tv The Stream Al Jazeera March 1, 2022 11:30am-12:01pm AST
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or one top us senator, the head of the intelligence committee, mark warner says he sees no immediate credit to put drill in russia, but the us is expecting and preparing for a surgeon, cyber attacks and retaliation to the actions already approved as the fighting. and you cream, continues allen fisher al jazeera at the white house. and finally, international sporting agencies are turning their backs on russia, the governing bodies of global and european football, a banning russian teams from all international competitions. and olympic officials are now asking other sports organizations to blacklist our athletes from russia and from belarus. ah, how fast the al executor, all the latest developments of russian military convoy stretching 60 kilometers is advancing towards ukraine's capital. keith u. s. satellite images,
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sher armored vehicles and artillery 20 kilometers away from the city center shilling has intensified in recent days. blasts are heard in the capital. keep on monday as well. ukrainian president vladimir zalinski is calling for a no fly zone to stop the bombardment from moscow. ukraine's army says 70 soldiers have been killed in a russian artillery strike. it happened at a military base near her leave. the country 2nd biggest city official sate residential areas have been targeted. and ukraine's government says more than 350 civilians have been killed. since the invasion began on thursday, the un says more than 500000 people have fled the conflict and crossed into neighboring countries rapid altogether. now with jonah, how in living they are upping their tempo now of attacks on large urban centers that is clear, the reports of explosions being heard in key of this morning. the capital of course,
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the most important urban centre in the country. that enormous convoy you've been hearing about to the northwest. 40 miles long, contains rush, nama troops, logistical and support supplies, fuel supplies, and so on. that's ready to move, or attempt to move on the capital. there's another convoy coming up from the southeast. the idea is to try and circle the capital and apply maximum pressure, of course on the civilian population inside and the government of president the landscape and tens of thousands of foreign students traps in ukraine. following the russian invasion, many been told by the governments to flee, leading to cues of train stations. largest group of foreign students comes from india, about 800000 different studying in ukraine. some of them have now made it back home . and with that, you're up to date with all the developments from the russia, ukraine war. the stream is next. as an important has launched an attack on ukraine. how will the world react to his latest move?
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and what impact would this have on the people, from crane and russia as events unfold? they with us for the latest news and analysis for moscow on all to 0. ah day on the stream, a story that we have seen played out many times around the globe that is indigenous people fighting for their own as special lands. earlier on today, my people of tanzania gathered to protest an effort to evict the land, have a look. ah,
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good the bustle, i all semi no major, nobody, but one protest said recently, we are being treated like refugees without a home. so in this episode, we're going to try and unpack what it is that he's making the mass i have to move from. there are several homes to an area that they do not want to live in. to help us understand this dilemma we have joseph and edward and eric. hello, joseph. good to have you here on the show. nice to see you. please introduce yourself to international audience. tell them who you are and what you do. okay. ah, i'm joseph was on a sunday. ah, is a lawyer resident, but the nea, a human that lab saw to say, i working with a living organization or human right. okay. ah, and also for this particular case, i'm also
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a clear residence in well there less where if i didn't do very important detail to add hello eric, good to see please. and g, g yourself, di, international audience. very good to see you. my name is erica bender, a mara, thompson and journalist are, i'm based in london, but i've worked in tons neo over half of my career, and i've traveled to the in greenville area times to investigate stories there. i got on edward coral cwa is going to join us in a moment as well. it was just getting situated as far as his audio is concerned, he will be with us momentarily. as for you, if you're watching on youtube, be part of our discussion comment section is right here, looking forward to hearing your thoughts, your comments, your opinions. and let's start 1st of all with the in gora goro district. where is that in hanson the? i'm just gonna go in quite close. at in 1959. there were 2 conservation areas made for the mass. i. one was the serengeti one was and goran gora. we're looking at it
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right now. i re, you have be reporting all the fortunes of the mass i, the many, many years. what is happening to them now that he's given them concern, and i'm making them actually go out and protest against what the government want to do. what is it that the government is planning? what the main issue? yeah is start. the must hire. people are protesting against government, new move to a victim from the they are indigenous lent and the government 6 to see that the, the being girl goro area is or overpopulated. close 280-0000 my site people and that their presence is threatening. the are the, the, the well being of the, of the area itself, the species in the, in the area, the wildlife, and dot actually to be need to go elsewhere. you know that i think that, that,
