tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera February 13, 2022 6:00pm-7:01pm AST
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and yahoo, one of the few women to drive to remote villages, risk in at all ivory coast on al jazeera. ah, this is al jazeera ah, the time is 1500 hours g m t. i'm come all santa maria, welcome to the news. al from al jazeera. he was president joe biden is to discuss the security situation with ukraine's that voldemort zalinski has tensions continue ever russia's troop filled up. his anger in his ear as president, guy said, continues to tighten his grip on power by replacing the top judicial watchdog with
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his own appointees. canadian police, clear the protest is blocking a u. s. canada bridge in protest. i have a corona virus restrictions, a matter many and southern italy, police are on the lookout for members of the mafia. after a string of bombings in the city of fall, just upset people on edge and sport al a is getting ready to house super bowl. 56. the rams at home field advantage heading into the nfl championship decider against the cincinnati bengals. ah. so you as president joe biden will speak to you. crane's president. volume is zalinski in the coming hours, as european leaders warned the region could be on the brink of war. the german chance the olive schultz will be the latest western leader to meet russia's. vladimir putin is off to moscow on tuesday, bringing warnings of immediate sanctions if russia attacks the criminal no still denies its planning any sort of offensive. but u. s. staff at the
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o. s. c. e. the organization for security and cooperation in europe, getting out and withdrawing from done yet sc and eastern new crime. ukraine itself, they're continuing to down player loads alarm bells coming out of the west. the government says it's keeping the country's air space open. at the same time, it says russia has already begun an assault through cyber attacks and bomb threats designed to so fear to correspondence to keep has covered this al mike hanner in washington dc. i'll be with you shortly. mike. want to start in care of itself with natasha butler, the air space remaining open, but gosh, things must be tense. well, there, a lot of things are happening at the office of the ukrainian president followed him . is lensky says lensky will be speaking to the u. s. president joe biden on the phone, you'd expect the biden. i would a brief zalinski on the conversation that he had a, with the russian president vladimir putin on a saturday. and of course,
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i'll be talking about the security concerns. it will also be, you'd imagine, an opportunity for the lensky to perhaps once again a, some of the frustrations that we seen here with the government in the capital up. but the frustrations because there's a sense that with, with the a rhetoric, the narrative coming from the u. s. saying that an attack is imminent on ukraine. there is a feeling here that, that is just whipping up a lot of anxiety. a lot of fear we heard from ukrainian present on saturday saying it is causing panic. and he called for com. meanwhile, of course, some on a top ukrainian official is saying that the ukranian as space is staying open again because there were reports as saying that perhaps ukrainian as space was going to close off to the dutch, carry a k, a lam decided that it would no longer fly to or from the ukrainian capital to the
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country at all. counseling will flights at the very last minute. and then of course, you have a many countries a telling their citizens to leave the country. the us basically recalling all of its diplomats or all of its diplomatic, soft, close. ms embassy, a kia, so it's very difficult for the ukrainian government that trying to, they're trying to remain calm. they're trying to make sure that the population remain calm. but all these things certainly aren't helping them or all of sholtes the german chancellor heading to ukraine as well. i mean, what's expected from that? it's sort of seems the same sort of puff that a president micron of france took going to visit both leaders. yes, so this, this time though, the other way round macro vis did or the russian president 1st vladimir putin. and then he went on to visit valdemar lensky. he and his but this time we're going to have our owner shoals coming 1st to ukraine to talk to the president here. now all
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i've schoultz has said that european powers will do everything that they can to avert a war on european soil that nobody wants to see that happen. we also know from the german government officials, their shoals will talk about some of the economic help that he can offer ukraine, that will be very ported. of course, ukraine's economy being, being badly hit by this crisis, the tensions at the moment, not helping at all the financial situation for the country schultz. then we'll travel on to moscow to meet with vladimir putin. he is expected there to say that if russia was to invade ukraine, than there would be a very severe repercussions. indeed, although we know again from a government source, is that all ab schultz is there to listen also to won't the russians say to their concerns, but is not expecting any great breakthroughs. ok, thank you for all of that. natasha butler's reporting from care of on the news on
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now to mike hannah in washington, d. c. a. as we heard deviled mere zalinski and president biden will be speaking it's. it's all quit, isn't it? it's complicated because they seem to be coming at this crisis from different angles. yes indeed. so in the course of the morning on various sunday shows, us administration has continued its warnings that it has now been a tornado of warnings in recent days. saying that invasion could be imminent. calling on americans to immediately leave ukraine while they are still commercial fights available. we've heard both from the national security advisor and the spokesman for the pentagon in the course of the morning. they're singing from the same sheets they are saying very clearly that they believe that action is imminent . they are calling at the same time for diplomatic means to sustain the situation. they insistent that there is still space for some kind of diplomatic resolution.
