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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 19, 2022 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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the thing about the house is it's a sort of a marriage, isn't it? the house has its own character. i have my character, the house is really saying, i want to remain like this, but you can do this just a little bit. you can change it a bit, but i still want my personality and you can still have yours. oh, this is al jazeera ah, hello, i'm adrian fit again. this is that is our life from doha. busy coming up in the next 60 minutes, president vladimir putin says that russia has successfully conducted strategic military drills involving ballistic and cruise missiles, separatist leaders,
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and east of ukraine, called for military mobilization and start to evacuate civilians to russia. i'm advising fears of conflict. ukraine's presidents followed amir zalinski says that his country were respond to provocation is by russia. and we are in saddam star for region this our where 2 years after signing a piece deal as little progress in overcoming security challenges. and i'm he to similar to the sports as new zealand winds. it's 2nd ever winter olympics, cold, middle on the penultimate day of the beijing games. ah, washers president vladimir putin, his overseeing strategic military exercises. it comes at a time of soaring tension between moscow, ukraine and the west. the kremlin says that its warships and submarines have successfully launched hypersonic weapons and cruise missiles during the rules. it
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denies that the war great games will further inflame tension rushing back separatist leaders in eastern ukraine. meanwhile, of ordered a full military mobilization. they say that civilians in the dumbass region being evacuated to russia, a shilling intensifies between separatists and ukrainian government forces. the ukrainian army says that one of its soldiers has been killed ukraine's president. the latter may, zalinski, has travel to germany for the munich security conference. he says that his country doesn't respond to provocations, and called for peace through diplomacy. we have a team of correspondence covering this for us. this are, shall strive for the standing by 1st and se in ukraine will be live in moscow shortly with dawson jibari. but 1st, let's join our diplomatic. it is a james base who's at the munich security conference, where james, the ukraine, russia crisis is front and center of the agenda. yeah, absolutely. there's really, there's lots of other things,
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discuss the meaning security conference. but really, the attention is all on the situation regarding ukraine. we've heard the u. s. vice president in the last couple of hours, the british prime minister. and quite importantly, we're going to present zalinski, who some advised him not to come here, including some in washington, is too big of a threat to come here at this dangerous time for his country. but he is going to be here, perhaps a show of defiance to president putin making a speech which we were watching and taking life as in the next few hours here on out to a 0 right now though, let's speak to one of the other key participants in this meeting, insult him, bug the nato secretary general. second general, thank you for john. you. so now de zera present biden says putin has made up his mind to invade. do you concur with that judgment? and is there anything that you can do anything you can offer anything to avoid war? now, we have a share assessment, a monet dollars,
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arial. so share the same information, the same intelligence. and meaning that we see that there is a very high risk for, ah, russian attack on the ukraine. we see that, that all the forces in place. we see that they're attempting rhetoric. so this is at read an increasing risk at the same time. i also agree with press the button that it's never too late to, to step back from the brain care to stop preparing for war and to start engaging in and in diplomatic talks with nato on a dallas to funded political lessers. now this is quite not usual crisis because the intelligence assessments normally kept to oneself by the those in the know, are being broadcast pretty widely. and many diplomats journalists and others have been briefed on the intelligence. my understanding is that predicting and all out attack a 2 prong prince, are attacked to take kiva full scale invasion, given that and your us basements. how will the ukrainian military fair,
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their credit military is some, much better, but the prepared, better, trained, equipped, are stronger. now and, and, and in 2014, when the, your crane was lost, invaded by. busy russia, but our main message to russia is that they should not invade. of course, they should step back, can the and, and as should know, that if they use force again against ukraine, it will come with a high cost economic sanctions. and of course, if they want less nato at the borders, they get more nate to after borders vehicles. so we will further increase our presence in east on part of the alliance. and if they want to divide the nathan, actually it and getting the opposite, the more unite the next one of the nato allies speaking a short time ago was the u. k. prime minister boris johnson. he talked about the potential, if that was an invasion for a prolonged conflict in your view. what would a war in ukraine look like? it will be our end of the sandra, where it is still so for many,
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many lives on the to have something like this in europe. it's hard to imagine, but we are closer to that, sir. now down we have been any time since then at least since the end of the cold war because she, i never seen such a concentration or troops on forces. unstructured readiness with all. busy the different elements in place, everything from of course the high end the weapon system, so to feel hospitals, so to logistics, to command my control. so rush on launch and attack and with hardly any wanting time on that. this extremely concerning that again, it is possible for russia to change mind and to step back from the ring. we heard from the us, vice president as well, i'm sure you are listening to her speech. she talked about those sanctions that everyone here is talking about. the strongest sanctions yet on russia, but she also talked about and i quote, a further reinforcement of the east and flank, so the u. s. planning to send more forces will other nato allies also be sending
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more force? yes. as a wardrobe scene is that a ne dollars, sir, do not to states, but those are all the noodles have all the increased. and their presence in the eastern part of the alliance of germany, for instance, has increased its suppressants. yet if the invasion we are vandella, then we are ready to further a strength now presence in the east to make sure that there is no room for misunderstanding. no room for miscalculation about natal, strengthen us to protect on the found all. ready nato allies, and that's the best way to prevent an attack on and in a twilight country. ukraine is a highly valued partner. we support them for nato allies. we provide an iron clad security dantas. and as you say, a highly valued palm that you support. if they come under attack, and there is an invasion, there's no question of nato troops going there. i know that's clear. but is there
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anything else you can do at that stage to support the ukrainians in the ukrainian military? if russian tank start coming across the country, late hours have her since 2014 provided her a significant support to ukraine, nato has helped them to more than i said, the defense of security solutions, sir, with cyber capabilities and other means, but also nato allies have provided training equipment that's, that's the reason why the ukraine arm is much stronger now done in 2014. if that has been tack, the most immediate response will be the 3rd. we will make sure that there is no room for me since time about our in is to protect allies with our presses and east and allies also medicare. that will be a severe economic sanctions. i've heard some projections that the humanitarian effect to this with ukrainians having visa, free traveling to the you could be as many as 3 to 5000000 refugees. is nato ready?
