization for security and cooperation in europe with char, right to the forefront of monitoring what has been repeatedly violated ceasefire over the last 7 years in the contact zone in east of the country and, and it was after that meeting that we spoke to him and he was adamant that as you mentioned in the intro that ukraine would not ukrainian government would not speak to the separatists as if, as, as they describe them on the terrace, as they describe women, this is something that russia is forcing or trying to force ukraine to do as a means of trying to re re energize the year. the minutes to agreement, an agreement that was set up in 2015, aiming at a political solution to the situation in the east. and foreign minister caliber told us that the reason why ukraine was not ready to do that is because it would
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mean that russia would go from a party in this conflict to a negotiator. and because of course, certainly the ukrainians eyes. russia is very much supportive of the russian back separatists, and that is, despite the fact that russia says that it has no role in that. and this is an internal affair for ukraine and the separatists to sort out. but we will so no oversee that maint skins getting some sort of settlement in the east is vital. if indeed they will be any lasting solution to this escalating crisis. we also am asked calais bow, whether in fact, because there seems to be such a stalemate in these negotiations in diplomatic efforts. and we have yet certainly publicly, at least not had russia's key demand that it made to nato and the us that there be no further nato expansion, including ukraine. we also farmer's the calais about whether in fact ukraine was
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prepared to give any concessions whatsoever to ukraine. and this is what he said. we understand that he has been saying that that is something that they will not be willing to accept, but the separatists have been an increasing issue in this situation haven't be. and i understand also that the leader of the separate is dennis priscilla. these are the pro russians separatists has be speaking about what has been going on, what has been saying about all of this? sorry, the robot. so it said i was starting to a sound bite from the foreign minister. but i am, as you say, yes, at the same time earlier today, the leader of the self declared tonight's people republic dennis was shilling, gave a press conference and using some low cannot really be described as a very inflammatory language, not helping suddenly, according to the ukrainians any kind of diplomatic efforts to resolve this crisis
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was shilling saying that the ukranian army were preparing for what he described as a military solution to the crises in the east. he said that there was evidence of the gradient, military pulling weapons store, and weapons, and troops close to the border in preparation for what does it say he described to some sort of military solution. very interestingly also, and something that has huge implications is actually went into some detail about the i was estimated to be around 400000 ukrainians. but in the last few years, in that set, which is controlled region have been issued with russian possibles, there is a fair certainly amongst analysts and people who've been watching this conflict over the years that russia could use as some sort of pretext for some sort of escalation, if there was to be any russian citizens in that area who either injured or killed
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in any attack that the sap, which is could blame on the ukrainian. so let's not forget the blue shilling acts or speaks with the green light from the kremlin. there is nothing that would have been said to day in that press conference that wasn't given the go ahead from moscow so that language like that, of course, has huge implications for the ongoing diplomatic efforts to solve this crisis. obviously i was, we're going to come back to her if and when we get to that term, press conference for the national security and defense counsel. but for now, child stratford and cocky, thank you very much. i talk to da says your body in moscow needs a very strong line, is very strong words that are coming out from the u. s. at the moment. how is moscow reacting to all of us? ah, well, the remaining very quiet on the subject until now we haven't heard any official reaction from the kremlin about what has been coming out of the white house. but of course this will just be used as another example of the u. s. government trying to
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create this atmosphere of hysteria as they have called it in the past. officials here believe that the united states is using ukraine to i really further their own agenda and build more of a presence military presence in eastern europe and increased nato's forces. in the eastern flank at this is something the russians have said is very much a security concern for them. and they continue to say that this is the reason we're in the current position that we're in because russia security concerns. i've not been answered by nato or washington. and they continued to dodge the issue at every meeting that the russian officials have with various world leaders and the governing bodies. so it really, it's really another example of how russia will perceive the situation to be escalating at the hands of the u. s. government. the u. k is defense minister is there, as we mentioned before, diplomacy still going on the you case. foreign minister was that about 24 hours ago, but that didn't go so well. how do we think that ben wallace is going to do
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well, the british defense says secretary just finished his meeting with his russian counterpart at survey chicago. and so ben wallace held a briefing for the media following that meeting and die. he highlighted some of the key points that they had, the 2 men discussed. he said that he believes russia strongly, it does not have any intentions of invading ukraine. but he said it's also a matter of showing that rather than just saying you had said the truth build up along the border was who are still very much concerned. and he said, if russia decides to invade ukraine, that would be kind of struck tragic and catastrophic. consequences such, but at the same time, the defense secretary of the british defense secretary says that there's still a room for dialogue between the 2 sides, even though the relations have been an all time low. and of course, that was highlighted by the foreign secretary visit on thursday liz trust. and her
