tv News Al Jazeera February 26, 2022 1:00am-1:30am AST
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science dolphin sanctuary on al jazeera ah bolden untold stories from asia and the pacific on al jazeera ah, a gun battles ring out across key of is russian forces close in on ukraine's capital. and people tried desperately to escape. ah, hello, i'm marianne massey. welcome to al jazeera live from london, and our continuing coverage of russia's attack on ukraine. president rodney zalinski saying that he and his family are the 2 top targets, but pushes for talks with russia. also. we must start the route to do more.
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nato's deploying its response force and sending more weapons to ukraine, which says it's been left to defend itself alone. and the you agrees to freeze the assets of president fusion and his foreign minister, circular ah, russian forces are closing in on ukraine's capital, key of on the 2nd day of an invasion that's killed at least a 137 ukrainians, driven thousands from their homes and shocked the world, the ukrainian military who sang russian spies in saboteurs or on the outskirts of care of the defense ministry is told residents to prepare molotov cocktails to defend their city and take up arms ukraine's president. laudermill zalinski says russian forces of marked him and his family as that talk targets. he's pushing for talks with russia, offering to designate, designate ukraine as
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a country aligned with ny, the east in or west. but the kremlin is saying it will only attend talks if they happen in minsk, the capital of bella roost. but as a lindsey spokesman says, they are discussing a time and place for negotiations. in the meantime, president putin is called on ukrainian soldiers to seize power from their government. under there is andrew simmons begins our coverage now from the ukranian capital key of ah, the sound of sporadic gun battles echo across the ukrainian capital give russian invasion forces closing in on the city. the president vladimir zalinski made a bleak but defiant video address him doraville. good evening everyone. our troops are here. our citizens are here. all of us are here protecting the independence of our country. and it will continue to be this way. glory to our defenders. glory to ukraine, glory to heroes. but satellite images show massive russian reinforcements,
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waiting in reserve at various staging pros, just across the borders from ukraine, russia has the numbers stacked in its favor and vladimir putin shows no sign of relenting ye. sure. of the pressure once again, i appeal to the service men of the ukrainian armed forces. don't let neo nazis unbundle knights use your children, your wives, and old people as human shields. take power into your own hands, let. it seems that it will be easier for us to come to terms with you than this gang of drug addicts and neo nazis. come on. who settled in kiev and took all ukrainian people hostage. ukraine's army is putting up a fight. this russian artillery convoy near the southern city of curse on was wiped out as it traveled along the highway from crimea. and the defiance of the soldiers in a ukrainian position on snake island in the black sea has captured the public imagination
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. oh, okay. i minutes. lights of the entire garrison of 13 was wiped out by a russian bombardment. russia says ukrainian civilians need not be worried. but this civilian motorist would disagree his car run over by a russian personnel, korea which appeared to deliberately target his vehicle. remarkably, the man was pulled out alive from the wreckage. in contrast to the situation elsewhere in denise pro, a city with a population of a 1000000 people, it's relatively quiet. but even here, there's no escaping the sense of foreboding and tension. i don't want to go away
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from my land or my counter will stay here. i will fight here for my, for enough, for my independent for my nation, for us. and for me especially this is this, sir. this is innovation. i absolutely. i and unbelievable were in the center of the capital of ukraine in a war that's costing so much in lives, money and faith. yet, there's an eerie silence here. no want to be seen around this area. the streets over there, pretty deserted. those that are around are invariably, in palm shelters have to cope so, but really we're struggling by getting stuck in here. that's the thing that we can kind of cape at the moment. her son, voice some optimism is very terrifying. um, we're closing and i'm sure that in about
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a few days it should be fine. now it should says little bit to those who want to escape. time is running out in the caves. main railway station. the plant rooms have been crammed with people trying to get on to trains and flee the city. oh, this exodus is giddily interrupted by air raid sirens, which send anyone out in the open scurrying for the safety of the mirrors. mattress version, more than a 100000 ukranian civilians have already fled to neighboring countries of a steady flow of people crossing into romania, hungary and poland. in the country they've left behind. cases full of weapons are being handed to any one who wants them. all men, aged between 18 and 60, are banned from leaving the country. now, the president is telling his soldiers, you are all we have. this is turning into
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a bloody war. this country believes the fighters for ukraine's very existence as an independent state. andrew simmons alger 0 give that want to turn tyria crane 2nd largest city of khaki. even our a car driver had a lucky escape. when missile started to land around him, the driver was just pulling away from a traffic light when the explosion started. all things recorded on a camera installed in his car. our keith is close to that ukraine's order with russia. well, al jazeera is charles strafford has been traveling around the country's east. he went from there to denise pro, which lies in central ukraine and he describes me earlier what he saw while he was going through multiple conflicts eyes. ringback please started in mariel. paul, that very important strategic coastal city naval port only as of see in the
