tv News Al Jazeera March 3, 2022 3:00am-3:31am AST
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and he skilfully mazda, 3 of 2, both filling a permanent lifting the work future, while the cost cutters gateway to whoa trade. blue invading russian forces renewed their bombardments of ukrainian cities besieged seaports. crossing of thousands of people and the city of nautical ah, hello money inside watching out there is continuing coverage of the russia ukraine will. we have demonstrated that russia is isolated and alone,
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most of the while lines up against russia. the un voting in favor of the resolution, deploring its actions. this is russia's foreign minister tells al jazeera the conflict is justified because ukraine poses a direct but also russian businessmen, roman abramoff, which confirms he's selling london's football club. chelsea from an overwhelming yet symbolic vote at the un to increased tough sanctions. the world is moving to further isolate russia for its invasion of ukraine. the offensive now moving into its 2nd week is gaining ground. take a look at this map. the area shaded in red, are controlled by russia and allied separatists. in the south, russia says it's taken control of cassandra, which is a poor city on the black sea. ukraine's government has disputed that the may of another port city mateo pole has been reporting mass casualties off to what he
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described is 15 hours of continuous bombardment by russian forces out there. as charles stratford says, thousands of people a trap that some worry, the terrifying accounts that we're hearing from people trying to get out of mario full. we've been speaking to drivers and members of a convoy put together by the greek console. the. the greeks surprisingly have a community in marielle, paul and the consul trying to put together a convoy to get civilians out, and they're describing horrifically strong and terrifying. fighting inside mariel, paul, the seasoning they are describing bridges, at least one bridge that has been destroyed. they're unable to confirm who destroyed the bridge, and they say that there is this, this, this terrifying effort to try and get civilians out of the cities, marable, of course, of huge strategic importance. a naval port city on the see of as off and somewhere
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where we had always suspected am and military analysts had said that there would be a big fight because of the amount of ukrainian military and ukrainian paramilitaries in that city. a city that was very proud of having pushed separatists back out of it in 2014. the reason that that city is so important for the russians. so analysts say is because if they were to take control of it, it would give them a land corridor from the east, further east, where the separatists have been in control for, for 78, not on 8 years now, and northern crimea. and we know that the russians have been suffering terribly with respect to water resources on in, in crimea, water resources that have been taken controllable, were taken control of by the ukrainians in 2014. we
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also hear of terrible shelling and mass casualties around the town over vol, nova, that is also north of mariel pal. and we understand that there had been an attempt earlier in the day to try and organize some sort of corridor or so civilians could get out. and we've heard nothing since. meanwhile, a large explosion has sekins central cave. and what the president's office says was a missile strike near the capital city, southern well, where station, the ukrainian well way service said that thousands of women and children were being evacuated from the station at the time of the strike from living under semen wraps up wednesdays. other major developments within ukraine. one of so many towns and cities under relentless attack. and in hawk, he, it's even worse here. the cities military airfield is destroyed. it's
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the start of another round of terror for ukraine's 2nd city. it's forces, again trying to defend themselves and their civilians. russian power troopers are reported to be in the outskirts of the city, fighting with ukrainian soldiers in the capital keys, the aftermath of a missile attack on the cities television tow. there's in the mosaic looting. it is beyond humanity. this rocky strike proves that. for many russians, our kia is absolutely foreign to them. they don't know a thing about our capital of about our history, but they all have all this to erase our history a, raise our country a raises all. wednesday saw a low in the fighting, and many families took the opportunity to make their escape. some of them getting to the outskirts by foot and finding bridges destroyed by ukrainian forces to hold back russian advances orchestra. so if we should with, with you,
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the enemy is pulling its troops close to the capital we, we are getting ready, and we will defend our city. in the south, the russians are now claiming they've taken their 1st ukrainian city since the fighting began. it's the black sea port of hudson. in the city of anna holder, residence blocked the road to europe's largest nuclear power station in a stand off with the russian forces, bohemia moody. so as it was up for the nuclear part as under secure protection, all the workers and people are standing under ukrainian flags. nobody's going to surrender the city out. people are totally determined. its a determination shared by so many civilians. every day, the war effort gets bigger, small companies run across ukraine, trying to do their bit to help this company is attempting to use steel beams, to good effect. they were all hours making defences that date back to the 1st world
