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tv   News  Al Jazeera  February 22, 2022 5:00pm-5:30pm AST

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that old man sitting right dead. oh, and we defined a status in society. missy, that nigerian women walk on water, witness on al jazeera, ah russia questions, ukraine's right to sovereignty after president vladimir putin orders troops into disputed regions, which he is now declared independence, ukraine's president. his warning russians moves only show it is preparing for a further military assaults. ah, hello again on command santa maria here in doha with the world. news from al jazeera have been sanctions from the u. k. and germany in the brakes on a gas line project. western nations acting against russia over the ukraine crisis.
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multilateralism lies on its death bed to night. and we'll show you how it's not just western nations condemning russia's actions and demanding restraint. ah, so much global reaction and condemnation after russia's moves against ukraine, its latest moves. the russian president vladimir putin is pressing a head. he says he respects the sovereignty of all ex soviet states. but he said you kind different because of interference from other countries. that's prompted a shop response from the west. germany, for example, it's but it's gas pipeline project with russia on hold. and the u. k is announced sanctions against 5 russian banks and 3 individuals all sparked by russia, recognizing the disputed, easton ukrainian regents as being in de but in my opinion,
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also ordered troops into le ganske and donates for what he describes as a peacekeeping operation. these regions encompass what we know as don bus, where separatists have been fighting ukrainian forces since 2014 k. let's get started. vladimir, let him a potent, it's still such a battery in moscow to talk about vladimir virgin who says he respects the sovereignty of all the soviet sets except yes, and let it be put in, made the comments before going in for a meeting with the president of azerbaijan, earlier on a tuesday and a he said that it really, ukraine is a special case. i. he said it, it, he believes that this is a country that is being used by 3rd parties to try and to put pressure on russia and really to put more threats against russia. and that is why he's chosen to do what he does. this was of course,
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a sentiment that was also shared by the russian foreign minister, sir gay lover of earlier. he said that really this, there is a question about the sovereignty of ukraine, according to him that because the russians believed that the government key of is not representative of the entire population of that country. and this of course, is highlighted by the fact that in the eastern region of ukraine, in dom boss, there are about 800000 people who holds a russian citizenship. and this is why those separatist leaders there have done and asked what they have out of the or russian president vladimir putin. this of course becomes very, a dangerous and escalation because this agreement that was signed as a result of this recognition of those independent states of a langon scan, done yeske and means that at russia can ensure that the russian troops can enter the ukrainian territory, sovereign territory under this agreement, they have now signed saying that they are protecting and their citizens,
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and this joint agreement gives them to permission to do so. dosa sanctions, they're now becoming a reality for rushers. the kremlin, had any reaction to that. yes, we heard from the one of the deputy for ministers. he said that there is that they don't fear anything and that there are no moscow. moscow has no tears. we also heard from sergey love, rob, who says that really these sanctions were going to be put in place regardless of what happens here. and that they really are very much indifferent to them. they're not going to be affected by them. that's the official political line. but same verbal decline over 3 per cent and the russian stock markets of course, have fallen at 15 percent since they opened all as a result of what's taking place. we have to remember that there is a lot of of foreign investments here as well as, and many western countries are involved with russian companies. so it becomes
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pretty much a logistical nightmare. and the russians have always said that if you impose any sanctions on us, you will be hurt yourself much more than us. and i think that this country is very well prepared to withstand any kind of severe sanctions coming its way. dosage a barrier reporting from moscow. thank you. to london, nadine baba as soon as we were talking about sanctions. tell us about what barth johnson announced in the british parliament will come up. horace johnson has been saying that the west now needs to get ready for a protracted crisis over ukraine. he says the presence of armored personnel, carriers and tanks, russian armored personnel, carriers, and tags in the east of ukraine. now constitutes what he called a renewed invasion. and he said that vladimir putin was getting ready for a full scale offensive. because of that, he announced her some new sanctions there limited. but let's just listen to what he's announced. the u. k. sanctioning the following 5 russian banks,
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rossier, i s bank jim, but general bank a property as bank and the black sea bank. and we are sanctioning 3 very high net worth in vigils. any assets they hold in the u. k. will be frozen. the individuals concerned will be banned from travelling here and we hold further sanctions at readiness to be deployed alongside united states of european union. if the situation escalates still further. well, it was pointed out to the british prime minister by m p from his own conservative party and the opposition labor party, that those 3 rich russian individuals had actually been under american sanctions for several years now. and there were colds from many in parliament for boris johnson to do more to impose more widespread sanctions. he insists that these will have an effect. now at the beginning of his address,
