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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 11, 2022 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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a european union, this skips gives all ukrainian immediately residency rights. and by that of course, access to the labor market immediately access to schools to medical care, to otherwise support. so that these poor innocent people immediately find a home here and can get on to try to accommodate in the european union what the 2nd question is concerned. indeed, i want to underline that it has proven right that we 1st define the priorities and the necessities to invest in them. and i want to recall that from the beginning of our mandate, we have defined 3 priorities. it's a european green deal. it is digitalization, and it is resilience. and throughout the pandemic, as well as now throughout this a times of war that russia is unleashing,
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they have proven to be the right priorities. the european green deal is absolutely necessary if we want to get independent of fossil fuels, mainly by rush of em supplied by russia. the digitalization is of utmost importance to modernize our economy, which proves now to be the leverage against russia, warmer she and resilience, of course, defense is a sap title of resilience. and, and it is important, as the president said, that we look at all different tools. we can then activate to make it possible that we advance in our priorities. this is on the one hand, the european lever. and there is, as well as the european budget, as for example, next generation to you. it is the national level, but we should also not forget the private level and a good example how to activate all 3 levels and or make the projects
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advance is now for example, our ships act concerning the semiconductors, cheer. we pushed forward a crucial topic that goes for the digitalization, as well as our resilience, that is our independence with the european investment and national investment, and triggering private investment. thank you. angela model from huffington post, after last rush, kate spelling at 2 quick questions. what do you reply to mister de lansky, who is saying his disappointed from the declaration of best sale? he asked europe to do more, and he says it's not enough. and then i wanted to know when you say you are preparing another package of sanctions and you're ready to everything else that is on the table. ah, who is it on the table? an embargo patrolling desk from russia on the table or the estrogen? i was bed bound and dust brought down from bank from swift is on the table as well
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. thanks. martin, upon your kitchen of the very 1st question is with turns on going for the end of his once. you know, i didn't gang require a lot of this back to called president of the lansky on his people who are fighting, especially for the political message of a european union say, sent yet if darcy is clear. zavala donnelly mckenna with gave ukrainians over your massage party. we sent a clear political message up houses that this is a legal process. look, it was a demo which i refer to before. i hate to my colleagues at manito, repeated on michelle left with his hands on de leon. the present time, young santos michelin band alliance. heard of a quash, come wealthy courage, as has been certain to left me. daniel, he did the same things did. and there was a request for no fly zone last week, one and 10 again, when not belligerent is what's after school. we have to do everything useful before
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the, on the claim to bring peace back to you. a crane thought bare with the european prospect, the european path, the ukraine is clear more. secondly, let alone the our will with nearly 20 necessary ports ukraine in ukrainians is clear. we have decided that some 30 ready to sanction russia beyond what has been done. i noticed that he said nothing about what you said is but bitten harvey, who showing that i'm going to refer to lie to you as ever. no big it is. what is it? i'm keeping things can be both. the a can strategic ambiguity, which is good. you are this unit that is additional decisions. it would be made at the g 7. me see. but we see mal griffin, russia is biles who do what it says despite present quickly says he, the class is m a lot of all the lan said things advancing, we're making progress. so i'll call and i'll get her in
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a few hours. i think you shall said, ye shall speak to chancellor shaw, little see if it is by that if he intensifies bombings, sci fi, and then the guy who says war and seems on, i will vote, we know math that will have to carry out massive sanctions that is the message, it is in that framework that nothing is off the table for nothing is to do, we will do what ever we consider to be effective and efficient and useful to stop russia, dr. sherman niggers. and this on this part of aggression will shut down. i'd like to discuss and will each the package collaborate, sanction hustle, be happy to bring you to miss it together. see it? i want you to act. and the meeting took place last night shows the capacity working together as europeans, with our partners, as a bar, and they will have an impact and effect it will take. we have to evaluate the
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situation, but officially from this one from law, in order to fiddle with a discrete flex the mass of the ukrainians to bring about a ceasefire new negotiations. massive aqua to thank you very much, everybody. thank you. feel interest, cement. thank you. when a presidency with thank you, i were working with enormous speed in the processing of ukraine's application. they're one of the statements we just heard, the european union commission president ursula van de leon make there at that meeting in versailles. our diplomatic editor james bay's joins us live from verse. i so james, 1st of all, a lot of statements made their let's take the one about going ahead with the processing of ukraine's application with great speed. no doubt. that is still not exactly what the ukranian president zalinski has been asking for. is it?
