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tv   News  Al Jazeera  February 24, 2022 6:00am-6:31am AST

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with russia as a renewed security architecture for euro, we will go sort of france strongly condemns the strategy of provocation to war of the russian president. would you be here? the callers of the ukrainian people conveyed by president soleski in his address of the russian nation, a few hours ago. ukrainians want peace. they want a relationship of good neighbors. lena's, where the russia forms you mirroring the family and personal relationships which should go by and took so many russians and ukrainians. the international community mr. president has got a shot made its voice heard. so it's united voice to day at the general assembly, the g brewers it is that a respect to the charter of the united nations, the peaceful settlement of disputes that of diplomacy,
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it echoes the clear declarations of the secretary general. once again, we call on the russian federation to follow this path to draw back on its decision to recognise separatist entities of this new crane and to call it soldiers back. we call each of the members of this council to act responsibly and to resolutely support all the initiatives to prevent and put an end to violations of the charge of the united nations. if russia confirms but its choices war, it will have to take all of the responsibility and pay the price. thank you. i thank the representative of france for his statement and i'll give the floor to the representative of ireland. thank you mister president, and i'd like to thank the secretary general and under sector general to carlo for their very sobering remarks at the beginning of our meeting. mister president.
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tonight, as we gather at this table, we are sharing into the abyss of a major conflict in europe. a conflict that would have major global implications. to nice. the core principles of this united nations, in which we believe are under attack. in ireland, we know the importance of the rules based international order. we know the importance of respecting the voice and integrity of all countries. big or small. most fundamentally, we know the value of peace. we believe that one stays threatening and using the full force against another to get its way or to expand its territory, is no solution. arden has a deep understanding informed by our history,
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the dialogue under respect resolve disputes. tonight this drives our solidarity with ukraine. it is our collective responsibility. indeed, our obligation here at this table to maintain international peace and security. nothing less. that means we stand up for the sovereignty and territory integrity of every member stace of the united nations. let's be clear. the internationally recognized borders of ukraine have not changed the decision by russia to recognize as independent entities. the non government controlled areas of domestic come to hon. screeches of ukraine does not change those borders. one iota, they did not change in 2014 and they have not changed this week. we urge
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the russian federation to reverse this decision. immediately. we urge the russian federation to refrain from further s glittery, unilateral actions, which can only serve to further deepen this crisis. to nice the path for diplomacy, the path for dialogue that we have called on for so long is paris li, narrow the principles of the un charter we hold dear. have already been breached these principles, no risk being further violations. this is the time to show courage, the courage and the time now to pull back from the precipice. the time to return to dialogue and diplomacy. the use of military aggression has no place in our modern world. have we learned absolutely nothing from our history.
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these united nations rose from the ashes of 2 world wars, the senseless destruction of that era was born of a belief that military might makes rice. this philosophy applied with modern weaponry, would unleash devastation and human suffering, affecting millions of innocent people. tonight, we stand with the people of ukraine. tonight, we stand with the un charter. we stand with those who even in this dark, are still have the courage and hope to bring us back from this precipice. or resort to military conquest for one state to impose its will unilaterally against another to annex part of its territory has absolutely no place in the 21st century. there is still a choice, a choice to turn from the path of war to the path of diplomacy and dialogue.
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mister president, it is never too late to make the right choice. thank you. i am, i think the representative island for his statement and then out of the flow to the representative india. thank you mister president. let me begin by thanking 60 general for his briefing on the evolving situation in the eastern regions of ukraine. the security council had met 2 days ago and discussed the situation we had called for urgent de escalation of entrance and emphasized on sustained and focused diplomacy to address all issues concerning the situation. however, we know to regret that the cause of the international community to give time to the recent initiatives undertaken by parties,
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the diffused tensions were not heeded to. the situation is in danger of spiraling into a major crisis. we express our deep concern over the developments which, if not handled carefully, may well undermine the peace and security of the region. we called for immediate de escalation and for refraining from any further action that could contribute to a worsening of the situation. we call on all parties to exert greater efforts to bridge divergent interests. i would like to underline that the legit security interests of all parties should be fully taken into account. india has consistently advocated at the united nations the need for a peaceful settlement of disputes in accordance with international law and with agreements entered into by parties concerned. i underline once again that more than $20000.00 indian nationals, including students,
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are located in different parts of ukraine, including in its border areas. we are facilitating the return of all indian nationals, including students as may be required. we believe that the solution lies and sustained diplomatic dialogue between the concerned parties. in the meantime, be strongly emphasized the vital need for all sides to maintain international peace and security, by exercising the advanced restraint. i thank you. you know, we'll go to i thank the representative of india for his statement. i now give the floor to the representative of the united arab emirates. say the race now would be dighton. and edgar elemy lam, located lemming lamb ada. with the health ema, it's to my i now hi there. who will it's to my i'd rather let the epidural man just oh, hello, mister president. this is a force meeting held by the council on a, you claim in this month, in light of that incentive development? absolutely. the are the most of them?
