tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera March 3, 2022 12:00am-1:01am AST
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in charge of a counseling, we bring you the stories in different months that have rapidly changing the world. we live in. what do you think's been driving the vulnerability market this year? counting the cost on al jazeera. ah, this is al jazeera ah hello, i'm barbara sarah. this is the al jazeera news, our live from london. thank you for joining us. coming up in the next 60 minutes. russian forces lay siege to keep mighty you, paul, and other key cities in ukraine, which says that more than 2000 civilians have been killed. falling wreckage from a down, russian missile causes a powerful explosion near keith,
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central train station, which thousands are using to flee. the city residents block the road to europe's largest nuclear power station and a stand off with russian forces and rushes. foreign minister said gay, la grove tells al jazeera that any one contemplating a 3rd world war should know it will be nuclear and destructive and sport. chelsea's russian owner has put the london premier league club up for sale, or allan brom of it says proceeds from any deal will be donated to war victims in ukraine. more than a 140 countries have demanded that russia withdraw its troops from ukraine. 7 days after the russian military launched an invasion that is pushing a country of $44000000.00 people towards catastrophe and creating
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a new refugee crisis in europe. ukraine's emergency service says more than 2000 civilians have been killed of, of course, it's hard to independently verify that figure. the ukrainian military hasn't declared how many of its soldiers have died in total. but russia has, the russian defense ministry says nearly 500 soldiers have been killed. although ukraine's presidential adviser insists the true number is more like 70000. the invasion has force that roughly 8 174000 people to flee nearly a quarter of them. just in the last 24 hours, countless others are taking shelter under ground. and while the bombs continues to fall, ukraine and russia are preparing for a new round of talks in a bill of lucien town on the border with poland. a 1st round of negotiations on monday, and that with no breakthrough, where russia has been escalating it's attacks. the areas that shaded in red are
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controlled by russia and allied separatists in the south. russia says it's taking control of have sown a strategically important port city on the black sea, ukraine's government disputes that while meanwhile, the mayor of the port city of mario paul is reporting mass casualties and says, there's barely any water left for the city of half a 1000000 people in the northeast, the russian forces continued to bombard ukraine's as 2nd largest city. had keith and the capital key is also being pounded by miss sullen artillery strikes. as a 65 kilometer long convoy of russian tanks and troops, edges closer will a ukrainian interior ministry advisor says that down russian missile has caused a powerful explosion near keith's central railway station. anton hadash jenko says falling daybreak hit a heating pipe. he didn't say if any one was hurt and this was
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the scene a little earlier and keeps railway station as hundreds of ukrainians tried to board trains out of the city. trains have been the only means for people to leave ukraine . many road crossings out of the country have been cut off because of the fighting . and dozens of families are still sleeping in the corridors of the cities metro stations which are serving as makeshift shelters. more residents fled on the ground after a tv tower and holocaust memorial were attacked on tuesday. link across sir, cheer ashley, a miserable movie as wishes we went just yesterday. we ran to the bomb shelter from home and saw broke it flying into the tv tower. but the rocket was big, i ran out my little son and my oldest son they froze and watched is there was the soldier took us under cover and we ran quickly back to the shelters. this shed he covetous, then he said, run fast. it was very scary with my youngest son ran and shouted foster foster.
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we're being shot. and we came here. now he's afraid to go outside and he cries all the time. well, was more now on the situation on the ground. andrew simmons reports from the ukrainian city of living, one of so many towns and cities under relentless attack. and in hawk, he, it's even worse here. the city's military airfield is destroyed. it's the start of another round of terror for ukraine's 2nd city. it's forces, again trying to defend themselves and their civilians. russian power troopers are reported to be in the outskirts of the city, fighting with ukrainian soldiers in the capital keys, the aftermath of a missile attack on the cities, television tower, doesn't. the mosaic looting it is beyond humanity. this rocky strike proves that.
