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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  February 23, 2022 8:30pm-9:01pm AST

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of demolition orders is rising. all these children are asking for is their right to education? deborah him eligible eda the occupied westbank? ah, it says, these are the top stories now the un general assembly as had heard warnings that the conflict in ukraine is the most serious threat to world security in recent years. ukraine called for diplomacy and sanctions against moscow. i warn every nation in this distinguished chamber, no one will be able to seek out this crisis. if president decides that he can move forward with his aggression against ukraine. your governments and your people will faith, painful consequences together with our government and our people. this is
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why we need to use this last chance for action and stop russia, where it is for those right now, always give it to where it continues to go and to provoke and to our key. if we warn you that since upon the request of the next animal hangs, the thief, i will be monitored by the russian forces. no one intends to go off the saucy, any violated. and therefore, we ask you today to focus efforts on branding in kiev and deterring it from conducting a new military adventure that might cost a whole ukraine very dearly. you will the decision of the russian federation to recognize the so called independence of we don't have can once christians and the follow up our violations of our integrity. and so what entity ukraine and inconsistent with the principles of the charter of united nation. there is no place for actions and statements that will take these dangerous situation over the abyss . it's time to establish as his fire and they turn to the passive dialogue and negotiations to save the people in ukraine and beyond from the scope of what the
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tidal wave of suffering this war will cause our unthinkable. and then there is the broader threat that rushes actions up in our international system make a mockery of the un charter, and call into question, or most fundamental principles of sovereignty, diplomacy, and territorial integrity. unfortunately, despite these terrible word, world altering outcomes, russia appears determined to proceed according the president has called for a state of emergency, parliament is debating measures including limits on movements and media freedom. russian president vladimir putin has criticized the west for refusing to respond to his security mon demands, but says he is still open to dialogue. those are the headlines in such stories. next, news,
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news, news, news. whereas the french connection now in west africa, troops being withdrawn from molly after a 9 year mission on the european countries also leaving. so who will fill the bank voluntary region? what does it mean for the people of monte this is inside story. ah, ah hello and welcome to the show i'm sammy's. a than 9 years ago the people of molly lined the streets to welcome french troops who had arrived to stop an insurrection
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. but today, waving a french flag is seen as a symbol of colonialism and oppression. the relationship between the 2 countries doesn't look like it's getting any better. molly's military government expelled the french ambassador tobacco off day is fond minutes, the cold, the june, to illegitimate and out of control french troops. and now preparing to quit the country on the order of president emanuel, my chrome marley has also told danish soldiers to leave. and the continued presence of german troops under a un peacekeeping mission is in doubt. but russian private military contract, those from the was the group all staying that's leaving you powers uneasy. the contractors are accused of exploiting molly's resources in exchange for protecting the gender. but molly and the time of the insecurity in their country, they say 9 years, a french invention is only served european interest. and they want an end to the french connection. president emanuel,
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my call warned against russian contracts is stationed in molly simpson at some place on the p. and these mercenaries have been in libya for years to capture resources. and what should go to the lithium people. they're actually leaving the country. they've been deployed in the central african republic for several years and i've committed holistic crimes against civilians that the us have reported their coming to molly with predatory ambitions and why? because the june time power and molly, after to cool, do considers they are the best bottles they can find to consolidate their par, does not to fight terrorism. will introduce, i guess, in a mom. but 1st, let's look at the last decade of european military intervention in the south region in 2012 to our san francisco took over large parts of northern molly pie. the and iceland fighters also entered the region in january of the following year. former colonial pow front sent in troops to get rid of those groups. but after struggling for 9 years, france announced would end its operation early in 2022 danish soldiers of molly