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if that takes place? i mean, i know the un in the you are likely to be in the lead, but are you ready to help with that situation? of the potential a refugee crisis migration crisis, every prices we may face as a consequence on attacker. over on the ukraine, just underlines how important it is to prevent that from happening. if it happens, then of course, and they don't allow is the european union. and also nathan is ready to help and assist and the nato response force. so which is the higher on this force we can deploy has also capabilities that can help to deal with a help people on the, on the refugee crisis, they'll be many people watching. this will be worried about how dangerous this moment is. because on one side, you have russia on the other, the us both nuclear powers. what do you say to those that worry this and, and the un secretary general said it in his speech. she said, we're actually in a more complex moment in the cold war. we had structures and back channels and the
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cold war don't exist anymore. how. what do you say to people who are worried about the potential nuclear dimension interface? we have a very serious situation in on their own ukraine. ah, at the same time, in 8th or usa, the strongest aligns the history. so we don't see on the imminent up against natal allied countries, but there's always series that things may come out of control and that's accepted. the reason why we have been so clear on messaging to russia and also why we are continuing to work for more transparent sam, for the addict ability to prevent than a miscalculation, misunderstand install, tim berg, secretary general of nato. thank you very much for joining us today. on al jazeera and i'm sure are extremely busy time for you. more speakers to come, we taking live here this afternoon, adrian including, as i said, president zalinski. i think in some ways the is important speaker today is he still
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going to be asking people to avoid panic in his country or will that be a new tone? now, as, as things seem to deteriorate on the ground out there is to provide to get his, her james base reporting live there from the music security conference, james. and he, thanks and eat. let's go to moscow. then i was there a store such barriers there for us. docile. what's the kremlin saying about these military nuclear drills that president putin as reported to have overseen well, according to officials here from the kremlin, the objective of this exercise called strategic the terence has been completed in full. and we've also heard from the countries defense minister survey short ago, who said that all the missiles hit their intended target. this close, of course, a massive exercise trying to test the country's air defense systems, as well as the a nuclear capable missile systems that this country has. this was an event that is
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usually is scheduled for the month of october in russia for the country's defense systems to be tested. when did the nuclear capable, once specifically. but this year they decided that they will move it up to february . and of course, we saw the commander in chief, that is the country's president vladimir putin, in a what was described as a situation center or overseeing the whole thing as well as giving his go ahead to start the drills. he was joined by alexander lucas shinkel. the president of bell roost, who was invited by putin to oversee this a drills and according to the officials that were in charge of the different aspects of these exercises, all the missiles hit their intended target. and of course, i think the most important point was that these drills took place almost simultaneously to the u. s. vice president taking center stage at the munich security conference. yet again, vladimir putin trying to show his military strength when it comes to this country
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and been seeing as him trying to show the world of rushes, military prowess, of course, and that is really something that he seemed to have achieved. as we saw james mentioning earlier that, that they touched center of topic of conversation at this security conference in munich by the world. leaders was the ongoing tension between russia and ukraine. a wants moscow saying about these reports of evacuation coming in to russia, from a, the a break away parts of, of ukraine. well, according to officials from broadsoft region that is a region of borders, ukraine. and they have said that they have now, as of this morning, declared a state of emergency. they have seen over 30000 people across the border into russia. and as a result, they have now closed the border for people to leave russia and ukraine. that is no
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longer being allowed, they're only taking people that are coming in to russia. and we also heard a, say, officials in that area saying a charlotte landed in a residential area in a village of mexican sky. that is ab, about a kilometer away from the border with ukraine. and this shell apparently landed near a home 300 meters away from a residential home, but nobody was injured. we're also getting reports of a 2nd shell alleging by allegedly, by the, the ukranian army that landed in that area as well. and that also has not injured anyone. and we also know that the russian investigation committee has started at looking into these shells that have landed on russian soil as a result of the ongoing attentions that are taking place. this is, of course, a very serious developments. and i think it's important to point out that there is a lot of skepticism around the narrative about what is taking place in that region
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. since the leaders of the self declared republics have asked people to evacuate as of friday, saying that the situation is becoming more dangerous, so they wanted civilians to leave that area. as a result, they are now coming into russia and officials. they're saying they're trying their best to deal with the influx of people coming in order to restore such murray live in moscow door. somebody thanks. let's pick that up with virtual strive for ben, who's live for us in eastern ukraine, near the border mutual, seeing or hearing any evidence of shelley well, i don't. yeah, we're in a village, one of hundreds of villages along the 420 kilometer frontline, very close to the front line here. certainly. we've been speaking to villages today . they describing the shelling overnights or at least a couple of the villages they respected. so saying it was a heavy shilling they'd experienced or heard since the end of all melendez,
