tv Inside Story Al Jazeera February 24, 2022 2:30pm-3:01pm AST
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therefore, o allah's also how to make sure that there is no room for any misunderstanding about the address. i can do anything, no thought against the innate laud country national public radio. i thank you, terry schwartz with m p r and d w. i. mr. secretary general in the, in the next statement, and you say that we're deploying additional defensive land and air forces to the eastern part of the alliance additional maritime assets and increased the readiness of, of forces. is this now to day more forces being sent as a result of the fact that the invasion has now happened? or are you there referring to what has already been done as, as reinforcements? i understand sec worth will now have the ability to assemble the v g v j t f without coming back to the knack for approval. and finally, are you still willing to sit down with president putin or other representatives of the russian government after this? or are you suspending your offer to hold talks on other issues and the nato russia council? thank you. this invasion doesn't come as
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a surprise. we are warned against it for months on the sand layer or what happened or this morning during the night will something lot to allah. the security unintelligence services have predicted for a long time. we have tried to prevent it by calling russia to engage in diplomatic efforts by telling russia that there will be severe costs economic sanctions if they invade the ukraine further. but to what happens, oh, loss hours. well, those happen, all that also was demonstrate thought original despite our to promote the good foot on the spite. lower k messages over over economic sanctions. decided to once again invades a ukraine. ah, but since we have been earned a warning against this for a long period of time, we are also taken prudent measures to prepare ourselves. and that's the reason why
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we owe laws mon son, weeks have significant increase the presence of nato troops in these than portal. the lions ah, more than tube sir. ground forces, but also air and naval forces. gens stilton berg is the secretary general of nato, taking questions from the media, including an unfortunate slip at the tongue when someone said hit their instead of putin and then very quickly corrected themselves dominant cain as our reporter in berlin. he was listening to that as well. dominic, anything did you glean from from yet still to be there again, it still seems to be about yes will support yes. will add more numbers of, of, of support but not going that much further. no, not going that much further. it's clear that they've established what the line is for today so far, which is that we are going to buttress. the defense is bolster the defenses of all nato members on our eastern flanks. from his perspective,
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which obviously as reference to the baltic states, particularly the ones who have a border, specifically where the, the belarus or with russia. but notice liberally when yen shot back was asked if there was a direct threat that he and nato perceived to ne. so members, he didn't really answer that question just repeated, that idea of reassurance of extending more troops to that eastern flank of expressing condemnation of what russia had done and trying to provide whatever reassurance possible there is for ukraine, but no specific movement further down that line but he did say that there is going to be a virtual summit of ne, so leaders to morrow will that fits in with everything else. we know from the diplomatic side of things is happening today. we know that in brussels, which of course is where nato headquarters is. well, in brussels this evening or late this afternoon is going to be an e u. special summit of all leaders. and then many of those leaders will also then be taking part in that virtual summit tomorrow that yan shot and berg is talked
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about. but so far, at least from his perspective, boost the presence of nato troops in eastern nature member states which have borders with beller or so with russia and reassurance, but no troops to ukraine. thanks dominic, that's dominic cane reporting from berlin after that there. well, it's an ongoing news conference and the install and berg, nato. one more thing, i just want to add into the mix before we speak to a, our russian affairs expert is going to join us from london. and that's that the price of oil energy is a very big part of this whole conflict of is the, a lot of energy comes out of russia. there was an upstream to, to talk about as well. i've just checked the oil markets at bloomberg and hopefully we can just show you this here on the i pad our line. i'll highlight this line here . brent crude are it said a nearly a $105.00 a barrel. it's gone up nearly 8 percent in just the last few hours. that is the kind of thing which will make the rest of the world. i think really sit up and
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notice at when gas prices and oil prices start going up that much and it feeds on maybe even at the petrol pump. just another thing to add in, i think, to the narrative to day now anime ativa is who i want to bring in our russian affairs expert. joining us from london, we thank you for your time and your patience. i was, we heard from yen stalsen burger, maybe i'll actually ask you about the, the price of oil. they are just the fact that energy, as i say, is such a big part of this story and this conflict. and maybe was we see all the sort of slowly, slowly approach from the rest of the world when you start to see oil prices getting effect of that's when the everyday person anywhere in the world can be affected. absolutely not. my subject cannot tell you something. and we try, they will be connect to now i am and also they bought all our, the don't boss conflict. i can tell you something about what's going on on the ground from rational be cranial side way events, appointing. but i think the price of oil i wouldn't use flora and the
