tv News Al Jazeera February 12, 2022 2:00am-2:31am AST
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that our past lives and making sure that you're hearing the stories from people in places like how is fine libya? yeah. man, a sal region, and so many other we go to them, we make the effort. we care with state. ah, the us warns at russia has enough troops at the ukrainian border to invade, but moscow accuses the west of lies and misinformation ah poems, the whole roman you're watching out as ever like my headquarters here in dough also coming up, a state of emergency declared in canada's most populous province. after days of protests that the border truck drivers, the angry about coven 19 measures. and the u. s. c's is more than $7000000000.00 of
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frozen afghan funds. the money will be split between humanitarian aid and compensation for $911.00 attack victims. ah, welcome to the broker. we begin with the growing military stand off in europe. u. s . president jo biden's ordered 3000 more troops to poland warning of a potential russian invasion of ukraine. washington says a russia has amassed enough troops along the ukrainian border to launch a major invasion at any moment. russia's consistently denied plans for an attack, and as accusing the west of spreading false information, we have to think about the range of scenarios that we confront and it's our job to be ready for all of them. so what i will say is that the way that he has built up his forces and put them in place, along with the other indicators that we have collected through intelligence,
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makes it clear to us that there is a very distinct possibility that russia will choose to act militarily and there is reason to believe that that could happen on a reasonably swift timeframe. now we can't pinpoint the day at this point and we can't pinpoint the hour. but what we can say is that there is a credible prospect that a russian military action would take place even before the end of the olympics. if a russian attack on ukraine precedes it is likely to begin with aerial bombing and missile attacks that could obviously kill civilians without regard to their nationality. a subsequent ground invasion would involve the onslaught of a massive force with virtually no notice communications to arrange a departure could be severed and commercial. transit halted. no one would be able to count on air or rail or road departures once military action got underway. lodge a counselor the correspondent in washington,
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dcs monitoring events force. and heidi, i mean the u. s. sending more troops to europe, more than they've already announced. or in addition to the ones have already announced and warning of an imminent attack, the, the, the, the, the sound is getting graver and graver as certainly as so hell and the pentagon announcing now the doubling of the number of us troops that will be deployed to poland and romania now sending another $3000.00 us service men and women to that region though, pointing out they will not be ordered to serve in combat missions. they are there in case this russian invasion happens and the aftermath. now this is coming as you just heard from the national security advisor, jake sullivan issuing those dire warning, saying that an attack, an invasion from russia on ukraine could happen at any time that knocks forward the expected or possible timelines before there were speculation that russia could wait for the conclusion of the olympics and china as to not upstage its ally. but now it
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appears that according to us intelligence which sullivan declined to go into details to share of the he says, there appears that russia does have the military forces amassed now at the ukrainian border to launch and eminent assault. and as you just heard, he was warning residence in ukraine and american citizens, in particular that if russia does launch in assault. and he was saying that who has not been assessed to have made that decision yet. but if that decision is made, it could be swift. it could begin with an aerial bombing followed by a ground assault. and that the capital of heave could be a real possibility as a target. so, you know, you just touched upon the fact that it was also mentioned that foreign nationals all being advised to leave while the messaging is rather interesting. some might even think it's being a bit mixed because the diplomatic efforts apparently continue behind the scenes.
