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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  March 3, 2022 3:30am-4:01am AST

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ability, but for more than a 1000 years season, a wind carried traders in dallas, across the indian nation today campaign to say the same winds are bringing plastic waste from as far away as china to these islands. they hope the flip floppy projects will help the people living on them to deal with the growing challenge of plastic waste. malcolm web al jazeera, la me, kenya. ah, this is al jazeera, these are the top stories. rushes military says is taking control of the southern ukrainian city of cas on a may. a says russian troops are on the streets. you couldn't officials deny the city had fallen may if another port, city mighty polish reporting mass casualties. also, what he described is 15 hours of continuous bombardment by russian forces. there
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are similar reports from concave, and the ne equating president has delivered another message of defiance from heavily guarded compound in even if they were able to get more ammunition, more man power, everywhere they go, they'll be destroyed. they will not have pace. they won't have food, they won't have a single quite minute. the occupants won't only that offense. the struggle that thou remember forever that we are not giving away what is aus. you, in general assembly has voted overwhelmingly in favor for resolution demanding that was with its troops and own binding resolutions applause the invasion, but doesn't condemn it. the united nations to condemn food. $141.00 countries voted to do that in the un general assembly. several abstained. china abstained. didn't didn't bo with him, but abstain. indian state. settled countries abstain. i think it was
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in there alone. and they did, but they didn't. my view he did with debussy, thought he could split nato, split europe and split the united states. really guy mystery to the whole world. no one can split this country. london's chelsea football club has been put up for sale by russian own a roman abramoff, which he says he will donate the proceeds to help all victims. belinda has been under pressure to denounce russia's invasion, have also been called for the british government to add a brockovich to its sanctions list. brokovich has own chelsea since 2003 and help tanner into a trophy winning side. okay, that was he had on sneeze continues here now to their of, to inside story, stay with us for
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ah, al jazeera where you why? oh, joe biden talks tough on vladimir putin in his state of the union address. the u. s . president warnings the russian leader has no idea what's coming beyond threats and sanctions. what can the us do to stop rushes? actions on you claim this is in slides thought. ah, ah hello, welcome to the program i'm hasn't seen it is traditionally the most widely viewed
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speech, an american president, mace, the annual state of the union address to a joint session of congress laying down the president's plans for the coming year. but events overseas often overshadow those plans and also rethink. and in this address, biden's 1st as president the conflict unfolding in ukraine featured heavily in its opening minutes. it was a recognition that the u. s. president was speaking to the world this time and not just the american people. joe biden added the united states that a long list of countries barring the air space to russian planes. he went after vladimir putin over rushes attack on ukraine. framing the debate as a battle between democracy and autocracy. thrushes, lad, and recruit and sought to shake the very foundations of the free world. thinking and making ben to his managing ways. but he badly miscalculated. he thought he could roll in ukraine and the world would roll over. instead, he met with a mol,
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wall of stroke. he never anticipated or imagined. he met ukrainian people united states department of justice settling a dedicated task force to go after the crimes of the russian oligarchy were joining with european allies to find and seized our yards luxury apartments. their private jets were coming for you. ill be gotten game tonight. i'm announcing that we will join our allies and closing off american aerospace to all russian flies. her i say adding additional fries on her russian foreign minister. rove has been reacting to the west in response to his country's invasion of its neighbour speaking to i just love rob said moscow would not let ukraine obtain nuclear weapons. and he warned if
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a 3rd world war took place, it would be nuclear and destructive bras. as russia would face real danger if key of acquired nuclear warheads are in ukraine fighting has intensified in and around the crimean peninsula. the russia next in 2014 northeast in the city of person, russian troops and tanks are reportedly in control of the city center and ukrainian soldiers say they've been surrounded in the port city of mighty you, paul, northwest of crimea. reports also suggests russian forces have installed checkpoints around the peninsula. ukrainian government has dismissed some of those reports as propaganda. the so it's set talk about all of this now with our guests in michigan, i'm joined by aaron call director of debates at the university of michigan. he's also editor and co author of the state of the union is memorable addresses of the
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last 60 years in kia if is kierra roodick, ukrainian member of parliament's. and joining us from washington, robert hanser, former us ambassador to native will welcome to all of you. so aaron, let me start with you, then what did you make of the president's speech? and what he had said about ukraine was, was it enough? i think it was probably a little less than, than some were expecting, you know, it's only an hour speech. and so, and he has a lot of things to talk about, including domestic issues like the economy, inflation and covered it. it ended up being about the 1st 10 minutes, the speech about 15 percent. but in some ways, it was the genius of the speech, because there was a lot of bipartisan support for the position, a lot of positive imagery, you know, those with the colors of ukraine. the ambassador was there and you know, directly talked about, but i think it's a very tough position for him to be in. i look back to jimmy carter's to the
