tv News Al Jazeera March 3, 2022 11:00am-11:30am AST
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in move i is one of the worst kids areas here in the province of ball, from around the world. things seem very normal in the city. people are still go to work or to school, but still restaurants all day. ah . i days and counting the deaths, destruction they are laid bare in russia's bombardment of ukraine. ah, and come out santa maria, here in dover, with the latest news from the russia. ukraine will hit the merely united front of the united nations against russia's invasion while its foreign minister tells al to 0, the war is justified. because not what the mission is clear to disarm ukraine and
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not deploy or manufacture any weapons that threaten russia. security. taking madison to their own hands, we hear from ukrainians abroad mobilizing to help their families back home and the dwindling source of information, how russian journalists are being told to touch moscow's line liberal media outlets as shutting down or more than a 1000000 refugees of now. so the fighting in ukraine is russia's invasion, gains ground, the u. n. says it is the fastest exodus of people this century. this is what they're escaping the situation on the map, the red areas controlled by russia and allied separatists. if you look south, 1st of all, russia's taken control of her son, which is a port city. on the black sea mario pole, little further north, another port city that's reporting mass casualties. the mayor's describe. 15 hours
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of continuous, but bombardment by russian forces there. and then for large explosions shook central keith overnight or rocket strike, landed near the capital southern railway station, ukrainian railway services. thousands of civilians were inside that station at the time of the massage strike. bringing us up to date from the vive. it's joan, a hull. this hour, and while these questions joan, are about the military on the ground and whether they've stalled the russian military not getting necessarily closer the aerial assaults very much continue on the capital key of yes, that's right. i mean, you know, reports suggested that this enormous military column, 40 miles long making its way inching its way for days now towards the city to try and circle in circuit. western intelligence sources suggesting it has effectively stalled a combination of mechanical breakdown and that very stored,
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ukrainian resistance that we've been hearing about. nevertheless, it's still that it's progress will no doubt continue. and people in kiev will be very aware that it's coming. and the scramble to get out of the city becomes ever more desperate. a rocket landed overnight during the evening hours really very close to the central railway station. that could have been an absolutely appalling situation. miraculously, it seems they were no casualties. as a result of that, but for large explosions heard during the course of the night in key. if we await, frankly, damage and casualty reports, nothing immediately coming out. similar reports happening and kind of key that city which has been under constant bombardment for days now, particularly into residential areas. more of that happening over the night, overnight with the likelihood of civilian casualties reports yet to emerge and an update for you and what's happening down in the south. that city can saw on the black sea port city, very close to crimea that we've been reporting had been over run by the russians.
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according to the russian side, the you create inside and said they were still operating the local administration and talking to the russians to try and keep the lights on basically. well that's, there's been an update there from the cities may say that overnight the local council officers were stormed by russian troops. he said there are no ukrainian soldiers in the city. they are dangerous. he said, the russians, i made no promises to them. i have no promises to make. i asked only that they don't shoot people. so i think, conclusively, now the sun has fallen, eighties conclusively, now the 1st significant city to fall to the russians in this plans and of course, the other major, major flashpoint. now, maria, poll to the east of have san, along the black city coast, the a city encircled a city that has endured appalling constant hours of bombardment, word from the deputy mayor there pretty bleak, talking about a humanitarian catastrophe unfolding. he said the russians are using artillery
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multiple launch rocket systems, air strikes and tactical rocket attacks on the city. he said they're trying to destroy us. we cannot count the number of victims on the streets, but we believe they are in the hundreds. and that's said to be cut off now from heat, from electricity, from mobile and internet connectivity, right? it's really very difficult, increasingly difficult to know what exactly is going on. turner quick, wait on the refugee situation. it's over a 1000000 a 1000000 in a week. that's an extraordinary rate indeed, and the you and hcr saying it is the swiftest refugee exodus so far this century. in the past 22 years. we're talking about a 1000000 now. some estimates the you and hcr h. c r. 's estimate a few days ago was anything up to 4000000 e u sources. we're talking about anything up to 7000000. frankly, nobody knows how high the number could get as more and more urban centers. mass