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that's right, and bank just minutes after we heard the national security advisor telling americans ukraine to leave within the next 48 hours. we'll just after that announcement, the white house has announced a call now schedule between us president joe biden. anvil, autumn, you're prudent for tomorrow. morning, washington time, so there certainly is still hope from the white house that there could be a diplomatic resolution to this though the last few days, even with the intervention of european allies, there appears to be little public process progress in de escalation. and just like you said, so hail there seems to be 2 tracks here where there is a continuum military escalation or the same time they'll hope holding out for a peaceful resolution to this country cancer forced that washington d. c. thanks very much. let's remark cubic. now he's a retired military general and former assistant secretary for political military affairs under president george w bush joyce via skype from washington dc. mister can always nice to have you on
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the program. so sending several 1000 more us troops to nato countries bordering ukraine. it doesn't really look like deescalate the situation, but exacerbating it no, i don't think that's correct. the fact remains is we are sending those troops into poland. ready during the romania, fundamentally to show our willingness to support our nato allies, the president has already said that we're not going to be putting troops indeed crane. but at the same time, those who border ukraine have reason to be worried. and this is simply a statement to glamour that if he wants to go. ready into romania wants to go into poland. he's going to be doing that over the bodies of american soldiers. we know that there are war games going on, but in russia and gallery sunset on the border. but the sabre rattling seems to be coming from the west rather than from russia about there is an imminent imminent attack. there is an imminent invasion. we're not hearing that those sorts of words
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. moscow. of course, you wouldn't hear those words from moscow. i wouldn't be announcing when i was going to attack to where i was going to attack what washington is saying is that there's legitimate reasons to be concerned. and you need to take the proper defensive responses. but i find that the silence of the russians to be more disturbing than if they were talking the house guy. do you think western allies are considering? and we've been talking about this announcement by suddenly the u. s. the american national should leave you crane and possibly potentially neighboring countries as soon as possible. well, i don't think they're too worried. they may be worried. ready about general instability and the economic consequences of an invasion of ukraine, but they haven't got troops on the ground. they know that the united states is providing a fire break between western europe and ukraine situation. so if they have any
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reason to be worried, it's the economic fallout from a post military operation which would include sanctions. both economic and financial. ready and other issues that they would have to deal with. they don't want another cold war. they don't want another hot war. but i think we can be assured at this point that there won't be any war inside the. are you concerned, or is there any you might say legitimacy into this issue of accidently falling into a conflict? i mean, you build up troops on both sides. one misfire, one accidental altercation over the border, and it sets off a whole cascade of events that can soon lead out of control. is that to possibility? is it something that military commanders on both sides would be considering all would be considering how the, the, how that doesn't happen? well, i think that's the major concerns who handle,
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i don't think it's an imaginary concern. you can be assured that the don boss, separate tissue crating separatists are doing everything they can to get the russians to come in. so the risk of mistake and miscalculation in my mind is a higher ability than a decision by russia to intentionally attack. what kim, it's always good to get your insight on issues like this. thanks very much for your time. thanks. joining us for washington. d. c. thanks to the truck, it's staging a blockade in canada of about an hour clare. the area after terry a judge grunted an order to enter the protest. ontario province has declared a state of emergency in response to the blockade which is causing gridlock. now, drivers of protesting against a code 1900 vaccine mandate, the stand off on the ambassador bridge, which connects canada to the u. s. of calls park shortages for major automakers like for general motors and toyota. it is these legal and punishable to
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block and impede the movement of goods, people and services along critical infrastructure. this will include protecting international border crossings. 400 series, highways, airports, ports, bridges and railways. during a televised address, canadian prime minister just intruder at knowledge that everyone may have caved 19 fatigue, but explained how the blockage is damaging the economy. the illegal blockade are hurting canadians, whether they're in ottawa, windsor, kuth, or emerson, their endangering jobs, the threats to our economy, and to public safety. the blockades are hurting small businesses and neighborhoods at the border. they're impacting trade supply chains and manufacturing the people. these blockades are hurting or every day families. political haine is following
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developments from washington, dc. the premier said by issuing this state of emergency for 42 hours, possibly longer. it allows them to start arresting people. and he said, if they do that, people could face up to a $100000.00 fine to year in prison. they've also, authorities have gone to a judge asking for an injunction about the bridge, seeing that they are legally blocking it that would allow them to perhaps start trying to clear the traffic. one of the big concerns obviously, is the size of the protest. people have been bringing children, the premier said, please leave your children home, please go home. they're afraid with the weekend that those numbers are just going to swell. so really sending the message that officially, now they're tired of it and it's a clear indication that they could possibly take action very soon. it's a really interesting way to protest him. if you think about it, it's really hard to deal with something as big as a semi truck. so the question is,
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how do they go in and get them out if they were to get their drivers out of the cabs? how do they move the trucks? do they have to have them code? where do they told them to? and obviously it's very scary because the truck of that size, somebody had a bad motive. they could do a tremendous amount of damage, especially in a large crowd situation. so we do know that the police in canada is called in reinforcements. they don't have any sort of national guard like here in the united states. but obviously it's going to be a tricky operation if they want to go in. they'd 1st have to figure out how to get them out of the trucks, how to move the trucks and how to protect themselves. well, facing down these huge semi truck. well, still had all elders ever were report from south africa where the head of the w h. o is visiting a vaccine with students in india, state of kanaka will return to school on monday and from there just tensions remain home from stories after the break.