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that's, that's the main issue that the, the, my site people protesting against. but this is not a new conflict to remember. the dispute has been ongoing since 1992 and the government as commission or several investigations per mentoring committees have been in our formed couple of times to you has to get the matter and provide solutions. but to none, none of the committees that have been formed in the past of being able to come up with that tangible solution and none of the solutions that have been presented by different stakeholders. i've been about what the government does say i want to show our audience if there's never been to then go and go conservation area, what it looks like, what the, what the wildlife looks like,
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what the scenery looks like. and then as we're looking at that video, is there really a problem with how densely pack the mass cy on in this conservation area is that, is that basis to the government thing? actually we can't have too many people living in this conservation area. so it was made for them. ok, thank you very much. briefly for anyone who has never visited what laurel actually is, one of the very good places in the world is almost like that and get the about us which is not inhibited by in the one i would like. so particularly that is the very human number or what the big 5, whether that and the live there lay on them as many of them are probably more than in other places than yeah, and this is so much up to be good to walk on the walking dead and get to bed and
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now even going on. now the government is complaining and it is not an hour. i want to put this into perspective. actually since 1918, the government hasn't been complaining that the number of people and the life of speech, the damage to the ecosystem would left by the fuck on the grounds. who shaw the rest of the applause? the number the government is statistic. now what he's saying, almost the main, the 4000 people is. yes, i'm like a little lucy penny bustled like, you know, that's where compared to emotional profile or 64 people, which is one of the least populated area in the country. all those crap, those an edition, but the government is not one in there. in my opinion, let me pull up a 2nd because this is the movement of people that the government is proposing. so
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i'm just going to show you where the math i car a 70000 math by all. so let's have a look at that map 1st of all. and then the proposal is that they moved to then let, let me show that movement. right, so you're moving 70000 people to move into a space as 80000 people will not just be over. populate eric, i'm not sure that i understand the way the government is thinking. and i all should also say at this point that we did reach out and we didn't get any official response, which is just a shame because we really nice understand exactly how they're thinking about this. moving 70000 people to where 80000 people are living. is that too dense? eric? well, it's basically ease, but i think to, if i take you back to the little bit of a background, remember 1958, the 959. us you right to rethink when, when the, the colonial government actually moved the mass. i people from the, sorry,
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get to national park to come to the girl girl concentration area. the same consensus, whereas that if you move these people are you know, the area is going to be a populated, dina, they were consensus, you know, couple of evidence of shown that there are concerns of, of a population. but i think over the years after the girl goro concentration authority was established, you know, these continued to be our concerns and i think for the indigenous people, you know, of course, over the years the population is growing. you know, people are having children like men has a place he's a in, in, in, in the country. but as of yet to day, what the ministry was saying after the prime minister left the, the official visits of the place was that the,
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the new areas that are been created where these messiah communities are going to be moved. i think a slightly far away from the, the, the conservation area because the consent is in the conservation area where they say there is a pocket of a population. so they want to locate them from that area where they feel that the population increase both for humans and, and, and the animals cause cattle is, is, is, is basically a korea to the threat to try to get to the area for the only way i, i have to ask that another reason that the government won't, for land is or elite tourism and hunting and up until 2017. i believe there was a, a, a very lucrative contract with a company in the u. h. e to come and hunt in the anger on goro area. so there is
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a lot of money at stake, which is why one of the reasons that the government wants to move the massey is because of that potentially lucrative contract. jose, if you sent us some pictures from the protests, they have a look here on my laptop. and that the mass, i very clear about what they want. our land is i life. we rather die than be evicted again from our mother lands. the government should give equal weight for the 3 founding legal objectives of an goren goro conservation area. we have no where to go. we have lost the serengeti. we will never again losing garago for trophy hunting and elite tourism. joseph, how are negotiations going? can the mass i negotiate about land that we're actually belongs to them? or can the government just move them anyway? okay, me for, for them call that question. let me put some sort of things into perspective. actually, the proposal by the government is a properly settlement within out of the what was the vision area, which is
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a population of almost 1 may or may the 4000 people. and again, that also forcing out another 70, told the people in the younger so never picking them. what will that, taking them some 600 kilometers away from them or the center? yeah. then coming back to your question, the issue here is various traits very clear. it is a lot of a sham. it is another will live protections. and this is that isms 2017. the government commission, a team to be above the multiple and use process within the us an area. and one of the recommendation by the committee, which was it was i don't think in, in a way and then not presenting them at the interest before mended while they're located out of them. what was the vision area then that would be the pool
