tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera March 4, 2022 12:00am-1:01am AST
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situation with detailed coverage, this postal vintage in white is one of the worst. his areas here in the province of ball from around the world, things seem very normal in the city. people are still going to work to school, the restaurant, all ah. ready this is al jazeera ah hello, i'm barbara sarah. this is the al jazeera news, our life from london. thank you for joining us. coming up in the next 60 minutes, rush on the tax intensify north of the ukrainian capital. keep, as president putin says, his military operation is going to plan. we speak to the shell shocked civilians escaping fears, fighting in ukraine's 2nd city heave. one of russia's 1st targets delegates
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from ukraine and russia meet again in bella, roost and agree on setting up humanitarian corridors. for civilians to escape. and u. s. president joe, by that announces a raft of new sanctions targeting rushes. billionaire, all the guns i mean sport athletes from russia and batteries have now been banned from the winds of paralympics. events organize is saying, processed by athletes from other countries, and convince them to make the decision russian and ukrainian official say that they've agreed to create humanitarian corridors to evacuate civilians as the war and ukraine enters its 2nd week. negotiations were held in bella rue says several ukrainian cities continued to come under heavy bombardment. russian president vladimir putin says his military operation is going
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to plan with reports of mass casualties in the southern city of mario, paul officials. they're say the cities, water and power supplies have been cut off and food is running out. but the ukrainian president says, is the fence lines are whole being around the capital keep. and us intelligence shows russian forces are largely stalled across the north. showing a whole begins our coverage from living in western ukraine. major ukrainian cities are surrounded and under constant attack. ah, this is chill, neve, a city of textile factories, churches and monasteries, its greatest misfortune to lie on the root of rushes advance from the north. eastern city of han keith to people wake daily to seems of terrible destruction and a fast rising civilian death. toll lose what footing is doing this is
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a war crime. need to again, this is the city of this city of one and a half 1000000 people. most ethnic russians is being torn apart by russian forces for no reason, other than that it exists just across the border from russia. in ukraine was a good day for you, and in the far south ukraine's biggest port odessa, he's under threat to hear frantic efforts have been underway for days to build defences against a possible leech landing multiple vessels belonging to russia's black sea fleet. hover on the horizon, including lending ships and support craft. ukraine's military is very much still in this fight, reinforced by supplies of weapons from abroad. they've been able to apply real
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pressure to the russian advance, slowing the progress of a vast column of artillery and soldiers heading for the capital keith. along its route, once sleepy commuter towns lie in ruins, a foretaste of what may be in store for keep the apparent aim to encircle the city and besieged it. from his bunker under heavy guard president, fellow dameon zelinski wages, a relentless communications campaign, rallying resistance, and calling in foreign support. your voice process never used, but we have been seen this for a long time that ukraine is seeking for protections for our home soil in our own people by some protections have not been provided. european countries assisted us with the waves of migration. however, we should discuss the guarantees that are required to protect our country, our home soil, and our people. a 2nd round of talks on thursday between russia and ukraine
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at a location on the border with bell roofs came with low expectations of a breakthrough, but a slim glimmer of hope that they're taking place at all. the ukranian government, meanwhile, has called for humanitarian corridors to be set up. and here in the western city of al leave, volunteers are hard at work processing, a donations medicines, clothes, food, and other essentials for distribution across the country. there is a humanitarian crisis erupting on multiple fronts, not just the internally displaced, who've left everything behind in a scramble for safety across the country's borders as more than a 1000000 have done since the invasion began, but also huge populations in urban centers trap. terrified and desperate for health. civilian morale will vary now in
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a population increasingly terrorized. there'll be desperation in some places, determination, in others, o, a spontaneous rendition of the national anthem at that age station in leave. it is becoming ever clearer that the struggle is not just for personal survival, but for the survival of the nation as a whole. joan a whole al jazeera movies. the city of had cave was one of russia's 1st targets, despite heavy shelling and its proximity to the russian border. it remains under ukrainian control. many of the cities, 1500000 have fled. those who remain face a life under constant threat. a warning now child stratford report from the have of liquor in eastern ukraine contains graphic images. maxine was at home with his girlfriend when the shells started crashing into his