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population. urban centers come under russian attack. russian encirclement potentially in the coming days and weeks russian siege. thank you john. how would those updates from the vision of the development for you around ukraine? andrew simmons has this report, one of so many towns and cities under relentless attack. and in hawk, he, it's even worse here. the city's military airfield is destroyed. it's the start of another round of terror for ukraine's 2nd city. it's forces, again trying to defend themselves and their civilians. russian power troopers are reported to be in the outskirts of the city, fighting with ukrainian soldiers in the capital keys, the aftermath of a missile attack on the cities, television tower doors in the mosaic looting. it is beyond humanity. this rocky
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strike proves that. for many russians, our cave is absolutely foreign to them. they don't know a thing about our capital of about our history, but they all have all this to erase our history a, raise our country a raises all. wednesday saw a low in the fighting, and many families took the opportunity to make their escape. some of them getting to the outskirts by foot and finding bridges destroyed by ukrainian forces to hold back russian advances are through us. we should with, with you. the enemy is pulling its troops close to the capital we. we are getting ready, and we will defend our city. in the south, the russians are now claiming they've taken their 1st ukrainian city since the fighting began. it's the black sea port of her song. in the city of anna holder, residence blocked the road to europe's largest nuclear power station in a stand off with the russian forces, bornea moody. so as it was up in the,
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the nuclear part, as under secure protection, all the workers and people are standing under ukrainian flags. nobody's going to surrender the city out. people are totally determined. it's a determination shared by so many civilians. every day, the war effort gets bigger, small companies run across ukraine, trying to do their bit to help this company is attempting to use steel beams, to good effect. they were all ours making defences, the date back to the 1st world war, the so called tank hedgehogs, there are determined efforts by those fighting and those helping. but is it enough to avoid defi. andrew simmons al jazeera levine, poland prime ministers visited a reception center near the ukrainian border to see the refugee crisis 1st. and his government has had a long, has been
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a long standing critic of the kremlin. and it's dealing with the largest influx of people escaping this war. but there was some volunteers actually crossing the other way back in to ukraine to provide humanitarian relief. same buster ivy has more from lublin in easton, poland, in a medieval town in poland. a few hours drive from ukraine in the courtyard of an old church. volunteers from all over europe are preparing aid convoys, bound for the border. less than a week into the russian invasion. this spontaneous effort aims to help displaced and desperate people in sight you crate. on you my own needs, they dont have anything. i'm just they don't have anything to eat anywhere to sleep . nothing to fight. well. volunteers are working against the clock to pack and drive as much aid into the country as they can organize was worry, belushi and forces allied with russia could soon block their supply lines. this
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effort is the beginning of something bigger for that. what on if you learn more anyway, just boy spell that the polish government plans to use lublin as a hub for humanitarian personnel. 8 flights and convoys to ukraine. all sides point to a protracted crisis in western europe. marino's ukrainian, living in germany in less than a week, her home was invaded. she was cut off from her family by war. and her middle aged father was drafted into the ukrainian army. he has a rifle, but she's worried that he has no body armor. when diseased mamma, papa, when you see that mom or dad are calling you don't know if they are calling just to ask how i feel or to give the news that someone is that or maybe they are calling for the last time. for now, her focus is to organize a convoy from her home in germany, to her homeland in ukraine. and i'm also proud to be treated as you should be very proud laid into the night donations of warm clothes, food,
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water, diapers, toys, everything, keep coming but ukrainians were fighting, need urgent, military support. and people like andree are taking matters into their own hands. his chorus pack tight with walkie talkies flak jackets by now killers all paid for by crowdsourcing on social media. he is perhaps the face of a burden and ukrainian resistance. metal plate from young would be influencers who see themselves fighting the army of a cold war hawk actually came from the when we met him. he and his friend were driving to the border to cross into ukraine. of course, and i'm scared because they can. yeah. but my feeling is that the who jim will not die, but he will not be a brethren for sure. for sure. because his he just started the big war and