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yes. the method. yes, there were either of those either will amola he dug health, sidney, elizabeth m o v. either you barbara noah in light of the recent and alarming attentions my country has taken effect as a sender calling for it d as condition. and the effort was to find a peaceful solution into the crisis between the concerns miclasa and this context. we would like to point out the following. first, we have home, the importance of engaging and dialogue in good faith and wide, intensifying diplomatic efforts out at 11 o some boys, they'll put you in. it is over east and on the basis of international law will be maria treated them in agreement, continue to please me, a constituent, a good basis for reaching a peaceful solution to the crisis and maintaining the reason of the internet. nancy good it'll. and as the video like again to were you, when we stress the importance of adherence to with the principles of international law and the church tell you of the nathan. nathan said, near, particularly in settling international disputes when through peaceful means to you
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and respect them of their sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity of the innocent exam, hardly in the bar and hidden still, these principles and a compliance with their charter learning and latent constitute a central pillow. a help in finding a sustainable and peaceful solution into the current crisis valley them. 3rd, incredibly under the world that we're here to region that lily crisis are in eastern ukraine park, them couldn't exacerbate the critical and conditions of this heavy duty of him and the monarch furthermore. yeah, there are obstacles up to the delivery of humanitarian assistance to santa, of those in need. jasmine, human, even anybody but before the recent tensions or eyes, particularly in the areas at any delivery, conduct line interestingly occurring in 8th of either any further is calisha and lisa could were sitting in the home in italian situation afford a larger number of civilians with afford and me and thus highs the importance of a discount ation and cease flight and not when he industry. good be jimmy. we urge
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all the quite is not. and the dog struggled. the exercise to humanitarian aid in all of the movement of civilians in quiet good. he is a man in accordance with the obligations under international, along with what could come and see. finally, mister president, deductibility that you're in italy, it's of the importance of de escalation will to julie who are constructive dialogue . when was the end to continue effort? it was to read is for the solutions are consistent with international law and the truth that although nathan nations, thank you. you're more than i thank the representative of united arab emirates and, and i'll give the floor to the representative of norway. president, i thank the secretary general anniversary rosemary decarlo for their important statement. we are facing the dire prospect of
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a major war in europe. norway strongly condemned the decision by president putin to send russian troops into dallas and lou haskell regents. and the latest announcements of special military operation. these decisions are unjustified unprovoked and irresponsible. we call and russia to reverse these decisions and to immediately, completely and unconditionally withdraw all its military forces from the territory of ukraine. and in the, when it's in the sanity, always since nationally recognized borders. i thought i'll be those who have already suffered too much. you to this conflict, and with all those who are afraid that to morrow will be a lot worse. we call upon all parties to strictly respect the relevant provisions
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of international humanitarian law, which calls on the protection of civilians, including humanitarian personnel and civilian infrastructure. and to facilitate save, rapid and unhindered humanitarian access to those in need. in ukraine, like the secretary general, clearly stated the decision of the russian federation to recognize the so called independent of domestic and lou hands. regions are violation of the territorial integrity, answer sovereignty of ukraine, and are inconsistent with the principles on the charter of the united nation. let me recall the principles and purposes of the un charter we son, which are now and the threat the charter applies to all nation, including russia. to day, in the general assembly member states from all over the world, strongly urged the parties to pursue negotiation to raise a peaceful resolution of the conflict with respect for international law and
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ukraine, sovereignty and territorial integrity. nor were urges russia as a party to the means agreement and to the conflict, to fulfill its commitments to abide by international law and to return to the path of diplomacy. russia has taken on a clear commitment to seek a peaceful settlement to this conflict and must honor it. we command ukraine's posture of restraint in the face, the continued provocation, an destabilization effort. precedent. let me conclude by again reiterating norris and wavering support for your cranes. so empty, and plato rel integrity within its international recognize force. thank you or your model, and i thank the representative of norway for her statement and anal, give the floor to the representative of china. she is it. thank you mr. president. reducer that mister president will provide me with the situation
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of ego crane one is at a critical juncture volunteer. china has been paying close attention to the situation in the current contacts. do one who fall apart is concerned. should exercise restraint, ramirez, and avoid the further escalation of tensions will make sure we believe that look in the door to a peaceful solution to the your crazy issue is not fully shut you up with you, nor should it be from boy will. china has pointed out on many relations that there is a complex, a historical contacts are on your credit issued and that the current situation is or is out of the interplay of many factors will, will, who are you, which highness, possession, and safeguarding the sovereignty and territorial integrity of our state has inconsistent the purposes and principles of the you and todd her should be jointly upheld or miss you my humbug. all parties concerned, leo stayed cool headed and rationality and the leg themselves into
