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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 16, 2022 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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once they were 450 businesses operating in the old city, now they're just 50. the old cities always be in the heart of nazareth. now a growing group of residence wants to get it beating again. it will come back because the city still have very much for ah, this is al jazeera oh. hello, i'm on the inside. this is the news i live from. die ha. coming up in the next 60 minutes. it's a very slow throw, short continued, the military buildup. nato expresses further doubts about russia's troop draw down from ukraine's borders as moscow shows more of its troops pulling back cause bosses and houses swept away in brazil where flash floods have brought down hillsides in
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every edition era. a former soldier who deserted a fierce regiment of man mazama describes the brutal tactics he's seen on school, children's and bob way left on supervise with nothing to do all to the govern, suspend striking teachers in a pe dispute. and in school at the moment of magic from valley san selma, tried to kill him by fate. his last minute goal has given p as g. a one ill bought it in the attempt is the good type with reality to it. ah, hello, welcome to the program claims and counterclaims giving a mixed picture as to where the tensions could be easing in the russia ukraine crisis. moscow says it's further reduced, it's true, presence ne ukraine releasing these pictures. it says that from crimea,
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the region annexed by russian 2014 president vladimir putin says he wants dialogue with the west, but the 2 sides. a fundamentally at odds about new countries, but take li ukraine, potentially joining nato. the alliance defense ministers are currently meeting in brussels. but they remain highly skeptical. russia has pulled back its troops. nato secretary general says the opposite may be true. we have heard the signs from moscow about her readiness to continue diplomatic efforts. but so far we have not seen any de escalation on the ground. on the contrary, it appears that russia continues to military buildup. we are ready to sit down under and discuss with them. but at the same time, we are prepared for the worst on the if for russia, once again invades ukraine, and they will pay a high price, which only will speak to natasha,
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butler has and care for us 1st. neither bunker in brussels, from the language we're hearing name from nato in its allies. it appears that old fanny skeptical, aren't they about rushes, draw down your thinking bullet b? yeah, that's their stance. and that remains to be their stance throughout this entire stand off, which are russia, of course, they in no way are prepared to give moscow the benefit of the doubt. and after all the shuffle, diplomacy the back and forth over recent weeks now is the chance here at nato, for defense ministers to touch base with the mother ship as it were, and pour over some of the intelligence in front of them, including of course, those images reported to be all ver, russian military hardware, making their way over the curt, straight back into mainland russia, from crimea annexed by russia in 2014. but as far as young stilton berg, the nato alliance is concerned. this in no way indicates the de escalation of tensions, and in fact, a russia may be doing the opposite,
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actually bolstering his presence around ukraine. and as such, nato is here to affirm it strong belief that are at any moment. russia could be planning an invasion of crime me of ukraine, that of course, hotly denied by moscow window. however, for diplomacy is getting a little bit tighter. the nato insisting though that they have handed over an invitation to moscow for face to face, talks to discuss, deescalate intentions. and what can we hear from night? i lay say, is it likely to announce additional troops in the region? oh, well, well, we simply don't know, and i don't think it's as simple as just bolstering troop presence in eastern europe as if you were kind of moving chest pieces around the continent. just to put things in perspective and there around 7000 nato troops in poland. you got about 1500 in lithuania, 1200 estonia, 1200. in latvia,
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you've got anti ballistic missile defense systems in romania, one being built in poland. you got 900 troops remaining as well, multiple warships in the black sea. and let's not forget the joint concerted intelligence efforts of all 30 of nato's alliance sir member states as well. there is a risk that if, if nato does too much, than it gets, than it gets drawn into a conflict in a country that he has no treaty to protect who does too little than that could be exploited by vladimir putin. thank you for that, nie barker there in brussels. i let's now go to brussels and have listened to young stockton by barrick. he's making some remarks at that conference, russia and we remain ready to engage in dialogue and find the diplomatic way forward. but while we continue to work for the best, we must also be prepared for the worst. we will do what is necessary to protect and
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defend all allies. we have all of them raised the redness of the nato response force and allies are putting forces on standby and deploy more troops, planes, and ships to day we will consider how we should and hands. so the turns on the fence posture and pursue our diplomatic efforts and up men out. thank the me down for joining us at the beginning of the meeting. and the meeting will continue in just a moment. okay, that was young, stockton beg, speaking day in brussels, less returned to our correspondent neve barker. so as we were discussing nave, we could hear later from nato, about whether they're gonna bolster their troops in the region. yes, as sort of books of suggested there's a bit of a double pronged strategy here to bolster defense is what the same time keeping
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diplomatic channels open. the last thing that nato wants to show to vladimir putin and the kremlin, of course, is any sign of indecision, any sign of weakness, any sort of haziness over the kind of united stance that the sultan burglary. lines, members want to maintain when it comes to the belief that serve a threat to ukraine is potentially imminent. but there is a danger, of course, that if there is a sudden increase in nato forces in eastern europe that could be spun at home by vladimir putin as nato aggression. ah, at the same time mere moscow was clearly being claiming, not only internationally, but a home that it is prepared to pull troops back at the end of what it regards is simply military exercises that the military exercise is all over eastern europe by russia . since the russia georgia war in 2008, it's nothing new to see movements of, of this kind. but the, the question is, what can we read into it?
