tv News Al Jazeera February 24, 2022 8:00pm-8:31pm AST
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ah, al jazeera with oh, i hello and welcome. it's 17 hours g, m t 7 p. m. in kiev, and a night of uncertainty and terror on the day that russia evades ukraine. i'm pete adobe without continuing coverage. ah, ukraine is under attack from land and sea major cities and military bases are on the fire. what's unfolding is the biggest attack by one state on another in europe
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. since the 2nd world war is the full range of rushes, military offensive. it is far beyond donnette scandal, hans, the areas held by separatists, which russia recognizes as independent republics, russian forces have come from all sides from multiple directions from bella roost in the north, down to the sea of as off. ah, and that's the sound of war that many ukrainians will come to this morning. these are apparently russian helicopters, nicki of firing flares, as seen near what's believed to be the hostile mel airports is on the outskirts of kia. there's jason, the u. k. prime minister with strong words for the russian president earlier today he's not in the house of commons, was less listening to dress and offered the absurd pretext that he saw the demilitarization and d not to vacation. of ukraine. in fact,
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is hurling the might of his military machine against a free and peaceful neighbour in breach of his own explicit pledge and every principle of civilized behavior between states. spurning the best efforts of this country and our allies to avoid bloodshed for this putin will stand condemned in the eyes of the world and of history. he will never be able to cleanse the blood of ukraine from his hands. and although the u. k and our allies tried every avenue for diplomacy until the final hour. i'm driven to conclude that putin was always determined to attack his neighbor no matter what we did. now we'll see him for what he is, a bloodstained aggressor who believes in imperial conquest. i am proud the britain did everything within our power to help ukraine prepare for
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this onslaught, and we will, dora, most of them will help, as our brave friends defend their home. then. our embassy took the precaution. 18th of february of relocating from key of to the city of live in western new craya, where our ambassador mon, into simmers, continues to work with the ukranian authorities and to support british nationals. now we have a clear mission, diplomatically, politically, economically, and eventually, militarily, this hideous and barbarous bensha of vladimir putin must end in failure. at the g 7 meeting this afternoon, we agreed to work in unity to maximize the economic price the pigeon will pay for his aggression. and this must include ending europe's collective dependence on rational and gas denise of to empower gluten for too long. so i,
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i welcomed again, chancellor shows his excellent decision to hope was that if the cation of no stream to mister speaker, countries that together comprise about half the world economy. and now engage in maximizing pressure, economic pressure on one that makes up a me a 2 percent for our part to day. the u. k. is announcing the largest to most of the package of economic sanctions that russia has ever seen with new financial measures . we're taking new powers to target russian finance. in addition to the banks we've already sanctioned this week to day, in concert with united states, we are imposing a foe asset freeze on the t b. more broadly. these powers, when we're labeled us totally to exclude russian banks from the u. k. financial system, which is of course by far the largest in europe, stopping them from accessing sterling and clearing payments through the u. k.
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m with around half of russia's trade. currently in u. s. dollars and study. i'm pleased to tell the house that the united states is taking similar measures. and these powers would also enable us to ban russian state and private companies from raising funds in the u. k. banning dealing with their securities and making lows to them. we will limit the amount of money that russian nationals will be able to deposit in that u. k. bank accounts and sanctions will also be applied to better us for its role in the assault on u. k. overall will, will be opposing asset freezes on more than a 100, a new entities and individuals on top of hundreds that we've already announced. this includes all the major manufacturers that support hooton's woman. she further mo, we are also banning aero float from the u. k. next,
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on top of these financial measures and in full concert with united states and the e u, we will introduce new trade restrictions and stringent export controls, similar to those that they in of the u. s. are implementing will bring forward new legislation to ban the export of full dual use items to russia, including a range of high end and critical technological equipment and components in sectors including electronics, telecommunications, and aerospace legislation to implement this will be late early next week. these trade sanctions will constrain russia's military, industrial, and technological capabilities for years to come. we are bringing forward measures on unexplained well photos from the economic crime bill to be introduced before the house rises for easter. and we will set out further detail before easter on the
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range of policies to be included in the full bill in the next session, including on reforms to companies, house and a register of overseas property ownership. we will, we will set up a new dedicated clip talk chrissy. so in the national crime agency to target sanctions, evasion, and corrupt russian assets hidden in the u. k. and that means all the gods in london will have nowhere to hide. a mr. speak up. i know that this house will have great interest in the potential of cutting russia out from swift. and i can confirm, as i've always said, that nothing is off the table. but for all these measures, to be successful, it is vital that we have the unity of our partners, the unity in the g 7 and our 4. and mrs. speaker,
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rushing, investors are rude already delivering their verdict on the wisdom of putin actions and so forth to day russian stalks a dime by as much as 45 percent wiping $250000000000.00 from that value in the biggest one day decline on reco, sped back russia's biggest lender is done by as much as 45 percent and gas gas from down, by as much as 39 percent. while the rouble has plummeted to record lows against the dollar. we will continue on a remote this mission to squeeze russia from the global economy piece by piece, day by day and week by week. and we will of course, use perkins position in every international forum to condense the onslaught against ukraine. and we will counter the criminal blizzard of lots and this
