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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 24, 2022 9:00pm-10:01pm AST

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on al jazeera ah al jazeera ah ah, all the. ready ready news. this is al jazeera ah logan. i'm peach adobe, with continuing coverage as russia attacked ukraine. we're across all the developments here on how to 0. the russia invade ukraine by land, by and by c major cities and military base. he's coming to fire president vladimir putin as a consequence, he's never seen before. if anyone interferes and threatens russia,
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a group say that could be massive civilian casualties. thousands of people are already displaced as euro brace for refugee crisis. and the us president joe biden convinced the national security team as western leaders agreed with further sanction against russia. ah . as you join us, ukraine is under attack from land from and from the sea. major cities and military bases are on the fire. what's unfolding is the biggest attack by one state against another in europe. since the 2nd world war is the full range of rushes, military offensive. ukraine says, russian forces are captured to novel. so it's far beyond the nets and landscape. the areas held by separatists with russia recognizes as independent republics.
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russian forces have come from all sides from multiple directions from bella, luce, in the north, down to the sea of as off the me . that's the sound of war that many ukrainians woke up to this morning. these are apparently russian helicopters near kia firing flares. they're seen near what's believed to be the hostile male airport, which is on the outskirts. there are deaths being reported on both sides, potentially dozens of ukrainian or russian soldiers have been killed. and according to ukraine, many civilians, 2 people have been forced to flee or shelter from russian air strikes. kiev says it's a full scale invasion and assessment shared by nato and western allies. the kremlin describing it as a demilitarization of ukraine. the west is promising to hold moscow accountable with painful sanctions and in neighboring poland and mal dover. the 1st wave of
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refugees from ukraine have now started to arrive a correspondence covering the story in brussels, moscow, and in london and re, simmons begins coverage with this report from kiev. ah, the munson build up of russian troops on the border with ukraine has turned now into an invasion ukraine, under attack, military bases, airports and aircraft, had been targeted and bombed the skies over multiple cities, including the capitol cave lit up waking up residence in the early hours of thursday, as russian artillery advanced, not very many could have predicted that he would be striking at so many multiple characters. the civilian casualties are unknown though russia says it will only attack military posts. as a response, ukraine has declared martial law more children when i had
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a conversation with you as president joe biden, the u. s. is starting to gather international support. today, we need you each of you to be calm. if possible, stay at home, please. we are working, the army is working. the tie security in defense sector of ukraine is working. these attacks come off to russian. president vladimir putin declared to separatist areas in the don bass region in east new crane as independent and said, russian civilians who live there need protection. whether we're going to look up the battle, the la hans and done yet in eastern ukraine has been going on since 2014, with more than 14000 people killed in fighting between russian back separatists and the ukrainian army. now putin has demanded ukrainian forces retreats to when you patel. so when you shake a waiver, we try to stop us and further create threats to our country to our people should
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know that russia's response will be immediate and lead you to such consequences that you have never faced in your history. we are ready for any outcome. the operation began despite last ditch appeals from members of the un security council to ease tension ukraine's ambassador to the un demanded. his russian counterpart stepped down as chairman, whole footing. call a roof to stop aggression. there is no purgatory for war criminals. they go straight to hell, ambassador in a statement you as president joe biden warned of a catastrophic loss of life and human suffering. there's a mood of desperation developing now, many people just jumping into their cars, getting their families together, and heading on the road, trying to get to poland. but the main auto roots are all jammed. there are so many people trying to do the same thing. others are going under ground taking shelter. the missiles are getting close and now emergency meetings have been called to reach
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an agreement. while the shelling of build up of military troops on both sides continues. this is ukraine's darkest day. andrew simmons, al jazeera kiff and andrews, got some new reporting for us here on the news, or andrew talked to us what we know. yes, quite a few lines coming in. peter hoster mall airport at 10 kilometers outside the capitol. it's actually now under the control of the russians that information from the ukrainian presidential advisor. they control that air strip. now it's not far from the capital. we're now hearing unconfirmed reports that paratroopers have landed on that air strip. and there are reports that the
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ukranian artillery is opening fire and there's a battle going on right now at that air strip. now there's also information prior to this happening. there were reports on twitter or that solution 76 plain. these are large troop carriers, and 18 of them flew from russia, a russian air base at heading this way. and it would appear quite possibly that the 2 are interlinked. that the paratroopers were on board. these planes. we've looked into what the capabilities, the illusion. $76.00 are and the capabilities apparently something like a $140.00 troops could be carried on each of those aircraft 18 of those aircraft. so that will be quite a fighting force. also unconfirmed reports of 20 helicopters, ready in bella luce, ready for flying in or whether they're on their way or whether already here full of
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special forces. now could this be an assault, a ground assault on the capital to try to take control of government buildings to try to take control of power here. effectively, this independent state that threat it, it every level, militarily, politically. and there is no one physically here to help right now. is there a sense there, andrew, that's at the people of kia, are heading into a nights of trepidation, i guess is the best word, not knowing what is literally perhaps probably possibly coming their way. well, if it's only trepidation that would be a relief, it could be far worse than that. there is no doubts or it is unclear of what is happening in many parts of the country. and we've, we've, we've heard that in hockey, there's been particularly vicious fighting that there have been a number of our strikes and civilian deaths in considerable numbers. the total dead