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a has yard dialogue and a consultation. and i can get you to raise our relevant issues properly. so, and they go say shows early on him going and address each other is a legitimate security concerns that will be me. eli was, and the principles of the un charter guarantee it is especially important that law meant to abide futile cases. finally, are continued to promote peace, taxi, and is allays and of al comes and encourages all efforts aimed at the diplomatic solution. thank you mister president. you have a little bit of pie, thank the representative of china fe statement and and i'll give the floor to the representative of brazil. thank you mister president. would like to thank the secretary general under, under secretary general rosemary decarlo for the information and remarks they have put before the council to night. mister president,
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the reports received about the movement of troops into certain areas of 2 nets under hans in ukraine. our cause for extreme concern the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity sovereignty and political independence over un member state is unacceptable. in the present circumstances, the security council must act according to its main purpose. as holder of the primary responsibility under the united nations charter for the maintenance of international peace and security. in the exercise of this responsibility, it's actions must be geared towards reduction intentions towards assisting parties in their negotiations. this is our primary rule,
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the recourse to alms and confrontation can not lead to lasting peace. in that regard, we call on all parties to exercise maximum restraint and refrained from any action that me further increase tensions on the ground. the time is not for believers belligerent rhetoric, nor for military threats, but to engage truly in a diplomatic process. the means of negotiation have not been exhausted. immediately, these condition is of high order. it means among others, complete and unconditional withdrawal of all military forces as an effective measure for the prevention and removal of threats to peace. parties must abide by the terms of the minsk agreements above all, by its call for a comprehensive cease fire. the monitoring mission of the
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o. s. he can assist if granted unrestrained axis in order to verify, identify, and report accordingly, any violation of the ceasefire. furthermore, the parties must allow the rapid safe and unhindered axis unhindered axis of humanitarian assistance to those in need. the protection of civilians, including humanitarian personnel, and persons in venerable situations, must be respected unconditionally. we double our calls for the parties to work constructively, in all relevant instances, such as the normandy format and the trilateral contact group. negotiations must be mindful of the principles of the un charter, including sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity of its member states. negotiations must also
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on one hand, take into account the security concerns of all parts of the conflict. and on the other hand, aimed to create the adequate conditions for an inclusive political dialogue, which must reflect the diversity of and include representation from all peoples of the region. brazil does not underestimate the complexity of the current situation, but we insist on dialogue as key to achieve a lasting settlement to this conflict. too much is at stake here. above all the lives of many civilians. we owe them all efforts to bring this crisis to a peaceful solution. i thank you mister president. yes, lulu, i thank you representative of brazil for his statement and i give the floor to the representative. gonna thank you very much, mr. president. and let me begin by 1st of all thanking the secretary general and
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you as g was married. the column for the are significant briefings is the secretary geno ganna is grateful to you for your class statements on the situation and ukraine in defense of the charter. there rose bathed international order and our collective secretes mechanism development that are taking place in ukraine. i indeed troubling this. jason has implications not only for your korean and it's immediate need this but also for all our countries. security is indivisible. and they secrete your one is an secrete, your as we indicated in our statement of the council on monday night, gonna deeply regret the decision of the russian federation to naturally recognize the non government control regions of ukraine and to send troops into those regions . the also deeply concerned by the implications of those decisions. we suggest that
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the russian federation has turned us back on the misc agreements. and the puff of dialogue required to address any concerns that we have over the implementation of the agreements and related security concerns. we have already report this morning, the statement that you reach out to the president of the russian federation that his country was always open to diplomacy. we edge that, that avowed commitment to diplomacy that the restaurant federation has alluded to, should be back by present actually is that deescalate distribution on the ground and permit an atmosphere for dialogue. we know to have concerned the risk that an escalation of the situation ukraine hold for global peace and security as dr. that know that to the part of conflict rather than piece by the consequences of the actions. we are concerned by reports of the commencement of hybrid warfare against
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ukraine, especially on tens vice of cyber attacks against some of this critical infrastructure . to deescalate it's good situation where the russian federation to court reconsider any intention to move troops in today's the origins of ukraine. in response to the purported request by the needs of the separatist regions. for an innovation peacekeeping, by its nature requires the consent of the parties and the impartiality of the peacekeeping. force the president of the russian troops in east ukraine at this time would not fulfil those requirements. if there is a real need, the council should receive of the matter. we edge for com and call upon all parties to maintain the ceasefire needs to ukraine. we are particularly concerned by the high intensity of violations of the cease fire, re sundays, and its consequences on the signal populations. in the dawn bus region. remind all