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for many russians, our cave is absolutely foreign to them. they don't know a thing about our capital of about our history, but they all have all this to erase our history a, raise our country a raises all. wednesday saw a low in the fighting, and many families took the opportunity to make their escape. some of them getting to the outskirts by foot and finding bridges destroyed by ukrainian forces to hold back russian advances were okay. who was of we should with, with you, the enemy is pulling its troops close to the capital we. we are getting ready, and we will defend our city. in the south, the russians are now claiming they've taken their 1st ukrainian city since the fighting began. it's the black sea port of her song. in the city of anna holder, residents blocked the road to europe's largest nuclear power station in a stand off with the russian forces, bohemia moody. so as it was up of the nuclear plant does under secure protection or
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the workers and people are standing under ukrainian flags. nobody's going to surrender the city out. people are totally determined. it's a determination shared by so many civilians. every day, the war effort gets bigger, small companies run across ukraine, trying to do their bit to help this company is attempting to use steel beams to good effect. they work all hours, making defences that date back to the 1st will war. the so called tank hedge homes there are determined efforts by those fighting and those helping. but is it enough to avoid defeat? andrew simmons alger 0, the vive. or ta stratford is in guinea pro in eastern ukraine, and he is more now on the reports of heavy casualties after recent fighting in mary paul as well as other cities. some worry,
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the terrifying accounts that we're hearing from people trying to get out of mario full, we've been speaking to drivers and members of a convoy put together by the greek console. the. the greeks surprisingly have a community in mariel full and the council tried to put together a convoy to get civilians out, and they're describing horrifically strong and terrifying. fighting inside mariel, paul, the seasoning they are describing bridges, at least one bridge that has been destroyed. they're unable to confirm who destroyed the bridge, and they say that there is this, this, this terrifying effort to try and get civilians out of the cities, marable, of course, of huge strategic importance. a naval port city on the see of as off and somewhere where we had always suspected am and military analysts had said that there would be a big fight because of the amount of ukrainian military and ukrainian
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paramilitaries in that city. a city. it was very proud of having pushed separatists back out of it in 2014. the reason that that city is so important for the russians . so analysts say is because if they were to take control of it, it would give them a land corridor from the east, further east, where the separatists have been in control for, for 78, no on 8 years now and northern crimea. and we know that the russians have been suffering terribly with respect to water resources on in, in crimea, water resources that have been taken controllable, were taking control of by the ukrainians in 2014. we also hear of terrible shelling and mass casualties around the town of vol, nova, that is also north of mariel full. and we understand that there had been an attempt
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earlier in the day to try and organize some sort of corridor or so civilians could get out. and we've heard nothing since a video video circulating or social media shows ukrainians, caring for a captured russian soldier with us. some of the services of the soldier was offered tea and food by local residence after he surrendered. a woman is also seen using her mobile phone to call the man's mother. he then breaks down in tears and rushes. foreign minister said caleb rob has spoken to al jazeera but the war with ukraine. he was asked if the world had reached the edge of the abyss with another split, but it didn't. the bo than the once guzzle, still use the boom. we used to direct that question to president biden. he's the one who said, if we do not go the way of sanctions, the alternative can only be the 3rd world war. but as a veteran politician, regardless of our position on what the united states does on the international
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stage, biden. and president putin in june of last summer in geneva, consistently confirmed the declaration of the leaders of the united states and the soviet union in the 1980s that there could be no victor in nuclear war. therefore, it should never flare up. in january of this year, the leaders of the 5 permanent members of the security council signed a similar joint declaration of study in st. most likely, the old instinct is still alive in the minds of our western partners that they do not rule out such a possibility. despite the public affirmation of the position of the 5 permanent members of the security council doing well, luc coffee as director of the alison center for foreign policy studies at the heritage foundation. he's also former special adviser to the british defense minister, and he joins us live now from washington, d. c, by skype. so thank you so much for joining us here on al jazeera may very eventful a day. unfortunately, in ukraine, in the south, russia says it's taking control of the town of camps on,
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at we're hearing of mass casualties in mighty a poll at russian forces continued to bomb ukraine, 2nd largest city that's got, he vowed the, you assess the military, the russian military operation right now. well, even with russia as tactical victories today in the south of ukraine, they're still meeting with very tough resistance in the north, especially in the car key, and also with with key the capital and the situation. our own mariel poll remains very tense and they're also facing a very stone trees distance there. but one thing is certainly, claire, russia has not met the intended military objectives i was expecting to have met at this point of the campaign. and we're seeing this play out through the indiscriminate attacks against ukrainian civilians and the threat of nuclear war from the kremlin. we can see the president putin is frustrated and i would say almost getting desperate and that makes for