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i don't believe that people in the russian federation they are in his. yeah. we've met a growing number of ukrainians living abroad. extremely motivated. they say to go back and fight russians despite all, lot of they are not part of a for an army. are fighting for some political cause. they are fighting for their homes and families for and andries journey is made more personal because his wife and daughter live in kid. yeah. mother good either. and that yeah, it's my daughter. i'm coming to you to save your life season ordinary ukrainians. an extraordinary circumstances are all driving east, hoping to find their way home. zane basra, of the oldest era, lubin, poland international criminal court chief prosecutor says an investigation into
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possible war crimes in ukraine will start straight away. investigations backed by nearly 40 countries, including e u. member states plus the u. k. australia and canada. i see the prosecutor kareem khan says there is reasonable basis to believe war crimes have been committed at the un generally general assembly of approved a resolution that deplores russia's ukraine invasion while demanding an immediate hold to the attack. it was the 1st emergency session of the group since 997 from the un. kristen salumi has more ukraine came to the general assembly, arguing that russian aggression is a violation of the un charter as well as a deadly existential threat. they have come to the ukranian soil, not only to kill some of us, not only to seek our cause and priorities. they have come to deprive ukraine of the very right to exist. here russia has no veto power,
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just the power to make its case, even in the face of enormous opposition. i am gonna give us your refusal to support today's draft. resolution is a vote for a peaceful ukraine. free from radicalism and neo nazis only neo nazis. mom in the and only 4 member states cited with the russians. 141 voting in favor of the resolution deploring the military operation. today, the world has spoken with a clear united voice. together, the vast majority of the world has condemned russia's unprovoked unjustified unconscionable war. we have deplored barouche for allowing its territory to be used to facilitate this aggression. 35 countries abstain from voting among them, china, india, and south africa. that a solution that you have conceded to d does not create an environment conducive for diplomacy,
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dialogue, and mediation. however, the united arab emirates, which had abstained on a similar resolution and the security council, came out in favor. right now we recognized that this resolution adopted here today is a necessary signal of where we are. we need to be going, resigning ourselves to a cycle of perpetual violence. and sanctions that only adds to the suffering of civilians diminishes us all. under international law, matters of peace and security are the purview of the security council. but the counsel invoked are rarely used. provision of the un charter to get around the russian veto and call for the special emergency session of the general assembly. it's outcome, according to sponsors shows russia's isolation on the international stage. kristin salumi al jazeera, the united nations, still ahead for you on al jazeera, we will find out why the russian billionaire roman abramoff is selling the english
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football club. chelsea and another news, a large scale relief operation underway in malaysia after another flood emergency will update you on that. ah, ah, look forward to brita sky's the with the sponsored boy cutoff airways hollow. we've got to mulder, but where to weather coming into western parts. if you put the moment to nobody was yes, we have colder and wintry weather tucking in here. little area of low pressure here that's been swirling away. drawing in very cool with there will be some significant snow into we're turkey. and on the other side of the black sea into ukraine, over the next couple of days, i sat wet weather over towards the west long line of cloud and re mask of the palace way in from the atlantic. bringing some outbreak so far. where to where the i'm going to see that to rain set again across western scotland into western parts
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of england, central areas to into the midlands, down across wells, and sliding down across at west side of france. we need the wet weather in spain and portugal. and it will arrive, will be some snow to over the higher ground. ahead of that. it's mighty fine, and dry light wind. so some pleasant sunshine coming through here. a great warmth. i, which we'll see there's that snow that started to set its way in across southeast and parts of europe. we'll see more of that snow just talking to you see, to purchasing, keep struggling to get to freezing on friday. so some pretty unpleasant conditions by that stage, our area of rain across c, a west will begin to weaken as it bumps into the high, she filling out through the course of the we can know the pos for african, the other hand, lottie, fine and dry. but right to the north west. oh, the weather sponsored by cataract ways from international politics to the global pandemic. and everything in between. it did not respect poor people, and here are plenty promised to ensure the safety of women. what's happened just to