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related to about is the price of gas. and again that's, that's probably something which will benefit the roughly one i mean, shorter not, it will hurt us here in the round. okay, fair enough. i, i take your point on what you can and how to talk about. okay, so let's talk about the dunbar. the thing is you have written a book and, and dedicated your time to that. what do you make of, of, of what we seen in the last 7 or 8 hours now, the speed with which the russian military seems to have moved absolutely unique moment and you say, but we should also have a hold of what happened in georgia in 2008, i know you're paying as much biggest came in georgia. we have seen limit that the nation in south se there, which was 3 get like the initial offensive down the russian major betty week on intervention in the georgia. trying to degrade the military instead of structured facilities and making you pop up to become made to country. that's what
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i see now. tool theaters of action one is in yes. come to look, ask which us bringing out from the now newly recognized people's republic of a new book else. but it might, it might be a infantry full since, but supported head really well by i ration activity. expanding, having to be your line of as it is now, the tories to in via version of events they have need you to receive for the static . that is because that's where the origin and the walls of the license team where they started with. the other thing, more practical ones, this is the line of why where a nice break away into his company to allocate. they
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are very much suffering single casualties. this is an active war. fighting never spoke in the last 8 years. don't bother is the only active form for don't in europe . so that's where we see it. now, proofs movement contradictory pulls from ukrainian or russian to explain all this is something that he has an appointment at. sorry, i can, i interrupt you because i've got some other guests, but i want to ask you one more question. the fact that obviously east in ukraine was obviously going to be the early focus of that is where all the troops had been building up. but he had been hit as well today. i mean, parts of that that, that the city itself in the center of the city, we've seen it ourselves. does it surprise you that the russians have gone straight in for the capital as well as those eastern states? yes, it does surprise me, but obviously if a via aim east should have been great military infrastructure right. did the same
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way they did in georgia. and if this military just route is very close to ah, big cities bounce made them betty valera. but yes, i think it is our white and major development. i knew i think that it was law school. ana mckeever at russian affairs expert with us from london. really appreciate your time today. thank you. thank you for having me. we are off to key of now to speak to vladimir, which go former world heavyweight boxing champion. and of course his brother vitale is the mayor of ki, of mystic which go thank you for your time. tell us about this morning. will you effectively woken by the signs of explosions? you know, what's weird that history repeats itself. last time, the city of keys was waking up at 4 o'clock in the morning was 1941 when
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nazis airplanes were bombing cave. and there is unfortunate parallel, something that had happened this morning. almost 5000000 people that live in the city were walking up as well as myself, due to explosion, said 4 o'clock in the morning. did you expect levi? did you expect key of to be done today? or early in the stick, which got done, if you heard, i will talk to my previous guest, but we were saying how the fact that the capital was hit immediately in this conflict. did that surprise you? it so, i mean, obviously, you know, this is the oldest city with a history of 10055 years and as the capital, the country, if you have the capital, you pretty much probably have the country i would say so. and i, i'm more than sure capital as well is, is it target not just the,
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the east of the country. and it's so unfortunate because this is a said 1st time since 2nd world war we, in europe have such terrible events as war. no one would have thought that something like that could happen because we are the most peaceful nation will never attacked anyone. we're always provided services and we're good at it, but we'll never provide any aggression. and it's just so unfortunate that something is happening to us by our neighbor and not acceptable. this is the war in europe. and if we don't stop it collectively is going to spread further. not just in europe, who knows maybe in the world go from bid with your brother. and i morning when i the, the, the mayor of kia, where is he and what is he doing? has he preparing to well preparing to find out there, there are a lot of challenges that he's and, and team and the city and,
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and all the people that live in the capitol. some of the people fleeing some of the people are taking weapons to defend because we, we chose how we want to leave. if someone is telling you, you will not warn you don't exist. get out of here. this is something that is impossible. and of course, this is terrifying and challenging advanced in the history of city of key van ukraine, the whole ukraine on the forget that your president vladimir zalinski had said that well done. if i'm quoting him directly, but he was talking about arming any one who could hold a gun, essentially it is part of the fight back. does that sort of thing concern you possibly that. i mean, i know you've got a, a russian army to deal with, but also an armed population that could end up being dangerous.