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a very dangerous situation. it is indeed, i mean, you say that they seem to have faced more resistance of the we're expecting, but it could be a matter of sort of when rather the need for we are seeing around the capital key is this russian con boy, that's been there for days, kilometers, and kilometer is a long what do you think the plan might be when it comes to the capital? well, regarding that long convoy by most accounts it's not moving very quickly because of logistics issues and the lack of fuel. and i am sure that the seeing how the ukrainians have fought in the past 6 or 7 days. i suspect they're kind of waiting for the time of their choosing to, to strike if they're not going to leave their defensive leave. their fortifications around the capital to be tempted by this convoy. keith is a very 4 to 5 city right now. importantly, morale is hi, everyone in the city is walking around with a weapon. it's
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a city of almost $4000000.00 people, even if just one percent decided to take up arms. that's 40000 defenders defending block to block street to street. so even if we do see russian tanks in the middle of keys in the coming weeks, i cannot imagine a scenario where russia could actually control the capital, at least with the current number of forces that has in the region right now. sure, but a scenario that it could be imaginable is that the russians lay siege to the city of kiva, effectively starving, and then start bombing, which the russians have done similar things and other in other parts of the world. do you worry that that could be an option? absolutely, i, i don't even think it's an option. i think it's sadly, it's going to be the reality. and i think the international community needs to be aware of this. one only has to look at other operations of the russians have learned whether it was grounds me in the 1900 ninety's or aleppo. more recently, it's almost built into the russian military doctrine to target the civilians in
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this manner. in order to apply pressure on political authorities to submit their right now, it doesn't seem like the ukrainians are willing to submit. so how this plays out in the next. i would say several days to the next few weeks remains to be seen. her lucca coffee. we're gonna have to leave it there. thank you so much for joining us. la coffee director of the allison center for foreign policy studies at the heritage foundation, sir. thank you. thank you, barbara. now her cave in the northeast has been under heavy fire for yet another days we were just hearing andree him al niche scheme lives in the city and joins us now live by skype. thank you so much for speaking to us. obviously, a very difficult situation that you're in. tell us what's going on right now and what you've seen and heard during the day. this is james like or it's really, it's really tough for my cd, like we experience shell. and so the alone, you know, like the bombard areas, they read,
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rush and say like when we're done to use or force it's like kind of, we don't use planes we don't use vargas, but in fact, of course they do and we can hear them flying over the city, as you could see, like the terrace, they destroyed the downtown they destroyed like historical buildings in the city with no military use was not like was no military purpose. so it's not something that can be used to be like to cause danger to rush and the duration, but it's like this. so like, i think are they just to make us feel so scared of, of everything that is going on around the city. because like are the half of the cities like staying like with no light and was no internet was no, he didn't because all this facilities were bombarded and destroyed by russians. and to the same time, i'm shocked to read russian use saying that like look guys,
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it's fake, nothing like that, but ok, you can come to clark if you can recall videos, you can see people suffering. you can see people staying in the basement for 3 days . with no water and no food with no electricity. and what else can you at? obviously a painter. absolutely dreadful. situation. all that you're experiencing there you in so many others? i mean are you planning on leaving? do you know people that are and ultimately how easy is it to try to leave the city right now? ah, well, you, well, you know, like the national railway company, they are really, they're really talk these days the organized the cation trains. and if you're the lady, if you're the male with baby, you can easily take the train like easily. it means like if you get to the railway station and wait for some hours, then of course you can get a seat because like one train cons and leave the next one cons for the rest of the people. so like today you like some of my friends, they left like that and do they were really lucky because some of them like they
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spend like 3 hours to take the take the train to the western part of your brain. ok if your ask me like like what, what do people feel about leaving the city i think are like the ukraine and spirit . this is quite strong and the majority of them are ready to fly, to ready to protect the cd. so leave in like the creation is not the point of thinking or parking lots of people living in clark, if they're ready to fight like this is our home, we have something to protect so we can just leave as well. you are speaking to us of obviously phone keeps. tell us a little bit about how you're trying to keep yourself safe and you mentioned there's no heating. so how you keeping yourself warm, how you're trying to survive. walla lutrece like we do have internet. in fact, in my apartment, we still have internet, so it's really, it's a really great sport because like we can message like,
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and message was my friends like i can make calls. so like, this is kind of for a take and feel from people around, you know, or, and these really helps me to forget about bombardments. somewhere there outside. i try to stay inside. oh, wait all the time. i just left once this morning to get some food from a small shop because like it was the 1st day of 2 or 4 days selling nothing, we could to buy some food today. but in fact, it's quite dangerous to go all the time. so like, but i'm trying just to, i'm trying to concentrate on some good thanks. i'm to thinking about the future. if my hometown off to the liberation of to wait, this war finishes because they think it's a real disaster. it's a disaster for your, for russia to duration, because it's losing its face for the whole world. and they are trying to lie that nothing is happening in ukraine, but in fact, it's an aggression and the whole words can see this aggression on line and anywhere