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russian counterpart survey law for all really had a very difficult meeting where the 2 didn't even really address each other. circuit live. rob said it was like speaking to a death person during their hour and a half session. and he said that the british foreign secretary really didn't understand or listen to what the russians were saying and their position when it comes to their security concerns. the british, a defense secretary for his part said that they have sought some clarity and they were waiting for a response from the russians when it comes to their rebuttal from the u. s. in nature about the security guarantees they've asked for. and the russian defense minister for his part said that that he was looking for answers from his british counterpart about what exactly the british troops that are training ukrainian soldiers in kiev are doing there and how long they will stay. the russian defense minister also said that this is really not the time to increase tensions,
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and that the military and political tensions that have increased at the hands of other countries rather than russia. so it wasn't a completely unsuccessful visit, but whether or not it was a success is too early to start, though, so thank you very much indeed. does dosage of already talking to us from moscow? us president joe biden signed an executive order to unfreeze $7000000000.00 in afghan reserves. half of that will go towards the monetary and efforts in afghanistan, the other half towards relatives of victims of $911.00 and other attacks by on groups. $7000000000.00 was deposited by the afghan central bank in new york and it was frozen prior to the town on takeover in august for christmas to them is life is now in new york. that is more about those cash and what's going to be done with it? yes, absolutely. well, the biden administration was under increasing pressure from humanitarians at the
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united nations and from within his own administration as well to deal with this desperate, increasingly desperate humanitarian situation in afghanistan with the un warning that the countries on the verge of collapse economically, that people are facing famine and perhaps a refugee crisis that could affect other countries is looming. so with that as the backdrop, as well as a lawsuit against the taliban from survivors of the attacks of september. 11th looming, the biden administration has announced that this $7000000000.00 will be put into a special trust that will benefit the afghan people, but also set some money aside for $911.00 families. as well as that case makes it way, makes its way through court. the $911.00 families sued after the attacks. not only the taliban, but al qaeda and other entities and want a judgment for damages because of those attacks, which i,
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many thought at the time was merely symbolic. but as soon as the taliban took control in afghanistan and the families saw that this money was their error and could be going to under their control to run the country. the families brought their case back to the court and said that they have a claim for that, said the biden administration is also saying that some of this money will be set aside to deal with the 911 families, as that case separately makes its way through court, there was a deadline to day for the biden administration to deal with that case in court. i think that's what prompted this announcement here. we so are waiting for a lot of details as to exactly how this money will be distributed. but the administration saying that there will be controls on it to ensure that the money does not go to the taliban, but will, in some way, it will be able to be used for the humanitarian situation to address the monetary
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concerns of people in afghanistan, prison, salumi, live for us in new york. kristen, thank you very much. indeed. still, i had analogy 0. we're going to report from south africa with the head of the w h. o is visiting a vaccine research home. i look forward to brighter skies with sponsored point on ways hello trucking areas of white top plaid is quite important this time of the year because the tented suggest moving to big thunderstorms. that while there is indeed suggesting and proving shells moving up towards thailand and beyond the setting, be wet recently, impotency malaysia down in singapore. and of course, over, over good part of borneo on this line that takes you to the central philippines. would use some flooding as this hints as well done in java. so that's the se,
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asia rainy season, but the end of winter. it's not quite upon us, of course, but we've had a bit of snow in tokyo back up 10 degrees now. this line of snow disappearing into hawk harder, but coming out to china that look of blue is rain. that's all linked to what was happening for the south in todd and it become quite substantial for a while, i think. and reach shanghai. it is snow may be on its nolan edge in high ground, otherwise it's not that cold, but it also is likely in beijing and we backed sunshine and minus to eventually but sunday looks pretty snowy day. i have to say as for india, between in house for to the rain in this ne, monsoons for lanka, and i'm allowed to marry carola northern plain same as always. but wind in this i think on saturday. otherwise. poor quality. oh the with sponsored by castle right ways. gotcha. one of the fastest growing nations in the won the cost of needed to oakland and develop it school track international
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shipping company to become a p middle east and trade and money skillfully knocked down 3 key areas of development who filling up from it. so connecting the world connecting the future, won the cato, castillo's gateway to whoa trade. lou ah, we want to know, does it remind over top stories this r u. s. presidential biden's, holding a phone call with other nato leaders to discuss russia is ongoing to build up around ukraine. bivens urged americans to leave the country immediately. u. k.