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in this conflicts, even after ony or what, no more than 18 hours. a going to be really high, who knows what's going to happen next? where also hearing another report here, quite an important one or the chernobyl. a former nuclear plant, ah, it is a large area in an area where the bell roost advance has taken place. the bell roost, a russian deployment of armor coming from the bell roost border, or there was a fight outside the chernobyl plan. this was obviously the, the, the nuclear plants where you had the meltdown that disaster, that tragedy, that a disaster back in 2016 not sorry. 1926. what am i talking about? the are that, that's, that area has been an area of conflict for several hours. but now we're hearing
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that the russians have gained control of the former to a noble plant. that entire area which many parts of it are still radioactive. in some tubs of the number of casualties, we can't give you an accurate figure. president lensky lensky should i say, has made it quite clear that martial law is impose. now. he's appeal for calm. he's also allowed all civilians to carry firearms without any permits. he's basically telling people to defend themselves if they have to hear it's very area and quiet. if it's true about these paratroopers and of it's true about the special forces than fighting is expect on the streets. however, in, in, in that smaller about of voting, that would be if the armored columns came all the way here, from the bellow roof, the road from bell roofs and other other areas as well. and so, yes, the situation right now is not just tense it's, it's absolutely charged with fear one does. and we get the sense from certainly
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some of the military type analysts we've been talking to here on the channel in the past few hours that mr. zelinsky is playing their step by step, as well as any one could play it if they were doing his job, despite on his part, a lack of, you know, political or military or a political or a military background. is it your sense that he's listening and listening to the right advisors? it's hard to tell. i think so, and ski lensky has done a really quite that all he can do under the circumstances with the support he's had . however, there is, there is a feeling on board in some places that perhaps he pushed too hard against the intelligence that there was going to be a full scale, an invasion. and, and of course, many curt ukrainians really became slightly complacent about the prospect of the
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capital coming under attack and all major cities, seaports to land, air and sea and from every direction. attacks have come and as far as the sick that the security forces are concerned, they've been really, really stretched, despite the last minute sir. announcements at that to bring in voluntary reservists . that's only now just just over 24 hours old, you know, 18 to 60 years of age at some are saying that that could have happened a lot earlier and that with a full mobilization, for example, the, the, the border we were visiting or only on wednesday or the bell ruse. russia and ukraine borders a 3 way border we, we were there, we inspected, we, we looked around and the defenses were, were minimal. i mean, it was just some razor wire and some not even trenches. the tanks went rolled through there without any problem whatsoever. the were reports of the ukrainians
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had repelled the advance. but we're not really sure about that. that there were so many places that could have cross crossed into into ukraine from bella. rue sits of 1000 kilometer long border and the other was a bailey bridger, a temporary bridge platoon, or that put in place along that border as well as across the river at one point. so that there is, there is really on every front right now. a horrendous situation for civilians in particular that the civilians, many of sheltering for the subways, metro's have been designated to take it and people who want to shelter. there's a coated system on the air raid sirens now. but we haven't had a raise for at least an hour, nearly 2 hours now in the capital. that's not to say there aren't raids going on elsewhere. but at here right now, there is a real tension building about government buildings about whether or not they'll be
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they'll be attacks that by special forces, troops and, and also about the city center itself. but this does have the hallmarks of, in a bit of an attempt for regime change for with minimal damage to the capital. that could be a plan of the russians. ok, and are many thanks. anderson as they're talking to us, our correspondence out of the cleaning capital key f. let's bring in alexander belin. what's up? he is the ukranian ambassador to kuwait. he joins us on skype from kuwait city. mr . ambassador, welcome to the news hour, or is your country about to completely fall to russia? good evening, sir, and can you hear me? yes, we can, so loud and clear. thank you very much for having me here tonight, sir. we will never fall. we will never surrender, whatever it takes. ah, we may not be winning at this time, but we're strong enough to resist in any possible way. we have a supportive,
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our partners, international france allies and will be strong enough to fight more. i will definitely not be repeating the data chronological data that you have shown this out. this video report report and before it turned in. but i really need to to say that ukraine is working at all possible layers at all possible levels. should it be into the law diplomatically, economically, we are fully fleshed russia deed ah, invade ukraine. russia did used unutterable our missiles and bombs that been raining on innocent people and innocent population. but we're still a feel that we are, are strong enough to resist. i will allow myself to tell you how i spent this day, which started 5 in the morning. locally. i had the very early meeting with my
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colleagues at the ministry of foreign affairs of weight, who definitely expressed all their support and sit in solidarity with us. ah, 31 years ago in 1990 kuwait has been invaded by iraq and so they feel exactly what we are feeling now. what we are suffering now. what pain do we have at this very moment? so this show derrick, this similarity, we call it black thursday like thursday was in 1990 when quaint was invaded. blake thursdays to day when ukraine is invaded, but miss her. just let me just let me so either for a 2nd, please, sir. solidarity and similarity, and diplomacy and political power and sanctions. those are of course, warm words. they are an understandable concept. diplomacy doesn't stop bullocks, it doesn't stop aircraft carriers. it doesn't stop the navy, it doesn't stop the helicopters, it doesn't stop. russian ground forces. diplomacy never has it never will.