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on air. absolutely. andre litski is speaking to us from key in ukraine ser, thank you so much for sharing your experience with us in a very difficult time. now coming up in this news hour from london, the battle over misinformation, journalists and russia come under immense pressure to follow the criminal ins line on ukraine. boeing b, m, w, and fedex join the exodus of companies from russia. and then sport will have the reaction to the decision allowing russian athletes to compete at the upcoming winter paralympics. ah, police and soldiers have gathered in the russian city of st. petersburg and moscow's red square braced for more anti war protests. several demonstrations
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against the ukraine invasion of already taken place in cities across russia. jailed kremlin critic alex in a valley has also urged russians to stage daily protests saying the country should not be a nation of frightened cowards. nearly 7000 people have been arrested so far for taking part in those protests and the editor in chief of russia's last remaining independent tv news channel has left the country. it came after the country's regulator warned media outlets the stop spreading would a cold, false information about the military operation in ukraine? journalists across russia have come under pressure to stick to the government narrative, as bernard smith reports now from moscow. with d. b. rain has always had to choose its words carefully. it's the only news channel in russia that isn't pro kremlin. now the authorities a telling it what words it can and cannot use. no, and without an editor in chief
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t cons, atco tells view, as we continue to tell you about the war, which the military authorities call a special military operational. it's very important for russian or authorities not to use the words such as invasion, war war. but for the moscow prosecutor's office tv, rain isn't trying hard enough. it ordered the channel to stop spreading what it called, false information regarding the actions of russian military personnel. a few hours after speaking to al jazeera ticket, left russia with his family, b. tv rains website is blocked. all that's left. is this stream on youtube bust, egless. what kit is on this be a separate out. same state tv refers to a special operation zone in ukraine. the coverage is concentrated on what's happening in the battles for the nets and lou ganske now recognized as republics by moscow. there is no mention of a tax on key f, other ukrainian cities was my dear ina anatole. you have now is one of the 64
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percent of russians whom television is their primary source of news. by me at the yeah, i did a bomb, as i heard, it's just the opposite. they try to somehow protect the peaceful population as much as possible. i can't say i'd supported this in the beginning, but now i do support it. us after the kremlin spend the cremeans foreign channels don't refer to an invasion. russia will continue, though, with its military incursion. ah, in arabic, the headline reads russia's military operation to protect don bass and in french, russia will continue. it's offensive in ukraine, a code of 14 who saw all your credit rushes communications regulator has accused 10 outlets of falsely depicting what it called the military operation. in ukraine, one of them's the novia gazette, and it's headline says, well, at least there's some good news. the word piece hasn't been forbidden yet. bernard smith, i'm 0. moscow brushes financial system is already staggering. under the weight of
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western sanctions, the rubel plunged to another record low of a 110 to the u. s. toller, while moscow's stock market remained closed for a 3rd straight day. more and more companies are pulling out at least 11 major automakers that includes ford, valvo, and b, m. w. say that they're suspending deliveries or halting production and russia for aviation firms, boeing air bus, lufthansa, and the world's biggest aircraft leasing company. that's air cap holdings. have stopped dealing with russian airlines and at least 7 logistics companies, including the giant steer trail, fedex and maersk has start, have stopped delivering to russia. some of also stopped their operations in ukraine . he was president joe biden says all options are open for further sanctions at targeting russian oil and gas. hi, danny. well, i love is off the table. i think we're, i'm,
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we're far very good girl. you say that right? let's beat the gabriel is on the now who joins us from new york a. so gabe growing calls earth sanction the russian energy a sector. the question is, of course, is it actually gonna happen? well, had certainly on the table, that's what joe biden is saying. he's saying nothing is off the table. however, shortly after making that comment on wednesday, the president spokesperson from the white house kind of walked that back a bit and said, listen, there's certainly no strategic insurance for the united states to limit oil consumption or, or production around the world. and he says, we need to consider all the ramifications if we were to do that speaking, if the u. s. was to cut off oil imports from russia and there would be big implications. that's why, even though the u. s. in many countries around the world,
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more dozens, if you will, have leveled historic sanctions on russia. an unprecedented sanctions. you have not seen the u. s. sanction the russian energy sector. why? the reason is, is because it would mean gas prices would go up considerably in the us and elsewhere around the world as well. that's a very much a domestic consideration at the u. s. and the white house is taking into consideration there. do they want gas prices to skyrocket? so certainly this would be a dramatic move. this is sort of the, the most dramatic sanction the u. s. could probably level on russia, but it would have dramatic immediate direct effects on us gas prices and gas prices as well. so this is something that certainly there's more calls in congress for the, for the, for the, for the white house to consider this. they are considering it, but so far aren't committing to actually doing it. and of course the,
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the impact of the sanctions that are already be announced, or being fell to tell us the little, the latest on the oil prices. and in general, the economic fall out from the war and sanction. well, the economic fall out globally is being felt quite frankly, but everyone is really focusing on at least on wednesday, on oil prices. at one point they reached about $113.00 a barrel. that's very high. but analysts are saying that it could go up to a $12535.00 potentially even $145.00 a barrel. it's because of this uncertainty because of the war. and because really 2 factors, the unprecedented sanctions that are being leveled against russia, but also combine that with the fact that russia is one of the main world's major oil producers and ex borders. those 2 things combined are why there is so much