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the official end of hostilities back in 2015 when that failed piece initiative and c sly was signed in mid. what's important and as you can see behind me now also to recognize is there's a lot of military in villages like these in and amongst the civilians and interesting. we had a conversation with a ukrainian soldier in a shop or about half an hour ago. and he was debating with the shop owner and even he is concerned about the civilian population. here he danced the shop owner, whether in fact the local authorities had approached the civilians here for any potential evacuation plan here. nothing on on. on that note, we also asked him personally whether he thought, in fact, that this was just bluster from the russian back separatists from russians. with this increase shelling that we've been talking about, whether frankly was blast or whether he thought there was going to be some sort of move. his answer was very much
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a definitive. yes. he said that the weapons that were being used by the separatists were of a heavier caliber. he also acknowledged that the ukrainian army in this area have also moved in larger amounts of weapons in recent weeks. so there are great concerns about the civilians on this side with respect to the other side where this ongoing evacuation is happening. one of the villages here said that she had friends on the other side that she hadn't seen for years. and she said that these frightens, were being effectively forced to evacuate. they didn't want to leave. they were skit still sketch. well as to whether there was going to be any kind of escalation . we've seen pictures of buses leaving only a separatist side of control heading towards russia. we also know according to our school, she is in don't ask that so all schools in that area. ready have been indefinitely closed. so the situation although calm at the moment and i do say that the people
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in this village for example, described the shelling as being the heaviest in, in years. certainly overnight, the situation is calm her. but there are serious concerns about the civilian population in this area. after such a heavy barrels of shelling in the last 48 hours or so. i was there is char stratford, life in easton ukraine. charles, many facts still come here on the south nigeria, upgrading its irrigation projects for the 1st time in decades. for many farmers aren't happy. we'll tele while we'll take a look at why migrants who risked their lives to reach chile being turned back or expelled. and the russian skater, the center of a doping scandal arrives back in moscow with a small criticism of her coach that's coming up later in sport. ah, we're going to hear the music security conference. another issue that's been
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discussed there are efforts to revive the 2015 iran nuclear deal. delegate say that a deal could be just days away. indirect negotiations between the u. s. duran resumed last week in vienna, after a 10 day break, the u. s. state department says substantial progress has been made and that an agreement is possible if iran shows seriousness out there as ali hash has more now from vienna. there are old reasons for being cautious with these, with this optimism, because this might be also a kind of laying the infrastructure for the blame game, just in case that talks faith. now, what, what's, what's left, what's left is how to make this, the sustainable. we are a, just a witnessing the iranian, and the europeans and the americans talking in different on different occasions just minutes ago, the iranian top negotiator alley walker. he left this building behind me. he was
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sitting there with the europeans here. now with respect to what is a, what are, what are we waiting here for? we're waiting for an announcement. when are they going to announce that they are? i've got to do this is something that might take days. it might take weeks, which is something that is, is left to what the iranians are going to announce in the coming days or what's going to come from america. so this is mainly what everyone is waiting, gets a kind of a wait game. everyone is waiting daughter size to blink 1st. however, there is substantial progress as the united states officials are saying also the euro. iranian foreign minister, yesterday, in the unit, said that there are big decisions to be taken. the iranian side would want to see guarantees, real guarantees for them to get back to the, to the deal. the united states of america wants to see
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a big gap between iran and the a nuclear threat threshold. so this is right now what's being discussed, and as we know the, the devil lies in the, in the, in the details. a suspected suicide bomb blast and malia is reported to have killed, paste 10 people. please say the politicians with the target in the city of appellate when delays in the implementation of a peace deal in that are for region of saddam raising concerns about security and the delivery of aid. it's only 2 years since sedans, governments signed the agreement and years of conflict with armed groups and off for as long as he was here. morgan report style from alpha, russia in north door for conversing. the words of the deal into action is slow and frustrating. will hold the soldiers at the camp in a fashion in north, at r for start the day with the morning assembly there with the armed group justice and equality movement,
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which fought for years against the sudanese government. but they still waiting to start implementing a peace agreement which was reached in 2020 miles another alcohol out there that harker. there has been an order that on groups should move together in points to start the security arrangements of the deal. but we're waiting for logistical supports, such as fuel engine oil spill parts for the car and supplies and other administrative issues to move to the gathering centers. hutton mclean, i'm in the dar for conflict, killed at least 300000 people, and left more than 2000000 displaced. the peace deal allowed for those displays during the fighting to return to their villages and for the region to be developed . it also provided some power to the former rebels. all armed groups that have signed the peace agreement are supposed to be integrated into the national army before the end of the transitional period. currently scheduled for july next year. but more than a year after the deal, very few of the security arrangements have been implemented. and further delays are