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he said the following. we will hold further sanctions at readiness to be deployed alongside the united states and the european union if the situation escalate still further. but then he was pressed and asked if the russian troops were just limited to entering those self declared republics would further steps still be brought in. he hinted that they would, he said it's inevitable that will be coming forward. if a, with a much bigger package of sanctions, given the activities of russian forces on the ukrainian border and inside ukrainian territory. so slight ambiguity there, but certainly bars johnson note is under pressure to do more. there were mentions of a parliamentary report recently, which concluded that there had been there was evidence of attempts including by russia to influence elections. here in britain, boris johnston said he wasn't aware of any such attempts to influence british
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electoral process. rather surprising. he's also facing calls earth to do more to crack down on. busy molly laundering in the city of london and elsewhere in the u. k. he says, the british government does take that seriously no steps announced there. there are many russian individuals living in here in the country who according to reports in the british press, are worried now about whether they will actually be hit by or some kind of sanctions. we're waiting to see what in fact, the government or sex as it's red line for introducing further sanctions beyond just 5 banks and 3 individuals. thank you. that is not in barber in london with news on sanctions out of the u. k. the news out of germany concerned the north stream to pipeline dominic cane is in berlin. are with more on that announcement that germany has for now put the project on halt. germany is acting now because it is as it were,
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making goods on the promises it had made to the rest of the international community . and indeed to the russians. up until now, it had always been the german government case that they didn't want to tip their hand as it were. they didn't want to say every specific diplomatic weapon or economic weapon they wanted to use. they wanted to keep as it were, a trump card that is nord stream to. so whenever mister schultz went to international meetings with other heads of state heads of government, he wouldn't use that phrase old stream to. well, now he has because he says the actions of the russian government have made him do so. this is how he referred to this decision to pause nordstrom to have it as ponder, sketches minister, him hard to get beaten. i've asked the federal ministry of economics to withdraw the report on security of supply with our federal networks agency. it's the 1st step to make sure the pipeline cannot be certified at this point. without certification, the north stream to can't operate, so we will reassess the situation that has evolved over the past few days. it's
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important to launch new sanctions now to prevent an escalation and disaster. there is a cost to sanctions. the german government ministers have referred to it before saying that prepared to pay a heavy price in order to put sanctions targeted sanctions on the putin government . but that cost could be very high indeed, not just for germany, because to so much russian, natural gas comes to europe through germany. and otherwise, there are some governments, notably the italian government to a particularly wary of some as it was sanction might really pare down the amount of russian natural gas that comes to europe. so there's lots of different issues to be ironed out as it were. the german government has acted unilaterally where it can now it wants to be part of multi lateral sanctions against russia. the u. s. waking up her this choose an island fishes with us from the white house, what's expected out of the by the administration administration today. alan well
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have it with her from jen sack in the last hour. she says she welcomes the decision by the germans and they will announce more sanctions in the coming hours. of course, immediately after vladimir putin made that announcement, a speech preparing for war as how one senior white house official described it. they immediately put sanctions on the 2 brick. we'd republics. and also any one doing business with them. we're expecting more sanctions. they're likely to target the russian banking sector, perhaps the technology sector, and maybe even people who are close to vladimir putin himself. these are not filled blown sanctions as yet. joe biden said that they will come if troops crossed the border, and there is an invasion. the deputy national security adviser in a television interview just in the last hour, said that he saw this as this thought of an invasion. but as whether or not the president agrees with a and he is ready to step up with a fool raft of sanctions,
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or certainly pressure on him from both sides here in washington. republicans and democrats, that he has to do something and do something significantly. they are worried that if he does nothing or just imposes essentially a slap on the wrist, latimer putin will treat this the way he treated at declaring to self and to the publics in georgia. i, as a recognized by russia, i nothing more will happen. he will continue to branch out into other parts of the russian sphere of influence. so lots of pressure on joe biden, in the coming hours, not helped as well by the markets, were told that in future trading with the markets opening in just about 18 minutes at the stalks and shares are going to be down significantly quite a bit of a market shot with the idea of sanctions at being imposed on russia and how that might impact the whole financial world. nan energy prices already going up. alan, i wonder though you've talked about sanction sanction sanctions beyond that. is