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no, it's not at all. he wants that to be a situation where ukraine can join you as fast as possible and certainly want to this summit to make ukraine. formerly a candidate country that false tracking of that status is not happened at this meeting. and they didn't even mention in the statement in that formal statement, the word candidate country. what they've done instead is ask the european commission when presidents, let's keep putting that formula application on the day that the european problem was meeting. since then they've asked the pin commission to make it assessment of that application as quickly as possible. so that does speed things up a bait. but clearly we're not even really at the start of the actual membership membership procedure, which is when you become a candidate country. and that then takes years. so what president lensky wants, or what they've offered here,
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the european leaders are not the same thing. and it's worth telling you that the meeting here is being very intense. it went on very late into the night until 2 30 in the morning local time. and some of the disagreements were on that very issue. there are some countries, particularly the baltic states who'd like to see this really fast tracks ukraine made any as fast as possible, but there are others to say, no. we have rules in your opinion that those rules are for everyone to follow. the membership criteria is a very, very slow deliberate process where you have to take all the boxes, it takes time for a reason, and we need to stick to that process. there's been no change in that position in that disagreement. and as a result, you've got words about doing things a bit faster, but in terms of action, nothing that really gets to what the president crane wants. all right, and, and listening as well to everything that was said about tackling russia,
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sanctions isolating russia. how does that all distilled down to? is there anything new out there now that you is looking at or about to do? well, i think it's fair to say the e u has done a great deal, and the u has been terribly united, much more united. i remember speaking to us and of on the line before the russian invasion of when i interviewed her for al jazeera and she couldn't say on things like, not string to with that, whether that was something that, that the e, you would, would agree to. and the you are, i think this is prized itself in its strength and its unity. but given they've done all the things they have so far. i think they've now reached the end of where they can go with that unity. because the next steps are ones which they do not have unity on, they do not have unity on energy and stopping the energy imports into the e u. what they seem to have agreed on now is by may coming up with
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a plan to win themselves off. russian gas and oil imports in 5 years, not now in 5 years. and that's because 30 percent of the energy of the u comes up from russia. so that is one area where they, they have not been able to go any further on sanctions. they've been very tough on sanctions. you heard us of on the line in the news conference there. talk about the ruble being in free fall and what they've achieved in just 15 days. the next set of sanctions? yes, there's going to be a 4th set really that's just filling in filling in the gaps that they found. but it's not dealing with that vital energy sector. sammy, the other important things b, u is done and another fresh announcement in recent hours is on trying to help the ukrainians militarily. and part of that is indirect aide to buy weapons. they've now doubled that, another $550000000.00 to buy weapons for ukraine. and the other
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part of the defense part of this is increasing the defense spending of e u countries, many of whom are also members of nato. ursula on the line said many countries had done that. i think the most notable one is germany, something she knows a lot about because her previous job was as the defense minister of germany on the chance wangler merkle or i will leave it there. thanks so much senior to fly to canada, james vase there found the ground in ukraine. fresh air has expanded its aerial offenses away from active front lines and intensifying its attacks. elsewhere. hardcase in the northeast is under continuous bombardment by russian forces destroying nearly 50 schools. in the southeast, hundreds of thousands of people are trapped in mario poll. people are describing it as hell. civilians, a desperate for food and water with no way out of the city. it's now surrounded by those russian forces and the thank you, the central ukraine. for the 1st time russia has attacked the need for the city was
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once considered low, relatively safe for people sheltering there from other besieged areas. defensive is also widened further to the west. russian air strikes have targeted to military air fields, killing at least 2 ukrainian offices where lived in moscow in the viv and in keith. but 1st, this report from the terrible name ukrainians, living in the central city of denise bro, woke up to the booms and fire balls of 3 airstrikes on friday. then this c, chard buildings cars, even the trees blackened fragments. emergency officials say one person was killed and the airstrikes hit near a kindergarten. and an apartment building. targeting civilian areas is a violation of the geneva convention. russia has warned it will surround denise bro,
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home to about 1000000 people before the invasion. who go through a villa? marg. in car, keith, ukraine, 2nd largest city. there were reports of shelling from the skies and the streets. yar, which will be done with the potential, i would like to inform you that we will open humanitarian corridors. they will look on the falling roots from our pole in the den esque region towards the city of separate sia, a column of buses carrying humanitarian aid will to pass on the diplomatic front, the united states with the g 7 nations and the european union are preparing to revoke russia's most favored nation status for trade. russia plan to ask the un security council to discuss its allegations that ukraine is developing biological weapons. earlier in the week, russia accused the ukrainian military of using phosphorus. it's illegal if used
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against civilians for you with in the suburbs of the capital, keep the toll of several days of fighting was coming into focus. eluded is liberal. the people who just went home and advocate them. so you can see what happened here. when they had been one of his own, the russians had demoralized on motivated and splitting into small groups except harming civilians, raping and looting. nothing is happening, even though their homes have been reduced to rubble. some are choosing to remain a man in the town of boca says, despite the loss and the shock, they are no longer afraid. natasha name l t 0 esco's 1st to him round con, who's in ukraine's cap? so clear for us. so 1st all him run, let's start with that column of russian armor. we saw pictures in the last 24 hours of that were being picked off in strikes. now apparently we're told they're on the
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move again. what do we know about where they are? and what they're doing right now, well, what we know is that that column has actually effectively been dispersed in places they've changed positions. we know that because we've seen satellite imagery of that boat, we don't know is why now it could be for a number of reasons. firstly, like you say in last 24 hours, they have been hit by ukrainian air strikes that the russians may well be just regrouping somewhere else. the all reports that some of that column has been re deployed to other front lines. again, con, confirm that, but that could be happening as well. the russians have had a real problem supply that convoy itself. it came about around march, the 5th it grew to about 40 kilometers in length, but the russians had real problems securing the supply lines to that. now,
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in order to defy any battle anywhere in the world, you do need a supply line is absolutely crucial. and that was a problem for the russian, so that may well be a reason as well. all we really know is that this is a change of tactics and you speak to people here in cave. and they'll tell you that actually maybe they're regrouping, they're getting back together for an advance on the capital. and im, ron, what about the city itself? your in t of we can see, looks to me. i was there a few weeks ago. looks obviously a very different place. what is going on in the city as they hear about the advance will use the movement of this russian army, how they preparing well, a lot of people are living at the people las ram i left here are actually taking shelter in the metro. the people in metro stations, but there's a few things out. let me just show you what you've just told me that you are here.