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diplomacy at the moment isn't dead, but it is icy cold. you must admit that. yes, correct sir. you're absolutely right. you're absolutely right. and here i may not be very diplomatic to say that we are asking for help. we are crying for help at old levels, and even in my conversations to day sheer and the minister of foreign affairs at the highest level. and we had around 20 ambassadors from g 7 from a, a european union, u. k. that came to the embassy of ukraine to support and show solidarity, who actually helping us with anything that we need, ah, weaponry, defense techniques, micro finance, children, darren aids, and definitely i also expressed my strong feelings and request that if weight can help me in any way possible, and so they definitely, there will be some decision and we do expect that ah, way to people will definitely support us. you're absolutely right. sure. i will be
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very awe asking very, very strongly do a visual eise my picture because that picture actually shows what was the carpet. when was that booming? who was the shelling? when was that raining over the booms on the church or old ukraine? and at the same time, we have a number of the france and it's not on to one or 2, or 3 or 4 sides off the ukrainian borders. it's actually from over the side and we are still strong enough to stand. so i am very thankful for you to emphasize that that will king need more than words and welcome and remarks, and that's what i'm saying. and i'm crying today. police as ceased us as much as we can. okay, we need to support ourselves today. it's not only about ukraine, it's about you, and it's about every single life. understood. thank you very much. a alexander balinsa, the ukrainian ambassador to q 8. good to get your thoughts at this very difficult
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time. so thank you. well, the russian president said he had no option, but to order what he's calling his special operation against ukraine. boston, yes, stated, and you can show that would be too much. we were not given any other chance to act otherwise in the security area. we couldn't react any other way. all or tries came to no result and we didn't move any further. i'm not even an inch when we had to do it because the risks were very serious for the whole existence of our country. secondly, we totally understand which world we're living in, which and we're ready for what's about to happen with sanctions. well, hundreds of people were arrested today, an anti war protest across russia. there were demonstrations and at least 20 cities, including st. petersburg and moscow. protest against the russian invasion of the crate are also being held in berlin, beirut, teller, beef and london. bennet smith is ly, 1st in moscow. what's mister putin been doing today, bernard?
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bullet to speech that he just gave was to a meeting of business man. he was trying to bear that he had this evening trying to protect her an image of very much business. as usual, made reference there to the sanctions. russia faces earned russia. hauser at $5631000000000.00 salted away in cash, a quarter of a russian economy ready for ready to help economy withstand sanctions. early on in the day he was meeting m ran com, the packer, the prime minister of pakistan. again, another attempt to make things look as normal as possible. other branches, though, of the russian government. i've been talking to day, the defense ministry has given a couple of updates. i know you've been talking to andrew earlier on about the continuing fighting going on in ukraine. but russia, defense minister says, is achieved its objectives for thursday. it says, is disabled, $83.00 ground facilities of the ukrainian military. it insists it's not targeting
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civilian areas. it says that the ukrainian security services are trying to create scenarios and are setting up actors and injured people in cities and towns where the russians have not been attacking. and also very significantly for the russian military, they say they have unblocked a canal or to supply water to crimea. this canal was blocked where, by the ukrainians when russia annexed crimea, and as created a great to water crisis, a severe shortage of water in crimea. the russia military has now advanced far enough. they been able to unblock that canal, and the water is flowing again to crimea, to the russian military, saying that they're satisfied and of of achieve what they want to achieve. so far, bernard, thank you very much. bernard smith, there are correspondent in moscow. the bushes prime minister boris johnson has advanced a range of economic sanctions against russia, including freezing the u. k. a sense of several russian banking giants and arms manufacturers. at least $100.00 organisations will be effected for this. putin
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will stand condemned in the eyes of the world and the history. he will never be able to cleanse the blood of ukraine from his hands. now we see him. for what he is, a bloodstained aggressor who believes in imperial conquest. i am prime. the britain did everything live in a terrace and tuning a terrace, the you and general secretary, they're just about to address reports as they're in new york. it's day after day. i've been clear that such any, let's all measures conflict directly with united nations chart that the charter is clears, and i quotes. all members shall refraining that international relations from the threats or use of force against the 3rd, eternally integrity or political independence of any states or in any other manner
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inconsistent with the peep purposes of united nations. the use of force by one country against the not that is that it bouvie ation of the principles that every country as committed to upholds. and these applies to the present military offences. it is wrong. it is against the chart that it is an acceptable, but it is not it reversible. i repeat my appeal from last night to present fulton, stop the military operation. bring the troops back to russia. we know the tall uh watch. with that rising, we are seeing images of fear, anguish, and tara, in every corner of ukraine. people, every they innocent, people always pay the highest price. that is wired, united nations is getting got bored, humanitarian operations in and around ukraine to they. i'm announcing that we'll
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immediately allocate $20000000.00 us dollars from the central emergency response funds to meet urgent needs. we and already met italian partners are committed to staying and delivering to supports people in ukraine at that time of needs. united nation stuff are working on both sides of the contact line, always guided by the men that in principles of note, fidelity, impartiality, humanity, and independence. we are providing life saving you money, any relief to people. he needs that he godless, of all, or where they are. the protection of civilians must be priority number one. international humanitarian and human rights law must be upheld. the decisions of the coming days will shape or wills and badly affect the lives of millions upon millions of people in line with charlotte. it's not too late to save