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war, the so called tank hedgehogs, there are determined efforts by those fighting and those helping. but is it enough to avoid defeat? andrew simmons al jazeera levine was behaving exclusively to out there are rushes. foreign minister insist that the military operation is justified. think a lover of said his country could no longer sit and watch its neighbor become a bigger threat. it took me shasky to call a yeast, you put them so you ukraine has the capabilities and technology to manufacturer and nuclear weapon. mister putin talked about this. that's why within this military operation, we put into consideration the experience we've learned over the last decades. since the collapse of the soviet union, the mission is clear to disarm ukraine and not deploy or manufacture any weapons that threaten russia, security. or meanwhile, the un general assembly, as a proved to resolution that deplores spot, doesn't condemn russia's ukraine invasion. it was,
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it's fast emergency fashion since 1997 from the un kristen slimming port you crane came to the general assembly, arguing that russian aggression is a violation of the un charter as well as a deadly existential threat. they have come to the ukranian soil, not only to kill some of us, not only to received our cause, and for your it is they have come to deprive ukraine of the very right to exist. here russia has no veto power, just the power to make its case even in the face of enormous opposition, was, am gonna give us your refusal to support today's draft. resolution is a vote for a peaceful ukraine. free from radicalism and neo nazis. i mean, you're not seasonal. in the end, only 4 member states cited with the russians. 141 voting in favor of the resolution deploring the military operation. today, the world has spoken with a clear united voice. together,
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the vast majority of the world has condemned russia's unprovoked unjustified unconscionable war. we have deplored bella ruesch for allowing its territory to be used to facilitate this aggression. 35 countries abstain from voting among them, china, india, and south africa. that a solution that you have conceived at to d does not create an environment conducive for diplomacy, dialogue, and mediation. however, the united arab emirates, which had abstained on a similar resolution and the security council, came out in favor. right now we recognized that this resolution adopted here today is a necessary signal of where we, we need to be going, resigning ourselves to a cycle of perpetual violence. and sanctions that only adds to the suffering of civilians diminishes us all. under international law,
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matters of peace and security are the purview of the security council. but the counsel invoked to rarely used provision of the un charter to get around the russian veto and call for the special emergency session of the general assembly. it's outcome according to sponsors shows russia's isolation on the international stage. kristin salumi al jazeera, the united nations. oh yes, president joe biden says the number of countries that supported the un resolution shows a well largely united against russia vote and united nations to condemn food. $141.00 countries voted to do that in the un general assembly several abstained. china abstained. didn't this, it didn't vote with them, but abstain. indian state, certain countries abstain. i think there was a number there alone and they did what they did in my view. he did with debussy,
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thought he could split nato, split europe and spoke to united states really no mystery to the whole world. no one can split this country as go right over to our white house correspondent kennedy hall, k. kimberly understand, president biden has just released a statement on this vote. what exactly has it got to say? yeah, very strongly worded statement. in fact, just a few of the highlights, the president saying that this boat demonstrates the extent of global outrage at russia's horrific assault on a sovereign neighbor and has showcased unprecedented global unity. president goes on to say that a majority of nations condemn the actions of russia, pointing out in the eyes of the u. s. president that vladimir putin is isolated and supported only in his eyes in terms of the outcome of this vote by 4 brutal
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authoritarian states. now the u. s. president goes on further to say that he commends the united nations for holding this vote. and also for holding bella, ruth's accountable, he says we will demonstrate that freedom always triumphs over tyranny. so some very strong words from the u. s. president on the heels of those comments that you play just moments ago. in other developments we've heard from the pentagon today, haven't we announcing that it began to delay a nuclear missile test, which was scheduled for this week? what exactly is that about? yeah, well, earlier in the week, the russia you'll recall heightened it's a nuclear deterrent capabilities. and this was obviously alarming because as, as nuclear world power, i all eyes were on the united states as a, another nuclear armed world power to see whether it would ask les to and do the