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3 weeks ago. we'll check out the scene is all and johnny a few cars on the street. i bet it was like that 3 weeks ago people were actually confident that there was going to be no war, but that's obviously changed. 50 percent of the city, sorry, is now a completely empty. they've evacuated. see these restaurants are, are along that straight, that they've all closed down. however, the restaurant turn the chefs, the weight stop, keeping the kitchens open in many cases and they're feeding people who are fleeing other parts of ukraine and coming here because the nearest a big city, particularly from our pain, where there's been a selling going on for most of the week those people are coming in as we arrived late on thursday nights we saw a vehicles coming in. we very surprised the amount of vehicles are actually coming in. now in terms of kind of preparedness, there are, we've seen a lot of soldiers out in the street a lot of the vehicles around on the outskirts there are defenses being put up. lots
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of checkpoints hasn't yet rapid. so far, the electricity still running the water store and there is food on the shelves. some of the soup market. it's not so not so much getting food and supplies austin coming in. it's actually getting people to work. we went down to one supermarket state, where normally they employed about 30 people. they only had 6 people in and because of that, they were only letting a few people in to shop at a time. so, things are getting things are tense, but there's a real sense of defiance here. and that's been led predominantly by blood away as lensky who says, you know, we are coming to a strategic turning point in his televised address today. he said, a strategic turning point and we are getting to the point where we will defend ukrainian land and that's been reflected out the streets. it's still a sense of define, sir. all right, thanks so much good stuff there from our correspondence in mind con, in the heart of kiff natasha battle and can now continue this for us from the west of ukraine. she's in live a very important town there. let's start with the west. we are what we're hearing
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and seen today. it's russian strikes, widening and targeting the west, particularly air fields in the west. right? yes sir, to ad feels were struck by what we are on the sand. will rush in long range missiles, say one in the south, a wester town co vancho frank kister. that is a town that was actually struck by russian attack very early on in the evasion invasion. but this is the only 2nd time that that town has been hit. it was actually an air field on the outside to the city, which was a struck the men of the city saying that there were 3 explosions footed shows a plumes of smoke on the horizon there. and then in the north, oh, west to the town of north scott, just outside of that i city or the air field. there was also a kids now we understand to a ukrainian
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a military soldiers were killed during that attack as well as some some others were injured. we don't know whether they were civilians or people. we worked at the air field. we might learn a bit more later in the day, but what is significant is that these 2 attacks took place in the west of ukraine, and it's an area that has been a relatively sped and the fighting. the we've seen mostly in the north, east and south of the country and the town of look square. one of those air fields was here is only a 150 kilometers north of living where i am now. so that's made people here feel very anxious indeed. in fact, at 4 o'clock in the morning or overnight local time, there was an air raid siren people had to go down to their basements to their shelters. underneath that a pardon of blocks. and we understand that the air raid siren was linked to those 2 attacks. in the west of ukraine, so people here feeling in a way that the conflict is getting closer. they wondering if there is a change of direction now from russia in this war
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a lot more going on around the country and don't try to avoid natasha. like getting into too much my new should these hell. but is the big picture that there is an intensification of the russian push for major cities and places. i think that's hard to say. what we are saying though, is just a continued shelling of key areas and key cities like hockey in the easter. we don't know exactly what the situation has been married, paul, but people there have been trying to get out. today. i've been trying to evacuate because they've been unable to evacuate over the past few days. my situation there is desperate. so we're seeing these kenya areas in ukraine that keep coming under intense rush and shelling was around capital key for you just heard a moron con. exactly. what the strategy is all the russian forces, of course,
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we don't know, but nevertheless, for civilians, for people across ukraine. each day that passes is an incredibly wiring. it is very scary. they don't know what the future holds and for some of those who are in those real hotspots where the fighting has been raging, where there is so much russian shelling it is a really terrible and desperate time. i will leave you there. thanks so much. tasha landlord, ukraine's president says his country has reached a strategic turning point in the war, or the russian leader thinks negotiations with ukraine of had some positive outcome . there was lewis cars, either squeaking near that is impossible to say how many more days we must protect the liberty of our country as a robot. but it is possible to see who will do it because the strive for dental. and we're because we have already the re, a strategic turning point. we are already moving towards our goal towards victory
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disappear terrific war war, but a very stubborn animal who doesn't pay attention to the thousands of casualties, including civilians who is now gathering reservists and conscript i. although russia to try them into the hell of this war. still i'm going to do it. there are restrictions and sanctions connected to today's events. but as we mentioned before, the attempts to restrict our development have always been there. now it's on a larger scale, but we will overcome these difficulties and inquire more competencies and possibilities to feel independent. and this will be to our benefit. i will inform you on the situation on the ukranian direction and how the negotiations are taking place. almost every day there are certain positive movements, as i am told by our negotiators, was of love to me. food tonight is approved plans to allow foreign fighters into the dumbass region of east in ukraine. the defense minister says more than 16000 applications have been received from middle eastern countries regarding the