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these generation from the scourge of what we need. peace sank and turning good her is there the un secretary general, not taking any questions as he's making that announcement as he steps away there from the podium. blessed talk to james bayes, our diplomatic editor who's joining us here on the news a. so james, urgent need humanitarian need. releasing $20000000.00. he's talking about refugee crisis, i guess, in the making. but again, in europe. yes, absolutely. he's, they have a contingency fund calls which is what they will deal with this initially. but clearly they're going to need a lot more money when you hear some of the estimates. i'm told the estimate done by the u. n. h c r. that's
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a refugee part of the u. and the refugee agency of the un is between 3 and 5000000 refugees. if the russians continue with all out full scale assault, as seems to be the case on the ukraine and taking hold of ukraine. and so the u. n . is going to be really pushed into action, the humanitarian side of the un. remember in terms of the politics, the u. s. has not really got involved because they basically been pushed away, particularly by the russians who say that i want you and involvement in this crisis . it was interesting again to hear the secretary general quoting the un charter, a chart that was signed back in 1945 by the founding members, including than the soviet union, which is of course, a permanent member and sources. high level un sources say to be the russians are the 1st and all the countries in new york to keep coming to the u. u. n. secretary and the secretary general. well, they called d ma. she's where they come out of meeting with the sex general to complain about something. and they're always complaining about something and quoting the charter,
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and i'm told that's why the secretary general wants to keep quoting the chart. and now, because he believes this is a blatant violation of that founding document is not just the document, the d u n, it's central to international law that's been in place since the end of the 2nd world war. in 1945 doesn't sound as this is going to be particularly comfortable compensations. the next time a un security council sits the rational course alongside the other 4 permanent members. is one of the 5 permanent members of the security council. yeah, there's got to be real difficulty there. there's they're trying to get a resolution in new york. i think they have to because they're the many of the security council members say this is totally unacceptable. goes against everything . the u. m. was set up for so they will try and put a resolution to the un security council. they know that it won't get passed because russia is a permanent member, and it will use its veto. interesting to watch to other members who are on the
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council one, another permanent member china. remember they're going to growing alliance with russia. somewhat terse statements coming from the chinese when they spoke in the last 24 hours in the general assembly. and then at sir the security council saying, i'm not saying too much about the situation, but saying they support the principles of territorial integrity and sovereignty. perhaps the statement that was more favourable to the russians came out from beijing after a meeting that took place with a foreign minister. so gay lover off of russia and wine ye, the state counsellor and foreign minister are on the chinese side. so see what the chinese do when it's put to a vote, and i believe that will be in 24 hours time. that this will, this resolution will be put to the skip to the security council condemning that the russian invasion of ukraine. and see what the chinese do in 2014, they abstained on crimea. will they abstain? again? i think that's what most observers think is most likely. and then what one are the
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security council member and that india, because india has strong links historically with russia military supply, military hardware. lots of that for india, comes from russia. india's sat on the fence so far in this crisis, how will india vote? i think some of the western nations are hoping they will vote with them and then you'll get so you'll, you'll get either 13 against russia's one and the china's abstention. but we'll, india possibly abstain as well. i think that so that's a big question. and i think this whole issue of international unity is what many are trying to build right now? i'm here a brussels where leaders a gathering for any you some event meetings or that's the to a 27 leaders there. united in words, not necessarily in action when it comes to those sanctions. ok, james. many thanks to him. space our diplomatic editor, and tracking diplomatic events all over europe for us this hour. let's go back to london and my colleague neve barker,
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who was following what bras johnson had to say when he addressed the nations lillia to day in the afternoon local time, london time, and also in the house of commons. we carry little bit of that a little earlier need, very, very strong stuff from boris johnson, u k p. m. but also for me, a foreign secretary. yes, up to the right. i think it's important to say that this is perhaps sparse. johnson's most important foreign policy speech as formerly a, you're right in saying foreign secretary, now prime minister, it was really the 1st western leader to launch a salvo of sanctions, the direction of moscow aimed squarely of vladimir putin and those at round him london. of course, a huge financial center where billions of dollars of rush and money passes through . on an annual basis, successive british governments have been under an awful lot of pressure to tighten the net honor elicit enterprises on a money laundering and clumping down on those so called enablers. who have surrounded vladimir putin and allow him to remain in power and essentially do what
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he wants politically. so it, within the salvo of sanctions a, it's long and detailed. we're talking about the u. k. banning russian companies from its capital markets. sanctions are more than a 100 individuals, entities and subsidiaries, airflow, the russian national carrier wouldn't be allowed to land a british airports. several banks have been named including v t b. the has a massive european headquarters, just opposite the bank of england that will see assets are frozen mer the list goes on, including a restriction, or at least a ban on high tech imports to russia. this is of course, high tech equipment manufactured in the u. k. essential to, to russian infrastructure. the british government e gets a hit, russia wary hurts. although we've heard from our colleagues there in moscow, the russians appear to be hunkering down for a long sanction cj, as it were. neve, thank you very much. it's just after 1830 g m c.