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same if you will. ah, the united states decided not to do that, and many around the world breathed a sigh of relief that there was not this sort of ratcheting up i have. but there was, of course, i this fear that perhaps the united states might go through with a plan test of an intercontinental ballistic missiles. and what we've learned today is that the defense secretary took the deliberate actions not to do that. and the reason being is that when tensions are so high, there's room for error. there's room for miscalculation, there's room for misunderstanding. so according to the defense secretary, john kirby, who is the pentagon spokesperson, sorry, not the defense secretary, the pentagon spokesperson what austin is. the defense secretary, he was asked about all of this, and he pointed out that the united states made this decision to do this. and it
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came after careful consideration ad here is what he had to say about all this. take a listen. such provocative rhetoric and possible changes to nuclear posture involving the most consequential weapons in our respective arsenals is unacceptable . the united states has not taken any similar steps. and so in an effort to demonstrate that we have no intention in engaging in any actions that can be misunderstood or misconstrued. secretary defense has directed that are minute man 3 intercontinental ballistic missile test launch. scheduled for this week to be postponed. we do not take this decision lightly, but instead to demonstrate that we are a responsible nuclear power. so what the united states has done from the beginning and it has faced a lot of criticism for this, is that it is deliberately trying to work in conjunction with his partners and allies. in other words, it is not a sort of heading square off with russia,
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but instead choosing, for example, not to put soldiers directly and you pray, but instead to work and put soldiers in only nato countries, it is choosing only to, if there is a spillover for example, in nato countries only then would soldiers u. s. soldiers be called to fight. it is very much making the deliberate decision to work with partners and allies. and so to that end, what we know is that the secretary of state antony blinking will be traveling to belgium to nato headquarters where he will be working again in coordination and conjunction with foreign ministers from those nato allies. to continue that ongoing coordination. something that was done before the invasion of ukraine, and as this conflict is ongoing, so this is really been the foundation of the foreign policy tactic by the u. s.
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president. with regard to this conflict and the u. s. president saying that even as this conflict isn't going back, coordination will continue. okay, thank you for that. can be home at that for us in washington, all small in the ukraine conflict, shortly including the press on the prussia, russian journalists that ordered to tow the kremlin line, also has all decided celebrations in kenya, way more than a 170 countries agreed to end plastic pollution ah look forward to really to scully's, the with sponsored play cattle at ways. hello, the weather main, sloshy troy across northern parts of china. but we have got some changeable weather
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in the forecasts. over the next couple days, you see this band of cloud just spilling out into the open waters. high pressure for central airs of china is a weakening feature. it as it weakens it is going to allow more in the way of cloud and rain into southern areas of china to the north. it stays dry and pleasant temperatures, basing a 12 celsius a 10 celsius. therefore, sol push across the water 10 celsius in sendai. but we have got still a few snow flurries to come on thursday should dry up, should brighten up as we go on into we're friday perhaps a little cooler, but on the way of sunshine and pleasant sunshine, coming through tokyo at 12 degrees. but notice we will see some winter weather just coming out of the korean peninsula, caressing some wintry weather. and that just pushes all the way up a little further, or still some showers cross southern parts of china, petty, a showers, me while across southeast asia. one of 2 showers just coming in to the philippines, we are going to see more the way of showers across malaysia and indonesia. in particular seen some heavy showers. they joined up with the showers spilling out to
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the southern parts of the bio been gall. this blossoming area cloud is going to bring some very heavy rain, some strong winds, just flank ray, with a mixed case couple of days, and also southern india for the weather sponsored by cataract weighs and is a 2000000 stray dogs men unit tara state al jazeera well, for those days and a remarkable jamie to rest layer all the way. you have a good role with which takes a very difficult to search for. yeah, these are very straight analogy zebra. ah,
