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tv   News  Al Jazeera  February 24, 2022 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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so welcome to our continuing coverage of russia's military operation in ukraine, which began a little over 8 hours ago. when president vladimir putin announced the launch of those operations. what it is, is something that amounts to the biggest attack by one state against another in europe. since the 2nd world war let's get a recap on what we know so far. andrew simmons with this report from jeff the munson build up of russian troops on the border with ukraine, has turned now into an invasion ukraine under attack, military bases, airports and aircraft. had been targeted and bombed the skies over multiple cities, including the capitol cave lit up waking up residence in the early hours of thursday was russian artillery advanced. not very many could have predicted that he would be striking at so many multiple characters. the civilian casualties are
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unknown, though russia says it will only attack military posts. as a response, ukraine has declared martial law more children. i had a conversation with you as president joe biden. the u. s. is starting to gather international support. today we need you, each of you to be calm. if possible, stay at home please. we are working, the army is working. the tie security in defense sector of ukraine is working in. these attacks come after russian president vladimir putin declared to separatist areas in the don bass region in east, in ukraine as independent and said, russian civilians who lived there need protection when they went on in the battle, the landscape and done yet in eastern ukraine, has been going on since 2014, with more than 14000 people killed in fighting between russian back separatists and the ukrainian army. now putin has demanded ukrainian forces,
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retreat the when you bundle. so when you shake, however, we try to stop us and further create threats to our country to our people, should know that russia's response will be immediate and lead you to such consequences that you have never faced in your history. we are ready for any outcome. the operation began despite last ditch appeals from members of the un security council to ease tension ukraine's ambassador to the un demanded. his russian counterpart stepped down as chairman hall, putting call a roof to stop aggression. there is no purgatory for war criminals. they go straight to hell, ambassador. in a statement us president joe biden warned of a catastrophic loss of life and human suffering. there's a mood of desperation developing now. many people just jumping into their cars, getting their families together, and heading on the road,
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trying to get to poland. but the main auto roots are all jammed. there are so many people trying to do the same thing. others are going on the ground taking shelter. the missiles are getting closer. now. emergency meetings have been called to reach an agreement. while the shelling of build up of military troops on both sides continues. this is ukraine's darkest day. andrew simmons al jazeera kiff. right, let's start talking to our teens on the ground 1st. it's hot abdul. hamid she is in chrome at oscar in easton, ukraine. tell us about what you've been seeing and hearing out. well, certainly there is a bit of haneke among people. actually, while i was standing here waiting to talk to you, one moment came up to me asking me why i was wearing this gear and that we were actually frightening people even more by our presence in the city. another one came
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up to me, showed me her credit card and said, there is no more money in the cash machine. there are no dollars there. no read knows which is a local currency. and she did look, if you looked at her eyes, she did look quite panic, but this city is calm since this morning, explosions, the pre dawn exposures. we haven't heard anything as since. however, i'm just going to get out of the shop. you can see all the shops are completely shut down. business is restrooms, everything is shut down. there are people on the street, but this would be a busier time. i normally said simply because we are actually in the she sent it of chrome at tours. so people are following new news, people are worried about the bus station that connects to different region is now closed is all the train is old, so are working as sporadically. so people only choice is to try to get into their
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car and go somewhere even though as they said again, danger is still not here, but they are following what's happening at the front line is about 90 kilometers away from here and in certain points and out many but the air we believe the pro ration separatists have manage to the break through that front line and the end advance as certainly we know that in one point along that front line and we are hearing other reports of that, but we cannot confirmed and at the moment because the situation is fluid, there are a lot of rumors and counter rumors, but certainly people are beginning to realize what's happening. it's sinking in and panic is beginning to sat really how to stay there for a sec. if you can the teams to telling me about some new pictures we've just gotten . and can we roll those pictures, garza russian tanks ah,
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apparently coming in to lou hans ah, so yes, sorry, i'm just running through a few different things here. okay, bear. yup. the tank there waiting for it to come through. okay, so that is diff, definitive sign of russian tanks. oh, so just want to, can we take us show this pictures as well of the, of the russian president just not just really quickly. just noticing the some, some of my screens. that's the prime minister of at pakistan m ron ton is visiting with that a may put in as well, not live pictures. this is just come in monday go. so a veteran put in taking a foreign minister of prime minister in for a visit as well on the day that he has ordered a military operation in a neighboring country. lots happening there. sorry. just wanted to get all of those pictures hot abdul hamid as well with us from cram at us. tell us i, i saw one of your reports earlier as well how to from one of the, the supermarkets wasn't it, which is well in this shelves rapidly becoming quite bare.