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village, shrapnel ripped through his arm and face little yoke. it happened so quickly the explosions. i heard something flying over us. i was covered up to my waist in rubber and something started burning. i tried to free myself. then i tried to cut my girlfriend. i was so weak. i couldn't pull her out. emergency services rescued. maxine girlfriend, she's suffering heavy concussion and is too weak to talk. the bodies of 3 civilians lie in the morgue. a woman died in the operating theatre as doctors tried to save her life. this woman who was afraid to talk on camera, says russian soldiers let her family escape. but as they drove away a bullet ripped through her husband's hand. oh, why did they tell us everything would be okay. why wasn't there an evacuation? she says we drive to the village is the sound of shelling and machine gun fire in the distance. the shells had slammed into houses on the side of this hill. piles of
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rubble lined the street. at least 30 homes were destroyed. heavy rushing, shelling of this village last night, at least 3 people were killed. a number of others injured. we understand that there are people still in the village. or we've just heard shilling in the distance and machine gun far in the forest on the way. thousands of cars, many of them filled with terrified families. fleece south from clark give many of the cause of a sign, reading children on the windscreen. desperate attempt to protect those inside with we are leaving everything behind us. we have been trying for 5 days to get out, but couldn't because of the shell him when it's simply hell, we are going to new pro. and after that we don't know. alexi shows us his come that was damaged when a russian rocket landed close to his home. michael had just spoken to friends in
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khaki. if they tell me it's worse than yesterday, they are shelling civilian areas. so many buildings are on fire for the for people who painted over road signs with angry insults directed towards russian president vladimir putin in expectation of a russian army advance. this one reads, welcome to hell cha. stratford al jazeera, yackel live co. ukraine. repeat is a, my f is the executive director of the eurasia democracy initiative and a specialist on post soviet states. he is near the ukrainian capital cave and joins us now over skype. so thank you so much for joining us here. also and al jazeera at 1st of all, just give us an idea of from what you can understand and see what the situation is like at in and around key. well, the situation. yes, definitely. there's definitely there's, i wouldn't say full blown military questions, but definitely it is nearing. the russian forces have been steadily trying to
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circle the capital. they're facing the old set of problems with that. but the goal apparently on the invading force is to surround the city, to lay siege, to it, to the capital, and basically bringing residence to their knees. they're still probably, or at least half of the population of the city remaining. and we're talking well over a 1000000 people over a 1000000 people have already left ukraine and it's already one of the largest such many daring crisis in europe course be in history. but let me tell you folks, despite all the privation, all the savagery that ukrainians are witnessing from the invaders, talking about cluster bombs being used all the band ordinance being used in,
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you know, against the great cities against residential areas. ukrainians have shown incredible determination to fight for their country. something that flag did not clearly did not expect from your experience, both of course of being in the area and knowing it well and also your professional experience. what do you fear? the plan of russia will be when it comes to keys. well, if your guess is as good as mine, this question, that's in everyone's mind. mister macross, their french president in today spoke with an appointment. he walked away. very discouraged. she said, as i report and still thinks that he's going to be able to control all of the equates. so despite russians, russian assurances that the occupation of ukraine is not in there is not their goal . we can take them at the words. if you remember putting and here's acolytes claimed up until the very day of the invasion that they never plan to
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invade at all. and it happen now they're claiming the occupation is not their plan and can be really trust and know. so the, the idea, let me put this to probably install a puppet regime in that would be more pliable to moscow, more loyal to moscow. and to prevent the ukraine from ever attaining any sort of military strength and for ever contemplating joining you would need to. but once again, once he achieve the goal of somehow from military control or the catholic go, how is he going to deal with this? arrested population, the population of people who will have russia, who will have for the rest of their lives. i cannot begin to tell you the answer to that question it's, it's very difficult to come up with a plausible scenario where an occupying force, the size of russian force,
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which is large, but not large enough, ducky, by a country of 35000000 people. i mean, you mentioned that the resolve of the ukrainian people, especially in kia, has not wavered the country. ukraine has been promised military assistance by western countries, not military action, but military assistance. but i guess timing is of the essence was due ukrainians resisting the russian advance need right now from the west. well obviously we're just sort of commenting on the humanitarian question to be touched on. obviously there needs to be some kind of green corrugated, several green corridors provided for including for residents. but also that means evacuating them and providing food for those who do not want to leave. and foods for the fighters obviously need that is going to be once again, increasingly difficult as the russians try to circle kia and other major cities.