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defense minister ben wallace says talks and moscow with the russian defense minister, sergey soil work constructor and frank toggle, who says tie is between the 2 nations close to 0. the kremlin has said it'll respond soon to proposals with us and nato as president joe biden, who signed an executive order to unfreezes $7000000000.00 in afghan reserves. half of that will go towards humanitarian efforts in afghanistan, the other half towards relatives of victims at $911.00 and other attacks by on groups. b. u and the secretary general is calling on all parties in libya to prioritize stability in the country. on thursday, libya's parliament appointed fatty was chicago to replace. the interim prime minister shaka was greeted by crowds of supporters. after was plain touch, done in tripoli, he said to replace our door. honey, did the baber, who says he won't stand down until elections are held? the challenge to libya is unity. government came hours after debate survived an
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assassination attempt on a trainer reports from tripoli in the eastern city of to brook. i live his parliament selected a new prime minister that he bossa was voted into office unanimously. he arrived in tripoli on thursday night and was received by hundreds of people. the former interior minister is widely seen as western libya, a strong man, and he's got the backing of powerful orn groups across the country. including warlord fully for after self proclaimed libyan national army or elani, which controls the oil rich is the high belt, the other we will come and support the decision of the libyan parliament made on 1st day to appoint mister bashir car as prime minister and to form a government that leads to a better future for all libyans with that but in turn, prime minister abdul hamid the beaver says you will not hand over power. lin s let
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be amerihome. i will not allow for new transitional stages. i will not be deterred from our role in the government until elections are held. the government of national unity will continue its work until it is handed over to an elected government. and for the moment, the un agrees that we've seen the reports of the appointment of herb of another o prime minister. this is part of stephanie williams. ongoing consultations. our paula, i mean our position that i stayed only very clearly yesterday. oh, remains unchanged. if your position remains unchanged, you still recognize entering prime minister as the prime minister libya. is that correct? yes, the short answer is yes. to be both main task as in term, prime minister was to hold elections. but the country has to rival legislatures, the parliament in the east and high council state in the west. in december, the vote was postponed because they couldn't agree on the rules for holding it. job realist weighs a political analyst and says,
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changing the government now will only prolong the conflict with the customer. lemonade in he elementary elect or the base solution to the contract because it ends the mandate of the rival legislative houses. it's clear the parliament and high council of state are blocking the way and don't want elections in order to stay in power as a major political figure from libby as west west support. busy from the way warlord in the country, if he was a believe he can bring libya the government back together with the un and other powers refusing to recognise them as prime minister. whether he can bring stability to the country or. busy even take office both to remain very uncertain. mal trina, europe, that of the world health organization searching the african countries to back efforts to have the continents own medicine regulator. tend to scare braces in south africa, which is working to set up a technology transfer hub for m r n a vaccines to help boost the vaccine production
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in africa. it comes days out to south african pharmaceutical company. oxygen said it had developed its own java based on madonna's publicly available data in the owners of modern emerging technology share. and then when the hub, we could expedite manufacturing removing the need for large clinical drams and catching development and approval time. but at least one year once again, i can relate all those involved in bringing them out in the technology transfer. have to this point and i look forward to it started the development government plans in gonna to tax alec tonic payments as provoked a st protest in the capital. demonstrators complain that the so called e levy will hurt low income earners already facing high food and fuel prices. victoria gave them the reports. a protest is march through gone is capital across the angry about a government plan to introduce attacks known as an
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e levy. a charge of nearly 2 percent will be added to all electronic transactions of more than $16.00. recent poll show up to 85 percent of the country's population opposes the tax. protest is say people on low incomes will suffer the most to printer to torture war money, which is direct, kept in my pocket, physically, or kept in my electronic wallet. you start to check the electronic money. immune transaction. i'm me is simply immoral, is criminal. the government says the money raised from the levy will pay for development projects. tax revenues have fallen sharply and gone or in recent years from 32 percent of g. d. p in 2009 to 15 percent in 20. 20 part of the reason is nearly 3 quarters of the countries. $10000000.00 workers are employed informally and many don't pay income tax. some economists say the levy is not a bad idea, but must be implemented fairly. others say the timing is wrong process. i ask