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causing security concerns in the state. and in the dar 4 region world food program temporarily halted operations after an attack on its warehouses. the government responded by ordering all armed groups to leave the mean cities. but the people over fashion are still worried about safety level high considered? well, there were robberies, there are killings, the country is not very safe and that makes things hot. rather than pop up of the security situation is terrible. with the killings and robberies. the war has ended, but insecurity remains. the mob north dar for his governor says, getting big deal to work is not proving easy at the handle as, as he murphy iraq does. he has, he has gary yelton, feasel, but for condo, i think the main issue and delaying the implementation is political will, which was absent but is now there. the other issue is the financial issue. those who supported the deal were supposed to assist, especially the part of the security arrangements because it involved the
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disarmament disintegration and rehabilitation of those who won't be part of the armed forces. and that needs funding either the dom meanwhile, and military camps. fight as a way to start the next phase in the agreement. while the security situation in the region remains fragile. he but morgan al jazeera and fashion northstar for sunday is the day it's set by ethiopia to switch on the largest hydro electric power project in africa. electricity from the ground ethiopian renee san stern is due to be generated for the 1st time, neighbours, egypt and sudan have long complained of water shortages and flooding, caused by damming the blue nile river. if you appear since the $5000000000.00 development will power it's economy, agirri has began to upgrade some of its irrigation systems to the fears of food shortages. it's hope that the overhaul of dams and water channels will improve productivity. but many farmers, a skeptical now deserves ahmed address reports not from cono in northern nigeria.
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this was once a lush green valley, but for 5 minutes, the parched paddy fills of cora, haven't seen a drop of water along these channels. but because of the browser, the ticket em have been turned up for maintenance. as a result, agricultural activities have stopped a huge concern for farmers who are losing income for 40 years. ah, really were enjoins of lease. although they say shortness of water somewhere there . and then there, because of the like vacation of the canals from the down to here. but her where i manage a site. but now this is a coming of this project. the whole project now has been close. some pharmacy like muster for welcome that innovation work. but say timely completion will dow suspicions that they will be forced of their land for an extended period which
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could lead to a food shortage as a deadline for the completion of repairs nears excavators are in overdrive digging up all the new water channels and workers, li concrete in some of the finishing touches. it's a 1st major upgrade to the irrigation project since they were built was some dating back to the seventy's. much of the infrastructure was falling apart. we had a j tomorrow to we have recent project provides direct jobs to more than 3000000 people, including irrigation farmers, fishermen and pastoralists. officials say the rehabilitation work on dams like this . and war to channels will not only double production, but also allow for its passion of areas under cultivation. still thousands of farmers remain suspicious and skeptical. it's going to be completed on time. officious say though painful, the work must be done to save the projects from collapse and the livelihood,
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the dependent them in addition to that of the media integration infrastructure. there is delaney soil productivity. there is declining corporate activity and also the, the, the output power. hector is going to anyone down for that is the way the gumble is headed to inability to put it heavily teeth to improve the soil. the las oxide is dissuaded capacity and also to music and the farm was bring. yeah. bring in new implements new. yeah, in for of seats in. ah, i can, we can of at lasers at the gary edition site where restoration work is complete. pharmacy like nursery, bry, him half as their 1st crops of the side was handed back to them. boom. been and didn't know you and, and in the tomato crop yields has improved tremendously. sem with the con i harvested, totally unlike the previous years, aiden followed. this is the outcome of vicious hope to achieve across all locations where the upgrades completed in time for farmers to start planting crops at the end
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of march. the multi $1000000.00 works also involve training and retraining of farmers and educating them on best management practices. most farmers want to return to their lands as soon as possible, but they are growing nervous that they will be delays. army edris al jazeera colo nigeria. let's get a weather update. and if you're watching in western europe, you'll know all too well. they've taken something of a battering from storm eunice over the past 24 hours his rob with the latest. now eunice is probably the most damaging storm for many decades. most of the damages wynd 'cause. this is developing it. hit island 1st, then south wales is is it going through london trees, where the main damage, but ruse also affected as across the coast into france because eventually went across the low countries, brought trees down the netherlands, most likely northern germany. and here it is only low cost a couple of hours ago, still wind up in the southern baltic and it's now red warnings in poland for