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gathering of soldiers from around the world for ukraine. we see them in western sponsors of the ukrainian regime. do not keep it a secret. they do it openly, disregarding international law. so if you see people who want to voluntarily without payments, come and help people living and done very well, we need to meet their efforts and help them reach the combat zone. we go live now to bernard smith. he joins us from the russian capital in moscow to what, how different is the russian narrative of how things are going on the ground from what we're hearing from western sources for that for the honestly russian media semi is very focused on the bottle in don bass and so that is where you see much of the focus being diverted. much the
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much of attention being focused on what is happening in that region. hence, you saw today when they're talking about applica applications from all over the world to join the fight, not just from the middle east. they said they received applicants from all over the world. this is in response to the fact that foreign soldiers have been invited to join the ukrainian army. the russian says, well, we've had both of africans as well, 16000 in the middle east, but elsewhere as well, and brought him food and said, well, if they're willing to pay their own way, we should allow them to enter don bass. and that is what the russians are seeing here of fights to, to help russians. what vladimir putin called d, nazi fi, ukraine, parts of ukraine. and bernard are officials talking about why the nation that is famed for having but from our special forces. why it's now looking at taking foreign fighters in a place like,
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don't know, they're not talking about that. they're talking about only that. they have received applications for foreign fighters from overseas to come and could come and help the russian army joined. the fight or i will leave it there. thanks so much bernard. strength in moscow now the u. k. is sanctioned, more than $380.00 russian politicians were voting to recognize 2 ukrainian separatist regions in the run up to the war. the sanctions target politicians in russia's law, house of parliament, the duma, those blacklisted we'll be banned from traveling to the u. k. the measures will also stop them accessing and the u. k based assets or doing business in the country . and in the coming hour, the un security council will be holding an emergency meeting to discuss russian
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accusations. the u. s. is working with ukraine to develop biological weapons as talk to mike hanner, who's at the u. n. so what we expect from the security council today, mike? oh yes, i mean, this is the 4th security council session since the beginning of the war, but the 1st one called by russia. now russia alleges that ukraine is developing bio weapons along with us support our the u. s. s. describe that accusation as absolute nonsense. the under secretary of state victoria newland, however, did confirm that the ukraine does have bio weapons facilities at the u. s. is working with them, but the she says, our diagnostic and bio defense laboratories, not biological weapons facilities. now, one western diplomat has told al jazeera that the russian calling of this meeting is absolutely outrageous. another urgent diplomat tells al jazeera that the
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opportunity will be made to criticize russia further for it, starting off the war. and it's an opportunity to do so. so likely to be a contemptuous session. once that there will be some focus, it's believed on humanitarian affairs with a briefing from the humanitarian affairs chief, but certainly going to be a contentious session semi. all right, thanks so much. mike, hanover, turkish, fraser, and i jumped. i voted the wine has criticized what he calls the you ends in effectiveness as to why and speaking at a diplomacy for him in the city of antalya. he said the security council was incapable of resolving conflict. eudoxia gen, included in it a $193.00 nations, can be under the grace of 5 nations. it is essential to establish a new global security architecture that will protect peace instead of the status quo and serve humanity instead of the interests of 5 countries. when one of the conflicting parties has the right to veto,
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the coercive role of the un security council becomes useless. no. more than 2 and a half 1000000 people have now fled ukraine, according to the u. n. 's latest figures. around half of those refugees, our children, become europe's worst refugee crisis since world war 2. sporadic sees fires have allowed some civilians to escape through humanitarian corridors. a fighting is stalled, other evacuation efforts and hundreds of refugees have arrived in portugal. julia wolfe has this report. it's been a terrifying and exhausting journey. bought more than 260 ukranian refugees are now safe in portugal present, marcello sabelle de sosa and his delegation were there to welcome them to their new home. it was interesting to search for the best response to see their eyes shining with joy when they arrive in portugal. it's this help that we give that motivates us the most. all. portugal recently approved a new resolution,
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simplifying its entry and protection requirements for ukrainian refugees fleeing the war under the new measure, ukrainian citizens can obtain legal status with immediate access to taxpayer, social security and national health services numbers available to the ha, we as an association will give them psychological, educational, human food and medical support so that they can start to integrate into society and build their lives here. in portugal, the european nation is home to a large ukrainian community of around 30000 people. programs are being put in place to help integrate new refugees, including language courses and job skills training. the government has set up a task force to match ukrainians with work opportunities with more than 17000 jobs already listed. and with portugal, low number of working population. this might just prove beneficial for the nation and its new guests. chilling move out to see or still had on al