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there a u. s. strategy, or could they be a change in strategy now that russia has actually made the move into territory? well, joe biden has made it clear that american troops will not be involved in fighting in ukraine, or they will continue to sure up their nieto allies by putting soldiers into the likes of romania and also poland. the move more troops and to germany as well. and the last couple of weeks, so there's no intention of putting together any sort of military force to deter vladimir putin. joe biden is still hoping that with a combination of sanctions, and he believes that everyone is united and imposing that. that's why he's delighted with what the germans have done and with diplomatic measures, they can still force vladimir putin to the negotiating table. remember antony blank and the secretary of state is due to meet sergey lover of the foreign minister in geneva on thursday. we haven't had from the american side of the still intend to go
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ahead with that meeting. they were meant to prepare the ground for a possible summit between the 2 presidents that very much in the balance in the past hours. thank you. alan fisher at the white house. and we will have more on ukraine. nick coming up and the rest of the day's news, the press against the president. the rift in mexico is the number of journalists killed just keeps growing. ah look forward to brighter skies the winter sponsored my cattle airways. hello, there will have a look at central and south asia and from the satellite image, you can see the unsettled weather that's blown across. i've got to son into northern pakistan and india and that brought heavy snow to northern areas of off kind of stuff. but that snow also fell on the streets of cobble. this was the scene
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there. those conditions, edging further east as we go into the middle of the week, the snow for the high areas in northern pakistan and india, as well as some sleep and freezing rain. but new delhi stays clear of that. pacey here on tuesday, but by wednesday, the sunshine is back and continues to be very woman, too much of india warm along that west coast. the temperature in more by at 33 degrees on thursday. however, we will see some showers coming into the south and those rains in sugarland are set to intensify. but it remains rather clear along that east coast as it does for much of east asia with the wet weather. and wintery weather the shimming into coastal areas of china, say heavy rain for tie one, but it clears by thursday. we'll see the temperature pick up in hong kong as well as for beijing and shanghai. we're going to have a nice clear skies with sunshine here, similar story for the korean peninsula. for the weather and winter weather, we have to go to northern areas of japan. once again, that weather update. oh, the weather sponsored by catera,
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always chilling the debate. they erased out of black people from the american, and global story was very powerful on an online ideal voice. the comment section was whitehead, during our conversation, we had all protected when everyone is protected. it is not by being nationalistic about us. you just look at it in a very different way, say that perspective men and men meeting each other and they don't have any solution. let me get put it clear for you this dream on al jazeera. ah, he was al jazeera, the top stories this our russian president vladimir putin says he respects the
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sovereignty of all former soviet states, but not ukraine because of interference from other countries. his declaration to recognize 2 separatist held ukrainian regions as independent as drawn wide spread condemnation. germany is now halting the opening of the north stream to pipeline to supply natural gas from russia. chance the old schultz says the $11000000000.00 under see link needs to be reassessed because of what russia is doing in ukraine. when the u. k announces putting sanctions on 5 russian banks and 3 individuals prime minister boss johnson says they could be more as well. they frosh escalates the conflicts in ukraine, away from the sanctions and the diplomacy people, me the frontline of the standoff, a pretty concerned about what the future holds. understandably, child stratford reports now from easton, ukraine's done yet screeching. according to the ukraine and military as of mid day to day, they said that so over 660 and weapons had been used against
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ukrainian positions along the 420 kilometer front line. various different color was everything from machine guns too. heavy artillery, as i say here, but it's, it's been that the shelling in the last few minutes has been heavier than other locations that we've been in earlier today. what's of great concern in a place like this though, is that this village has quite a lot of civilians still in it. a number of the buildings, in fact, a very great number of the buildings have been occupied by the military. the frontline is only a few kilometers behind me. so of course are a great concerns for the civilians in, in villages like this. when we know that there is this evacuation ongoing in the separatist control territories. the question is, what about the civilians here on the ukrainian government controlled side? also we've been speaking to people on the de next, on the separatist side earlier today as well. and they telling us one man telling