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the me watching out of their mind, if i help stories of our rushes military says it's taking control of the southern ukrainian city of coast on may, it says russian troops are on the streets. equating officials deny the that he had fallen the may if another pull to see marian poll is reporting mass casualties. often what he described is 15 hours of continuous bombardment by russian or some of the records from khaki in the northeast. the general assembly has voted overwhelmingly in favor. the resolution demanding that russia withdrew its troops from ukraine and on the binding resolution deplores the invasion doesn't condemn. ukraine's president has delivered another message of defiance from heavily guarded compound in keys. even if they were able to get more ammunition, more manpower,
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everywhere they go, they'll be destroyed. they will not have pace. they won't have food. they won't have a single quiet minute. the occupants won't only that offense. the struggle that thou remember forever that we are not giving away what is aus london. chelsea football club has been put up for sale by the russian owner, roman brahman bitch, who says he will donate the proceeds to help wolf victims in ukraine. rebellion has been on the press to denounce russia's invasion. the voice had been calls for the british government at brockovich to its sanctions list. the edison chief of russia sole, independent tv news channel had left the country, followed a warning for media outlets just stop spreading. what regulators describe as false information about the ukraine conflict for moscow bennet smith explains how the war is being officially covered in russia. tv rain has always had to choose his words carefully. it's the only news channel in russia that isn't pro
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kremlin. now the authorities a telling it what words it can and cannot use no move without an editor in chief teak on that co tells view. as we continue to tell you about the war, which the military authorities call a special military operation. it's very important for russian authorities not to use the words such as invasion, war war, but for the moscow prosecutor's office tv. rain isn't trying hard enough. it ordered the channel to stop spreading, what it called, false information regarding the actions of russian military personnel. a few hours after speaking to al jazeera ticket, left russia with his family b. tv rains website is blocked. all that's left is this stream on youtube of them. but i guess what kit is on this be a sat there. i'd say ok, state tv refers to a special operation, zoning, ukraine. the coverage is concentrated on what's happening in the battles for the nets. and lou gantski now recognized as republics by moscow did not. there's no
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mention of a tax on key f one other ukrainian cities was regular. inner anatole you have now is one of the 64 percent of russians for whom television is their primary source of news by me at the yard. sl did a bomb, as i heard, it's just the opposite. they try to somehow protect the peaceful population as much as possible. i can't say i'd supported this from the beginning, but now i do support it as after the kremlin and the cremins foreign channels don't refer to an invasion. russia will continue, though, with its military incursion. in arabic, the headline reads russia's military operation to protect don bass and in french, russia will continue it's offensive in ukraine. the code of 40 who saw all you can . russia's communications regulator, has accused 10 outlets of falsely depicting what it calls the military operation in ukraine. one of them,
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the novia gazette and its headlines as well. at least there's some good news. the word piece hasn't been forbidden yet. bernard smith, al jazeera, moscow, or politic vladimir putin through sanctions risks more political pain at home for joe biden. the u. s. is already in the grip of high inflation and soaring oil prices could make that worse. gabriel alexander reports from yield a week into the invasion of ukraine. the price of oil has soared at $1.00 point on wednesday, climbing to over a $113.00 a barrel analyst now say it could hit a $125.00 soon. the fear and perception of shortage or exit or excess, or it's always affects the market, the price immediately this week, the u. s. and 30 allies pledge to release 60000000 barrels of oil from the strategic reserves. but the world consumes about 100000000 barrels a day. so the move has done little to slow prices. if the united states was to,
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in the all russian oil imports, it would mean the price that consumers pay at the pump would go up a lot. but nevertheless, there's growing calls in congress for president joe biden to do exactly that in america's reliance on russian oil. on wednesday, if i was asked about that option, nothing is off the table. western oil companies such as exxon shell and b, p r, pulling out of russia, exxon ending operations, and a $4000000000.00 investment at a russian oil and gas facility show cancelling a $3000000000.00 joint venture with rushes gas prom. all this after b p announced it would pull out of a 19 percent stake in russia. oil company rosin f. a deal valued at $14000000000.00 . analysts say the organisation of oil producing countries known as opec could have done more to prevent the current crisis or the key reason why we are in the supply