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ah hello there. let's have a look at the weather in north america. and it's all about the contrasting temperatures this weekend in the us in the west coast and the east coast. we are seeing the heat continue to build in that southwest corner with a temperature record for february broken in san francisco. well, there's more of that to come if we have a look at the 3 day for los angeles, while we're going to be touching nearly 30 degrees by sunday, so nearly 10 degrees above average with plenty of sunshine. now in contrast to this, we've got that arctic cold continue across eastern parts of canada, and that's going to affect the east coast of the us. look at that dramatic drop in temperature for new york city. if we have a look, we've got a wintry mix moving in by sunday with some snow. it clears up on monday,
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but it is going to be rather bitterly cold. so wrap up warm. now we have a look. we've got snow moving across central parts of canada into parts of those mid western states, up in the north in particular. but much of the wet weather is edging off shore along that east coast. some of that rain trickling into florida. we can follow that down to central america was heavy rain for the bahamas, and by the time we get in to sunday will be southern areas of mexico that see the heaviest falls that show weather update. ah egypt. strong man is ruling with an iron fist and the silence from his allies is deafening. the us was perfectly happy to trade off from our for see for security. why are western leaders turning a blind eye when even their own citizens have fallen victim to his repression? executions, torture, censorship is not acceptable. and you won't hear such strong words from let's say
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berlin or paris, or london, or man in cairo on al jazeera. ah ah, look about your watch al jazeera with me, so he'll robin a reminder of our top stories. president joe biden and vladimir putin are expected to speak by phone on saturday. that comes as us has ordered $3000.00 more troops to poland over warnings of a potential russian invasion of ukraine. washington says russia has amassed enough troops to attack at any moment. moscow's accusing the west of spreading lies and the judge in ontario has granted an order to end the blockade of a bridge connecting canada to the u. s. truck as if he protested against
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a cove at 19 vaccine mandate. the youth pastor joe biden has signed an executive order to unfreeze $7000000000.00 in afghan funds. now the money was deposited by the afghan central bank in new york or was frozen prior to the taliban take over. in august. half of the funds will go towards humanitarian efforts in afghanistan, the other half towards relatives of victims of the $911.00 and other attacks by armed groups. kristen, sleepy, the new york explains why the relatives of the victims are being allocated some of got his thoughts money. they have already won. lawsuits that were filed years ago here in new york against the taliban and al qaeda against the taliban for its role in those attacks. and so they are suing to get access to that money as a result of those judgments. at the same time, the bite and administration is dealing with increasing calls to do something about
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the dire humanitarian situation in afghanistan from the united nations. and domestically here as well, people are concerned about what's happening there because of the taliban takeover. the bind administration does not want to recognize the taliban or let them have access to this money. so they're saying that they are going to set up a trust that will be overseen by a 3rd party to get this money into the country while avoiding the government. now, there, this is still months away. they're not saying how that's going to be done. at least many questions on answered, and that has humanitarians concerned. the united nations again has warned that the country is on the brink of economic collapse. and already we've received a statement from one humana, terry, and group refugees international that says that they're worried that this will further cripple the banking system in afghanistan and perpetuate the suffering of
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afghans. but for now, this is what the by an administration has decided to do, protecting some of that money for the lawsuits that are pending here in the new york while at the same time freeing up the money for humanitarian purposes. although not quickly or not enough for some who are concerned in the head of the world health organization is urging african countries to back efforts to have the confidence own medicine regulator had drugs go. braces is in south africa, which is working to set up a technology transfer hub for m r and a vaccines to help these vaccine production in africa. now the south african pharmaceutical company african announce last week that it's the 1st in africa to develop its own job based on the dentist publicly available data. if the owners of