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jazeera, the kremlin targets facebook and why the tech giant's move to bend its own rules on hate. speech could see it banned in russia. and in sport, ukraine's paralympic athletes continue to excel at the games. they almost missed that story coming up like through the show ah ah, look forward to brighter skies. the weather sponsored my cattle at ways. hello. we got some think of a heat wave taking place across southern parts of the middle east at the moment, hot sunshine here further north is cold. we have something of a coal snap. temperate is well below average anchorage, struggling to get anywhere near freezing on sas. the off no wintry flower is there from the black sea to the caspian sea. and beyond some snow flurries there pushing
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across into northern parts of pakistan, struggling to get his double figures the bay routine, damascus. so well below average. here for the south. well, is the warmth still into the low thirty's there, the doha, into the mid thirty's for to by over the next couple of days when she flowers, me through charles or some rain just coming back in across central iran, pushing across into kuwait. maybe in a shower, to, to northern parts of saudi arabia, monitor showers, just looking the north coast of africa over the next day, or so, particular northern areas of algeria and all the parts of morocco. and then we got plenty of showers running across city coast, started to see them coming to live more widespread, just about southern nigeria, cameroon, over the next day or so, joining the shows that we have across central parts of africa, a few shouts into east africa. and tropical cycling that gives cause for concern. it runs into northern parts of mozambique now and slowly makes his way little further south for the weather,
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sponsored by cataract ways. frank assessments for china. well, bannister from the 0 call it strategy. if the rest of the world informed opinions and all of that needs done that still critical, ah, taking you to the white house, let's listen in to joe biden. best possible terms, low tires, few barriers, trade, and the highest possible imports allowed in the united states. we call this permanent normal trade relations, p n t r, but it's the same thing, revoking p and t. r for russia is going to make it harder for russia to do business with united states and doing it in unison with other nations and make up half of the global economy will be another crushing blow to the russian economy. charge suffering very badly from our sanctions. i want to thank speak, pelosi leader, mccarthy, leader schumer and mcconnell and centers widening. craig for representative neal
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and brady for their bipartisan leadership on this in the congress. i would like to offer a special thanks to speak close, who's been a strong advocate for, for revoking p n t r. and who agreed to hold off on that in the house until i could line up all of our key allies to keep us in complete use. unity among our allies is critically important. as you all know, from my perspective, many issues device wash, which stands for democracy in ukraine, pushing rushes, aggression should not be one of those issues. the free world is coming together to confront food, or to party sure, at home or leading the way. we're that bipartisan cooperation, i'm looking forward to sign in the law the bill revoke in p and t r, which is again most people think of it as most favored nation status for also taking a further step advantage. imports of goods from several signature sectors of the
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russian economy, including foods, vodka, and diamonds. and we're going to continue to squeeze poon, the g 7 will think, deny russia the ability to borrow from leading only national institutions, such as the international monetary fund and the world bank. who is an aggressor. he's being aggressive and potent must pay the price. he cannot pursue, or the threatened to the very foundations, which he's doing the very foundations of international peace and stability, and then asked for financial help from international community. the g 7 is also stepping up pressure on corrupt russia, billionaires for adding new names to the list of all the guards and their families that were targeted and were increasing coordination among g 7 countries to target and capture their ill gotten gains. they support potent, they steal from the russian people, and i seek to hide their money in our countries. they're part of that club talk
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proceed to exist in moscow. and they must share the pain of the sanctions. and while we're going after these pseudo super yards in the recitation homes and worth hundreds of 1000000 millions of dollars, we're also going to make it harder for them to buy higher products manufactured in our country. been an export of luxury luxury goods to russia. they're also the latest steps we're taking, but they're not the last steps are going to and as i said at the beginning of all these steps, we're going to put in harder because united states, our closest allies and partners, are acting in unison totality of our sanctions. and export controls is crushing russian economy. ruble has lost more than half his value. i tell me it takes about $200.00 rubles eagle, $1.00 these days. moscow stock exchange has been close for fully for 2 weeks, because they know the moment are open to will probably collapse. credit rating
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agencies is downgraded russia. government to junk status is economy to junk status and list of businesses international corporations leave in russia is growing by the day. we're also continuing to close corporations with allies and partners to make sure that was close cooperation. we continue to have the ukranian people or are able to defend their own nation. the united states has sent more than $1000000000.00 is curity assistance ukraine over the last year, including anti armor and anti air kickbusch taking our tanks and planes, and helicopters, with new shipments arriving every day. we, the united states are also facilitating significant shipments of security assistance from our allies and partners to ukraine and humanitarian front. we're working closely with the un humanitarian organizations to support the people of ukraine. have been displaced on the violence ukraine providing were providing tens
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of thousands of tons of human supply. you are, you should be mandatory supplies, food water medicines, coming via truck and train every single day yesterday and paul and vice president herron's that harris announced additional $53000000.00 an additional humanitarian support to ukraine. that brings the total manager assistance, $207000000.00 in just 2 weeks. we've joined this effort by more with more than 30 other countries for providing hundreds of millions more. and last night. does a great credit. the congress passed the bipartisan spending bill and included additional $13600000000.00 in new assistance. see the great new people look forward to signing that immediately. now, so want to be clear though, we will make sure ukraine has weapons and defend against in the bay the russian force. we will, we will send money and food and aid to save the ukrainian people. and i will