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and secondly, and perhaps most importantly, when it comes to a, to be creating an ability to defend themselves. more ammunition obviously, and europe has already so showing that it's willing to do that germany for the very 1st time since we're to decided to arm another country, so openly, especially country fighting russia. this was a watershed moment. germany sending opposite 2000 rock of rockets, which were actually manufactured by the soviet union, is the irony of ironies. germany is using the old soviet ever ammunition for ukrainians to fight russians. body of the turkish droll has proven to be indispensable ukrainians have about 20 of them. they need at least $100.00. each one of them costs $1000000.00 a significant amount of money. but the worldwide supporting the green has been so massive that it seems like countries are willing to spend all kinds of money and
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spend all kinds of weapons to, to, to help you create here. because they have seen the ukrainians are able and willing to fight the invader if you're speaking to us obviously as i witness and, and the local resident, you're also political commentator and a specialist on post soviet state. so based on your, i guess, professional knowledge, what do you think are the weaknesses that that, that the russians will have in the current situation that the ukrainians could exploit? they have already shown these weaknesses, weaknesses for all the world to see the army have been exposed. yes, quite ill prepared for this sort of task and hands for the invasion of a massive country. the size of the equates. the equipment was, in many cases outdated and the pentagon example experts have looked at it and was surprised that the 2nd largest army in the world is really
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is being exposed in front of our eyes or something other than of what we thought about it. i think it was more glaring error on the part of the invading what was the failure of intelligence. it seemed that by reporting has been delusional. upon decreasing his will to fight, he has probably honestly bought into the idea that ukraine goes out into some kind of rule by nazi who's the russians of claim. despite the fact that our president is jewish. and for a while we had both the prime minister and the president jewish, the only other country, either the israel to have that situation. so it is ironic that you know, an offense bad t g b man like vitamin would discount you late. so grossly the, you know, the idea of who ukrainians are ukrainians do believe and do know that they're not the same people as the russians, which frightened beliefs. so on many on all levels, russians have been,
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rash has been unprepared. and as a result, they've been sort of open to ridicule by, by the entire world. you know, wait, it brings just sense of kind of shot and freud. but on the other hand, it's, it's, it's probably causing a lot of grief because wouldn't have gotten enraged. and therefore we've seen all this indiscriminate shelly and the increasingly illegal tactics, war crimes being committed because glad report was clearly desperate. his idea of the short and victorious bore in ukraine has been a miserable failure. peters every year from the eurasia democracy initiative, speaking to us from near keith, the ukrainian capital store. thank you so much for speaking to us for your time. we can only imagine how difficult situation is for you right now. thank you. well, the russian president vladimir putin says that he still firmly believes in unified
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ukraine and russia. in televised comments, bruce made a series of allegations against ukrainian forces, for which he did not provide evidence, including that they were holding foreign citizens hostage and using human shields. william that mature. how they treat their own people using them as human shields are captured, men say in dumbass and don't that they put civilians in the middle level of blocks of flat and the lower level. they put tanks and canons on the roof. they put snipers that those are only fascists are fighting like this. inhumanely treating civilians or soviet soldiers fighting decently and with dignity nothing our soldiers are doing their best bet losses among civilians. unfortunately, we've had losses. many soldiers of fallen and given their lives for the security of our people and of russia. the russian president, speaking there will dorset jabari, has more for us from moscow. this was another emergency session with a his security council which is made up of high levels of ministers and officials
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that he trusts. and he said that basically that the military operation in ukraine was going according to plan and that so they were achieving alter objectives. and he also announced for the 1st time that there would be financial compensation to the families of the soldiers that have died in the line of duty, and also those that have been injured. we understand that the from the defense ministry for the 1st sunday, announce some numbers about the number of fatalities and a injured of russian troops in ukraine. according to the russian defense mystery, about 500 soldiers have died and about 1600 are injured. those are their numbers of corsi. craning officials have very different figures saying that a nearly 5000 russian soldiers have been killed. the president said that he was really grateful for the service of the military personnel and they were fighting for a cause and 2 to protect their country. now he also spoke with the french president
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ammonia micron. just a short while ago, the call was apparently at the requests of the russian president, and it last said 90 minutes during which the 2 men discussed the ongoing situation in ukraine and the alleys. a palace released the statement saying that the french president was very concerned and he believed that things are going to get much worse kid sick, a closer look now at the situation on the ground, russia and it's allied, separate. his forces are now in control of all the areas shaded in red. so far, the most intense fighting appears to be along the black sea coast and the south. russian forces of completely surrounded the port city of mario pulled by land and sea. it has come on, the relentless russian bombardment had sown, which is another important port city on the black sea is now under full russian control. further north that russian forces are expanding their offensive on the outskirts of keys. but the capital continues to be well defended by you. pregnant