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and given control area to allow coffee hunting. and now there is that alarms for me a little a little bit later with 4 of them is quick and let them know that government 11 next one, then 500 square kilometer for i do by law. we have be 100 that is $99.00, a pool. actually he does what i'm asking you for so much money involved in this for you to move your own people to victory. okay. people knowing that their own heritage the how, how much money are we talking? eric helped me out. we were let me share with eric is joseph, so that we can share the conversation. i did story about 6 years ago and we're talking about millions of dollars in a lot of the political business interests. you know, by the local park from us, by,
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by the local business elite. so it's basically a lot of money, a significant amount of money that actually go $66.00. and then that is that significant. 6000000 for the lives of 70000 messiah and their livelihood. and we just bring in here eric and joseph. sorry, morris. sarah morrison. there is an acute campaign that has actually gone global to support the math. i in staying exactly where they are. remember, they've already been moved more than once. he's selfish, like just a little bit more than 3000000 people all across the world. a standing with the messiah of in gregorio district, and calling on tendon is president samir lou, who has san to oppose any attempt to evict them from their ancestral lands or acquire them to relocate to foreign hunters. we know international solidarity and global support can help and can have impact back in 2013 when our global community 1st stood with the mass. i have more than tanzania,
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we launched our global campaign. shortly afterwards, the present at the time promised publicly attending government would never of it, the messiah on the ancestral lands. and so millions of people, according and present hassan to be a champion for her people and to post any attempt to change their line rights against that. well. sorry, if we're talking about how do we resolve this situation? is the president the way to go? how are negotiations going? what is time for the president is to show some read the she because she, she gave a very generic, generic to say would you like people to be treated like human beings? but i think about not enough for me to say she wants them, i say people to be treated right. but because if you look in the political in the political lead going, but you know, the last 60 years, they haven't been
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a notion and we've been among the politicians that they modified. people you know, do not have ranked, you know, the most people are backward. people that's going to be can be moved at a time to know well. and i think one of the solution is that the mentality of the political lead to needed to change, to, and of time to modify people. right. like the rest of us that i think very, very important, but i think there needs to be they have to avoid the top down approach to resulting this program. each solution that government needed to come up with the modified people have to be possible weak and they tend to eat half the brain any solution. so far. this solutions are been quite a reg ah, and in most cases the, my site people have not been
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a part of the solution, is for the government to basically to seaton perio mint and didn't close the door and coming up with the solutions and taking it to the outside and this has been the reason why this, our dispute is not coming to an end. i saw joseph, i was watching a previous protest, and one of the processes says, we're not against development, but we want to develop with you. so that if you're getting all this money that's coming into our ancestral lands, we want to be out of shad in that so we can develop as a people to. so that's one i dare say. not the mass i sang, we were standing in the way of development on youtube. i've got some interesting comments as well. can you just respond to them quite quickly? and what about unesco road? has unesco place an opinion in this their row, their actions or their inactions when it comes to the in goren cora conservation area? how do they stand on the moving of 70000 my sight as if aware to that exactly. men
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of the problem we are talking here we are discussing here are so much attributable to medical medicine by the unesco enough cause it is the interest of the government now to king are some fact for the, you know, when do you know what i, for many saw just for example, pretty 09, but the assistant, magically, the unesco has been recommending for i are the settlement of what they say f 121. but what is actually will look 30 unesco has never recommended, for example, because of the policies by the empty a, by that of the government in dallas for 40 years has met mosley, or one of the most forests are community acrylic and linea compared to other massey was i don't the area but unesco as a you an entity we it is concentrated by the way i created it. could protect human
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right. house never recommended for protection on them. i said, i other community, full cbs consultations and the government has not been consulting them to walk all this and what is bringing your janik janik? what said traditional ecosystem survival times in here at to your point, joseph trying to build a well for an indigenous people, people who that income should be much higher. he spoke to us a little bit earlier. and again, this issue about how do you solve this problem? this is what janet told us at the company out belonging toward the real familiar way. but it's been given lend on completely contrary to the wishes or to the interest of the local communities and the government and the company looked one to speak to the people about that they use all the presence of that company, the religious and it is wrong because the villages aren't, they don't,