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. in this very tight supply condition has been the opec and willingness, or inability, or most likely combination of to deliver the supply that they promise. month by month. this is a dramatic moment for world oil supply. likely, the market won't stabilize until the uncertainty of war ins. gabriel is on auto al jazeera new york cycle up now some other world news. tens of thousands of people have been ordered, alphabet homes, and sydney as flooding. inundate the western and southern fringes of the australian city to mental rain has been battering these coasts. moving from the state of queensland into new south wales, 13 people have been killed. but cruise expect to find more bodies in flood zone. and when waters was seed, the white house was laid out a national blueprint to manage cove and 19 going forward, including dealing with outbreaks and new variants without locked outs. and includes
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access to free anti virus pills and investment in new vaccines. but the plan and funding yet to be approved by congress is understood the bought in administration will seek out another $30000000000.00. you and countries have agreed to create a legally binding tracy on dealing with plastic pollution. the resolution settled at a meeting in kenny, a pace away for potential tracy within 2 years. mark web reports from the ruby, $175.00 governments of adopted the resolution, including the us. china were the world largest plastic produces the un says is the most important green deal since the paris climate change agreement in 2015 and campaign is saying it's a massive step forward in dealing with plastic solution, but still a long way to get the government have committed to negotiating and finalizing a legally binding plastic street, the by 2024 treaties aimed to restrict and regulate plastic production
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and plastics. disposal globally plastic levels of pollution. a soaring contaminating food chains and destroying marine habitat. here in kenya. plastic pollution levels often on measured on known, we joined some campaigners in research in the long island of kenya, coast, who are trying to find out exactly how much plastic pollution is along the coast lines. and in the sea. nobody has ever measured how much plastic pollution is in the sea and on the beaches here around the lobby islands of kenya's, northern coast. the campaign is on board. the sailing boat want to give us a go. it's called the flip floppy. the made from we cycled plastic waste named after the plastics handle that cover it. we're interested in understanding how we can create a secular economy for plastic weight here in, in a local environment like this. so to do that,
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we have to understand how much plastic is here. we have to understand how much people know about this issue. eclipse will be crew members campaign against the use of single use plastics and try to find ways for people to reuse plastic waste. the flip, floppy is the 1st sailing both of its kind in the world and this survey is the 1st of its kind. whoever take place in this part of the indian ocean. the crews say they don't know exactly how much plastic pollution is in the, on the beaches or in the mangrove. but they say there's sure that there's a lot and they're right. whenever y'all and they've stopped the plastic bottle litter, the mangroves forms that line the shores by roping off squares and collecting and weighing the plastic and each they could estimate how many tons are here. what i like a plastic, you know, and then share ideas with the communities with what to do with it. all my moon. a
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shade already collect plastic waste from the beaches site. they get images, have tags benefit that has help us. we collect the bottles and we put it in other plastics that we collect from the ocean. we've made the plastic blocks and built the house from my luna and her neighbors have joined plastic recycling project before they showed us what they've built from the waste. they've collected, but the waste on the beaches is only part of the problem. this device collects tiny plastic particles from the sea. the samples will be sent to a lab to find out if the water here is polluted is the coastline bahati. my i'm is traveled from townsend here to help with the research. he says, the particles a disastrous for fish. if, if less it looked like food for it, but it could be under, we understand that they get this issue. the end of the day will be productive, productive ability. compet for more than
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a 1000 years season. a wind carried traders in dallas, across the indian nation today campaign to say the same winds are bringing plastic waste from as far away as china to these islands. they hoped the flip floppy projects will help the people living on them to deal with the growing challenge of plastic waste. malcolm web al jazeera, la me, kenya. ah, this is al jazeera, these are the top stories. rushes military says is taking control of the southern ukrainian city of cas on a may. a says russian troops are on the streets. you couldn't officials deny the city had fallen may if another port, city mighty polish reporting mass casualties. also what he described is 15 hours of continuous bombardment by russian forces.
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