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hence, the conversation that president biden will be having with the cranium president and these ongoing diplomatic moves that are happening, involving the german chancellor and the course of this coming week. my, how is all of this sort of registering in the united states? i think everyone's focus is probably on the super bowl this weekend. i'm just wondering, you know, another conflict in another far off land. how's it sort of registering the well, just like the people of ukraine, this degree of confusion here, given the severity and the strength of the warnings that the bite and administration has been giving the public each and every day. particularly that insistence that all american citizens move out of ukraine. so that is a degree of uncertainty even despite all the focus on the super bowl. but that reflects in a way what's happening in ukraine where they are supposedly receiving the same information and sources and ukraine. insistent, as we heard that there is a degree of confusion in terms of the us information. now we've lost the us
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officials directly on what they are basing this emphasis information of imminent attack. they point to the real time pulled up russian troops on the ukraine border . that is something that is clearly evident from satellite footage, but that russia says it just responds to a threat. it perceives in terms of issues like the false flag operation, which has been part of the u. s. litany you because the direct question and the administration officials will simply say they cannot divulge what sources they received the information problem. so they will give the information, but not explain very clearly how they got at all of these factors come together to make a somewhat confusing situation. as the u. s. continues to ramp up its rhetoric at leading into this coming week, but at the same time trumpeting its desire for a diplomatic resolution. ok, thank you for all of that might can are reporting from washington d. c. this sunday. let's hear now from richard stock where, who is
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a professor of russian and european politics at the university of can you also write the book frontline ukraine crisis in the borderlands. he told us there is no appetite for war in russia. and persian is using the border issue to address larger security concerns. the you can crisis is a symptom of a larger crisis, which is i saw most guys concerned the failure of the breakdown of european security order, which it was not happy about so many, many years. yelton wasn't happy with it and put in as constantly said, look, we really need to have a system in which we not simply face tab by enlarging later to voters. the idea of russian invasion. of course, nothing can be excluded, is extremely unlikely because what on earth would russia do with trying to occupy country before 2000000 people who would put up stiff resistance? it would mean, you know, damaging russia not just talking about sanction from hell being imposed on it. but also massive internal divisions,
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but my feeling is that you actually will keep these forces and keep this up for many, many months. and so the west will get exhausted and my old him at play the game as if, as i argue the game is ultimately all about diplomacy. i'm trying to get issues onto the agenda, which should have been on the agenda for most concerned many years earlier. so they can keep this up free for months and then they can just just go back home and say, look, exercise is completed, no face lost. there is no mood and appetite for war within russia and somewhat heads of coast are talking about this, but they'll go home. no face last and it's a west which will have a lot of egg on its face as it were for having talked by an imminent invasion, even during the aging olympics, which by any standard is extremely unlikely. well, the ukrainian government is often mccue's of ignoring what a described of neo nazi paramilitary groups fighting russian back separatists. many such groups have been an effective fighting force in the near 8 years of conflict
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in east and ukraine. charles stratford as this report now. so i have loved these men training on the football pitch in easton, ukraine say they want to defend their country from russian aggression cry. coal has its origin in german nationalists groups of the 18th and 19th century. and the leaders of the group say it has thousands of members will not, but only 60, have bought their own license weapons and regularly serve alongside ukrainian army soldiers on the 420 kilometer front line. 24 year old glib, studied homeland security and crisis management university. he says one day he wants to open a gun shop. why did you choose? why? because or more logically closer to me. so i decided to join the when you said they are more ideological, closer to can you tell me what you mean by that?
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how would you believe in ideological pods that fly cool is not the only group accused of being neo nazis that is appeared in ukraine's is the conflict with russian bank separatists started in 2014. the others, like these men, with the powerful as of the battalion, been incorporated into the ukrainian security services under the ministry of interior. for i call on many groups like them have been praised by ukrainians for their willingness to take up arms and defend the country against what they describe as russian aggression. but that does not mean that they are popular amongst voters at the ballot box. the coalition of right wing groups only managed to win leslie suite. the sense of the vote in the last parliamentary elections in 2019 with some of its leaders such as demetrius yarrow sh would be made,
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advises to the head of the ukrainian military flow. participants in this torchlight riley, resembling nazi gatherings in 1900, says he's germany, hold a banner honoring stefan bandera, ukrainian nazi collaborator, widely recognised as organizing the massacre of tens of thousands of ethnic poles and ukraine towards the end were to go forward. and dera is the nickname, fellow fry co volunteers, gave this man 24 year old. bowden says the group has its origin and what he calls pans slow visible, connecting similar minded people across slavic regions of eastern europe, including russia, but not changed when the conflict started off and it's moved the market. if the west respects democracy and pluralism of views, they have to respect our views. the tickets of political future, we would need to show people, we can be competent leaders. we need to gather light minded thinkers,