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southeast there was heavy sharing there to the east of the city. we understand tanks being used. they're very poor man offering people the chance to get out of the city to be evacuated. him describing being samples hers there, as well as situation. very worrying in the south east. we moved west towards another port, city bare dance. we had heard earlier a couple of days earlier that the naval base there, the personnel from the naval base had actually flayed and indeed when we arrived. that was indeed the case. there was no naval personnel on the base. one security guard saying that they had all left confirmed that we spoke to our source and said, he told us that said the reason i had gone was because the russian forces was threatening to shell, the bass, and indeed the city, if they didn't leave,
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we left burdens can continued heading west towards the town of melissa pole where there would be reports of heavy fighting. indeed, video started appearing all heavy fighting in that city. as we approached the road got increasingly quiet. we passed a number of ukrainian military vehicles, still smoking from what we understand could well be just precision attacks, possibly using drones. we have no way of confirming that, but as the road got quiet, we stopped off at a village and spoke to a family in this village they were getting ready to go. they've been in contact with people in a village, further up the road between us and melissa people. and they said that there was a convoy of russian tanks heading our way. so we started crossing country and passing more burn town. ukrainian military vehicles eventually running into columns of ukrainian soldiers, some of them withdrawing from eligible of which stage they told us that the city
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had fall. the child had fallen to russian hands. they were most insistent that we keep heading as quickly as we could to the north. on the way we passed cruise missiles tanks, many infantrymen, very, very nervous, big groups of, of ukraine and infantry getting ready to, to defend the city of as a parishioner. interestingly, in the last few minutes, we're getting reports of the authorities there potentially trying to set up some sort of evacuation from is operational. and indeed, in the last few hours, we've seen pictures of that tank column moving through some of the towns that we passed through in and around bare dance. the military that we spoke to said that they expect to be dancing to possibly fall into russian hands in the next few hours . meanwhile, in the east of the country, back around to places like donnette sk between donates good mary,
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opal. we're hearing reports from villages that we visited in the last few days. they saying that the shelling is ongoing. people been hiding in bunkers in shelters, absolutely terrified. one woman telling us that she was just pleading for zelinski to negotiate with putin to try and stop this onslaught. so yeah, i harrowing day for millions of ukrainians. i was i say it is righty. the curfew is about to begin, but a lot of people going to boat. the saving very nervous is this crisis continues, or nato ascending thousands of troops by land, air, and sea to protect allies near russia and ukraine. zachary general against oldenburg, was speaking earlier, calling the crisis a new normal in european security. it has pledged comes after ukraine president rodney zalinski, criticized the alliance for not coming to his country's aid and diplomatic editor james bay's reports from brussels. troops,
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tanks and weapons are on the move across europe. as nato continues to reinforce its eastern front, it's member states who are closest to russia. now the alliance is activated elements of its response force. thousands of extra troops over a 100 jets are on high alert. 120 warships are in position. nato leaders met by secure video conference for the 1st time. since the start of the russian invasion, as fears grow that the ukrainian capital could be taken soon. how fearful are you about the possible fall of key? and if we move to a resistance, insurgency type situation, what support can nato then give? what we have seen is that on the ukranian forces are fighting bravely and are actually able to inflict damage on the other invading russian forces. ah, but again, it is
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a very fluid and the anglo or an evolving situation. ne darlise expressed her at them or some it today that they are provide support to ukraine. they are ready to continue to roads report to ukraine here at nato headquarters. the plan is to fully protect their members on the eastern front. the country is closest to russia, but at the same time, they're sending a message to president putin. you're getting exactly what you said, you didn't want an increased nato presence on your doorstep. it's part of a coordinated effort. the european union was invited to the virtual nato meeting. at the same time, e u foreign ministers met in brussels to agree a fresh round of sanctions. the 3rd in just 3 days. this time they decided to directly sanction the personal assets of president putin and his foreign minister, sir galeb roth. james bayes, al jazeera and brussels, or
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a another. and sasha reaction. the u. s. is also planning to impose direct sanctions on vladimir putin and it's sergey lover of here is white house press. secretary gen saki, falling a television, a telephone conversation. a president biden held with a european commission president are still of underline. and an alignment with the decision by our european allies, united states will join them in sanctioning president putin and foreign minister leverage and members of the russian national security team. or alan fisher joins us live now from washington. and dan allen will catch up in a bit to discuss those us sanctions on vladimir putin, but actually fuss. let's go to united nations. we've been waiting for this meeting . let us never forget that this is a war of choice rushes choice. russia chose to invade its neighbor.