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worry on oil shortages around the world, the sanctions, while they're not directly on russian oil, they are on a bunch of other things that potentially could affect russian oil. the shipping industry, for example. so add all of this up and that's why you're seeing oil prices going up so fast. and one way i know all analysts told me, said these are really unprecedented times for the market. but particularly for oil, the oil markets around the world, until there is some sort of peace or certainty in ukraine, you're likely to can to continue the see these oil prices go upwards. gabriel is on the with the latest from new york, gave. thank you. but for still to come in this news our the united nations general assembly vote overwhelmingly to demand that russia withdrawals and forces from ukraine is so decided
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on there also being celebrations in kenya is more than a 170 countries. approve a deal to rain in this storing plastic pollution around well and the in sport a win for the ukrainian tennis player who says she's on a mission for her country. ah . hello the weather, sloshy dry and quiet for central parts. if you have nice big area of high pressure here, so good deal of sunshine light winds, pleasant spring, sunshine coming through. but to other side of that we have got some disturbed weather area of low pressure bring you some wet weather into western parts of europe. another one ganging up behind, that'll turn increasingly wet here all the way from the british isles,
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yard and vall and all the way down into spain and portugal. other side of our why we got so nasty weather. they're just around the black sea. that is bringing some wind fi weather in some heavy snow there into turkey, swirling round in to ukraine, just to celsius for keep and that's, they're becoming a little more widespread as we go one through friday, sliding a little further southward. so some pretty unpleasant conditions here. this is where the present sunshine is. temperature is around 567 degrees celsius. so no great walk, but in light winds, not feeling too bad at all. and there's that wet weather, bumping into our hi, it does week. and we have got some clouded right for england, pushing down into france, down into spain and portugal, as we go on through friday, northern parts of africa could catch a shower or to coast with those systems close by. little bit of damp weather towards that eastern side of the mediterranean, and some wet weather too, in 2 parts of west africa, all the way to liberia. ah,
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blue. ah, a reminder now of the days main developments in ukraine, russian air strikes continues to pound, major ukrainian cities, including mario, poland, how to keep hitting residential areas, and causing mass casualties. russia's military claims to have that taken control of the port city of have san, with picture is showing russian vehicles rolling through the streets. and ukraine's emergency service says more than 2000 civilians have been killed. the russian defense in history meanwhile, says nearly 500 of their soldiers have been killed by ukraine, disputes that figure and says it's closer to 7000.
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and the united nations general assembly is overwhelmingly approved. the resolution that deplores but does not condemn russia's invasion of ukraine. it was the assemblies 1st, the emergency session since 1997. the resolution was backed by a 141 countries and it also demands that russia immediately withdraws its forces from ukraine. kristen salumi has more ukraine came to the general assembly, arguing that russian aggression is a violation of the un charter as well as a deadly existential threat. they have come to the ukranian soil, not only to kill some of us, not only to received our cause and priorities. they have come to deprive ukraine of the very right to exist. here russia has no veto power, just the power to make its case even in the face of enormous opposition, was,
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am gonna give us your refusal to support today's draft. resolution is a vote for a peaceful ukraine. free from radicalism and neo nazis only neo nazis. mom in the and only 4 members state sided with the russians. 141 voting in favor of the resolution to pouring the military operation. to day the world has spoken with a clear united voice. together, the vast majority of the world has condemned russia's unprovoked unjustified unconscionable war. we have deplored barouche for allowing its territory to be used to facilitate this aggression. 35 countries abstain from voting among them, china, india, and south africa. that a solution that you have conceded to d does not create an environment conducive for diplomacy, dialogue, and mediation. however, the united arab emirates, which had abstained on
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a similar resolution and the security council, came out in favor. right now we recognized that this resolution adopted here today is a necessary signal of where we are. we need to be going, resigning ourselves to a cycle of perpetual violence. and sanctions that only adds to the suffering of civilians diminishes us all. under international law, matters of peace and security are the purview of the security council. but the counsel invoked a rarely used provision of the un charter to get around the russian veto and call for the special emergency session of the general assembly. it's outcome, according to sponsors shows russia's isolation on the international stage. kristin salumi al jazeera, the united nations, and ukranian families who have been stuck in the east of the country. i found temporary homes in bomb shelters, but some are taking matters into their own hands as the russian army continues to advance from the city of denise pro. hold up,
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they'll hamid reports. in a quiet corner outside the barracks, the joy family of united, even though is just for a few minutes. a chill timothy carrying prosthetic spare parts where his father likes to be called sailor. low by the mark. from one sailor lost his left leg 2 years ago when he was in the ukrainian marines, he rejoined the army a few days ago. seamless. he is not fully aware of the scale of the russian onslaught because his mother doesn't let him watch the news. oh no, i didn't feel comfortable at 1st, specially sleeping in the corridor, but i'm getting used to it school stock. so now i spend my days in the quarter door, nothing watching videos on the phone and read and books sometimes. but today we will go to help the volunteers, civilians from all walks of life are pitching in supporting soldiers like timothy, east father, and providing assistance the ukrainians,