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him are immersed in technology share and then when the hub, we could expedite manufacturing removing the need for large clinical drams and catching development and approval time. but at least one year. once again, i laid all those involved in, bringing them out in a technology transfer, had to this point, and i look forward to it started the development well, me to mila has more from cape town. much of the emphasis really has been on the disadvantage, that african countries are in or facing regarding access to vaccines. the, the director general of the w h o is said that while half of the people in the world have received at least one job, just 10 percent of africans are fully vaccinated. the let goes down to about 5 percent for lower income countries. and so really, the vaccination programs and rollouts have been concentrated in rich countries and
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so africa largely forgotten. and now the establishment of a transfer hub in south africa is meant to accelerate that vaccination process, largely bringing the manufacturing of vaccines to african countries where that information that technology and science will be transferred. c both locally and across the continent with the vaccine manufacturing can be boosted. they are expecting that an increase in vaccination of manufacturing will help lower income countries. africa really is at a disadvantage at this point. and we also heard from the belgian development as those here supporting the w h o program and south africa saying that the pay can waive the issue is one that has continued for 2 years and hasn't moved. so a transfer hub is really an ideal solution, a structural solution to the problem that african countries are faced, but also is 2 years too late. it would still be
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a while before we see them manufactured and distributed with regard to african. in particular, they have developed to the vaccine, but they're likely to only start clinical trials in the 4th quarter of this year. around november, perhaps, and only in 2024, get the approval. they need to manufacture these vaccines on math and distribute them. if we look at bio vac, they say that they have the ability to manufacture about 50000000 doses over the next period. but even then, that will begin in the months to come. so still some time before african starts receiving jobs with vaccines made in africa. the hong kong is reporting another record rise in daily cro virus infections. 1300 people tested positive despite restrictions being enforced brick plan testable another day. another record number of daily cases here at hong kong with authorities worried about the number of silence chain of transmission in the city. now,
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beijing is stepping in say it will ramp up assistance in the city, offering more tests, offering will medical equipment, more man power to help hong kong. this also talks if perhaps the make shift hospital being built to treat and isolate patients to so may lambda, hong kong officials meeting on saturday to discuss the best way forward. will there be a city wide lockdown here at home called like we've seen across the border in places like c on? that's the big question that people hear. osgood, hong kong is already under the strictest requirements, strictest measures that we've seen since the pandemic began with a 2 person gathering limit, which police have been out and full 2 hands find those who breach that gathering role. that's on top of a dining band after 6 pm trains of reducing capacity and as already flight bands and current team requirements to enter the city as well. so there's no sign that hong kong is about to a band it 0 cove, its strategy. despite the escalation cases here,
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the front says it will relax some of the pendant restrictions for vaccinated tourists. travelers with a european vaccination certificate will no longer need to undergo a cave in 1900 tester and the country france also announced it would soon drop its requirement for vaccinated travelers from outside the u. more than a 100000 people in madagascar waiting for emergency aid almost a week after a powerful sy clone hit, but asked the maid landfill last saturday. the strong thousands of homes at least 111 people. i mean to have died. it was the 2nd destructive storm to hit madagascar in 2 weeks cycle, and i killed 55 people into space thousands. now the island nation was already struggling with food shortages due to severe and prolong drought. schools are reopening on monday in india state of kanaka after they were closed because a violent standoff between pupils, female students have been protesting against ban on religious head, scarves in,
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in class cannot to guy is governed by the political party of prime minister. and when dra moody and it's being accused of fostering discrimination, bobby missile has bought from mandia. oh, must gone con, has become a local hero. people from across india have come to take photos of themselves with her, and some give her gifts and money must con, shot to fame. after this video went viral, she seen resisting a group of men demanding she removable car. wouldn't any like i am not scared of any one except the almighty. i thought of him, he was the one who gave me the strength and now all this respect. i am very grateful. i experience has highlighted a control the ceo over a ban on religious clothing in the southern state of karnataka that has led to a national debate about constitutional freedoms. women started protesting after they were banned from entering class. when ready, headscarf this parked counter protest by hindu groups. the marched reading,