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forces who have slowed the advance so of. busy that 65 kilometer long, russian convoy we've been talking about. and in the past few hours, russian forces have opened fire in the town of an article that in the southeast it's home to europe's largest nuclear power plant with the russians. so to be trying to seize the facility or care, giles is a senior consulting fellow with the russia and eurasia program at the think tank. chatham house, he joins us via skype from northamptonshire here in the u. k. sir, thank you so much for joining us here. in al jazeera, i was just reading something that you wrote just yesterday, very interesting about russia's way of war that you say it as remain consistent because it works, you know enough in other conflicts that we have seen russia involved. and so just talk us through briefly what that is and how you might be seeing it play out here in ukraine. well, one of the most striking things that we've seen about the russian invasion of ukraine has been the washing war machine that we were expecting to see. simply
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hasn't materialized yet. russia has been honing its armed forces for almost a decade based on experience of fighting in ukraine and in syria, and on this massive military transformation program that took the years and trillions of roubles. and yet, the way that russia sent its initial forces into give, was exactly a replay of what they did interesting at 28 years earlier, were there to they were, the intelligence failures you've just been hearing about. there were the small units unsupported being sent forward into the center of the enemy, towns thinking that they were going to be welcomed with open hours with very little idea of where they were and what they were doing. and just the same way as we've seen, rushing conscripts now confused and bemused about how they've ended up in captivity in ukraine. so putting all of that together, you have to wonder where exactly this russian war machine is but, but now that russia has found that it has not been able to wind swiftly, it's reserved reverting to some of the people behaviors. it's reverting to the way that it wins was true grinding down civilian resistance,
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and that include ins of tech by me to indiscriminate mass murder through bombardment, artillery miss while strikes again and exactly the same way as we've seen before in chechnya and in syria. western armed forces tried to avoid civilian casualties, collateral damage, but for russia, there are a war winning tool because they erode that will, and that resistance among the civilian population to keep the war going. and they put presidency landscape in an impossible position. he has to choose whether to fight on for freedom and independence, and the right of ukraine to exist and stuff for all of this ongoing damage to his population. his people, his infrastructure, his economy, or russia, hopes, surrender, meet terms with you. with the, with the russian demands in order that life can go on. what we think was through is on the one hand, you know, tough for sanctions to, i guess, try to have road some of fusion support at home, but also from the thing ukraine. an enormous amount of military assistance,
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of course timing here is key. so what is the window i guess within which this assistance can come and still have some kind of effect? well, that is extremely odd still because it depends on the progress of the russian advance and how long the ukrainian forces can hold out in order to have that time to absorb and use all of the military aid that is coming in before it is actually too late and the russian advance becomes unstoppable because it does appear that russia has taken a pause to reorganize itself and gather its forces for a more intense and more organized advantage on your grain. but of course, the underlying factor of course, is that all of this assistance is coming later than it should have done. there was a time when genuine western military assistance from all of your friends, friends and partners, would have made a serious difference in advance of the conflict. but the united states, the u. k. other countries only said what they would not to do to support ukraine.
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they said they would, we know direct support to predict, protect ukraine against russia, and that effectively gave president port and a green light to move in. but so because of what, in retrospect, are obviously mistakes by the west that you think there is a chance that ukraine might be lost. well, the trouble is they weren't even mistakes. in retrospect, we have been in this kind of situation so many times before. in fact, the thing, thank you said i meant i work for chatham house in september of last year, a publisher report entitled, what deters russia and one of the key lessons from that was do not do exactly what the united states and the u. k. did just a few months later advertise what you will not do to protect yourselves. your friends, your enemies, leave president put an uncertain and not comforted by the fact that he won't upset for any counter measure or that escalation with nato and the united states, which up until recently he wanted to avoid at all costs. so the, the e, u. nato western powers are now scrambling to try to make up the difference to try
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to make it up to ukraine before it is actually too late. but so in light of all of that, then what do you think the western alliance could do now beyond what it's already doing? well, it has to be said, the turn around in the european approach in particular to russia has been absolutely spectacular. in fact, a long term russia watches it's a bigger surprise than the invasion to start with the 190 degrees shift in german policy toward russia. for example. finally, waking up and realizing that there is a threat to the entire continent and urgently countries need to protect themselves as well as protecting new grain. now that will take time to bet in, but it's an essential measure because president putin has stated very clearly not only his designs on ukraine to a, reflectively erase it from history, but also to reverse all of the other mistakes a 100 years ago that led to the collapse of the russian empire, and that has implications for countries far beyond ukraine. here, giles,