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that's a little after 8 30 pm in kiev. there are deaths being reported on both sides. potentially dozens of ukrainian or russian soldiers have been killed. and according to ukraine, many civilians to people have been forced to flee or shelter from russian air strike sky f says it's a full scale invasion and assessment shared by nato and western allies. the gremlins describing it as the de militarization of ukraine. the west is promising, told moscow accountable with painful sanctions and in neighboring poland and mould . over the 1st wave of refugees from ukraine has now started to arrive. maria pole is one of the cities under attack the mer there says they will fight back mutable no my, my, you can. yes, i'm your eyes. so i want to reassure you that our military spirit is at the highest level. nobody will surrender mario cold. we will defend our city and our land.
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stratford is just outside maria pole. he seen a convoy of tanks, some of them flying ukrainian flags. i'm close to a check point on the outskirts all my real military vehicles behind me. heading down a road heading west. nobody can see quite yet on the other side of the road, there was a convoy of tanks appearing in the last 1015 minutes or so. we've heard the distinct, she thought of what sounds obey, grabbed miss isles being used. these are these missiles that off with that you see the target coming out heading hate to marry awful. that's i say the last few minutes we've heard the distinctive south of broad
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massage being used in the middle to fall distance. now across the field here. they're all your graded military relations that we on the side were here earlier, billowing smoke coming from the all the come with me. that tag me being towed. jesse my well, it being hit. but sir. yeah, also increasingly we're seeing more more people leaving chrome. this checkpoint is check the road going down towards the west towards cities like the dance only as of sea as well as denise broke in the north north west interested me. we have been speaking to
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a source in the navy around paradox. who says that earlier today, naval force is off the coast of the coach. the presidents came under fire from russia, labor, russian naval vessels am at forcing them back to base. and we're also getting report. so again that we cannot verify that sir, russian forces may be planning an attack from the north of crimea, inch, awards, cities like care song and melia topple. which as i say, are west of charl stratford reporting there. there's been a rush for food and other basic supplies sorta bell. hamid was at one supermarket and the easton ukrainian town of cram a tours in the region of the nets. it is quite surprising to sort of see debt collect how collected they are quite orderly. no one is pushing and shoving, but that's i think is because this call that has been going on for 8 years. nothing
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has been resolved, both care and the as separate as leaders have not been able to find any kind of solution. the relations with give and moscow have been deteriorating very over these past 8 years. and then certainly ever since this crisis has started a few months ago, it's gotten worse and worse. so people knew that something will happen. people knew that eventually they would be an escalation. i don't think they expected it now just a few weeks ago, there were brushing off the idea of an invasion and then things changed very, very quickly for them. maybe today they're following the news at, at the moment mainly, or what we're hearing is that the military installations are being targeted. there's certainly no any kind of visible army of fighting on the streets.