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let people actually have more? why is the u. k. feel hostile to train the mystery to all of us? join me if i take on the line this man with the misconceptions and the beat, the contradiction. time to get up front on al jazeera lou aah! on al jazeera, these all the top stories, the you and refugee agency says more than a 1000000 people have now fled ukraine. since russia's invasion began a week ago. it's the fastest exodus of people the century. most heading west into poland and hungary. full lodge explosions have shaken central keep overnights. a
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rocket strike landed near the capitals southern railway station. thousands of civilians were inside trying to leave the city. and the mayor of maria pulled his reporting mass casualties off to what he's described is 15 hours of bond. bob and by russian forces both surrounding the east and port city. there are similar reports from khaki in the northeast brushes. foreign minister says his country is always worked hot with the west to avoid the risk of a nuclear bull. speaking exclusively to mount, as he received a lever, was asked if the world has reached the edge of an abyss. this is what he had to say . with all this proceed, but don't go by the north scottsdale still usa when we you should direct that question to president biden. he is the one who said if we do not go the way of sanctions, the alternative can only be the 3rd world war. but in, as a veteran politician, regardless of our position on what the united states does on the international stage, biden. and president putin in june of last summer in geneva, consistently confirmed the declaration of the leaders of the united states and the
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soviet union in the 1980s that there could be no victor in nuclear war. therefore, it should never flare up. in january of this year, the leaders of the 5 permanent members of the security council signed a similar joint declaration of study in most likely the old instinct is still alive in the minds of our western partners that they not rule out such a possibility. despite the public affirmation of the position of the 5 permanent members of the security council, your mother united states as accusing russia of muzzling the media after the editor in chief of its only independent tv news channel left the country, leading liberal russian radio station as well echo mosque, the has also been taken off air because of its coverage of the ukraine crisis. it all fall as a warning to media outlets to stop spreading. what the regulators describe is false . information about the war from moscow, bernard smith explains how the conflict has been covered. in b o. d, v. rain has always had to choose its words carefully. it's the only news channel in
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russia that isn't pro kremlin. now the authorities a telling it what words it can and cannot use no move without an editor in chief t concept co tells view, as we continue to tell you about the war, which the military authorities call a special military operational. it's very important for russian authorities not to use the words such as invasion, war war, but for the moscow prosecutor's office tv. rain isn't trying hard enough. it ordered the channel to stop spreading, what it called, false information regarding the actions of russian military personnel. a few hours after speaking to al jazeera ticket, left russia with his family. tv rains website is blocked. all that's left. is this stream on youtube? to them, thus legless. what kit is on this be a separate? i'd say ok state tv refers to a special operation, zoning, ukraine. the coverage is concentrated on what's happening in the battles for the nets. and lou gantski now recognized as republics by moscow. if not,
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there's no mention full of attacks on key of other ukrainian cities. radio inner anatole you have now is one of the 64 percent of russians whom television is their primary source of news by me at the yard slid a bomb. as i heard, it's just the opposite. they try to somehow protect the peaceful population as much as possible. i can't say i'd supported this from the beginning, but now i do support it as after the criminal and the cremins foreign channels don't refer to an invasion. russia will continue, though, with its military incursion. in arabic, the headline reads russia's military operation to protect don bass and in french, russia will continue it's offensive in ukraine, that code of 14 who saw all you crit rushes, communications regulator has accused tan outlets of falsely depicting what it calls the military operation in ukraine. one of them's the novia gazette,
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and it's headlines as well. at least there's some good news. the word piece hasn't been forbidden yet. bernard smith, al jazeera moscow. dmitri babich is with us now a political analyst with the russian state. oh news agency irosia to gordon jo. he's with us from moscow. thank you for joining us again. i want to ask about the terminology and the semantics here. some would say, maybe it doesn't matter. but why will russia just not call this an invasion? i think we can all pretty much agree when one country goes through the borders of another one with military force. it's an invasion. lo, it said western all was the mind success. you're right. you sense expressions like calais, true damage or you know, regime change used by the western media are also very critical when in fact they have war behind that. so russia way has known from the west. well,