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they don't do to the land and they've been occupying the land before independence to the prison. and i am just looking at a tweak here on my laptop that came in eric, we're around that. the conversation we're having to day are poor says totally wrong . the government in tanzania and the u. h. e base company to evict the massa people . i'm going to correct that because it's not going to be the u. e based company. only the government of tasmania can be involved in this. they may be swayed by the money back to the back to the tax rather work with them. so everybody benefits from big game hunting in the area that will have a major impact on the local population. there could be so much wealth here. eric, why does he either or indeed the company in, in the ninety's i journalists in tungsten e. i was investigating that. they well seem forfeiting in the deal are improving their loyal family. di didn't mysterious comes to cease and hold,
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the evidence suggested that it was because he was investigating the story and he stumbled on to think that the public cause was not supposed to know. so i'm in my home analysis and basically a quiet evidence to the c informally. if you look in the you, formal channel, that they loyal onto the company that the, the loyal family me as a given the over 5000000 us dollars in the, in the past 20 years to you, former network structure to keep their presence there. and i think that's where the plug the machine is starting from an efforts to have the, the contract terminated. i've consistently failed, which basically shows that there are 2 festing, it must've resources to keep the, to keep the contract going. but i think the side,
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the parties that when i visited about 70 years ago, local people, we are basically complaining that when the lawyer family visits the basically removed even from the small patches of land where they have been pushed to allow the loyal family to do the atlantic activities and, and basically enjoy themselves, which we try to think, you know, needs to the public and the international community needs to come together and help the government as well as the indigenous people are retained their, their rights. eric i, i here and i am seeing a lot of those comments on i lou choose, i'm chat right now about the power of outsiders coming in to kinds in the to hunt and the wealth that they have. i'm gonna bring in one more voice and mrs. sam, well, and then get a and he is a mass i organized appropriate that we have a mass i at talk just about this issue. and this is what he told us,
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that you what is happening in what i'm gonna and the younger today. it's not, you know, it's a colony on a big issue. last picking all i'm for business for money, for what is it we have taken care of all this lance for so long and we are see taking go because you know, my thinking that it means to provide everything we need a lot to us is not something that are going to stand on land is a source of knowledge. a source of life is so ready to talk about mass. i taken katha, lambert who is going to take half the mass. i joseph, do you feel that you will win? this makes it a fiction paid by the kinds of government i think we will win, because i said alia the government of norfolk and it is not the way by far, for example, without the simpler version or not,
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i think you do not know the vision is a big man, actually someone i see and to the math, i actually locating them is not only like denying them later putting you to reckoning their life for them in our critical life use no more nor less and the government or for the law. the my say right, i protected and into false one. it was a vision area. the law did not extinguish the customer life of the my paperwork or dependence. and they gave leonel, actually as us picking now, learning is not a good control area that the, for my little control area died almost 20 to remain when the current was left for the vision to come in corporations. and that's why the government has been working
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so hard for the last 11 years pool. our next one hold on one quick, elemental. but he doesn't want to be because it had to get in the form of payment. it's kinda, i said, this very said is the village land i'm but the magic of somebody is not so if you're speaking like the human rights, sorry that you, i appreciate you eric. thank you so much for sharing some of your reporting for the many, many years you've been reporting on the fortunes of the my sy, edward poorer class was supposed to be part of this program. unfortunately, technology one stream 0. regarding edward edwards, we, i know we will return to the subject. we will return to this subject with you. thank you for your comments and your questions on youtube. i will wrap up now and see you next time. take, ah
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who some a rowboat is a mechanical or even that self driving train vehicle. but android today can be the ever the humanoid robots like me, will be everywhere. al jazeera documentary. next, the lead on the weird and wonderful world of robots that learn think and even trust . i feel like i'm alive, but i know i in the machine origins of the species owner, his my name here, a place where this is, this can truly call it their home. we have different groups bringing the wanted me to ones you know you all angel freed morning. my name is belinda and it's just full
12:00 pm
with full, ah, a military column, 64 kilometers long as russian forces edge closer to the outskirts outskirts of ukraine's capital. ah, i'm come all santa maria here and done how without continuing coverage on al jazeera of the russia ukraine. this is ukraine 2nd biggest city being shelled as russian forces on leash a wave of artillery attacks.
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