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information by telling the truth about putins whoa of choice. and he's war of aggression. and we work with our allies on the urgent need to protect other european countries that are not members of nato, and who could become targets of putin's playbook, of subversion and aggression. and we will resist any creeping temptation to accept what putin is doing to day as a fait accompli that could be no creeping normalization, not, not, not in the months to come, not in the is ahead. we must strengthen nature's defenses still further. and so today i called for meeting of nato leaders, which will take place to morrow. and i will be convening the countries that contribute to the joint. expeditionary force which is led by the united kingdom and comprises both nato and known nato members last saturday. and i
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wound this invasion would have global economic consequences, and this morning the old price has risen strongly. the government will do everything possible to safeguard our end people from the repercussions for the cost of living. and of course, we stand ready to protect our country from any threats, including inside the space above. oh, the house will realize the hod and heavy truth that we now live in a continent where an expansionist power deploying one of the world's most formidable military machines, is trying to redraw the map of europe in blood and conquer an independent state by false alons. and its vital for the safety of every nation. the puritans, scorely, adventure, should ultimately fail and be seen to fire. however long it takes that
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will be the steadfast and unflinching go of united kingdom. i hope of every member of this house and every one of our great allies, so that together we have the power and the will to defend the cause of peace and justice of it as we have always done. and i say to the people of russia again, whose president has just authorize an onslaught against a fellow slavish people. i cannot believe that this hora is being done in your name or that you really want the pariah status, that these actions will bring to the putin, reggie and to our ukranian friends in his moment of agony. i say that we are with you and we are on your side, your right to choose your own destiny is a right that the united kingdom and our allies will always defend. and in that
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spirit, i join you in saying slobber, ukrainian, and i commend his statement to the high yet all the latest. johnson, the u. k. prime minister. they're not pulling any punches whatsoever. signaling very, very clearly, as he gives way in the house that suit masochist armor, the leader of the main opposition labor party was flanked there by las trust, his foreign secretary and ben wallace, the u. k. defense secretary warming to the theme that he touched on. mister johnson, not sir kissed armour a little earlier today when he addressed the nation of basically saying that the u . k. indeed, every nato country, every e e u country, the u. s. included, cannot normalize what mr. putin is doing in the eastern ukraine by, in effect doing nothing less bringing ne parker, our correspondent tracking that story for us out of london. need your reading of what we heard there from mr. johnson. i mean, that will go down as probably one of the most important foreign policy speeches that boris johnson will make in his political career. he has
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a huge task in front of him to come up with something that the the kremlin would hate to hear. and obviously without being drawn into a direct conflict with troops on the ground in ukraine, the u. k. a long as with its western allies in nato and the european union have come up with this rafter of sanctions. and some of the. busy the items that were listed by bowers johnson will parallel no doubt what we hear out of the united states. shortly we're talking about sanctions, the cover of a section of russia's banking sector, one of the key bangs v t be slapped with sanctions. just to give you an idea of how prominent v t b is his headquarters are right next the bank of england, an enormous russian flag has hung there for many years now, i will pass it on a daily basis. the russian that carry a airflow band from the u. k. old, you jewel use items destined for russia blocks as well. so we're talking about high
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tech exports. hundreds of individuals will face sanctions. people regarded as unable as for the putin administration. manufacturing sector also targeted at a new clap talk, proceed to sell, will be set up to rid the british property market of russian money for many years. london, seen as the place where russian ali galks go to loan to that money money that eventually is destined for helping vladimir putin to hold on to power. so a huge speech by the british prime minister, hopefully in his eyes, dealing a decisive blow to pigeons. political ambitions going forward. okay, need many thanks. we'll talk to later. i'm sure. well, the russian president vladimir putin saying he had no option, but to order what he's calling a special operation against ukraine. grossinger stated, if you could get a chance to speak english we were not given any other chance to act
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otherwise in the security area. we couldn't react any other way. all or tries came to no result and we didn't move any further. i'm not even an inch when we had to do it because the risks were very serious for the whole existence of our country. secondly, we totally understand which world we're living in, which and we're ready for what's about to happen with sanctions. hundreds of people have been detained and arrested at anti war protests across russia. there were demonstrations and at least 20 cities, including st. petersburg and the capital. moscow protest against the rushman basin of ukraine are also being held in berlin, beirut, tele beef and london. we're going to talk about to alexander, thus pin can. he's a former russian diplomats who served as the russian ambassador in bay routes. now we will do the interview in english with alive arabic translation. the ambassador joins us on skype from moscow. alexander's death yet kin. why is it, mister putin says, i've done what i've done to keep the peace,
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but to keep the peace, he is destroying the peace and invading a sovereign country. who knows some, i know some a love of the cray and has been, went to war again. it's done by and the western countries practically, i thought during this period i have been encouraging the ukrainian regime to do so. this has intensified the recently, when we seen the unprecedented media campaign against russia. if you're not at the same time, this has been padded with me and military escalation by the ukranian army against the dumbass class. this was represented in indiscriminate.