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you're saying dangerous? yeah, there are fall in the ukrainians from 4 o'clock in the morning. there are people that were killed by the invasion. what are you going to choose? you want to defend yourself. you want to defend you free though you wanted if any choice. and as i said, this is horrifying to realize that in 2020 twos, something like that could happen. what is your expectation and that of your brother and other elected officials about assistance? now we've heard from so many other countries and from nato, and from the e e, you saying that they condemned this and that they will hold the kremlin responsible . how do you actually want that to? what do you want that response to look like? and obviously to happen quite soon, the sooner the better, you know, the response should stop this aggression. what there with the response is and
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i just wish the world. busy not just the european union or europe in this case. just going to do in your think to stop of killing craniums and stop this says senseless war one. that doesn't make sense to any one. don't. if you've seen the pictures, mr. quit kind of all the people leaving kia that the motor wise clogged with cars as people desperately trying to get out of the city where they going to go. and it's a good question. mosley, probably towards the west. not the east. that's what we're people, fleet. but you know, i'm just, we're just looking at the pictures now there's gonna be a huge number of people there. it's a, it's a, it's an exodus in many ways that sir, a pressure on your neighbors as well,
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pressure on your own population. as i said, this crisis has many, many consequences. this invasion busy makes sense in the has many consequences. not just for the cranium, for the russians, as well, for the world in this case. and we can go on and on and on and counting endlessly economically geopolitically. we come back to, as i said, after 2nd world war, when the world was in peace and said ok, this is enough. this is sort of let serenity and, and, and the borders of the country. and let's leave them live together creed, the world not destroy the world. what is happening now is destroying and rewriting the history. there are a lot of consequences that make it just said they just terrible. thank you for have not thank you for your time, but i will get to this event, brother of the mayor of kiev. of course vitale. thank you. ok. we have
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got protest happening across europe where we going 1st early in people holding ukraine flags, they're out on the streets, protesting in the german capital and in the french capital, i think yeah, it is these a lot of pictures coming out from there as well. and i've been reading about few further purchases planned in london effect london effectively in london. later on today, approaches there at the embassy there. european flags are a feature of notice of a lot of these processes where showing the solidarity of europe with that of ukraine. so those pictures from paris and we saw berlin protests the my, me to go as well. let's pretend to some of the reaction and analysis we've had on our to 0 in the last few hours. pablo fell going how 1st of all, who is an industry analyst and a columnist at nevada gazette. he explains. but president putin's views on the invasion. this is a full blown invasion, and the president put to nashua
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a couple of days before outlined in his speech. what he wants to get from ukraine watching ukraine should do, and that included therefore a total demilitarization of the country. and now he announced that in today's address, that was actually a record of the apparently a couple of day before that that, that is the main objective of this offensive. why believe there russia one still either expel under the threat of prosecution or put behind bars, or want or any way to remove the present ukrainian poet that go weak out of the country and sell that ukraine not only will be right now defeated, but we'll never ever arise to become a national state. so russia believes that moscow believes teaching believes that the national ukrainian state is wrong,
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that they will always be anti russian and it should be wiped out for a wants a and for all. so ukrainians will have to either accept that or resist. somehow though russia has the we have the military initiative and has more heavy weaponry to and the well trained, well prepared standing that you are army. and with a sally and the senior was on the record mankato who's the ambassador of ukraine to kata. ah, he says he expects a strong and swift response from the international community. let's have the imagines, at best for us, is cut for the russian fleets. that the international airports and international aerospace is closed for the russian jets. the swift system and banking system of russia is deprive the banking system of friendship is deprived of swift and any possible international sources. this is we expect and but