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here is all quite calm, but they know war there have seen war. this city had been going between the hands of the russian back separate is and the ukrainian army, the as the seen, fierce battle, the next door cities of yards, which is only a 10 minute drive was the epi center really of the base, a do the for the russian back separate this has spread all the way there has set up a base there and it took, it was a fierce fighting to get it back. so people know what it means. people know what could unravel on their street, and they're taking their precaution, but his wife is, is quite would they say surprising, admirable to see how calm and collected they are. and there is no sense of, even when you look at their faces, they just there, they know it is a very serious situation, but you don't have a feeling. they're not expressing it at the moment is what is the best way i could
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describe it? well, in ukraine's hockey region, emergency services say a boy was killed when a russian miss on the tank struck a residential district. the shell of the rocket tore into an apartment building in the early hours of thursday morning residents took refuge in an underground metro station spectral developmental food film showing started at 5 in the morning i heard noises and woke up. i realized it sounded like artillery. i jumped from the couch, ran to wake up my mother and dismissal. i heard explosions behind my back. something exploded nearby and broke windows and then small rocks at me, making me think that it was the broken glass. in kiev, thousands of residence were seen trying to leave and get to safer areas. they have been long keys at the petrol station, the gas pumps and the banks there. of course people there are still trying to come to terms with their city under attack. well, really,
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a thought was in the mood is patriotic. i will take my children away in return. we will fight this ukraine will. when the, when you, when you hope to will not happen, it's unthinkable that a sane man would make such a decision. and the russian federation will not stop what they have started. forget brotherly nations. this is a step in the back which week. so i think we're heading that way for some time. now i think they will do whatever they can to destroy us and our nation, but we will not let them jewish boys fighting for us. they are in a ukraine over group, although it's horrible. welcome on, think i'm going to fetch the children and take them to safety. even man, damn him. well, the russian to tackle and ukraine also having an impact on the world of sports and the spelling that for us, we're talking 1st about you a for the european aspect of this. yeah, i mean, it seems inevitable now that the,
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the european champions league final, the biggest game in club football just bought your coincidence was due to be hosted in saint petersburg in may at the gas pro marina or my certainly now that will be, be moved is going to be meeting tomorrow morning. but all of this is caveat by the fact that russia has been such a massive investor in your life and european football over recent years. they were the house to the last world cup. they were one of the house countries, let us trip in championships and dance prom, the russians. they energy company is a massive sponsor of you a for. so anything that you a does comes with the sort of health warning that this is an organization heavily intertwined with russia. and if you were to shake up the snow globe of all the premier lee clubs in the u. k, you could go kind of russian money, russian money. oh, rush money as well. of course. and you know, you look at chelsea with, with roman a prime of which the, the building who's been the owner of that club now since i think it's 2003,
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some opposition and pace today sort of asking for his assets to be seized. he's not been sanctioned at this point, but that's not just a football club. they are the current european champions. they all the world champions as well. and potential implications all if he stays is the owner of that club in this cross his escalates. you could see sponsors beginning to leave chelsea because it is something that doesn't happen. you can't really see any major changes taking place in chelsea with, with a prime of which he's been in charge there now for 2 decades. i guess this will be a major, major talking point for sports fans around the world for days and weeks to come and the thank you so much. ok, we are waiting for the us president joe biden. we're like seeing him there any minute he was due to walk into the conference suite. there was an hour and a half ago that was laid by an hour that was supposed to happen then. 10 minutes ago. mr. bison is not known for actually hitting the time slots that his p,
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r people say he will hit crucially. what we are expecting from him is the announcement of a 2nd trauma of international sanctions, which will chime with what we were hearing from paris johnson, the u. k prime minister in the house of commons in london, just a little earlier will carry that for you live as soon as it kicks off. joining us now from stanford, california is rose, guatemala. she is a lecturer at the hoover institution in stanford university and former deputy secretary general of nato rose. good morning, many thanks for joining us here on the news out on al jazeera, what has to happen, or has to change for russia to stop doing what it's doing? well, at this point, we are into punishing russia for what it is doing. clearly we have not been able to deter applauding or what's the threat of sanctions over the past week. so now we are in to deliver in a clear message that will bite. unfortunately,
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sanctions are an instrument that often take a while to bikes. so the severity of the punishment will not become fair, i think for a while. but i do think from what i heard from horace thompson earlier today and expect to hear from president biting that there will be a really severe sanctions against the banking and finance system. and also some trade and export control sanctions on semi conductor that are bound to impact the russian high tech industry. does that bite have real teeth? because the people have to crane arguably needed to have real teeth, not in a month, not in 6 months, not when russian oligarchs have moved their money else. where rose cu, simila. i'm going to stop our conversation because joe biden has just walked in to tell us what he's going to do. we will come back to you if we can solve on the people ukraine without provocation, without justification,
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without necessity. this is a pre meditated attack. latimer put in his room, planning this for months. as i'm, as we've been saying all along, he moved more than a 175000 troops, military equipment, positions along ukrainian border. a move blood supplies in a position and build a feel hospital which tells you all you need to know about his intentions all along . he rejected every good faith effort, the united states and our allies and partners made to address our mutual security concerns through dialogue, to avoid needless conflict and avert human suffering. for weeks 4 weeks, we had been warning that this would happen. and now it's unfolding largely as we predicted. in the past week, we've seen shelley increase in the downwash region nice to ukraine, control by russia back separatists rushed. the russian government has perpetrated