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address in 1980 after the soviet union invasion of afghanistan. and he kind of went back to that invasion at several points in the speech by present bio chose to just talk to the talking about it at the top for 10 minutes. and that's, it's good because that's the time that most of the people are turned in and the highest. but i think there were some expectation before that even more time would be devoted given the significance of the issue and how it's dominating the, the domestic international media in karen, rudy k. joining us from makia van, we appreciate you joyously cleaning capital and we are your staying safe there. what did you take from the american president speech or was it was it enough for you? there is one key point that all ukrainians are waiting for is if our allies are going to a close this kind of for us or not, this is the main thing. this is what we're really looking forward to. and we don't
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really care if it will be official or unofficial if it will be along with the rules of nate or, or it will be the way the trash is doing it, saying it was not ours. every single day ukrainian cities are being bombarded by russian missiles every single day when we are talking and discussing and negotiating and thinking what else can be done. ukrainian people are telling what can be done. we need a no fly zone over your brain, or at least some of ukrainian cities because every single day, the only matter for us to lose the only one is that if wouldn't, we'll be able to polish ukrainian soil by from the sky. we are doing very well on the land side. we are, we definitely will be able to push back and we definitely will be able to win. but before that, there is a high chance that booty will destroy all our cities and destroy our infrastructure . the way that will be thrown back up to 2030 years behind. and this is so
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frustrating, right now i'm think we'll do the u. s. president, for all the support on all the sanctions and all that direction that he have given the world community on how to help ukraine. however, what we are expecting right now is oh, by any means help us to protect us from disguise. for the last 7 days of war, we have experienced maybe 20 times when there were a tax on, on kia. and you had seen the destruction that have happened. and you had seen that right now put in is using forbidden weaponry. and even that is not a hiding it. so given all of that, we have the country that you're obeying the rules and saying ok, we will figure it out, give us some time. and we have a tyran with trying to destroy ukraine with no, was no roles of war,
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was no rules over work crimes with no rules of using weapons. and the world is watching and saying will help you out guys just hold on. so we are holding on, we are pushing back, but what if you fail? and i'm so concerned given what we have seen in cartoon, given what we have seen around here, that we may fail. not because we did wrong, not because we didn't fight enough, not because we didn't have enough male soldiers, not because we weren't brave enough, not because we didn't have enough weapon to be. but just because from this guy from the air side, we didn't have the protection that we need so badly right now. so i'm asking every single government in every single country to try and find a way to support ukraine and provided was no, i don't. right now, over other see our cities, this is where we ask you from the bottom of the hard to protect us. we are in the same side on the same side in this battle. it's not between russia and crane. it's
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not the country right now. it's in between the civilization. i know and we're here i think we'll carry you talk a lot about the no fly zone there and i know many that is something that many ukrainians have been calling for and we'll, we'll, we'll get to that in a moment. but i want to ask for the hunter, what you took from the speech and, and did it leave you with, with questions about where america goes next. but it's interesting the reference to the jimmy carter speech and 1980 after the russian him very you have to have because i wrote that speech over jimmy carter and it does bring back hot memories. mister bud last night did a couple of things. number one, he was not going to coast to go shake on television and negotiations, or we're going to have to happen at this point. china apparently made an offer and what we will say, although mr. by the 2nd, they ruled out any us direct military involvement. and that it was
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a no fly zone, or the united states is not prepared to get involved. ukraine is not a nato, ma'am, or even though it did say and has said for 14 years after ukraine will join nato, which creates a moral responsibility. if nothing else, he also however, tried to demonstrate the support, not just of the united states, morally and politically honest as a guest from michigan said the bipartisan support. but also to emphasize that mr protein is totally isolated and the outside world has been, i think, quite successful effort with all the allies out of other countries to get the most interest sanctions that have ever been imposed, but on has to be realistic. and despite all the factors,
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what the problem, it says was the courage of the grading and people are sanctions. i don't think that are are going to work certainly out in the short term. and last for some reason mr . brewer decides she wants to stop, while the sampling he was, that can generally be worked out with russia. i'm afraid it's going to become lot worse. and the united states says mr. martin pay claire last night. as cords provide money and weapons, but it is not going to get engaged in the war in any way. let's talk a bit more about the possibility of a no fly zone air and co if, if nato what to enforce a no, no fly zone over ukraine as many cranes are asking for. is that a viable option at this point? and it's not why. right? i mean, not, not from my perspective, kind of, you know, giving the read of what it looks like politically. there have been no interviews. i
