tv News Al Jazeera March 11, 2022 2:00pm-2:30pm AST
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mold, vigilant about what we put on our plates. ah, russian and strikes in the ukrainian city of the lee pro hit near a kindergarten killing at least one person. airports in to west and ukrainian cities, the targeted as it rushes military, offensive widens. ah, i'm can vanelle with continuing extensive coverage of the ukraine war you satellite images appear to show the large russian military convoy near keith has split up to be re deployed into towns and forests near by president vladimir putin to prove sending fighters from the middle east to support pro russia separatists and east in
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ukraine, also head jenny will soon have the youngest president in its history. coming up will tell you something about the man that some called a revolutionary others. a reformers major ukrainian cities have faced more bombardment, adding to a humanitarian crisis in areas cut off by russian forces, grades emergency services. a 3 airstrikes hit near a residential building and kindergarten. and in the pro killing at least one person . the city was once considered relatively safe for people fleeing besieged areas of ukraine. russia's offensive has widened to parts of west and ukraine. bear as strikes targeted to military airfields, killing at least 2 ukrainian offices. and people in mario, paula struggling for food and fuel of the days of russian bombardment. ukraine says
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more than 1300 people have been killed there. this is your name begins are coverage . ukrainians, living in the central city of denise, bro, woke up to the booms and fireballs of 3 airstrikes on friday. then this c chard buildings cars, even the trees blackened fragments. emergency officials say one person was killed and the airstrikes hit near a kindergarten. and an apartment building, targeting civilian areas is a violation of the geneva convention. russia has warned it will surround denise, bro, home to about 1000000 people before the invasion, to those with the log in car, keith, ukraine, 2nd largest city. there were reports of shelling from the skies and the streets ah, on the diplomatic front,
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the united states with the g 7 nations and the european union are preparing to revoke russia's most favored nation status for trade. russia plan to ask the un security council to discuss its allegations that ukraine is developing biological weapons. earlier in the week, russia accused the ukrainian military of using phosphorus. it's illegal if used against civilians. who are you with in the suburbs of the capitol? keith, the toll of several days of fighting was coming into focus. ludy is liberal, the people who just went home and advocate them. so you can see what happened here . when they had been what is always the russians and demoralized on motivated and splitting into small groups except hominy, civilians, raping and looting. nothing is happening even though their homes have been reduced to rubble. some are choosing to remain a man in the town of boca says,
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despite the loss and the shock, they are no longer afraid. natasha named elsie 0. i'll have 3 teams across the latest developments in ukraine will go to natasha. butler intervene shortly. and when con, there is saw standby in keys but fast, it's got a holla until hamid, who joins us from denito honda. what's happening there? well, certainly this is as safety that is in apprehension. wondering how quickly things can could deteriorate in the coming hours if not in the coming days . no one is overly surprised that they was an air strike. but certainly now the atmosphere has changed. well, we do know about this air strike. it that it targeted a industrial complex quite in the heart of the city. i would say that it's,
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we do know that they're heavy machinery factory was hit, a shoe factory was hit and a chemical blad. they're all interconnected with some sort of railway network that certainly has made people more people back up their stuff and try to leave as quickly as possible. you can see in this queue behind me, you have a lot of people from the new pro, but you also have people who had been coming to the neighborhood for safety coming from the south of the country vote. deputy jeff, um are you pulled? those will actually manage to leave that port city, but also coming from the northeast from cloud cave and the military here and the civil administration year. over the past 2 weeks. i've been saying that it's very important to keep debra as safe as possible because it has become this transit point for all of these are all of these people fleeing at places that are much more embattled than denise bra is at the moment. well,
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that probably equation has changed. now, people wondering what could happen next. when i spoke to some of these people who had been waiting in the bitter cold to catch a train, that should be leaving in about an hour. the temperature is sub 0. ok. and they're trying to go as west as possible and as quickly as possible. so certainly that relative calm that was in did me bra has changed and the coming hours, i think would be very important for everyone to know what's going to happen next. i'd hot on doesn't need there for us in the pro. let's consider the 2 m on con, ah, who is in kias amounts of his convoy outside of keys. it has to be on the move. what do we know? what does it mean? well what we're hearing is that care that convoy, which is about 40 kilo kilometers long full of russian army is actually beginning