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is this a sign of concession from the kremlin? and how will nato respond? okay, for now. thank you. ne parker there for us in brussels. in remarks directed at nato's gathering in brussels, russia's foreign minister keys the alliance of threatening peace with relentless expansion polyethylene. if dorsal casa, europe's the so called open door policy violates every legal norm and commitment and is turning into an unstoppable expansion of nato in the east. that is threatening the security of the russian federation. and we've informed our interlocutors of the steps we are taking in our dialogue with the united states in all the kremlin. meanwhile, earlier struck a more positive tone about the prospects of talks with the us dosage of barry has the latest we've just been hearing from the kremlin spokesperson. dmitri pascall, who seemed very optimistic, he said that it's a positive sign for the u. s. president, to say that he's willing to talk to russia. and he said that vladimir putin has
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also expressed his desire to really start intense negotiations. and direct talks with the united states about the concerns that russia has. now whether or not they'll be able to hammer out a specific time and date, an agenda for these negotiations will remain to be seen. but i think all sides here pointing to the fact that it's very positive news coming from the white house. and that to russia is ready to talk to the u. s. i think vladimir putin was insisting that he wants to talk about that nato expansion issue. now, and that it's not something that can be put off any longer. again, according to the country's defense ministry, there is a number of units from russia's western and southern military that have been taking part in military drills alongside the board of was ukraine, as well as in crimea, and those units that are finished, those drills are now on the way home and on wednesday results further footage released by the defense ministry that showed a number of military equipments being put on trains and heading back from crimea to
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russia. this is, according to the russian defense ministry that says that this is standard process for them. this is the procedure and that it is nothing unusual. this is of course, what has been causing all this concern by the united states and western countries. the russians have said that their own movements troop movements within their own boundaries. it is something that is not up for discussion with anyone, and it should not be a cause for alarm. well, let's go to kia now. the heart of the matter. natasha butler is there for us. firstly, what is the, the president zalinski reaction been to these claims by russia that it's withdrawing troops? well, president zalinski saying shows the evidence shows the proof he has said to day that he has seen no evidence that russian troops of pulling back from ukraine's borders. you know, the cranium, foreign minister on tuesday, said that if that would be the case, that would certainly be welcomed as
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a sign of de escalation by the government here. they would certainly see that as a sign that perhaps the diplomacy is working, but so far has been very little evidence. the foreign minister also said that we're talking about the russian federation. he said that says one thing and does another . so as with many other, a western, the leaders, the allies of ukraine, uminski is saying until we have proof the rusher is actually pulling these trib sparks. and we are very unlikely to believe it. and to day has been a day of national unity something that the president cold for himself. what is that exactly, and, and how has it gone down where you are? yes, lensky. a couple of days ago made an address to the nation in which he called to for this new national day of unity. it is a day he said when ukrainians can stand side by side along with their allies and is
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really to send a message to russia that ukrainians are strong. the country is strong and without be willing to fight. or if there was any attack or, or invasion now as zalinski called on people to fly flags and ty, ribbons, i have to say we haven't seen a lot of evidence of that. we have seen some police officers earlier with some, a blue and yellow, a ribbons, the color of the national flag tied to their uniforms, but there haven't been a multiple large offense. what we have seen though is the ukranian president visiting troops, a west of the capital. a key is also now we understand traveling to the southeastern port of mario pole, or which is very close to the front line where ukrainian forces have been fighting russian bikes. i protest for nearly 8 years, a very symbolic choice of location for the a cranium presidents. he will be there shortly. and this all enters into this idea
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of trying to rally that patriotism a sense of patriotism in a country. the woke up to day thinking there might be an invasion because this is february, the 16th that is a date. the western intelligence sources has they could be the 1st day of any possible attack on ukraine. let's take a listen to the president. ha, with we are all united by our wish to live in peace, to live a happy life with our families, parents, and children. we have the full right to all of this because we're at home here in the ukraine. nobody will love our home as much as wages, and nobody can defend our home as much as we can. i wish you a happy unity day, my blue yellow ones, a happy day of unity of ukraine in the east and west in the north and south. it works only together and when it works west strong. when you've got that nato meeting bay in brussels, we know that the po missy continues behind the scenes or publicly at every level