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more, we expect that any kind of assistance, especially for the p both the majority of people are, is a pro ukrainian or just neutral. and the driving force of these invasion from the very beginning, the special forces of russia, russia propaganda, and russia unit, which actually brings us from the successful completion of the anti terroristic or operation in the year 2015. yes, direct participation of the russian troops. in the bicycle, in ill, a vice, this was the reason these mop it regimes, these terroristic and clever and organization steal till now. and i've learned something called a russia foreign affairs analysts to downplayed the size of the military operation by russia. this is not a big operation, and i think that this operation,
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special operation was, it was done by russia. i will be limited to only to east on the republic, say independent republic, some don barza will guns and there will be as a i think there will be no any movement to watch. so the capital offer you train and the also there will be just her son, shotuko strikes against the novice and terrorist organizations which are actually present, which are destroying or trying to destroy the a people offer. i don't that scandal guns. so this is a shot operation, ultimately saying, and i think that it will be soon, i close up. let's get an update from moscow now with dorsey jabari and daughter vladimir putin. 89 hours ago now declares military intervention in ukraine. and
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then most recently we see a meeting, the prime minister pakistan carrying on as usual. yes, it appears to be business as usual for the russian presidents at the kremlin, where he's meeting with the pakistani prime minister who arrived in moscow late last night. of course, we are expecting a press conference probably at the end of their meeting. and we're, we're wait waiting to find out what vladimir food will have to say about the latest developments on the ground. at 6 am local time that president broadcast a pre recorded message on stacy v saying that he was a launching a special military operation into dom bass region in ukraine. but of course, since then, we have seen as the russian army launching various attacks in different parts of ukraine, and according to the crumbling spokesperson, dmitri pascall, at the aim of these attacks are to basically neutralize the military potential of
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key f. and as letting me put in also hinted that he was asking the ukranian army to lay down their weapons and that they wanted to avoid any kind of or conflict. but it appears now that is not an option and that conflict is now taking place. and we also have been hearing from sir gay lover of the russian foreign minister, who held a conversation with his chinese counterpart. and he a stress that the chinese also need to recognize the independence of those to break away regions in the eastern ukraine. that is the region of done yet scanned the ganske, which letting me put, recognized as independent states on monday evening. public reaction. da, sir. i know it's, well, it's by screwed in half a day or so, but i wonder how the russian people feel about the fact that their country is now in an armed conflict. i think there is definitely a sense of shock and surprise. i be speaking to people this morning on my way in,
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and that just in the past few hours at nobody really expected this a day. a word prepare for some kind of a small incursion in that dumbass region in eastern ukraine, where the russian back separatists have been fighting with the ukrainian military over the past few years. and they're fighting their i had intensified over the past few weeks. but to this scale, nobody was prepared for, and i think a lot of people are now asking the question why. the russian president had said that keeps ambitions to try and join nato, posed the security threat to this country. and that to the government in cuba was not legitimate because they were basically a puppet of the west. so at the sense here is that they're very much surprised and i think there are lot of people are waiting to find out how long this will go. and how far the russian military will advance as well. we've already seen that the russian stock market has now plummeted over 45 percent. the ferns currency exchange
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places that have limited their transactions. and the mobile has also seen a huge loss over the past few hours. there is a concern now that the price of petrol and goods will also increase in russia as a result of this. and people are now wondering how long it will last. the air space also has been closed in the country to certain areas of the aerospace to commercial flights. so nobody can enter into the country. and also the officials have said that they will keep the airspace closed for commercial flights until march 2nd. and we also heard from the russian defense ministry officials who have said that they are not targeting the ukranian civilian population. there are trying to wipe out the military installations in that country. okay. thanks dawson, jabari, reporting from moscow. she has been since that news break very early this morning when store so rights are we going to the cona?