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similar strength wind, and therefore potential damage. it'll move fairly quickly through lithuania, the center to lease and take snow that wrapping around, cold enough air for some snow to follow on. this is it during saturday, so the winds died. i'm fairly quickly and then we're left with not exactly benign conditions. something else is forming behind me is forming to the size of ice than the picture for sunday is equally big, stormy weather. it's not as strong. it is rather more widespread. the centers for the north, it's cold air being so she has to ireland and scotland. rain string and strong wind through the low countries rain into eventually northern germany as well. and overnight when sunday and monday, the whole thing expand be get huge, massive snow than falling once again. in the alps. wrote many fam, still to come here that he is a renewing of battle full to open one. why am a law week is stepping up, vaccinations against polio, a huge sink. ho opens up in kashmir,
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cutting off water supplies for surrounding communities at a shock, telling some, some of the most say open pizza, here with us in the sport. ah, join the debate. they erased out of black people from the american and global story was very powerful on an online ad, your voice, the comment section is right. join our conversation. we had all protected when everyone is protected. it is not by being nationalistic about us. you just look at it in a very different way, say that perspective men and men meeting each other and they don't have any solution. let me put it clear for you this dream on al jazeera ah wine warning senior
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night last night. tonight, after safely investing consistency and g investments lou ah ah, hello again. this is but he is out from al jazeera adrian sort of getting with you here in doha, the headlines. russia says that the hypersonic missiles have been launched during strategic nuclear drills being overseen by president vladimir putin. a criminal, denial of the war games will further inflame tension. russia back separatist
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leaders in east of ukraine, awarded a full military mobilization. they say the evacuation of citizens to russia a shilling intensifies the breakaway regions of threats come to harvest. and the head of the european commission says the brochure is making a blatant attempt to rewind the rules of international old up speaking at a security conference of munich, germany. muslim on the line also warned that invading ukraine could cost russia a prosperous future. the e u. is prepared to impose sanctions on russia, including its gas exports. if few craters invaded, let's live on the lion has been speaking to walk diplomatic editor james bass at the munich security conference. everything is on the table. this is very clear. and why was important, and we have managed to do that to be prepared in case that there is a russian decoupling disruption of supply of guys to the european union. we've reached out to all our friends around the globe to diversify the supply. and we
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were successful, we had no the highest energy supply ever in jen marie. and as of today i can say we are on the safe side. what this winter's content just to be clear, what you just said, everything's on the table. so energy import swift banking system notes stream still decided whether those will be included. the final decision will be taken in case that russia is beginning a war against ukraine and the military aggression against ukraine. and then it's going to be a political decision by the european council that is taken up the preparation for the preparation. everything is on the table. stone as love perchan of the russian academy of sciences says that it's ukraine, just being aggressive and not russia. we will see a lot of progress if an exception expectation that russia next they will attack ukraine into the why know all these promote this know,
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finally implemented. and finally, what we see now, you green started the tension waste board of the west. so, and we just see a great game around your brain. and the problem is that nobody in your brains and nobody in the west, in reality, doesn't care about life. people population don't basket money. but then this is jessica leverage ratio in russia. and russia has been fully in the same light. there is no money for negotiation. for mom, there is room for resolution of these conflict means agreements. but nobody, nobody in your green. i'm going to for the agreement because this is not going to
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be inches away with all the russia, an aggressive, but no. any evidence of show stable freshman concentration of russian troops along the border with you. again, this is an answer for the support of your brain aggression statements and no one ever. there is no one plans to do something. and last night started to attention we started last night yes. show that it was made from ukrainian side. previously yuki in the united states, we do the se observers just in order to to come are not to color. the real source of the sanction police in canada's capital arrested more than 100 people while turning away trucks belonging at blocking streets and central ottawa. very, i had been turned into a camp for protest as you are angry about pandemic restrictions. victoria gave to
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me reports. oh, this was the moment police moved in to take back control of ottawa's streets. protest is of occupied the area outside parliament for nearly 3 weeks. i offices used that new pals under the emergencies act to arrest truckers and other protest is who refused to leave her. a vaudeville, murray, ridiculous arrestin people out of people assembly that we are the right to be here . even with the emergency i o canadian truckers calling themselves the freedom convoy accused the authorities of overreacting. i negotiated on behalf of the waters a peaceful retreat of please promise they would not talk. they would let them free peacefully. they broke the bill because there's no leadership order or turns on violence doctor they want purchase leader to more relate was among schools arrested
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. they've been demonstrating against a rule that requires truck has to be vaccinated to cross the us border. the government says the illegal blockade and occupation is a threat to peace, order, and good government to day. our economy and our democracy are facing a serious and foreign funded threat. these illegal blockades and occupations cannot be allowed to serve the authority of democratically elected governments. oh. 7 these say the work around the pope to clear the cities downtown area i. we are in control of the situation on the ground and continue to push forward to clear our streets. this methodical and well resourced plan will take time and we are here to see it through to a safe ending. many truck has left voluntarily,