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welcome ukrainian refugees. we should welcome them here with open arms if they need access, and we're going to provide more support ukraine. we're going to continue stand together with our allies in europe and send unmistakable message. will defend every single inch of nato territory of the full might of the united and galvanized nato. we will not fight a war against russia, ukraine, direct confrontation between nato and russia as war war 3, something we must strive to. but we already know, put war against ukraine will never be a victory. he hoped to dominate ukraine without a fight. he failed help to fracture european resolve. he failed help to weaken the transatlantic alliance. he failed, helped to split apart american democracy in terms of our position. she fail. the american people united, the world is united,
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and we stand with the people of ukraine. we will not let autocrats and would be emperors dictate the direction of the world. democracies are rising to meet this moment. rally in the world to the side of peace. the side of security were showing our strength and we will not falter. god bless all of you, god bless you, crane and god bless our troops. the might know that the russian may use chemical weapons or create a whole lot of operation to use them. what evidence have you seen showing that? and what is the us have a military response is who does want to come? what is not going to speak about the intellus matter, but rushman pay severe prices, use the federal debt that we didn't make war the world is united. we will not lead all to
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christ's dictates of the world. the warning there from the u. s. president joe biden also buying his words, that we will not falter as he went through the list as he sees it of, of objectives which the u. s. and his allies have achieved and sanctioning russia as well as the list as he sees it of failures. the russians have failed to achieve through the conflict in ukraine. let's bring in. kimberly, how can she's at the white house listening in to that? kimberly very clear the message from the u. s. president. that they are making progress through these sanctions. that seems to be the message which you as president is trying to get out there is that they are making progress against the russian offensive. yeah. ah, the u. s. president certainly is delivering that message. you have to remember that this is a message of the west that is in conflict with russia. so certainly it is going to
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have bias. and we have to keep that in mind that this is us rhetoric to in contrast with russian rhetoric. having said that, i should point out the reason of my earplugs right now is that i've got marine one in the background and it is very loud. in fact, it was very loud throughout much of the president's speech. so it was difficult to hear. but what i can tell you, and what we did know about this, is that it was anticipated. and certainly this is the latest in a series of actions by the u. s. president, coordination with his partners and allies to further inflict her harsh punishment on vladimir putin and the russian economy in all right, kimberly just the cloud high, she's talking about the the permanent normal trade relations or repealing of that status. yes, that's what i was talking about. just go on just to clarify,
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fulfill view as okay. i'm sorry i'm, i'm not sure why you interjected there, but the point i was trying to make was this is the latest in a series of punishing actions. punitive actions by the u. s. president, coordination with partners in allies because he did mention in coordination with other nations, including canada as well as others in order to inflict damage on the russian economy. and in other words, the trading relationship which would have a financial impact. and so that is what this latest action is about. and the u. s. president is making that announcement. and of course, this is the latest in a number of serious actions. this would remove the favored trading status that russia enjoyed up to this point, and this would impact a number of russian goods bodka for example. so this is again an announcement that
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was anticipated. and one that the u. s. president has done in coordination with the west to as a result of the russian invasion of ukraine. all right, thanks so much. kimberly what did mean to throw you off? just wanted to clarify, since we hadn't mentioned brad in reference to it yet, just to make sure that you knew that we were talking about the repealing of the permanent normal trade relations status, which was of course the reason ostensibly that the u. s. president had appeared to give us the this talk of his update. let's continue this now. if you'd like to have with us here on site matawan pasha, he's al jazeera senior political analyst. so looking through the points which were being made by the u. s. president there and looking at these statements made just shortly before that in ro side a coordination of messaging, right? that, you know, we are, we are having real impact on the russians and the effort to isolate russia will
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continue. so you had, there are the american president basically echoing the french president, whose country now leading the european union for the next 6 months, emphasizing 2 tracks, the american president, which is the humanitarian track, helping ukraine, the sanctions track, russia and russia. both of them saying the centers are working, basically telling journalists and the public opinion don't, don't worry, we are at it. this will hurt russia a lot less. remember 2 things. one, how formidable is the west's? it cannot mc corporate industrial technological arsenal that it's basically deploying against russia. that's also remember that russia's economy is smaller than a medium size europe in economy like italy. it's a small economy and it could actually hurt. and we've heard some with evidence,