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uber, a shilling including that is a dense, hilarious. as the result, what she has seen young far. yeah. and in addition to what they said on the political arena, the akiva regime was not adhering to them, been at school agreement, nor were they honoring their obligations under the agreement. that's why the objective of this military campaign is to put an end to the 8 year war and also to establish peace as put in said, okay, mr. ambassador, when you're talking there about the agreements, we have to unpack that particular aspect of your reply there. you're talking about minsk one, you're talking about minsk 2 and you're talking about the a stana agreement going back to 2010. nobody has listened to your president in the past 24 hours with all due respect to yourself and to mister put and sir would say that it was the ukrainians who were not abiding by those 3 agreements. both the
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minsk agreements failed, as we know the astonished agreement. mister putin's critic say he has written a coach and horses rough shod through the astonished agreement. and it's the kremlin that undermined those agreements. nobody in government, in power in kia him on the war, and what is important at that moment that any stipulation contained within an agreement should be observed and on the ticket early by the regime and the residence. nothing contained in the agreements relating to russia. russia is like germany, he's got an toll guarantor for the observation and compliance with this
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agreement. the agreement cannot be applied, observed or honored by russia. it was a cease fire and a new law that was enacted in russia. this was followed by the election, etc. ok, the stipulation, just let me pause you the if i may, mister ambassador, and i do apologize for interrupting you. but we do have to get through a lot of points to discuss here. no president or prime minister from the european union from nieto, from the united states would describe what's going on in eastern ukraine as less than on equivocal violence on the part of russia. russia started this. what has to happen for russia to finish this to finish? what it is doing as was fee money in the military campaign is underway. and this military offensive
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has a number of objectives i believe russia is going to achieve these goals. as a result, i believe there will be a new state of co and ukraine, annuity ality. as a result that is the on entire territories of them bask, will be liberated. as we know, 2 thirds of their province has been under that heaves or redeem, known as it, or i believe the entire province will be liberated at the state level that it should be structural changes. ideological ones as well, for these changes will be m i. c, in order to the narrative dean, as if i ukraine as put in described it almost sucka. we have, we should have
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a state police that will adhere to a peaceful ideology, not any anti russia or nat c. ideology. ross harbor. okay, your grain is as smithy and i said, we will do the wet hind to get into a ping pong a boats. the de not suffocation of eastern ukraine. nobody believes there is any substantial number of people who itself identify as being nazis in eastern ukraine . that simply is untrue. respectfully, sir, if i can suggest that to you by to i do want to move on to another point. if i may, why is it hundreds of people across the country are being arrested and detained when they are doing no more than peacefully, protesting against what's going on across the border from russia into ukraine? when, oh, where are these peaceful demonstrations in russia? we're showing them right now live from moscow.