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thought was interview with florida. senator marco rubio just said he thought that if, if that happened, you know, the good cause trigger world war 3, you know, because once that occurs here, they're guaranteed to be conflict. and that escalates the united states involvement and culpability in the conflict. and, and, you know, the, where the endpoint is, you know, nobody would know. and as a bachelor said, you know, i think that president biden was very clear in his speech that there's not going to be u. s. military involvement directly. and i think that would include, you know, by the, just like some of his comments about, about sanctions and military financial support, banning russian plains from united states aerospace going after, you know oligarchs and gotten gains and things like that with just department. while all those things received bipartisan support, the exact converse is true of when talking about
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a no fly zone. it doesn't seem to be any domestic political support on either side of the aisle and including the president of this no fly zone because of the potential for escalation and that conflicts. so that doesn't seem likely absent, some major change in the situation. well let's, let's put that to killer roodick. then you talk to me about the need for no fly zone. but the concern that nature has over that is that it would escalate this war to a level that he doesn't to some way that it doesn't want to go. because it would mean fighting the russian military directly. and that could escalate into a much wider war. would could, which could be which could be worse, not just for ukrainians, but for many more people in europe. what do you say to that? so 1st of all, i totally understand it because i guess i'm a petition myself and her. but i'm also sure that if there are rules that exist and we're talking about the rules that are,
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that the nato members only have to protect need to members. and there are ways to all go over those rules and again, and was not an 8 member. and syria was not in a dilemma, right? and right now we are talking about a european country that needs support them. sure. and i have been talking to different generals from different european countries. and this is right now, one of the ways that everybody is discussing, the way that will allow political that will allow not to get into that a bigger conflict politically. but that will provide us with the enough to support from the year. this is basically the goal, this is basically the task. i don't see it as the one being impossible, especially that we have seen put in who for 8 years was declining, that he is on that his army is on our territory. and if his army is in ukrainian,
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don bye. so a, there could be a document put together and i know the, some us officials are working on it right now. that would say with certain limitations and with certain items and only for the protection purposes here. and there we can help and support for this particular reasons. and i'm sure, and i'm super, super convinced that at some point it will get to that. my issue is that we see that all the steps that the democratic countries are taking. they are like 2 weeks later and then put this put in actions and we're ukrainians are paying for it with our lives and with our blood. because the sanctions were in it, which we are super grateful for. i won't be super on us. we are very grateful for them. sanctions was put on friday. so the 1st day when the russians started feeling it was monday. so the 3 days we had to die to and fight and to death because
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because it was just the time issue. so if everybody in their hearts will agree that the protection will, will be implemented, then we need to make sure that it will be implemented as fast as possible. if we in our heart, do not agree that it will happen, then i want to be very open with everybody and i'm very open with it. that there is a chance that ukraine may fail. we are, we're fighting as how we will be protecting our country. but at some point, given what is kevin right now, we may not be able to. and then there will be a question for everybody about like, what are we going to do with the country that is occupied by russia in the center of europe, and even a solution to protect the country while we are independent and fighting was better than having another country, all right, well let's hop it, maria, that let's put some of that. let's put out to let's put some of that to, to,
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to robert hunter. then what, what, what happens if. ringback all of these measures that the united states and its allies have taken don't make any difference and fail to force, put it into retreat, and ukraine is essentially unoccupied country and, you know, it, there, i ask if, if, if he keeps going beyond that, determined to re establish this kind of sphere of influence that the, the old soviet union's leaders gave up. disastrously in vladimir putin's view, what happens then are fresh, i think the russians are calculating that they're prepared to take more risks in order to subjugate. and that's where we're talking about ukraine and the united states, in particular as a leader of the of the native elias is prepared to run. and that came over threatened escalation. mr. pruitt has already demonstrated that he is a,
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he has succeeded at that. and the united states and the other nato eyes are said, it is not worth risking escalation, maybe even to the nuclear level for your crane. i. that unfortunately is a fact too harsh reality. if indeed, mister potent is to move forward to occupy all of your grade and in the short term sanction or sanction will isolated may be able to destroy the rest of the economy over years. we're not gonna work right now, but if that happens, then we'll see what mr was prepared to do. i believe there is already a tacit understanding. and this is a harsh reality that mr. brewton is going to be able to get away with whatever he wants to do, and ukraine at pain and suffering. ukrainian people or a big, extraordinary brave. quite frankly,
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the only reason i suspect that mister president has nordic god throughout the country is that at least in the pain of a rational being killed as an adequacy russian forces. but the tacit understanding is yes, and i'm going to say this is a way which out to an outside observer. yes, you can have ukraine. that's too bad. but sure enough corner be allowed to touch any of the nato allies, at least with open aggression. and i think mr. brewton understands that and is repaired to respect it. because mr. bought mr. by this very claire, as she can't back out from, if there was open aggression against a nato ally, united states would have to respond, or nato's finished, and america, her opinion power is finished. and i think good understands that. but ukraine, i will say being sacrificed, but i'm afraid unless mister potent decides to stock as some point ukraine his car