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but on the track of the humanitarian. of course, it's really hard to prove, especially with the scenes that we see every day that the humanitarian effort is really helping the findings. right, right. i mean, the country is employed, but just by the way, it's just one thing. the american president said nothing and he's been saying nothing from the very beginning on the diplomatic track. the french president, on the other hand, added the 3rd dimension. they were humanitarian sanction. and then the pro magic saying will continue to isolate russia, but we want to bring russia into a diplomatic process. so how do you read the, the divergence when it comes to emphasis on diplomacy? it at this point, are you saying that there's more of an appetite to reach a quick diplomatic solution in europe? it's always been the case from day one. there appears always believed until put them basically punch them in the face. that diplomacy could work by going in with that process, but they still insist that diploma shouldn't worry because by the way,
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the end of any, any war is to do business unto and a half piece. i mean what, what are right, what us, what's war for? so the idea for the europeans with their feet is closer to the fire, is to say, look, there's a warrant on $11.00, we need to end it. we need to have diplomatic process because the idea of the continuation of the war scene from washington is basically less feverish, less harmful than for the libyan european. the east europeans are not just anxious, not just wooded. they are scared and the west european are really solid defying themselves because they are worried about what putting could do next. but in addition to the 3 tracks that you mentioned, we also are hearing the same message being echoed in washington dc. and in verse i about acting in unison, acting together with allies. that's of the russian attempt. as this is the western narrative, the russian attempt to divide europe to,
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to push nato back is actually back. fiery, absolutely look. when put in started there, basically saber rattling in east ukraine. there was still a division between the europeans and americans. but when he invaded the amended fences and its nato became much stronger, much more. united and european union became much more united east and west. so basically by invading ukraine, put in as delivered back to, into life near to the brain. that nettle is spelled back into life. you're saying we're going to coordinate among us and of course coordinate with nato. and of course there are 2 things we've heard. so i'm just so our viewers, rick, you know, recap what, what was the heard the last hour and a half or 2 hours. there is that mean there's the immediate, the humanitarian, the sanctions, or so forth. but the peons give us a far more important picture beyond the immediate, there is the long term. europe is going to look for in dependence on sovereignty.
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europe, energy, independence, independence almost no, but also independence in general. they said cooperative to the world, but we have to be stronger. we have to be stronger, defense wise. we have to be stronger economic wise. we have to be independent of energy and then russia, but also long term the invest from the russian economy. that's probably the most important message hurts means it's not just about sanctions. next, we heard the by $330.00 companies according to our own website that already now are leaving or work at ukraine. right? but the idea that we cannot punish russia is not on the short term, we're going to the, the invest from the russian calling right on the disconnection. all right, thanks so much model and chava. hi, let's now talk a little bit about what else is going on elsewhere in the world. gabriel barnett, she's been sworn in as she lays youngest, ever leader will one the presidential run off election in december as go to latin
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america as lucy and human. she's live for us from i so, so let's see of how is the ceremony going? first of all hi there we're, we're right outside the front door of the senate building where the president gabrielle burridge, has just been sworn in his one in his cabinet. what we're seeing here is really a historic shift, a real sign of the changing times in this country. what it is, the youngest ever president, he's just $36.00 to be next to chile. he, he has gone in just one decade for being a student leader or harry shaggy, rebellious student leader that brought people out on the streets to now become the leader of the whole country. he is now heading a feminist environmentalist government that's going to try to bring about historic social change led by a cabinet that is mostly full of young people who don't have much experience in
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government. but that certainly have big plans for this country. a lot of guests here from a very, very wide and diversified guess list, but absent was from the invitation, this was the president of nicaragua and of been his way, le, instead, we had a representative of the opposition of both groups present here. also, he invited a federal got the guy who was the chileans student whose eyes went, was blinded by, by tear gas and, and to rise pellets by police during the social uprising that began here in 2019. and which in many ways led to present a body to being elected, was that dissatisfaction with the status quo here that the galvanized the country. so this is a real historic moment. there is a lot, but there are a lot of big plans for this country. we don't know where it's going, but certainly the idea is to make this
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a more inclusive and more environmentally friendly and a feminist government and country. thanks so much the see a newman guys. let's change gears a little bit and talk about what's going on the world, the sports, and the thank you so much, sammy. well, chelsea could still be sol despite the clubs russian. i wrote a brokovich being hit by a series of sanctions. potential buyers have been sell to approach the u. k. government directly. or chelsea, place north in the premier li, just ours from of which is assets frozen. the government says that from of which has linked the russian president vladimir putin, but we'll consider office as long as abram avila doesn't benefit from any deal. chelsea winning this game 3. 1 of course there was a lot of distraction and other level of distraction actually with the sanctions. and we could feel that the players talk about it that aware of it and be accepted it but. but like i said, i think the rhythm and the excitement and the love for the game in general helps us