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us who's close to the russian border describing the russian military build up a something he'd never seen in his life before. that was just across the border inside, inside russia. obviously the russian say that they are going in as a peace keeping force into those separatist controlled areas. but of course, there a huge doubts as to where this crisis is. next going to go fall of this. there was a stormy security council session of united nations, but one of russia's closest allies was very careful not to take sides during that session. china's ambassador called on all involved to avoid making things worse. katrina, you has more from baiting on tuesday. beijing sent out a statement warning all of its citizens in ukraine to try to avoid unstable areas, but it stopped short of actually telling them to leave the country completely. unlike many other nations. no ton and recent weeks has criticized the us for what
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it says is hyping up. the threat of war. china has said that it believes that russia's security concerns all legitimate and the 2 countries all very close. vladimir putin was justin beijing about 2 weeks ago. and the sizing, the strength of his friendship with china, with she's in pain. but that doesn't necessarily mean that she didn't ping would welcome or support any war over ukraine. he's also has very good ties with. he has and china very much relies on trade with europe. so china's ambassador to the ambassador to the un on tuesday. jung jones said that all policy should really return to dialogue and exercise restraint will collect. you should find that more weekends on the current situation and ukraine is a result of many complex factors. china always makes its position according to the merits of the matter itself. we believe that all countries should solve international disputes by peaceful means and in line with the purposes and principles of the un charter. we should certainly beijing,
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as watching what is happening in ukraine very, very closely and waiting to see how the international community responds to any possible invasion by russia. other traditional russian allies like india, were also careful with their choice of words during the meeting. kenya's envoy to the un did not restrain himself. let's hear from him. but 1st exam bath, we called for a stream on all sides. the immediate priority is de escalation of tensions taking into account the legitimate security interests of all countries and aimed towards securing long term peace and stability in the region and beyond. they are convinced that this issue can only be resolved through diplomatic dialog. multilateralism lies on its death bed tonight. it has been assaulted to day as it, as it has been by other powerful states. in the recent past,
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i spoke to hush punt about this. he is the director of studies at the observer research foundation in new delhi, a think tank there. he believes we're facing a global crosses here. well, you know, i really wouldn't globalize times and any conflict, any part in any part of the world would have global revis occasions. in particular, this one which has 2 major powers to each of blocks involved rush of course on one side and the entire western lock on the other. so clearly if a for then there is an escalation. if the sanctions are imposed on russia you've yet already witnessing god rises, right? the price of oil. and we're already seeing stock market stumble. so i think that the wider global economic them indications of this price. this will not be just around in around ukraine. this is a global crisis, and it has to be looked at that the enter time when the world economy is just about beginning to come out of the spin, demi, and we're looking at the demand for oil rising already, oil prices are high. i think one can imagine that energy is going to be
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a huge issue. we have already seen how energy is also playing into the european landscape. that even if you have had concerns that if, if the sanctions that impose and russia, we will see that not stream by, by playing the project disbanded that has been sought in germany and austria, i need to know that a due date, sanker to do any sanctions on russia can actually ensure. busy a lot, lot of energy problems for europe. so i think energy is, is going to be a, is already a very important important component of this engagement and global ramifications of this crisis for energy prices for energy security can be potentially very, very devastating. before we look at some other news, i want to show you some live pictures from kia. this is outside the russian embassy in the ukrainian capital people chanting. among other things, go home, russian occupier, a sign of at least in the capitol, there the depth of feeling against russia and its recent actions. a lot of european
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union flags there as well, showing where their loyalties lie live pictures here from outside the russian embassy in the ukrainian capital. here with right corona virus, news, hong kong. first of all, we're the leader says the territory can no longer cope with the increase in infections and it needs help from mainland china. kerry lamb is extending restrictions until april 20th and is looking at building a temporary hospital. despite the governments 0 covert strategy, the existing hospitals are struggling to cope. and some patients have been treated in a makeshift areas outside in south korea, health officials, a warning that could be a quarter of a 1000000 daily cases of cobra. by next month, the country is experiencing another surge, but it has adopted a policy of living with the virus instead of. as hong kong has been trying to do eradicated, rob mcbride with more from so driven by the only cross variance,