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fleeing cognitive or sudden ukraine. the volunteers of frantic as they grasped the enormity of the russian assault on their country. among them natania, she usually manages a shoe company but is now putting together kits containing basic necessities or the pro so heroes. now the idea that people need everything, closed hygiene goods, shaving kids, toothpaste and tooth brushes. they are coming here without anything. their homes are destroyed. so all they have is the clothes they're wearing. disney pro has so far remains safe, but this city is bracing itself. public shelters are being prepared all over the city. this is the underground of a movie theater that was built in the 1950s when ukraine was part of the soviet union and already then, it was designated as a bomb shelter. during that cold war era, the stated threat was from western powers. it's stuffy with bow ventilation,
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but it will have to do this. it is under knight curfew. siller tells me is to prevent the possibility of russian agents carrying out acts of subversion and despise his handicap. he says he will fight to the bitter end. he believes russia's ambitions all far greater than ukraine. liberty with, with mr. lawyer, if you look at history starting from trans mystery in moldova, georgia, and then don barzyk, he is protecting his borders with the help of the so called self proclaimed republics. i have to protect my home and my family because people like me have little chance to survive in the case of a russian invasion here. men in a pro wondering what president vladimir putin plans are for the city, with the russian army advancing from the south and north men, the believe de quite, they have now could soon be broken. heard of that hamid al jazeera, dinny pro in eastern ukraine. the united nations says the number of
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refugees fleeing the conflict in ukraine has surged it to nearly 875000. and this marks a significant jump from the 677000 announced by the u. n. z refugee agency. just on tuesday 24 hours ago, more than half of those people have headed west into poland. others of crossed border points into hungry slovak camel dover. romania. around 38000 ukrainians of entered russia and a few 100 people have fled into bella. books. are you going to propose underneath my relatives? oh, they won't take was so kindly. so you would you just give it 3 babies? you yeah, my husband is live to protect a country and my 3 friends died or it went to terrible news for me. i just live to his children. if there were no children with me, or i will stay with my husband, where ukraine is established, an emergency hotline for african asian,
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another foreign students who want to escape many have said that they're being pushed back and actually beaten by border guards. and that must one or arch is a lecture of the water school of economics who's been helping students get out of ukraine and she joins us live now from the polish capital. madam, thank you so much for joining us here on al jazeera, i understand that you have been at the polish border and seen the situation i there, i want to ask you specifically about the situation of students. but 1st of all, just give us your assessment of what in general the situation that you've seen at the border is well actually what i can say that i, that this manion from, from our students, i mean african students they are fled into to, to, to pollen and how they're gonna and, and how they would straighten by ukraine aside. the main point is that a queuing the long hours, you know, in prison, cold. and they just do not get any, any help like any organization. because it's quite difficult right now to send
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anyone there to help the moment they cross the border and they are in poland. dare say we have the transport, we have the reception points, or we have everything what the needs are to to secure them and asked for now over 125 different nationalities, a really fine, safe place in poland. among them of many of the students of the they jerry, us, you alone. and mallory and brooke in a fossil dasanya, kenya. and, and we had to make sure as for now to secure them chewing in the long in the long to a crane and such a ukraine is do not have any system or filled out to matic or checking the passport and other documents. so that's why you take so so, so many hours. and so our students that are already in
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a double university are they are saying that they were like pushing ards from the trains and pushing out from the buses and stats the most sad thing. but we have to remember that there is laura and d like right. p r. good people and bad people at the same time sherman, we have obviously had over the past few days, a numerous reports about out, you know, very open discrimination happening at the border. so now it seems to be that perhaps the situation is getting a little bit better from what i, from what you're saying. but what kind of support is than waiting for the students, the ones, especially the managed to cross into poland. what happens then? well actually they got transferred to one of the reception points that are, you know, across though across the pollen and men of them. a lot of and joe's organizations private help of people, a lot of volunteer waiting for for them the supporting we're for food supporting
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with close supporting with all necessary and the equipment that they may need because you loss of them or just one bag trying to, to evacuate very, very quickly from, from the key of, or from the other for the other cities. and so actually by an order is open for all who are fleeing russian aggressions. and it's not like that you only taking ukrainians or not? no, no, no, it's like over $120.00 definition i just right now in poland and we are all of course in every day caused on with a connection with all different embassies, as in war. so impala, we don't have all embassies of the citizens are filling out to, to ask about her seems like sunday we are with the connection with all the embassies like a nigerian canyon, randi says ambien and so on. and we are trying to, to,
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to help as much as we can most of the students are, do you know, the position that they want to feel as they study in our, in, in europe. so also we are trying to find out how they can do it. we are supposed to, to many rectors of different universities, either gonna stay here in poland or island. they go to, to berlin, all to add a to, to, to other countries. but as for now important, we are, you know, very quickly changing the law because, you know, most of the students are having to stand in their passport like that they can stay just for 15 days. and that's the thing that's really worrying them. what happen after dis 15 days, but we are changing that very quickly and so we are waiting for it. so in few days time, i hope that day we're gonna be secure. we've given like more time to to stay or to settle down yet. the answer is the 42 family days from what i understand that certainly yes, 50 yes. and the last one. all right,