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that and we allowed ourselves and demanded it's to to burkhart to, to sweat it out to, to work together. the best thing to, to get to focus and back and to enjoy what we are doing. well, the whole manager, you can cough has back to the government's decision and says, fan 71 person to blame for the club situation. one man is 3 responsible that than it's let me put in the 1st place and i don't know about drawing a bromwoods role in all these kind of things. but over the years, who could guess that maybe he's pretty close. and then i think what a british government it is right to be 100 percent honest, but it's still not cold for the people at chelsea and paul to support us. i get that or ukraine's paralympic athletics. same continue to excel, the beijing wincy games. the school is 2nd in the metals table with 9 goals so far that the manager says it's a miracle. you might have to china and time to compete. athletes from russia,
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valerie, have been banned from taking pulse. i am born in ukraine. i law of ukraine. i'm here in berlin. big games. i'm present, my connery difficult time. now. it's not life for, for you gray. not live for a job or not future for all the world. every everyone saw it. edna, you want do something, plays glory about god, about ukraine? well, the ukraine based sports journalist li rainy is in beijing with the thing he's been amazed by that performance level. what they're doing and how well they're doing is it's a testament to their skill, not to their level of preparation. you know, i think if they were sleeping well, if they were eating properly, if they weren't reading the news every 20 minutes, you could see you couldn't do even better on the table than they are right now. but
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they don't care. and you know, that's not, that's not the point it's, it's a really terrible experience for the athletes here. i, you know, when they, when a metal they don't smile, there's no laughing, there's no cheers of joy. you know, one of the visually impaired athletes, their guide shared a story with me when he called his family and he's in sunni. so he called his family, his wife and the young child, and to inform them that he just won a gold medal. and i, you know, he was, he was in sales because their phone conversation was cut short because of bombing, they were in a bomb shelter and he could literally hear the bomb shopping around them. and so who, you know, the team doesn't really care about the metals either using the platform of in a very intense international media focused to talk about what's going on in ukraine
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doing so low that stories have broken through. and i'm sure it brings a smile to people's faces to, to read only something small that's positive in a flood of terrible new stories. or i found that i'll has cold, the tough of punishments, supplies that abuse tennis officials, not als. comments come after alexander's verify, escaped about following his disqualification from the next can open last month, the geminus smashing his racket against the empire. his chair also verbally abused the much official fare. if not, i'll both playing at the indian wells tournaments from one side. i don't want a better alley's ation for sasha because i, i like him and i have a good relationship for with him. in the other hand, i like fun of these a sport. i like to see some think how did that for, for, for,
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for, for this kind of fact that it's not only him, i mean, in general times because in some way this protects the sports and protects the, the referees and everybody who, who is around the sport japan's nightmare soccer already through to the 2nd round of that events playing in a 1st competitive match since the australian open, he came from a set down to beat merican sloane stevens. this when was i saw his 1st against stevens in 3 attempts and fully one dr. nicholas the sci fi will be hoping pre season testing isn't a sign of things to come for him. his williams car catching foreign bahrain, and one of the ties that exploded after the canadian had escaped from the vehicle. thankfully he crushed during the fun rice of last season, 1000 incident that allowed match the stipends to go on and win the world title, or the 1st grown pri, this year. that is coming up next sunday. okay, that's a sports looking financing. thanks so much handy man. man said the for me, sam, is they down for this news, albert, i'm back in
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a moment with another full bullet and more of the day's news. so do stay with us here. now, just there. ah, from the front lines of jazeera correspondence continued to report every angle of the war in ukraine, if the closest clever people donate the whatever they get, the steely determination to resist and fight back. we were in the center of the capital in a war that coff things so much a list of ours we're still rolling to police are making it very difficult for people to try and protest. the russian army has positioned itself in the next tale . stay with al jazeera, for the latest developments on counseling across the us by arms washing oil and the e. u to shrink its reliance on wash and gas or high prices under my global energy security. how sanctions against moscow are pattering the ation of the street and reeling from food shortages and power cuts or short anchor to hold on its debts.
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counting low cost on al jazeera. when i think of my nature, i think of potential. when i think of potential, i think or what b, what is not. i think of you people literally to death to the own and get something that they come to tell me. it's impossible. i think the other challenge losing that child, they quoted out my name is ben. gotcha. so this is my job. my, my gear on al jazeera and this one's feared, war lord, during lay barriers, decade long, civil war says he's now fighting a drug epidemic. the work that the former warlord joshua boy he has done with treat children, has attracted their help center, but been as protected in effect from public crawl situation. despite the recommendations made by the truth and reconciliation commission for this former
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warlord, liberia has become the frontline of a drug war. it cannot afford to lose. he says it's a battle he will fight out of responsibility and killed for his past crimes. and for his country ah, russian ass strikes in the ukrainian city of the ne pro hit near a kindergarten killing at least one person. ah. on sammy's a band with more of our extensive coverage of the war in ukraine, add ports in to weston, ukrainian cities on target. this russia's military offensive widens. president vladimir puts in approves, bringing fights as.


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