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to displace at least parts of it. and now we're hearing that parts of that convoy a being re deployed to other front lines. and now there's a few reasons that this might be happening at firstly, they may well be trying to re supply at the convoy line and secure supply lines to get food and fuel to those soldiers that are in the west of the city, waiting to enter the city it could also mean that the dispersing it because they have been hit quite hard by ukrainian air force as strikes and that's actually costing them daily. and the other thing that they might be doing is. busy dispersing their forces over a wide area in preparation for a move in to the capitol hill in key if there's lots of information coming in much of a unconfirmed. but what we are hearing is that that satellite imagery shows very clearly that something is actually happening to that convoy that conway began to form
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around march the 15th. there was a massive concern for all of the residents here in cave. when they started seeing the pictures of it, i actually begin to form at that point. we are residents here. people who thought that the, that they were going to enter kia a, keep quite quickly, but that didn't happen. but the atmosphere here is actually very tense. m on people from areas outside of ki, of have been coming into the city to escape shelling. what's happening with those people? how many people are left in the city? well, when we arrived on thursday night, there were long queues of cars coming into the city. actually surprised us because we thought people would be leaving. we sat asking some questions. we found out that actually what was going on was people coming in from other areas is the a major town that they can get to the capitol. obviously that they can get to hoping to be able to pick up food and fuel, et cetera. for an eye perhaps, and onwards journey, there's not a huge amount open here. in fact,
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i'm just gonna show you now. so this is one of the major thoroughfares. it should be very busy right now. look, it's completely empty egg. so getting food and fuel is actually going to be really difficult. now you seal these restaurants and places there will shut down. however, because of those people coming in a lot of the restaurants, her little, the kitchen stuff. i've actually been opening up their kitchens to a supply people with food outside happening. i kind of some way in the center of care where people can go and they can get something to eat. ah, however, accommodation is a very big problem. like i say, 50 percent of their city of 3000000 people has been evacuated. they've left already the people that remained behind. ah, people who can't really afford to leave. they don't have anywhere else to go. so they stayed behind. but a lot of people have actually come into the city to help fight made and square is
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a big prize for vladimir putin. he wants that he wants that squire. he wants his tanks, wants his soldiers in that square, because it's 8 years ago where that square half was the center of a revolution that push ukraine closer to europe. and that's what angered vitamin putin in the 1st place by everybody we've spoken to him. young ukrainian say we're going to fight and we're going to make sure that this capital remains ours. and when con in key is ukraine's capital, thank you. let's go to natasha butler now who joins us live from live in west in ukraine, and natasha in the west to airports have now been attacked. want to, we know you have been to russian air strikes on 2 air fields as you say, in west, in ukraine. a part of the country that has until now been relatively sped with most
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of the fighting that we seen over the past 2 weeks in the north, the east and the south of the country. but those air strikes took place over night, a one just outside of the southwestern city of yvonne. oh frank disk there and i filled struck 3 loud explosions. apparently, people are posted some images on social media where you saw a plumes of smoke going into the air and also another strike at an air field outside of lutes. that is in the north west of ukraine. again, the mayor of that town telling people to stay under ground in shelters, to take cover. because of course, those explosions took place just outside the air filled air field we understand is destroyed an air field that wasn't operational, but the could be used by the ukrainian military of course. so 2 areas in west ukraine targeted and certainly for people here in the vive, which is just a 150 kilometers south of lotes. it is making people feel really anxious. they feel
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that perhaps the war could be changing, direction could be coming closer. in fact, we have had a number of sirens in the past few hours. we had one a short while. 8 ago people had to come off the streets and go down into their shelters under the building, and then at 4 o'clock in the morning as well here, local time as siren sounding people having to go into their basements. people suddenly starting to fill a lot more tense. natasha. aha! he has already been on the intense bombardment, but there have been more attacks. yes, sir. ukraine's the 2nd largest city. it has been a one party. it has been a sit in ukraine that has seen some of the worst of fighting with a russian shelling heavy bombardment. we know that has continued. we understand that in the past hours a psychiatric hospital was here in the city. there were about 300 people in the
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hospital, but apparently there are no casualties because people had already taken cover in below, in basements, as according to or sorties there. but the mayor of khaki said that in one day alone, there were 89 attacks by russian or with russian shelling. so it gives you a sense of just how difficult the situation there, how frightening it is for people 48 schools in the city have been destroyed by a russian attacks. again, russia continued to say that it doesn't targets civilian areas, but again, the reality on the ground telling a very different picture. and then in maria, pull the poor city on the sea of as off in the south of the country citizens there are being told that they might be able to evacuate today. this is after days of waiting to try and get out of this town through humanitarian corridors. these corey doors that effectively just have failed to actually happen because the fighting continues between russian and ukrainian forces. it is too simple simply too