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qualified and educated people. if we manage that and we will have a political future and political strength experts say the far right ukraine has its origins in football, hooliganism, poverty, and a country that, along with many other post, soviet states has struggled with political corruption. the russian ukrainian border didn't really exist for these movements. they, russian far rate in the ukrainian fire rate moved in the same circles, and then when the war came, some of them chose one side and some of them chose the other. and the fact is that the connections are still very much there in some parts. and it's almost certain that there are russian agents of some sort within these movements. for i call leaders say they've been overwhelmed by people wanted to join since the crises between ukraine and russia has escalated that as nato countries throw their weight behind ukraine. they should happy be aware of what this conflict is creating. on both sides. charles trapper al jazeera, cor q houston ukraine. almost 15 minutes past this news. i here's what's coming up
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fighters roll into tripoli to support the interim prime minister after a push to replace him. also rocks top caught bars, the former foreign minced ashes, a barry from running for president over claims of corruption. and it's for it's another record for basketball style. lebron james that he has with farrah a little bit later. ah, let's look at tennessee right now. more protests taking place in the capital after president chi side gave himself the power to dismiss judges. ah, the new decree has replaced the supreme judicial council, which one of the last institutions still independent of the presidency site, made several notes to consolidate power since sacking. the government and suspending parliament back in july or from elusive open in tunis. this decree by
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the time prejudicial cancel was initially a sort of a to paid like a rollback by case side. because the international response, when he dissolved the supreme judicial council was very, very firm. they g 7 un and european union have, i have said strong words, demanding guys returned to the democratic path. but what we seen with the decree today is that he's gambling on their support and that he's more interested in gathering the 3 main powers of state of legislative executive. and finally, now the judicial power within ching asia. so this is another step forward to what's the protesters are saying is a complete dictatorship, an authoritarian rule by cai side to day citizens against the crew who are an independent acquaint, little, broad church event. she joined together with the largest political party tunisia, an actor, which is the muslim democratic party, which has its opponents
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a and ease of democratic and some socialist wing and all say that just dorian wing of politics. and a lot of the, the opponents of, and i to say that there to blame. so this isn't she quite a controversial alliance between the 2. but as we're seeing, there are thousands of people gathering i and she a despite a chi psi and green bit protests or bands. yet under the rules of caveat and sanitary laws, they are out in force saying we want the supreme judicial counsel reinstated. will critic searches inside of setting to nydia back on a path to authoritarian rule with the, all these moves that began back in july, there were protests over the government's pandemic response, and the worsening economy and side invoked emergency powers. as a result, he then dismissed the prime minister. he suspended parliament in august, he extended the suspension of the parliament indefinitely. the following month,
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he grounded himself the power to rule by the crane remove parts of the constitution that conflicted with his actions. and in december he announced plans to amend the constitution and to hold elections by the end of this year. but until then he will effectively have absolute power with us from june. his final leave as he is the editor in chief of the 10. again, use an analysis site. michelle father, thank you for your time today. it is all so blatant, isn't it? it's so obvious what the president is doing. yeah, i mean, how does he, how does he justify all of these moves? well for the judiciary, he's long said that he thinks that the just sherry is crop. he has said that there needs to be a clever thing of sherry, something that his cor baby supporters of called on him to do for, for quite a while. and he seems to be following through on it. so he has been attacking me to do sherry for many months. there's been a big step between him and judges. judges,
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groups of judges have tried to push back. not all of them. it doesn't seem that they have been united, we see this week a today's strike by judges. not all of them participated, but a good to portion of judges did participate, particularly in the capital tunis, calling on basically thing that they just moved are an executive branch interfering in the judicial branch. this needs to be reversed. however, we have a strong position that has fairly from, from lawyers, the, the bar association to be actually supported by moved. there's also another judges union that all the to be happy about what they are for measure. however, judges are discussing amongst themselves. now it seems that they may be starting to organize a response, but will seem good. they may not be able to. so there are some judges pushing back . there are the people on the streets pushing back as we see the protests happening
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. but none of this is at will you tell me actually i to meet looks at none of this is at the levels of we've seen before. certainly not going back to our spring levels of, of unrest and protest. no much larger protests in the last 10 years of various moments particularly or so to acknowledge issues. we know we're not being that sort of math protests that we've seen in the last several years. we're seeing mainly political parties. now there were quite a few after july 25th and i cited moves, we did quite a lot of back and forth protest people who were supporters of the president and an opponent of the presidents having sort of large rallies where would be thousands, came out the momentum for that seems to have died down. you know, today's protest country, this is one of the larger ones we've seen in several weeks, at least. but again, it would build quite a few political parties that were joining,