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you know, care in the capital. i have to say, you know, we're still in a position where people are really wondering what will happen next. they are increasingly fed up with having to think each day whether or not they might or might not be an invasion. it's a very tense time as a time full of anxiety. they're all from those who still really can't believe that an attack could take place on ukrainian for by russian troops. for now, thank you natasha butler, that for us in kill the rest of the days. news is ahead morning in the occupied westbank where a palestinian team was shot dead by israel. i'm a c international damning report into alleged trustees by rebels from ethiopia is to growing region and sports slovakia, celebrating a famous win in the men's hockey event out from winter. and ah,
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a funeral has been held for a palestinian teenager who was shot by israeli forces in the occupied westbank. 19 year old. the hot bug router was killed during a confrontation between protest says and is ready. soldiers in the town of knobby sally aaliyah munoz gathered at a hospital in ramallah where his body was held before being taken to the town of cooper in need of abraham has moved from caffeine and occupied westbank for the funeral. has now taken place another day. another funeral and another young man loses his life in the occupied westbank by the way, because his fire, this time you had better lucy, who has been killed in confrontations with these railey forces on tuesday. he has been a man who was arrested by the way, the forces before injured the old from multiple times. and it's only been
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a few weeks since he was outside his reading jail. now he's being taken to his gravity to bid to have to find it for well, and if i'm in, he says while they almost have gotten used to him being in jail and behind bar, this is too much for them to have a you thought. and he had to be with me, i'm crying for anyhow and for my son to because i can't protect him even then all our children's lives are under his right to have you can't protect them from the occupation. overall, there has been an increase in violence and people fear this escalation that there's a shamrock neighborhood in occupied israel for them. that the situation is going to be heading towards an escalation, thought. a common how to rooms albuquerque, israel is behaving as if they own the land as if we have no right to it or they want us out. we'll keep fighting, even if one of us is killed every day. little yoman. at least 3 people have been
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killed and selling by government forces in north west syria. others were wounded in the attack, which happened at the town of terminus and the rebel held england province. president bashar, sad, who now controls most of the country has increased attacks on it. lab, land slides and slash floods have killed at least 23 people in brazil. take a look at best. this is the live scene of the disaster right now in the city of patropolis, just north of rio de janeiro where currently the search for survivors is ongoing areas. north of ria diginero hardest hit on the death, all is still expected to rise. hatcher lopez heard a young reports ah, the forest in magnitude of this rainfall was unexpected. within hours streets across the brazilian city of the properties were submerged.
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nearby families are stunned as once and most lights get closer to their homes. the current so strong a push vehicles along streets like toys even abbas is aimlessly dragged away, nearly covered in water. this group desperately tries to hold on the local fire department says more than $250.00 millimeters of rain fell within 6 hours. thus, more than the monthly average for the entire month of february, the region is still recovering from the damage of last year's heavy rains were more than $500.00 people killed this year. again, authorities fear the death toll will likely rise. recovery efforts are underway. president, how you also nato who's visiting russia has called on the local government to
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deliver immediate support to what will likely be a long term operation. patio office of a young al jazeera. ah, let's go live to moscow. we can hear now from the russian foreign ministry spokesperson, maria zak, a rover. she's talking about the ukraine, russia crisis. let's see what she has to say. there, bilateral relationship appeared both almost symmetrically denying it she moreover, as well, but my ukraine is also trying to draw attention from their western minders, that they are somehow destroying their economy with such statements and turning the lives of ukrainians into real health. but was anyone listening? there were too busy moving their embassy from key of to living. but what's expected, what, how much did it cost the american budget staring in this whole circus of moving the
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embassy? and as they say, destroying the equipments, maybe they needed to replace equipment. maybe that's the true reason for their, for the state department's activities, maybe it's just not all a lot. some glass ukraine is saying that any recorded changes around of the ukrainian border are expected. so they were somehow trying to ask britain and america not to stoke hyster, uriah that is disrupting the minimum order that is so fragile . and ukraine. resnick, of the minister of defense of ukraine, spoke daily, saying that the risk of aggression from russia is low. but who in the west is listening to what is remote? that's what the key of political beaumont cannot understand. they are only heard
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when it is to the west's advantage. when it is part of the white house planning. and when it is, then they turn the volumes down and not listening to whatever key of it's talking about. they're saying something, but they're not being heard. lashed on the head of the security council of ukraine's understands that the source of panic is western media. and he urge them to be balanced and to avoid alarm mis tones. well, he said that live on air flow. there were expecting room that it was present the agreement, according to the president, the queen of prisons, spokesman, there is no evidence of a full scale invasion preparations and other officials saying that