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that senior consulting fellow with the russian eurasia program at chatham. how sir, sir? thank you so much for speaking to us for sharing your expertise or with a thank you. well, the u. s. is piling more pressure on rushes. billionaire oligarchs, president joe biden says a raft of new sanctions will target many of russia's wealthiest individuals, a group that he calls putins, cronies. today, men out, you know, we're adding dozens of names lose, including one of russia's role. he's billionaires and i'm danny, and travel to america. my morgan, 50 russian oligarchs, their families and their close associates. well, our white house correspondent, kimberly how can joins us alive from outside the white house. so 1st of all, kimberly tell us a little bit more about the sanctions that were only announced a about an hour, an hour and a half ago. yeah. all to give you a sense of these sanctions,
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they really are designed and done and coordination with european allies to force latimer putin to really reconsider the invasion that he lodged into ukraine last week. and this is all designed to try to get him to reconsider and de escalate it. so that's what the goal of all of this is an a and doing so, the treasury department of the united states has slapped these sections on a series of individuals with connections to vladimir putin, the russian president himself. they include his spokes, person, top business executives, industry tycoon, their families, and their children, often referred to as russian oligarchy. now, this allows for the treasury department to seize luxury yachts luxury apartments, money assets, anything that belongs to these individuals that exists in the united states. now this will be frozen, they will not be able to use it. now. what the united states is saying is that
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these individuals and the reason they were targeted with these sanctions is because they are providing the resources. in other words, the financing for vladimir putin to conduct his military operations. so what we know is, in addition to the sort of a top tycoon or oligarchy that have been named. we also know that there have been some additional people that have not been named. the 19 oligarchs is will 47 family members whose names have not been made public. the treasury department has not explained why, but certainly this is a very large group of individuals and the sanctions themselves are punishing. and we should point out that this is the latest in a series of sanctions that have been put in place over the last week. absolutely, and kimberly, what kind of reaction are we expecting within the u. s. itself to the sections? well, what we already know is that we are. 8 seeing a bit of alarm on the side of consumers who are
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a bit frightened by how this could potentially impact the american pocket book, as we like to say, the personal bottom line. and the reason is, is that americans are right now as a result of the pandemic i experiencing high inflation in fact, the highest seen in 40 years. so given the fact that russia is one of the top us energy importers in terms of foreign imports coming into the united states, ah, this is pretty alarming, given the fact that you know, right now there hasn't been a sanction put on that. and right now on the white has the same, they have no intention of doing so. but there are many on capitol hill are, are saying bring it on. that's what we'd like to see. so there is this tension in the united states right now. they're fearful that if that does happen, that this could drive up costs even more. this could be passed on the, to the consumer. it could make things very difficult for families that are already struggling. kimberly,
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how kit with the latest on that from the white house. kimberly, thank you, found there's lots more still to come in this news our, including the international criminal court investigates with russia, is committed war crimes in ukraine, including through the use of cluster bombs, an attempt to control the narrative. let me putin tightens his grip of a russian media accused of spreading fake news and then sport. what's next for chelsea now that the clubs russian owner is put the premier league club up for sale . ah hello, we've got some very way she, whether she had to se and parts. if europe at the moment fair, but a cloud hiss whirling away through turkey, it was the black sea into you crying. and that will bring a fair old mix of rain,
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sleet, and snow over the next couple of days. central parts, or the other hand, while you drive a got high pressure in charge. and then we got these weather systems pushing in from the atlantic, bringing some milder air, some wet weather, but as it bumps into our high, it will, grassy. we can that rain as you can see that's pushing its way in across sir england. a world passing through scotland. brightest guy coming, backing behind for island. still some wet weather there. down into where france stills little bit wet weather. welcome rifle, making its way in across sir good parts of spain and portugal where to where the for the mediterranean, as we go on through, sat day. snow clearing away from my turkey by the state, but still some winter weather into that east inside of you. crazy, so very cold, just 0 celsius there for key f as we go on into we're sass day and on into a sunday. meanwhile, across the northern parts of africa, the showers we have across the med, we'll just bring a little bit of wet weather into northern parts of libya, some west or whether that's the one, the spilling out to spain and portugal sliding its way across morocco. through
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algeria as to west africa, the showers here becoming little more widespread. ah, a mass pro democracy movement, violent crackdowns assassinations, and you imposed sanctions. all tactics in the struggle that ensued from the 2020 belarus in presidential elections. that shook the country, self proclaimed dictators. seat of power. and now new tactics, migrants, people in power investigates the humanitarian disaster unraveling on europe's borders and asks what's next in the battle for bella bruce on a jazz eda. ah, this shake hammer award for translation and international understanding is accepting nominations for the year 2022 from february 16th until august,