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but we didn't see sort of, you know, not numbers that we've seen and sort of working class neighborhood when there's been uprisings or contestation or protests against the government. there does seem to be sort of some patient left or by side amongst the populace. he does seem to have, according to old residual popularity for having some of his mood unfortunately, or fortunately, depending on your perspective, there are why level of destruct sherry. but certainly this is something that human rights groups pointing to and with extremely worrying or the jewish area for the ability of just to maintain some sort of independent, independent due to share with the project that went very slowly after the revolution. this hired additional council wasn't up until formally, wasn't really operating until 2019 so it took many years to get here and they would point davis 0 versus those base small but low stuff that they saw as a due to sherry, gaining some independence from the french puddle from moscow and indian news and
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analysis. i thank you so much about it. we appreciated iraq's federal supreme court has ruled that the former foreign minister. she's a bar, is not eligible to run for president because of corruption charges. he was dismiss back in 2016 after allegations he diverted public funds. although he wasn't convicted in court, the kurdish politician was the favorite to take the role of president and did have the support of cindy politicians, nor from mommy wanted. now in baghdad. what spin her, she's a bar, his reaction will an oppressor her shows the body just refuted and denied the court's decision. disqualifying him for a running for a president. and he said that he has no other choice other than to
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accept the judgment. but he reiterated in his words, is that this decision, according to him, is but it is highest and might make things worse as he says. now remember who shows you buddy was the know many of the could this done democratic party that could just turn democratic party is a major ally of the, the biggest to block in the parliament. the subject to movement, along with, in a coalition that has been formed recently. i don't good. the sunni part is including that is headed by the speaker of the parliament. how may i help you? the 3 blocks boy quoted, they quoted the session that was allocated for electing the president of the last week just because the body was temporarily suspended by the court. so now this in fact gives a chance,
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a big chance for the adversity of her anybody namely, but i'm sorry, the incumbent president of iraq. who is there? no, many of the other could dish, but you, which is there. but you tick at union a party of kurdistan. z. betty is not qualified for running for president automatically. automatically. that gives a bigger chance for his adversary, but i'm sorry to proceed and take office if he succeeds to take the majority of do with 2 thirds of the parliament members votes. that's my without the one with the update from back to thank you. 5 united nation staff members have been abducted in southern yemen and were taken on saturday while travelling in the abilene region, heading towards the city of aiden. 4 of them are yamini nationals, the internationally recognized government in southern yemen says it's working to
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freedom. now libyan fight as her back the interim prime minister dab the hammered debarber have entered the capital, tripoli, and convoys. the armed group say they want to shore up the baby's position after the parliament in east and libya moved to replace him. the bible says he won't hanover power until long delayed elections are held on a trainer with more now, from tripoli, we saw yesterday husband, misery. he's the speaker of the high council of state. that's a legislative house based here in tripoli that shares power with the parliament. and he said that he received enough recommendations from its members for him to move forward a sort of like a nod of approval from the high council of state. does this mean that that he will come into power? what we're going to have to wait and see, but still needs to form a government. he's going to give that list to the parliament if they give him a vote of confidence. i mean, really, it's a, it's a on a political level, it's going to be a done deal for me today,
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but he's going to be forced to hand over power on a political level. what he's trying to do, what the baby is now trying to do, is trying to change the general view, the, the, the view among people. here. he's saying that he's going to announce a roadmap for elections to happen in june. and this comes after elections were postponed in december. we need to remember that the baby came into power in march, and he was tasked with leading libya to election. and more than 2800000 libyans are registered to vote, and that's more than any other election and look at history. so there's a huge appetite. libyans are sick and tired of these legislative houses that have remained in power for year upon year, right. they want to vote who they want, they want, they want to control them. they want to vote for who they think can leave the country towards the ability. just a quick note from jerusalem. before we hit the break, israeli police have cleared,
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protest is in the flash flash point suburb of check it off in ok, bodies jerusalem demonstrations broke out as a far right m. p from the religious zionism alliance opened a parliamentary office in the neighbourhood, checked, it has emerged as a symbol of palestinian resistance against is ready control of the city. hundreds of palestinians, they are. harry, have either been evicted or are facing eviction from the house. it's all right to in the news that had the top us japanese and south korean diplomats meet to discuss north korea after it began the here with a series of missile tests arrested, released and facing barriers. why? hong kong is young pro democracy protest to say they can't find work or get into school. was your sports news? chelsea celebrating the 1st ever club world comp time. ah
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hello there. we'll start with the middle east, and it is a rather quiet picture for much of the region with plenty of sunshine, just a few showers, grazing, pottsville events, in particular for syria and lebanon, and a few showers popping off around coastal areas of oman in the days to come, but it's really the wind that stealing the show. we've had a small wind blowing down the gulf that wind chill has knocked temperatures down in places like doha and dubai. but by the time we get to choose day, we will see them start to pick up. now the when remains an issue across the red sea and we are seeing the windy weather sweep across northern parts of africa. we could see some sandstorms in algeria, libya. antonia and some coastal showers creeping in from the mediterranean. by the time we get to choose day for the west or whether we have to head further south and what the seasonal rains, of course, flooding in the south, east of the democratic republic of congo. this was the scene in lubin bashi,
