tv The Stream Al Jazeera February 25, 2022 11:30am-12:01pm AST
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something that's happened overnight, there's been a great deal of preparation. so russia is in a position where it believes it can sustain against the sanctions. the u. s. is insistent that there will be an impact on it in coming weeks, if not in coming months pointing as well, for example, to one of the most extreme sanctions, which is the effective closure of the north stream gas line. now that had been finished, it was not in production because the germans had not certified that pipeline. now that is not going to happen. now that is something that would have a major impact in coming months, given the massive amount of last revenue that russia would suffer. but given as well on the verse, the impact that it will be on a country like germany where the pipeline ends at the lack of resources that germany will now have because the pipeline is going to be shut down. so the whole situation here is that the bite and administration having said 4 months that it is
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composing a massive package of sanctions still says it has more sanctions to come. the one thing that must be said is that the sanctions package that have been imposed to date fall wider than those sanctions that were imposed in 2014 when russia invaded premier. but the basic point remains the, is that they are incremental and it will take a while for them to have an impact by which time whatever russia has one to do with an ukraine it would have completed doing in all likelihood. mike, thank you very much. my kind of corresponded the in washington while china's foreign ministry has spoken about the sanction being placed on russia. katrina, you join us now with more on that from bay ging katrina. what's the page in governance reaction then? what time is very much trying to play a middle line. it hasn't officially taken aside a today. on friday, china's foreign ministry said that the sovereignty of all countries should be
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respected. and it's called on parties to return to the negotiation cable and deescalate tensions of a do must walk a very fine line here because it does have good relations with kev. it's very important for china to maintain strong trade with europe. but at the same time, moscow was very close with aging. she didn't ping and thought it made putin have what they've called themselves, a strong friendship. the strong were poor, and the 2 leaders met just a few weeks ago in beijing. so china has said that russia security concerns all legitimate and that the history of this region is very complex. now, who paging has hit back though, has been the united states and says that you're not b. u. s. has been exacerbating tensions. it says sanctions are ineffective and their only work to the general population. and china has also criticized notice saying that nato has been the one who,
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which has surrounded russia and sort of put it into a corner. now, while it hasn't condoned the russian attack on ukraine to for aging, it's been business as usual with russia. they have very strong trade ties, and they've even deepened this in recent weeks. and just on thursday, they didn't announce that it would expand the amount of import of russian wheat. so it has been deepening that trade and that has attracted criticism from other countries saying that by doing so, bating is giving russia lifeline. and katrina does this make for very difficult get together the next time the un security council system because both china and russia key members, they are 2 of the 5 permanent members of the un security council. so can we look forward to will not look forward to rather a difficult conversation on the outskirts of that conversation when that conversation kicks off next time round. i think paging is watching this very closely. i think what aging is looking for.
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number one is beijing's own concerns. it's owns economic and strategic interest. i think for beijing, the number one, the best outcome would be the disc escalation, de escalation of tensions, and the return to some sort of orders that normal trade can resume trade, that china very much needs in order to survive in order to thrive. china's thinking about its own flowing economy tre, doesn't work in a system that, that's sort of plunged into chaos at this point. but at the same time, paging is very much where that russia has been in its corner. well, a lot of these countries have been criticizing china issues such as hong kong, taiwan sion jung human rights. so aging is close to the russian and that they both feel antagonized by the us. and beijing sees it as very important to maintain its relationship with russia. so many analysts say, look, the things that paging is trying to achieve balancing its relationship with the
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western world, as well as with russia that that warn, be sustainable going into the future. so as far as aging sees that what they would like to see is a short and quick end to this conflict as soon as possible. katrina, thank you very much. katrina you. they're joining us from beijing still to come here on this program. more on the russian invasion of ukraine as it shakes up the global economy and protests around the world in support of the people of ukraine. ah, ah, look forward to brighter skies the winter sponsored my cattle ways. all the really stormy weather f a northern europe has gone away. not to say it's not still windy. it is still windy. that's a cold wind of the north sea, bringing snow shares into the higher ground of denmark or germany,
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and the still the sneaking frontal system, which will become noticeable in the balkans in the next day or so. so you've got a cold enough wind to bring. so shall the high ground of germany and down through probably slovenia as well, useful rain showers in the drought written parts of spain while at least in the south and to lithia and in southern ports group the next 2 or 3 days. and the next rain is light it had in later on saturday into the western side of iowa. the central storm that further north. it was iceland. it's now off the coast of north norway and the sun has come out in germany. we have got some pretty cold weather now. developing in the balkans, a shock drop intention, sarajevo with 2 days of overcast snowy weather, only improving slowly during monday, temperature wise not. so lisa sky does break to some degree in north africa. sort of opposing really. it's been quite warm recently, the hamilton still blowing, which is a dusty wind and a seasonal wind blowing further west was temperatures on the high side of average,