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15th this year for more information go to w, w w dot h t dot q a slash e m. ah, ah ah, a reminder now of the top stories on al jazeera russian attacks intensify north of the ukrainian capital. keith. major cities are surrounded and under constant bombardment, but president vladimir zalinski says the fence lines are holding around the capitol . russian president vladimir putin claims that his invasion of ukraine is going to plan. he praised russian soldiers as heroes and said moscow would stand firm
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against the west. this is negotiators from keven. moscow have agreed on humanitarian corridors to evacuate people and the u. s. is piling more pressure on rushes? billionaire oligarchs. president joe biden says a rough a raft of new sanctions will target many of russia's wealthiest individuals. a group that he calls, proteins, cronies. 1000000 refugees have fled ukraine in the fastest exodus this century. that's according to the un and here's where they're going. poland has taken in the most with nearly half a 1000000. moldova hungry, romania and slovakia have also opened their borders to mainly women and children who have been able to fleet. another 88000 have gone to other european countries. and even russia has taken in more than 40000 refugees with just a few 100. going to belive hooks or some volunteers are crossing the other way
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back into ukraine to provide humanitarian relief or to take up arms. zane buster avi has more now from lublin in eastern poland. ah, in a medieval town in poland, a few hours drive from ukraine. in the courtyard of an old church. volunteers from all over europe at the current 8th convoys bound the border less than a week into the russian invasion. this spontaneous effort aims to help displaced and desperate people in sight. you crate on you my own needs. they don't have anything. i'm just, they don't have anything to get anywhere to sleep. nothing. 512 volunteers are working against the clock to pack and drive as much aid into the country as they can. organize was worried by larose and forces allied with russia could soon block
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their supply lines. this effort is the beginning of something bigger for that quote on a new very jealous boys. well that, but the polish government plans to use lublin as a hub, free communitarian personnel, 8 flights and convoys to ukraine. all signs point to a protracted crisis in western europe. marina, as ukrainian living in germany, in less than a week, her home was invaded. she was cut off from her family by war, and her middle aged father was drafted into the ukrainian army. he has a rifle, but she is worried, but he has no body armor. when diseases, mamma and papa. and when you see that mom or dad are calling you, dont know if they are calling just to ask how i feel and oral to give than you so that someone is dead or maybe they are calling for the last time. for now, her focus is to organize aid convoys from her home in germany, to her homeland and you crave them in, i'm also proud to be ukraine, ukraine. it as it should be very proud. laid into the night donations of warm
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clothes, food, water, diapers, toys, everything, keep coming but ukrainians who are fighting need urgent, military support. and people like andre are taking matters into their own hands. the boy, his chorus pack, tight with walkie talkies flak jackets, binoculars, all paid for by crowd sourcing on social media. he is perhaps the face of a burgeoning ukrainian resistance. metal plates from the young would be influencers who see themselves fighting the army of a cold war hawk. when actually came from the but when we met him, he and his friend were driving to the border to cross into ukraine. of course, and i'm scared because they can die here. ah, but my feeling is that her to jin will when i die by a tale of the president for sure to share because his he just started the big war
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and i, i don't believe that people in the russian federation they are in his site. yeah. we've met a growing number of ukrainians living abroad. extremely motivated. they say to go back and fight russians despite a lot of they are not the heart of a for an army. are fighting for some political cause. they are fighting for their homes and families. and andries journey is made more personal because his wife and daughter live him q. dear margarita and that here is my daughter. i am coming to you to save your life season ordinary ukrainians fed extraordinary circumstances are all driving east hoping to find their way home. zane basra, the al jazeera lublin, poland for meanwhile al jazeera is how to tell him he is on the outskirts of denise
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brewing. central ukraine were internally displaced. people fleeing the conflict are being housed in public buildings. i am actually in a school which has been set up now to how to choose to host all these people fleeing not only car cave, but also from the south from are you polar even from the dumbass region? now there are a lot of people here. they all disappeared once the camera showed up with all our gear children, they just actually locked the door. did a lot of children in there. they come from all these areas i told you about. now i spoke to many people, asked them what happened to them, and those who are fleeing clarkie, for example, to me, how they spend days and days in the shelter with no food, with no into cold, with not a been able to go at any point out to get some food from the supermarket,
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i spoke to this young girl. she's 7 months pregnant. she was stuck in a basement which she called the shelter but was basically the basement of her building. and she just managed to get out yesterday. and you can imagine all the worries she had being 7 months pregnant. now she's here, she doesn't know where she's going to give birth. the maternity ward and clarity where she was supposed to give birth is now destroyed. her house is destroyed. so she doesn't know where she is going next. then i spoke to some people who left the dumbass region, villanova, that's one area that actually where there has been a lot of shelling in both direction. and for the past few days, the people who fled there said they don't know if they will ever returned it. of russia is tightening its control over the media to make sure that no one deviates from the government's narrative of events. officials have labeled dozens of journalists and independent news outlets. foreign agents forcing them to disclose