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and the shop of thunderstorms could cause flooding problems raging all the way from angola up to tanzania. you can see the heavy rain, their heavy rain as well for interior areas of south africa, but sunshine and warmth for cape town and is more wet and windy weather pulling into madagascar in the days to come. we'll keep an eye on that. ah, in iran, the head of a mental health hospital experiments with a bose new treatment. the therapeutic power of love, the prescription roman against all odds, his patience embraced the matrimonial remedy. but can wedlock lead to better well being on his war? the merest project? witness on al jazeera. oh,
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we tell the untold story. oh, we speak when others done? ah, we cover all sides. no matter where it takes us. absolutely a fiancee, god for my i am power and passion. we tell your story. we are your voice, your news, your net out his ear. ah ah, ah. are on the news all here at al jazeera? these are the top stories. he was president joe biden will speak with ukraine's
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president. volume is zalinski in the next hour. western nations have been warning of an increased threat of a russian invasion in ukraine, which moscow denies. germany's chance all of sholtes is warmed though of immediate sanctions. if russia attacks ukraine is announced, a visit to moscow and kia from the coming days. and another news opposition parties into an easier promising to unite against president ty saeed. up to he announced changes to the judiciary protests taking place in tuna soft aside, gave himself the power to dismiss judges more in our top story. and that is the german chancellor visit to moscow where energy is likely to be high. on the agenda . germany now gets more than half its gas supplies from russia. that dependency would only increase if the german government gives its final approval for a russian own gas pipeline. this is nord stream to which has been at the center of a disagreement between the u. s. and germany owned by russia state bank energy giant gas prom. it'll operate from western siberia through to germany. it's an
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$11000000000.00 project completed in september. it could potentially supply heat to 26000000 german homes. but the us has insisted these plans won't move forward if russia invades ukraine. washington sees the pipeline is away from oscar to increase its leverage in europe with gas prices have been rising. ukraine and poland voiced their opposition to node stream to source if at washington, in a difficult position with some of its european allies and has been division within germany's new coalition government as well. and it's response to the situation. let's try to clear all of this up as much as we can with fair loss coordinator for pan european data projects. the european council on foreign relations. he's with us from berlin today. thank you for your time. it strikes me and maybe i'm oversimplifying you. tell me that germany sees this as a business deal, something to get gas to its people, to supply them with heat and power. but moscow sees it has influence and it's a political project as much as a private one. that's totally right. for the longest time,
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german government on them a whole not want to have considered not strict was a purely private tech project after political or geopolitical. i mentioned the project, whereas at the same time a call from the criminal point of view. this was very much a committee was supposed to circumvent ukraine as a transit can countries. i'm in order to gain leverage of luck. yes. and to develop pressure point in the center, you're open in germany as we see now the question off. rising energy prices in germany and across europe, reva some questions for the, for the german government to how the us fits into all of this. i know that what the us says and does is always important, but it's our position to a pipeline between 2 completely other countries. i mean, what can it do over that? i mean, when we look back at the president trump, then he turns on all,
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not sure to include a non non durable companies, secondary sanctions, which, which term companies and other european companies that have invested in the project in order to, to end the project. we've seen that when joe biden came into office, you very much approached the transatlantic relationship with durham needs as one of value where he considers burden to be an important part to get things moving on. lots of france, russia, private agenda, but also standing up to china as it sort of united credit quest meant always waved some of the sanctions that we're on under the companies. but as we've seen them in the press conference between charles when he was visiting washington last week, job was very direct and promising that if there was renewed aggression from russia against ukraine, washington with german chancellor so far has been a bit more pace. he's mentioned monitoring to implicitly by that officer what be on
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the table, but i think that it's not quite as satisfying to solve germany's as a whole. do you think is there enough happening right now to really threaten the future of no stream to? i mean, obviously there's potential of an invasion which could change all sorts of things. but i guess how important and significant is that within the context of everything else that's happening and the conduct of rising energy prices a more direct link to the russian gas supply, of course is, is, is the valuable connections. but i think that brought a political situation in europe. the security situation, you know, quite obvious challenge from russia not only through the security and territory integrity of cranes but to the broader europe. insecurity, auto should raise for germany, quite serious questions. and no one expects that that term you would keep the
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pipeline on 9 should be record tech entity prints, but it would be difficult and it would be incentive for russia drain campaign and ukraine to attack ukrainian data infrastructure and then raise the question for germany. was to keep him too close, bent half energy prices rise and people clamoring and cold or do you know we open up to and so there are, there are pressure points that nations but go beyond this. certainly. and russian, german relations that the criminal, spite of exploiting for leverage welfare loss, talking north stream to with us on the news our thank you. thank you for now. the us south korea and japan veiled high level talk to discuss the threat posed by north korea. you secretary state antony blink and met his japanese in south korean counterparts in hawaii. the talks follow a series of missile tests by young,