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we're gonna have to leave it there unfortunately. but and a massage. electra at the war. so school of economics, sir. madam, thank you. thank you so much. well, ukrainians who made it to germany are working out their next steps after going through what they say was an overwhelming experience. dominic cane has more now from berlin. ah, just a few days ago these people were fleeing the war in ukraine. now they are arriving in berlin after a journey, which has lasted many hours. the chaos of the last week is separated many from their families and brought them to a city which is welcoming them as refugees. for some, the experience has been overwhelming. i was on the train from keel to the village when the bombs started to fall. i can still hear the explosions in my ears now. the
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whole train was shaking. i thought somebody out. we have no plan. i. i know the run around and i don't know what to do. i went to work and sent my meeting with you great. and for the many still stuck in the war zone, there are people here trying to help them assembling packages of essential supplies . as at this center, in potsdam or in berlin, where some people have initiated their own donation campaign. collecting food, water and clothing, which can then be taken on by ukrainian truck drivers. come here for land before they come here. we load them up and they go to ukraine and in ukraine, the volunteers will then receive them and then distribute the stuff to the needed
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towns or villages wherever the help is needed. for the established charities here, the need is clear. german red cross efficiency, the ukrainian colleagues need, is great. it's failure weeks. as roger invaded ukraine, and these are some of the 1st people to make it all away. here is refugees. there may be many, many more dominant tain alpha 0 at berlins when translation or george's ruling part, he says it will immediately apply to join the european union. 2 days after ukraine formally asked to join the block, thousands of georgians have been rallying in their capital tbilisi to express solidarity with ukraine and denounced the russian invasion. george, as president, has called on the e u to accelerate steps to admit that admit the country into the block to protect it from russia. ok, let's take a look now at some of the days other news and more than a 170 countries have approved a landmark agreement to create the world's 1st ever
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a global plastic pollution treaty. the you and environment assembly passed the resolution after a week of talks in kenya. the legally binding treaty treaty will address the full life cycle of plastic covering production and packaging design, as well as waste. malcolm web has more on this story from nairobi. a $175.00 governments of adopted the resolution including the us, china were the world largest plastic produces the un says is the most important green deal since the parents climate change agreement in 2015 and campaign is saying it's a massive step forward in dealing with plastic pollution but still a long way to go. the government have committed to negotiating and finalizing a legally binding. plastics treat the by 2024 treaties. ames to restrict and regulate plastics, production and plastics. disposal globally plastic levels of pollution. a soaring
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contaminating food chains and destroying marine habitat. here in kenya, plastic pollution levels, often on measured on known. we joined some campaigners and researches in the long island of kenya, coast, who are trying to find out exactly how much plastic pollution is along the coast lines. and in the sea. nobody has ever measured how much plastic pollution is in the sea and on the beaches here around the lobby islands of kenya's, northern coast. the campaign is on board the sailing by want to give it a go. it's called the flip floppy. the made from recycled plastic. waste, named after the plastic sandals that cover it. we're interested in understanding how we can create a secular economy for plastic waste here in, in a local environment like this. so to do that, we have to understand how much plastic is here. we have to understand how much people know about this issue if it will be crew members campaign against the use of
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single use plastics and try to find ways for people to reuse plastic waste. the flip, floppy is the 1st sailing both of its kind in the world and this survey is the 1st of its kind. whoever take place in this part of the indian ocean. the crews say they don't know exactly how much plastic pollution is in the, on the beaches or in the mangrove, but they say that sure that there's a lot. and there, right, well every island they've stopped the plastic bottle litter. the mangroves forms that line the shores by roping off squares, and collecting and weighing the plastic in each. they could estimate how many tons are here. when i wake up last week, you know, and then share ideas with the communities with what to do with it. all my moon, a shade already collect plastic waste from the beaches site they. i meant to say it
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has benefit but has help us. we collect the bottles and we put it in other plastic that we collect from the ocean. we've made the plastic blocks and built the house from my luna and her neighbors have joined plastic recycling projects before they showed us what they've built from the waste they've collected. the waste on the beaches is only part of the problem. this device collects tiny plastic particles from the sea. the samples will be sent to a lab to find out if the water here is is polluted is the coastline bahati. my i'm is traveled from townsend here to help with the research. he says, the particles a disastrous for fish. if you love it, look like food for the fish could be under. we understand that you can get this issue. the end of the day will be productive, productive ability, heated company for more than a 1000 years season. a wind carried traders in dallas across the indian nation