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they are not the big thing. they're not seeing any signs of an invasion. lensky himself, he tried to calm his citizens down and tried to beg his oligarchs to return the money. well, would you leave at least somebody should have some information here. ask them to share information about the plans for an invasion that i didn't, they didn't, you know, at the same time, ukraine on fact says money was spent on flight for insurance because i want you to west and his theory, the leasing company is suspended insurance. so how much more money has been wasted? brought on the value of costing wooden guns, paper, paper guns. somebody has to calculate that i will repeat. those countries
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said that many levels that know who is being repaired, nobody is going to attack any one. reports about any kind of invasion of being denied, but the western propaganda machine will not stop and that official statements are being printed out at the factory rate. and you see what that is coming to. we're seeing another buyer. all the, all the, the over propaganda company in about a mythic mythical invasion and progression from our side of coach. and it's not the 1st time that was said that she, we colossal forces were used on the city spinning the se, or a fake report in invented materials. can you, could plymouth even has a state concern about negates this turn of events was also
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expressed to russian them, busters, in countries, thousands of kilometres away from europe, who have no links with ukraine whatsoever. even they received this, this information the well, they said they did the right thing and they, they contacted the russians representatives and they received clarification, but also washington post sent a t v. crew. i sent a team to ukraine, collecting reports, reports on some threats in the black sea, from a threat coming from russian crimea about the state of the navy. when them are in the market that we're talking about sending ships and describing the real situation in the black sea. we, you know, however, there were also
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a temp of french reporter to talk about the life and the net that was still a realistic report. but this was so not welcome was that somebody in paris, even phones, this tv channel, an exact breast, they're indignation. how they're, they show the truth. perhaps they didn't hear their leaders call in kiev. they must show everything as it is and not to tell lies. cheesesticks the fog of so in order to avoid these expressions is not used when the truth is somehow leaking through. could you look back to what's the journalist tell the truth, we are asked about the grain on a regular basis. maybe that's why on the 10th of february, the 4 minutes. okay,
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we'll leave that. that was the, the russian foreign ministry spokesman. and maria is rover, being very critical. the u. s. in the, in the and the west essentially blaming then stoking fears of a war between russia and ukraine, cooling at cooling, calling it the western propaganda machine. essentially, let's move on. rebels firm, ethiopia is to grow region, are being accused of killing civilians and raping dozens of women in the higher region last year. and i'm, it's been to national report says the rebel group committed a trustees in the town of china and co bo, nearly half the victims of sexual violence in china say there were gang rapes thumb as young as 14 years old. the sexual violence was followed by beatings, death, threats, and ethnic slurs. people in coal, both a t p l. f. rebels went off to unknown civilians, and the parents revenge,
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killing spree us get more or less rejoined from triply by donna tele rivera. senior crisis advisor crisis response program, i'm to see to national she's with the recent report. if the summary killings, rape loosing by to grand forces in horror. thank you for joining the program. now this report is very distressing, but it's important to highlight the issue, give us more detail about what you found and also how you got access to this information. well, this has been very difficult because the yoke in government does not allow done this international or any other human rights organizations to go to, to the conflict affected region. and so if the state can a long time to track down a survivors, witnesses and relatives of victims. both the witnesses and the survivors of the killings in co and the survivors of the sexual violence in and around 10 or
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not already. we've not had access to the area but also the places where you could population has been sheltering has been under a blackout for much of the time. so. busy you know, we've had to wait for people to be in areas where there was telephone and internet communication and, and you know, to be able to interview them remotely and better stake in a long time. we've also used satellite imagery to corroborate the test in the needs of the survivors and the witnesses. ready so for example, in cobalt, we looked with satellite imagery at places where the survivors and the witnesses told us that the bodies of been buried, notably in, in the yards of 2 churches. and indeed, what we saw in satellite imagery was evidence of large numbers of new grades
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in the period. ready when those killings where, when this killing happened. so it's been a painstaking work that a stake has taken several months to you know, to be able to, to verify and corroborate. ready and gather all the information. the other point you make in, in your report is because of lack of medical care off to being raped. many of these women are suffering even more because they don't have access to any medical treatment. why is that happening? why is there no access to medical treatment? yes, i mean, obviously the medical facilities that existed in the regions were not very sophisticated, but even both medical facilities were due to the medical personnel sled given the abuses that were being committed by the gray and forces. and so the