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young chinese growing military and economic dominance in the in the pacific region was also on the agenda. rob mcbride, monitoring the story for us from so these tests have certainly raised the stakes here in asia pacific. and i think it's been important for me and to be blinking point of view. and also from his counterparts from south korea and japan, really to put on a united front in their joint statements. and also in that joint news conference that they have delivered in hawaii with all of the participants condemning what they called provocative actions by north korea. also hinting at the possibility that can juggle in the north korean leader has possibly said that he might end the more rhetoric on nuclear testing. and also the launch of longer range intercontinental ballistic missiles, which would certainly really step up with that would certainly be an increase provocation and blink. and also accepted the fact that, that the north koreans could use the current crisis in ukraine and exploit that to
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launch more missiles, but did not seem phased by that saying he and the allies here in asia pacific are ready to meet that challenge. as far as the americans are concerned, he said that we walk and chew gum at the same time. interestingly, he also made a direct comparison between north korea and what russia is doing at the moment, saying they are of a piece saying these are actions ro, actions that challenge the international rules based order. and that the allies should stand up against such actions. but i have here in the asia pacific and in europe, that they should combine, stand up on behalf of their citizens and citizens worldwide saying it's a traditional role that the u. s. is taking, taken in rallying such opposition to these actions, accepting the and that the us and now faces multiple challenges at the same time, me
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while the like cell and the crowd serv. anti vaccine protest is blocking a key crossing on the u. s. canada border. lisa been trying to clear the trucks blocking the ambassador bridge since monday truck drive is an angry that they now must be vaccinated across the border. the movements encouraged similar protests in other countries as cathy lopez over yon reports. ah, police in the canadian city of windsor peaking clearing out demonstrators. the protesters have locked the vital bridge crossing the border with the u. s. for days are gone for no reason. most our truck drivers who leather protests against a government order requiring they be vaccinated against cope at 19 to cross over. ah, many drop off voluntarily. but others seed on the street near the ambassador bridge, a small yet defiant crowd of people who say they will not give in the mere date in
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the passport. they let us live, our lives were sick and tired of in about 25 percent of trade between the u. s. and canada passes over the ambassador bridge. auto manufacturers are especially relied on the route and say they've been losing tens of millions of dollars during the protest. but many of those drivers transporting goods say they've had enough. on friday, i can work on monday. i ridiculous. i survive this long. i'm a big boy, look out myself with knowing what kind of medicine i need. the truckers fontes has resonated and other parts of canada leading to criticism of prime minister justin trudeau in the capital ottawa, thousands of people gathered outside parliament hill on saturday to protest against government mandates. and in toronto, demonstrators, march on the streets showing support for the so called freedom handle. that name has also been taking up in france,
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where protesters drove hundreds of vehicles into paris in a similar rally against coven restrictions. but these protests have angered others in canada. what is freedom me, what freedom do they want? in january and february, all the provincial governments and the federal government started to say that they will unlock things. they will open up things. this was all ready in the works. what they've done is actually shut it down for the protest are now impacting more than trade in have extended beyond coven, 19 into a call for an end to perceive, to restrictions on personal freedoms carts. hello. this is leanne. al jazeera hong kong is reported. more than a 1000 new daily cove infections on sunday, which was actually down from the previous days, record the cities healthcare systems already overstretched. this has been the biggest surge for hong kong since the pandemic started and comes the day after the government said china would help the city with testing treatment and quarantine.
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remember, thousands of young people were detained during protests in hong kong back in 2019. many have since been released, but finding themselves now excluded from work and education. opportunities for clinton has report it's been 3 years since months of anti government demonstrations rocked hong kong some such as former frontline protested derek tie. the memories linger when i took a cross hubble bus, and i just travelled by poly university and i just thought a footbridge where people die down to escape from from polio. and that was quite from ty was a 21 year old philosophy student when he became one of the 1st protest is arrested by police in june 2019. he was charged with an awful assembly and sent to prison for 4 months. he is one of $4000.00 protesters detained for their role in the pro
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democracy protests. many who have been released say they've found it difficult looking for jobs or higher education places because of their criminal records. those what me, who have served their times in prison, and then they decide to stay in hong kong, probably what they need is job opportunity, a chance to a funds to and hand them. so i'm not necessary for working, studying, or keep in touch with the societies. that's where a group called project change who stepped in to help thousands of arrested protests is providing life planning, counseling, and legal support. the to the so for says, i mean 3 or 4 years to lot of frustration and, and clarity. i mean, so we kind of lost generation of use. we don't accept funding from government because we want to be telling them that i mean a lot of stuff like this trustful or government funds and we get the nations from
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individuals and private parties. the hong kong government says it has a system for rehabilitation, but it's being criticized for not doing enough to help protesters as long as they amended them. mistakes, but grad, their mistakes. and the sincere a promise that they will contribute will dash. so thank you and will be always well cup and accept the bell. china's leaders in beijing intensified their crack down in hong kong in 2020, imposing a controversial national security law in the name of restoring stability. hong kong democracy movement has been silenced, and many opposition leaders are in jail, all have fled into exile if you'd come here 3 years ago this, the whole area was plastered in protests are. now, most physical reminders of the resistance movement have faded or been scrubbed out