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today, campaign a say the same winds bringing plastic waste from as far away as china to these islands. they hope the flip will be projects will help the people living on them to deal with the growing challenge of plastic waste. malcolm web out his era, la me, kenya, right here santa, now with the sport. thank you very much, barbara. well, chelsea's, a russian owner, roman brockovich, has put the permanently club for sale around which says he believes at this course of action is in the best interests of the london team. he's owned the club since 2003 cy, the, the rating world, and european champions around which has already given the stewardship and care of chelsea to club trustees, following of russia's invasion of ukraine in his statement. he said, i will not be asking for any loans to be repaid. this has never been about business,
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nor money for me. i have instructed my team to set up a charitable foundation that were all net proceeds from the sale will be donated the foundation will be for the benefit of all victims of the war in ukraine. well, been talking to football writer gavin hamilton about the timing of brockovich announcement the last few days the situation has changed significantly. and particularly today, when questions were asked in the british parliament about why abram, which has not been sanctioned by the british government of the british comedy. suppose johnson with aust that by in peace, i'm the parliamentary privilege excuse in the right to say and make accusations allegations, journalists, we can't say, and we can't probably start. this is a critical moment. i think in today's proceedings that, that, that happen in cognitive, i think devil is in the diesel, really because he's talking about giving the net profit from the sale to, to, to,
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to ukraine and to, to help to the victims of the russian invasion and in ukraine. net coffee, we don't know what that means yet, so it could be a 1000000000 pounds. it could be, could be nothing. we don't know yet. the devil is in the details. there won't be many buyers for chelsea. i had a 1000000000 pounds, but haven't got the cache over. i mentioned united, liverpool perhaps, but they are still a huge traction for the right by john. but i need money spent on them because money has been input put in by from each over the course of 20 years that they're running last year. and that's being covered by rich and new york has to be patched to inject new money into the club. i think from russia better, we have been given the all clear to take part at the upcoming winter paralympics. they will have to compete in beijing as neutral to under the paralympics flag, the president of the international paralympic committee, andrew parsons, that said,
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it was the harshest possible punishment they could order under its constitution. while the opening ceremony takes place on friday. and i do understand reshay's aggressive estate, but the athletes here that were born in that nation, they are not the aggressors. and i think is important to make that distinction from the they at the i agree with you. they are from the aggressive state. but the opposite here, they are not soldiers, they are not the aggressors. and i think we need to treat them with the same respect with threats, assets from any other nation who earned their qualifications. lot to be here. well, we've been talking to rob kiln said general of global axis, which is an organization representing sportsmen and women around the world. he says, the ip has for short. let's go back to the realistic games in
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2016. when the international paralympic committee banned the entire russian team from the paralympics for institutionalized doping, and now russia and bella roost are waging war against ukraine. and they credit use their principal decision making, suspend those 2 countries. shame on them. russia has undermine the integrity of sport for so long. it's time for global sport to take action, and unfortunately it's, we'll have to supper. but a strong message needs to be sent. latimer and lucas shank goes, actions can no longer be sucked except for the world stage. and they will use this opportunity to, to share with, to the world that it's business as usual, because there are competing the power of sport. and the importance of sport for a lot of mere food, cannot be understated. and by continued to put more sanctions on, the absolutely can have an effect by turning away and not taking the stronger sacks
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sanction. it does a complete injustice to every single out there. hundreds of olympians apparently have called for this the span and the i p. c. and by extension the i o c, have all refused to take action. ukraine sub tennis plan as it's on the nessa, she's on a mission for her country world and the number one see that be watch us on the start with the montera open. vitaly not only agree with the rules, competitors from russia, and better, ruth can only take part in 2 arms as a neutral for the my, to what i said. russian actually had become 20 of the situation and that's it. for me. i hand you back to barbara and london, son our thank you very much for that, and that is it for this certain news. our do so with a song going to be back in just a few minutes with the latest on the days news, and of course the latest on the situation in ukraine. thanks for watching.
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ah. on march 9, south koreans would choose in you. presidents. foreign policy is a key issue with the 2 front running candidates from opposing policies that will this presidential race be determined by younger voters. more concerned with inequality that home south korea votes, special coverage on al jazeera siri as dorcas days with one man leading the country through us. present to alice out his loss legitimacy. he needs to step back. how has he retained control through over a decade of war? we examine the global power games of president bashar al assad. we believe assad simply carrying out iranian orders. what keeps you awake at night? many a reason that could effect any human eyesight, master of chaos on al jazeera,
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with school ah or china in the u. s. leave walking their way to war in the struggle over ukraine. here is the test for president joe biden. what proven is really trying to do is rewrite the security architecture in europe. if your person united states you sir, if you go to walk and chew gum at the same time, your weekly pay on us politics and 5th, i think that's the bottom line. ah
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al jazeera, where ever you ah, russian forces lay siege to cut a key mario paul, and the other key cities in ukraine, which says more than 2000 civilians have been killed. ah, hello, i'm barbara sarah. you're watching al jazeera alive from london also coming up at falling wreckage from a down. russian missile causes a powerful explosion near keith central train station.
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