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yes, absolutely. i mean, i think what happened is that people were quite blessed. they about it or, i mean, over the past few weeks we've been going around is eastern side and many, i had brushed away the idea of an invasion even as far as kids, people who had brushed idea of an invasion. and then sort of the rhetoric ramped up and the threats ramped up, but they still stayed quite a bless day, especially in this part of the country. and i have to understand that the cities are quite divided are quite mixed. you do have the russia does have a lot of support in many of the city, some of them is a 5050 other were, as it could be overwhelmingly, pro russian. and that's what makes it so difficult for the ukrainian soldiers at the frontline. so people did not make their preparations. people did not really believe that all that would happen and people sort of those who do support rush,
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i did do feel save that were if they indeed come here. well then they would be, the nothing would happen to them, but then comes the reality, then comes the explosions and comes the sound. them comes the pictures and that starts to frighten people, weather, weather, whatever side they sit on. and i think that's what's been happening here in this city because i remember around 89 o'clock, we were going live. i was looking around, people were going to their affairs. ah, they seemed to be going about their normal day. well, it looks very different at this point in town. in time now does no, does barely any queue at the atm simply because there's no more cash there. and histories are empty and the businesses, apart from the supermarket, and maybe a few kiosks are completely shut down. put that out altogether. happening not only
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in chrome at is glenn several towns and cities around the eastern ukraine and that increases the anxiety among people. the uncertainty of what could happen on extraordinary time. it is thank you, hot out til how made comatose caste and ukraine now to one of our other team. and this is charles stratford who is in matthew pope, a port city days been reporting from the ground the explosions heard there in that keep port city and look at his report. we've heard loud bangs of explosions, and interestingly, it's the 1st time so far to day we're. we've heard that distinctive sound of grad rockets being used, sir. rapid fire settings. these are rockets that land in rapid succession and are highly, obviously highly dangerous to sort of rockets that we saw being used during the 20142015 war between the separatists and the ukrainians. now i'm going to flip the
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camera around. i don't know whether you're going to be able to see this, but across the field there you may be able to see smoke rising. i suppose from me it's about, i don't know, quarter of a kilometer awhile. so we understand that that is a military installation that sir has been hit, the smoke has been billing from it for about the last hour and a half or so. there's more smoke coming out from what we understand our military installations. beyond that, i suppose it about another half a kilometer or so i'm and he is the sign. and the reason why i'm showing the sign is because each of significance, the, the, the top words you see there, the town is merely a topple. and we've been talking earlier today about what analysts say could be an attempt by russian forces to create a corridor form the dumbass region, the eastern areas of held by the separatists to cry. mia? okay,
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that is ukraine. covet offer to correspondence. fair. let's flip over to moscow and bring until such a barrier corresponding there. so what we're going to do. yep, let's talk to dos, a high doses. so i'd like you to tell us about what the russians have been saying separately to the message for the ukrainian military. and the message is to the ukrainian people. well, come all we've just been hearing from the kremlin spokesperson dmitri passcode who a few minutes ago said that the goal is to neutralize the military potential of t f. that is officially what russia's trying to do at the moment. and he went on to say that there are kremlin kremlin not excluding the possibility of negotiations between put an end zalinski. if ukraine is ready to talk about a moscow security concerns. and that m, the possibly about the accusations that russia is looking for
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a possible regime change in ukraine. and that he is said that this is a question for em of choice for of the ukranian people. i think this comes at a time when there's been a lot of accusations thrown at the government here that they're trying to overthrow the officials and key of a who they of accused of being weak in the past. as the president vladimir putin had said that, and the ukranian president is a puppet of the west. and that is why a, that's this car there. there are countries in such a state, they are not basically in charge. they're not representing the entire population in terms of the message out of here for the ukrainian people. the russian defense ministry has said that they are targeting military installations in ukraine. they are not targeting civilians. as the officials have said, that they are not allowed, causing alarm, they don't want to cause alarm to the general population of ukraine. of course, it's going to be very difficult because some of those military installations that
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we've seen already are in heavily populated areas in cities in ukraine. so we just have to wait and see how the some falls in the coming hours. we expect laramie putin, who's currently meeting with the prime minister of pakistan who arrived and in moscow late last night to speak to the media following that meeting, probably in the next few hours. and we'll see what he has to say since he broadcast that message early at 6 am moscow time making the announcement that russia was going into ukraine to assist with the separatist and in the eastern part of ukraine who were fighting with ukraine military that was at a pre, i'm guessing it was a pre planned visit by enron con, because it seems an old time to be accepting her a visit from a world later when you basically just gone to war. absolutely, this was on the calendar for vladimir putin from about a week ago or so. and we self footage of emerald con landing in moscow where he was
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greeted by officials and he was sam. he said that it's quite an exciting time to be in moscow. obviously not realizing what was to come in the few hours after that statement. but we also have ios. after mentioned that the, there have been a number of flights that have been canceled. a certain areas of russia's aerospace have been closed off to civilian flights as a result of the ongoing operations are carrying out in ukraine an end at which they've said that they are closing at certain portions of the air space in the country until march 2nd. so i think this will be certainly the last high ranking official will be visiting bladder reporting for the foreseeable future. cope, thanks daughter. talk to again soon. are plenty of condemnation out there today. we'll start with this from the european union. foreign policy chief, joseph burrell, has spoken alongside the commission president vonda and they're in brussels. these