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difficult for people to get out. but the mayor of that city each day, putting out hot breaking messages about a city, talking about bodies on the street having to bury people in mass graves. cause i said, please in time to say good bye or give people a proper ceremonies. he talks about people having to scramble around in the rubble, trying to find food in the day between as strikes because food and water supplies are running out. it is really desperate situation. you can imagine the people that each day they are waiting to leave, that waiting to get out of that city. whether or not they will be able to do so to day. we'll have to see just an awful awful situation to be and thank you very much for that other than natasha butler in live eve. russian president vladimir putin has bank plans to allow foreign fighters in the eastern ukraine. the defense minister says more than $16000.00 applications have been received from at least in countries regarding the gathering of soldiers from around the world for ukraine.
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we see them in the western sponsors of the ukrainian regime. do not keep it a secret. they do it openly, disregarding international law. so if you see people who want to voluntarily without payment, come and help people living and done very well, we need to meet their efforts and help them reach the combat zone. then it's, it has more now from moscow. we've seen a lot of stores, of course, of people from elsewhere in the world coming to fight for the ukrainian forces and being allowed to join the ukrainian army and being invited, encouraged to join the recreating army if they fit to fight while a russians are now saying also on their side, people are volunteering to come and fight. they said they've had a request for volunteers of volunteers from all over the world colluding 16000 volunteers applications to volunteer from the middle east and brought me a putin said that should those people want to go to join the fighting in
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specifically don yet. and lou ganske, this is eastern part of ukraine, should they wish to join the fighting there? especially he said, if they're willing to go free of charge, then we should help them get their answer g, a. me, a pewter was also agree with a suggestion by a showed you. that weaponry, seized from the ukrainian forces, should be given to fight his internet scan. lugan sky was referring particularly to the javelin, and stinger missiles these weapons made in the us and bought a new future that yes, if necessary, we can give those to the, to those forces in the, in east of ukraine. those self declared territory is republics of done. that is going to be guns recognized by russia as independent countries jail russian opposition leader. lexi, nev only is calling for anti war protests across russia on sunday. treated. you need to go to and he will rallies every weekend,
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even if it seems that everyone has either left or got scared. even if you are alone, you are the one to be joined by others. you are the backbone of the movement against war and death. you are the most important person on the planet. actually, just joining us, a reminder of the latest developments in ukraine as of 11 gmc ukraine's emergency services, say 3 strikes, landed. there are residential building and a kindergarten into new pro, killing one person. the city was, was considered relatively safe for people fleeing besieged areas of ukraine. what is offensive has widened to parts of western ukraine with drugs targeting airports and boots. devonne, frank ukraine says 2 soldiers were killed the lid scared, a russian president vladimir person has vax plans to allow foreign vices into eastern ukraine. the defense minister said more than 16000 applications have been received from middle eastern countries. many of them from people who fought against i so inferior by joining us on said as marin,
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the shower on their senior political analyst mall. and since we spoke yesterday, a lot of things have happened on the diplomatic front. you ladies meeting and i love robin cabella, foreign ministers meeting in turkey, russia. now recruiting foreign fighters. what's your take on all these develop? look, the idea of recruiting foreign fighters is either i thought, peculiar or terribly cynical. peculiar because a superpower or a perceived superpower is not supposed to be using. you know, some individuals from foreign countries, while they are basically the goliath in against david and of this conflict. and cynically, it's because if there are any war crimes coming forwards, then they could pin them on foreign volunteers. but in the very particular case of celia, i mean our viewers, especially though our rewards. remember our coverage of syria. i mean,
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does really put an expect shooting in youth to leave destroyed syria in order to go destroy another country instead of rebuilding their own. it's a very, very strange proposition on the part of the russian person. oh, what about that with hand on the russians? repeating this claim about biological weapons being, are planned or created in ukraine funded by the u. s. the u. s. is obviously roundly rejected that. what is this about? you know, the russians have brilliantly been copying or, or inspired by washington's play book, from its war against iraq. and you know, kim, if i learned one thing in those sorts of situations is as a rule, i don't believe anything. any politician says, especially at the time of war is always pending. and when it is in fact verified,