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anywhere in the western. so holland cynical and some useful shout seemed likely to develop later in the day. martina, ah, the weather sponsored by cats are always al jazeera goes beneath the waves with a team of women, determined to save that old fence, wheelchair they say with me to do something. so it was acting amazing and using a variety of scientific techniques to study their behavior, we can monitor them for their vocal photos and behavior. we're able to how they're adapting for their new environment. women make science, dolphins sanctuary on al jazeera. ah ah,
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welcome back here watching al jazeera was continuing coverage of the dramatic developments in ukraine. these are the latest bullet points for you. ukraine's capital has been hit by rocket strikes overnight. there have been more evacuations after residential buildings were hit. the ukrainian army says russian forces fired on civilian areas, but air defense systems repelled attacks or sanctions have been placed on russia by western nations. they target banks, oligarchs, and other wealthy individuals. but ukraine's president says, there aren't enough to stop. moscow has been global condemnation of the russian attacks on ukraine under the protest, as have been detained in russia after they held protest against president vladimir putin. now, the u. s. is reinforcing nato forces in europe with $7000.00 additional soldiers. classical hain no from the pentagon, senior defense officials here at the pentagon are increasingly talking about
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a concern that ukraine isn't the end of it, that they could advanced towards nato countries. that's why you repeatedly hear officials here and at the white house say that they will enforce the nato treaty, which basically says an attack on one is treated like an attack on all to that. and they are sending an additional $70000.00 soldiers to germany. they're part of an armored brigade combat team. they're coming out of colorado and they said from germany, they could be moved to other places within europe. this is on top of other soldiers that they've sent in the weeks leading up to this. so now there's a total of $14000.00 additional troops. they are not to mention the 10s of thousands that are permanently station there. and they've also sent equipment. we know that they announced to day that for each of these countries to f, $35.00 fighter jets have landed in romania lithuania and estonia attack helicopters are on the way. and they're not ruling out the possibility that they're going to send even more forces. even more equipment to reassure the allies, but also they say, to send a message to russia when they say the back,
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they back the nature of treaty. they mean it. okay, let's just show you some of the latest pictures coming to us from the outskirts of key. the reason we're showing you that is because we've got reports telling us that what you're looking at is what happened when a plane came done or was brought down. a russian plane came down or was brought done by ukrainian forces quite close to the city center details. as ever very, very sketchy. you can see that what looks like a wings the left about shot. you can see what looks like suddenly looks like an aircraft wheel in the middle of the shot. you can see the remnants. so what's left of to perhaps 3 largish aircraft engines. so that wasn't a fighter jet. that was some sort of reconnaissance or civilian aircraft. it was a civilian aircraft. we would have heard about it in a different context, of course, because we would be talking about people having been on board the air craft.
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clearly everything was burnt almost to ascend to the only thing that survived there . the engine casings the engine shells will try and run that by some sort of defense analyst for you and get a better idea of what we're actually looking at. but that clearly looks like it's stephanie was left of a larger se, croft, there was a report saying that an aircraft was brought down about 14 or 15 hours ago. and they were 14 people on board that aircraft in the vicinity of key f. if that report dovetails with what you're looking at just now, we'll get back to you on that one cuz it's very difficult in amongst the, the midst of this invasion of this conflict. just on day 2 of what's going on to come up with definitive accurate information, which may be easier for us to tell you what we know and what we don't know. as we look at those pictures. well, the president of france is the only western leader to spoken to let me put in since he launched the offensive manual macro says their conversation was brief and
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unproductive june and his shoulder. i had a frank direct, quick exchange with president putin at the request of president lindsey, to ask for an end to operations as soon as possible, and also to ask him to talk with president lensky. requested that because he could not reach him. it didn't have the desired effect because the russian president has chosen war keeping us company again. this alphabet party, a chief strategy officer at the political consultants, rasmussen global. he's also a former director of policy planning at nathan. he's joining us from san on there in spain. for brace, partying, the relationship between monsieur macro and mister putin better or better than the relationship between mister putin and the german chancellor. certainly better than any other relationship the misfortunes got internationally. why did nothing positive comments about compensation? do we think that while he previously the german chancellor,
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marco hyde was the actually the only one in europe and even to west, to be able to talk regular basis we put in. and yet the don't change, put in mind on whatever he had setting out either and what when ukraine. so i think this is a be the kind of what we have engaging over the past years is the belief that a dialogue at least 70, to pertain with somehow making french course, which obviously is not the case, especially when you look at these live tv shows where you can see that the band has been fine kind of fiction every vision of the world and often cell kind of russia. it's very hard to kind of bring this package to a more rational regional competition. so i think on my cause i tend to us just part of what he has been doing from the beginning, which is, which is to engage with russia. but actually from the beginning has not produced any any concrete result. we are 30 hours into this invasion