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their sources of funding and tag their social media posts. moscow is also pushing fresh legislation through parliament that would punish anyone for spreading against so called fake news about the army. with up to 15 years in prison, and since tuesday, schools across the country have been teaching children at russia's view on the invasion. and why the kremlin thinks it's necessary. vassily got of is a visiting fellow at the university of southern california annenberg center on communication leadership and policy. he is concerned about the scale of the russian governments, this information campaign. when you, when you start lying on tv, and when you spread lies through your own media, i indiscriminately, hugh under mine, the trusts to all media, including yourself and her. i presume i'm,
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i'm sure that many russians think that something is wrong. something is not report that sam cert. ah, and i, i really think that wednesday will know the truth and they will on leslie, we all die and nuclear explosions. ah, say would be a shame for me is russian with russian national. ah, it's something that really explodes my heart. and i, i only can apologize. i mean like 2 to 2 craniums. well, in the hague, the international criminal court has launched an investigation into whether russia is committed war crimes in ukraine. natasha gal name has more ukrainians huddled inside a kindergarten last week, thinking they'd be safe. instead,
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a child and 2 civilians were killed. this is drone footage of the kindergarten showing a man lying on the ground, blood pooling around him, and damage to the school in multiple locations. this weapon from car keith lying, a top ashy snow. this week, the international criminal court, or i, c. c announced it would investigate if war crimes have been committed in ukraine. this is a reminder to all affections to all parties to the conflict, but they must conduct themselves in compliance with the laws of war. the drilling down, of course, implication is to conduct credit, but investigations which means has no, ma'am, a destination that is pre determined. we have to get to the truth. amnesty international says this is just a sampling of the evidence. it is collected of russia, suspected use of cluster munitions since it invaded ukraine. last week,
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we had investigated 7 cases in death where cluster munitions and other ballistic missiles that have prohibited under international law have struck schools . hospitals. medical center is places that are not supposed to be hit by weapons because they're protected a civilian objects under international law. in 2014 human rights watch accused the ukrainian military of wide spread use of cluster munitions, while fighting pro russian rebels in don't net political analysts. dmitri babbage says russia demanded an investigation, but it went nowhere. unfortunately, i need the national digital voice. yes, arnold independent. not only from our all down, but also room of public opinion. you know, right now public opinion is very much against for us and it sees this tragedy that
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is going on in your brand, in black and white terms. i think the story is not great, and when fired, cluster munitions create a kind of fireworks of small bombs scattering indiscriminately across several 100 meters. those that don't explode, leave land mines often killing children who pick up the small balls left behind. more than $100.00 countries have agreed to be on their use. russia and ukraine have not. natasha name al jazeera cilla head in the sneeze, our, the only police officer to face charges over the death of brianna taylor. during a botched raid is found not guilty of endangering her neighbors in sport, an athlete revolt forces paralympic organizers into changing their minds over russia. and the will be here with that story and ah
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whole ah ah, a former kentucky police officer involved in the botched raid which left brianna taylor dead has been cleared of charges that he endangered her neighbors. a jury found the bread hand concern, i found him not guilty of wanton endangerment after he fired the 10 bullets through a door and window of taylor's apartment back in 2020. the 26 year old black woman was sleeping when several officers broke through her door and shot her multiple times. for more this, let's go to rob reynolds,
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who joins us from washington. d. c. rob. what else can you tell us about this decision? well, the trial itself involved was fairly shorted and it resulted in the acquittal of bred hankinson on all 3 of those charges hankens and took the stand himself or he wept at one point. when describing his, ah, what he called his distress over these events. but just to recap, what happened nearly 2 years ago in louisville, kentucky. brianna taylor, a 26 year old black woman who had study to be a, an emergency medical technician, was in her own home, her own apartment when police broke in using a battering ram. there are conflicting reports from neighbors and police as to whether the officers actually identified themselves as police officers before smashing down the door. they were not in uniform,
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they were in plain clothes. so miss taylor's boyfriend, kenneth walker, who said he believed the house was being invaded by criminals, or someone with ill intent, fired upon the police officers. they then responded by with a, with a fuselage of $32.00 gunshots, several of which hit brianna taylor who died at the seen. the, the kill, the police alleged they thought that drugs were being dealt or sold from the apartment. but in fact, the search warrant that was the reason for bursting into the apartment was never actually executed. no search was done. and there was subsequent investigations showed that miss taylor did not have any connection to any current drug trafficking . but no one was ever charged in brianna taylor's death. as you mentioned, barbara, the charges against officer brett hankinson was that he had criminally
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endangered brianna taylor's neighbor hers by firing through the wall. busy and through the doors in the apartment apartment complex and he was acquitted on all 3 of those. those charges. taylor's killing was really at the center along with the murder of george floyd by minneapolis, police officer of the black lives matter protest movement. and the protests and demonstrations that the shook the united states in 2020 barbara reynolds with the latest on that from washington d. c. road. thank you. ok, it's time to get all the support. now. here is andy and thank you so much, barbara. well, russian and bella rash in athletes have now been banned from the winter. paralympics events organizes saying protests by athletes from other countries at