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i would still like to look into the intentions behind it. so in this case is certainly not verified. there is no, no, no proof of it. i'll tell you, just like the bush administration back in 20022003, told us that the iraq was developing nuclear weapons. that it hadn't weapons of mass destruction. that pretty sure there's going to be a mushroom cloud over washington. what is the same thing here? the moscow, the crumbling, is basically sending out these signals. these i would say they sound to me like fake news about the ukrainians 1st developing nuclear weapons, then the ukrainians, developing dirty bomb, which kind of a primitive nuclear weapon. and now they're talking about the possibility of them developing biological weapons. if there's any truth to that, you would like to see the evidence. but it seems to be more and more like the kremlin is trying to change the conversation about all sorts of accusations about russian war crimes in crimea, which again need to be verified in the next 40 minutes or so. we are expecting to
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hear from the turkish president, richard todd ottawa on i c i. yesterday we had a meeting in antalya between the russian foreign minister and his ukranian counterpart. what role do you think turkey is? is hoping to play here and how does that compare with without the nation to we're also offering their mediation services. look, that was a for that was an important 1st step on the part of the turks. it's good that they are accepted by 2 parts, but the 2 parties by their crane is under russians on a high level foreign ministers. they're certainly better than what's happening in bella rose. but on the other hand, it's clear that not much came out of that meeting whether they could muster another meeting that's important because in as far as i'm concerned, and the, and electrically speaking without being facetious, there's nothing more important to day than having a diplomatic process because this should not be only about managing the war, managing cease fires and managing humanitarian corridors that should be about and the war. because the longer the war goes,
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ukraine is going to be destroyed regardless of winds. this war, this is like almost like a civil war, regardless winds. i think both parties are gonna end up losing. so it's good. the turks are stepping in. but my sense is, kim, is that usually when there's a mediating party like say, you know, like the united states in israel, palestine right? you always trying to sell something to the mediator because you get, you want to get something back. so unless turkey is willing or able to give something back to the russians or to the craniums, i would say kiev and, and, and, and moscow would be looking more for a european type mediation, an american goodness chinese 5 mediations high. hey, we have lived there. thank very much our that is out there. senior political analyst, my on the shar, the u. s. congress has approved $14000000000.00 to help ukraine. it's part of the
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one and a half trillion dollar u. s. budget for the year. the fund allocated for ukraine will be used for humanitarian and military 8. the bill goes to present biden, for approval. petty call haine has more from capitol hill. the u. s. senate has now followed the u. s. house and has approved spending $13600000000.00 on aid to ukraine. that is quite a bit more than just what the president was even asking for just a couple of weeks ago. now, the money's going to be evenly split between humanitarian assistance and military assistance on the humanitarian front. it will go to help refugees to provide food and health care on the military front. 3000000000 of that is going to go to the u. s. u. s. european command, that is the command that takes the lead in nato, so that money can be used to bring an additional troops to stockpile weapons. the other 650000000 is going to be given to ukraine so that it can buy the weapons that it chooses. but then it's also given us president joe biden, $3000000000.00, who they say he can now. so give ukraine up to $3000000000.00 worth of military
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equipment that the u. s. has that is quite an escalation from the amount of money they've already given. the president is expected to sign the bill. i time for some other news now and chillies president elect. gabriel borage will be sworn in on friday to become the countries the youngest leader, anti setting more precedence as he comes to power. as our latin america editor to say in human reports from santiago o gabriela bought each is no ordinary precedent at just barely $36.00. the world's 2nd youngest head of state represents the start of an era in killeen politics led by you young generation with dreams of social the color. yeah. um, i think even my, we advanced towards a more inclusive, generous july with no one left behind. all will continue with the logic of privilege against which chile has risen up. what it came to the forefront a decade ago as a student leader who helped forge
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a massive revolt for better public education. then he gave up university to become a congressman for a new left wing coalition, ignoring critics of his informal attire. from a very young age, he showed leadership qualities. at age 9, he wrote, i was a bad class president in 1st grade because then i didn't know what it meant to be president, but now i'm prepared and i promise you, i'll be a good president. and please don't vote for me just because i'm your friend, what it comes from, put that in us overlooking the magellan, straight on the tip of south america, where people say the gale force winds, and the bitter cold hope forged their strong character. the bowditch family comes from a long line of croatian migrants that settled here. gabriel bodied his parents allowed us into their middle class home to talk about their son. they say he was always interested in politics, but that not even he imagined he'd be elected president to state months ago.