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as of this hour. what's your breakdown for us of where we are when it comes to the russian strategy? now, while he taught to say, because you are now, we are all a bit in the fog of war and f for we only get some elements of what is happening. but clearly the, the russian forces are moving from different directions from the knowledge from the east, from the south to try to cut off and circle discharge. ukrainian force is that the pro on the contact line in the eastern dumbass region. and the goal is really to reach to paralyze strategically and politically can so that you can impose the terms of how you want to see ukraine to go forward. so this is what we expediency now and decide really be that, as you mentioned earlier,
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the west is standing by. even though you know, we put together some significant sanctions. we have some strong statements coming out of west and leaders. but the reality is that this is just happening almost parallel to what he's going to be on the ground ukraine, which is a military operation to which i think the way should consider exerting some indirect military pressure on the russia themselves. what form might that indirect pressure take in your mind? because nathan is posture by the day is changing. so they're clearly thinking about and planning for every eventuality. just in the reporting at this hour, 7000 more soldiers being put on stand by. they might not physically be moved to the region, it meet the immediate region, but they are having their posture changed as well. yes, this posture is 1st and foremost and only to protect the nation. members,
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this is not the posture for support the ukraine accept and of course needs a logic to a, which is called optical fight. however, i think there are 3 things that they taught, or the broader way could be doing to kind of do a military pushback. why is that maritime located both in the ballot teak and block a black sees which are critical for russian trade and also for russian military operation. and we call in a way, easily those those 2 seats, which are really critical access point for russia. so i think we can also engage in some significant cyber operation, which is something that russia does not shy away from dewey, and which obviously some members of the nato alliance, especially the united states, where the creek to do so. i think we need to give the ukrainian as much intelligence of a record recognition, which is something that they like comcast,
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the russian fall, sees so i can know how the fiasco is developing and they can know where to locate whatever forces they have left to fight for yes, when it comes to making sure that for example, recognizance gathering help is available. is that potentially for nato commanders, a delicate operation, even if they do it with drone aircraft? if there's an a cause, nate, so aircraft in the air above ukraine and it shuts out of the sky by the russians. nato then would presumably, given its current mindset, not want to react to that. which obviously this, this is always the issue, and this is the issue that nato faced or some failure where there was a question to, to, to be involved. you got the turkey was actually calling on, on a thought to be more directly involved in the t. and the after we're actually, it was placing an attack. so incidence, we've, we've,
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russian forces. so this is always the key question for nato is, are we not going to put our fingering to, to and i'm going to into a machine wherever we have to face wash. and so, yeah, i think this is more about individual nature members, especially at the u. s u k. and few others who might be more willing to be more directly supporting the ukrainian forces. i don't think the mate of plaque should be there, but it's more nato countries that that be can be much more than just talking to talk and talking about functions. so breeze for the moment. thank you so much for breeze, paul. she was there on skype from spain. well, let's go back to kia if we guessing more reports of more explosions and gunfire, and one northern neighbourhood of the ukrainian capital, as russian forces close in just after what will it's approaching 9 hours gmc, so it's approaching 91011 in the morning. local time live now to kia and my
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colleague there, andrew simmons. andrew, get us up to speed. what else do we know? where we know that the district is our belong, which is about 10 kilometers in a north west direction from where i'm standing. and what we're hearing is that the a column of tanks has got into that district and has been, they've opened far, it would seem we'd have, can con, confirm the exact actions on the ground. there have been explosions, heard, we've heard some of them, and there is also small arms fire. now the defense ministry is confirming this. it's asking residents to stay in doors. but on the other hand, it's also appealing for help. it's this desperate they're asking them to use molotov cocktails, if they can, if they see any russian troops on the ground. now, the resistance that's being made by ukrainian forces is, is pretty strong. they taken the action of blowing up the bridge,
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which is along which is just behind this column to stop further penetration by other forces. this column, as ahmed column has come from the north direction of the north west, which is undoubtedly the border of beller roost. and there are where we've had all those exercises in the past fortnight, involving large numbers of tanks and hundreds of aircraft and 30000 troops. so one can imagine how enormous it would be if all of the armory from bell roo sorrel liter lost detachment of it. was to actually surround their city. there is also talk of further fighting answer an area as an airport, a military airport and also a commercial airport for, for a freight arm. this, this actually, these reports suggest that the ukrainians, ah,
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fighting back heavily, the russian forces are for control of the airports and have actually regained control of it. after a counter attack rumored that the russians want to bring in a troop carriers on the airfield to bring in more troops towards the capital. and that's only 15 kilometers away so that there is talk in pretty high places here that this could be the biggest day in terms of this war. there is a, a real mood of desperation amongst civilian civilians as you can imagine. and as far as that column of tanks is concerned, that you're talking about andrew, it's too much of an extrapolation on my part to assume here that if the russians have managed to get a column of tanks. despite a pushback from maybe the ukraine army, maybe the ordinary citizens of that area, up on the border with belarus, that that's the beginning of a corridor from the russian military on the bell, a russian side of the border in to a point,