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to suffer a lot more and will be all right, aaron. cor, what's your, what's your take on that, that as terrible a toll as this is taking on ukraine at the u. s. and its allies would not be prepared to go any further than what they're doing now. the much beyond what they're doing now. yeah, i mean there's, you know, some other things that have been, discuss that are short of the no fly zone. i mean, senator joe mansion is called for a ban on russian oil exports. there's talk about taking action against russia inside of the united nations security council. and some of the proposals were just, you know, they viewed last night about the, the banding of russian planes in aerospace and involving, involving the department justice to go after oligarchy. and that's, that's not as tough. mean, there are other wealth is intertwined in a lot of different areas, such as, you know, real estate professionals,
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force groups, things like that. so. so yes, it's just, it's a very timely thing and people are talking about, we're just one week into this. when people are talking about something that last thing, months or years. and so, and so yes, i mean, eventually if, if the president wouldn't go too far, or, you know, troops from nato or people from nato and other countries kind of become involved in that may tie united states and, but we certainly don't know the future in this just may be the beginning by the s and the in the short term, just the daily, you know, suffering brandis actions occurring is like it occur and that'll drive the policies things you think about right now that may not be possible. it's just, it's unclear be given the how things escalade and, and what kind of the appetite of both the american public and the world. and it's watching this and then media landscape is and, and nobody knows the answer to that. as about career riddick, i'm probably going to give you was probably going to be last word on this to you
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and i want to ask you as well, should the west have seen this coming up for i have a comment about that about that. yeah, well that will happen. i will have to suffer. oh, the point is we on this, we definitely do understand what's going on right now. like in the world politics and how. 3 ukraine is as a country we are receiving support from one side, but we know that the most of the work will have to do our self. there is no doubt to that. but again, a, when you are calculating and waiting the risks, they issue would be like, what would happen if there will be a rush or controlled country, large country with huge potential and a guest price and, and chernobyl on its territory in the central ukraine. and it will be, and instead of having the country that is fighting for its freedom,
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fighting for european union, it will be a country who'll be like producing additional russian soldiers. are we sure that this is like the world once? because if so, like if it's easy and quickly to go to that, then 2nd thing is should the west and his coming well couldn't, was very, very, very adamant about what he's going to do. and it started, i think i was in the united states for, in a early november when this information was shared, that he's going to attack and her since that time. so it was not used since that time you grade has been at their pre war situation and everybody was expecting this because then we had to, we all had intelligence. we all had the information that he is getting the troops that we had high hopes that he wouldn't that, that but their understanding was there a week before, were i wasn't the munich security conference. and there i was talking to members of
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4 different gap governments and so with the military representatives, tetra, and everybody was saying yeah, we think the chance is less than 10 percent and my reply to that was ok. the chance is less than 10 percent. if you have the list of sanctions, please show them to him right now. so he would know what he's playing again and forth for various reasons. it didn't happen. so i think we all were too optimistic about what he is going. we're not going to do. i think that was a mistake from, from the overall democratic ideal for years you will think about it isn't that you're going to be getting killed the tetra. all right. person as a bullet either here in ukraine or has been at war with for 8 years. i can tell you he's crazy, he's unpredictable. ok. and we should not anticipate logical decision on his site
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on that. give it in mind on that. we're going to have to leave it there. we're out of time. my thank you to all 3 of you, aaron, call in michigan, kia roodick in the key of and robert hunter in washington. thanks very much for being on. and so i story and thank. he was always for watching. you can see this program again, any time just go to our website. i just seen a dot com for further discussion. go to our facebook page at facebook dot com, forward slash ha. inside story. you can also join the conversation on twitter handle. there is at ha, inside story for me has i'm sick and the whole team here. and uh huh. bye for now. when the news breaks where it all started, early hours around 5 am very large explosions. people waking up to walk. they never expected manuel for when people need to be heard. and the story told line line or
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am yes, who every know my nigeria on al jazeera. ah, i molly, insight into her. he top stories on al jazeera brushes. ministry says it's taking control of the southern ukrainian city of tests on the may assess russian troops on the streets. korean officials deny the city had fallen. it's a strategically important port city on the black sea. the mayor of another port says, he muttered, poll is reporting mass casualties after what he described is 15 hours of continuous bombardments. i russian forces out there as charles stratford says, thousands of people trump death, some worrying the terrifying accounts that we're hearing from people trying to get
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out of mariel. we've been speaking to drivers and members of a co.


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