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philippa if he was chosen at such a young age, it's because it was in his cards. he was born with a mission, a very good one, but a mission that i would not have wished for him obviously. oh, you for the rest of the year, but his father is less daunting as a weight of his son's responsibility. so look at me, look in douglas kaycie, the road is full of obstacles and we hope that the education and the environment that we gave him will help overcome those obstacles. recent years, but each has matured from what many saw as a left when radical to what in scandinavia or french would be considered a progressive. more concerned about forging consensus and confrontation audits brings to the presidential palace behind me the energy and idealism of youth. yet if nothing else, he has become very aware that making dreams come true will not be nearly as easy as it was to make promises when he was in the opposition. writer patricia for none
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dish, no sport each well. in gunner, when i broke out, he incarnates an air of transformations of a new world order that has emerging, okay. even though he leads a generation that takes office without experience and guzzling $23.00, but on what it is already marking his style by moving into an edgy neighbourhood where he can still buy his favorite sandwich and bread. while talking to the neighbors. a ritual that will be useful to keep him in touch with the temperature on the street. see a newman al jazeera santiago. people living on a low lying island in the bay of bengal say they're losing their fight against climate change. the island seen one of the fastest sea level rise is recorded in the world, and it's predicted that it might disappear in 30 years. of your challenging reports . caught up there is an island of fishing villages and rice farms, but it's half than size in 20 years. because of rising sea levels, because of the intrusion of salt water, much off it's farmlands,
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are now used to produce salt, money or alum and his family lost their ancestral farmland to the sea. years ago, i went down to the company. i guess when i was a child, the island was much larger in size and much farther away. but now it's gradually getting smaller juicer rosen and things got worse since the dike got washed away by the sea and let salt water and let some marion scientists on our offering some hope that building artificial oyster rates that they say it can save the coastline from erosion, the reef and not only can protect that coastal lead, it can also have that environment providing that different ecosystem savvy this and the fish and immense who are living here. that can also get some benefits. examples these are studies really can have to and has the appreciate his production because these reefs can provide shows us foods and other ecosystem services. professor now essays in order to make the project succeed, the scientist, local government,
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and the fishermen need to team up to manage the rates. the la b, joy stories can prevent erosion and say the land. plus it helps see grasses grow around it and create a natural environment for fish stoppers, which is beneficial to us. i still spouts float for nearly a month before settling on hard surfaces and each other's backs, and the scientists are providing them with the rings of demand to get their permanent home stop in the baby in their life they need to settle. so what do we do? use a very simple techniques. we are bringing the substrate or hot our phase and we have them to set a lot. there are still ribs are made up of live oysters, dead ice to shells and other marine organisms, coastal areas of bangladesh on natural habitat for ice jet, what you see formation of a fear. now there's also work as a natural barrier against your ocean. although this is an experimental pilot
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project, the humble oyster, if it proved, it could be a cost effective solution to limit coastal erosion among bangladesh of the most vulnerable islands. can we charge a, i'll just put up the island. oh, resolved is there, and these are the top stories. ukraine's emergency services say 3 airstrikes, landed near a residential building and a kindergarten into ne pro killing one person. the city was once considered relatively safe for people fleeing besieged areas of ukraine. although hamid has more form to me when we 1st arrived here, it was a safe place is actually the place where the people flee. for example, the south that where you pulls up will reach.
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