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parties of the need to respect international law intern. i sent you my journal and add the parties to guarantee unimpeded access, william and the 200 systems in both government and non government controlled areas . we condemn any military activity that will deliberately target civilians and civil down infrastructure. i remind all parties of the past notice one believe that exists in international law is the president. it may be begging the question. but nonetheless, worth repeating. ganna our reserve, or at least stands by the sovereignty enter and secretary of ukraine. a bona feet, a member of the united nations whose membership of this organization proviso had guarantees of an internationally recognized board is the same board as of which she joined this organization. we are very about the current developments and they see regions of ukraine would not be just try that again for any party. and encourage are forced to address both immediate and long term interest to diplomacy and
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dialogue, as called for by the preamble of the charter mind, all parties to practise tolerance and lived together in peace, one another as good neighbors. finally, we take this opportunity to edge all member states to excise restrains under respective unsettled, but accepted situations across the globe and to our poor. the collective secretes mechanism established you the chance of the united nations. any differences that exists in international relations must be adjusted by peaceful and li gummies. i thank you very much. we'll kind of insurance. of course your book that it, i think the representative gone if a statement to now give the flow to the representative of kenya. thank you mister president. i thank the secretary general for his urgent plea for peace
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and under secretary general rosemary decarlo full hub briefing in this grave moment, kenya continues to call for respect for the sovereignty territorial integrity and political independence of ukraine. in line with the core tenants of the united nations charter kenya is deeply concerned by the rapid escalation of the conflict risks following the recognition of the nets and hans as independent states by the russian federation and the continued military escalation. we are concerned that there is a serious risk that a conflict enveloping the whole of the don bus region will occur. present trends holding such a development would instantly lead to significant loss of life, a humanitarian crisis, and a large scale population movement of refugees and internally displaced people.
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kenya urgently calls for calm by all parties and their commitment to protecting civilians and civilian objects from any actions. contrary to international law and international humanitarian law. we continue to believe that there is still an opportunity for diplomacy to produce a solution to this dangerous crisis. that required diplomatic steps should seek in the short term for a d escalation of the situation and the limiting of all military maneuvers to prevent sparking a wider conflict. for this to happen, there must also be a state of commitment to negotiations between nato and the russian federation in the middle and long term. such a commitment will need the vision to design a viable security architecture for europe that protects the sovereignty territorial
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integrity and political independence of ukraine and other states. while being sensitive to the con, sons of all relevant parties. mister president, we want to believe that this chamber, in light of its stories passed, retained the wisdom and wherewithal to prevent a catastrophic war. we have confidence that the united nations charter embraced as a whole, protects ukraine and all countries. not only those with modest military means, but also the walls nuclear powers. when we consider the recent past of was undertaken by choice. and when the charter and international law were breached, eventually the safety and security of all. busy parties was tragically under mike miss them, president. the membership of this chamber was fundamentally shaped by the states
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that emerged victorious from world war 2. and doing so, the charter best told on them a special responsibility that reflected the sacrifices they had made to defeat a unique evil to mankind. we believe that the leaders who designed to days multilateral system, what profoundly humbled by the catastrophic war they have survived so much so that they were inspired to erect the sovereign equality of states as a central pillar of our united nations. as such, we urge all members to recall the ruin from war that has been experienced by more states sitting around this table. it is in this moment of peril that we can powerfully pivot to recommit to the charter. our predecessors bequeathed us a large part of that re commitment would be aided by our listening to the factory general and utilizing his good office as to deliver according to their intended
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design. in the coming days, we hope that we will observe the escalation in don bus and that every effort will be made to protect the sovereignty territorial integrity and political independence of ukraine. we further hope that we will benefit from the visionary leadership that the world needs to day in committing to negotiating a lasting european security architecture that laws perceptions of threat and promote corporation. i thank you able to little bit, i think the representative kenya for his statement and i'll give the floor to the representative of gabon messy mrs. belinda. thank you sir. given that i thank the secretary general for his statement as well as for under secretary general monsieur de carla for the information she provided with him for sir. this is the.


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