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that's an issue. however, i don't think that these matters not particularly mice, not to use the war war by product to use the transformation of everyone understands what reparation means in russia. and also, i would say that basically it's a part or generally that is the guardian for war, right? now ok, i'll go back to the original point because you've used what was there again, you talk about the word war. it is a war. people are dying. it's an invasion again, why come the russian government just let people call it that? well, people call it that it's just that the media, the media that are using stage owned and it's going to see if they don't use the word war. if you go to the internet, if you look at your watch sign, including sound basically and by ukrainian then next the price,
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you will see the ward. why? so many times this morning was 71 or the guy that's good to hear then. and they said, we can agree on that. tell me about these other radio stations in the like the more liberal radio stations which are finding themselves shutting down. now, it does not speak highly of a free media there. if outlets can't operate and report what they want to well, a lot of people have raised concerns about f. a must read. i was a frequent guess on that station for many years. or 30 years. that was the 1st private media all left in russia. but he changed over the years, you know, the last i would say 1516 years, it became very pro west, very negative. what if anything was on gotcha or
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at the back or from the lease, but you will disable that the i won't be banned from but last time you know, the reason why it was shut down, it was it gave the voice to bottle. the more anti rush and beakers you bring in people when they come up lea 2 days ago. and that was the reason i had to mr. babich. that's how the media works. in its simplicity, you can, you should be able to speak up about other issues to criticize, to challenge, to put different voices on their you're absolutely right. and this is said, the problem was when i was through dice that was about that person got more and i made one where he's beat on that, you know, he was the euro report and all that when you disagree with the government line
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during the next american war against there, i think a 1000 that's not the hypocrites. it's real variable war. and you can't completely leave me when you i disagree with you there. i think in fact a free meteor as possibly even more important in the time before you're right. the truth can be the 1st victim of a war, but in this case the russian people are being told what's happened there, not late being given and the chance to think for themselves of, of, and as you pointed out, there's plenty online. but as far as what they are broadcast, what is broadcasted and then not being given that choice. well, people, all of the factual information, people know that origin you're working on the party. in mario asked for disagreeing with me. name the county, which we think pre media or, and don't tell me the night the states me days when i walk. i know you mean
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example, don't know. well, i'm asking about the russian media. that's what i want to hear from you read. so i'm saying, give me an example with conte. we're re media, remain free, offer to know there's no such look, there's always going to be questions. i've been media coverage and you're right to raise questions in the past about american wars here. but it's like i'm trying to focus on what's happening right now and why the russian people are being denied that in this moment. oh, because the real on in the world one was i thought that you denied certain information as the chinese ready is that what is allowed or deception? so if you have a war unfortunately, unfortunately it's true. but what is very important is that these, what is not thought on. good, thank you for thank you for the every. it started 8 years ago when the ukranian anya started to russian speaking regions or was more precise
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and the legal he left the president young which was violent. also, i remember was the me to do us proper covered. so the war has been going on for at least 10 years. truth died long ago in the west, and now we're also dying. dmitri babich, when they've bear out the connection to you, it's not brilliant at the moment, but thank you for your time. the russian 1000000000 roman abramoff, which has confirmed he'll fill english football club. chelsea after 19 years of ownership. he's also promised to deny the money from the sale to help victims of ukraine's war i brokovich is reported to have linked to that in a person that has not been named on the case sanctions list. but his concerns about a potential seizure of assets is understood to have sparked his move to fill the chelsea football club. i mean it's denise at 22 years in the making of
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a russian owner who's done a bit for a club. who i love, honest sites, same guy. you know, i mean, what's happening at the moment? no, i feel poor guy. you know, he's been bo this long. and for this my, you know, unfortunately, paul is point to be pulled out. but as of club boys come for us, actually equally love it. i am ha, ha, ha ha. he's gonna always fight to rid of shame because i'm really just brought to a super says chelsea for i'm everything with for europe a shea. actually what's happening in you, craig, or is like a roman amber. it has to read the prize. they want to do this order a.
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