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but those remaining insist they won't move until the coven vaccine requirement to cross the us border is removed. victoria gay to be al jazeera malawi was certified pony of free years ago, but the detection of a new case is being seen as a setback for the fight against the virus. a little girl in malawi has been paralyzed by the 1st known infection in africa. in almost 6 years, recall soon reports a decade slung battle believed to have been one house renewed 2 years off to the announcement at polio had been eradicated in africa. the 1st case of the wild polio virus has been confirmed in malawi. the world health organization says the strain is linked to one circulating in pakistan . we don't know the chain of transmission. we're working with the premise that this
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is an important case. but on the ground planning with the west case scenario. but he must strengthen the balance rapidly and with quantity, initiate a vaccination campaign to bed with a chain of transmission. polio usually affects children under 5 years and can cause is reversible paralysis and sometimes depth. the disease remains endemic into countries of cornerstone and they bring pockets down. there is no cure. but a polio vaccine protects children for life. 25 years ago, thousands of children in africa the paralyzed by the virus. but a series of vaccination campaigns lead to had been declared wiped out. that's now changed. one case of polio is now to make us declare these public health emergence lead being quoted. this
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must be spreading. will be allowed to the continent violently. the case does not change the country, not africa status as being free of wild poll you, the region will increase surveillance and authorities, and malachi, us tapping up immunization programs. this topic from spreading consume. odyssey wildfires in northwestern argentina have devastated the national park and killed protected animals. drunk conditions and high temperatures are expected to further fuel. the flames. emergency crews are struggling to contain the blaze which has already scorched large areas of land. brazil's president has been seeing the scale of destruction caused by floods and lamps lives in the mountain city of patropolis . the latest casualty counters at least 130 people dead. and 200 missing al jazeera monica yet are give reports. after returning from russian hungry,
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brazil's presence able sonata surveyed the destruction in the city of metropolis during a helicopter fly over. he said, it was like a war zone to them was the mother. unfortunately, we could see the seriousness of what's happened here and patropolis, tuesday, heavy rains and mud slides tore down buildings in this historical brazilian town. more than 130 people have been killed. so far, less than half of the victims have been identified. and at least 200 people are still unaccounted for. sirens and friday warned inhabitants that other parts of the city could collapse and that they should leave urea immediately. that is up. when i blow the whistle, we start evacuating them as calling on them. i don't is decided to risk his life and stay behind. i'll jazeera accompanied him on his mission to find the bodies of his neighbors. either me as one which my mother has been living in the same house
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for 48 years. she was there when the mudslides tore it down. she was with my 2 nieces and my nephew. on that, i had told the runa he had found her mother in the living will. the bodies of 13 year old mila, and 6 year old daniel had been dragged by the water to the bottom of the hill. the family album was salvaged, but 11 year old stephanie is still missing with all of them all. but don't worry, i won't stop looking until i find her. yeah, she's here somewhere. families of other missing people have used instagram to post their pictures and contact numbers. do up in the mail for. there's a huge rock that's about to fall on my house. i had to leave, but my neighbor is still under the rubble. nobody can find her, nor her 12 year old child. funeral home safe donated 200 coffins. meanwhile, the search for survivors continues. monica and i give, i'll jazeera julie has expel dawson's migrant soft
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a somewhat blamed for the death of a truck driver last week. many of the deported from venezuela. and the current term is affecting chileans to is lower, but mainly reports a marching order from chile. this family from venezuela had hope to find safety and a better life here. oh, these children feel overwhelmed as the dream ends in the northern province of a kiki. as so to search to their luggage one shall ever get her. once you go to bolivia, you cannot come back to chile in or rec law, though they are not, but i told us that they would not let us pass. the venezuelans could not pass that if we set foot on chalet in soil. they would not be responsible for what could happen to us. they treated us badly. the government had imposed 15 days state of emergency after
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a truck driver was killed last week. it play migrants for the death. the military has both with forces in the boarder regence of audi car putting quarter time at ogle and long with more than $700.00 additional soldiers and police babbling residents about him been yet as to the state of emergency. it needed to maintain security and public order. a crackdown of migrants was launched earlier this month after 2 died from exposure as they tried to enter the northern pass. those travelling into chilly face temperatures that are extremely hot in the day and freezing at night. this is weeks 15 from bolivia. many tried to hitch hike all who walk, but it's a very long road. the emergency measures are also affecting locals. in chile, it's usually easy for them to cross the 800 kilometer border with bolivia to stock up of goods that i came to buy merchandise and cooking gas because i ran out and i