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cyber attacks against ukraine. we saw stage political theater and moscow outlandish and baseless claims that ukraine was. ukraine was about to invade and launch a war against russia that ukraine was prepared to use chemical weapons. ukraine committed genocide, without any evidence. we saw flagrant violation of international law in attempting to unilaterally crate to new so called republics and sovereign ukrainian territory . and at the very moment that the united nations security council meeting to stand up for ukraine sovereignty to stave off invasion prudent declared his war. within moments, moments missile strikes began to fall on historic cities across ukraine. then came their rage, followed by tanks and troops rolling in. we been transparent with the world. we
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shared declassified evidence about russia's plans and cyber attacks and falls pretext so that it could be no confusion or cover up about what was doing. prove is the aggressor prudent joe's this war. and now he and his country will bear the consequences. today i'm authorizing additional strong sanctions and new limitations on what can be exported to russia. this is going to impose severe cost on the russian economy of immediately and over time. we are purposely designed these sanctions to maximize a long term impact on russia and to minimize the impact on united states and our allies. i want to be clear, the united states is not doing this alone for once we've been building a coalition of partners representing well, more than half the global economy. 27 members of your opinion, including france,
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germany, italy, as well as united kingdom, canada, japan, australia, new zealand, and many others to amplify the joint impact of our response. i just spoke with the g 7 leaders this morning and were in full and total agreement. we will limit russia's ability to do business in dollars, euros, pounds, and yen. to be part of the global economy will limit their ability to do that. we're going to start the ability of to finance and grow, rush, the russian military. we're going to impose major and we're going to pair their ability to compete and high tech, 21st century economy. we've already seen the impact of our actions and rushes currency in a room. which early today hit his weakest level ever, ever in history. russia, stock market plunge today. russian govern bar in re spiked by over 50 percent.
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today's actions, we've now sanction rushing banks that together hold around one trillion dollars and assets. we've cut off from the largest bank bank that holds more than one 3rd of russia banking assets by itself. cut it off the u. s. financial system. and today, we're also blocking for more major banks. that means every asset they have in america will be frozen. this includes v t b, the 2nd largest bank in russia, which has $250000000000.00 and assets. as promised, we're also adding the names to the list of russian and leech and our family members that are sanctioning that were sanctioned as well. as i said on tuesday, these are people who personally gain from the criminals policies and they should share in the pain. we will keep up this drum beat, of those designations against corrupt billionaires. in the days ahead. on tuesday,
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we stopped the russian government for raising money from us or european investors. now we're going to apply the same restrictions to russia, largest state on enterprises. companies with assets that exceed $1.00 trillion dollars. somehow a powerful impacts our actions will come over time. as we squeeze russians, access to finances and technology for strategic sectors of its economy and the greatest industrial capacity for years to come. between our actions and those of our allies and partners, we estimate it will cut off more than half of russia's high tech imports. strike a blow through their ability to continue to modernize the military l. the grade their aerospace industry, including their space program, hurt their ability to bill ships reducing their ability to compete economically. and it will be a major hit to put long term strategic ambitions and were prepared to do more
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addition to the economic penalties we're imposing. we're also taking steps to defend our nato allies, particularly in east to morrow. nato will convene, summon, will be there to bring together the leaders of 30 allied nations and close partners to affirm our solidarity and map out the next steps we will take to further strengthen all aspects of our nato alliance. although we provide an over $650000000.00 in defensive assistance to ukraine just this year. last year. let me say it again. our forces are not and will not be engaged in the conflict with russia in ukraine. our forces are not going to europe to fight in ukraine, but to defend our nato allies and reassure those allies in east. as i made crystal clear, the united states will defend every inch of nato territory with the full force of
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american power. and the good news is, native was more united and more determined than ever. there is no doubt, no doubt, to deanna states in every nato ally. we'll meet our article 5 commitments which says the attack on one is an attack on all. over the past few weeks ordered thousands of additional forces to germany and poland as part of our commitment to nato on tuesday and response thrust as aggressive action including his troop presence of belarus and the black sea i've authorized deployment of ground and her forces already station in europe to nato's eastern flank, allies, estonia, lad, lithuania, poland, and romania. our allies have also been stepping out, adding the other allies, the rest of nato, adding their own forces in capabilities to ensure collective defense. and today, with an hours of rushes unleashes it's assault. nato came together and authorized
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an activated, an activation response plans. the saw enable nato's high readiness forces to deploy and when and where there are needed to protect our nato allies on the eastern boundaries of europe. and now i'm authorizing the additional us force capabilities to deployed to germany as part of nato response, including some of the us base forces that the department of defense placed on stand by weeks ago. i've also spoke with defense secretary austin and chairman, joint chiefs general, really about preparations for additional moves should become necessary to protect our nato allies and support the greatest military alliance in the history of the world. nato. as we respond, my administration is using the tools. every tools is both protect american families and businesses from rising prices at the gas pump. in were taken active steps to bring down the costs. and american oil and gas company should not,