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a little bit out. well, prizes, i'll gwin at event loss with one big well president and chris twice. now we are planned boxes. what i've written, coverage come in and these double brendan alleys, vision to the people, were raw dot whoa. last 2 per corporate taxes, some protest to say they cannot afford to live and to cooling on the government to go slowly. moving in front soon. all my grandchildren are homeschooling. i cannot feed them if we cannot access water or food. i don't have anything to survive on, so i'm asking the government to hand over power to someone else. we're really suffering gonna has one of the fastest growing mobile money markets in africa. protest is want the government to think again about the impact of the levy on the poorest in the country. victoria gate and b algae 0. the biggest auto show in the u . s. is getting underway in chicago as being overshadowed by production delays
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caused by disruption to supply chains on a global shortage of semiconductors. aboard a blockade by canadian truck drivers protesting against corona virus restrictions is threatening further damage to the industry. john andrew has more from the show in chicago. the problem is that supply chain problem, we had a panoramic problem. it's hard to get parts to the manufacturing sites and that means those cars haven't been built on schedule. now you've got this blockade of truckers various different spots along the us canadian border and the u. s. has a deal with candidate supply auto parts. so what that means is that normally they occupy, they operate on what's called a, just in time system where something might be made in canada one day. and then 2 days later is actually in a car. in detroit, they do that so they can minimize the amount of parts they have to store on site. but that hasn't been working. it works in good times, but at times like this, it's been a crisis. so you've had ford and toyota plants close on the canadian side of the
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border and then general motors is shutting down, shifts reducing the number of ships it runs on the american side in michigan. so right now there is a, you've got all that going on and then a semi conductor shortage. these are the chips that operate so many things in cars . the ford plant just a few miles away from me right here in chicago has recently shut down because a lack of those. so this is an industry that is struggling to get back to where it was a couple years ago. and right now i just can't do that. the race is on and thailand to contain a 2nd oil spill in less than 3 weeks. the 5000 liters of fuel is from the same under see pipeline that sprung a leak last month, polluting beaches on the east coast. government says the latest bill is unlikely to reach the shoreline in re own province. finland's announced the purchase of dozens of fighter jets from the u. s. and a deal worth $9000000000.00. as government says is buying the 64 wall plains as part of a long term defense plant and not in response to the ongoing standoff between
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russia and the west. phelan shares a border with russia and it's an e u member, but it's not part of nato. one of those failures, best known and most loved animals, has been declared and endangered species. a scientific committee has recommended changing the co wallows conservation status to protect their populations. environmental as a welcome in the measures to stop the potential why boat or michelson reports a global symbol of australia's unique while life is now on the brink of extinction . loss of land, bush fires, shout and disease are being blamed for the decline and kuala populations or would decades. the endangered listing means they will be better protected and details action that needs to be taken was true that we live or we like to live where co allah's live. but those developments require what are called offsets, which means that there needs to be qual, habitat,
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put back. so what this announcement is about is making sure that that's done in the best and strongest possible way so that we do have long, continuous areas of habitat that are good for co hours. and that we also make sure that we've got the population strength in those areas. the kuala has been listed as a bung notable species for a decade. but experts say devastating bush fires in 2019 led to at 30 percent reduction in its population inches 3 years. the listing today is really important to give the species that legal recognition. but what needs to follow is really strong regulatory protection for the corolla. and the government has recently committed more money. we have the legal and status as endangered now. they're really good parts of the equation, but what's missing is the stronger regulatory protection. so while as need stronger laws and they need regulations that prevent the clearing of their habitat,
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which is their keith rat. late last month, the government announced $50000000.00 in funding to help conserve the quality. but conservationists criticized it for putting a price tag on what's widely seen as a national treasure. and they say, the only way the color can be saved is if the government protects the physical environment. it lipson. when we consume al jazeera, ah, this is all just here. these are the top stories you as president joe biden is holding a phone call with other nato leaders to discuss rushes ongoing trooper build up around ukraine. biden's urged americans to leave the country immediately. our white house correspondent kennedy hawkeye has more on the call. us president has repeatedly said that he would talk about trying to reserve.
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