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the recent surgeon coby 19 and south korea has been both exponential and alarming from under 5000 new cases. the day, just over a month ago, the country has been hitting over a $100000.00 new cases per day. but it's another way in this country of 52000000 people. the total number of infections has risen from 1000000 to 2000000 in about 2 weeks. it means that in and around the greater metropolitan area of sol, which is how to half the country's population, long lines that testing centers on now the norm. but thankfully, due to a high vaccination rate, we have not been seeing the same rise in serious illness and hospitalizations. the vaccines have been holding up and south korea. it seems, has taken the same view with many european countries and the us. but now is the time to tough it out until the, with the virus and the number of cases is increasing rapidly,
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but i think we are taking a course that we have to follow if we are to reach the post coffee, 900 euro. the country is learning to adapt to a new reality. south korea has been an early pioneer of such pandemic, beating measures as track and trace using the gps on your phone to warn of a possible contact or to make sure that you are isolating as you're meant to be. but with the sheer numbers of new cases that is no longer viable the government instead relying upon such things as voluntary isolating all the use of home testing . kids which have now flooded the pharmacies across the country. and of course, still relying upon the trustee mosque in the country, but still remains pretty much fully mosque. as we get into year 3. at this pandemic funny to mexico, where journalists are holding on the president to stop verbally attacking them, following away from violence against the news media workers. 5 journalists have
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been killed in attacks so far this year, and mirabella reports from mexico city. these amber. these are news professionals in mexico, protesting violence against journalists. the protests have marked a rift between journalists and mexico's president and this manuel lopez over at other one of the infant during a press conference with the president reporters staged a silent demonstration over the growing list of slain journalist galaxy in his in a musket and was happy in it, but as he didn't we would like to abstain from asking questions. mister president, alyssa said, because the principal killers of us journalists that are public servants, having always formerly cross your critics of president lopez over other see that at a time where being a journalist and mexico is becoming more dangerous. the president has instead broadened verbal attacks against reporters. many have also objected to a special press conference. the president holds every wednesday, where he names and shames journalists, who are often critical of his administration,
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calling them sell outs and mercenaries in for the either. the president needs to hear the voice of the journalists guild. most of us do not agree, uses his daily news conference to generalize about journalists, society beliefs. and because he's the president. and he's creating this idea that most journalists are sell outs and work in the interest of some obscure agenda, maybe some odd, but most of us who work every day in the streets a doing it because it's al vacation. lamazzo most recently president lopez over at other targeted gallows load it the molar a news presenter who previously reported on the lifestyle the president son by attacking, loaded them all as journalistic integrity. so norris, is it bigger these, that it is not the kind of journalist you mentioned who has the noble job of informing the citizens and criticized bad public servants? no, this is something else. in mexico, journalists already face threats from organized crime and corrupt government
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officials. transparency advocates say president lopez over others, rhetoric is only making the situation worse. it seems like he's ignoring the power of his voice because he is the president. right. and he's not only manipulating they had the public opinion. boesky. so say you seen it? public fans like money for these conferences to directly a stigmatized criminalized depress in the most dangerous country. i mean, i outside as so i like i was son to the i yardly of seeing this is he then again for his part president lopez over although it has promised there would be just it in the cases of violence against journalists, human rights advocates in mexico. have condemned to president lope is over the other. what is rhetoric toward journalists calling his weekly press conference in illegitimate use of power, adding that the president should focus on curbing violence instead of stigmatizing those who exercise freedom of expression. there have been at least 30 journalists
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killed in mexico since the start of lopez, but others presidency and at least 12 are currently listed as disappeared. though the mexican government says federal protection for members of the press has increased. human rights advocates argue the worsening murder. rate of news professionals across the country tells a different story. man, where did apollo al jazeera mexico city. ah, busy day here on out 0 most of our news concerns ukraine. the russian president, vladimir persian, has said that he respects the sovereignty of all former soviet states except ukraine. because of interference from other countries. his declaration to recognize, to separate his held ukrainian regions as a dependent, has drawn widespread condemnation and sanctions for.


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