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russia chose to inflict untold suffering on the ukrainian people and on its own citizens. bruship chose to violate ukraine's sovereignty to violate international law to violate. busy the you in charter now all across ukraine, people are fleeing for their lives, residence of keys and car kids have left their homes with only the belongings. they could stuff in their backpacks to make shelter in subway stations, which have now become bomb shelters. we've seen reports of attacks on kenneth gardens and often inches babies. newborn babies in an intensive care unit have been evacuated into make shift bomb shelters to we have seen heart wrenching images of fathers sobbing as lay say good bye
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to their young children and sending their families away as they send their families away to safety. while they stay behind to defend their country and keep to day, thousands of people crushed into a local train station with mothers passing their children over the crowd, begging for people to help to get their babies on to trains and to safety. according to the un high commissioner for refugees, more than 50000 people have bled ukraine. in less than 48 hours. we've also seen every day russians bravely speak out and demonstrate in cities across russia, against president putin's decision, to plunge them into a war with their neighbor. they do not want to sacrifice russian lives
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for prudence ambition. this body charge with maintaining international peace and security was created to prevent exactly this kind of aggression from ever happening again. russia's latest attack on our most fundamental principles is so bold, so brazen that it threatens our international system. as we know it, we have a solemn obligation to not look away. we believe to our core that the noble intentions of this institution should still have a place in solving 21st century problems and shielding our children and our grandchildren from the horrors of war. the horrors of war are
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exactly. what are you, rainy and brothers and sisters are experiencing today. the people of ukraine will soon need food and water and shelter, and medical aid. they will face displacement and lose everything they've worked to build. for these reasons, we and albania, in consultation with our allies in partners, have proposed this draft resolution holding russia to account for its aggression against ukraine. this resolution condemns russia's aggression. it reaffirms the sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity of ukraine. and it demands the russian federation to immediately, immediately, completely and unconditionally withdrawal forces. it also calls for the facilitation of rapid safe and unhindered humanitarian assistance to
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those in need in ukraine and the protection of civilians, including those who are humanitarian personnel. to day, we're taking a principle stand against russia's aggression in this council. but many of us are taking actions in our capitals to defend international law, including the un charter and to pull impulse, severe consequences on russia for an invasion of ukraine. in coordination with our allies in partners, we are imposing severe and immediate economic cost on russia. these measures include sweeping financial sanctions that will have an immediate impact on its economy and export controls that will cut off rushes, access to vital technological inputs. atrophy its industrial base and under
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cut, russia strategic ambitions to exert influence on the world stage. in addition, it was just announced, as was just announced, president biden will be sanctioning president putin himself, along with foreign minister lever off and members of russia's national security team. these actions are meant to compliment the important work we're doing in the security council and the resolution we have put forward to day history will judge us for actions or lack thereof. and so long as we have a security council, i believe we ought to strive to ensure it lives up to the highest purposes to prevent conflict and avert unnecessary war. russia has already subverted that mission. but at a minimum, at a, at the very minimum,
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the rest of us have an obligation to object and to stand up for the un charter to those who say all parties are culpable. i say, that is a clear cut out one country. one country is invading another. russia is the aggression aggressor here. there is no middle ground. any doubters, i said look at the kindergarten that was bomb this morning. take a hard look. to those who say there is a special history between russia and ukraine, that somehow excuses the war. i say we should all think carefully who, who that who that label might apply to next. and as i said on monday night,
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president prudent asserted that russia has a rightful claim to all territories from the russian empire. and just a few hours ago, russia threatened finland and sweden with military and political repercussions, responsible member states do not invade their neighbors. they do not commit violence against their neighbors just because they have the ability to do so. that is the entire purpose of our international system. that is fundamentally the point of the security council and the united nations. so colleagues, this is a simple vote today. let me put it plainly, boat. yes. if you believe in upholding the un charter vote. yes. if you support
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ukraine's or any states right to sovereignty and territorial integrity vote yes, if you believe russia should be held to account for his actions. vote no or abstain. if you do not uphold the charter and align yourselves with the aggressive an unprovoked actions of russia, just as russia had a choice. so do you? thank you. well, she was on as long as you're the 3rd to their present of albania. okay, so we're just listening very us ambassador to the un linda thomas greenfield, on a draft resolution condemning russia's invasion of ukraine. and that is being put before the council in this emergency meeting of the council, but it is certain to to fail. i mean it's,