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survivors were left with no option but to a walk for days and base base until they could reach areas where the, where functioning medical facilities now for survives of brain. that's particularly problematic because the hosts re care that should be administered within the 1st 72 hours. ready or within the 1st 5 days, depending on, on the type care you know, no, none of the victims or none of the survivors had access to that. the same is true in co, with some of the survivors of the killings were left for dead. and who were injured, they also had to walk for days until they could reach areas where the, where functioning medical facilities studies, areas the where outside the control of the t p. ls fighters. i
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mean, i think is important to, to stress that these are not situations of civilians being caught in the cross fire these, these are not collateral damage cases. these are cases of civilians at head men and women who were deliberately targeted by the to graham forces. right. i understand that, and the thing is, this is actually happening on both sides. we've had many reports, separate reports from the you and, and others who found the therapy in army forces also guilty of carrying outright murder and looting of the to graham people. there's a cycle of violence going on here. absolutely. last year i spent many weeks documenting at mass re gang breaks and killings and other atrocities being committed. i. yes, you can army special forces nahara, militias in the t grey beach and against the great civilians. and,
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and the unfortunate need to be such a level of impunity clearly on both sides, where by the fighters feel that they can commit these kind of atrocities which amount to work crimes and possibly crimes against humanity that they can do. so in few in, you know, totally impunity which, which you know, remains the case until now. such a hiring story many, thanks for your time. donna, tele rivera, senior crisis advisor at the crisis response program. i am the scenes national. thank you for your time. thank you. a former soldier who's deserted me on mos army, has told al jazeera of the brutal tactics. he says a being committed. i feared regiment since last year's co, the army is faced allegations of abuse including torture and massacres. all of which it denies. well, tony chang spoke to the ex soldier who's been hiding near the ty at me on my border
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rebel fighters approach to convoy burning vehicles on christmas eve. it was the scene of a massacre. they say will, than 30 men, women and children executed their bodies burn. they say it was mere mas army, specifically, the much feared 66 light infantry. mere most military leadership have denied involvement. but those tactics, a well known to captain minto, whose name we've changed for security reasons. he served in the 66 light infantry until november when he deserted. now he's in hiding. he says he in his soldiers were taught to believe that any one who stood up to them was the enemy. and with angrily, diana, the army seized the ethnic groups like terrorists. now play. they tell the soldiers that all the ethnic groups are terrace. that's why they fight against them. they want to control everything. despite decades of oppressive rule,
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members of mere mass army or tappman doors, they are often called inside the country were held in high regard. their role as guardians of a divided nation often superseded reports of atrocities against ethnic minorities, including the ringer. last year's military coup changed all that the stature and the reputation of the tat, but i have taken a massive hit ah, the people of myanmar, white weight, frankly, heath, and our view them as terrorists. at one stage, it was thought that the trickle of defect is coming from over there. in myanmar might turn into a flood that didn't happen, the army closed ranks. and since then it's been very hard to know what's going on in military minds. hi, on a misty hillside along the time me, i'm a border. we got a rare insight into the concerns have been listed soldiers. as we filmed the border outposts, several soldiers in plain clothes approached us friendly. they chanted openly an
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english and ty, with a word about the fierce fighting going on between memos, ami and its people is talking about. and they say he is worrying about that. but in this region, you decide we don't have any calls about that. another neutral, but you worried about the fighting inside memory as well? yeah, a little bit. i know captain mia toe can be more open about his concerns. since february there's no happiness. he sings, my homeland destroyed. now he's committed to fighting against the army fight song. lyric says we will win. tony chang al jazeera, on the time, me on my board, us return now to our top story. the european commission president says russia would set itself back economically for years to come. if it moves against ukraine,
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president for russian aggression, europe's reaction will be swift and robust. rushes, strategic interest is to diversify its economy. it's one side of the economy and to close its current gaps. but for this, they new technologies in which we have a global leadership, high tech component of which russia is almost entirely dependent on us. so our sanctions can bide very hard. president putin has invested heavily in russia's military in the last 20 years, with the budget of more than $65000000000.00. it's ranked among the world's top 3 strongest military powers, along with the u. s. and china. after years of post, soviet neglect, moscow has invested in new across tanks, and missiles spending is increased by nearly a 3rd since 2008 and is expected to go up in the coming years. it has about
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a 1000000 active duty personnel and as many as 2000000 in its reserve forces. a modernized rush nami has become a powerful tool for pigeons foreign policy strategy. as get more on that, we can speak to dara mcdowell, who's an independent russian analyst. he joins us from london. thank you for joining the program for us to give us an idea of the size and scope of the russian army. how would you compare it to other armies around the world? oh, well, it's not really a question of how large it is, but it actually, you feel it's not as larger on local jackson or army moral naval mission be the forces we theoretical moments rather than on that. but you know,