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not, we're not going to the you cannot, will do with that. and the moment there has been reaction out of there. let's to show you some of the latest pictures that we've seen. there was a year from fire and smoke that we saw coming from key of a little bit earlier. our correspondent was actually on air at the time we're preparing to go, and that's andrew simmons and her in the background. we saw a column of smoke coming up behind him. and now we've managed to get some slightly closer pictures showing that a file that's going on there, we believe, haven't got it confirmed, but that could be an intelligence at building or intelligence target. and you see people throwing your papers on to the fire there. now, the ambassador, who you saw a little bit early, the ukrainian ambassador cutter, who was in the studio with us, said that there were no military targets in the middle of key f. i. and that is what russia says it has been targeting. this is what it claims it's targeted here. this could be as we believe, be a military, sorry, an intelligence or installation. and then these are interesting pictures of a lot of papers being thrown on the fire. they're just wanted to bring you those
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that's updating from an earlier situation. you to seen the, the smoke behind our correspondent sir, are in here a little bit earlier. now we're going to go to the u. k. were prime and subarus johnson wants an emergency meeting of nato to discuss what he is calling the ukraine catastrophe. this was a tweet for a little bit earlier. i'm appalled by the horrific events in ukraine. i've spoken to president zelinski to discuss next steps. president putin's chosen the path of bloodshed and destruction by launching this unprovoked attack on ukraine. the u. k and our allies will respond decisively, neve barker, in london. so the response, the initial response appears to be wanting a year or an emergency nato meeting, which i suspect a lot of leaders would be calling for been what all of this, of course, in the early hours of this invasion is about presenting a coordinated and unified western from and obviously nato, that alliance of 30 countries is the probably the most obvious conduit for showing
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that unity but nato, of course, including the united kingdom and us key players and that alliance. i'm have been caught with serious di lever in the run up to this invasion do too much when it comes to ukraine and be drawn into a potential conflict in the country that the alliance has note underlying treaty to protect due to little and something like this happens so i think there's gonna be an overload, a head scratching amongst nato leaders and e u leaders as to whether or not more could have been done by way of sanctions ahead of this invasion earlier on in the wake forest johnson announcing the 5 small banks 3 individuals, russian oligarchs, that is, would be subject to british sanctions, already questions about whether more should have been done to exert pressure on the russians to prevent this kind of situation, whether that ship had already sailed. we've already been hearing in the run up to all of this words from moscow, from to beach,
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met viet. i have the former president now senior figure in the security council saying that the russians are simply unfazed by the prospect of sanctions that in the end, the rush always ones, the west always wants to come back to russia and such of business dealings because western economies ah, too deeply integrated in moscow. let's see the results of what the boys johnson has to announce shortly when he gives a full scale picture of what's to come by way of sanctions. but it's very difficult to imagine all of a sudden the city like london, with billions of dollars of russian money here being suddenly overnight, being able to extricate themselves from those close ties of moscow nave. just quickly with coming to the top of the eye. one more question for you just about public reaction in the u. k. how high is this playing? it's playing extremely high and i think it's fair to say that when people tuned in this morning and found like we were shooting in to a completely different era and european history for weeks. now we've heard that
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there is a major security issue across the continent. it seemed almost bizarre for security chief to be volunteering information about what exactly russia is up to. but the only assumption was that perhaps western states were over egging it to little bit, given how much they were caught off guard when it came to the 2014 invasion of crimea. but, well, i could says, look, what's happened? nay. barker reporting from london. thank you so much for that. appreciate it. ah, we're coming up 1200 hours, g m t here on al jazeera, come al santa murray. thanks for staying with us for this ongoing coverage of russia's military operation in ukraine. it began a little over 9 hours ago when president vladimir putin made the announcement an
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attack which well, it's the biggest attack by any one state against another in europe. since the 2nd world war. his what's been happening in the last few hours, deaths being reported on both sides. ukraine says around 40 of its soldiers and at least 10 civilians have been killed. and that some 50 russian forces have also died . no, as point out that can't be verified at this point. city's air bases civilian airports across ukraine. they've all been hit with missiles. russian tanks have crossed the border from bell reuss, and into ukrainian territory. his. those pictures are from the east, as well as russian annexed crimea. kiev says this is a full scale invasion. the kremlin, describes it as the quote demilitarization of ukraine, and nato has said it will deploy additional forces to eastern europe. but look at all people trying to get outs motorway is absolutely clogged to in.
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