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should not exploit this moment to hike their prices to raise profits. in our sanctions package, we specifically designed to allow energy payments to continue. we are closely monitoring energy supplies for any disruption. we've been coordinating with major oil producing and consuming countries toward our common interest to secure global energy supplies. we are actively working with countries around the world to elevate collective released from the strategic petroleum reserves of major energy consuming countries. and the united states will release additional barrels of oil as conditions worn. i know this is hard and americans are already hurried. i will do everything in my power to limit the pain. the american people are feeling the gas pump. this is critical to me. but this aggression cannot go on, answered. if it did a conscious crisis for america would be much worse. america stands up, the bullies,
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we stand up for freedom. this is who we are. and the also repeat the warning i made last week. your fresh pursues cyber attacks against our companies are critical infrastructure. we are prepared to respond for months. we've been working closely with our pride with the private sector to hardener. cyber defense is sharper in our ability to respond to russia. cyber attacks as well. i spoke last night president the landscape ukraine and i assured him that the united states, together with our allies and partners in europe, will support the ukrainian people as they defend their country. will provide you with your manager and relief to ease their suffering. and the early days of this conflict, russia propaganda are less, will keep trying to hide the truth and claim success for military operation against a made up threat. my history is shown time and again, how swift gains inter tore,
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eventually give way to grinding occupations. acts of mass civil mass, civil disobedience and strategic dead ends. the next few weeks and months we hard and the people, ukraine, put nose on least a great pain on them. but the ukrainian people have known 30 years of independence . they have repeatedly shown that they will not tolerate anyone who tries to take their country backwards. this is a dangerous moment for all of europe. for the freedom around the world. food is a committed assault on the very principles that uphold the global peace. now the entire world sees clearly with food in his cabinet and, and his criminal allies are really all about this was never about a genuine security concerns on their part. it was always about naked aggression, by putting desire for empire by any means necessary, by bullying rushes neighbors to corps and corruption. by changing borders by the
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force. and ultimately by choosing a war without a cause. food is action, betrays sinister vision for a future of our world. one more nations take what they want by force. but it is a vision that united states and freedom loving nations every role opposed with every tool of our considerable power. the united states and our allies and partners emerged from the stronger, more united, more determined and more purposeful. in putting aggression against ukraine will end up costing russia dearly economically and strategically. we will make sure that food will be a pariah on the international stage. any nation countenance rushes naked aggression against ukraine will be stained by association. the history of this, or is written prudence choice, to make a totally unjustifiable war on ukraine,
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left russia weaker, and the rest of the world's stronger liberty, democracy, human dignity. these are the forces far more powerful than fear and oppression. they cannot be extinguished by tyrants by prudent and his armies cannot be erased by people from people's hearts and hopes, by any amount of violence and intimidation. they endure the contest between democracy now talk or see between sovereignty and subjugation. make no mistake. freedom will prevail. god bless the people of a free and democratic candidate, may god protect our troops. the associated press zig gonna be with president clinton at this point. and what interactions, if you have a direct government, i heard the 1st part to many plans to speak with just point and what,
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what communication if you have the primary military oper, making for the firewall into a larger conflict with large conflict already the way we're going to sir, is not going to spiral larger conflict is by providing all the forces needed in the eastern european nations that are members of nato nato, with more united to the server bed. and i have no plans to talk to the wall street journal to read mr. president, you didn't mention swift in your sanctions that you announced. is there a reason why the u. s. isn't doing that? is there a disagreement among allies regarding swift and whether i should be allowed to be a part of it? the sanctions that we propose on all their banks of equal consequence, maybe more consequences. swift number one, number 2, it is always an option,
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but right now that's not the position that the rest of europe wishes to take. cecilia of a vague abc sir sanctions clearly have not been enough to deter vladimir putin to this point. what is going to stop him? how and when does this and, and do you see him trying to go beyond ukraine? and a 2nd question i'll just give to you now, the statement that he gave last night will that the what the threat that he gave the west will face consequences greater than any you have faced in history. is he threatening a nuclear strike? i have no idea what he's threatening. i know what he has done. number one and number 2, no one expected the sanctions to prevent anything from happening. that has to show this gonna take time and we have to show resolved. so he knows what's coming. and so the people of russia know what he's brought on them. that's what this is all
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about. this is going to take time is not going to occur, is going to say, oh my god, the sanctions are coming. i'm going to stand out. he's going to test the resolve of the west to see if we stay together and we will, we will and i will post significant cost on him. will he go beyond ukraine, sir? do you see him going? yes. to topic just really quick. first, markets are down and gas prices are up. i know you always threat the difference between wall street and main street, but everybody seems to be in for some economic pain. how economically painful is it going to get for people in this country? and i do have one more question. first of all, there is no doubt that when a major nuclear power attacks an invasion other country that the world is going to respond and market to respond all over the world. so there's no doubt about that. number one number to the notion that.


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