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this is also the 1st time we think the 2nd rush grand worth. we're really getting there. k patient fortune. a alternate apologies. apologies dara macau. unfortunately the sound connection is very poor. we will see if we can work on that dharm dial that as russia unlist speaking to a staff from london. apologies again. now there are warnings that soaring levels of destitution, enough honest on a threatening to cause more death than 20 years of war. the international rescue committee has 97 percent of afghanistan's population is now facing poverty. and that more than half of afghans that's about 23000000 people are at risk of not having enough to eat. and the a group says 1000000 children could faced the most severe form of malnutrition,
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because speak to pauline bonham, and she's the kind of on country director the norwegian refugee council. she joins us live from campbell, thank you. so the r c saying this course is in afghanistan could end up killing more people than 20 years of war. that is a pretty stock warning. would you agree with that statement? i chose, i think that they are being families having to. so in order to be able to pay for health and they children young goals that being sold in the marriage, simply because the family doesn't have enough food. the only way to get the money back to the rest of the time they dia gratian and people on a daily basis that have been very, very close this, and that they don't eat doing that family is going to have
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a blanket candidate. then it's not just people to fear it impacting those things. i'm afraid we're going to have to leave that interview as well. the sound connection is not very clear. pauline bowman from the norwegian refugee council video. shad on social media appears to show how overwhelmed hong kong hospitals off from surgeon cove 19 infections. patients can be seen in beds outside report say because it's too crowded in doors. hong kong lead a carry lamb said earlier this week, the hospitals and clinics was struggling to cope. the biden administration is
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looking for support in congress for an extra $30000000000.00 to fight the pandemic and wants to increase vaccinations, treatment, and was such. the dalton, omicron variance, and vaccine hesitancy f fueled infections and deaths nationwide, unvaccinated italian st. about the age of 50 on now banned from going to work, but as adam righty reports from rome, hundreds of thousands of people are choosing to stay at home rather than get the coping 19th shot. any other weekday? paola mendoza would be on shift, making sure patrons don't damage priceless works of art at a museum in rome. instead, she's at a protest against italy's latest cove with 19 restriction to go to work. it's now required for all the italians over the age of 50, to get their coven 19 vaccine, something 61 year old, and that also refuses to do. but may my live,
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i don't live up in the lobby, this stealing my job part of my life. that way it's disoriented. me. the bills haven't started deriving yet, but when they do what then? what italy's latest cove at 19 restriction took effect on tuesday, meaning around a half 1000000 unvaccinated workers over 50, are barred from going to work, or receiving sick pe for months, italy has increased restrictions on the on vaccinated 1st, they were barred from restaurants and other venues now they're very livelihoods in income, are at risk for refusing to jab, it'll show on, on the lock. so you'll, so if i am not anti vax but i support the freedom to choose children, everyone should be able to decide for themselves whether to take the vaccine or not on the day. if someone decides not to, they shouldn't go hungry, taking their job away. a lot of, although italy has a nearly 90 percent vaccination rate, the government says it's necessary to encourage as many people in higher risk age groups to get the jab. those opposed to the measures say this latest researching is
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not use of state power. that it takes away a fundamental right from individual the choice of what to put my bod. be good. simply should mean to natalie. castle is simply attractive, but the same thing. the market as a the moffatt as you if you don't to be, i'm going to make life impossible. maybe the government says if you don't give me access to your body, read nikolai possible god for medical experts like dr. greets allowed in t disagree. law starter. he sat down almost domain to the sequel day. so the government has given us a tool for protection by niche and a pandemic. this is necessary and for this isn't a normal time out and these haven't been normal times for the past 2 years. with this tough choice is necessary shelter for a tough choice to get their shots so that hundreds of thousands of workers are still unwilling to make no matter the high cost. adarine algebra. rome versus prince andrew has reached a tentative settlement. but the woman who's accused him of sexual assaults, virginia, jeffrey, she says the abuse happened 20 years ago when she was 17,
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and her has been stripped of several royal titles, denies the allegations. priyanka gupta reports ah, an out of court settlement with an undisclosed payment and no admission of guilt. 61 year old prince andrew have spared himself and the british monarch. the humiliation of a trial in the us will likely never know the size of the settlement or what exactly was agreed to what the confidentiality conditions are that went along with this. we do know that he agreed to pay as part of the settlement into a charity of the plaintiff's choice. in a statement included in the court filing, the lawyers for prince andrew and virginia you're free, said he will demonstrate history. quit for his association with jeffrey, abstain a convicted sex offender with traffic to young girls. i'm angry at this latest