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a few kilometers from where you're standing right now. i think 11 has to make the point that that's a very long column of armory and that has been fierce resistance to it. and there were reports only about sort of 45 hours ago that but with coloma come under attack and, and had actually stopped at one point which is about something like 12, something like a 100 kilometers from here. so it is a very long column, a tank submit. you're right in saying that the, the plan is to bring that column of thanks either to the outskirts of the city where it may fan out in. so in terms of or an operation to try to bring this, the miss city under siege or to head to head directly in and, and open fire. i don't think it's as crude as heading directly in, withers with those tanks. i think there are other military operations going on, but he one can't speculate. the facts on the ground are that parts of the armored column had gone over a bridge and had come and that far from ukrainian forces that there was not so much
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skirmishes as it were, other than a challenge or possibly even an ambush. then that we think that that could have been special forces could have been regular forces. mind that bridge blew it up. a matter would stop any further advance on that road. but there are several arterial roads into this city from the north west. and you can be sure that that they wouldn't rely on one single entry route. so yes, the issue is pretty, pretty profound. where hearing explosions were of there have been air raids, an appalling air raid and only a few kilometers away in a civilian area. we don't know the full casualties number all their preliminary reports, just 3 children are dead over all in, in, in recent attacks. we're also hearing that sir, to cruise missiles were blown out of the sky. that is thought to have been
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overnight, but it's the it, sir, the ministry of defense that has released this information. and also the, an aircraft was shot down. and sadly that that plane crashed into a civilian area. and we don't know the number of casualties in that then that in the end, the resultant fire and heavy damage to, to, to houses are but coming back at to an oblong district where the fighting is going on. right now, as i'm speaking, an avalon is a, is a residential district, and there are some manufacturing her companies there as well. ah, it is quite, quite her densely populated area. it is also a fairly high market that up markets apartments. there. 9 story blocks, a place that's very urban in terms of fighting at that, that fighting has meant to be on the ground. but we'll bring you as, as, as much as we can, as soon as we can and or just stay with us,
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please do it because we just received some, the latest pictures shot on a mobile telephone. we can see precisely as you almost to the word as you were describing there. what your reports are telling you as happened. we are looking at something that mirrors completely almost as i say, to the word what you were describing. tanks coming down along each whitish avenue towards a triangle, a roundabout system. and also we had as another shot. our garret is a tank. are going over what looks like a kind of a, a playground, a side walk area there in oberlin and this also chimes with what other people have been telling us in the last hour doesn't to andrew because we're talking not just about one front line in eastern ukraine, we are talking about a front line to the north, up on the border with bella roofs and down to the south in the area of crimea. and as we, as i'm formulating that question to you, andrew have also now got
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a locks at live shots from one of the news agencies that they're doing this thing that they've done recently. and it works very well actually, where they just literally put a camera in a car and drive around kia to be able to give us a sense of what's going on there. and what's interesting about this picture is virtually devoid void of cause and humanity. and people because to go back to your report that we played a little earlier, the people are in the safest place in town, which is hiding downstairs inside the metro system. that's correct. yes. a lot. lot of the information you imparted there. i can't fully verify the visuals. you're seeing alex, i can't see them but, but yes, it does sound as if it is a, it is a sequence of a video from that location and that does it is a disturbing girl fight going on there without doubt. but in terms of the front lines, well, they're moving all the time and they are, there are multiple lead was counted, the number of
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a circle front sits. it's really a case of, of a major operation for the forces. i mean, if i could crudely sort of put it like this, the come from these directions and that direction to surround the city and that these are armored columns. one from the crimea, as you mentioned, and also another from better route. we were up on that border, northern border and also from the east. it is a critical situation. and we, thanks very much. let's just play in those latest pictures again if we can. what andrew was talking about there and resume, as our correspondent taking us through the latest events. as far as we know it, we have got these reports of a long column of tanks coming from the border with belarus down towards kia. if we're back after the break. ah, nicholas guides dying disproportionate numbers on that everest,
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12:00 pm
with no. i will come back to the newsroom here in al jazeera in doha watch, looking at religious pictures, more areas around the capital key f coming on to recycle day 2 of russia's full scale attack on the ukraine explosions in gun 5 being reported in the northern district. is called up alone is about 15 kilometers from the city center. pedestrians reported the running for safety to the sound of small arms fi lodge. ab lofts could be heard around the city center, the ukraine defense ministry.
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