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it's very likely to fail because russia is one of the 5 permanent members of the group and russia certainty, veto. shebra can see is life 1st now in the united nations. how, how much support does this resolution have shad? well, the $66.00 co sponsors actually across the united nations or have introduced us to or east u. s. and albania, and juice of the security council really got the support of $66.00 co sponsors in total. and what we're looking for now, there is the support on the security council itself on the main aim of the united states has been to demonstrate the isolation of the russian federation. but there's been a lot of wrangling in the last few hours because the original draft resolution that the u. s. produced was really maximum, as it was really using the un security. you security council, the full force of its coercive power using chapter 7 of the un charter. what we
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understand there in the last hour or so, in fact, in that bid to try and get as many votes as possible, it has been now reduced to chapter 6, which isn't coercive. it is a cool for, for, for, for dialogue and negotiations and arbitration on the issues that, that, that it always beautiful just just discussed. and we were getting the sense there that there was a very real risk lonely. russia will veto the un security council resolution as it was in its original original form, but china would veto it to another me that there. anyway, we were expecting perhaps, to abstentions from the u. e and from india on this issue. so therefore, instead of getting 13, yes is at one extension from china and the veto from russia. what it seems like the u. s. is heading for was 11. yes. is 2 extensions and a double veto at the security council, not clearly is not the message that the u. s. wanted to, to proclaim around around the world. what we're now looking for is whether in this
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states, the u. s. will at least get that, that abstention from china, china and russia, have made it very clear that there in this, that they were creating a new strategic partnership to look for an alternative to a unipolar world. wow. the us basically called all the shots and everyone else was held to the, the, started off the un charter for example, but the u. s. was somehow able to do whatever it wanted. now, i mean, perhaps though, with this downgrading off the, the, the, the machinery of the un security council in the security council resolution as it in its current form, perhaps than at the very least though, the u. s. will, will slightly drive a wedge, which is what they've been saying that they want to do between china and russia and at least get a chinese extension. there is such a desperate need as an ash have some kind of diplomacy in what is playing out right now. in potential resolution of the un security council is always going to face
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a veto. is there a possibility of doing things through the general assembly which can have a more powerful voice in terms of calling for peace? there is a mechanism specifically designed for situations like this when there is deadlock out the un security council because a permanent member is, is vetoing a measure, for example, that's what's called uniting for piece of under un general assembly resolution 3 said $77.00. and we may well hear about that at this, at this security council meeting, because what might happen is, once this resolution fails, i thought the un security council, ukraine, who will also be present here, may call for a un general assembly, an emergency meeting of un general assembly under 377, uniting for peace. now, that is a way then that the us and, and ukraine can show more. yeah, again, global opprobrium for, for russian actions they already have 66 co sponsors. but for this,
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your security council, resolution of a similar resolution of thought would be introduced to the general general assembly . however, then you also have the dynamics generally the general assembly. well, clearly there's a big normal line traction there. there are a lot of people who, you know, and either washington normal, oscar, and who certainly perhaps do not want to get involved in a situation where it seems like you know that the u. s. is calling the shots once again against russia and so on. so you have all these other dynamics, but that does seem to be where this will be heading at some point in the coming days, if not tomorrow, than in the coming day. certainly. so we, yeah, we think that lutely you in general assembly, but it's a un general assembly resolution, and that won't be binding, but it will certainly be a message. thank you very much. now shabba tansy will continue to monitor that emergency meeting of the un security council where the u. s. has been trying to pass a resolution condemning the russian invasion of ukraine in the strongest possible times, though it isn't likely to pass because of course, russia has
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a veto of being a permanent member of a security council. but the u. n. has also been speaking about some 5000000 people, the possibility of millions of people fling fighting in ukraine internet in countries. and that means that more than a $1000000000.00 will be needed for 8 operations over the next 3 months. many people in the capital key of have been crowding into train and metro stations either trying to leave the city, or seeking shelter below ground, alexia bryan reports ah. 2 taylor and keith isnones and johnson with the train station desperate to leave the ukrainian capital soldiers for horses leaf, fired into the air to disperse the crowd. so again, with holmes, the throng, we've been trying to leave all day for the morning here. but as you can see, that unrealistic, like russian troops are edging closer with explosions, heard around the city earlier this apartment block with him
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or yes, hello. i was sleeping. there was a sharp explosion and i was thrown 3 meters from the room. i was in into the corridor, the glass shattered there were sounds coming from the street. i got scared and started crawling on the floor. excellent glen, co made it out alive. will emergency workers went door to door, searching to victims. and as russian tanks rolled into the city below, ground, people crowded into metro stations, exhausted and uncertain about wants to come home with the maroon with the shelter in our building is known as for underground as the metro station. that's why i think it's safer to come down here.
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