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have also been told to leave immediately. and sweden says its troops will leave in march, and germany, members of parliament have questioned the presence of its soldiers in molly, as part of the un peacekeeping mission miner's smile. the. let's bring our guests into the show. we have joining us from some aloe in france, junk law. he's a senior research fellow at the global policy institute from ankara in gala, quite done so as a research fellow at the cofi and on international peacekeeping training center. and on the line from bama cohen, molly, were joined by the young co yeah. summer k, a politician and former diplomat. welcome to all, i could start with quite co. so why have relations broken down? quite co between molly and france. thank you very much. well, i think for a number of ways, 1st of all,
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i think the french presidency in monday has become increasingly on both susan the boy meds of before sissy money. you know, the number of volunteers to miss us have been on, is 30 increase and people have the perception, bad, friends, we've order some things to get her monday treat capacities back us should be able to address that situation. but he has not been a dish. and the boss has petition stuff will be met, ron socco, even if the french are not performing, as mullins hoped, the rather bitter exchange of words is something else, isn't it? how do we explain that? yes. so relationship between the 2 parts. wish if i can call them partners, but it redo me, molly and harry are being strained. been recent times,
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particularly given the refuse are of the agenda in monday to comply with no address impulse to return the country into prostitution are rule. so aside from that, the emergence of the wagner, who on the scene is sherman development, but it's not acceptable. and a friend who do have the we've these, you said does nothing said by that a mess and irish. so stress relationship has been ever said. and therefore, the decision on the french about they've also had some, was to say french had some words to say about the legitimacy of those in charge of molly right now. who came to pass through a qu,
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shock in france. why can france work with an administration which came to pass through a qu, in chad? but not, molly, why can they work? well, they're accused of working to support for half the who's also backed by the walk in the group. and that can work in libya. but the similar scenario doesn't work in molly, why is a good question indeed, because it shows that that's one of the reasons why does this anti french filling, filling that france is playing a double game is the fact of france tries to promote the idea of democratically democratic governments impose his democratic condition on governments. it wants to help one at the same time for becky, do cool in chad when the president, the kid died, a song replaced him without an infection so long and a french say amen to that. so it's true. and,
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but the situation in many is that is slightly different. france was very present in many added to some of the government that came through to, to, to put cheese of 202-2021. when promised to audit actions after or by already dish and nobody knew, we should have an initial dish. and they said it would keep back for 5 years. and they are the feeling that these gender in par with the president, my god, and go. busy into a different, keen on getting rid of the french that they want to put an end to the french president. they made the corporation impossible with a very difficult between the french forces and of many on army. and therefore, that now they were approached actually dare kina to for a rough,
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rough small with rush at the moment. is that officially res, russia? but it's a forget that the, when money became independent, not just 60 won, they were back to strongly by the soviet union of the time. and the, those, some of their generals are actually been trained with biter. russian armies will close links with the russian army, and therefore the actually may be dead. it was beyond it that tent maybe to change ounce within a by monday and therefore fed not welcomed him. oh, they could see the, the anti french feeling was developing in the country, which had been, we picked up by social networks and by the current, the current authorities, it made the situation into the board. having been an army of liberation and i consider it as an army of occupation, the accused of promoting the partition of the country as following
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events. second, going back to her when she died, when the french are clear, the g, i, d, 's the key down area, but do not allow a medium troops to intervene. so france is accused of divorce standards, but at the same time they add b. yet use ation. that they will not fighting g. edison is completely wrong because they're at budget of success on the ground. the problem for problems now is that to jenny's of yes, they are the of some military success. it's not a military failure at all. it's a political failure. what's happening is that in spite of the fight against yet isn't islamism, is spreading true match on society. oh, with the anti french power i woke, i told them in a minute more about whether or not it's perceived as a military victory or failure. but if we can bring the anchors into the discussion, why have those who are in power and molly right now?