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can't cook with firewood because it's raining. i came to buy more gas, but they won't let me in the coming from so far away. now i have to go back without gas and let me tell you meant the brutal. unfortunately. as a result of the state of emergency decree, there are food shortages in our community because culture on your residence cannot go to bolivia. to bye, be sir, good shining many people from venezuela like this family say it's difficult to return home because of economic hardship. now they're not wanted in chile, it's uncertain where their journey will end. laura. gotcha. manley al jazeera. just ahead here on that. he is out. ah, you sealant celebrates it's 2nd of a winter olympic gold medal. that's coming up with peter. it was ah,
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the rope hotel is the most oh, tell that i've ever stated in the biggest box you have ever seen had an exploit order taken out the hotel, the schwartz germany. we loved it when it was built and really loved it. even when it was bombed, a major target of the conflict in northern ireland in the late 20th century belfast europa, a new episode of war hotels on all jazeera news world. ah, ah
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ah, ah, ah, ah ah . again, farmers in a district in indian administered kashmir. a concern for that crops after a sink hole appeared solid, a stream environmental sense of disaster for people who rely on the fresh water of their livelihoods. india correspondent elizabeth cronum reports from new delhi. this massive call appeared overnight, the town of coca knock and indeed administered kush made fresh water which used to feed a popular trout fishing stream is now falling into the hole that's led to a 20 kilometer stretch of the brand new river drying up killing many fish farmer up
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the rashid who lives near by says the water provided a lifeline was one of the c. it's been over 3 days since the water has disappeared from the stream. we're worried because the harvesting season is approaching. the water in the stream should be restored. we use it to get our body and orchard. if this doesn't get restored soon, we'll face many problems. sink holes can be caused by the chemical disillusion of limestone rocks in the river. the researchers say they need more information about this one is if at any wise it is very rare to hear this hasn't happened before. so we've come here, collected samples, collected oil particles, and we'll go look at this in the about agreed to see what's called the thing called attempts to divert water away from the whole have so far failed. local officials are asking people not to go near it, while experts investigate how to deal with it. environmentalists say the whole can be plugged but not before they find out where the water was going. how deep is the
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depot singles, and is the water coming out somewhere? and if it is coming out which place how much it has several because it can do some tunneling also, which is dangerous because if people are living in the area and this tunneling has taken place. so then those areas become weak. people living close to the stream say they're concerned, they could be more damage. we are living in fear because the sink hole may cause the land to collapse. we live near the bank of the stream and it's a threat to our homes in our lives. the government is being urged to act quickly before the warming, weather causes more smart mouth and further flood the sink hole. elizabeth per annum al jazeera, new delhi. and here's peter with the latest. adrian,
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thank you very much. the us figure skating team have appealed to sports hi of course to receive their solar metals before the end of the games in beijing, the medal ceremony was delayed because of a controversy surrounding camilla valley. ava who helped russia when gold, the 15 year old failed a pre olympics drug test, the results of which was only revealed after the team events valley eva has now arrived back in moscow, but her team is under investigation. a coach has also been criticized for berating the young skate after a series of falls. in her individual event, australia's team chief says better care is needed for young athletes who failed to reach the podium. the athletes are very much people, 1st and the and, and, and the sports people. second. so, so, so, so when a young person, special underage person hasn't, hasn't met their own expectations, hasn't, hasn't met what they perceive to be the expectations of others. we, we, i mean, any anyone involved, the sport really,
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really needs to look after those young people. it's the pulse mate day of competition at the beijing winter olympics. and new zealand has clenched at 2nd ever. gold metal. it came in the men's free ski half pipe final. their competitors faced at freezing wind gusts. but will champion nicko porteous meet the bitterly cold conditions with an impeccable 1st one. was my crashing out in his 3rd run, he held on to wind gold ahead of 2 time defending olympic champion, david wise, put his gold is the 1st for a male winter olympian from new zealand. the and his just how much it meant to the new zealand, he knew only make a fortune with a hucker, will be it and has some gloves in the freezing condition became just the 2nd, the middle of the country at the winter olympics, following snowboarder, zoe, fidel ski senate women slope, so victory. just over a week ago, alexander bullshit offspring said sue, he food and the gold medal, the russian one,
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a 30 kilometers across country mass stuff which was rescheduled and chosen from 50 kilometers because a strong wind and sub 0 temperatures. the alpine mixed team parallel race has been pushed back to sunday because of the weather, meaning some teams will need to rearrange their flights to compete dutch speed skater. irene stoughton won her 3rd gold medal in beijing as she sprinted canada's yvonne the blondin to win the women's mass starts in the men's race parts, wings one belgium's 1st gold of these games and the panes finish to the cooling with sweden beat in great britain. 5 full in the 1st extra end men. finally limping history. nicholas in pinching the only major title missing from his career to establish himself as the most decorated skip in. clearly that when full sweden moved them up to join force alongside the netherlands on 8 gold metals, norway,