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saffron colored scholars to assert their identity. the color is considered sacred by many hindus. but after riding clashes, schools and colleges were closed for 3 days. the state government has back the ban . in india, dumb way nerdy, boss zoom is going on. yes. busy. and was us up as of a me not it is saw, this is what he had a dead aah! down to get his is completed on and was yet acting to get to. so i did a gentleman, protest had spread to other regions. authorities in new delhi have detain students demonstrating in solidarity with the women a court and could not go has allowed schools to reopen. but our students not to wear any religious clothing until a final decision is made. many people are getting anxious in this muslim dominated neighbourhood in mound out. they say they only send their daughters to schools that allow head scarves and activists say that the band could lead to more than god's
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becoming for the marginalized and segregated from others in schools. some teachers are worried about the long term impact on students. the once you have stood boys on into this, otherwise a love, an area, well, it might job many people may use it for different reasons at the, in different stages. but that could be one of the i'm in all most unfortunate thing that might happen had after must gone, says she's grateful for the support she's received and is confident. the court will rule in favor of those objecting the ban. she plans to go to university next year to fulfill her father's dream of becoming a lawyer. path nathan al jazeera cannot ga southern india. now, garland plans to tax electronic payments have provoked a protest of the capital. demonstrators complained that the so called e left e will hurt low income earners, already facing high food and fuel prices. rhetoric gayton be has more.
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i protest is march through gone is capital across the angry about a government plan to introduce attacks known as an e levy. a charge of nearly 2 percent will be added to all electronic transactions at morgan, $16.00. recent polls show up to 85 percent of the country's population opposes the tax protest in say people on low incomes will suffer the most pretty to worship for money. what's yours? you got kept in my pockets, physically or kept in my electronic wallet. you start to tig, the electronic money, a me transaction army is simply immoral, is criminal. the government says the money raised from the levy will pay for development projects. tax revenues have fallen sharply and gone, or in recent years, from 32 percent of g d, p. and 2009 to 15 percent in 2020 part of the reason is nearly 3 quarters of the countries. $10000000.00 workers are employed informally and many don't pay income
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tax. some economists say the levy is not a bad idea, but must be implemented fairly. others say the timing is wrong. processes, colette in denton, out for prices are going up even largely one big welt, brunswick and chris twice. now we are print boxes. what i've written covered come in, at least not all brendan ali vision to the people were rado whoa bloss to thir, corporate taxes. some protest to say they cannot afford to live and to cooling on the government to go. it won't let me run through all my grandchildren or homeschooling. i cannot feed them if we cannot access water or food. i don't have anything to survive on. so i'm asking the government to hand over power to someone else. we are really suffering gonna has one of the fastest growing mobile money markets in africa. protest is want the government to think again about the impact of the levy on the poorest in the country. victoria gay to be al jazeera fear
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dome is a journalist in a cross. she says the e levy tax comes at a time when the cost of living is going up exponentially from many gone ends. john, as economy isn't a bit of a free for the moment and the government has said they are the introducing new taxes, electronic levy, or the bone capital capital, the international money to find the i m f. and they just want to see that mobile money is a huge thing. it's been a couple of years. at the moment. we have 15000000 people registered to use mobile money across a variety of mobile networks and about 18000000000 gone a, b, b went through the system last year in line. so it's a huge thing here. people use more money a lot, but they're, i'm think the, at this point it could be a tax of about $51.75 on transactions that they will do that all electronic transfer. so for move out money,
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one more money to another bank account to move on. money account will be introduced . this is a time where petra prices are going up. it could be an 8, c, b, a lease up before march. and that's a huge jump from where they are now, which is about $7.00 c, b liter. and also inflation is going up, the price is going up. and so people, i think this is the wrong time to bring in this. are you watching all deservedly so rob, reminder of all top stories president joe biden, vladimir putin are expected to speak by phone on saturday. it comes as the u. s. has ordered $3000.00 more troops to poland, the warnings of a potential russian invasion of ukraine. washington says russia has amassed enough troops to attack at any moment. moscow accusing the west of spreading lies. we have to think about.
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