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why are they leaning more towards apparently, at least this russian mercenary group, or all the powers and away from france? well, the number one reason would be results. we have the 9 us fail policies. military strategy might have been bearing out civilians and military personnel. we want to partition and from that in see this by to i and they think all the reading a to serve in that mission. what we're saying is right or not. right. all right, i'm in the car. i'm sure money in authority is aware of the accusation. surrounding some of the operations of wagner groups in the central africa republic in other places, and allegations of human rights abuses. if the feeling in molly was we need with
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tired of burying all civilians are those that the mom is now looking out. really the solution to and abusive civilians. you know, the french troops have committed hold, take action against civilians at marley and recently is happening where they can people integrating wedding and ben kramer. crime but look into depending on who committed. so we don't think that that they could be work well in this situation. so this is about nationality or took a power playing they will we one security one does the q our borders we want to kill people. so decision coming from our not based on how to proceed populate, this is based on how can make it read of the violent crimes being committed in,
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not in part and independent money. decision is solely back on that one. partnership with the people that money i respected when i respected and some of the things that led to bring out the breakup between molly and the french authority. all right, let me bring the clock back into the discussion. is french evolving french policy towards west africa evolving? i mean, there was a time when a france didn't like a government, there would be a cou in front to be accused of orchestrating it. right now. we're just seeing them walk away, elizabeth, terribly well. so i think the difference between the 2 scenarios is the fact that there are cash in the t t r c b below appear to harbor how much you have interest. so previously that it really redeem whether it was true early intervention or not.
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and i was sustained by france was redeemed, i had some sort of ammonia of interest, but in this case it appears the harmonium interest between i really am a co, it's mission. rather, i think the wagner will bend to marta. russia appear to provide evidence more to ball choices that otherwise was lacking. and also is frank influence decreasing? do you think cockle said adding interest? do you think french interests, do you think french influence is decreasing crackle? well, i think the french is new as to what a year a week as declined and back of age relates to the results that my other colleagues spoke about. and also there is this perception that there is a kiddo france has an interest in having the regime or the
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government in my lean needs there. and that explains the reason why they have not been very committed in bringing the insurgency unless to miss attacks to an end, because for so long, does the abolish assist that so long. can you spell the french in the origin? i saw all these perceptions of home by to influence that decision being taken by them do. and for that my all right, the relationship, i re, i'm gonna jump to think the french with crawl is going to leave a vacuum that anyone else can fill. can the wagner group fill that vacuum? not as i've gone fit that vacuum. that's for sure. what's going to happen after that? that's a big question. i would like to add that if the situation is very difficult in, in my lee, it's not just due to the french. there is a, b is there's been
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a big failure of governance. and we know that the army has been accused of exemptions by people, that there's a lot of corruption that public service is not present on the ground. so as a result of that, the influence of g d is grouped the development of shy as a way to administer justice. india is spreading as a result of the failure of demand young states. and that's why these federal federal money is more political failure than immediately federal. you've got actual defense of not having kid just gives them the job in that sense. the problem is that dominion state as a photo. and now that we have these judah embark goes on a regular, not too many so much, but to protect data, to be able to enable them to stay in bar to project. then from further goose.
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that's the domain name. what? okay, from south africa now of the your transfer fee go to $7889.00, g 's on the we did all she like and order the closings. it's coming to an end and michael wants it. but at the same time domain, a interest for france is to protect the countries which it could be clea, a very powerful such as the ivory coast and protect countries and been in or on to get on to get it on to go to give me what the french on withdrawing they're relocating and you know, going based on let me know because you mentioned a very important point that which is the failure of the state. let me take that point in young cato, all the authorities in molly overlooking what jack is analyzing there. that a big part of the problem is the failure of the state to provide good governance for its people. and that's why i'm groups are increasing in their influence is the
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total misconception of what is going on, and that is the mistake that many are making. yes, we need better governance in the security situation the mundane under, with french. so here, the reason why the un peacekeeping 40 here, they have a clearly defined mon monday and of course, friendships fail to provide terms of monday for being molly containing is convincing, protecting the people and helping to get more money structure. our military fundamental reason is we have a government that that's why came into power probably 6 months for tests of millions of miles, demanding better governance and has come and praised. the 1st part is