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. a changed hong kong is in its place. the school principal leaking, man, it's important not to abandon the protesters, even as the territory moves on, maintaining, i don't know fond toll. it's normal for young people to make mistakes hold. we want to give them an opportunity to turn over new people. they need a 2nd chance. but with hong kong society still deeply polarized it appears there is still a long road ahead. brit, clannish al jazeera, hung, hundreds have gathered in mexico to remember a journalist who was killed in his air, his home in the stomach, southern state of walker, her below pads as the 5th reporter to be murdered. so far this year in mexico, making one of the deadliest years for journalists, they're in decades, and the u. s. is suspended imports of avocados from the mexican state of mutual come where gang violence is increasing. a decision was made after an american official received a threatening phone call during inspection work president under s. manuel lopez
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open a door has struggle to contain the gangs fighting over territory, which is led to near at record levels of finance. southern italy's polio region has been hit by a series of bombings and often attack since the start of the year. the sign of the local matthews continued presence in a region where the government is trying to rule out organized crime. the community has been trying to rid itself of the mafia for years, but as adam rainy reports from the city of forger is unlikely to happen anytime soon. the, the aftermath of a string of recent bombings in our some attacks in georgia, a small city and southern italy. no injuries were reported. that the message was clear, the local mafia was pushing back. over the past 2 years, police have seized millions of dollars and assets and made several arrests. some businesses are now refusing to pay protection money to the mafia. alessandra zito
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ran a construction firm here with until his business was burned down by the mob facing death threatening. he relocated his family and now had the new launch to local anti racketeering association. she thought she was done by some estimates 70 percent of businesses here. pay protection to the mafia. a figure we can't come up with the association. we are trying to show people, they are not alone. the only way to route out this problem is to stand up together . when you see in the wake of the bombing, police have increased patrols and investigations and set up roving checkpoints, poor and underdeveloped. like much of the south fortune has been the base for the so called forth mafia. for decades. unknown to many outside italy, the collection of clans in the area, most of the money of extortion, drug trafficking and prostitution. the bombing weren't yet directed at people, not pain protection. none of this flower shop that was bombed, wouldn't speak up on camera. but she said,
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no one ever came here asking her for money. and that's what scares her. most investigator said these attacks were meant to spread fear. prosecutor antonia longer showed us the mafia's reach here and have a good role. this area on the south, east coast of italy, leo, oregon is actually the organization clearly feels the need for marketing use of tax . i meant to send a clear message desire we are here to see. despite recent gains, let on get isn't convinced. they'll take the local mafia down soon. on san a multi me state, but i'm not optimistic. the path to justice is going to be a long one and say, yeah, there are some hopeful signs. riddle if the situation is still uncertain. there are lots of powerful clans on the culture of crime. here will defeat. she lay luc vigilante in his family, run a chain of health clinics in the area, treating thousands of patients. the mafia came calling despite the risks, his family said no, no, manny medina, leave me a feeling service in the future. if my children follow in my footsteps in this work
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book after teaching them their whole life about morality, ethics, christian values are a tough to say, look, your see if you want to continue this work at all, you'll have to give money to criminals. better it would be hypocritical and absurd love a really awful thing for them hitting get rid of it, not off your feel, they can stand up to the mob. they know when the police aren't there to protect them, the mafia could come calling again. adarine al jazeera, folger italy, hundreds of people marched through the british city of manchester, protesting against the rising cost of living. there, frustrated by rising inflation, tax increases and higher energy bills. british governments announced a one off energy rebate and other measures, but protested say it's not enough. as a 2 week luna, new year's celebrations, counter clothes, people in taiwan of st. colorful lanterns up into the sky. to symbolize the release of hope and prosperity into the world. and that we all need a bit of fat as festival canceled last year because of the pandemic. still
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ahead your sports news and an olympic 1st in beijing. the visa solo, female athletes ah, for quite a few decades casa, has been dealing with political and economic turmoil. and its people struggle to access essential needs, like adequate quantities of potable water, a sufficient number of beds for pregnant mothers, and limited access to up to date information for students. and in the ha, the ground water is not sufficient to meet the daily needs of all of its residents . this led to the development of the new water treatment facility and han eunice, slowing down further pollution. the extension of as ship as medical facilities was accomplished to provide expectant mothers with
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a safe and reliable opportunity to get the care they needed. the kuwait library at the university college of science and technology is not only a repository of knowledge but an access point to the world beyond. lou ah, something i learned today is that super bowl is to woods, apparently, and fires got all the details on it. thank you so much. come all america's biggest sports event of the year gets under way later on sunday, super bowl. 50 sakes, we'll see the ellie rams taking on outsiders. the cincinnati bengals. rob reynolds