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example of a powerful, wealthy man being able to wield his power and his wealth to allow him to dodge accountability for some very serious allegations. the trial had threatened to cast a shadow over the queen's platinum to be celebrations, but stripped off his royal duties. and patronage is the damage to the repetition of a 2nd son has already been done. there are lots of questions about and who's personal well, some way, or humans to fund lifestyle. it leads. and this is a very big question because you know, it reflects on the british state, reflects on a state or effect on the establishment will generally it will, this is being done in the way that ultimately means to the tax barriers funding for this saturday. i'm
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a lawyer for 8 of jeffrey at stance. victim said she saluted virginia at your phrase, stunning courage. graham forgot the. i'll just hear assigned to whether he has everton. hello, they were got high pressure keeping it settled across much of northern china. if got low pressure kicking it out, unsettled for japan, here's our low. we're going to see this system here. just dragging in a fair bit of snow. lots of windy weather coming into that western side of her honju around 40 centimeters of snow. coming in here as we go on through the next couple of day. so that will cause some disruption. we push on into friday. yep. more the same, not quite as widespread, but it is still there. nevertheless, isn't quite to whether across the korean peninsula attempt just picking up in sold for around 5 celsius and the dry weather. they're continuing a for beijing not to drive for central and southern parts of china. we some snow coming in to we're central areas of china, further south or heavy down post coming in here over the next couple of days. and we see some heavy downpours into parts of malaysia house of indonesia finance roy,
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across the philippines over the next day or so. but you can see across much of southeast asia, similar distribution of showers to what we have seen recently in some west or whether also pushing in across so the malay peninsula across a nick bar islands and the adamant artist it will stay disturbed here. much of india stays dry and fine over the next couple of days and started to warm up, particularly to the west has trauma. can the u. s. states of michigan has long been a diverse the sea in recent years is welcome. growing number of immigrants from the middle east and south asia. now it's become the country's 1st city to relax and all muslim counsel, john hansen reports the. the city of him trimming, put a new face on representative government in america for a century. it was a polish american enclave in michigan surrounded by the city of detroit. now a wave of new immigrants from yemen, bangladesh, pakistan as eroded,
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the dominance of warsaw in 2013. the city became majority muslim. yeah. a call to prayer echoes passed the goth expires of catholic churches in the aromas of poland, mingle with the sense of the east. so this year for the 1st time, the mayor and all 6 members of its city council or muslim, the only entirely muslim city government in the united states may or um, or garb says him tricks. tale is the latest evolution of the story of america. the american dream is a life and the doors of opportunity is, are open for everyone. and i came as an immigrant in high school. i was after miss 11 grade in the men and did all my schooling here and now on the mirror of the city. the mayor echoes as similar sentiment to that of another barrier breaking politician who came under fire for his religion before
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becoming president in 1960 because i am a catholic and no catholic haven't been elected president. the real issue in this campaign have been excused, and i believe in an america where religious intolerance will some day and are all men and churches treated as equal down john ham, trimming bridges. it's past with its present, with a polish american congress right next to a bangladesh business. what's changed is it's now just 7 percent polish and majority muslim. the changing face of the city hasn't come without controversy. there's the people who want to be like, oh, they're going to bring korea law and all the women are going to be forced to cover and women aren't going to be able to drive any more. all of those things, right? so amanda, you cowski spans the cultural gap here. a polish american who converted to islam said bob sher because it's grandma and polish, and this is when she lived in ham triumeq. she says the issues here are neither religious nor cultural. who the kind of problems of many cities like
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a high poverty rate. in the united states, we have a separation of church and state. we have those principles of making sure that we're representing everyone. and we're not bringing religion into that sphere in terms of the way that decisions get made. both processes happen. there's not that much of a difference. city leaders are hoping the new found attention might bring tourism in commerce to the home of america's newest wave of immigrants. john henderson, al jazeera, him traffic, michigan, coming out from the source, find out how a credit so help land, the gold medal, a stand with with
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with a whole ah
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ha! this time the sport has done, i can give her my money. well, friend skier, clement neu has won the gold medal in demands of the winter olympics. ascending 2nd run a sold a 24 year old move up from 6 to 1st place had finished just outside the medals to add the loss elim, fix him chunk. the 1st french sky to win this title for 2 decades. the united states have been knocked out of the men's healthy event. the top seeds will be seen by us yet in the call to final us were seconds away from a victory before that goal tied. the game up to all of us yet then went on to win and the shootout alex all lead a one to american finish. in the men's slow style a,