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away out in front with 15 gold, 5 clear of germany. the winter olympics will close on sunday, despite diplomatic boy constant global protests by activists organize a se the event ran smoothly, but strict cove at 19 controls. one of the doping scandal have left a mark on the event. katrina, you reports from paging with the 2020 to beijing olympics soon coming to a close team. china is celebrating its highest winter metal tele ever. it was the 2nd time the chinese capital horses and olympic event. but gone was the festive atmosphere of the 2008 summit. it's very different now the said, the novelty to some extent is worn off. it's a winter games, which by nature is a smaller event. it's winter so. so p, people, you know ons outdoors as much. and then of course we've had cove it so all of those things point to a more muted atmosphere here help is in protective suits. and morning corbett 19 tests were a part of daily life. olympic dreams ended abruptly for those who tested positive
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for the virus seems pretty unreal. of all the people. what happened to myself, i have been doing everything in my power to stay free of cove. it started the demick for some strict quarantine measures. were too much to bear. many complained about heavy handed controls. i am not even sure i will ever be allowed to return to the village and obviously this is very hard for me. top competitors. what the only once the spotlight chinese tennis play, a polish why appeared to stand with international olympic committee head. thomas park, after giving an interview, denying she made sexual assault allegations against a retired politician rights groups criticized the decision to use a weaker athlete to light the torch at the opening ceremony. and the featuring of
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a soldier who fought on china's border with india. incense, new deli, more anger was sparked after 15 year old russian figure skater, camilla valley eva was allowed to compete after testing positive for a bad substance. we'll do everything to investigate this. these case broke belinda dropping. gov of children is evil and unforgettable muscle and take the i r. c field and difficult questions about time is human rights record, previous games held in russia, so keep and reserves rio de janeiro raised similar questions from here. the sun, the and winter olympics will return to the western world held consecutively in paris, milan, and was angela's than use less likely to attract process. the organizes of the beijing olympics hope the legacy of the event will be felt in a burgeoning winter sports industry. and confidence that the city can pull off a successful games. despite a global pandemic, katrina,
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you al jazeera beijing major league baseball has postponed the start of spring training games until at least march 5th because of the ongoing labor dispute with players. little progress has been made towards a new collective bargaining agreement, since the owners locked out the players in december, among the issues being discussed, a free agency, playoff expansion, a luxury tex, possible salary floor and several proposed rule changes. the thought of the season march 31st is likely to be pushed back. if an agreement is not reached, both sides will meet again on monday. and we'll go from baseball to football. now manchester city will look to take a step closer to the 4th premier league title in 5 years later, but they host taught them hotspot team who are languishing in 8th spurs finished 2nd just 3 years ago over in spain, league leaders, rail madrid will look to bounce back after
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a disappointing champions league defeats a passenger man earlier in the week. rail or 4 points clear in league ahead of severe in saturdays, late game, they will host alvarez who are struggling down in 18th position. will number 47 us tsetse price says crashed out of them are say, open suffering. a shock defeat to the world. number 163 roman suffer you lynn, in his 1st ever. 80 p 3rd quarter. final was highly fancy to lose against the greek who has won the title in marci twice before. instead, it was the unheralded russia. no food of one of tennis is great, upsets with a 646 full when mixed up. he plays felix or j. aaliyah. see me more about the, about this a good this through to the final of the cutter open in doha. the spaniel dropped the 1st set of the semi final against current cutten off before claiming a 266375. when waiting for him in the final is defending champion nicholas basil
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ash. really and that's all the sports. he said i will have both of you again liaison, adrian, bitter manufacture, date. that's it. from the news i will live in ukraine's capital key ever. just a moment while they're back with another person, ah, count, defeat boots cheap and sometimes dangerous copies of the real thing of been found all over the world. i mean, even the most expensive premium products. it's the secretive and deadly multi $1000000000.00 business. we found one product, but about one 3rd horse danay and us, which was just an incredible finding. during raids on one of the most notorious mafia gangs in calabria, italian police found consignments of fake olive oil made from industrial lubricants that were being exported to the united states. the main thing that we do when we
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carry out criminal investigations is to reconstruct the money flow and the flow of goods and connect pieces together. it office builds does profits that are easy to make and hard to ignore. perhaps it means that all of us should be a little more vigilant about what we put on our plates. a fell in vietnamese children, walk into slavery in europe, one to one east investigate how the traffic is. are they doing justice now to sierra? ah, al jazeera, with kidney beans and murders in crimea, says russia's forced annexation of the black sea position. i don't understand why
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he was. oh, scores of crimean to toss have been arrested, tortured and killed. most believe by russian security forces. crimean lost his dark secret. on al jazeera, ah, president vladimir putin says the bratia has successfully conducted strategic nuclear exercises involving ballistic and cruise missiles and ukraine. this president, hello to me, as a landscape says that his country won't respond to provocations by russia. ah,
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hello again, i'm adrian. this is al jazeera alive from dr. ha also coming up. we're in saddam's down for region where 2 years after signing a p, steel.


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