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reports from inglewood, california final preparations underway for what promises to be an epic clash between the cincinnati bengals and the los angeles rams in the national football league super bowl. wow. to say that excitement is running high, would be an understatement. just look at these bangles fans celebrating their teams 1st trip to the championship game since 1988 in l. a. rams fans are snapping up souvenirs. i'm happy and i'm very calling harper reagan. for part, i'd see that we can come out and be rambling family. the game will be held on the rams home turf, the futuristic new, so fi stadium in inglewood. just outside l a. the venue was chosen before the season began. the hope all is going to be great and we've got some amazing stars in the game and, you know, really good stories around that. so we're just really excited. fans are already
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flocking to events and exhibits in los angeles in advance of the game. like this one called the nfl experience. so just how much are fans willing to pay for a ticket to the big game? the answer may astonish you. ticket sales search engine seek geek is keeping track the range we sort of see right now at least as you gotta get in the door around say $6500.00 a ticket. ah. and then if you want to said, say behind the bench, you know, and as g i p seats, you're going, hey, maybe $30000.00. a ticket for super bowl tv commercials will cost up to $6.00 and a half $1000000.00 for a one minute add this year. this beer commercial was directed by last year's oscar winning filmmaker, chloe zhao. unlike last year's super bowl when coded 19 restrictions, limited grout size, the $70000.00 plus seat place is expected to be packed. the league will place masks
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on every seat and wearing them will be mandatory. everybody can holler and scream and celebrate a root on our hometown team. safely behind a k, 95 or in 95 math. about 100000000 people are expected to watch super bowl 56 on t, v and online rob reynolds, al, jazeera, inglewood, california, the international of a committee, as asked the world anti doping agency to investigate the adults working with russian to figure skater camilla valley ava a hearing taking place and beijing will decide the 15 year olds olympic future valley had tested positive for a band substance at a pre olympic event. the teenager is said to give an evidence to the court of
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arbitration for sport via a video call. that decision expected in the next few hours. it's going to be a long night. and also the hearing. we will have the media when we are supposed to announce farming decision. it will be tomorrow afternoon, but what's on we don't know exactly. yes. so as skier, marco otter monetize secured his 1st olympic title automatic taking gold and the giant, solemn by less than 2 tenths of a 2nd of conditions for all the competitors with heavy snow falling throughout the event. 33 of the 87 starters were in a bad weather for supposed moment. the women's sky slope sal qualification didn't stop the man's cross country for by $110.00, clover relay that was run by the russian olympic committee. more snow is forecast for monday, with temperatures in the mountains set to drop further and reach minus 35 degrees
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celsius. and new competition has made its debut appearance and the games. it's the women's motto, bob. the 1st ever one person bob slate event at the olympics, cali. humphreys, of the usa has taken the lead after 2 heaths. the metals will be decided on monday . lebron james has had another career landmark. he sat the nbc, all time record for most points in the regular season and post season combined. james's 26 points against the golden state warriors took him past the previous mark, sat by kareem abdul jabbar. anytime i've been lake with some of the grace i've always been in all you know, been appreciate, have an opportunity to play this game and at the highest level. now i love to have a basketball of being a part of m b a and being able to do a spider you know, so many different sets of generations. chelsea are celebrating their 1st ever club
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world cup title ability and extra time from chi hybrid saw the european champions feeding brazilian side paul maris to one london club. now one every possible trophy under the ownership of the russian billionaire roman abramoff fish. we struggle in a moment, we don't play our best football. it's not our best moment. in general, we struggle a little bit individually and as a team. but as pet chase's says, many times we managed, we managed to find a way to win and to be in the final and to win the final. and for this, the team deserves full credit. now before we go, a little bit of tennis history has been made. american riley up how cow one li, longest tie breaker an atp tour history to reach the finals as the dow, a soap in it finished 2422 as he eventually beat. honest. okay, and that is all you support for now. come all back to you. probably thank you. far as far as back an annex news hour,
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which is at 1800 hours gmc up to 2 hours from now. i'll be there for that. and i'll be back after the break, but 30 more news for you. ah . a unique here endangered bio diversity lies in the heart of one of ecuador, tropical jungles. there was a lot of misinformation about the animals that we have here. and now they're probably villages become them by others of conservation in their communities. out there, a journey deepened to the rain forest to follow a scientist and her teams effort to save the flora and fauna. so precious in the
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region. women make science, ecuador hidden treasure on al jazeera, egypt, strong man is ruling with an iron fist, and the silence from his allies is deafening. the us was perfectly happy to trade off tomorrow for c, for security. why are western leaders turning a blind eye when even the own citizens have fallen victim to his repression? executions, torture censorship is not acceptable. and you won't hear such strong words from, let's say berlin or paris, or london man in cairo on al jazeera, leave us a crying out. grazing land is shrinking in some roots long used by wildlife for migration. have been blocked by human settlements to deal with all this canyon needs more money for conservation and with a corona virus condemning, keeping many visitors awake. revenue from torrison isn't enough. here at the outset national park, an annual ceremony has been launched the hall parisha than individuals pay $5000.00
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to name an elephant. the aim this year is to raise $1000000.00, much of it for conservation initiatives. ah, telephone diplomacy. the us presidents on a coal with ukraine's that voldemort zalinski right now after filing to achieve a breakthrough with the russian leader over the trip build up. ah, hello again, i'm come all santa maria here in doha with the world news from al jazeera tennessee, his opposition balance to unite his anger grows against president, ty, saheed, and his moose to continue his grip on power.
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