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are among the dark cuz our 40 soon as the end of world war 2 and major nuclear power as attack and neighbor country. and he's threatening reprisals of any other state than may come. which rescue this is not only the great this violation of international law. it's a violation of the basic principles of human consistence. it's costing many lives with unknown consequences ahead of us. later today, we will present a package of massive and targeted sanctions to european lead us for approval. with this package, we will target strategic sectors of the russian economy. by blocking the access to technologies and markets, the key for russia,
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we will weaken russia's economic base and its capacity to modernize. and in addition, we will freeze russian assets in the european union and stop the axis of russian banks to european financial financial markets. let's get europe ian reaction with dominant cain in berlin. chancellor left shelton's just spoken. i believe what he said. miss chancellor shots has just spoken in the course the last 20 minutes and as again condemned the actions of the, of the russian government in the strongest possible terms. so that this was a better blow for the western world for the world and said that this is putin's war as a direct quote from him that he is going to pay in. so in terms of sanctions, that's something that is foreign minister colleague, elena bell boxer also reiterated speaking earlier than mr. shots when she said that
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the world would woken up to a different situation. now, because of what the russian government has done in her words, it's also worth pointing out that it's not just in germany that there are strong words going against president putin in the actions of his soldiers in ukraine. we know that in belgium, for instance, the junior minister of the belgian government is said that russians are no longer welcome in, in belgium, and that in this minister's belief, it should not be taboo for his country's government to consider cancelling or issuing no more visas to any russian citizens going to belgium, but by far the strongest of the reactions that i've just outlined there is that for mr. shots, cuz it is he who basically canceled the gnawed stream to gas pipeline. when 1st the issue was raised as it were yesterday when there were incursions. but now that there is, in his view, full aggression taking place by russians in ukraine. he says this is putin's war
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and he's now going to pay the price for it. in so far as sanctions is concerned. dominic, i want a white not to talk about nato, actually. i can see em. i can see the podium actually in brussels. i guess sandstone bank is probably gonna be giving a statement sometime soon. baptists are yet. there it is. so what bring you that one when it happens. yes. stilton berg when he speaks. but there is a written statement, at least, which says we condemn in the strongest possible terms. russia's horrifying attack on ukraine, which is entirely unjustified. and unpaid vote we are deploying additional defensive land and air forces to the east and part of the alliance as well as additional maritime assets. so more deployments dominate to add to the numbers that are already there, but i guess that, you know, the key becomes when those forces actually do something. yes, it does become when those forces actually do something and what that something would be that they could do. because whilst there is clear unambiguous condemnation by
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members of ne, so by the organization itself, the end of individual countries by the e. u by the individual countries of the e. u. there is also going to be at some point in their mind set, that little quiet voice that says we don't want this to escalate so far that it becomes something that we can't stop as it were. and the historical parallels for that are clear, certainly in so far as the 1st world was concerned about how different countries started mobilizing and then they couldn't pull back from that. but if you look at that statement from ne, so to elements stand out 1st talking about article for and on the basis of article for this idea of speeding resources to the eastern need. so member states, so that's clearly reference to poland. to lithuania lat fear estonia, but also then look in that statement. they refer to article 5, and they say that their commitment to article 5 is,
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is like iron is rock hard. will the point about that? article 5 is that article which allows ne, so to say that an attack on one member state is an attack on all men the states. and that, that would then, as it were, been the be the green light for all nation countries to be able to retaliate in a defensive way to protect the individual member states. now clearly they can't invoke article 5. and so far as ukraine is concerned, because ukraine is not part of ne, so, although we know that the ukrainian presidents lensky has said that he wishes that his country could be part of may. so, but clearly from the nato perspective, what that statement does is it says as it were to us in the media, but also to president putin. what exactly nicer is considering now that appointment i can get out to roger, i'm really sorry because he installed some drug has come out on the stage to speak out. let's have a honda grants for months, has come to pass. despite all coals on our sheltered,
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changed course on tireless efforts to seek a diplomatic solution. piece on our continent has been chatted with now. how war in europe on a scale and over and over typed with thought belonged to history. we have just finished a meeting of the north atlantic council to discuss the situation. the council also addressed the request by bulgaria. the czech republic stole now locked the r lithuanian, poland, remain young, and swatca to hold urgent consultations under article for all the washington treating. this is a grave moment for the security of a europe. rochelle st. unjustified an unprovoked attack on ukraine's on the
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cranes putting countless innocent lives at risk with air and massage attacks, gong forces, and special forces from multiple directions targeting military infrastructure and major urban centers. this is a deliberate, cold blooded and long planned invasion. the spite, it's litany of lies denials on this information. the criminal intentions are cleared for the world to see russia leaders bear full responsibility for their reckless actions on the lives last night on us from them. russia's invasion of ukraine in the strongest possible terms. it is a blatant violation of international law, an act of aggression against a sovereign,
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independent and peaceful country. and this seat is threats to you'd, atlanta executed in we call on russia to immediately, it sees it submitted to action, redraw its forces from ukraine, and choose diplomacy. we fully supports ukraine's sovereignty until authorial integrity and ukraine's right to self defense. russia is using force to try to rewrite history and then my ukraine. it's free and in the pen path. nato's core task is to protect and defend all alice. there must be no room for miscalculation or misunderstanding. an attack on wall will be regarded as the attack on all this is our collective security guarantee.