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to envision saying that they've done in 3 months, what the 7 previous governance has docks. but the minute the traditional authorities have decided that they know what's best for our people protecting the best interest post. post this question to the new, unco, if the security job wasn't being done properly with the french who will do it better without the french. who will? i mean, the french did provide an ability or a network for several countries to work together across borders, right? nigeria, cameroon, chad we did not need to leave the present, decided to leave because they don't. ready want to work with that out. they want to dictate the terms of partnering with us, and that is the reason why they all call upon them to leave as soon as possible, though as well didn't they after they decided to leave and they were going to leave within a certain number of months and that is,
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that was not attempted for the people of the government of molly and the people. so i will, should be respected if you want to break unilaterally your relationship with your daughter responsibly and take up and that they were going to put out a while you telling the whole world that you have decided to leave money. and that's not what either, but coming back to the primary question, whether, what defines, what will happen? molly had cause parts of the talk that we will, will look inside and out. army today is actually doing the job. they were taking the basic process, let the we containing and pushing on the failures right now has never happened before. so let me jump in agreement. let me give him a brief opportunity. come in on the job, go ahead. i'm amazed that what i hear, you know,
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it's so removed from so far fall from the truth. but you know me, it's dra, he's doing a great side to gauge to g, g 's to do, nor had saw know is, you know, it's not true, but ok. now junk they say they made us may be and this is, this denial is not going to help the situation. this is a denial that frank horner wishful. all right, let, let's get 10 seconds to jump to finish up his comments uninterrupted. then we'll go come back to the on call to go ahead john and i just said done from he's not abandoning to fight against jedi. still resume in the area. they are relocating going to be acting from new problems. nija and from chad.
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and therefore, we retain the many bases in the early are going to fall off of the ivory garage, but summer shopping in the book, enough as to moving on able to carry on the premises. i promised him most b point of view is very by and on we'll we are on the ground here. this is about money. no one is going to tell us what was working and what not that the reason why we 1st of all the, the empath tamale because of the lack of respect and the putting the big partnership that the french government all have anything against the french people. but the government behavior in the policy that they having changing and they may or may not have refuge in those countries. point clamp,
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clearly there are different perspectives on what's happening on the ground. let's take it if we can now to clock. oh, and off this question, the big picture, is there a cycle of deterioration of life for people in molly's that the big picture here security was a challenge. there's been a qu, none of that can be good for the economy now that can be good for governance, right. so when authorities pushed out, people were unhappy even with civilian authority. yes. so the issue of governors remains the majority challenge and it is a hat of most of the other challenges we are witness is witness in which are basically a manifestation of the, you know, governance crises across the continent. but yet again, i think we need to look beyond just the internal dynamics critical us. critical
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ghouls factors are we also need to look at the system wide challenge, right? are particularly looking at so we were talking about french, the french presence, failure to what a state of the french punted in enhancing issues of her gotten us. molly, i think the 1st have hard a lot of influence over the leadership in malicious independence. but then to what extent have your contribution about in terms of enhancing darkness in the county and therefore preventing development such as the bus and so on. and so, because i think one is it's one significant factor we ship ticket to account is the fact that the result who's that are happening, molly, you know, for su, disney and other issues i've been who's that are very popular. and for me that is particularly told me if you have it on the rice and she's been muscle of listen
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that into us you, there's a lot. but he said no magic, we've their style of governance that we have in our region. and i think we need a systemic approach to addressing the problem that are on the french. i've been on the ground, british to solving the problems that send on that note. slightly optimistic, one looking for that's how they find that approach that help solve some of those problems in a more effective way. for now we are out of time, so we're gonna have to thank on guess. thank you very much to it. and the unco, yes i'm i k junk of a long and quite good done so and thank you to for watching, you can see the show again any time by visiting our website al jazeera dot com for further discussion head over to our facebook page. that's facebook dot com, forward slash a j inside story can also join the conversation on twitter. our handle, there is
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woman. what happened with just the 15th? i pulled back that people actually have more feel. why is the u. k, so hostile to fancy? the mystery to all of us join me if i take on the live with man or the misconceptions and debate the contradiction at the time to get up front on al jazeera. ah, this is al jazeera ah, hello, i'm hasn't think of this is the news. our life from dawn coming up in the next 60 minutes. old wall is facing the moment of pharaoh. i truly hope it will not cover. the un secretary general says rushes action in east in ukraine poses the most serious threat to global peace. despite sanctions and condemnations.


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