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oh no, not good. you know i believe that is i dont have any information on this particular subject. i believe that should be some demonstrations feel people, hundreds or a dozens would be don't take into this 3 to accept press their opinion. we have a category and i so what we'll call him the liberal russians. the it is to rosie, have pro west affiliation, and what is happening is something mormon on the ground, we should have people to accept press their opinion and to show their objection to the war and but they believe they are very minimal. we have had a tweets from leukemia, zalinski the ukranian president,
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he is saying that russian forces are trying to get to, although they might already be there. and then take what is left of the old chernobyl nuclear power plant. if they take it, what do you think mister ambassador, they intend to do with it? because you must accept, sir, that if they get there and they've taken it, that takes the whole of europe into a much more dangerous area. unlocked soccer on. on the contrary, feler. what are i totally disagree as you know, over that is period of time one of the key concerns in russia. joe was a gentleman who was the church nova alicia, simply for the reason that in case of any escalation, as it's happening now. russia had believed that the redeeming
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kia would be able to take any nuclear provocation at this particular area on the summer. also there are some terrorist groups who in had intended to laws planned, some explosives in don't bask. one of the targets could have been turned not been as well. hello. that's why i assure you of this area is sees juice by the russian army. i bama it is a young at lynch pin to the security, the nuclear security of this part of ukraine. it is going to be a double assurance that lisa, the turn novel is in good hands. we know that any provocation would be initiated from cave, not from moscow. final question, mr. ambassador, we've just heard, i don't know if you heard it or not. we heard from the u. k. prime minister there,
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boris johnson. we are just about to hear. we understand from the u. s. president joe biden. both men announcing targets it very, very impactful sanctions worth billions and billions of us dollars. if what we think they have announced works for them and works properly, there will be no place for russian. oligarchs tied their money, there will be no place for russian banks to bank their money. there will be no place for russian businesses to do russian business. every member of your duma is going to be the subject of sanctions and you might yet be forcibly ejected from the inter bank swift system. if all of that comes together, how will russia react? oh law not if at the moment we do not know exactly what
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these sanctions are, that's why we should wait and see in order to examine the exam that sanctions to be imposed. however, in principle, i can say far with respect to the individuals, this is of no significance at all. that tweets goal here and there go there. we could label them as ridiculous field and they occur on those ali got are no longer able to do shopping in europe or transfer their money. this is of no significance at all. on the other hand of food in my journal, it is true that the financial sphere, global finance ellis fear is of great impact. however,
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as to what degree and of what kind these financial sanctions will have a toll on the russian economy. we still do not know okay, especially that the russian government has been working in it reduced live very strenuously over the past months. 2, in anticipation of these sanctions, they were aware that these sanctions would have been imposed in any case. okay, mister ambassador, thank you. so much, sir, i'm gonna, i'm gonna suck bus to draw our conversations. we're close there, but thank you so much for joining us from moscow. the former ambassador to the middle east on the part of the russian federation, alexander says it's going good. talk to mr. ambassador, thank you very much. live now to quickly to. kimberly, how can our white house correspondent so it's all about sanctions. this are kimberly, what can we expect? well, we're gonna have to wait another hour to find out what the u. s. president will say to the american public about those sanctions because the white house literally in
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just the last few moments delayed that address to the american public by one hour. we were expecting it at any moment. now it is delayed until $1830.00 g m t. so in the interim, we have heard from members of congress on capital hill, and there is some criticism of joe biden, in fact, from the top republican in the u. s. senate mitch mcconnell, he has been blaming this conflict, perhaps on the fact that there was the or withdrawal he called the precipitous withdrawal of american troops from afghanistan being a signal to vladimir putin as well as potentially chinese president. she, that america would potentially not come to the defense of any sort of nation that may be attacked. so some strong words coming from capitol hill in advance of the u . s. president, making that address to the american public. and i can tell you, is going to be a tough sell to the american public. this,
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this argument that if this is to spill beyond the borders of ukraine, that american soldiers may be drawn into this conflict. given the fact that the american public is already war weary from the conflict in iraq and afghanistan. and also is struggling in terms of the economic impacts of coven 19 now bracing for the fact that they could see higher energy prices as a result of this conflict. so we expect joe biden will make the case, that in fact, there is a cost to all of this, but it is worthwhile to debate, defend democracy at american values. whether or not that will sit well with the american public is still unclear. kimberly, thank you very much. you'll keep us posted. i'm sure one more hour to go until we find out when we're supporting. who's thinking piece of the sanctions. let's just show you some of the expenses coming to was out of moscow. they were talking there to moscow's former ambassador to them, at least about those protests and the police reaction to them. you can see there,
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the police reaction to them. those are not police officers. those are some form of local moscow swat team type command. those being sent in to take away those protest as protests significantly taking place in moscow . anderson petersburg as well. ah, 17 gmc, you're watching al jazeera with our continuing coverage of eastern ukraine. russian forces of launched a full scale invasion of ukraine. missile strikes of it, multiple cities, dozens have been killed on both sides. vs fighting is ongoing. along most of ukraine's border with russia. the russian president, vladimir putin says the aim is to demilitarize ukraine.
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