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full time. and we, you turn the international problem. the committee announcing the span less than 24 hours after saying it would allow russian and bella russian athletes to compete as neutrals. i p. c, president andrew parson saying the reactions of that decision had made the situation in the athletes village untenable. the experience here, she'll be a positive one and that was not after you and also the senior state that was not being the case at the village. and to me this morning when after world waking up to the news, there was a reaction showed us that if we didn't take action, the situation could get worse. we've been talking to the executive director of the world plans association, brandon schwab, and he says, sanctions like this will be felt in russia. it's important that they sanctions are targeted at the source of the problem. and that is the rushing state. now clearly the russian state has a date control over the russian olympic committee. and to that extent,
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that paralympic committee, now there's no doubt that sanctions on committees will involve and exclusion of the athletes from the games. but disappointingly, is that my day it is a small price to pay for sport to be seen, to be doing the right thing. and that is imposing, targeted, and powerful sporting sanctions. we did say, of course in relation to sports responds to the problem of apartheid in south africa that south african athletes were excluded as a consequence of sporting sanctions. now supporting sanctions may not have been decisive, of course, in help training around the situation in apartheid south africa. but they were important and it's now essential that sanctions on the part of the sports movement, client important role in it. they may not yet, they decide needs in bringing about pacing at the crime that the had
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a few crimes param and think seem says it's a miracle they made. it's a beijing. a 20 strong contingent arrived in china on wednesday. he cried, we're a formidable presence of last winter games, winning $22.00 metals, including 7 goals in pyongyang. 4 years ago. i want to say that we came here from ukraine and we travel through ukraine. it took us many days. we had to overcome a lot of barriers that had to do with the war. many members of our team barely managed to escape from the bombardment and the shells exploding, but we still made it here. now the russian football union says it will appeal against the decisions about its national teams. footballs governing body fever has kicked the russian men's team out of work. a qualifying, and a statement. the russian football union said the ruling didn't have a legal basis. a chelsea facing up to an uncertain future after their rush and i know rahman brockovich put the premier lee club up for sale. and brockovich has invested hundreds of millions of dollars and brought unprecedented success to the team. following russia's invasion of view,
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craner brockovich said it was in chelsea's best interest for him to step away. or been talking to finance expert dan plumley about the impacts of rama which is made on english and european football. he was the 1st, you know, big foreign owner that we saw in english football back in 2003 that led the way for a spade to further investments from america. we look to the glaze that take over at manchester, united in 2005 american investment arsenal in liverpool. and then of course, the man just the city take over in and beyond. and so, you know, roaming around with it really sort of have the way for foreign ownership in english, football and, and it has been transformative over the last few years. all be it. those owners have lots of different motives and different investment methods. but, you know, he was, he was the catalyst for that back in 2003, what we seen probably accelerates at during that the covey pandemic is a rising kind of private equity investment in professional teams, for most notably in football. and also these big consortiums that we see the
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example here with their potential swiss by our it's not just one person, it's a consortium and there are very few people in the world that can, you know, for these football clubs outright as an individual. so i think you'd be looking towards consortiums and various, maybe, you know, private equity hedge funds, happy investors that are now looking at english football clubs and football clubs in general across europe. now edison's ukrainian play, it's holly milenko, is made captain for his team's game of the english f, a camp the 22 year old leading the premier league side. but his match against it seemed to me would be glencoe, joined davidson from dina marquee at the start of the leech and former one races will no longer be held in russia. the sport is terminated, it's contract with the country. this is such a growing pre had already been council that wasn't bailing place to move the race to st. petersburg from 2023 for 3 years, but that agreement has now and okay that as
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a sport is looking for. now let's get back to barbara in london. and the thank you and that is it from me barbara sarah, for this news hour. we're going to leave you though with these pictures from the ukrainian town of borrowed, yank up only around 60 kilometers from the capital. keep the war has had a devastating impact there with russian bombardment. would you sing several homes and buildings children with
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analysis of the days global headlines inside story on al jazeera ah, revealing eco friendly solutions to come back threats to our planet. on al jazeera, [000:00:00;00] ah, russian attacks intensified north of the ukrainian capital. keith, as president putin says, his military operation is going to plan. ah, hello and barbara sara, are you watching al jazeera, like from london, also coming up? we speak to the shell shocked civilians escaping fierce fighting in ukraine's 2nd city. how to keep one of russia's 1st targets delegates from ukraine and russia
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