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today, the north atlantic council decided to activate our defense vance. at the request or a top military commander general told walters. this is a prudent and defensive step to protect and shield allan nations during this crisis . and it will enable us to deploy capabilities on forces, including the nato response force to wear them are needed. in response to rush us massive, military buildup, we have all the strength now collected the fence on lang at sea and in the air. in the last weeks, allies from north america and europe have deployed thousands or more troops to the east. and part of the lines and placed more on standby. we have over hung the jets at high a lurch, protecting our air space. and more than
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a 120 allowed ships at sea, from the high north to the mediterranean. all this shows that are collected the fence commitment. article 5 is i'd and count will continue to do whatever is necessary it to shield alliance from aggression. i have called a virtual summits of natalee this to morrow to address the way forward. russia is now facing severe costs and consequences imposed by the whole and national community. the communists aim is to re establish it's there of influence. repub, the global rules that have kept those all safe for decades. and so verge, the values that we hold dear. this is the new
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normal for our security piece. cannot be taken for granted. freedom and democracy are contested by alteration gm's as a t g. competition is on the rise. we must respond with renewed resolve and even stronger unity, north america and europe to get there in natal we on the lines of 3rd to democracies standing as one. we will protect our people on our values. democracy will always prevail over a pharmacy. freedom will always prevail over oppression. and then i'm ready to take your questions. we're going to into fact ukraine, bank level of interruption, craner in a summer,
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a secretary general. we all know that may don't, will not fight for ukraine. but don't you think it's time for me till to build until it looks like i'm to put in the coalition. thank you. nato stanson so does that with ukraine on the $9.00 or impulse thing, or imposing severe costs on russia for directors. so invasion, old ukraine, m nato allies, singles, coronation with european union, another, a partners all the world are now imposing severe. i economic sanctions. are only russia to, oh, demonstrate that the we out follow up on all to said and out the starter. it will be a high price for a shall to pay. ah, nate, voila. i was over a long period of time provided support, practical support, military support to,
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to ukraine, and helped them to build a much stronger, much better crit, much better trained on force today than there you can have in 2014. and i, i would like to recognize the the ripped professionalism on the bravery all day ukrainian or men and women in uniform are now standing up against the russian invasion. so we continue to stand together or condemning the russian, a full scale invasion of ukraine on the allies. so i stand together also in sending a message that the or we will never accepts the brutal violation over in the national or that we see taking place or as rochelle nominates ukraine will go. she ran back and you have any information that shows that nat nato allies faced
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a direct threat from, from russia at the moment, and would need of reconsider military and intervention in ukraine. thank you. nathan is the strongest alliance history and make no mistake. we will defend them, protect every hour against any attacks, and every inch shall, nasal tales story and that's the reason. also, we have increased our presence in the eastern part of the alliance with fossil some more troops, sheeps on planes, or the last 2 weeks. 2 to send the video fair messages on the attack on wall model, i will triggered responsible the whole alliance. and we do so look to provoke a conflict, but to prevent the conflict, what reduce the offensive. it's prudent is measured, but it is necessary. the course we see the aggressive actions of russia against you cram on. therefore,
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o allah is also how to make sure that there is no room for any misunderstanding about address. i can do anything i thought against that, nate, landlords, a country national public, reagan. i think you terry schwartz with m p r n d w. mister secretary general in the, in the next statement, and you say that we're deploying additional defensive land and air forces to the eastern part of the alliance additional maritime assets and increased the readiness of, of forces. is this now to day more forces being sent as a result of the fact that the invasion has now happened? or are you there referring to what has already been done as, as reinforcements? i understand sec, we're will now have the ability to assemble the v g v j t f without coming back to the knack for approval. and finally, are you still willing to sit down with president putin or other representatives of the russian government after this? or are you suspending your offer to hold talks on other issues and the nato russia .


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