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his final twisting jumper has become known as the principal. it was good enough for hold to win his 1st big gold. american men half kept to 6 of the 9 medals since this event made its game w in 2014 russian figures case. camilla via eva left the eyes in tears after her performance in the individual women's event on tuesday. the 15 year old is the favorite to win gold, but no medals will be awarded to the competition concludes on thursday, i believe is the subject of an anti doping investigation off the feeling a test and the build up to the games. elliptical organize the say they will wait for the outcome of that process before finalizing the result. would we prefer not to have all this going on? absolutely. we prefer to be having a normal competition without this distracting from it. i think everyone would agree
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with that. the athletes, particularly in the athletes that i my heart goes out, but we are where we are the i c, as with everyone else has to follow the rules. jackie wong as a figure skating analyst, who is in beijing for the limbic. he says there are signs that valenda is being badly affected by the situation when i've seen her in practice, she has been steely, she has been focus. she has been doing her job when she needs to do her job and what she's practicing. but you can absolutely see that this is weighing on her mind. she has had times when she went to the boards, talked with her coaches broke down and you know, the phone, her ability came out more than a few times during the last few days. i absolutely expect her to continue to be
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focused and continued to be you know, kind of a single track by and when it came when it comes to the actual competition. but you could also imagine that she thinks about it during her free escape tomorrow, and all of a sudden everything sort of spirals under, out of control in her head. and she completely has a meltdown, right. i don't expect to happen, but i would imagine that it's either she escapes very well as, as how she would normally skate or she, it's a complete disaster that she gets sort of dig herself out of. so i don't think there's an in between to that. canada, the women's speedskating team have been talking about the title winning moment. this slip from a rivals. japan handed them a gold medal on tuesday. and i've been ahead in the team pursuit final and feel the full on the final now that they are unbelievable sportsmen like
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people and yes we have, we have a lot of respect for their team. but i, i also think that we, we push the limits and so today, and they weren't able to hold it in the last corner and we stayed on our feet. and yeah, and we, we also, we also had the olympic records by salma have claimed, in our advantage in the last 16 champions, levi with rail madrid, tissue and in one mill and the french captain, despite his penalty miss l messy. it was left to him to produce some last minute magic against the 13th time tie for when it was her leg is coming up in, feign on march. the line just as city will far too good for portugal sporting winning the 1st leg of their tie. 5 now for now to silver school, twice about him selling the school. his team's final goal of the night. i p. s. u
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city are aiming to win this title for the 1st time. 2 more games coming up and later on it was 6 time when as liverpool taken on into milan before defend trans alexander on the using the pre match with press conference as a chance to soak the teams. domestic robbery with manchester city, obviously not making any export hot months. it is amazing team now meant to lift challenges leaks up and they will couple of times but they haven't been able to speak with them both of last few years. so it just shows that we're able to do in both compositions. hussain arnoldo has called his 1st goal of 2020 to the majesty united striker, and his 6th game goes route with his effort against brighton. united went on to win tanelle and they're back in the premier league top for that. so for me, my lead thanks santa. and that's it for me. money inside. i'll be back in a few seconds to join you at the top be our more news. stay with us here.
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ah o than half a 1000000 booster shots were administered in the u. k. in just one day. fall short of the 1000000 a day. the government's aiming for the race to reinforce immunity is gathering pace . it's the extraordinary infectiousness of the oma con variant, though, which is really worrying global scientists and health experts in the u. k. o micron cases. and now doubling every 2 days. and with more than 200000 possibly infected every day, the number could pass a 1000000 within a week. long queues again at vaccinations, centers up and down the u. k. as the government's boost a job program continues apace. the dilemma facing the politicians on that side of the river is whether the jobs alone will be enough to slow the progress of the on
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the cross variance. so we have to look at what we can do to slow only trans advice when it comes to deciding which options to reduce the infection rate. the advice from the w h o do it all. egypt strong man is ruling with an iron fist and the silence from his allies is deafening. the us was perfectly happy to trade off for mark, for see for security. why a western lead is turning a blind eye when even their own citizens have fallen victim to his repression. executions, torture censorship is not acceptable. and you won't hear such strong words from, let's say berlin or paris, or london man in cairo on al jazeera, all stories of life. and inspiration, ah, a series of should document trees from around the world that celebrate the human
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spirit, against the odds. ah, oh. how does your select express himself? ah, it's a personal, ga, continues. the military buildup, nato expresses further doubts about russia's truth draw down from ukraine's orders as moscow shows more at st, pulling back ah, hello, money fight. this is out there life. and i ha, also coming up owners gather in the occupied west spine comped, a palestinian man was shot dead by israeli. a former.


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